EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#188: Marries

The manor under dim light of night, a quietness. 夜色下的庄园,一片静谧。 Zi Di shoves open the door slowly, enters in the room. 紫蒂缓缓地推开房门,进入房中。 Lights the candlelight. 点燃烛火。 Father's study room or same as usual, in not many differences from memory. 父亲的书房还是老样子,和记忆中并没有多少差别。 Fang is not big, but the natural lighting is very good. If during the daytime, the sunlight by the glass, will illuminate here very much to be bright. 房家不大,但采光很好。如果是白天,阳光透过玻璃,会照得这里很明亮。 In the study room arranges simply, on the wall has not hung the oil painting, but is a giant continent map. In above, the Zi Di father did many red, the blue symbol. 书房中陈设简单,墙上并没有挂油画,而是一幅巨大的大陆地图。在上面,紫蒂的父亲做了很多红色的、蓝色的标志。 Whenever Wisteria Chamber of Commerce expands to some place, he will make the corresponding change on this map. 每当紫藤商会扩展到某个地方,他就会在这幅地图上做出相应的改变。 Zi Di on this giant map, stops the footsteps. 紫蒂在这副巨大的地图上,停下脚步。 The childhood memory appears. 童年记忆浮现上来。 When she is very young, whenever the father some achievements, invited mother joyfully, came to watch this map, told her the Chamber of Commerce development achievement. 在她很小的时候,父亲每当有一些成就,就欣然地邀请母亲,前来观看这幅地图,告诉她商会的发展成果。 The mother often teased him, probably a child. 母亲常常取笑他,像是一个小孩子。 The father hand points at certain cities that in the map have not been outlining, told mother: He estimated how long can expand Chamber of Commerce to these places. By that time, how some business will be promoted, there is any business therefore cost to plummet. 父亲则手指着地图中还未勾画的某些城市,告诉母亲:他预计多长时间能够将商会扩展到这些地方。到那时,某种生意会如何如何得到提升,又有什么生意会因此成本大降。 The looks at incessant father, the Zi Di mother will reveal to worry about the color gradually. 看着滔滔不绝的父亲,紫蒂的母亲则会渐渐流露出担忧之色。 Do not be too laborious. Was almost OK.” She will urge like this. “不要太辛苦啦。差不多就可以了。”她会这样劝道。 The father shakes the head: Insufficiently, insufficiently, but also is much worse. I must here, here have here, all places set up the Chamber of Commerce branch! All cities, do not let off!” 父亲则摇头:“不够,不够,还差得多呢。我要将这里,这里还有这里,所有的地方都设立商会的分部!所有的重要城市,都不放过!” He achieved......” Zi Di to look up to the map on wall, the assorted symbol covered entirely entire Empire all cities. In addition, many special villages and small towns. “他做到了……”紫蒂仰望着墙上的地图,各色标志布满整个帝国所有的重要城市。除此之外,还有很多特别的村镇。 How astonishing commercial achievement! 多么惊人的商业成就! It is difficult to imagine, this is Blackiron can achieve. 很难想象,这是一位黑铁能够做到的。 But also such huge achievement, becomes the reason that he died. 但也正是这样巨大的成就,成为了他死亡的因由。 Zi Di takes back the vision, paces slowly, finally after arriving at the desk . 紫蒂收回目光,缓缓踱步,最终来到书桌后。 On this giant red wood desk, is placing the words, the document manuscript, small-scale easel. In the easel is a father, mother and Zi Di Station together portrait picture. 这个巨大的红木书桌上,摆放着笔墨,文件稿,还有小型画架。画架中是一幅父亲、母亲和紫蒂在一起的人像画。 Zi Di in picture is very small, is less than four years old, was hugged by the father in the bosom, the small head builds in father's shoulder, whistling falls asleep greatly. 画中的紫蒂还很小,不到四岁,被父亲抱在怀中,小脑袋搭在父亲的肩头,呼呼大睡着。 Zi Di sits down slowly, sits in leather couch that in the father has sat. 紫蒂缓缓坐下,坐在父亲一直坐着的真皮座椅中。 Her body is petite, appearing the seat is wide and big. 她身躯娇小,显得座椅又宽又大。 The year of seat was somewhat long, even the Zi Di body weight is very light, still still made the sound. 座椅的年头有些久了,就算是紫蒂体重很轻,也仍旧发出吱呀的声音。 Zi Di is thinking how the father sits, she imitates subconsciously, elbow on the desktop, both hands empty grasps the fist, holds own chin, or is arriving at own lip. 紫蒂想着父亲是怎么坐的,她下意识地模仿,将手肘支在桌面上,双手虚握成拳,托着自己的下巴,或者抵着自己的嘴唇。 This is she frequently when the night, discovered that the father study room lamp is also shining, pushes the door to come in reminded the father to sleep to see the scene. 这是她经常在深夜里,发现父亲书房灯还亮着,推门进来提醒父亲睡觉时的所见情景。 Father......” “父亲……” In Zi Di mouth twittering, thinks of the conference daytime. 紫蒂口中呢喃,又想到白天进行的会议。 After many veteran no longer despise Zi Di, is the difficult negotiations. 当诸多元老不再轻视紫蒂之后,接下来就是艰难的谈判。 Although these years Zi Di has undergone many tribulations of life, since childhood was also influenced by what one sees and hears, but contacts and participates in this business negotiation truly personally, she is immature. 尽管这些年来紫蒂经历过许多生活的磨难,从小也耳濡目染了很多,但真正亲自接触和参与这种商业谈判,她还是稚嫩的。 Is good because of having the fat tongue openly has been supporting her, opens the mouth repeatedly, brings to light the traps in various types of provisions. 好在有胖舌一直在公开地支持她,多次开口,挑明各种条款中的陷阱。 Most items, but also has not come to an arrangement. 大多数的事项,还都没有谈妥。 Few some reached the cooperation agreement initially. 少部分初步达成了合作协议。 Has few people to depart publicly , indicating that is separated from Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. And has that veteran of control banking. 有一部分人公开离去,表示脱离紫藤商会。其中就有掌控银行业务的那位元老 Zi Di allows to pass to these people, not slightly awkward. 紫蒂对这些人放行,没有丝毫为难。 She sends strong signal outward- must walk walks, I did not fear that your anyone leaves, even if everyone leaves, is fearless! 她向外释放出强硬的信号-要走就走,我不怕你们任何一人离开,哪怕是所有人离开,也无所畏惧! She knows, these people have not accepted to gather, on the one hand cannot have a liking for the condition that each influence gathers, on the other hand is the major powerful official influences cannot have a liking for them. 她知道,这些人之所以没有接受招揽,一方面是看不上各个势力招揽的条件,另一方面是各大权贵势力看不上他们。 This they come here time, attending the funeral is only the superficial intention, truly what wants is from President this is, pulls out the practical value, subsidy oneself. 这一次他们来到这里,参加葬礼只是表面意图,真正想要的是从会长这一系中,掏出实利,补贴自己。 However, Zi Di is not they remembers is so pure, without the human affairs. 但是没想到,紫蒂再不是他们记忆中的那样单纯、未经世事。 Zi Di dominates own benefit firmly, never has slightly laxly. Originally the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce drastic change, a loss of President department is biggest. Only then cooperates to oneself profitably, Zi Di is interested. 紫蒂牢牢把持住自己的利益,从未有丝毫松懈。本来紫藤商会剧变,会长一系的损失就是最大的。只有对自己有利可图的合作,紫蒂才感兴趣。 Now shrinks Zi Di in leather chair, the biggest feeling has two. 现在缩在皮椅中的紫蒂,最大的感受有两个。 First is rich. 第一个是富有。 Even if the loss surpassed 80%, remaining 20%, were still the quite considerable wealth. 就算是损失超过了八成,剩下的20%,仍旧是相当可观的财富。 Second is difficult. 第二个则是艰难。 Displaying their wisdom and bravery and battle of words in conference negotiations let Zi Di to the present, the mind pains. 会议谈判中的斗智斗勇、唇枪舌战让紫蒂到现在,都头脑隐隐作痛。 Meanwhile, wields such many wealth for the first time, Zi Di is not self-confident. 同时,第一次执掌这样多的财富,紫蒂并不自信。 „Can I complete? Can defend these wealth? Can haunch Wisteria Chamber of Commerce?” “我能不能做好?能不能守住这些财富?能否撑起紫藤商会?” Zi Di, you must achieve!” 紫蒂啊,你必须做到!” This is your father's painstaking care, similarly, is the hope that you take revenge!!” “这是你父亲的心血,同样的,也是你复仇的希望!!” Never has revealed to others, but Zi Di under had decided the determination of revenge. 从未向其他人表露过,但紫蒂已经下定了复仇的决心。 During the daytime at the funeral, the fat tongue to these words that Zi Di reveals, actually Zi Di has been well aware. 白天里在葬礼上,胖舌对紫蒂袒露的那些话,其实紫蒂早已心知肚明。 These years tempering, let her very clear truth- from action compared with from spoken language, can see clearly one person. 这些年的磨砺,让她非常明白一个道理-从行动上远比从言语上,更能看清一个人 Once hatred, has dissipated, transfers one type to the father complex recollections. 曾经的痛恨,已经消散,转为一种对父亲复杂的感怀。 Who can not make mistakes? 谁能不犯错呢? Especially facing almost entire Empire powerful official. 尤其是面对几乎整个帝国的权贵。 He does not have to force his daughter truly. 况且,他始终都没有真正地逼迫过他的女儿。 Just merely took office first day, Zi Di deepened many understanding and pardons to her father. 仅仅只是刚刚上任的第一天,紫蒂就对她的父亲加深了更多的理解和体谅。 hahaha!” At this moment, suddenly laughed wildly, broke recalling of Zi Di. 哈哈哈哈!”就在这时,忽然一声狂笑,打破了紫蒂的缅怀。 Then the gate of study room, was shoved open fiercely. 然后书房的门,猛地被推开。 youngster strides bravely forward, arrives at the Zi Di front. His figure is short, probably dwarf. 一个少年昂首阔步,来到紫蒂的面前。他身材非常矮小,像是侏儒。 Ash sends noticeably, because the hairstyle exploded probably generally, is extremely high-profile. 一头的灰发惹人注目,因为发型像是爆炸了一般,极其张扬。 He is grasping the dagger, actually put out a heroic feeling of great sword to youngster forcefully. 他手持着匕首,却硬生生地给少年拿出了一把巨剑的豪迈感。 Who are you?” Zi Di shouts a question. “你是谁?”紫蒂喝问。 hahaha.” The ash sends youngster of explosive warhead haha the size, asked well!” 哈哈哈。”灰发爆炸头的少年哈哈大小,“问得好!” His voice pulls down suddenly, obviously deliberately pinches the intonation of hoarse vicissitudes, long recited: I from the shadow, I dance on the knife point! The destiny choice makes me put down, I actually choose to slaughter. The gods give me to redeem, but I rather destroy. Implements to love with real evil, I am I, surely is big genius Luo Shi of first under heaven assassin!” 他声音陡然压低,明显是刻意捏出沙哑沧桑的语调,长吟道:“我从阴影中来,我在刀尖上起舞!命运选择让我放下,我却选择杀戮。神明给予我救赎,而我宁愿毁灭。贯彻爱和真实的邪恶,我就是我,必定是天下第一刺客的大天才-螺石!” Young girl, I gather your life. Acts, making me kill you!!” “少女哟,我来收取你的性命。出手吧,让我来杀了你!!” Zi Di is very astonished. 紫蒂十分惊愕。 Although she is the first experience assassinates, but this splendid assassination, she is unprecedented. 她虽然是第一次经历刺杀,但这种这种堂而皇之的刺杀,她还是前所未闻的。 No matter this assassin some multi- rare and beautiful flowers, but his murderous aura cannot do false. 不管这刺客有多奇葩,但他身上的杀气是做不得假的。 Comes the person guard!!” Zi Di raises the sound to shout. “来人护卫!!”紫蒂提高声音呼喊。 youngster Luo Shi laughs, favorite said/tunnel: hahaha, you called, you called the broken throat, no one rescued your. Because they had been put to turn by me.” 少年螺石大笑,得意地道:“哈哈哈,你叫吧,你叫破喉咙,都没有人来救你的。因为他们都已经被我放翻了。” Zi Di cold snort/hum, the arm shakes gently, exposes a handful powder from the spacious sleeves. 紫蒂冷哼一声,手臂轻轻一抖,就从宽敞的衣袖中抖落出一小撮粉末。 magic- lime technique! 魔法-石灰术! In her mouth sends out several short syllables, the powder takes material, the rapid explosion, changes into closer powder fog, floods the entire study room all of a sudden. 她口中发出几个短短的音节,粉末作为施法材料,迅速爆炸,化为更加细密的粉雾,一下子充斥整个书房。 Then, she jumps immediately, skill swift evacuates the desk, tumbles the corner. 然后,她立即跳跃,身手敏捷地撤离书桌,翻滚到墙角。 During this, she has used the material in bosom, starts short recitation. 在这个期间,她已经利用怀中的施法材料,开始短促的吟唱。 magic- slightly sound technique! 魔法-微声术! When she stands, noise elimination technique succeeds, making the sound that Zi Di acts and recites entirely small incomparable. 当她站起来时,消声术施法成功,让紫蒂行动和吟唱的声音统统变得微小无比。 She displays third magic again- mirror technique. 紧接着,她又再次施展出第三个魔法-镜像术。 A semblance and she extremely similar mirror, dash to the entrance. 一个外表和她极其相似的镜像,飞奔向门口。 Oh, done good.” Luo Shi sound suddenly after behind transmitting of Zi Di. “哇哦,做的不错。”螺石的声音忽然在紫蒂的身后传来。 Zi Di just produced the shocking mood, by the Luo Shi dagger handle gently one skillful, the battle energy instantaneous conduction, infiltrates to Zi Di within the body, locks in same place her, like the stone, cannot move stiffly. 紫蒂刚产生震惊的情绪,身后就被螺石的匕首把柄轻轻一巧,斗气瞬间传导,渗透到紫蒂的体内,将她锁在原地,僵硬如石,动弹不得。 Lime technique almost can be instantaneous, the slightly sound technique also displays very keenly, the choice of mirror technique is also good.” “石灰术几乎能瞬发,微声术也施展得非常敏锐,镜像术的选择也不错哟。” The review that Luo Shi immense interest, making a Zi Di heart sink to the valley. 身后螺石兴趣盎然的点评,让紫蒂一颗心沉入谷底。 Luo Shi erupts battle energy, blows in the clear room all of a sudden all powder fog. 紧接着,螺石爆发出斗气,一下子吹清房间中所有的粉雾。 Silver Rank!” Sees the battle energy color, Zi Di such as the falling ice cave. 白银级!”看到斗气的颜色,紫蒂如坠冰窟。 Frightened at the same time, has the anger and hatred. 恐惧的同时,更有愤怒和仇恨。 Was you killed my father?!” Young girl interrogation. “是你杀了我的父亲?!”少女质问。 Luo Shi shakes the head: That is not I does. The suspicious assassination, really did not have the graceful bearing of assassin. The man who I resolve to become the first under heaven assassin like this, how possibly handles does not have the matter.” 螺石摇头:“那可不是我干的。偷偷摸摸的刺杀,实在太没有刺客的风姿了。我可是立志成为天下第一刺客的男人,怎可能做这样没品的事情呢。” Although is only casual acquaintance, but Zi Di actually very natural chooses to believe the Luo Shi words. 尽管只是一面之缘,但紫蒂却很自然地选择相信螺石的话。 Luo Shi dagger horizontal dagger-axe on the neck of Zi Di. 螺石将匕首横戈在紫蒂的脖子上。 Because is short, to make this movement, he has to step on with the both feet on the wall surface, attaches the shoe sole with battle energy, making own stance very stable. 因为个子矮,为了做出这个动作,他不得不用双脚踩在墙面上,用斗气附着鞋底,让自己姿态十分稳固。 In information said that you are busy with the livelihood, is negligent to practice magic. Finally you actually promote Blackiron Level secretly, and just fight stance, has certainly usually trained hard.” “情报上说你忙于生计,疏于练习魔法。结果你却偷偷晋升黑铁级别,并且刚刚的战斗姿态,一定平时苦练过。” „, You also are really a sly girl.” “啧啧,你还真是一个狡猾的女孩啊。” Remember, kills your person is my Luo Shi, genius that is doomed to become the first under heaven assassin!” “记住,杀你的人是我螺石,一个注定成为天下第一刺客的天才!” Wait, dwarf! Hires you to need how much money, I leave double!” Zi Di shouts. “等等,侏儒!雇佣你需要多少钱,我出双倍!”紫蒂喊道。 Luo Shi stares, at once flies into a rage: „, I must explode with rage!” 身后的螺石一愣,旋即勃然大怒:“哇呀呀,我要气炸了!” I am the world most outstanding assassin, certainly has the best professional ethics.” “我是天下最优秀的刺客,一定就有最好的职业操守。” Also wants, I am human race, pure human race, is not a dwarf!!” “还要,我是人族,纯正的人族,绝不是侏儒!!” You give me dead!” “你给我去死吧!” The dagger has the anger that Luo Shi is soaring to the heavens, slices to the Zi Di nape of the neck ruthlessly. 匕首带着螺石冲天的愤怒,狠狠地向紫蒂的脖颈切去。 When Zi Di thinks must die without doubt, suddenly hears Luo Shi to send out a being frightened scream, one of the later leaping vanishes without the trace. 就在紫蒂以为必死无疑的时候,忽然又听到螺石发出一声惊惶的尖叫,随后腾的一下消失无踪。 On the wall surface left behind a bloodstain. 墙面上留下到了一道血迹。 What had?” Zi Di suddenly discovered oneself can act. “发生了什么?”紫蒂忽然又发现自己能够行动了。 Was I saved you, new Wisteria Chamber of Commerce President.” A height and beforehand Luo Shi similar goblin, appear in the Zi Di front. “是我救了你,新任的紫藤商会会长。”一位身高和之前的螺石差不多的地精,出现在紫蒂的面前。 He has the goblin smooth head, green skin, long brings some eagles to cancel the nose that. 他有地精光溜溜的脑袋,绿色的皮肤,长长的带着一些鹰勾的鼻子。 Pitifully was a pity, I have fermented spell, holds time that he begins, wants to strike to kill him at the scene. Never expected that this boy can unexpectedly the make way, but can also run away. He is young, battle energy cultivation base has approached Gold Rank, will soon have the qualitative change. This aptitude is rare.” goblin is looking at the bloodstain on wall surface, comments slowly. “可惜啊可惜,我早就酝酿好了法术,抓住他动手的时机,原本想当场击杀他。没想到这个小子居然能闪开,还能逃走。他年龄不大,斗气修为已经逼近黄金级别,即将产生质变。这份资质非常罕见。”地精望着墙面上的血迹,缓缓评价道。 gold Mage!” Zi Di vibrates, goblin life aura reaches as high as Gold Rank unexpectedly, no wonder can startled run Luo Shi. 黄金法师!”紫蒂震动,地精生命气息竟是高达黄金级别,难怪能惊跑螺石 „Are you?” After Zi Di salutes, inquired. “您是?”紫蒂施礼后询问。 You can call me for pointed drill Lord, studies under War Monger.” The goblin pointed drill smiles to say proudly. “你可以称呼我为尖钻大人,师从战贩。”地精尖钻自傲地微笑道。 War Monger! 战贩 Zi Di heart big quake. 紫蒂心头大震。 Your father and my teacher War Monger Lord, have had the relation in business. Before several months, your father transmitted a praying for rescue letter/believes to Monster Bewildering Island. What a pity at that time, I am coordinating the teacher to do an important magic experiment, the letter paper am put aside by Tower Spirit. When discovered after this praying for rescue letter/believes, the teacher assigns/life me to rescue.” The goblin pointed drill answered. “你的父亲和我的导师战贩大人,一直都有生意方面的联系。数月前,你的父亲向迷怪岛传达了一份求救信。可惜当时,我正配合导师做一项重要的魔法实验,信笺就被塔灵搁置了。等到发现了这份求救信后,导师就命我来救援。”地精尖钻解释道。 Many thanks Lord life-saving efforts!” Zi Di salutes again, the whole face is felt grateful and rejoiced. However in her mind, is actually flowing a cold current. “多谢大人的救命之恩!”紫蒂再次施礼,满脸都是感激和庆幸。然而在她的心中,却是流淌着一股寒流。 Just scene, obviously was the pointed drill treats as the bait with her, luring Luo Shi to leak off the flaw. Obviously, in the sharp heartrending, killing Luo Shi is first, rescuing Zi Di is second. 刚刚的情景,明显是尖钻拿她当做诱饵,诱使螺石漏出破绽。很显然,在尖钻心中,杀死螺石是第一位的,救下紫蒂是第二位的。 The recombination he just explained, the Zi Di father's support requirement letter, not and he cares by War Monger truly. How otherwise because of testing to delay? 再结合他刚刚的解释,紫蒂父亲的求援信,并没有被战贩和他真正放在心上。否则怎么会因为实验而耽搁呢? But the Zi Di father should be very close to the War Monger commercial relation. 紫蒂父亲应该和战贩的生意往来很密切。 The Zi Di father can throw the support requirement letter to War Monger, besides burning with impatience, there are to request reinforcements the successful certain assurances. 紫蒂父亲能够给战贩投去求援信,除了心急如焚之外,也有求援成功的某些把握。 Now, War Monger dispatched his student pointed drill to give support, can explain that Zi Di father regarding War Monger, there is a certain use value. 现在,战贩派遣了他的学生尖钻前来支援,也能说明紫蒂父亲对于战贩而言,有一定的利用价值。 Thinks carefully, is not strange.” “仔细想想,并不奇怪。” War Monger is issues a warrant for arrest the list seventh, recognized alchemy Grandmaster, is the veteran arms merchant. He must trade the munitions outward, the best choice is Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. Because six big Chamber of Commerce are only bigger than the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce scale, but is the Empire powerful official controls comprehensively.” 战贩是通缉榜第七,公认的炼金大宗师,是老牌的军火商。他要向外贩卖军火,最好的选择就是紫藤商会。因为仅有六大商会紫藤商会规模更大,但都是帝国权贵全面掌控。” Father was helps certainly War Monger trade many munitions, will therefore be rescued.” “父亲一定是帮战贩贩卖了不少军火,所以才会得到救援。” Unfortunately, too late!” “可惜的是,太晚了!” Oh no.” “糟糕。” He just rescued the matter that I handle while convenient, the key point is to strike to kill Luo Shi. This indicated that he understood Wisteria Chamber of Commerce present situation, I the use value in his heart am very low.” “他刚刚救我只是顺便做的事情,重点是想要击杀螺石。这说明他了解到了紫藤商会的现状,我在他心中的利用价值很低。” Several the time of breath, the Zi Di thoughts revolve like lightning, has sized up the situation correctly. 几个呼吸的时间,紫蒂心思电转,已是看清局势。 In her eye the fine glow flashes, immediately opens the mouth: Pointed drill Lord, my father, although passed away, but I have taken over his position. From now on, I am willing full power to be Lord you, as well as War Monger Lord service!” 她眼中精芒一闪,立即开口:“尖钻大人,我的父亲虽然去世了,但我已经接任了他的位置。今后,我愿意全力为大人你,以及战贩大人服务!” „?” The pointed drill gawked, holds in high esteem to Zi Di, you just the facial expression fluctuated, should be for the first time secret that knows your father business. In order to protect oneself, wants to rely on our strengths...... hehe, your small girl, interesting.” “哦?”尖钻愣了下,对紫蒂刮目相看起来,“你刚刚神情变幻,应该是第一次得知你父亲生意的这个秘密。为了自保,就想要借助我们的力量……呵呵,你这个小丫头,有趣。” All escape difficultly the eyes of Lord.” Zi Di is sincere, I am afraid very much, I have not thought just took over, will annoy to assassinate. For maintaining life, I am willing to take a bigger risk. But I also believe, looks over all Chamber of Commerce of this continent present, still only then here, most was worth Lord you investing.” “一切都难逃大人的双眼。”紫蒂诚挚无比,“我很害怕,我没想到刚刚接任,就会惹来刺杀。为了保命,我愿意冒更大的风险。而我也相信,纵观这片大陆现在的所有商会,也仍旧只有我这里,最值得大人您来投资。” Right.” The pointed drill nods, and your father cooperated was very actually long, we indeed compared to feel relieved to you. Although Wisteria Chamber of Commerce survives in name only, but is this given name, world-famous, therefore also still had the extremely high value.” “没错。”尖钻点头,“和你父亲合作其实很久了,我们对你们的确比较放心。紫藤商会虽然名存实亡,但就是这份名号,天下闻名,所以也仍旧具备极高的价值。” But by your present strength, wants to cooperate with us, wants to receive our asylums, but is unqualified.” “但是以你现在的实力,想要和我们合作,想要受到我们的庇护,可不够资格。” „, How is so competent?” Zi Di is smiling the inquiry. “那么,怎么样才够资格呢?”紫蒂微笑着询问。 Then, the words of pointed drill make her complexion be instantaneous: That marries.” 接下来,尖钻的话却让她脸色瞬间苍白:“那就去联姻吧。”
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