EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#186: In your destiny does not have Knight

Returns to the magic school, Zi Di to relax, she knows that she was safe temporarily. 回到魔法学院,紫蒂松了一口气,她知道自己暂时安全了。 This magic school has seven Legend mage tower, the school has several channels, can lead to 16 demiplane. 这座魔法学院拥有七座传奇法师塔,学院内部有数个通道,能通往十六个半位面 This is one of the Empire best magic schools. 这是帝国最好的魔法学院之一。 Zi Di can study here, her father consumed the large amount of money. 紫蒂能够在这里求学,她的父亲耗费了巨资。 Birthday evening banquet that time flees, looks like a dream. 生日晚宴的那次出逃,就像是一场梦。 Possibly concerned about the reputation/honorary and face, the Garden City lord has not launched an attack. Her father was also still supplying the expense that the Zi Di soaring life and studies, never interrupts. 可能是碍于名誉和脸面,花园城主并未借此发难。她的父亲也仍旧供应着紫蒂高昂的生活和求学的费用,从未中断。 The life of Zi Di as if restored the past tranquility. 紫蒂的生活似乎恢复了往日的宁静。 However, she actually understands that oneself innermost feelings had had the huge transformation. 然而,她却明白自己的内心已经发生了巨大的转变。 She has not used the wealth that the father supplies every month again, she tries to be independent. 她再也没有动用父亲每月供应的钱财,她开始自力更生。 The student in magic school, has three kinds probably. 魔法学院中的学员,大概有三类。 One kind is a powerful official, superior bloodline gives the noble status naturally. 一类是权贵,上等血脉天然赋予高贵身份。 The second kind is the wealthy family juniors, Zi Di is this kind, her bloodline is low, the cultivation magic aptitude is not high, the lifetime achievement is limited, but the teacher receives her for the apprentice, can obtain massive wealth supplies. The research and cultivation of magic, are huge to the consumption of resources. 第二类是富家子弟,紫蒂就是此类,她血脉低下,修行魔法的资质并不高,终身成就有限,但导师收她为学徒,可以得到大量的钱财供应。魔法的研究和修行,对资源消耗非常巨大。 The third order is the aptitude remarkable civilians juniors. This kind of student spirit power is mostly outstanding, through the selection system of Empire, screens layer upon layer, there is a bloodline mutation outstanding seed. If this kind of student can grow smoothly, often can become the school and even the Empire mainstay. 第三类则是资质卓越的平民子弟。这类学员大多精神力出众,通过帝国的选拔制度,层层筛选出来,也有血脉异变的优秀种子。这类学员如果能顺利成长,往往能成为学院乃至帝国的中流砥柱。 Zi Di no longer using the fund that the father provides, this makes her teacher extremely discontented. 紫蒂不再运用父亲提供的资金,这让她的导师非常不满。 In the school will distribute massive duties every day, mainly supplies to these civilian students. Zi Di is only the Bronze Rank magic apprentice, receives the duty the range to be very narrow, completing the task is very difficult. 学院中每天都会派发大量任务,主要是供应给那些平民学员。紫蒂只是青铜级别魔法学徒,接取任务的范围很狭隘,完成任务都很艰辛。 But she depends on these duties, difficult survival. 但她就是靠着这些任务,艰难生存。 This being insufficient makes certainly her self-sufficient, her situation is even more difficult. 这当然不足以让她自给自足,她的处境越发艰难。 She no longer has the fine Chinese dress, starts to fight to return a higher duty with other students, she on hand is too sometimes tight, must poverty. 她不再有精美的华服,开始和其他学员争抢回报更高的任务,有时候她手头太紧,得忍饥挨饿。 Her situation starts known. 她的处境开始为人所知。 The past playmate and best friend, one by one far away from her, some even taunted, did not let off taunts her any opportunity. 昔日的玩伴、闺蜜,都纷纷远离她,有的甚至冷嘲热讽,不放过挖苦她的任何机会。 Has the male student to suggest unceasingly Zi Di- you are not necessary to live like this laboriously, actually your condition is good, you can take advantage of your natural resources, this can receive in exchange for a lot of resources with ease. Even sometimes, exceeds your imagination. 有男性的学员不断暗示紫蒂-你大可不必活得这样辛苦,其实你的条件不错,你可以利用好自身的天然资源,这样能轻松换取很多资源。有时候,甚至超出你的想象。 Without exception, regarding these suggestions and vague requests, Zi Di rejects with stern words. 无一例外,对于这些暗示和隐晦的要求,紫蒂都严词拒绝。 She discovered the other side of the world. 她发现了世界的另一面。 Once the magnificent tranquil and noble serious magic school, in her eyes, showed the brutality of dripping with blood. That mage tower, connects a special jungle. 曾经辉煌宁静、高贵严肃的魔法学院,在她的眼中,展现出了鲜血淋漓的残酷。那一座座法师塔,交汇成一个特别的丛林。 The jungle principle of law of the jungle, is in vogue here similarly. 弱肉强食的丛林法则,在这里同样盛行。 In this jungle, each life has its livelihood. 在这片丛林中,每一个生命都有其生存之道。 expert lives alone, the weak one sticks together. 强者独处,弱者抱团。 Zi Di naturally is not expert, in the meantime, she is also very difficult by the group admission of weak one. 紫蒂当然不是强者,同时,她也很难被弱者的团体接纳。 Zi Di looks like a high canary in bird nest, she dropped the lowest level of this jungle suddenly. The jungle of lowest level does not have the light gloomily, wants to survive, she must hold each wisp of sunlight, each food and water. 紫蒂就像是高枝上的一个鸟窝里的金丝雀,她忽然跌落到了这片丛林的最底层。最底层的丛林阴暗无光,想要生存下去,她必须抓住每一缕阳光,每一份食物和水。 With she similarly small and weak life, looks at canary same she, the natural feeling view brings the repel and guarding, as well as takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. 和她同样弱小的生命,看着金丝雀一样的她,天然感观就带着排斥、提防,以及幸灾乐祸。 She staggers along, suffers a loss to suffer hardships unceasingly. 她跌跌撞撞,不断地吃亏受苦。 In process that seeks livehood difficultly, there are many seductions and traps. 在艰难求生的过程中,有很多的诱惑和陷阱。 These male students' suggestions have never stopped, the fund in her account more...... these is also reminding her with the time more product much, so long as gives up some as if insignificant thing, she can reappear to show the brilliance, reappearing stands in high, obtaining to be relaxed and sight. 那些男性学员们的暗示从未停止过,她账户上的资金也随着时间越积越多……这些都在提醒她,只要放弃一些似乎微不足道的东西,她就能重现展现出光彩,重现站在高枝上,获得轻松且风光。 But Zi Di never vacillates. 紫蒂从未动摇。 Sometimes her firmness, makes her own be surprised. 她的这份坚定,有时候让她自己都感到吃惊。 Slowly , she stood firm in the competitive school difficultly, learns relying on one's own effort to revive, started self-sufficiently. 慢慢地,非常艰难地,她在竞争激烈的学院中站稳脚跟,学会了自力更生,开始自给自足。 I can by my both hands, support itself by my work finally!” “我终于能靠自己的双手,靠自己的劳动来养活自己!” This sense of achievement made her body and mind joyful, making her fill proudly. 这份成就感让她身心愉悦,让她充满了自豪。 Meanwhile, she also feels inferior with discouraged. 但同时,她也自卑和气馁。 Is diligently, she more can feel her potential barren, the gloom of prospect. 越是努力,她越是能感受到自身潜质的贫瘠,未来前景的暗淡。 According to her spirit power as well as bloodline, she highest achievement, only has Blackiron Level lifelong! 按照她的精神力以及血脉,她终身最高的成就,就只有黑铁级别 This means, in the middle of this unique jungle, she investigates its lifetime effort , before only meeting, is separated from the muddy land, achieves the tree trunk position. She cannot even climb up the lowest branch. 这就意味着,在这个独特的丛林当中,她究其一生的努力,也只会面前脱离泥地,达到树干的位置。她甚至攀不上最低的枝头。 Although about this cognition, Zi Di has. However now, she felt despair in this sincerely. 虽然关于这点的认知,紫蒂早就有了。但是如今,她更加深切地感受到了此中的绝望。 She starts to understand that these companions, somewhat taunted the female student who and created obstacles to the utmost to her, why they chose to use oneself body to receive in exchange for the relatively relaxed superior life. 她开始理解身边的那些同伴,有些对她极尽挖苦和刁难的女学员,为什么她们选择用自己的身体来换取相对轻松优越的生活。 The understanding does not represent the approval. 理解并不代表认同。 As extremely pretty institute flower, insistence and individual trying hard of Zi Di make her individualistic, increases the charm. 身为极为貌美的院花,紫蒂的坚持和个人努力让她特立独行,更增魅力。 More and more pursuers appear in her side, but suffers her attitude strict rejection. 越来越多的追求者出现在她的身边,但都遭受她态度严明的拒绝。 Her teacher after is suggesting and is indicating clearly repeatedly is invalid, finally lost the patience, eliminated her in own subordinates status. 她的导师在多次暗示、明示无效之后,终于失去了耐心,剥夺了她在自己麾下的身份。 Zi Di can only as ordinary student, continue to live in the school. 紫蒂只能以普通学员的身份,继续在学院中生活。 But she gradually is instead like a fish in water. 但她反而渐渐地如鱼得水起来。 The intelligent mind, the keen piercing strength, as well as by the personal connection that the good reputation/honorary, eloquence and wrist/skill establish, making her seize small opportunities times. 聪明的头脑,敏锐的洞穿力,以及凭借良好名誉、口才、手腕建立起来的人脉,让她抓住一次次的小商机。 Early morning wharf, the fish market has launched. 清晨的码头,鱼市已经展开。 A Zi Di casual attire, strolling in. 紫蒂一身便装,漫步其中。 The fish fishy smell smell that once she loathed extremely, she does not care at all now radically. 曾经她极为厌恶的鱼腥气味,现在她根本毫不在意。 She came to the fish market many to be inferior, every was one time selects and purchases the tuna. 她来鱼市已经很多次了,每一次都是来选购金枪鱼。 The tuna is the one category of fish, can subdivide yellow Qi, the big eye, southern bluefin tuna, the long fin, bonito wait/etc. 金枪鱼是鱼的一种大类,可以细分出黄鳍、大眼、蓝鳍金枪鱼、长鳍、鲣鱼等等。 Zi Di can always select and purchase the quality best tuna. This is she through inquiring, as well as using the library rich book collection, and experiences of purchases, the achievement that must come. 紫蒂总是能选购出品质最佳的金枪鱼。这是她通过打听,以及利用图书馆丰富藏书,以及一次次购买的经验,得来的成果。 In the school has a teacher most to like eating the tuna, almost issues such duty every day. Zi Di by the intention and strength, emerges from many competitors. Although the duty reward are not many, but wins in has almost every day. 学院中有一位导师最爱吃金枪鱼,几乎每天都发布这样的任务。紫蒂凭借用心和实力,从众多的竞争者中脱颖而出。虽然任务报酬不多,但胜在几乎每天都有。 Quick, through the sharp eloquence, Zi Di presses the minimum limit the price, purchased enough tuna. 很快,通过犀利的口才,紫蒂将价格压到最低的极限,购买到了足够的金枪鱼。 Not far away will transmit suddenly clamors with the noisy sound. 正要走,不远处忽然传来喧哗和吵闹的声音。 Zi Di takes a broad view to look, saw that two Bronze Rank fishermen are disputing. 紫蒂放眼望去,就看到两个青铜级的渔夫正在争执。 In her heart understands clearly immediately, this is competing for the status of fish king. Almost every day, among the fishermen in fish market will compete for the same day fish king. 她心中顿时了然,这是在争夺鱼王的身份。几乎每天,鱼市上的渔夫之间都会争夺当天的鱼王。 Obtains the fish king status fisherman, the stall association/will obtains the key attention. Often less than half morning time, the fish in stall will sell. 得到鱼王身份的渔夫,摊位总会是得到重点关注。往往不到半个上午的时间,摊位上的鱼都会销售一空。 Competes for the rule of fish king to be very simple, is the weight of single scroll fish the pure competition this morning catches. 争夺鱼王的规则很简单,就是单纯比拼今早捕获的单条鱼的重量。 However today's situation is somewhat complex, therefore argued. 但是今天的情况有些复杂,因此发生了争执。 An originally competed for the fish king status fisherman, was discovered in large-scale sea fish that he caught, is hiding one person unexpectedly! 一位原本争夺到了鱼王身份的渔夫,被发现他捕获的大型海鱼中,竟藏着一个人 This unfortunate drowning person suffocates, most body also in fish maw. 这个不幸的落水者奄奄一息,大半个身体还在鱼肚中。 The fisherman of failure saw this situation, immediately indicated, the weight of person cannot superimpose to the body of fish. 原本失败的渔夫看到这种情况,立即表示,人的重量不能叠加到鱼的身上。 The fisherman but who had victory in the hand said strongly, this drowning person is in the stomach of big fish the food, must be the weight of fish! Oneself catch, overcame the person weight of together big fish , the difficulty is very big. 但原本胜券在握的渔夫则强硬地表示,这个落水者是大鱼的肚中食粮,应当算是鱼的重量!自己捕获的时候,也是克服了大鱼和人一同的重量,难度是很大的。 But other fisherman snorts contemptuously to this view, stomach China , Cyprus of big fish such a man, the action is certainly slow, this caught key. 而另外的渔夫则对这一说法嗤之以鼻,大鱼的肚中塞着这样一个男人,行动一定迟缓,这才是被捕获的关键。 both sides cling to his own interpretation, lock horns, the surrounded people are also divided into two schools, supports one person respectively. 双方各执一词,争执不休,围观的群众也分成两派,各支持一人。 Zi Di actually saw that this drowning person situation is not wonderful, shouts said: No matter how said that should first save others.” 紫蒂却看到这位落水者情况不妙,呼喊道:“不管怎么说,还是应该先救人啊。” hai, this is the barbarian person, has something to rescue!” The crowd thinks little. “嗐,这是个蛮人,有什么可救的!”人群不以为意。 If pure human race, the people also possibly rescue, but the person mainly lives in Frost Continent, is the alien race. 如果是纯正的人族,众人还可能施救,但蛮人主要生活在冰霜大陆,是异族。 Zi Di is not cruel enough, the eye looks at person must die, she hesitant, pulled out potion from the bosom, pours into the mouth of person. 紫蒂不忍心,眼看着蛮人就要死亡,她犹豫了一下,还是从怀中掏出了药剂,灌入蛮人的口中。 The old barbarian person regained consciousness, yelled, is unable to exchange, unexpectedly is a lunatic. 苍老的蛮人苏醒了,却哇哇大叫,无法交流,竟是个疯子。 Some people teased Zi Di, this for treating potion value not poor, was actually used to save a lunatic, has not returned completely. 有人就取笑紫蒂,这份治疗药剂价值不菲,却用来救了一个疯子,完全没有回报。 Zi Di sighed, she was not cruel enough, but rescued, did not scheme the return. 紫蒂叹息一声,她只是不忍心而去施救,并不是图谋回报。 But she has not refuted anything, but lowers the head to depart. 但她也没有反驳什么,而是低头离去。 She is not noticeable. 她并不惹人注目。 Because she goes out each time, will use shapeshift potion to change own appearance temporarily. Otherwise by her original appearance, where arrives, is the focuses of people line of sight. 因为她每次外出,都会动用变身药剂临时改变自己的容颜。否则以她本来的样貌,走到哪里,都是人们视线的焦点。 The day passes by day-by-day, the lunatic old person became a fish market scenery gradually. 日子一天天过去,疯子老蛮人渐渐成了鱼市一景。 He like the firewood, has hair dishevelled skinnyly, although acts like a madman, but threatens very slightly. The fishermen treat as the object who him makes fun, every day plays jokes upon him, seeks the pleasure on him. 他枯瘦如柴,披头散发,虽然疯疯癫癫,但威胁很小。渔夫们将他当做捉弄的对象,每天都戏耍他,在他身上寻乐子。 However, old person, although crazy, the instinct that but eats food still, him depends upon to eat uncooked the fish internal organs that in the fish market abandons, survives reluctantly. 不过,老蛮人虽然疯癫,但进食的本能还在,他依靠生吃鱼市中遗弃的鱼类脏腑,勉强存活下来。 Zi Di almost must come to the fish market every day, can sometimes see the old lunatic person, then sometimes cannot see, more often, Zi Di can bring some food, gives to the old lunatic person specially. 紫蒂每天几乎都要来鱼市,有时候能看到老疯子蛮人,有时候则见不到,更多的时候,紫蒂会带着一些食物,专门送给老疯子蛮人。 A several years later day. 几年后的一天。 She in the corner of fish market lane tail, discovered old lunatic person who is sleeping soundly. 她在鱼市巷尾的角落里,发现了正在熟睡的老疯子蛮人。 While she is placed food when the front of old lunatic person, the old person opened the eyes slowly, with fluent commonly used language: Many thanks you, young good young lady.” 正当她将食物摆在老疯子蛮人的面前时,老蛮人缓缓睁开了双眼,用流利的通用语道:“多谢你,年轻善良的小姐。” Zi Di is startled. 紫蒂大吃一惊。 The old person pulled out one volume of beast papers from the bosom. 老蛮人从怀中掏出了一卷兽皮纸。 I was getting more and more sober.” “我越来越清醒了。” This is the potion formula that I manufacture, is potion of our person clan and tribe.” “这是我制作的药剂配方,是我们蛮人部族的药剂。” Please must accept, the young young lady, our person is always full of gratitude.” “请你务必收下,年轻的小姐,我们蛮人向来都知恩图报。” Zi Di met, quick was captured the attention firmly. 紫蒂接了过去,很快就被牢牢吸引住了目光。 These formulas, although uses herbal medicine's nature, is not magic potion. But is very rare, even in the library still only has 12 including. Many thanks you......” “这些配方,虽然只是利用草药本身的物性,并不算魔法药剂。但十分罕见,就算是图书馆中也只有一两份收录。多谢你……” Zi Di raised the head, stops the sound startled. 紫蒂抬起头,愕然止声。 Perhaps she wallowed in these potion formulas, the old person has disappeared does not see. 可能她太沉迷于这些药剂配方了,老蛮人已经消失不见。 Her first realizing, this is an old person who has the story. 她第一次意识到,这是一个有故事的老蛮人。 Impact that this not too big nor too small fortuitous encounter has, is even more remarkable in the Zi Di later years. 这场不大不小的奇遇带来的影响,在紫蒂之后的岁月里越发显著起来。 Zi Di more is the study, more discovered that potion on this beast paper, with magic potion is the different systems. Although very obviously is the experience feedback of person tribe, lacks research and meticulous spirit that Mage advocates, but practical value quite high. 紫蒂越是钻研,越发现这份兽皮纸上的药剂,和魔法药剂是不同的体系。虽然很明显是蛮人部落的经验总结,缺乏魔法师倡导的研究和缜密的精神,但实用价值相当的高。 The Zi Di beforehand teacher most excels is the alchemy technique, Zi Di besides main magic cultivation, takes as an elective is also the Branch Potionology of alchemy technique. 紫蒂之前的导师最擅长的就是炼金术,紫蒂除了主要魔法修行之外,选修的也是炼金术的分支-药剂学 Several months later, the research of Zi Di started the slight achievement. 几个月后,紫蒂的研究开始得到了些微成果。 A year later, these achievements are getting more and more. 一年后,这些成果越来越多。 Some ordinary potion reputations that she sells, starts to spread among the ordinary citizens, even some students, because in pouch shy, discarded soaring magic potion, chooses Zi Di barbarian race potion. 她售卖的一些普通药剂的美名,开始在普通市民之间流传,甚至有些学员们因为囊中羞涩,也舍弃了高昂的魔法药剂,选择紫蒂蛮族药剂 After I graduate, perhaps I can open an ordinary potion shop in the city.” In she starts to look forward to the happy future of this enterprise, a sad news comes suddenly. “当我毕业后,或许我可以在城中开一家普通的药剂店铺。”就在她开始展望这份事业的美好未来时,一份噩耗忽然传来。 The father died! 父亲死了! Just learned when this news, the first response of Zi Di cannot believe it. 刚得知这个消息时,紫蒂的第一反应是不敢去相信它。 Perhaps is this only the father the method that wants to trap me to go home?” “或许这只是父亲想要诱骗我回家的手段?” In recent years, she has never gone home. 这些年来,她从未回过家。 However, Fei She and other receiving a letter of one after another veteran, told this brutal fact. 但是紧接着,肥舌等诸多元老的相继来信,都告诉她这个残酷的事实。 The endless sorrow submerged Zi Di. 无尽的悲痛淹没了紫蒂 Although Zi Di hates her father, but has never thought truly one day, will know his death news. 尽管紫蒂恨她的父亲,但从未真正想过有一天,会得知他的死讯。 He was I only the family member in this world.” Zi Di cries. “他是我在这个世界上唯一的亲人了。”紫蒂以泪洗面。 The lonely, vacant and tiny feeling, not the tide, curls the seat probably torrentially her heart. 孤独、茫然、渺小的感觉,像是滔滔不尽的浪潮,卷席她的心田。 Although these year of Zi Di have supported oneself, has been able to depend upon itself, lives in this city independently. 尽管这些年紫蒂已经自立,已经可以依靠自己,在这个城市中独立地生活。 Although these years, she has not spent the one cent wealth that the father mails. 尽管这些年,她没有花父亲寄来的一分钱财。 When her father died truly, she realizes the father in her heart, true position in her life. 当她的父亲真正死亡,她才意识到父亲在她心中,在她生命里的真正地位。 Although she quarrels with the father, although hates him, but deeply is also loving him! 她虽然和父亲反目,虽然仇恨他,但也深爱着他! In the later several months, Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is precarious, falls into the middle of the fierce civil strife, the powerful officials carve up the industry of Wisteria Chamber of Commerce rapidly, lots of Chamber of Commerce members change ways, turns to others either voluntarily or be forced. 之后的几个月里,紫藤商会风雨飘摇,陷入剧烈的内乱当中,权贵们迅速瓜分紫藤商会的产业,大量的商会成员改弦易辙,主动或者被迫地投靠他人。 Has to the Zi Di letter, in the letter/believes most is persuades the Zi Di stand, protects base industry that old President leaves behind. Because of according to the traditional and Empire regulation, she is the Chamber of Commerce only successor. 有很多给紫蒂的来信,信中绝大多数都是劝说紫蒂站出来,保护老会长留下的基业。因为按照传统以及帝国的律法,她是商会唯一的继承人。 But Zi Di ignores, she shrinks in the magic school, does not go out. Insisting several years of fish market duties, abandons does not do. 紫蒂置若罔闻,她缩在魔法学院中,再不外出。坚持了几年的鱼市任务,也都抛弃不做。 She knows, the magic school is her haven, is the present stage can shelter her only, can give her the life security the place. 她知道,魔法学院是她的避风港,是现阶段唯一能够庇护她,能给她生命安全的地方。 Finally, several months, a gluttony grand feast of many influence draws to a close slowly. 终于,几个月的时间,一场诸多势力的饕餮盛宴徐徐落下帷幕。 Wisteria Chamber of Commerce almost only had a reputation, the most valuable industry, became others the thing. 紫藤商会几乎只剩下了一个名头,绝大多数有价值的产业,都成了他人之物。 Past scenery infinite super Chamber of Commerce, has to surpass the traditional six big Chamber of Commerce intense trend jumbo, reduced to the soil in just several months thoroughly. 昔日风光无限的超级商会,有着赶超传统六大商会的强烈趋势的巨无霸,在短短几个月内彻底沦落到泥土当中。 Sigh sigh with emotion has it, dreads lingering fear to have it, hitting a person when he is down has it, the observer has it indifferently...... 叹息感慨者有之,畏惧后怕者有之,落井下石者有之,漠然旁观者有之…… Finally, after all settle down, Zi Di left the magic school. 终于,在一切都尘埃落定后,紫蒂离开了魔法学院。 In this period of time, she hides in the middle of the magic school. 在这段时间里,她都躲在魔法学院当中。 Now, she needs to attend father's funeral. 现在,她需要参加父亲的葬礼。 Small Zi Di, and should not be guilty. You do this are right, right, these before urged the people who you came out and to harbor evil intentions, want to use you to compete for more and many benefits.” Fei She is leading one team of troops, comes to aid her. “小紫蒂,不、不要内疚。你这样做是对、对的,那些之前劝你出来的人都、都居心叵测,想要利用你争夺更多、多的利益。”肥舌带领着一队人马,前来接应她。 But, but is careful, the big alligator ate to the full, the fierce piranha still wanders in the turbid water and water.” “但、但是还要小心,大鳄吃饱了,凶恶的食人鱼还在浑水、水里游荡。” Before low-key , the number of lines day, Zi Di one group of arrived at the foot of the hill small town. 低调前行数天,紫蒂一行人来到了山脚下的小镇。 In the small town was full of the happy atmosphere, a circus troupe arrives at the small town, takes to townspeoples one year few enjoyment activities. 小镇中充满了欢乐的氛围,一支马戏团来到小镇,带给镇民们一年里为数不多的欢娱活动。 The clowns, smoke and fires, the colorful balloon and arrange/cloth puppet show, step on the brown bear of drum, the monkey of dancing, as well as from the East, blows the dance snake person of flute. 小丑、烟火、七彩缤纷的气球、布偶戏、踩圆桶的棕熊,跳舞的猴子,以及来自东方,吹笛的舞蛇人。 Zi Di slow vanguard of carriage in crowded crowd. 紫蒂的马车在拥挤的人群中缓慢前行。 In the carriage a dreariness, in the heart of Zi Di is surging sadly. 马车内一片沉寂,紫蒂的心中涌动着悲伤。 Inside and outside the carriage is the bright two world. 马车内外是鲜明的两个世界。 Opens the window curtains, Zi Di catches the eye, is expected to see the manor on hillside. 挑开窗帘,紫蒂一抬眼,就可望见到山坡上的庄园。 There once was her family/home, the manor as if did not have many changes. 那里曾经是她的家,庄园似乎没有多少变化。 In her mind appears the time of childhood, she scene in the manor living, this small town. Every year the circus troupe arrives, she will also visit to play in the company of guards. 她的脑海中浮现出童年的时光,她在庄园中生活的情景,还有这座小镇。每年马戏团到来,她也会在护卫们的陪伴下参观游玩。 Even if in the circus troupe a parrot that performs to smoke, can make young her exclaim in surprise and be crazy. 马戏团中哪怕一只表演抽烟的鹦鹉,就能让年幼的她为之惊叹和着迷。 Now, she came back. 现在,她回来了。 She grew up, no matter the age, is the story. 她长大了,不管是年龄,还是阅历。 Past in the happy manor, is disclosing sad aura. In memory mysterious incomparable circus troupe, could not take to the Zi Di initial surprise and affected again. 昔日里美好的庄园,透露着悲伤的气息。记忆中神秘无比的马戏团,也再带给不了紫蒂当初的惊奇和感动。 All already the people are no longer the same. 一切都已经物是人非。 The motorcade slowly across the bustling streets, under the simple stage that a horse compartment transforms, is sitting in a circle one group of children. When the stage is putting up a arrange/cloth puppet show, the Zi Di childhood of performance, that story that most likes listening to- princess, devil and Knight. 车队缓缓地穿过闹市,一个马车厢改造的简易舞台下,围坐着一堆孩童。舞台上正上演着一场布偶戏,表演的正是紫蒂童年时,最爱听的那个故事-公主、恶魔骑士 Hears these familiar lines, Zi Di recalled that once with mother, strolled the scene in small town together. 听到那些熟悉的台词,紫蒂回想起曾经和母亲,一同来逛小镇的情景。 Mom, devil is quite hateful, I must defeat it! I can hit, the son of gardener compared with my greatly am two years old, is not my opponent.” “妈妈,恶魔好可恶啊,我要打败它!我很能打的,花匠的儿子比我大两岁,都不是我的对手。” Her mother said with a smile: My little princess, fighting is not virtuous young woman this matter of doing. Relax, you do not need to act, you will have your Knight, he will protect your life.” 她的母亲笑道:“我的小公主啊,打架可不是淑女该做的事。放心吧,你不必出手,你会有你的骑士,他会守护你一生。” My Knight?” Childhood Zi Di eyes flash, he where?” “我的骑士?”童年紫蒂双眼闪光,“他在哪里呢?” Un...... mother is not quite clear. What we definitely know is that he will certainly appear in your life.” “嗯……妈妈也不太清楚呢。但可以肯定的是,他一定会在你生命里出现的。” Mom, what in that tent is?” “妈妈,那个帐篷里又是什么?” That is the Fortune teller tent.” “那是占卜师的帐篷哟。” What is divination? I want to take a look.” “占卜是什么?我想去看看。” Too late, when mother will bring next year, is good? My lovable little princess, we should go home to sleep. Clever.” “太晚啦,等到明年妈妈带来去,好不好?我可爱的小公主,我们该回家睡觉了。乖哦。” „......” Childhood Zi Di lowers the head, replies is not willing. “哦……”童年紫蒂低下头,回答得很不甘愿。 The motorcade arrives at the outskirt finally, crossed here, is a mountain road. The end of mountain road, is a manor. 车队终于来到街尾,过了这里,就是山路。山路的尽头,就是庄园。 A blue tent, stands in the outskirt. 一座蓝色的帐篷,就立在街尾。 This is the Fortune teller tent, is deserted, is very of lonely and other stalls circus troupe forms the striking contrast. 这是占卜师的帐篷,人迹寥寥,很冷清和马戏团的其他摊位形成鲜明对比。 The divination is one of the prediction, is very profound magic domain. 占卜是预言的一种,是很深邃的魔法领域。 But folk Fortune teller mostly is the god god talks on endlessly, the class/flow of swindling and abducting. Perhaps is every year comes to the small town, the townspeoples in Fortune teller to circus troupe know the whole story, the interest of again not patronizing. 但民间的占卜师大多是神神叨叨、坑蒙拐骗之流。或许是每年都来小镇,镇民们对马戏团里的占卜师知根知底,再没有光顾的兴趣。 Parking, I want.” Zi Di is popular to the opens the mouth suddenly. “停车,我要下来。”紫蒂忽然兴至开口。 She gets out, kept outside the guard the tent. 她下了车,把护卫留在了帐篷外。 In the tent is dim or dark, as if purposely creates the mysterious atmosphere. 帐篷里光线暗淡,似乎刻意营造神秘氛围。 Zi Di is sizing up the arrangement in tent interestingly, the sharp vision that these years she exercises, judges many spurious herbal medicines immediately, as well as many copies magical artifact. 紫蒂饶有兴趣地打量着帐篷里的陈设,这些年她锻炼出来的犀利目光,立即判断出很多伪劣的草药,以及诸多仿造的魔法器具 She not only disappointed is not accidental/surprised. 她既失望又不意外。 Guest, what can you practice divination?” Fortune teller asked. “客人,你要占卜什么呢?”占卜师问道。 Zi Di then casts the vision. 紫蒂这才投去目光。 Fortune teller is a granny, the wrinkle is very deep, the forehead center diagrams dark blue nine glow stars. 占卜师是一位老婆婆,皱纹很深,额头中心绘有一颗深蓝色的九芒星。 She sits very much at will: Please practice divination, does Knight in my life, when arrive?” 她很随意地坐下来:“请占卜一下,我生命中的骑士,什么时候到来?” Fortune teller starts to try to find out on the short table obviously the crystal ball of copy, and in mouth verbose, whispered is being hard to hear clearly, perhaps she unreadable voice. 占卜师开始摸索矮桌上明显仿造的水晶球,并且口中絮絮叨叨,嘀咕着难以听清,或许她本人都难以理解的声音。 The Fortune teller brow starts to wrinkle, in the mouth the sound is getting more and more anxious, she suffered the difficult position that was hard to ponder over probably. 占卜师眉头开始皱起,口中声音越来越急,她像是遭遇到了难以琢磨的困境。 Suddenly! 忽然! Her whole body twitches, the eyes upturn fiercely, only reveals the white of the eye. 她全身抽搐起来,双眼猛地上翻,只露出眼白。 Her corner of the eye, nostril and corners of the mouth, both ears flow the bright red bloodstain! 她的眼角、鼻孔、嘴角、双耳都流淌出鲜红的血迹! She incomparably screamed panic-stricken: „......!” 她惊恐无比地叫出声来:“啊……啊!” I saw...... I saw your destiny......” “我看到了……我看到了你的命运……” In your destiny...... does not have Knight!” “你的命运里……没有骑士!” Only then, only then......!!! wild beast, no, is a monster!” “只有,只有……啊!!!一头野兽,不,是一头怪物!” Monster!!!” “怪物!!!” Zi Di had a scare, stands subconsciously. 紫蒂被吓了一跳,下意识地站立起来。 The guard outside tent hears the sound, immediately infiltrates. 帐篷外的护卫听到动静,立即钻了进来。 Fortune teller lies on the table, in the eye socket unexpectedly is the supercilious look, extends the strange claw old hand, grasps to Zi Di. 占卜师趴在桌上,眼眶中竟是白眼,伸出怪爪般的苍老的手,抓向紫蒂 The guards go forward immediately, has drawn out the sword of half. 护卫们立即上前,其中一位已经拔出了半截的剑。 Stop, do not make much ado about nothing. This is only the cheap trick of saying things just to frighten people.” Zi Di calms down, smiled one. “住手,不要大惊小怪。这只是危言耸听的小把戏。”紫蒂冷静下来,笑了一声。 She ejects a silver coin, loses to the short table on. 她抛出一枚银币,丢到矮桌上。 Gives you.” “给你。” Performance well.” “表演得不错。” She turns around to leave, the guard follows. 她转身离开,护卫紧随其后。
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