EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#191: He at all is not Knight

Foxy Blue Wolf Dog kicked in the river by the substitute person, stimulates gold magic plant that in the river water hid quickly. 蓝狗狐狼被替身踢入河中,很快激发了河水中潜藏的黄金魔植 evil wolf struggles, the startled howling sound and blood wave dissipate together. 恶狼挣扎,惊嚎声和血浪一同消散。 Quick, the river surface returned to normal. 很快,河面恢复了平静。 The substitute people witnessed all these, in the heart vibrates: What damned place is this?!” 替身目睹了这一切,心中震动:“这到底是什么鬼地方?!” He with the frightened sentiment, starts to size up the surroundings, finally turns around to face young girl Zi Di: Where is this?” 他怀着惊悚之情,开始打量周围,最终转身面向少女紫蒂:“这是哪里?” Zi Di in the python vine by the river was also shocked, the words of substitute person make her heart jump. 紫蒂也被河中蟒藤惊呆,替身的话让她心头一跳。 The Foxy Blue Wolf Dog danger relieved, in a very thrilling and accidental/surprised way. Now the main mishap and danger, come from the substitute person who just rescued her life. 蓝狗狐狼的危险解除了,以一种非常惊险且意外的方式。现在主要的不测和危险,来自于刚刚救她一命的替身。 Instilling into of memory crystal had the problem, the condition of substitute person actually how, Zi Di needs to probe. 记忆水晶的灌输出现了问题,替身的状态究竟如何,紫蒂需要试探。 Lord!” Zi Di is excited, probably receives the kitten that frightens to be the same, throws to the bosom of substitute person. 大人!”紫蒂激动不已,像是受到惊吓的小猫一般,扑到替身的怀中。 The young girl in substitute person looks at bosom, loses presence of mind suddenly at a loss. 替身看着怀中的少女,一时间茫然失措。 Thank God, Lord, you awoke finally!” The young girls hold in the arms the substitute person excitedly stubbornly, Lord, you awoke!” “谢天谢地,大人,你终于醒了!”少女激动地死死搂住替身,“大人,你醒了!” The substitute people patted her shoulder, then takes advantage of opportunity shoves open Zi Di slightly. 替身拍了拍她的肩膀,然后顺势微微地推开紫蒂 Zi Di raises head the looks at substitute person, excitedly and can be seen in speech and appearance pleasantly surprised. 紫蒂仰头看着替身,激动和惊喜溢于言表。 The substitute people take a look at the young girl in bosom, immediately the heart leaked probably jumped a racket. 替身打量怀中的少女,顿时心脏像是漏跳了一拍。 Her that sweet and pretty face is completely the delicate color, the eye socket flood red, pours down to sob, a pair of purple double pupil is attractive reminds the gem, radiant has one to attract. 她那娇美的面庞尽是柔弱之色,眼眶泛红,泫然欲泣,一对紫色的双眸漂亮得让人联想起宝石,璀璨中带着一丝魅惑。 Who...... are you?” “请问……你是谁?” Zi Di reveals the just right startled color immediately. 紫蒂顿时流露出恰到好处的愕然之色。 Her eyes stare in a big way, is looking up to the substitute person, eye pupil motionless. 她双眼不由瞪大,仰望着替身,眼眸一动不动 Looks at each other for several seconds. 对视几秒。 On the face of Zi Di gradually revealed amazed and worried, she introduced hastily oneself said: I am Zi Di, Lord, I am your fiancee!” 紫蒂的脸上逐渐流露出了惊诧和担忧,她连忙介绍自己道:“我是紫蒂啊,大人,我是你的未婚妻!” Fiancee?” The substitute people frown tightly. “未婚妻?”替身紧皱眉头。 Zi Di......” in substitute person mouth is chewing this name. 紫蒂……”替身口中嘴嚼着这个名字。 The ponder gets down thoroughly, the brow of substitute person wrinkles deeply: Waits, who I...... am I?” 思考深入下去,替身的眉头又皱得更深:“等一等,我……我又是谁?” In Zi Di heart thump: „Hasn't the most memory instilled into? Doesn't he own status know?” 紫蒂心中咯噔一下:“绝大多数的记忆都没有灌输进去吗?他连自己的身份都不知道?” You are Zhen Jin, you are Baron Zhen Jin. Heavens, Lord, did you own status forget?” The young girls reminded hastily, on face anxious and anxious actually and innermost feelings mood tallied. “你是针金啊,你可是针金男爵天呐,大人,你连自己的身份都忘记了吗?”少女连忙提醒,脸上的急切和不安倒是和内心情绪相符。 Zhen Jin, am I Zhen Jin? Why doesn't my what remember?” 针金,我是针金?为什么我什么都不记得了?” Heavens, why can like this!?” The Zi Di heartbeat accelerates slightly, starts to establish the lie. 天呐,为什么会这样!?”紫蒂心跳微微加速,开始编制谎言。 Perhaps...... Lord your head has received the fierce hit, therefore temporarily amnesia. This has indeed had similar case.” “或许……大人你的头部受到过猛烈的撞击,因此暂时失忆了。这的确有过类似的病例。” Lord, we encountered the perils of the sea several days ago. The storm volume seat, the ships break, the survivor wandered about destitute this island...... the missing person to have, includes Lord you. I according to clue, when the rain forest deep place seeks for Lord you, you have fallen into the stupor, has tried many means that has not awakened you.” 大人,我们在几天前遭遇了海难。暴风卷席,船只断裂,幸存者流落到了这座海岛……失踪的人有很多,就包括大人你。我按照线索,在雨林深处寻找到大人你时,你已经陷入昏迷,尝试过许多办法,都没有唤醒你。” At this point, her thread of conversation revolution, starts to say some real situations. 说到这里,她话锋一转,又开始说出一些真实情况。 Wait, perhaps is because I rescue to awake your method, was destroyed by the midway. If the truth is this, I was really sorry, Lord. At that time I simply did not have other choices.” “等等,或许是因为我救醒你的手段,被中途破坏了。如果真相是这个,那我真的太抱歉了,大人。当时我根本没有其他的选择。” Zi Di is pointing at the chest of substitute person Zhen Jin, is also adhering to stick cohere many crystal fragments there. 紫蒂手指着替身针金的胸口,在那里还附着着许多水晶碎片。 Substitute person Zhen Jin lowers the head, saw own chest moistens the crystal fragment that attaches: Therefore, was you rescues to awake I?” 替身针金低头,看到自己胸口沾附着的水晶碎片:“所以,是你救醒了我?” Then, the young girl then just bitter experience, and final moment took risk to use the white crystal to treat and cure the idea of substitute person, informed the substitute person in detail. 接着,少女便将刚刚的遭遇,以及最后关头之所以冒险动用白色水晶救治替身的想法,都详细告知了替身。 The lie that the genuine and fake mix, will make people be hard to see through. 真真假假掺和起来的谎言,会更加让人难以识破。 And, the fragment of memory crystal scatters the scene, will cover up forcefully will only become a flaw. Takes it as treats item Tears of Angel, and reveals on own initiative, will give people the broad and level feeling, is an essential probe. 并且,记忆水晶的碎片就散落现场,强行遮掩只会成为一个破绽。将其称做治疗道具天使之泪,并且主动揭示,会给人坦荡的感受,同时也是一次关键的试探。 „Before originally, is such bad risk, was really many thanks to you. Un...... Zi Di.” The substitute people praised “原来之前是这样凶险,真是多亏你了。嗯……紫蒂。”替身夸奖道 A Zi Di heart loosen, actually in a low voice guilty said/tunnel: But Lord you perhaps because of such amnesia.” 紫蒂心头一松,却低声愧疚地道:“可是大人你或许就是因为这样失忆的。” The substitute people comfort her hastily: This is not your mistake, Zi Di. On the contrary, I must thank you, without you make such wise choice, perhaps I am unable prompt sober. At this moment, certainly was eaten by that giant wolf. The memory matter, is first placed in one side. Now what we are most important leaves this dangerous place.” 替身连忙宽慰她:“这都不是你的错,紫蒂。相反,我还要感谢你,若是没有你做出这样明智的选择,我恐怕无法及时清醒。此刻,一定是被那头巨狼吃了。记忆的事情,就先摆在一边吧。现在我们最要紧的是离开这个危险的地方。” Very good!” In the Zi Di heart rouses, she stood firm the substitute person temporarily. “很好!”紫蒂心中振奋,她暂时稳住了替身。 First waits. Perhaps these will restore to remember to Lord in the future, will help.” Before leaving, Zi Di remembers the crystal collects. “先等一下。或许这些对大人将来恢复记忆,会有所帮助。”离开之前,紫蒂将记忆水晶收集起来。 Who knows that Zhen Jin can die in the perils of the sea . Moreover the installment of that manufacture memory crystal also lost. Sudden of too perils of the sea, Zi Di can assemble a group of manpower and commodities, had reached the limit. 谁知道针金会不会死在海难当中,而且那个制造记忆水晶的装置也遗失了。海难发生的太突然,紫蒂能纠集一批人手和物资,已经是达到了极限。 As for these memory fragments, Zi Di felt that in the future might have very big use. 至于这些记忆碎片,紫蒂感觉将来很可能会有很大的用处。 Lord, please let me give you to inspect.” 大人,请让我给你检查一下吧。” I am low rank Mage. Although cannot utilize magic now, but my knowledge also.” “我是一位低阶的魔法师。虽然现在不能运用魔法,但我的学识还在。” Just before leaving before, Zi Di makes such proposition. 临走前,紫蒂又做出这样的提议。 The substitute people accepted her inspection. 替身接受了她的检查。 The substitute people are complete, no injury, no beastified spot, this makes Zi Di relax simultaneously very much. 替身完整无缺,没有什么伤势,同时没有什么兽化的部位,这让紫蒂很是松了一口气。 He can accept my inspection, explained that I won his trust initially. Refuels Zi Di, all are developing in the good direction!” “他能接受我的检查,也说明我初步取得了他的信任。加油紫蒂,一切都在向好的方向发展!” Zi Di, I how old?” Inspected time, the substitute person inquired. 紫蒂,我多大年纪了?”被检查的时候,替身询问。 In the Zi Di heart whispered: Perhaps only then War Monger and pointed drill knew your real age.” 紫蒂不免心中嘀咕:“恐怕只有战贩和尖钻知道你的真实年龄了。” In the mouth said: Lord, you this year are 16 years old. I am 15 years old.” 口中则道:“大人,你今年是十六岁。我十五岁。” Then I am also Mage? What strength has?” “那么我也是魔法师吗?有什么样的实力?” Lord, what your cultivation is battle energy, you are Templar Knight!” 大人,你修行的是斗气,你可是一位圣殿骑士呢!” Templar Knight?” The substitute people were absent-minded immediately. 圣殿骑士?”替身顿时恍惚了一下。 Zi Di heart big quake: What's wrong?!” 紫蒂心头大震:“怎么了?!” Crossed several breath, the substitute person recovers. 过了几个呼吸,替身回过神来。 Lord, you what?” Zi Di hopes wear a look, in the heart the pray in the memory that instills into goes should not be confused. 大人,你记起来什么了吗?”紫蒂面带期盼,心中则在祈祷灌输的记忆前往不要错乱。 Un, I remembered. I when to become Templar Knight, that moment of dignified taking an oath.” Substitute person reply. “嗯,我想起了。我在成为圣殿骑士时,庄严宣誓的那一刻。”替身回答。 Perhaps Lord, can you try, look to put forth battle energy?” 大人,或许你可以试一试,看能不能使出斗气?” „It is not good, I have no cultivation battle energy memory, I could not even detect that battle energy of my within the body, does not know how should utilize it.” “不行,我根本没有任何修行斗气的记忆,我甚至察觉不到我体内的斗气,更不知道该如何运用它。” Substitute person's reply, made Zi Di have a clear assurance to his memory condition immediately. 替身的这个回答,顿时让紫蒂对他的记忆状态有了一个清晰的把握。 Perhaps the time has not arrived. However are not related, Lord, this at least showed that your memory can restore!...... Requires some time.” “或许时机还没有来到。不过没有关系,大人,这至少证明你的记忆是可以恢复的!只是……需要一些时间。” Zi Di comforts Zhen Jin, is actually also comforting her own. 紫蒂安慰针金,其实也在安慰她自己。 At present it seems like, the memory was instills into, but the midway was terminated forcefully, causing is unable to recall.” “目前看来,记忆是灌输进去了,只是中途被强行终止,导致无法回忆起来。” Once recalls, is natural, substitute person not slight suspicion.” “不过一旦回忆起来,非常自然,替身没有丝毫的怀疑。” Perhaps soon, he can recall the essential memory. Perhaps here environment, could not forbid silver battle energy!” “或许不久之后,他就能回忆起关键的记忆。说不定这里的环境,禁止不了白银斗气呢!” Zi Di despairs, but awakens of substitute person made her see the hope. 原本紫蒂已经绝望了,但替身的苏醒让她又看到了希望。 Meanwhile, she has not given up the heart of alert. Actually can the memory of substitute person present the careless mistake, Zi Di is very difficult to guarantee, perhaps some quarter substitute person discovered own true status, to cheating his Zi Di makes the malicious feedback. 同时,她也没有放弃戒备之心。替身的记忆究竟会不会出现纰漏,紫蒂很难保证,说不定某一刻替身发现自己的真正身份,对哄骗他的紫蒂做出恶意反馈。 Two people recuperation moment, then starts to leave. 两人休整片刻,便启程离开。 On mound of riverside, two people discovered the crossing river possibility, but needs to build a temporary bridge. 在一处河边的土丘上,两人发现了渡河的可能,但需要搭建一座临时的小桥。 The substitute people start to fold the tree, the branch was tenacious, making him harvest the failure: Comes again several times, certainly can break off it!” 替身开始折树,树枝坚韧,让他收获了失败:“再来几次,一定就能将它掰断!” Zi Di secretly cool-headed observation: Substitute person conducts the design and mixture after War Monger, his cultivation base is silver, the physical quality should also be the silver Knight level. Meanwhile he is half-beast, can beastified. When this method, the substitute person does not know. Only has, when under he faced with the death, compelled to have no other choice, will open beastified!” 紫蒂暗自冷静观察:“替身是经过战贩进行设计和调制的,他的修为白银,身体素质也应该是白银骑士的水准。但同时他还是半兽人,能够兽化。当这个手段,替身根本就不知道。唯有当他面临死亡,逼不得已之下,才会开启兽化!” But, the silver Knight strength, is insufficient not to break off a branch. Here tree has the issue!” “不过,白银骑士的力量,不至于折不断一根树枝。这里的树有问题!” Ponders, Zi Di while said: Lord Zhen Jin, these mound are somewhat strange. Its soil is the sorrel, trees that above grows, as if there is toughness compared with the common trees.” 一边思考,紫蒂一边道:“针金大人,这些土丘有些奇怪。它的土壤是红褐色的,上面生长的树木,也似乎比寻常树木更有韧性。” Then, Gold Rank man-made magic beast Lava Giant Turtle arrives. 接下来,黄金级别人造魔兽熔岩巨龟登场。 It to drink water, in the python vine with the river fights, finally swaggers away. 它为了喝水,和河中蟒藤大战一场,最后扬长而去。 The short moment, witnessed existences of two Gold Rank, in the Zi Di heart an icy coldness. 短短片刻,亲眼目睹了两个黄金级别的存在,紫蒂心中一片冰凉。 I too underestimated Monster Bewildering Island.” “我太低估迷怪岛了。” According to my strength, is unable to explore here. Hides in some magic beast, can want my life!” “按照我的实力,根本无法在这里探索。隐藏在某一处的魔兽,就能要了我的命!” Oh...... War Monger heritage, although the value is huge, but is not I can bribe.” “唉……战贩的遗产虽然价值巨大,但不是我能够染指的。” Zi Di such idea actually produced many days ago. 紫蒂这样的想法其实在许多天前就产生了。 gold magic beast and magic plant, today's hanging in the balance, as well as 16 people of Protection Team did not have, making her change the mind finally. 黄金魔兽魔植,今天的命悬一线,以及十六人护卫队全没,让她终于改变了主意。 „The animal plant on this island, many are quite strange, is my entire life only sees. We hurry to leave here.” Zi Di said to Zhen Jin. “这座海岛上的动物植物,许多都极为古怪,是我生平仅见。我们还是赶紧离开这里吧。”紫蒂针金道。 Two people smooth crossing river , to continue in the rain forest. 两人顺利渡河,继续在雨林中前行。 Right, Zi Di.” Zhen Jin inquired on own initiative, my strength actually how?” “对了,紫蒂。”针金主动询问,“我的实力究竟如何?” Lord, the outside world recognizes you to have the Blackiron Level strength.” 大人,外界公认你有黑铁级别的实力。” Recognition?” “外界公认?” Yes. Strength that Lord you usually show, is Blackiron first-level. But according to my speculation, it has to be more than that. We were on this voyage because you were supposed to compete for the City Lord position of the Whitesand City. And the lord of a city must be at least at the Silver Rank in order to convince the people.” “是的。大人你平时展现出来的实力,就是黑铁一级。但是根据我的推测,肯定不止这样因为此次大人你此次渡海,是去竞争白沙城主之位。而一城之主至少得有白银修为,方能服众。” This issue, Zi Di has the psychological preinstall, smoothness that very therefore replied. 这个问题,紫蒂早就有了心理预设,因此回答的很流畅。 But speculation ability that the substitute person displays, makes Zi Di more vigilant. 而替身展现出来的推测能力,也让紫蒂更加警惕。 Shortly, two people arrived at Foxy Blue Wolf Dog to hunt and kill the place of final two guard. 不久后,两人来到了蓝狗狐狼猎杀最后两名护卫的地点。 „, Be careful!” The reminder of Zi Di, Zhen Jin had been injured by Blood Thread Centipede Snake without enough time. “啊,小心!”紫蒂的提醒已经来不及了,针金还是被血线蜈蛇所伤。 Zi Di using potion, is Zhen Jin therapy. 紫蒂利用药剂,为针金疗伤。 Luckily centipede feet not poison! Is unfair to Lord, harmed you injured. I should tell you these information to be right earlier.” The young girls are guilty and regret. “幸亏蜈足并没有毒!对不起大人,害你受伤了。我应该早点告诉你这些情报才对。”少女愧疚和懊悔。 She worried that the substitute person will listen to the flaw, therefore hid many information subconsciously. 她担心替身会听出破绽,所以下意识地隐藏了许多情报。 The substitute people these are injured time, making her understand that must inform part of information to the substitute person. 替身这一次受伤,让她明白必须要将一部分情报告知给替身。 This to Zi Di, without doubt is a test. 这对紫蒂而言,无疑是一项考验。 Once the inconsistency, making the substitute person listen to the flaw, will have the suspicion to Zi Di. But the suspicion are more, perhaps finally takes her life truly, is not magic beast, but present Young Knight. 一旦前后矛盾,让替身听出破绽,就会对紫蒂产生怀疑。而怀疑越多,或许最终真正取走她性命的,不是什么魔兽,而是眼前的少年骑士 No, he at all is not Knight!” “不,他根本不是什么骑士!” He was transformed by War Monger, the memory was also tampered, essentially, he and evil wolf, and have no difference from Blood Thread Centipede Snake.” “他受到战贩的改造,记忆也被篡改,本质上来讲,他和恶狼,和血线蜈蛇并没有什么区别。” He is wild beast, but was deceived by me temporarily.” “他是一头野兽,只是暂时被我欺骗了而已。” Perhaps in the future some moment, he will awaken, will open wild beast bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, will deceive his me to swallow!” “或许将来某一刻,他会醒悟过来,会张开野兽血盆大口,将欺骗他的我吞食!”
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