EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#189: On Zi Di island

You can open the eye. The sound of pointed drill conveys. 你可以睁开眼睛了。尖钻的声音传来。 Zi Di opens the eyes slowly, she discovers herself already not in the wharf, but arrived at a alchemy factory. 紫蒂缓缓地睁开双眼,她发现自己已经不在码头,而是来到了一处炼金工厂。 The alchemy plant scale is huge, the growth line is revolving, massive Dumbbel Bomb under the accurate operation of machine arm, fast are canned the essential liquid. 炼金工厂规模巨大,生长线正在运转,大量的爆炸哑铃正在机器手臂的精准操纵下,快速地灌装关键液体。 The pointed drill led Zi Di to visit a while, said suddenly: The teacher had gotten up, follows me. 尖钻领着紫蒂参观了一会儿,忽道:导师已经起来了,跟我走吧。 Across the strobe that the Legend Rank material makes, Zi Di arrived at the alchemy factory center, the innumerable inner and outer coffins make her shock. 穿过传奇级材料制成的闸门,紫蒂来到了炼金工厂中枢,无数棺椁让她震撼。 On Central Tower first, she saw War Monger. 中枢塔的第一层,她见到了战贩 This Legend rank Mage, alchemy Grandmaster in world peak, this moment Legend rank life aura somewhat is weak. 这位传奇级别法师,世间巅峰的炼金大宗师,此刻传奇级别生命气息却有些虚弱。 Clearly, he was injured. 很明显,他受伤了。 His both hands finger incomplete three, at this moment is soaking in the sapphire gold coffin. 他的双手手指头残缺了三根,此刻正浸泡在青玉黄金棺中。 In the sapphire gold coffin was filled in some type of green liquid. Green liquor translucent, as if contains the extremely intense vitality. 青玉黄金棺里盛满了某种绿色的液体中。绿液半透明,似乎蕴含着极其强烈的生机。 After several breath, the War Monger broken finger grows in the green liquor. 几个呼吸过后,战贩的断指就在绿液中重新生长出来。 He hand withdrawing, throws off the green liquor, moved several, then nods satisfied. 他将手抽回,甩掉绿液,活动了几下,便满意地点点头。 Then War Monger looks to Zi Di: If you see, studies the alchemy technique to need to pay the price.” 然后战贩看向紫蒂:“如你所见,研究炼金术是需要付出代价的。” The color of Zi Di whole face shock: War Monger Lord, your for treating is actually the solution what? Unexpectedly even can the Legend rank cutting off limb injury cure instantaneously? If this potion trades, even the sales volume is not big, can still certainly trigger the stir in the world!” 紫蒂满脸震撼之色:“战贩大人,您这个治疗的药液究竟是什么?居然连传奇级别的断肢伤势都能在瞬间治愈?这种药剂如果贩卖出去,即便销量不大,也一定能够在世界引发轰动!” hahaha.” War Monger laughs, you and your father are the same, initially he arrived here for the first time, is the alchemy cannon is crazy. He to me suggested that the pricing of cannon, in several words made one set of distribution program.” 哈哈哈。”战贩大笑一声,“你和你的父亲一样,当初他第一次来到这里,为炼金大炮着迷。他向我建议大炮的定价,几句话内就制定了一套销售计划。” He, although is only Blackiron, but indeed has the rare commercial talent! The merchant who I cooperate has many, but any cargo to your father there, is the sales volume is highest.” “他虽然只是黑铁,但的确有罕见的商业才干!我合作的商人有不少,但任何货物到了你父亲那里,都是销量最高的。” Many thanks Lord praise.” Zi Di salutes again. “多谢大人夸奖。”紫蒂再次行礼。 War Monger nods again, the eyes reveal the color of appreciation: You compared with your father having courage color, eloquence also unusual. You successfully convinced Hundred Needles family, only facilitated this marrying. The goal that you choose is good, is appropriate.” 战贩再次点头,双眼流露出赞赏之色:“你比你父亲有胆色,口才也非常了得。你成功说服了百针家族,单凭自己就促成了这场联姻。你选择的目标非常好,非常合适。” In the Zi Di mouth expresses one's thanks, in the heart hides is wiping the hidden in the shade. 紫蒂口中称谢,心中藏着一抹阴翳。 She takes over the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce President first evening, has Luo Shi to assassinate to her. If not father's support requirement letter, making the Gold Rank Mage pointed drill come here, expelled Luo Shi, Zi Di had died at this moment. 她接任紫藤商会会长的第一个晚上,就有螺石对她刺杀。如果不是父亲的求援信,让黄金级法师尖钻来到这里,赶跑了螺石,紫蒂此刻已经死了。 Obviously, some people are not willing to see Wisteria Chamber of Commerce to have one new, and domineering President. 很显然,有人不愿意看到紫藤商会有一个新任的,且性格强势的会长 Zi Di does not know that actually this secret murderer/culprit is what influence or the powerful official, or was some participant of that day conference. 紫蒂不知道这幕后真凶究竟是什么势力或者权贵,亦或者就是那天会议的某个参与者。 In order to protect oneself, Zi Di needs expert to shelter itself. 为了自保,紫蒂需要强者庇护自己。 The pointed drill and War Monger obviously are the best choices. 尖钻、战贩显然是最好的选择。 Because they are the criminals who each continent jointly issues a warrant for arrest, their standpoints are natural. They need Zi Di, but these powerful official influences have the big substitute. 因为他们是各个大陆联合通缉的罪犯,他们的立场天然清晰。他们需要紫蒂,而那些权贵势力则有大把的替代品。 The pointed drill set the requirements of marrying to Zi Di, only then Zi Di achieved, she has with the pointed drill and qualifications of War Monger cooperation. 尖钻向紫蒂提出了联姻的要求,只有紫蒂达到了,她才有和尖钻、战贩合作的资格。 Present Wisteria Chamber of Commerce was too weak, with past in peak condition is completely the difference of the world. 现在的紫藤商会太弱了,和昔日的巅峰状态完全是天地之别。 Once, Zi Di rejected marrying. 曾经,紫蒂拒绝了联姻。 But now, to protect oneself, to revenge to the father, Zi Di can only choose to marry. 但现在,为了自保,为了给父亲报仇,紫蒂只能选择联姻。 She succeeded. 她成功了。 She and Hundred Needles family achieved the close alliance, forms to marry with Zhen Jin. 她和百针家族达成了紧密的联盟,和针金形成联姻。 Should thank the southern war, feeble incomparable Hundred Needles family also needs Wisteria Chamber of Commerce now. 应该感谢南方战争,衰弱无比的百针家族如今也需要紫藤商会 War Monger then said: This type of green liquor cannot sell, cures my strength truly is not it, but is divine artifact of this sapphire gold coffin.” 战贩接着道:“这种绿液是不能出售的,真正治愈我的力量不是它,而是这具青玉黄金棺的神器。” Zi Di stares the eyes: „In that hearsay can divine artifact of resurrecting feather snake god?” 紫蒂微瞪双眼:“是那件传闻中能够复活羽蛇神的神器吗?” War Monger nods, shakes the head at once: Indeed is divine artifact of feather snake god, but it is incomplete. If you see, this divine artifact also lacks a coffin cover.” 战贩点头,又旋即摇头:“的确是羽蛇神的神器,但它并不完整。如你所见,这具神器还缺少一个棺材盖子。” Meanwhile, I am not the follower of feather snake god, does not have corresponding divine force.” “同时,我也不是羽蛇神的信徒,没有相应的神力。” I use the alchemy technique to steal this divine artifact part of power, but makes this type of green liquor, is the limit. So long as leaves the alchemy formation range, the green liquor will expire immediately. Even in formation, the green liquor cannot be the resurrecting life degree by far.” “我用炼金术窃取这件神器的一部分威能,但制造出这种绿液,已是极限。只要离开炼金法阵的范围,绿液就会立即失效。就算在法阵中,绿液也远远达不到复活生命的程度。” Originally is this.” Zi Di sighed. “原来是这样。”紫蒂叹息一声。 Gave your goods to prepare, to place in the goods warehouse.” War Monger summoned Tower Spirit, opened Teleportation Door. “给你的货都已经准备好了,已经放在货仓里。”战贩呼唤塔灵,开启了传送门 Zi Di follows War Monger and pointed drill to arrive at the cargo warehouse, saw the substitute person. 紫蒂跟着战贩、尖钻来到货物仓库,看到了替身。 The substitute people close one's eyes to sink the dormancy, places in a wooden crate. The serial number that on the box labels is EX-866. 替身闭眼沉眠,身处在一个木箱之中。箱子上标注的编号是EX—866。 Sees the appearance of substitute person, the Zi Di heart shakes, unexpectedly so resembles, the substitute person and Zhen Jin is a mold carves simply. 看到替身的样貌,紫蒂心头一震,居然如此相像,替身简直和针金是一个模子刻出来的。 War Monger smiled a sound said: This is I at present the most satisfactory work!”:: 战贩笑了一声道:“这是我目前最得意的作品!”:: „The debugging of appearance, is only the minor details.” “外貌的调试,只是细枝末节。” His original body is silver Knight. To substitute Zhen Jin perfectly, I successfully integrated his within the body Golden Queen Bee bloodline.” “他的原身是一位白银骑士。为了完美地替代针金,我成功地将黄金蜂后血脉融入到了他的体内。” Zi Di the look changes, reveals the color of shock immediately. 紫蒂顿时色变,流露出震惊之色。 Golden Queen Bee is Legend Rank magic beast, the Hundred Needles family bloodline backward source, is it. 黄金蜂后乃是传奇级魔兽,百针家族血脉追溯源头,就是它。 Hundred Needles family Battle Energy Art, battle skill, secret skill wait/etc, based on bloodline, after many years foundations, improvements wait/etc, improves today's this condition step by step. 百针家族斗气诀斗技、秘技等等,都是在血脉的基础上,经过许多年的开创、改良等等,一步步完善到今天这种状态的。 Before instilling into Zhen Jin oneself memory, I one step through the memory crystal, have first instilled into a Hundred Needles family expert memory to him.” “在灌输针金本人的记忆之前,我已经先一步通过记忆水晶,将百针家族的一位强者的记忆灌输给他。” After a series of fights and trainings, his muscle was also modulated by me to most suits the Hundred Needles family battle skill condition.” “经过一系列的战斗和训练,他的肌肉也被我调制到最切合百针家族斗技的状态。” His memory also after careful screening and revision, will not lack the general knowledge. Once obtains the Zhen Jin memory, can match with his time body condition.” “他的记忆也经过精心的筛选和修改,不会缺乏常识。一旦得到针金的记忆,会和他此时的身体状态非常匹配。” Zi Di more listens is fearful and apprehensive. 紫蒂越听越是心惊胆战。 War Monger said, is full of the profound meaning to look to her: As for Golden Queen Bee bloodline, is I consumes the large sum of money, purchases from the Giantmouth Hunters secret. The blood of Legend rank......, has saying that our luck are very good.” 战贩说完,饱含深意地看向她:“至于黄金蜂后血脉,是我耗费重金,从巨口猎团秘密收购过来的。传奇级别的血……啧啧,不得不说我们的运气很好。” The Zi Di complexion thoroughly becomes pale. 紫蒂脸色彻底变得苍白。 Hehe. It seems like you have detected.” The happy expression on War Monger face is getting stronger and stronger. “呵呵呵。看来你已经察觉到了。”战贩脸上的笑意越来越浓重。 Teacher, I have told you, she is an intelligent human race little girl.” The pointed drill echoes to say. “导师,我告诉过你的,她是一个聪明的人族小女孩。”尖钻附和道。 Zi Di has a parched mouth, the heartbeat accelerates: Therefore, planned to change?” 紫蒂口干舌燥,心跳加速:“所以,计划发生了改变?” Yes.” Vision that War Monger appreciates, but he had not explained that but to the pointed drill say/way, you comes to say to her in detail.” “是的。”战贩头来赞赏的目光,但他没有解释,而是对尖钻道,“你来详细给她讲讲。” The pointed drill explained: „, We want to support you, gives you to shelter, making you trade our munitions. Naturally, present Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is unqualified cooperates with us, but you accepted my suggestion, or tests.” 尖钻解释道:“原本,我们是想扶持你,给与你庇护,让你贩卖我们的军火。当然,现在的紫藤商会是不够资格和我们合作的,但你接受了我的建议,或者说是考验。” You succeeded, you and Hundred Needles family married, had this status, so long as Zhen Jin will compete with City Lord to succeed in the future, your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce can stand firm, mass selling our munitions on Wilderness Continent.” “你成功了,你和百针家族联姻,有了这层身份,只要将来针金竞争城主成功,你的紫藤商会就能站稳脚跟,在荒野大陆上大量销售我们的军火。” No matter cultivation magic, is the research in alchemy aspect, needs to experiment massively, consumes the magnanimous resources. 不管是修行魔法,还是炼金方面的研究,都需要大量的试验,消耗海量的资源。 Through trading the munitions, War Monger and pointed drill this can gain the fund to the masters and disciples, invests into cultivation and research. 通过贩卖军火,战贩和尖钻这对师徒能够获取资金,投入到修行和研究当中。 But research and cultivation achievement, can make more advanced munitions, earns more funds. 而研究和修行的成果,又能制造出更先进的军火,赚取更多的资金。 For these years, War Monger has been conducting the positive cycle of this way. 这么多年来,战贩一直在进行着这种方式的良性循环。 Recently these years, he changes to the life alchemy domain, and had the achievements. 最近这些年,他更是转到生命炼金的领域,并且多有建树。 But...... pointed drill then said recently, our alchemy techniques made the major breakthrough. We can Legend rank bloodline, fuse life within the body perfectly. Naturally, is only part of bloodline , and quality of this life body must attain a designated standard, at least is Silver Rank.” “但是最近……”尖钻接着道,“我们的炼金术有了重大突破。我们可以将传奇级别血脉,完美地融合到生命体内。当然,只是一部分的血脉,并且这个生命体的素质也要达标,至少是白银级别。” Coordinates the memory crystal again the words, we can build one directly Zhen Jin, was controlled by us, perfect puppet.” “再配合记忆水晶的话,我们可以直接打造出一个‘针金’,一个受我们控制的,完美的傀儡。” Our luck are very also good. By chance, Giantmouth Hunters hunted and killed Legend rank Golden Queen Bee.” “我们的运气也真的很好。恰巧,巨口猎团就猎杀了一头传奇级别黄金蜂后。” We arranged an ambush, Hundred Needles family to dispatch to the Zhen Jin direct descendant team, had been all extinguished by us.” “我们安排了一场埋伏,百针家族派遣给针金的嫡系队伍,已经被我们全灭了。” The growth of breakthrough and strength of technology, making the ambition of War Monger and pointed drill also follow to inflate. 技术的突破、实力的增长,让战贩、尖钻的野心也跟着膨胀起来。 They are dissatisfied support Zi Di, but wants to embezzle Whitesand City, even starts to control the corrosion and Hundred Needles family. 他们已经不满足扶持一个紫蒂,而是想要侵吞白沙城,甚至开始对百针家族进行侵蚀和控制。 But I have the engagement, if disadvantageous to Zhen Jin, I will backlash.” Zi Di expressed own worry. “可是我有婚约,如果对针金不利,我会遭受反噬。”紫蒂表达自己的担忧。 Relax, then I will act personally, your magic contract revision.” War Monger said with a smile. “放心,接下来我会亲自出手,将你身上的魔法契约修改的。”战贩笑道。 In Zi Di heart ice-cold. 紫蒂心中一片冰冷。 She incomparably deeply realized, with War Monger such existence cooperation, seeks an impossibility simply. 她无比深刻地意识到,和战贩这样的存在合作,简直是与虎谋皮。 The beforehand plan, Zi Di can accept reluctantly. Because she can achieve success one way or another using War Monger and Hundred Needles family two sides, she to Hundred Needles family will disclose on own initiative oneself and War Monger trade ties, this will promote use value of Zi Di enormously in Hundred Needles family eye, safeguards the Zi Di freedom. 之前的计划,紫蒂可以勉强接受。因为她可以利用战贩百针家族两方左右逢源,她会向百针家族主动透露自己和战贩的贸易关系,这会极大提升紫蒂百针家族眼里的利用价值,保障紫蒂的自由。 But is now different. 但现在不同了。 Now, War Monger and the others wanted to cope with Zhen Jin, copes with Hundred Needles family, Zi Di is too weak, can only be bound by their plot clips. 现在,战贩等人想要对付针金,对付百针家族,紫蒂太弱,只能被他们的阴谋夹裹。 Once the accident, plots to murder Zhen Jin this only successor, Zi Di will become the Hundred Needles family mortal enemy, meanwhile will be hostile by Empire high-level all aristocrat! 一旦事发,谋害针金这位唯一的继承人,紫蒂将成为百针家族的死敌,同时还会被帝国高层所有的贵族仇视! The risk of new plan was too high, power that but Zi Di has not rejected. 新计划的风险太高了,但紫蒂没有丝毫拒绝的权力。 I am not cooperating with War Monger, I am only their board game piece.” “我不是在和战贩合作,我只是他们的一颗棋子而已。” In heart dismal incomparable, but Zi Di actually to the present masters and disciples nod, tone heavy said/tunnel: Very good new plan.” 心中悲凉无比,但紫蒂却对眼前的师徒点头,语气沉重地道:“很棒的新计划。” Shortly , the Zi Di footsteps stagger go out of magic formation. 不久后,紫蒂脚步踉跄地走出魔法阵 War Monger worthily is Legend rank Mage, acts personally, successfully changed Zi Di magic contract. 战贩不愧是传奇级别法师,亲自出手,成功改变了紫蒂身上的魔法契约。 Just ended the magic ceremony, Zi Di was dizzy, the spirit was damaged heavily. 刚刚结束了魔法仪式,紫蒂头昏眼花,精神受创不轻。 But War Monger is prepared early, gives Zi Di potion. Renewal quickest cell phone end:: 战贩早有准备,递给紫蒂一份药剂。更新最快手机端:: Zi Di not slightly hesitant, tosses down, the condition is improved quickly. After several breath, she spiritual wound is healed thoroughly, even also the comparison beforehand grew several points. 紫蒂没有丝毫犹豫,一饮而尽,状况迅速好转。几个呼吸之后,她精神上的创伤彻底痊愈,甚至还比较之前增长了几分。 The young girl complexion one side, the intact spirit made Zi Di feel the magic contract slightly rapidly. 少女脸色微微一边,完好无缺的精神让紫蒂迅速感受到了魔法契约。 War Monger said with a smile: I revised it, shifted the body of substitute person its original object. As the matter stands, this magic contract also becomes the sound evidence that a substitute person camouflaged.” 战贩笑道:“我只是修改了它,将它原本的对象转移到了替身的身上。这样一来,这份魔法契约也成了一份替身伪装的有力证据。” From now henceforth, the life link of you and substitute person in one, both sides shared life.” “从今以后,你和替身的生命链接在了一起,双方共享生命。” Naturally, maximum jurisdiction in my hands. So long as my thought moves, this magic contract will be having the earth-shaking change instantaneously, takes your lives. Only if which day I died, otherwise this contract can follow your one, human race young girl.” “当然,最高的权限在我的手中。只要我念头一动,这份魔法契约就会在瞬间发生翻天覆地的改变,取走你们两人的性命。除非哪天我死了,否则这份契约会伴随你一身的,人族的少女啊。” Zi Di looks deathly pale. 紫蒂脸色惨白。 War Monger works to be watertight, does not give Zi Di and substitute person any space of rebelling. 战贩做事情滴水不漏,根本不给紫蒂、替身任何反叛的空间。 If as expected, from now henceforth, Zi Di can only be the War Monger board game piece! 如果不出意外,从今以后,紫蒂就只能是战贩的棋子了! Now this substitute person is short, is Zhen Jin oneself memory.” War Monger said after a sigh. “现在这个替身欠缺的,就是针金本人的记忆。”战贩感叹道。 I to you one set of crystal installment that instills into the memory.” “我会给你一套灌输记忆的水晶装置。” It had certainly been fudged by me, so long as Zhen Jin used this equipment, his all memories will be duplicated secretly.” “它当然已经被我动过手脚,只要针金用了这套装置,他所有的记忆都会被偷偷地复制进去。” Best is to make him handle this matter voluntarily.” “最好是让他自愿去做这个事情。” If forces him, will make the memory duplication present the slight defect.” “如果强迫他,会让记忆复制出现瑕疵。” How as to make him voluntary, I believe you certainly.” “至于如何让他自愿,我相信你一定可以的。” Zi Di does certainly utmost, must not lose the anticipation of War Monger Lord!” Zi Di salutes, partly kneels on the ground. Such attitude makes War Monger and pointed drill very satisfied. 紫蒂一定竭尽全力,必不负战贩大人的期待!”紫蒂行礼,半跪在地上。这样的态度让战贩、尖钻都十分满意。 Several days later...... 数天之后…… In the warehouse in wharf. 码头的一处仓库中。 Lord, this is I for the substitute person who you prepare.” Zi Di is saying with a smile. 大人,这就是我为你准备的替身。”身旁的紫蒂微笑着道。 Unbelievable! Too unbelievable. Possibly how to find the so perfect substitute person!” Zhen Jin exclaims in surprise again and again. “难以置信!太难以置信了。怎么可能找到如此完美的替身!”针金惊叹连连。 Zi Di is with smile on the face, very has mixed feelings. 紫蒂面带微笑,心情却很复杂。 Who can think of Monster Bewildering Island actually in the middle of this sea area. 谁能想到迷怪岛其实就在这片海域当中。 Monster Bewildering Island one line, had the extremely drastic effect on her life. 迷怪岛一行,对她的人生产生了极其巨大的影响。 After this, did my life contact together with you?” Zi Di is staring at the substitute person silently. “从此之后,我的命就和你联系在一起了吗?”紫蒂默默凝视着替身。 I and Zi Di are marry the relations, I am Templar Knight, is the Hundred Needles family sole heir. They do not dare to harm my.” Holds such idea, Zhen Jin is trusting Zi Di very much. “我和紫蒂是联姻关系,我是圣殿骑士,也是百针家族的唯一继承人。他们是不敢害我的。”抱着这样的想法,针金紫蒂很是信任。 According to the plan of Zi Di, Zhen Jin made the memory crystal, camouflaged Hei Juan. 按照紫蒂的计划,针金制造出了记忆水晶,伪装成了黑卷 hahaha.” He laughs happily, that manages the proper business. Must continue to try hard, wants to become a aristocrat wife, by your such status and bloodline, is not easy.” 哈哈哈。”他开心大笑,“那就去办正事去吧。要继续努力啊,想成为一位贵族的妻子,以你这样的身份和血脉,可不容易呢。” „The Lord words, I keep certainly firmly in mind!” Zi Di response. 大人的话,我一定牢记在心!”紫蒂回应。 The Pig's Kiss navigated after some time,...... 猪吻号航行了一段时间后…… Late at night, captains cabin. 深夜,船长室。 Captain softly but actually on the ground, panic-stricken looks at front Zi Di. 船长软软地倒在地上,惊恐地看着面前的紫蒂 What's the matter?” His whole body is paralyzed, is unable to move, I am obviously careful, outside in loosen tight, has been monitoring you. Actually do you how make me be poisoned?” “怎么回事?”他全身麻痹,无法动弹,“我明明已经非常小心,外松内紧,一直在监视你们。你究竟是怎么让我中毒的?” The Zi Di smile, looks to the ink bottle on his table. 紫蒂微笑,看向他桌上的墨水瓶。 Captain Lord, you must deliver a letter to the Templar Knight fragrance skill almost every three days time, report Priest Jia Sha, as well as our information.” “船长大人,你几乎每三天就要向圣殿骑士芬艺送信,汇报一次痂沙神父,以及我方的情报。” „The ink of this high price, you use is also familiar with?” “这种高价的墨水,你用的还习惯吗?” The captain is staring at the ink: „Do you intoxicate by it? Is impossible, this bottle of ink I have started with, why is poisoned now?” 船长盯着墨水:“你是靠它来下毒的?不可能,这瓶墨水我早就开始用了,为什么现在才中毒?” Zi Di shakes the head: You actually do not need to know, what because this involves is barbarian race some herbal medicine knowledge. You can rest.” 紫蒂摇头:“你其实不必知道更多,因为这当中涉及到的是蛮族的某个草药知识。你可以安息了。” No, wait/etc! I can turn to you, turns to Hundred Needles family. Do not kill me, killed me, how can you go to Wilderness Continent smoothly? Without the captain, The Pig's Kiss will be very dangerous!” The captain begs for mercy to say rapidly. “不,等等!我可以投靠你们,投靠百针家族。不要杀我,杀了我,你们怎么能顺利地前往荒野大陆呢?没有船长,猪吻号会很危险!”船长急促地求饶道。 Zi Di extracted has prepared good rapier: If you monitor us, I also even. What a pity, for serveral days you slowed the range intentionally, the time towed for a long time, may be very disadvantageous to us.” 紫蒂抽出早已准备好的刺剑:“如果你只是监视我们,我也就算了。可惜,这些天你故意拖慢航程,时间拖久了,可对我们很不利呢。” Then, tittered a light sound, rapier holds in the magic in addition, passed through the body of captain with ease. 说完,噗嗤一声轻响,刺剑魔法的加持下,轻松贯穿船长的身躯。 You will regret...... Before captain at the point of death, staring, was everywhere fierce, has facing panic-stricken of death, there is a viciousness of revenge. “你会后悔……的。”船长临死前,瞪着眼睛,满目狰狞,有面对死亡的惊恐,也有复仇的狠毒。 „It is not good.” Zi Di realized immediately, the captain is certainly hiding some countermeasure. “不好。”紫蒂立即意识到,船长一定藏着某种反制手段。 Almost is next moment, the magic installment of The Pig's Kiss starts, the entire hull succeeded in giving up two sections. 几乎是下一刻,猪吻号魔法装置启动,整个船体断成了两截。 Damn!” Zi Di rushes to the captains cabin hastily. “该死!”紫蒂连忙奔出船长室。 She uses stealth magic, falls into the chaotic crowd simply not to detect her. 她利用隐身魔法,陷入混乱的人群根本没有察觉到她。 However in she rushes to the Zhen Jin cabin on the way, she stamps the foot fiercely, is shocked to look at dumbly at the scene. 不过就在她奔向针金舱室的途中,她猛地顿足,震惊到当场呆立。 The magic contract relieved suddenly! 魔法契约陡然解除了! The War Monger joke resounds in the Zi Di mind again, this makes her realize that inconceivable fact War Monger died! 战贩的玩笑话再次在紫蒂的脑海中响起,这让她意识到一个不可思议的事实战贩死了! This is impossible!” “这不可能!” But the magic contract truly relieved, War Monger will not do this for no reason.” “但是魔法契约确实解除了,战贩绝不会平白无故这样做的。” He died!” “他死了!” Monster Bewildering Island what happened?” 迷怪岛发生了什么事?” I...... must have a look!” “我……要去看看!” Must have a look, Monster Bewildering Island had certainly some huge change.” “一定要去看看,迷怪岛一定发生了某种巨大的变化。” If War Monger and pointed drill have not died, they will certainly find me in the future again. If they only have the one breath, my temporary decision is rescues or kills!” “如果战贩、尖钻没有死,他们一定会在将来再次找到我。如果他们只剩下一口气,我就临时决定是救还是杀!” If they died, to say alchemy industry of Monster Bewildering Island, was possibly taken over control by me!” “如果他们都死了,岂不是说迷怪岛炼金产业,都可能被我接管吗!” Right, right.” “没错,没错。” I want on the island.” “我要上岛。” I have the 18 th level of jurisdiction, I must on as soon as possible the island!!” “我还有第十八级的权限呢,我必须尽快上岛!!” ( Ps: This chapter changes temporarily greatly, almost writes bug.) (ps:这章临时大改了,差点写出bug。)
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