EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#187: Wisteria Chamber of Commerce new President

The drizzle, the sky is gloomy. 细雨绵绵,天空阴沉。 The Zi Di father buries behind the manor, buries husband and wife together one with her mother. This is that year that the Zi Di mother died initially, last wish that the father sets. 紫蒂的父亲就葬在庄园后面,和她的母亲合葬一处。这是当初紫蒂母亲死亡的那年,父亲就定下的遗愿。 Initially, he unearthed the life the first pot of gold/metal, to get married the Zi Di mother, he was almost used to buy the hill that all net worth, and constructed this manor. 当初,他挖掘到人生的第一桶金,为了迎娶紫蒂的母亲,他几乎将所有的身家用来买下的这座小山,并且建造了这处庄园。 Regarding the Zi Di father, this is the testimony of his personal achievements, is the happy start, treats as the end of life. 对于紫蒂父亲而言,这是他人生辉煌的见证,是幸福的开始,也当做生命的终结。 priest in the prayer, the coffin demotes in the middle of the tomb. 神父在祷告,棺材降入墓穴当中。 One group of people wear the black clothes, silent, the atmosphere is solemn and respectful. 一群人身着黑衣,沉默不语,气氛肃穆。 Zi Di stands in the frontline, calmly is staring at the present inner and outer coffin. 紫蒂站在最前方,静静凝视着眼前的棺椁。 This inside is burying her final the family member in this world. 这里面安葬着她在这个世界上最后的亲人。 She is unemotional, in the heart is actually full of sorrowful and hatred. 她面无表情,心中却是充满悲痛和仇恨。 The falling horse perishes, this cause of death is laughable! 坠马而亡,这个死因多么可笑! Her father as super Chamber of Commerce President, Blackiron Level cultivation base, some itself also powerful guard utensils. Even if rides Bursting Hoof Violent Horse, will not so die. 她的父亲身为一届超级商会会长,黑铁级别修为,本身也有许多强大的护身器物。就算是骑乘爆蹄烈马,也不会如此身故。 But such laughable reason, actually the manner accepts. 但就这样可笑的理由,却为人接受。 The ignorant person really believes that variable of sigh with emotion destiny. 无知的人真的相信,感慨命运的无常。 But understands the social rule, person who holds the wisdom is clearer- this is actually the Empire powerful official gives ice-cold of underclass, fierce Warning Wisteria Chamber of Commerce scale is, some Chamber of Commerce President day will also be killed after falling from the horseback suddenly. Who this Empire is controlling, you must be clear! 而深谙社会规则,抱有智慧的人更加明白-这其实是帝国权贵给予下层阶级的一个冰冷,狰狞的警告-紫藤商会如此规模巨大,商会会长也会忽然某一天坠马身亡。这个帝国是谁在主宰,你们应当清楚! priest prays, then some people received the iron shovel, disposes the soil to the tomb. 神父祷告完毕,便有人接过铁铲,向墓穴填埋泥土。 Soon, the funeral finished. 不久,葬礼完毕。 Thank your priest.” Zi Di takes the family member, expressed thanks to priest. “感谢你神父。”紫蒂作为家属,向神父致谢。 Beautiful young lady, please restrain grief, wishing your father to obtain the direction of gods, rises the heaven of god.” The priest comfort said. “美丽的小姐,请你节哀,愿你的父亲得到神明的指引,升上神的天国。”神父安慰道。 The Zi Di father is the follower of plutus, but is irreverent. 紫蒂的父亲是财富之神的信徒,但是并不虔诚。 The follower of plutus, the devout mostly poor, rich belief mostly is superficial. 财富之神的信徒,虔诚的大多贫穷,富有的大多信仰泛泛。 This is very reasonable. 这很合理。 Can be capable of earning the wealth the talent, will become Gwona to have for oneself own blood and sweat, but is not willing to contribute to give the gods. 能够有能力赚取财富的才干,都会将自己的血汗成果纳为己有,而不太愿意贡献给神明。 The person of poor incapacity earnestly seeks the wealth, can only repose in the middle of the prayer, the belief is often reverent. 贫穷无才的人渴求财富,只能寄托于祷告当中,信仰往往虔诚。 Naturally, there is a rich crazy follower, but the quantity compares other gods, are obviously few. 当然,也有富有的狂信徒,只是数量相较其他神明而言,明显是少的。 Regarding the blessing of priest, in the Zi Di heart is very clear, this is impossible. 对于神父的祝福,紫蒂心中很清楚,这是不可能的。 Do not say her father's belief how , after her father was the most important point to note is that killed after falling from the horseback, own soul also dissipated. 不要说她父亲的信仰如何,最重要的一点是,她的父亲坠马身亡之后,自身的灵魂也消散了。 In this world, the person died, deeply does not bury on behalf of the secret. No matter magic or divine spell, many methods can span the death, unearths many information. 在这个世界上,人死了,并不代表秘密深埋。不管是魔法还是神术,都有很多手段可以跨越死亡,挖掘到许多信息。 The soul dissipates, obviously is murderer clean handiwork. 灵魂消散,显然是凶手干净的手笔 The secret murderer/culprit is not willing to leave behind any handle. Was worried actually not Zi Di or the Chamber of Commerce person makes anything, but to avoid this handle falls into the hands of other powerful official influences. 幕后真凶不愿意留下任何的把柄。倒不是担心紫蒂或者商会的人做些什么,而是为了避免这个把柄落入其他权贵势力的手中。 This also caused, Zi Di and the others still do not know foe who kills the father, is actually , which side influence the back is. 这也导致了,紫蒂等人至今都不知道杀死父亲的仇敌,究竟是谁,背后又是哪一方势力。 But I will still do utmost, tries my utmost, investigates the truth, revenges for you! My...... father.” “但是我仍旧会竭尽全力,尽我所能,调查真相,为你报仇!我的……父亲。” Zi Di stands in same place, the shape like the statue, is motionless for a very long time. 紫蒂站在原地,形如雕像,久久不动。 The fat tongue sighed, the racket her shoulder: Do not be extremely sad, small Zi Di.” 身后的胖舌叹息一声,拍拍她的肩膀:“不要太过悲伤了,小紫蒂。” President he actually has the premonition.” 会长他其实已有预感。” He has loved you, and harbors guilty to you.” “他一直爱你,并且对你怀有愧疚。” „After you rejected Garden City main, he withstood the pressure, did not compel you again.” “你拒绝了花园城主之后,他顶住了压力,再未逼你。” These years, you reject his fund, never uses a point, instead oneself fight diligently, this makes him love dearly, is gratified. Many situations in private, he comes to show off to me with each small achievement- he has such a outstanding daughter.” “这些年,你拒绝他的资金,从未动用一分,反而自己打拼努力,这让他心疼,又非常欣慰。很多次私下的场合,他都用你每一次小小的成果来向我炫耀-他有一位这样优秀的女儿。” Zi Di silent long time: Fat tongue uncle, I wants alone with father being together a while.” 紫蒂沉默半晌:“胖舌叔叔,我想单独和父亲相处一会儿。” Good.” The fat tongue nods, turns around to wave, hints others to be far away from the tombstone together. “好的。”胖舌点头,转身挥手,示意其他人一同远离墓碑。 This group of people stand in the distant place, looks at Zi Di and tombstone, starts to talk low voice. 这群人站在远处,看着紫蒂和墓碑,开始小声交谈。 How long can she treat? How long also wants us and others?” Some people are impatient. “她要待多久?还要我们等多久?”有人不耐烦。 Snort, if not she has shrunk in the school, how President Lord possibly drags to bury to the present!” Some people expressed discontentedly to Zi Di, „, even if among the father and daughter had the contradiction, was still insufficient this.” “哼,如果不是她一直缩在学院中,会长大人怎么可能拖到现在才下葬!”有人对紫蒂表示不满,“就算是父女之间有矛盾,也不至于这样啊。” According to the itinerary, is the conference. As soon as possible a point, my here time is very tense.” “按照行程安排,接下来就是会议。尽快一点吧,我这边的时间可是很紧张的。” The fat tongue turns the head, looks to the crowd, the vision is indifferent, he said: Wants, can wait to get down. Does not want, the time is tight, can leave greatly directly, but the conference naturally does not need to participate. 胖舌转头,看向人群,目光冷漠,他表示:想要等的,可以等下去。不想要等,时间紧张的,大可以直接离开了,而会议自然也不必参加。 People's discussion stands still immediately. 人们的议论顿时停歇。 The fat tongue will look at Zi Di again, his heart sorrow. Person who this crowd attended the funeral, is in Chamber of Commerce the veteran person, or is veteran, but the thoughts vary now. Some people want the individual farming, some want to revive Chamber of Commerce, these have certainly the spy. Compared with her father, Zi Di has no prestige regarding these people, definitely cannot suppress the scene. 胖舌再次将目光投向紫蒂,他心忧不已。这群参加葬礼的人,都是商会中老资格的人,或者说是元老,但如今心思各异。有的人想要单干,有的想要重振商会,这其中当然也有间谍。和她的父亲比起来,紫蒂对于这些人没有任何威信,肯定压不住场面。 The conference from the beginning, Zi Di then said directly: How operation Chamber of Commerce, I have not understood these at present. Had anything to say that said directly.” 会议一开始,紫蒂便直接道:“如何运作商会,我目前还不太懂这些。诸位有什么想说的,就直接说吧。” I said directly, my main business is to make the lion vulture seat. However at present alchemist in Chamber of Commerce is poached, in my hand also has the order of big pen not to complete. I need Chamber of Commerce to adjust to me to enough alchemist, helping me get through this difficult time!” “那我就直接说了,我的主要生意是生产狮鹫座椅。但是目前商会里的炼金术士都被挖走了,我手中却还有大笔的订单没有完成。我需要商会这边给我调剂到足够的炼金术士,帮助我渡过这个难关!” I also encountered the suppression in the bread flour business of statue city. In city adds the merchant to join up, competes to me disgustingly. They hire the marketplace hooligan to disturb my shop front, but also hires the bandits and thieves to attempt to burn down my grain storage. I caught the bandits and thieves, but City Lord and protects the City army to stand that side them, simply not fair.” “我在石像城的面粉生意也遭到了打压。城里的多加商户联合起来,对我恶心竞争。他们雇佣市井流氓干扰我的店面,还雇佣盗贼企图烧毁我的粮库。我抓到了盗贼,但城主和护城军都站在他们那边,根本没有公正。” I in the regional banks in fire grey province, one by one ran on. At present my funding chain breaks directly, needs the huge financial aids.” “我在火灰行省的各地银行,也纷纷遭受挤兑。目前我的资金链直接断裂,需要大量资金援助。” ...... …… The people situation is very difficult, before the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce scale was ultra, the crest of wave was very abundant, the commercial domain rapidly expanded, the speed even made Chamber of Commerce President be scared. 众人处境都很艰难,以前紫藤商会规模超巨,风头很盛,商业版图迅速扩张,速度甚至让商会会长都感到害怕。 But now, who knows that Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, overwhelming majority industries were carved up by the major influences. The eaten to the full big alligator leaves the field slowly, comes in swarms by the piranha group that the smell of blood attracts. Everyone saw Wisteria Chamber of Commerce remaining weak, who wants to nip one. 但现在,谁都知道紫藤商会倒了,绝大部分的产业都被各大势力瓜分。吃饱的大鳄缓缓离场,被血腥味吸引过来的食人鱼群蜂拥而至。所有人都看到了紫藤商会残余的虚弱,谁都想咬上一口。 veteran that Chamber of Commerce keeps wait/etc were miserable beyond description, these time is who attended, basically to seek the help, sticking together warms up. 商会留下来的元老等等苦不堪言,这一次参加会议,基本上都是为了寻求帮助,抱团取暖。 Facing many requests, Zi Di shakes the head slowly: I am unable to help everyone, in fact, I do not know how should do.” 面对诸多的请求,紫蒂缓缓摇头:“我无法帮助到大家,事实上,我根本不知道该怎么做。” Miss Zi Di, is actually very simple.” That veteran of operation bank smiles, we know, in the past several years, your father has been remitting money to your account, serves as your school expense.” 紫蒂小姐,其实很简单。”经营银行的那位元老笑了笑,“我们知道,在过去的几年里,你的父亲一直在向你的账户汇款,用做你的学费。” But in fact, this fund amount is huge, far far exceeds the studies have needed.” “但事实上,这笔款项金额巨大,远远超过学业所需。” I think, this should be President Lord provides for a rainy day, ahead of time prepares the good method, is used to deal with us at present this aspect.” “我想,这应该就是会长大人未雨绸缪,提前准备好的手段,就是用来应付我们目前这个局面的。” The magic school position that Zi Di goes to school is aloof, asset in the private account often compares the security. 紫蒂就学的魔法学院地位超然,私人账户中的资产往往比较安全。 Zi Di blinks: You said, making me lend you this sum of money?” 紫蒂眨了眨眼:“你是说,让我将这笔钱借给你?” Yes, so long as I got through this difficult time, my several times return gives you surely, beautiful young lady.” veteran said. “是的,只要我渡过这次难关,我必定数倍地回报给你,美丽的小姐。”元老道。 Zi Di nods: I agreed that this means that in fact, I am willing to try the best to help.” 紫蒂点头:“我同意这个办法,事实上,我很愿意尽自己所能来帮助诸位。” The Chamber of Commerce veteran one by one smile, some people start to commend that the benevolence and acting of Zi Di, have the President style very much. 商会元老纷纷微笑,有的人开始称赞紫蒂的仁慈和担当,很有会长的风格。 Zi Di pondered: I am willing to put out 100,000 gold coins as the loan, I want you to be able black hair Machang as the mortgage. Simultaneously the interests are every year 10%.” 紫蒂思考了一下:“我愿意拿出十万金币作为借款,我希望你能将黑毛马场作为抵押。同时息金为每年百分之十。” Chamber of Commerce veteran smile one by one stiffens. 商会元老的笑容纷纷僵住。 The fat tongue is secretly funny. On come road, he warned Zi Di a lot, but after communication exchange, he discovered pleasantly surprised Zi Di imagined him by far was much maturer. 胖舌暗自好笑。来的路上,他告诫紫蒂很多事情,但沟通交流之后,他惊喜地发现紫蒂远远比他想象中的更要成熟得多。 veteran that grasps the bank also changed the complexion, leapt one stands up from the seat: You are robbing!” 那位掌握银行的元老也变了脸色,腾的一下从座位上站起身来:“你这是在抢劫!”
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