EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#190: Awakens youngster

Three the skiffs of landing, are not the Zi Di words, there are 16 people. 三艘登陆的小艇,不算紫蒂的话,共有十六人。 On each boat has a lot of commodities: Food, water and weaponry. On head ship that Zi Di is , an inner and outer coffin shape wooden crate. 每艘小船上都有大量的物资:食物、水和武器装备。紫蒂所在的头艇上,还有一个棺椁形状的木箱。 The evil customs are billowing, the great waves are turbulent. 恶风滚滚,浪涛汹涌。 They can avoid the recent sand beach, was far away from The Pig's Kiss to have the place of perils of the sea, chose another sand beach to land. 他们可以避开最近的沙滩,远离了猪吻号发生海难的地点,选择另一处的沙滩进行登陆。 Quick, delimits quickly!” Zi Di urged unceasingly. “快、快划!”紫蒂不断催促。 Not far away after three landing craft, in the sea water have a huge shadow, is approaching to them rapidly. 在三艘登陆艇后的不远处,海水中有一个巨大的黑影,正在向他们迅速逼近。 Other 16 people know the dangerous situation, spells to go all-out, drives three boat fast vanguards. 其余的十六人都知道险情,拼尽全力,带动三艘小船快速前行。 magic and battle energy did not stimulate to movement! Damn, hoping on the island the situation to be different. The jurisdiction that I have cannot make me display magic freely!” 魔法斗气都催动不了!该死的,但愿海岛上情况会不一样。我拥有的权限并不能让我自由施展魔法!” Zi Di is nipping the jaw, the huge shadow in looks at sea water is getting more and more near, her heart bang bang jumps madly. 紫蒂咬着牙关,看着海水中的巨大黑影越来越近,她不禁心头砰砰乱跳。 What rejoiced is, as they near the sand beach, the great shadow in sea water stopped the figure gradually, the speed drop arrived lowly. 庆幸的是,随着他们接近沙滩,海水中的巨影渐渐停住了身形,速度降到最低。 Three boats arrive in the sand beach smoothly. 三艘小船顺利地抵达沙滩。 Quickly, moves the commodity, the speed is fast!” Zi Di takes the lead the jumping up sand beach. “快,将物资都搬下来,速度要快!”紫蒂率先跳上沙滩。 Other guards are thrown into confusion, evacuates three boats rapidly. 其余护卫手忙脚乱,迅速地将三艘小船搬空。 Everyone rejoiced very much: What is this huge shadow?” 所有人都很庆幸:“这个巨大的黑影到底是什么?” „Is shipwreck is it creates?” “船难是不是就是它造成的?” Luckily it gave up finally, had soon been caught up obviously, but it hesitated.” “幸亏它最后放弃了,明明已经快要被追上,但它犹豫了。” I felt not very wonderful, always thought that it was afraid, perhaps in the island has to threaten existence of its life.” “我感觉很不妙,总觉得它是害怕了,也许岛上有威胁它生命的存在。” In the final analysis, Miss Zi Di, why do we want to come here?” “说到底,紫蒂小姐,我们到底为什么要来到这里呢?” Zi Di cold snort/hum: You should first thank me, saved your life not?” 紫蒂冷哼一声:“你们应该先感谢我,救了你们的性命不是吗?” The numerous guard facial expressions somewhat are immediately awkward. 众护卫神情顿时有些尴尬。 Zi Di has not thought that the captain was killed, unexpectedly , the method of system. Sudden of too perils of the sea, Zi Di exhausts ability, took away 16 guards, a lot of commodities. 紫蒂没有想到船长被杀死,居然还有后制的手段。海难发生的太突然,紫蒂竭尽所能,也只是带走了十六位护卫,还有大量物资。 She snatched three landing craft ahead of time, leading the people to swagger away. 她提前抢到了三艘登陆艇,率领众人扬长而去。 Here is Monster Bewildering Island!” “这里就是迷怪岛!” I must find the alchemy factory, can actually it where?” “我要找到炼金工厂,它究竟会在哪里?” After Zi Di landing, by the direct transmission the alchemy factory, she was not known the item body position. 紫蒂登陆之后,是被直接传送到了炼金工厂的,她并不知道具体方位。 Among you had few people to accept my employment, few people were Wisteria Chamber of Commerce always protected. According to my order conduct was OK.” “你们当中有一部分人接受了我的雇佣,还有一部分人是紫藤商会的老护卫了。按照我的命令行事就可以了。” Now, we immediately.” “现在,我们立即出发。” Right, protected this wooden crate, inside thing was very important. You must like protecting me, protects it!” “对了,保护好这个木箱,里面的东西很重要。你们要像保护我一样,保护它!” Got it, Miss Zi Di( President Lord).” The guards looked at each other in blank dismay, made the reply. “明白了,紫蒂小姐(会长大人)。”护卫们面面相觑了一番,都做了应答。 When the group start the thorough rain forest, Monster Bewildering Island shows the fierce terrifying gradually side. 当一行人开始深入雨林,迷怪岛渐渐展现出凶恶恐怖的一面。 Blood Thread Centipede Snake died under the sword of guards. 血线蜈蛇死在了护卫们的刀剑下。 What magic beast is this? Do some people know?” “这是什么魔兽?有人知道吗?” Not only looks like the centipede and looks like the snake, I have not heard.” “既像蜈蚣又像蛇,我从没有听说过。” Called it Blood Thread Centipede Snake.” Zi Di said, this is unimportant, we must continue, the action is fast!” “就叫它血线蜈蛇吧。”紫蒂道,“这不重要,我们要继续前行,行动要快!” Waits a bit, magic crystal is very valuable, President Lord, this snake is I kills, making me preoccupy magic core?” Guard caravan requested. “稍等一下,魔晶很值钱的,会长大人,这条蛇是我杀的,让我先取走魔核吧?”商队护卫请求道。 This idiot.” Zi Di sighed, nods reluctantly. She has visited the alchemy factory, from the pointed drill mouth knows that this kind transforms magic beast not magic core. “这个蠢货。”紫蒂叹息一声,无奈地点点头。她参观过炼金工厂,从尖钻口中知道这类改造魔兽并无魔核 Others have the vision that is envying slightly, looks at this lucky fellow. 其余人则带着微微羡慕的目光,看着这位幸运儿。 Cuts open Blood Thread Centipede Snake not to use energy, but after dissecting, that guard caravan the exciting facial expression vanishes suddenly, surprised uncertain said/tunnel: What's the matter? Unexpectedly does not have magic core, this life aura, obviously is magic beast is right!” 切开血线蜈蛇并不费劲,但解剖了之后,那位商队护卫兴奋的神情骤然消失,惊疑不定地道:“怎么回事?居然没有魔核,这股生命气息,明显是魔兽才对啊!” „It is not clear. Without magic core .” Zi Di urged again. “不清楚。既然没有魔核,就出发吧。”紫蒂再次催促。 However is contrary to what expects, the speed that the people lead the way is getting more and more slow. 然而事与愿违,众人前行的速度越来越慢。 The rain forest complex landform, makes one be hesitant to advance frequently, in dense vegetation is hiding dangerous magic beast, must make the team lead the way cautiously, has the general idea/careless slightly, the team member has the life danger. 雨林复杂的地貌,就常常让人裹足不前,茂密至极的植被中潜藏着的危险魔兽,更要让队伍小心翼翼地前行,稍有大意,队员就有生命危险。 After the guards the expostulation, Zi Di although is very repeatedly unwilling, has to lower the head in the face of the reality: That construction camping area, recuperation.” 在护卫们屡次谏言之后,紫蒂尽管很不甘心,也不得不在现实面前低头:“那就建造宿营地,休整一下。” Recuperation two days later, the team continues. 休整了两天后,队伍继续前行。 However, is the thorough rain forest, the danger that the people encounter is more fearful. 然而,越是深入雨林,众人遭遇到的危险就越可怕。 When the third camping area time, some people suggested. 等到第三座宿营地的时候,又有人建议。 Our commodity belts were too many, actually a large part of physical abilities consume on the transporting commodity. We felt, leaves behind some commodities to place here, is feasible.” “我们的物资带的太多了,其实很大一部分体能都消耗在搬运物资上。我们觉得,留下一部分物资放在这里,是可行的。” Zi Di pondered, feels good. If by some chance the team rout, the commodity will lose in the future, they have the escape route. 紫蒂思考了一下,也觉得不错。万一将来队伍溃败,物资丢失,他们还有退路。 I too underestimated the Monster Bewildering Island bad risk degree!” “我还是太低估迷怪岛的凶险程度了!” If we had known here magic restriction, I first awaken the substitute person. He has silver cultivation base, simultaneously was transformed the beastified person.” “早知道这里禁魔,我就先将替身唤醒。他本身就有白银修为,同时又被改造成了兽化人。” Obviously in the alchemy factory, I not by magic restriction.” “明明在炼金工厂中,我并没有被禁魔。” Wait, War Monger, since died, here had certainly the startled day drastic change! Perhaps on Monster Bewildering Island it is free, but the drastic change brought the magic restriction environment. Is this one of the War Monger defensive measures?” “等等,战贩既然死亡,这里一定发生了惊天剧变!也许迷怪岛上本身是自由的,但是剧变带来了禁魔的环境。这是战贩的防御措施之一?” In the Zi Di heart has many guesses. 紫蒂心中有很多猜测。 Entered rain forest more than ten days, before she had eliminated thoroughly, discovered planning of alchemy factory rapidly. 进入雨林十几天了,她已经彻底打消了之前迅速发现炼金工厂的谋算。 This is a long exploration.” “这将会是一场漫长的探索。” But if succeeds, my life will have the earth-shaking transformation!” “但如果成功,我的人生将发生翻天覆地的转变!” I will certainly succeed!” “我一定会成功的!” Zi Di is firm. 紫蒂非常坚定。 However, a few days later, she suffers a blow to the head. 然而,几天后,她遭受当头一棒。 They encountered Silver Rank man-made magic beast Foxy Blue Wolf Dog! 他们遭遇到了白银级人造魔兽-蓝狗狐狼 This deceitful magic beast, first sneak attacked the guard situated in team tail intentionally, has not killed intentionally directly, but drags him to run crazily. 这头狡诈至极的魔兽,先是故意偷袭了位于队尾的护卫,故意没有直接杀死,而是拖着他狂跑。 Zi Di one group of racing line/traverse, hurry to the rescue immediately. 紫蒂一行人立即奔行,赶去救援。 The original formation chaos, Foxy Blue Wolf Dog seizes the chance to attack. Cross-Shaped Crossbow in guards hand lets its severe wound, the guard but who it kills has three people fully. 原本的阵型大乱,蓝狗狐狼趁机进攻。护卫们手中的十字弓弩让它重伤,但它杀死的护卫足有三人。 The guards, want to retaliate indignantly. 护卫们气愤不已,想要报复。 It is Silver Rank magic beast, is anyone of you its opponent? Continues!” The Zi Di attitude is strong, it has been seriously injured, this kind of time wild beast was most dangerous. However this jungle can clean up it, it will be swallowed by other ferocious beast.” “它是白银级别魔兽,你们谁是它的对手?继续前行!”紫蒂态度强硬,“它已经身受重伤,这种时候的野兽最危险。不过这片丛林会清理掉它的,它会被其他猛兽吞食。” On it perhaps, if containing magic core, I will go.” “它身上如果含有魔核,或许我会去。” All magic beast that but so many days, we kill, do not have magic core. This wolf is also no exception!” “但是这么多天,我们杀死的所有魔兽,都没有魔核。这头狼也不会例外!” The Zi Di words are very reasonable, since the people have no benefits to be gained, after the anger gradually reduces, is willing to brave the life danger on no one, went to retaliate. 紫蒂的话很有道理,众人既然无利可图,愤怒的情绪逐渐消减之后,也就没有人愿意冒着生命危险,前去报复了。 Furthermore, must search for a wolf in this boundless rain forest, the difficulty is very big. 再者,要在这片茫茫雨林中搜寻一头狼,难度很大。 Those who let the people not think, they have not sought for evil wolf, evil wolf actually attacked them again. 让众人万万没有想到的是,他们没有寻找恶狼,恶狼却再次袭击了他们。 This time, Foxy Blue Wolf Dog held in the mouth bee-hive, Fire Poison Bee attacked the entire camp. 这一次,蓝狗狐狼叼来了一颗蜂巢,火毒蜂袭击了整个营地。 Four guards by hibernation of insects, injury serious to falling into stupor. 四位护卫被蛰,伤势严重到陷入了昏迷。 Zi Di rescues full power invalid, that night, they died. 紫蒂全力施救无效,当天深夜里,他们就都死了。 The attack of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog has not stopped, later it attacks again and again, pesters Zi Di one group, becomes nightmare that they could hardly be removed. 蓝狗狐狼的进攻并未停止,之后它三番五次突袭,纠缠紫蒂一行人,成了他们挥之不去的噩梦。 The situation forces, Zi Di and the others for the promotion speed, start the simple commodity. 形势逼迫,紫蒂等人为了提升速度,开始精简物资。 The wooden crate of substitute person is unwieldy, can only be discarded in a camping area. 替身的木箱笨重,只能被舍弃在一处宿营地中。 The people only know, in the wooden crate is hiding one person unexpectedly. 众人这才知道,木箱中居然藏着一个人 He is my fiance Lord Zhen Jin, you also know that our trip acts as advance party for him. But in fact, we used the scheme , helping him sneak Whitesand City secretly, hits competitor one to be caught off guard.” Zi Di answered. “他是我的未婚夫针金大人,你们也知道我们此行是替他打前站。但事实上,我们用了计谋,偷偷帮助他潜入白沙城,打竞争对手一个措手不及。”紫蒂解释道。 Originally is this, no wonder President like this is anxious a wooden crate.” “原来是这样,难怪会长这样紧张一个木箱。” But why couldn't the Lord Zhen Jin dusk awake?” “但为什么针金大人一直昏睡不醒?” Zi Di sighed: Must hide the truth from these opponents, is not easy. Must arrive at Whitesand City, awakens his. But now has the accident/surprise, I do not have the means that can only place hopes in he himself to regain consciousness.” 紫蒂叹息:“要瞒过那些对手,可不容易。原本是要到达白沙城,才唤醒他的。但现在出了意外,我也没有办法,只能寄希望于他自己苏醒了。” Later no matter the circumstance is how dangerous, Zi Di for in side. 之后不管情势如何险恶,紫蒂都将替身带在身边。 Situation is less wonderful, he is my final safeguard!” “情况越来越不妙了,他是我最后的保障!” However awakens the substitute person, the difficulty is extremely high. 但是唤醒替身,难度极高。 Zi Di cannot use magic, the use memory crystal under such magic restriction ring boundary, is extremely possibly defeated forcefully, the success rate is very low is very low. 紫蒂不能动用魔法,强行在这样的禁魔环境下动用记忆水晶,极可能失败,成功概率很低很低。 Could not awaken also even, if in the awakening process, had the accident/surprise, the substitute person regained consciousness the later discovery flaw, thus saw through is in itself not Zhen Jin, under he resented, was very difficult to guarantee that which action will take to Zi Di. 唤醒不了也就算了,万一唤醒过程中,出现意外,替身苏醒之后发现破绽,从而识破自己不是针金,他愤恨之下,很难保证对紫蒂会采取哪种行动。 President Lord, run!” 会长大人,快跑!” We block it!!” “我们挡住它!!” The final two guards choose to leave the protracted time, their fates are self-evident. 最后的两位护卫选择留下来拖延时间,他们的下场不言而喻。 Zi Di clenches teeth ruthlessly, is entraining the substitute person who sinks the dormancy evacuates difficultly. 紫蒂狠狠咬牙,拽着沉眠的替身艰难撤离。 ! 呼! ! 呼! The Zi Di mouth opening, spells to go all-out to breathe, even if the chest has pained. 紫蒂嘴巴张大,拼尽全力呼吸,哪怕胸口早已经隐隐作痛。 Her whole body dripping with sweat, as the Mage delicate body bursts out the astonishing strength at this moment, making her own be surprised. 她浑身大汗淋漓,身为魔法师的娇弱身躯此刻迸发出惊人的力量,让她自己都感到意外。 Monster Bewildering Island too bad risk! But I should not die here, I cannot die here.” 迷怪岛太凶险了!但我不应该死在这里的,我也不能死在这里。” Hurry up, again quickly!” “快点,再快一点!” „-!” “啊-!” Suddenly a sad and shrill pitiful yell, transmits from the distant place. 忽然一声凄厉的惨叫,从远处传来。 The young girl whole body trembles, just like suffering electric shock. 少女浑身一颤,宛若遭受电击。 They were also murdered!” The young girls look deathly pale, the vision is flurried. “他们也遇害了!”少女脸色惨白,目光慌乱。 And Has not related, I have the substitute person.” When her vision touches behind youngster on stretcher, she strengthens. “没、没关系,我还有替身。”当她的目光触及到身后担架上的少年,她又坚定起来。 The tree-walk and crossing river, Zi Di got rid of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog temporarily. 攀树、渡河,紫蒂暂时摆脱了蓝狗狐狼 But she soon realized oneself still the life hung the frontline. 但她很快意识到自己仍旧命垂一线。 Then last option!” “那么就只有最后的选择了!” In the young girl eyes flashes through wipes the firm and resolute light. 少女眼中闪过一抹坚毅的光。 She takes out the memory crystal, starts to stimulate to movement full power. 她取出记忆水晶,开始全力催动。 In the young girl heart is even more anxious, in a low voice twittering: Hurry up, hurry up! Asked you, became effective quickly.” 少女心中越发焦急,低声呢喃:“快点,快点!求求你,快生效吧。” Seemed like heard young girl's hope, the milky white crystal finally started to shine a faint trace slightly the ray, slightly cannot observe. 似乎是听到了少女的祈求,乳白色的水晶终于开始微微地亮起一丝丝的光芒,微不可察。 Really! Forbids most magic on this island, but also is only relative. So long as grade is high enough, can use. power and effect reduce greatly......” “果然!在这座海岛上禁止绝大多数魔法,但也只是相对的。只要品阶足够高,就能够使用出来。只是威能和效果大减而已……” Like such that Zi Di expects, Foxy Blue Wolf Dog really killed again. 如同紫蒂所料的那样,蓝狗狐狼果然再次杀了过来。 It flies high to throw strikes, the shadow of death covered the young girl body and mind. 它凌空扑击,死亡的阴影笼罩少女身心。 „Do I want dead here?!” “我就要死在这里了吗?!” In Zi Di desperate incomparable that moment, the substitute person opened the eyes fiercely. 紫蒂绝望无比的那一刻,替身猛地睁开了双眼。 He was awakened by a beast roar, kicks ruthlessly, kicks in Foxy Blue Wolf Dog the river. 他被一声兽吼惊醒,狠狠一踢,将蓝狗狐狼踢入河中。 Afterward, youngster both hands support the ground, takes advantage of opportunity to stand up, glowers. 随后,少年双手一撑地面,顺势站起身来,怒目而视。 „Was I and I rescued?! He was awakened by me successfully!” “我、我被救了?!他被我成功唤醒了!” Zi Di pupil micro, breathes, is looking at the youngster emaciated back, felt an intense security sense. 紫蒂瞳孔微缩,呼吸一顿,瞧着少年瘦弱的后背,却感到了一股强烈的安全感。
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