EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#192: Dies and is reborn?!

Strange.” The substitute people inspected the Blood Thread Centipede Snake corpse, crystal core of this magic beast within the body?” “奇怪。”替身检查了血线蜈蛇的尸体,“这个魔兽体内的晶核呢?” Zi Di explained at the right moment: magic beast life aura on this island is rich, but within the body does not have magic crystal. Also because of so, some magic beast has not possibly shown any kind of spell. 紫蒂适时解释:这座海岛上的魔兽生命气息浓郁,但体内都没有魔晶。也可能正是因为如此,些魔兽也都没有展现过任何的类法术 Explained here, in the Zi Di mind the miraculous glow flashed suddenly. 解释到这里,紫蒂的脑海中忽然灵光一闪。 Perhaps wait/etc, the magic restriction ring boundary on this island, prepares for these magic beast!” “等等,或许这座海岛上的禁魔环境,是为了这些魔兽准备的!” These magic beast are War Monger makes, within the body magic may be unable to balance, therefore can only survive in the magic restriction environment.” “这些魔兽都是战贩制造出来的,体内魔力很可能无法平衡,所以只能在禁魔的环境下生存。” Once the magic restriction ring boundary vanishes, these magic beast possibly because within the body magic imbalance will be chaotic, but withering away even from exploding.” “一旦禁魔环境消失,这些魔兽可能会因为体内魔力失衡混乱,而消亡甚至自爆。” Zi Di more thinks, more thought this suspicion is very right. 紫蒂越想,越觉得这个猜想很对。 Since lands one, she witnessed many transformation magic beast. 自从登陆一来,她目睹了许多改造的魔兽 These man-made magic beast , if like this powerful , War Monger has treated as the munitions to trade these.” “这些人造魔兽如果这样强大,那么,战贩早就将这些当做军火贩卖出去了。” But he does not have this.” “可是他没有这样做。” This explanation, these man-made magic beast have the fatal weakness, could not be generally suitable.” “这说明,这些人造魔兽都有致命的弱点,还不能普遍适用。” Zi Di looked at Zhen Jin, in order to the insurance, she has not said this suspicion. 紫蒂看了一眼针金,保险起见,她没有将这个猜想说出去。 Zi Di was a pity secretly: „The magic restriction ring boundary has possibly had, I first time time of landing Monster Bewildering Island, is received by the pointed drill, at that time should obtain the special amenities.” 紫蒂暗自可惜:“禁魔环境很可能一直就有,我第一次登陆迷怪岛的时候,由尖钻接待,当时应该是得到了特殊待遇。” „The present key, does not know the magic restriction range. The substitute people have Silver Rank cultivation base, can be banned? He cannot use battle energy, whether because of amnesia?” “现在的关键,就是不知道禁魔的范围。替身有白银级别修为,会不会被禁?他不能用出斗气,是否是因为失忆?” In brief, now he is the key of returning alive, first stands firm him!” “总之,现在他是生还的关键,还是先稳住他!” At night, by bonfire. 夜晚,篝火旁。 The Zi Di vision falls on arm guard that in the substitute person results in newly, sighed: „If there is this made of iron arm guard early, Lord you will not be injured because of Blood Thread Centipede Snake.” 紫蒂的目光落在替身新得的护臂上,叹息道:“若是早有这铁制的护臂,大人你也不会因为血线蜈蛇而受伤了。” The Zhen Jin heart moves slightly, does not control self to put out a hand, touches the hair of Zi Di. 针金不由心头微动,不自禁地伸出手来,抚摸紫蒂的头发。 Zi Di trembles slightly. 紫蒂微微一颤。 Big, Lord.” Zi Di lowers the head, seemed frightened by the Zhen Jin movement, as if small kitty turned very quiet general anxiously. “大、大人。”紫蒂低下头,似乎被针金的动作吓到了,仿佛小猫咪一般紧张地屏住了呼吸。 She was really afraid, because she thought of a point suddenly: „Was Zhen Jin amorist, the substitute person should not inherit this point?” 她是真的害怕了,因为她忽然想到了一点:“针金是好色之徒,替身该不会也继承了这一点?” in the daytime leads the way, cautious, the present is at night, only then I and he.” “白日里一路前行,小心翼翼,现在是夜晚,只有我和他。” If he really has anything to attempt to me, I am unable to revolt, some people will not rescue my!” “如果他真的对我有什么企图,我根本无法反抗,也不会有人来救我的!” But the substitute person took back the hand quickly, the faint inquiry: Zi Di, you thought that what kind of one person I am?” 但替身很快就收回了手,淡淡地询问:“紫蒂,你觉得我是怎样的一个人?” This is one quite the issue that is hard to answer. 这是一个相当难以回答的问题。 Replied not well, will expose weaknesses. 回答不好,就会露出破绽。 Zi Di turns very quiet subconsciously, in the mind the train of thought racing, after considering the words and expressions carefully, this responded: Lord Zhen Jin, I to you actually not too many understanding.”( Main key first arranges, can avoid closely examining.) 紫蒂下意识地屏住呼吸,脑海中思绪急转,仔细斟酌了词语之后,这才回应:“针金大人,我对你其实并没有太多的了解。”(基调先定好,可以避免很多追问。) But according to the rumors, you are not usually close to women and prefer being a loner. Even if something major comes your way, you won't display your feelings easily.”( Such a saying, hopes that you can reduce to my attempt!) 但是根据传闻,大人你平时不近女色,独来独往。即便遭遇大事,也不轻易流露出喜怒的情绪。”(这样一说,希望你能减少对我的企图吧!) You are stern and taciturn and you spend most of your time training arduously at the Sacred Temple. Your lifestyle and demeanor are refined and collected, fitting an aristocrat.” 你大部分时间都在进行圣殿苦修,神情严肃,沉默寡言而你的衣食住行和一举一动,都优雅从容,富有贵族风范。” Although you have few friends, you like helping people, especially defending and aiding the weak and poor. That is why your reputation among the lower class has always been extremely good.” 你虽然朋友很少,但乐于助人,尤其是维护弱者,帮助穷贫所以大人你在下层中的风评,一直都很好。” Also, your sudden decision and success in entering the competition for the Lord of the Whitesand City position seemed to have greatly surprised the other Knight Templars.” 还有,大人你这一次忽然出手,成功地加入这一场白沙城城主的竞争,似乎是令其他的圣殿骑士十分吃惊的。” Zi Di these words, portrayed a almost perfect Templar Knight image as far as possible. 紫蒂的这番话,尽量塑造了一个几乎完美的圣殿骑士的形象。 Since the memory all loses, then such a process, is to his mold and control. 既然记忆全失,那么这样的一个过程,就是对他的塑造和控制。 As for the future, returns to the middle of the human race society, can the substitute person because of knowing the truth produces suspected, Zi Di could have ignored so many. Actually, even suspected, Zi Di still has done in the first few words explained Lord Zhen Jin, I to you actually not too many understanding.” 至于今后,回到人族社会当中,替身会不会因为得知真相而产生怀疑,紫蒂已经顾不得那么多了。其实,就算是怀疑,紫蒂也已经在第一句话中做了解释“针金大人,我对你其实并没有太多的了解。” The substitute people do not doubt him, because of Zi Di these words, he outlined a youngster image that in the heart rapidly had the city mansion. 替身不疑有他,因为紫蒂的这番话,他在心中中迅速勾勒出了一个具有城府的少年形象。 When he is just about to continue to inquire more information, the Fire Poison Bee group attacks suddenly! 就在他正要继续询问更多情报的时候,火毒蜂群忽然来袭! How does here have the Fire Poison Bee group?!” In Zi Di heart one startled, is almost at a loss. “这里怎么还有火毒蜂群?!”紫蒂心中一惊,几乎乱了方寸。 Her moment side does not have the loyal guard again, only has a moral unclear amnesia substitute person. 她此刻身边再没有忠心的护卫,只有一位品性不明的失忆替身。 Under threat of death, substitute person, if discarded Zi Di to escape, Zi Di will not feel strange completely. 死亡的威胁下,替身如果舍弃紫蒂逃跑,紫蒂完全不会奇怪。 My present life sent to hang on his body.” The critical juncture, in the Zi Di mind the miraculous glow flashes, had!” “我现在的性命就寄挂在他的身上了。”危急关头,紫蒂脑海中灵光一闪,“有了!” This is Fire Poison Bee, Lord, you escape quickly. I bring up the rear!” “这是火毒蜂,大人,你快逃。我来殿后!” Walks quickly, Lord!!” Zi Di shouts, is very urgent, reveals the dead will unexpectedly. “快走啊,大人!!”紫蒂呼喊,十分急迫,竟是流露出了死志。 Lord, you walk quickly. I have potion to detoxify!” Zi Di urged again. 大人,你快走。我有药剂可以解毒!”紫蒂再次催促。 You walk! I cope with these Fire Poison Bee.” The substitute people choose to remain, resists before the body of Zi Di. “你走!我来对付这些火毒蜂。”替身选择留下来,抵挡在紫蒂的身前。 Zi Di relaxes immediately secretly. 紫蒂顿时暗松了一口气。 But quick, during the attack of bee swarm, the substitute person falls into struggles hard. 但很快,在蜂群的攻击下,替身陷入苦战当中。 Is doomed today is my time of death?” “难道今天注定是我的死期吗?” When Zi Di is close desperately, Zhen Jin displayed battle skill Hundred Needles Style suddenly. 就在紫蒂接近绝望的时候,针金忽然施展出了斗技百针风 „Is this?!” Zi Di raised the head, the complexion shocks, the pleasant surprise happened simultaneously. “这是?!”紫蒂抬起头,脸色震撼,惊喜交加。 The counter-attack of Zhen Jin, making her see the hope. 针金的反击,让她看到了希望。 Worthily is Lord!” Zi Di blurted out, is Zhen Jin refuels the call. “不愧是大人!”紫蒂脱口而出,为针金加油呐喊。 Only Fire Poison Bee falls on the ground, Hundred Needles Style battle skill quite restrains these poisonous bees. 一只只火毒蜂掉落在地上,百针风斗技相当克制这些毒蜂。 Lord......” Zi Di was protected completely, this moment looks at Zhen Jin back, the eyes are producing an inverted image unceasingly the weak bonfire, is glittering the bright gloss. 大人……”紫蒂被守护周全,此刻看着针金的背影,双眼倒映着不断虚弱的篝火,闪烁着明亮的光泽。 It seems like the memory crystal at least instilled into some contents, but needs to stimulate intensely, or pointed triggering.” “看来记忆水晶至少灌输了一些内容,但需要强烈的刺激,或者针对性的触发。” He has been protecting me, should be believes in firmly to my view.” “他一直在保护我,应该是对我的说法深信不疑了。” Short time, he is reliable.” “短时间来看,他还是可靠的。” Damn, he by hibernation of insects too multiple. fire poison saves are too many, even if I have potion, cannot save him.” “该死,他被蛰太多次了。身上火毒积蓄太多,我就算有药剂,也救不活他。” Zi Di stands in the substitute person behind, has been observing discretely, and even more worried. 紫蒂站在替身身后,一直在谨慎观察,并且越发担忧。 Last Fire Poison Bee attack of wavelet, the substitute person knew that is hard to fight again, can only hold the hand of Zi Di, turns around to flee. 最后一小波的火毒蜂来袭,替身自知难以再战,只能拉着紫蒂的手,转身奔逃。 Two people throw into the dark jungle. 两人一头扎进黑暗的丛林之中。 Lord, making me remain. I lead away......” Zi Di language short of breath to breathe. 大人,让我留下来吧。我来引开……”紫蒂语气急喘。 Shut up!” Zhen Jin pauses suddenly, turns around to face Zi Di. “住口!”针金忽然停步,转身面向紫蒂 The young girls call out in alarm one, hits in the bosom of Zhen Jin following the inertia. 少女惊呼一声,顺着惯性撞进针金的怀中。 next moment, the young girl is dizzy, field of vision big change. 下一刻,少女就天旋地转,视野大变。 Recovers, she then discovered oneself had been hugged by Zhen Jin in the bosom, dashes about wildly unceasingly. 回过神来,她这才发现自己已经被针金抱在怀中,不断狂奔。 Zi Di is sticking to the substitute person hard and broad chest, is feeling him strong male aura that because the strenuous exercise sends out. 紫蒂紧贴着替身坚硬、宽阔的胸膛,感受着他因为剧烈运动散发出来的浓烈的雄性气息 She never had been hugged also by a young man like this! 她还从未被一位年轻男性这样抱过! In her field of vision, is a piece by piece dark shadow, raids to her. 在她的视野中,是一片片黑暗的影子,向她袭来。 That is the branch and vine in rain forest. 那是雨林中的树枝、藤蔓。 Because of battering of substitute person, branch and vine along the way were hit to fold and pull apart one after another. 因为替身的横冲直撞,沿途的树枝、藤蔓被接连撞折、扯断。 „Is this...... the protected feeling?” An inexplicable mood, ripples in the heart of Zi Di. “这就是……被保护的感觉吗?”一丝莫名的情绪,在紫蒂的心中荡漾而出。 But quick, she tidies up the mood, pulled out potion from the handbag calmly. With the aid of wanting the potion fire-fly insect glimmer , helping substitute person reluctantly differentiate path with every effort. 但很快,她就收拾情绪,冷静地从皮包中掏出了一份药剂。借助要药剂本身萤火虫般的微光,尽力帮助替身勉强辨路。 Then, she uses only potion, attempts to delay the pursuit of Fire Poison Bee group. 接着,她又利用一只只药剂,尝试延缓火毒蜂群的追击。 The transmission happened in this stage, but the substitute person and Zi Di are under very tense condition, has not discovered this point. 传送在这个阶段发生了,但替身和紫蒂都处在非常紧张的状态下,并没有发现这一点。 Finally, they were forced by the Fire Poison Bee group, has to run into the cave. 最终,他们被火毒蜂群逼迫,不得不逃进山洞之中。 fire poison manifested suddenly, the substitute person condition is extremely bad. 火毒发作了,替身状态极差。 Zi Di despairs gradually. 紫蒂渐渐绝望。 He depends on in the mind only a remaining pure brightness, said to Zi Di weakly: You walk, walks quickly.” 他靠着头脑中仅剩下的一丝清明,虚弱地对紫蒂道:“你走,快走。” But the young girl actually shakes the head violently, the eyes glitter the tears, brings a weeping voice firm incomparable said/tunnel: No, Lord! I will not abandon you to go. I found you with great difficulty, we arrived with great difficulty this step, how can give up!” 但少女却猛烈摇头,双眼闪烁出泪光,带着一丝哭腔坚决无比地道:“不,大人!我绝不会舍你而去。我好不容易找到了你,我们好不容易走到了这一步,怎么能放弃!” ( Hasn't your substitute person, I possibly escaped from Monster Bewildering Island? At the worst like this death will settle everything! I lost, underestimated Monster Bewildering Island, underestimated War Monger, this result I accept, does not represent me unable to lose.) (没有你这个替身,我怎么可能独自一人逃出迷怪岛?大不了就这样一死了之!我只是赌输了,低估了迷怪岛,低估了战贩,这个结果我接受,并不代表我输不起。) The accident/surprise happened. 意外发生了。 Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear felt that the territory was encroached, the long-range raid, drives away the Fire Poison Bee group to rush to the cave. 猴尾棕熊感觉领地被侵犯,奔袭而出,驱赶火毒蜂群奔出山洞。 Zi Di and substitute person were safe temporarily, but the substitute person condition is worse, came to the verge of death. 紫蒂和替身暂时安全了,但替身状态更差,濒临死亡。 The substitute people drive away again, Zi Di shakes the head the rejection: I do not walk, I will not give up. Lord, I can configuration potion, I certainly be able configuration to have correct potion to come! We are hopeful, asking you not to give up!” 替身再次驱赶,紫蒂摇头拒绝:“我不走,我不会放弃的。大人,我可以配置药剂,我一定能配置出正确的药剂来!我们还有希望,求求你也别放弃!” Quickly, in a big hurry, movement again quickly!” “快,快快,动作再快一点!” In Zi Di heart cried out, while pulled out the potion bottles. 紫蒂心中一边呐喊,一边掏出一个个的药剂瓶。 For the time-saving, she falls potion directly, corroded a little round hole. 为了节省时间,她直接就地倾倒药剂,腐蚀出了一个小小的圆坑。 Pure potion could not have saved the substitute person, can only match to remove the acupuncture needle temporarily right, the medicine of stronger effect!” “单纯的药剂已经救不了替身,只能临时配出针对的,更强效的药!” Zi Di, come on!” 紫蒂,加油!” You must succeed! Saved the substitute person, you also go on living, flee here possibility!!” “你必须成功!救了替身,你还有活下去,逃离这里的可能!!” The movement of young girl in an unprecedented move fast, that had been carried the barbarian race potion content skillfully by her, rapid surges in her mind. 少女的动作史无前例地迅捷,那份已经被她背得滚瓜烂熟的蛮族药剂内容,在她脑海中迅速翻腾。 She mixes together several potion, then takes out many withered leaves of grass and root systems from the bosom, first grinds the powder dust, then pours into round hole. 她将好几支药剂混合在一起,再从怀中取出许多种干枯的草叶和根系,先是碾成碎末,然后再倒入圆坑中。 Gurgle gurgle...... 咕嘟咕嘟…… Mix potion in round hole, starts to froth over, the smog winds around. 圆坑中的混合药剂,开始冒泡,烟雾缭绕。 Zi Di knows, the hope that oneself return alive at this moment, looked can oneself grasp. 紫蒂知道,自己生还的希望就在此刻,就看自己能不能掌握。 The tremendous pressure is forcing her, she cries, while dispensing. 巨大的压力逼迫着她,她一边落泪,一边配药。 In order to pursue fierce efficacy of potion, she mixed many berserk potion risky, in her heart also lacked self-confidence, but she knows, other methods have no chance absolutely. 为了追求凶猛的药效,她冒险地掺进去了许多狂暴药剂,她心中也没底,但她知道,其他的方法绝对没有希望。 What rejoiced is, the medicine that her configuration comes out, successfully rescued to awake the substitute person, dispelled substitute person massive fire poison. Meanwhile, massive berserk potion ingredient, is also squeezing life strength of substitute person. 庆幸的是,她配置出来的药,成功地将替身救醒,消解了替身大量的火毒。但同时,大量的狂暴药剂的成分,也在压榨替身的生命力 efficacy of potion crosses, the substitute person is dies lives, Zi Di not grasps. 药效一过,替身是死是活,紫蒂毫无把握。 For wanting to escape from the cave with Zi Di, finally saw the battle of Scale-Horned Black Panther group and Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear. 替身带着紫蒂想要逃出山洞,结果看到了鳞角黑豹群和猴尾棕熊的厮杀。 Because of the obstruction of beast group, the substitute person and Zi Di escaping plan fail, can only again in the retracting cave. 因为兽群的阻截,替身、紫蒂逃生计划失败,只能再次缩回山洞中。 Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear triumphs the return, eats the ore therapy greatly. 猴尾棕熊得胜回归,大吃矿石疗伤。 Faced with the difficult choice, the substitute person awakened Zhen Jin some to remember again, he made the decision finally, duty-bound not to turn charged into Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear. 再次面临艰难抉择,替身再次唤醒了针金的某段记忆,他最终做出了决定,义无反顾地冲向猴尾棕熊 Frigid battle! 惨烈的厮杀! Fights tooth and nail by the life completely. 完全是以命搏命。 The arm of substitute person broke off completely, the both arms muscle became the hash, the body many bone fractures, the internal organs hemorrhage is serious. 替身的手臂完全折断了,双臂肌肉都成了肉糜,身体多处骨折,内脏出血严重。 The abdomen that Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear sharp claws puts on the substitute person, sews on the ground him. sharp claws of burning hot, roasts instantaneously ripe his intestinal tract and body. 猴尾棕熊利爪扎穿替身的腹部,把他钉在地上。炙热的利爪,将他的肠道、皮肉都瞬间烤熟。 Finally, the substitute person and brown bear tear and bite mutually, both sides perish together! 最终,替身和棕熊相互撕咬,双方同归于尽! And Died?!” “都、都死了?!” Zi Di stands in same place, long time the body trembles, awakens fiercely. 紫蒂怔怔地站在原地,良久才身躯一颤,猛地惊醒过来。 She quickly rushes to the body of substitute person, holds the lucky heart to inspect him, confirmed after his death, in the Zi Di heart the mood becomes very complex. 她急忙奔向替身的尸体,抱着侥幸之心检查他,确认他的死亡后,紫蒂心中情绪变得十分复杂。 First shocks. 首先是震撼。 She so near distance has never seen so frigid battle. 她从未如此近距离地见过如此惨烈的厮杀。 Afterward is grateful. 随后是感激。 He dies for me.” “他是为我而死的。” He faces death bravely like true Knight. No, War Monger had said that before the transformation, he is silver Knight!” “他就像一名真正的骑士英勇就义。不,战贩曾经说过,改造之前他就是一位白银骑士!” I should trust him many.” “我应该更信任他多一点。” Finally is lonely and frightened. 最后是孤独和恐惧。 Now...... is only left over me!” “现在……还是只剩下我了!” The substitute people were awakened, but was together for one day and one night later, he died. 替身被唤醒,但相处了一天一夜之后,他死了。 Big Monster Bewildering Island, in the dense jungle, among inexhaustible fierce magic beast, only has Zi Di alone one person. 偌大的迷怪岛,茂密的丛林中,无穷无尽的凶猛魔兽之间,只剩下紫蒂孤零零的一个人 How should she walk? How to go on living? 她该怎么走?怎么活下去? Zi Di does not have the answer, without the direction, she was covered desperately. 紫蒂没有答案,没有方向,她被绝望笼罩。 She stays on the ground, depends on the body of substitute person, was recalling own life, is thinking father's enmity, recollection perils of the sea. 她呆坐在地上,靠着替身的尸体,回想着自己的一生,想着父亲的仇,又回忆海难。 She is angry from time to time, from time to time hates, from time to time lamented, from time to time is unbelievable, felt seems like having a dream. 她时而愤怒,时而仇恨,时而悔恨,时而难以置信,感觉就像是在做一场梦。 She eventually is only a 15-year-old young girl! 她终究只是一位15岁的少女! She is rolling up oneself body, surrounds own both legs with the both arms, felt the cavern that deathly stillness became her tomb. 她蜷缩着自己的身躯,用双臂环抱自己的双腿,感觉死寂的洞窟成了她的墓穴。 The time is passing quietly, how long also has not known. 时间悄无声息地流逝着,也不知过了多久。 Zi Di raised the head suddenly, on her face still had the tear stains, but both eyes have strengthened! 紫蒂忽然抬起头来,她脸上仍有泪痕,但双目已经重新坚定起来! No, final moment. I have not been able to give up!” “不,还不到最后关头。我还不能放弃!” Even if is only left over me, I still have to escape from here hope.” “就算只剩下我一人,我也有逃出这里的希望。” Even if hopes that slightly vast, I also go all-out to hold extremely.” “哪怕希望极其微渺,我也尽全力抓住。” Zi Di revives the fighting spirit, wipe clean tears, started to go into action ruthlessly. 紫蒂重振斗志,狠狠擦拭了一下眼泪,开始行动起来。 She must first do, collects the configuration potion material. 她首先要做的,就是采集配置药剂的材料。 In this magic restriction environment, most can help, is potion. Especially potion on barbarian race skin volume. 在这个禁魔的环境下,最能帮助的,还是药剂。尤其是蛮族皮卷上的药剂 However, partly kneels in her on the ground, collects the blood of bear corpse time, she heard bang a light sound. 然而,就在她半跪在地上,采集熊尸之血的时候,她听到了砰的一声轻响。 The Zi Di heart jumps ruthlessly, then, saw the substitute person of awakens hastily unexpectedly. 紫蒂心头狠狠一跳,连忙回头,竟看到了苏醒的替身。 Intense shock raids fiercely, she calls out in alarm in the heart: Is impossible, he had just died obviously!” 强烈的震撼猛地袭来,她在心头惊呼:“不可能,他刚刚明明已经死了!” Dies and is reborn?! 死而复生?! Suddenly, Zi Di is very unexpectedly difficult to believe oneself personally see. 一时间,紫蒂竟是很难相信自己亲眼所见。 Because here does not have magic, without divine spell, how to resurrect for no reason? 因为这里没有魔法,更没有神术,怎么会平白无故就复活了呢? Wait.” Suddenly, in her mind flashes through wipes the miraculous glow, substitute person is War Monger mixes to transform personally, War Monger acknowledged personally, this is he most satisfactory work!” “等等。”忽然,她脑海中闪过一抹灵光,“替身是战贩亲自调制改造出来的,战贩亲口承认,这是他最得意的作品!” „, Is this one of effects War Monger transforms?” “难道说,这就是战贩改造的效果之一吗?” Thinks carefully, as if there is possibility greatly! War Monger wants to replace Zhen Jin with the substitute person, even Golden Queen Bee bloodline used. He transforms full power, the substitute person has the ability of coming back to life is very reasonable.” “仔细想想,似乎大有可能啊!战贩是想用替身来取代针金,连黄金蜂后血脉都用上了。他全力改造,替身拥有复生的能力也很合理。” Almost in 1-2 the time of breath, Zi Di responded. 几乎在1-2呼吸的时间,紫蒂就反应过来。 The young girls rush to side the substitute person immediately, called out pleasantly surprised: Lord?! Lord Zhen Jin, you awoke!” 少女立即赶到替身身边,惊喜地叫道:“大人?!针金大人,你醒了!”
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