EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#185: Princess's royal crown

In the process of growth, the change are too many. Only invariable, seems like father's love to the daughter. 成长的过程中,变化太多。唯一不变的,似乎是父亲对女儿的宠爱。 Year by year, he even more is vastly luxurious to the birthday party that the daughter holds. 一年又一年,他给女儿举办的生日宴会越发奢华浩大。 The 11 th birthday banquet, the father consumed the large amount of money, the banquet covered entire Garden City. 11岁的生日宴会,父亲耗费巨资,宴会涵盖了整个花园城 Here, stops.” The father loosens blocks from the hand of Zi Di double pupil, clang clang clang!” “就在这里,停下来。”父亲松开遮住紫蒂双眸的手,“铛铛铛!” The Zi Di eyes are suddenly bright, small mouth becomes the o shape subconsciously, on the face reveals the thick pleasant surprise and accidental/surprised. 紫蒂双眼骤亮,小嘴下意识地张成o形,脸上流露出浓浓的惊喜和意外。 In her at present, one as high as three meters, is divided into 11 giant cakes, is sparkling the brilliant brilliance, each has the main tone, red orange yellow malachite green bluish violet...... the rainbow general dream seems to be charming. 在她的眼前,一座高达三米,分成11层的巨型蛋糕,正闪耀着绚烂的光彩,每一层都有主色调,红橙黄绿青蓝紫……仿佛彩虹一般梦幻迷人。 Zi Di calls out in alarm: Rainbow cake!” 紫蒂惊呼:“彩虹蛋糕!” The classics of this dessert, are well-known in entire Empire. World can make it, not over ten people. Because it used many rare and precious magic material. Each rainbow cake, can make people feel in world most delightful flavor, has very relaxed and joyful wonderful mood. 这份甜点之经典,闻名于整个帝国。世间能制造出它的,不超过十人。因为它采用了许多珍稀的魔法材料。每一口彩虹蛋糕,都能让人感受到世间最甜美的味道,产生非常轻松和愉悦的美妙情绪。 This is the top grade cakes and pastries, has on huge help and increase on cultivation base, the condition to edible. 这是特级糕点,对食用者更有修为上、状态上的巨大助益和增幅。 „Aren't you continuously the curious rainbow cake flavor?” The father is smiling, „, therefore this time, I invited the renowned cakes and pastries Grandmaster. This cake is your birthday cake!” “你不是一直好奇彩虹蛋糕的味道吗?”父亲微笑着,“所以这一次,我就邀请了著名的糕点大师。这份蛋糕就是你的生日蛋糕!” Father, this was really...... is good!” Zi Di somewhat is excited speaks incoherently, she grasps father's arm, a dependence in father's shoulder, both eyes is flashing light/only, I know that the father you most loved me.” “爸爸,这真是……太棒了!”紫蒂激动得有些语无伦次,她抱住父亲的手臂,头依靠在父亲的肩头,双目闪着光,“我就知道爸爸你最爱我了。” Naturally, you are my little princess.” The father smiled one, at once reveals wipes the hesitant color, daughter, besides this birthday cake, the father also arranged an appointment for you.” “当然啦,你可是我的小公主。”父亲笑了一声,旋即露出一抹犹豫之色,“女儿啊,除了这份生日蛋糕,爸爸还为你安排了一场约会。” Is the appointment?” Zi Di loosens the arm immediately, steps back, looks at own father, brow tight wrinkle. “又是约会?”紫蒂立即松开手臂,退后一步,看着自己的父亲,眉头紧皱。 The father smiles bitterly: Child, you have grown up, should accept these things. I know that you have disliked these, however......” 父亲苦笑一声:“孩子,你已经长大了,该去接受这些东西了。我知道你一直反感这些,但是呢……” Good, good. Looks in the share of rainbow cake, I will go. But do not count on which family I will lower my standard time...... these am?” “好吧,好吧。看在彩虹蛋糕的份上,我会去的。但你别指望我会降低我的标准……这一次又是哪个家族的?” The father blinks again and again, these words he has prepared to be very long, but before arriving must say, he then discovered: Reveals these words, is such difficulty! 父亲连连眨眼,这番话他已经准备了很久,但临到要说出口的时候,他这才发现:将这些话吐露出来,是如此的困难! He is aristocrat in aristocrat, naturally, is Knight, he......” good long while, the father opens the mouth, the tone is crabbed. “他是贵族中的贵族,当然,更是一位骑士,他……”好半天,父亲才开口,语气艰涩。 Ok, I knew. Do not say!” Without when the father said, young girl Zi Di interrupted his words, she starts around the rainbow cake, the careful appreciation, the entire thoughts put above, acclaimed unceasingly. “好了,我知道了。你不要说了!”没有等到父亲说完,少女紫蒂就打断了他的话,她开始绕着彩虹蛋糕,仔细欣赏,整个心思都扑在上面,不断啧啧赞叹。 The looks at daughter's happy appearance, father's facial expression is quite complex. 看着女儿欢喜的样子,父亲的神情相当复杂。 His several yawns, want to say more inside stories. 他好几次张口,想要说出更多的内情。 Zi Di raised the head occasionally, glimpses the father also to stand in same place, then waves: Father, you also in this? You go busily. Relax, I will deal with, even if looks does not glance, will not offend the opposite party!” 紫蒂偶尔抬头,瞥见父亲还站在原地,便挥了挥手:“爸爸,你还在这呀?你去忙吧。放心啦,我会应付的,就算看不上眼,也绝不会得罪对方!” I.” The father sighed, turned around to depart difficultly. “那我去了。”父亲叹息一声,艰难地转身离去。 Evening banquet loose gathering, powerful official aggregated. 晚宴风流汇聚,权贵群集。 Zi Di is the lead who deserves, the gift receives leniently. 紫蒂是当之无愧的主角,礼物收到手软。 The banquet midway, Zi Di moves toward the room in two buildings. 宴会中途,紫蒂走向二楼的一个房间。 A today's her splendid attire, the pink princess skirt, the skirt swayed brings near the lovable lace. On the foot is white pearl high-heeled shoes, on the arm brings the pink silk quality of material long glove. Her hair seems like the wave the same as curl, the amethyst eye pupil was covered by the thick eyelash, making her lovable, noble, has one to attract. 今天的她一身盛装,粉红色的公主裙,裙摆带着可爱的蕾丝边。脚上是一双白珍珠般的高跟鞋,手臂上带着粉色丝绸质地的长手套。她的头发像是波浪一样卷起来,紫水晶般的眼眸被浓密的睫毛遮盖,让她可爱、高贵,又带着一丝魅惑。 When compared with just entered the stage, now her the chest are many one radiant diamond necklaces, in the wrist/skill added a white jade to inlay the gold/metal bracelet respectively, her top of the head also put on an exquisite fine crystal royal crown. These in the evening banquet the powerful official in the gift that presents as a gift, she disassembles face to face, wears joyfully, the hosts and visitors are all happy. 比起刚刚出场时,现在她的胸口多了一串璀璨的钻石项链,手腕上各添了一具白玉镶金的手镯,她的头顶也戴上了一个小巧精致的水晶王冠。这些都是在晚宴中权贵所赠的礼物,她当面拆开,欣喜地佩戴上去,主客皆喜。 The stir that in downstairs dance party hall, the related rainbow cake triggers was still continuing. 楼下舞会大厅中,有关彩虹蛋糕引发的轰动仍旧在继续。 This is I sightest birthday party.” The Zi Di mood was joyful, knocked the door. “这是我所过的最风光的生日宴会了。”紫蒂心情愉悦,敲了敲房门。 Comes.” In the room spreads the sound. “进来吧。”房间中传出声音。 Zi Di enters the room, sees a short and stout middle-aged man, is standing before the window, in the hand lifts a hold to have the wine glass of wine, is overlooking the garden under dim light of night. The moonlight by the window, according to his face, reveals the gloss of his whole face. 紫蒂进入房间,看到一位矮胖的中年男子,正站在落地窗前,手中举着一个盛有葡萄酒的酒杯,俯瞰着夜色下的花园。月光透过窗户,照在他的脸上,显露出他满脸的油光。 City Lord Lord.” Zi Di is slightly stunned, she is keeps an appointment, has not thought that saw Garden City City Lord. 城主大人。”紫蒂微微错愕,她是来赴约的,没想到见到了花园城城主 I thought my possibly going astray room.” Zi Di must ask to be excused. “我想我可能走错房间了。”紫蒂就要告退。 You have not gone astray, my Beautiful woman.” The Garden City lord turns around, has the happy expression, is sizing up Zi Di, „the object who your appointment is I.” “你并没有走错,我的小美人儿。”花园城主转身,带着笑意,打量着紫蒂,“你约会的对象就是我。” What?!” Zi Di stares the big eyes, incomparably looks at this father also want some old middle-aged men shocking at present. “什么?!”紫蒂瞪大双眼,无比震惊地看着眼前这位比自己父亲还要年长一些的中年男子。 This is impossible!” Zi Di shakes the head, on the face does not have blood-color, retrocedes again and again, this joke is not funny.” “这不可能!”紫蒂摇头,脸上没有一点血色,连连后退,“这个玩笑可不好笑。” The Garden City lord fills with interest looks at she: This naturally is not the joke, words that does not believe that you can raise the head to have a look at the room number plate.” 花园城主满怀兴趣地看着她:“这当然不是玩笑,不相信的话,你可以抬头看看房间号牌呀。” Zi Di falls back on the entrance, raised the head to see the house number plate, flurriedly and makes her tender body tremble frightened. 紫蒂退到门口,抬头看到门牌,慌乱和恐惧让她娇躯微颤。 No, no, this really......” in the Zi Di mouth did not mutter, cannot believe the present fact. “不,不,这不是真的……”紫蒂口中喃喃,不敢相信眼前的事实。 „Hasn't your father said?” The Garden City lord feels odd. “你的父亲没有说吗?”花园城主感到奇怪。 The Zi Di body and mind shakes, at this moment she thoroughly understands before the father , when with she talked, why has that difficult complex facial expression. 紫蒂身心一震,这一刻她彻底明白父亲之前和她交谈时,为何有那么艰涩复杂的神情了。 The young girls are utterly confused. 少女心乱如麻。 „...... My small pitiful.” Garden City main moves toward Zi Di slowly, takes a look at your present appearance, looks like the tender and delicate little flower that under the wind and rain sways. Relax, I am one pity the person of flower, I will treasure well your.” “哦……我的小可怜儿。”花园城主缓缓走向紫蒂,“瞧瞧你现在的样子,多么像风雨下飘摇的娇嫩小花。放心吧,我是一个惜花之人,我会好好爱惜你的。” No, no!” Zi Di awakens suddenly, retrocedes again and again, fell back on the corridor all of a sudden, shakes the head unceasingly, should not be this, should not be such......” “不,不!”紫蒂陡然惊醒,连连后退,一下子退到了走廊中,不断摇头,“不应该是这样的,不应该是这样的……” The Garden City lord gets to the entrance, the grief also has the ridicule, ice-cold brings teasing, is overlooking Zi Di: In fact, should be this.” 花园城主走到门口,悲悯又带着嘲弄,冰冷中带着戏谑,俯视着紫蒂:“事实上,就应该是这样的。” „Do you know present Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, the scale big? Person who inside infiltrates how many powerful officials?” “你知道现在的紫藤商会,规模有多大吗?里面渗透进来多少权贵的人?” You know that your father couldn't have controlled Chamber of Commerce?” “你知道你父亲早已经掌控不了商会了吗?” Status that your father and daughter simply could not have amounted to something, bloodline is low, the status is base and low. Its life, can only limit in Blackiron Level finally, but you are actually grasping the great quantity wealth. Wisteria Chamber of Commerce...... is next to under six big Chamber of Commerce...... the colossus......” “你们父女根本没有上得了台面的身份,血脉低下,身份卑微。终其一生,都只能局限在黑铁级别,但你们却掌握着巨量的财富。紫藤商会……仅次于六大商会之下……庞然大物……” I must acknowledge.” The Garden City lord shrugs, your father has the excellent doing business talent. This is his luck, perhaps is also his misfortune. He does not have the qualifications and strength, grasps such huge Chamber of Commerce.” “我得承认。”花园城主耸肩,“你的父亲拥有绝妙的经商才干。这是他的幸运,或许也是他的不幸。他没有资格和实力,掌握这样巨大的商会。” He also realized this point, therefore, fee/spent completely untold hardships, forge the relations, finally found me.” “他也意识到了这一点,所以,费尽千辛万苦,一路打通关系,最终找到了我。” At first I was the rejection.” “起先我是拒绝的。” „The chip that but afterward, your father started out touched me.” “但后来,你父亲开出的筹码还是打动了我。” You also know, my elder brother is Archduke Mai Xiang. Turns to me, turns to being alive gods in Empire. Only by doing so, your father can preserve the enterprise achievement that he struggles, can preserve him and your life.” “你也知道,我的哥哥就是麦香大公爵。投靠我,就是投靠帝国中的在世神明。只有这样,你的父亲才能保住他奋斗的事业成果,也能保住他和你的性命。” I will marry you, I am your husband.” “我会娶了你,我将是你的丈夫。” Therefore, comes.” “所以,过来。” Garden City main beckons to Zi Di: Close to me, enters this room obediently, then closes the door, invests in my bosom on own initiative.” 花园城主对紫蒂招手:“乖乖地靠近我,走进这个房间,然后关上门,主动投入我的怀中。” My this most did not like actively.” “我这个最不喜欢主动了。” No,......” Zi Di shaking the head, the brutal reality did not have the too big impact on her, her train of thought is chaotic, ponder that is very difficult to be true. “不,不……”紫蒂一个劲的摇头,残酷的现实对她产生了太大的冲击,她思绪混乱,很难真正的思考。 I will not go out of this gate.” The Garden City main proud said/tunnel, by my status, will not make to pursue your any movement. Young naive Miss Zi Di, you are only the adding head of this transaction, please must understand this point.” “我是不会走出这个门的。”花园城主自傲地道,“以我的身份,更不会做出追求你的任何动作。年轻天真的紫蒂小姐,你只是这场交易的添头,请你务必明白这一点。” Naturally, you are also the key. Without your me marries, other influences in Empire will not easily give up. This is named politics game regular one.” “当然,你也是关键。如果没有你我联姻,帝国中的其他势力是不会轻易罢手的。这就是名为‘政治’的游戏的规则之一。” I am impossible to marry you, City Lord Lord, I do not think!” The Zi Di tears flow, the sob said. “我不可能嫁给你,城主大人,我不想!”紫蒂的眼泪流淌下来,哭泣道。 The Garden City main brow wrinkles, the tone starts disgruntledly: Naturally, you can definitely reject me. In fact, I am not willing for this transaction, but sacrifice my wife's precious quota. Make you my wife, this is a waste of significant political resource!” 花园城主眉头皱起,语气开始不悦:“当然,你完全可以拒绝我。事实上,我也不是愿意为了这场交易,而牺牲我妻子的宝贵名额。让你成为我的妻子,这是一项重大的政治资源的浪费!” I am indifferent.” “我是无所谓的。” If you are unable to set firm resolve now, I can give the time that you consider.” “如果你现在无法下定决心,我可以给你考虑的时间。” Now, you can go downstairs. I believe, your father has been waiting for you in the corner of staircase.” “现在,你可以下楼了。我相信,你的父亲已经在楼梯的转角等着你了。” Among your father and daughter will have a very good talk.” “你们父女之间会有一场很好的谈话。” Zi Di looks deathly pale, forgot salutes to the Garden City lord, the footsteps stagger go down the building. 紫蒂脸色惨白,忘记了向花园城主行礼,脚步踉跄地走下楼。 Really, her father stands in a staircase corner of building. 果然,她的父亲就站在一楼的楼梯拐角。 Zi Di.” Father's facial expression is complex. 紫蒂。”父亲的神情非常复杂。 You deceive me!” The Zi Di eyes with tears, are exclaiming to the father angrily lowly. “你骗我!”紫蒂双眼含泪,对着父亲愤怒地低吼道。 I have not deceived you, I have also never thought deceives you! My daughter.” The father argued hastily. “我没有骗你,我也从未想过骗你!我的女儿。”父亲连忙辩解。 You for Chamber of Commerce, the choice sacrificed me unexpectedly!?” Zi Di sends out the interrogation, Chamber of Commerce and my actually which are more important?” “你居然为了商会,选择牺牲我!?”紫蒂发出质问,“商会和我究竟哪个更重要?” Naturally is you, you are my only family member, is my treasure daughter!” The father blurts to reply, then covers own face with the hand, sobs, „, but I do not have the means that I really do not have the means.” “当然是你啊,你是我唯一的亲人,是我的宝贝女儿!”父亲脱口回答,然后用手捂住自己的脸,呜咽起来,“但是我没有办法啊,我真的没有办法。” I want to give up Chamber of Commerce, I pledged to you, I not only want to give up it one time!” “我很想放弃商会,我向你发誓,我不只一次想要放弃它!” But I cannot.” “但是我不能。” I have been unable to back down, Chamber of Commerce by too many powerful official infiltrations, at all not by my control. As the founder, I do not have the means to step down to the second line. They will not let off me to have the enormous influence person like this. If I do not choose to turn an influence, does not stand in line, I will be eaten by the group shark! When the time comes, our father and daughter will die!” “我已经骑虎难下了,商会被太多的权贵渗透,根本不受我的控制。作为创始人,我更没办法退居二线。他们不会放过我这样有极大影响力的人的。我如果不选择投靠其中一家势力,不去站队,我就会被群鲨分食!到时候,我们父女俩都会没命的!” Zi Di is speechless, probably crashes into the ice cave. 紫蒂怔怔无语,像是坠入冰窟。 Long time, she opens the mouth: Why didn't you tell me?” 良久,她才开口:“那你为什么不告诉我?” „Did I tell you truth to be useful? Useful?!” The father is excited, we are only the lower-class people, is only the bloodline lowly merchant, even if we use many resources, still can only be Blackiron.” “我告诉你实情有用吗?有用吗?!”父亲激动起来,“我们只是下等人,只是血脉卑贱的商人,我们就算用再多的资源,也只会是一名黑铁。” Even if I spend many wealth, hires expert, even if Legend Rank! Also some people for us, will not deal the major influences in Empire.” “就算我花费再多的钱财,去雇佣强者,哪怕是传奇级!也不会有人为了我们,去应对帝国中的各大势力。” Wisteria Chamber of Commerce...... hehe, Wisteria, although vine shaking, lush growth, even if covers many again broad, without the dependence of big tree, can only lie eventually on the ground, whatever others step on!” 紫藤商会……呵呵,紫藤虽然藤蔓蜿蜒,茂盛生长,哪怕覆盖再多再广,没有大树的依靠,终究只能趴在地上,任由他人踩踏!” We must turn, do you understand? My daughter.” “我们必须要投靠其中一家,你明白吗?我的女儿啊。” The Zi Di brow wrinkles, in heart excessive distress: Therefore, you do want to sacrifice me? Let me marry one compared with you also big man?” 紫蒂眉头皱起,心中无限悲伤:“所以,你要牺牲我?让我嫁给一个比你还大的男人?” Sorry, sorry, is unfair to......” father to want, hugs Zi Di. “对不起,对不起,对不起……”父亲想要走上去,拥抱紫蒂 But the Zi Di rapid retreat, she incomparably shouts to the father firmly: „The person in building is not my Knight! My in the future is not like this.” 紫蒂迅速后退,她坚定无比地对父亲喊道:“楼上的人绝不是我的骑士!我的未来不是这样子的。” At this point, she brings the weeping voice. 说到这里,她带着哭腔。 Zi Di, my daughter......” father summoned affectionately. 紫蒂,我的女儿……”父亲深情地呼唤。 But at this time, in the building transmitted the Garden City main urging: Wisteria President, you best a bit faster, my patience is limited.” 但这个时候,楼上传来花园城主的催促:“紫藤会长,你最好快点,我的耐心是有限的。” Father's complexion changed, like the overcast sky, he shouted to Zi Di anxiously lowly: Zi Di, do not be noisy. You know that I for this transaction, how many prices did pay?” 父亲的脸色变了,如同阴云密布,他焦急地对紫蒂低喝道:“紫蒂,不要闹了。你知道我为了这场交易,付出了多少代价吗?” Your father I for Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, paid many diligently, took many risks, you know 12. You know I have is not easy!” “你爸爸我为了紫藤商会,付出了多少努力,冒了多少风险,你是知晓一二的。你知道我有多么的不容易!” I cannot looks at its be won helplessly!” “我不能眼睁睁地看着它被人夺走啊!” Helps the father , when you returned my affection of raising. In recent years, your food and clothing using, your heavy price, is the father gives. No matter wealth anything, the fathers satisfied you as far as possible. Like this time rainbow cake, you doesn't like very much?” “帮帮爸爸,啊,就当你回报我的养育之恩好了。这些年来,你的吃穿用度,你的高昂学费,都是爸爸给的。钱财方面不管什么,爸爸都尽量满足你了啊。就像这次的彩虹蛋糕,你不是很喜欢吗?” looks at such father, Zi Di only feels the chill in the air biting cold. 看着这样的父亲,紫蒂只感到寒意彻骨。 No, I do not like what rainbow cake! Now looks like, it is only you realizes one method of your plan!” “不,我不喜欢什么彩虹蛋糕!现在看来,它只是你实现你的计划的一种手段!” From now, I will not be colored your one cent. You in my investment, I will once give back to you!” “从此以后,我不会再花你一分钱。你曾经在我身上的投入,我都会还给你!” Saw that Zi Di is so firm, the father is even more angry: Sufficed, you spoke what nonsense, without my your one day did not live! Can only your oneself, how live on the life of such superior young lady? Listens to father's words, marries Garden City to advocate Lord, you do not worry for a lifetime!!” 看到紫蒂如此坚决,父亲越发恼怒:“够了,你说什么傻话,没有我你根本一天都活不了!单凭你自己,怎么能够过得上这样优越的大小姐的生活?听爸的话,嫁给花园城大人,你一辈子都不愁了!!” No, certainly not!!” Zi Di bellows, raised the skirt swayed, turned around to run. “不,绝不!!”紫蒂大吼一声,提起裙摆,转身就跑。 Transmits father's summon, making her stop, but Zi Di instead ran quickly. 身后传来父亲的呼唤,让她停下,但紫蒂反而跑得更快了。 She dashes the building front door, almost high/precipitous to the foot, the high-heeled shoes of attractive pearl white lost, Zi Di kicked another simply. 她飞奔出楼房大门,差点崴到脚,漂亮的珍珠白的高跟鞋丢了一只,紫蒂索性将另一只踢飞。 She runs into the garden, the pretty fluffy princess skirt was blown in the grove carelessly pulls, increases the a stream of gap, becoming is badly-damaged. 她跑入花园之中,漂亮蓬松的公主裙在树丛中被胡乱刮扯,增添一道道缺口,变得残破不堪。 She is sobbing, the tears sprinkle. 她哭泣着,泪水一路洒下。 Her ear bank also reverberated father's words my your for day not to live! Can only your oneself, how live on the life of such superior young lady? 她的耳畔还回荡着父亲的话没有我你根本一天都活不了!单凭你自己,怎么能够过得上这样优越的大小姐的生活? Offending somebody how, Zi Di is even more angry and sorrowful. She tears off the diamond necklace of chest, slips off the value soaring fine bracelet, then throws in the roadside conveniently. 多么的伤人啊,紫蒂越发气恼和悲痛。她将胸口的钻石项链一把扯掉,把价值高昂的精美手镯褪下,然后随手扔在路边。 She runs finally the front door place of manor, guards strangely looks at today's lead. 她终于奔跑到了庄园的大门处,护卫们奇怪地看着今天的主角。 The princess of splendid attire, the President beloved daughter, this moment women's clothing was tattered, pants, whole face tear stains, in an extremely difficult situation. 原本盛装的公主,会长的掌上明珠,此刻衣裙破烂,气喘吁吁,满脸泪痕,狼狈不堪。 „Does Miss Zi Di, what have to need to help your?” 紫蒂小姐,有什么需要帮助您的吗?” Opens the front door to me!” “给我打开大门!” This is not good, President issued the strict order.” The guards shake the head again and again, the attitude is firm. “这可不行,会长下达了严令。”护卫们连连摇头,态度坚决。 Zi Di.” Broadcasts the familiar sound. 紫蒂。”身后传来熟悉的声音。 Zi Di turned head, saw the fat tongue, her body trembled, tears: „Are you also urge my? Fat tongue uncle.” 紫蒂回头,看到了胖舌,她身躯一颤,眼泪:“你也是来劝我的吗?胖舌叔叔。” The fat tongue shakes the head slowly: I did not agree that your father's approach, rides my carriage to walk. I will urge your father.” 胖舌缓缓摇头:“我不同意你父亲的做法,坐我的马车走吧。我会劝劝你爸。” Then, he ordered to the guards: Now, opens the front door.” 说完,他对护卫们下令:“现在,打开大门。” But......” “可是……” I to President will explain that had/left the matter, the responsibility on me, will not implicate your.” The fat tongue attitude is firm. “我会向会长解释的,出了事情,责任都在我身上,不会连累你们的。”胖舌态度坚决。 The guards must obey orders. 护卫们只得从命。 The fat tongue escorts Zi Di, delivers to own carriage. 胖舌将紫蒂一路护送,送到自己的马车上。 Fat tongue uncle, thank you!” Zi Di steps the compartment steps, she is incomparable to the fat tongue gratitude. “胖舌叔叔,谢谢你!”紫蒂踏上车厢阶梯,她对胖舌感激无比。 The fat tongue smiles bitterly: I am looks at you grow up, child. Do not blame your father, he has the difficulties, was compelled not to have the means.” 胖舌苦笑一声:“我是看着你长大的呀,孩子。不要怪罪你父亲,他有苦衷,被逼得没有办法。” No, I will not forgive him!” Zi Di is clenching teeth. “不,我绝不会原谅他!”紫蒂咬着牙。 Her deeply looked at a manor, that is she lives many years of family/home. 深深地望了一眼庄园,那是她生活多年的家。 Then, she sneaked in the compartment. 然后,她钻进了车厢。 , Her head crystal royal crown bumps into the lintel of vehicle door unknowingly, fell. 不经意地,她头上的水晶王冠碰到车门的门楣,掉落了下来。 Zi Di then looked at a royal crown of ground, then duty-bound not to turn closed the door of compartment. 紫蒂回头看了一眼地上的王冠,然后义无反顾地关上了车厢的门。 „! Returns to the magic school.” next moment, her firm sound passes from the compartment. “出发!回魔法学院。”下一刻,她坚决的声音从车厢中传出来。
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