EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#184: Princess, devil and Knight

Fills the liquid medicines smell in the room, a wife of serious illness lies on the bed weakly. 充满药水气味的房间里,一位重病的夫人虚弱地躺在床上。 The door opens gently, before pair of father and daughter arrive at the hospital bed . 房门轻轻地打开,一对父女来到病床前。 The father whole face anxious look, sighed, said to the daughter: Zi Di, spoke the final several words with your mother quickly......” 父亲满脸愁容,叹息一声,对女儿道:“紫蒂,快和你妈妈说最后几句话吧……” Childhood Zi Di summoned gently: Mom.” 童年紫蒂轻柔地呼唤起来:“妈妈。” The madame opens the eyes reluctantly, sees Zi Di, immediately reveals strong feeling attached, not to abandon, the guilty color: My daughter......” 夫人勉强睁开双眼,看到紫蒂,顿时流露出浓烈的爱怜、不舍、愧疚之色:“我的女儿……” Childhood Zi Di puzzled said/tunnel: Mom, the father said that you must go to another place. Can you not walk?” 童年紫蒂不解地道:“妈妈,爸爸说你必须要去另外一个地方。你能不能不走?” The madame is smiling, eye socket actually rapid flood red: Cannot, mother also want to remain, accompanies you for a lifetime. However mother cannot, be sorry very much......” 夫人笑着,眼眶却迅速泛红:“不能,妈妈也很想留下来,陪你一辈子。但是妈妈不能,很抱歉……” Childhood Zi Di lowers the head to sob. 童年紫蒂低头抽泣起来。 Her behind father also immerses in the sorrow, remains silent. 她身后的父亲也沉浸在悲痛之中,保持着沉默。 The madame loves dearly, she spells to go all-out, held the Zi Di small hand reluctantly, comforts saying: Small Zi Di, does not cry, is clever. Just before leaving before, mother spoke you to you time that story that liked listening.” 夫人心疼至极,她拼尽全力,勉强抓住了紫蒂的小手,安慰道:“小紫蒂,不哭,要乖哟。临走之前,妈妈给你讲一次你最爱听的那个故事吧。” Childhood Zi Di raised the head, in the big eye also sheds tears, but the attention was obviously towed: Can speak the princess, devil and Knight that story?” 童年紫蒂抬起头,大眼睛中还噙着眼泪,但注意力明显被牵引走了:“是要讲公主、恶魔骑士的那个故事吗?” Is.” “是的呀。” I...... most liked listening.” Childhood Zi Di is sobbing the nod. “我……最爱听了。”童年紫蒂哽咽着点头。 Before for a long time is very very long, there is a kingdom. Country Wang Ren Ci Aimin, falls in love with the queen, after they marry is very long, obtained a heir. 在很久很久以前,有一个王国。国王仁慈爱民,和王后非常相爱,但是当他们结婚很久之后,才得到了一位子嗣。 She is a little princess, little princess not only innocent, lively lovable, but also in kingdom most beautiful person. 她是一位小公主,小公主不仅天真烂漫,活泼可爱,而且还是王国中最美丽的人。 No matter the king and queen, are the people in entire kingdom, unusual affection this little princess, treats as the angel her. 不管是国王、王后,还是整个王国的人,都非常喜爱这位小公主,把她当做天使。 A day, very bad very bad devil sneaks in the middle of the castle secretly, took the little princess by force. 一天,一个很坏很坏的恶魔偷偷地潜入城堡当中,将小公主强行带走了。 devil leads the little princess to him in the lair in abyss, does not make the little princess leave. 恶魔把小公主带到他在深渊中的巢穴中,不让小公主离开。 devil likes the little princess, he said to the small princess evil report foul odor: Marries me quickly, the little princess, you were I have seen the world's most lovable person.” 恶魔非常喜欢小公主,他对小公主恶声恶气地说:“快嫁给我吧,小公主,你是我见过的世界上最可爱的人了。” The little princess shakes the head: I do not want to marry you, your bad devil. My father and mother will dispatch Knight, rescues my.” 小公主摇头:“我才不想要嫁给你呢,你这个坏恶魔。我的爸爸、妈妈会派遣骑士,来救我的。” devil laughs: Very deep place of my lair deeply in the abyss, no one knows the position of item body very much. How couldn't Knight possibly find?” 恶魔大笑:“我的巢穴在深渊中很深很深的地方,谁都不知道具体的位置。骑士怎么可能找得到呢?” The little princess grew up gradually. 小公主渐渐长大了。 devil looks fierce to say to the princess: Princess the princess, you were I see the world's most youth to be possible the beautiful young girl of person. Marries me quickly! So many years passed by, your Knight could not find here.” 恶魔对公主龇牙咧嘴道:“公主啊公主,你是我见过世界上最青春可人的美少女了。快嫁给我!这么多年过去了,你的骑士还是找不到这里。” But the princess had not suspected, instead was firmer than before: Certainly will have Knight to find here, I will not marry you.” 但公主没有怀疑,反而比以前更加坚定:“一定会有骑士找到这里,我绝不会嫁给你。” Princess gradually old, grew into the big princess. 公主渐渐年长,长成了大公主。 devil was crazy for the big princess: Big princess, you were I have seen the most charm attractive person, your flesh was brighter and cleaner than the snow, your face comparing favorably with god was beautiful, your eye was brighter than the night star, your golden beautiful hair was long and soft, silk that probably the sunlight wove. Marries me quickly!” 恶魔对大公主更加着迷了:“大公主啊,你是我见过的最魅力诱人的人了,你的肌肤比雪更光洁,你的脸比美神还要美,你的眼睛比夜晚的星星更明亮,你金色的秀发又长又柔软,像是阳光编织成的丝绸。快嫁给我吧!” My Knight can rescue my!” The big princess is very firm. “我的骑士会来救我的!”大公主还是非常坚定。 devil ridiculed: You could not wait, you waited so many years. Waits again, the god of time will take away your youth, abates your brilliance, and pastes your body the wrinkle old. With its this, might as well marries me now.” 恶魔嘲笑道:“你等不到了,你都等了这么多年。再等下去,时间之神就会拿走你的青春,消退你的光彩,把皱纹和苍老贴到你的身上。与其这样,还不如现在就嫁给我。” The big princess thinks, said to devil intentionally: I consider, if my is happy, I promise you.” 大公主想了一下,故意对恶魔道:“我考虑一下吧,如果我心情好,我就答应你。” devil was very happy: How can that make you happy?” 恶魔很高兴:“那怎么才能让你高兴呢?” The big princess said: „, Is this, your lair darkness and sultriness. So many years, I have not seen the nighttime sky. If I see the vast sky, blows the cool night breeze, my mood was open on the nature.” 大公主就说:“哦,是这样的,你的巢穴又黑暗又闷热。这么多年,我都没有看到夜空。如果我看到辽阔的天空,吹一吹凉爽的晚风,我的心情就自然开朗了。” devil thinks, then promises the big princess: This easy to do, I open the roof panel of abyss, you can see the nighttime sky.” 恶魔想了想,便答应大公主:“这好办,我就将深渊的顶盖打开来,你就能看到夜空了。” Therefore devil turned on the cover, the big princess raised the head saw the nighttime sky, saw many stars. 于是恶魔就打开了盖子,大公主一抬头就看到了夜空,看到了许多星星。 She pulls apart the hairlace suddenly, a bright and beautiful waterfall general golden color long hair probably, disperses on the shop. 她忽然将发带扯断,一头亮丽的好像瀑布一般的金色长发,就铺散开来。 The long hair sends out the shining sunlight, the sunlight shines to the nighttime sky, gave to cover the brilliance of star. 长发散发出金灿灿的阳光,阳光照射到夜空中去,把星星的光辉都给遮盖住了。 Handsome young, Knight, saw the golden sunlight bravely dauntlessly, then rushed in the abyss, found devil and big princess. 一位英俊年轻,勇敢无畏地骑士,看到了金色的阳光,便闯进了深渊,找到了恶魔和大公主。 Lets loose the princess quickly, your despicable devil!” Knight loudly calls out, launched the fierce combat with devil. “快放开公主,你这个卑鄙的恶魔!”骑士大叫一声,和恶魔展开了激战。 Knight is powerful, devil is not his opponent. 骑士非常强大,恶魔不是他的对手。 But devil is sly, he puts out a hand a finger/refers, the princess will also turn into his appearance. 恶魔非常狡猾,他伸手一指,就将公主也变成了他的样子。 Now both devil stand in the Knight front, two devil happily said with a smile simultaneously: Knight, you put down your long spear/gun. Whom you cannot distinguish are real, who is fake. If by some chance your select error, massacred the real princess, that was bad.” 现在两个恶魔都站在骑士的面前,两个恶魔同时得意地笑道:“骑士啊,你放下你的长枪吧。你不能分辨出谁是真的,谁是假的。万一你选择错误,杀掉了真的公主,那就糟糕了。” Knight hesitant, but quick made the decision. 骑士犹豫了一下,但很快就做出了决定。 He pulled out the treasured sword, divided true devil all of a sudden. 他抽出了宝剑,一下子就劈中了真正的恶魔 devil caused heavy losses, cannot believe that howled: How do you know me real?” 恶魔受到重创,不敢相信地吼叫起来:“你怎么知道我是真的?” Because your body is sending out the smell of rich sulfur, but true princess, although the semblance was turned into devil by you, but has the moving delicate fragrance.” Knight replied. “因为你的身上散发着浓郁的硫磺的气味,但真正的公主虽然外表被你变成了恶魔,但却有动人的清香。”骑士如此回答道。 Therefore, devil was removed by Knight like this. 于是,恶魔就这样被骑士除掉了。 devil dies, his dark magic also vanished, the princess changed the original appearance. 恶魔一死,他的黑暗魔法也消失了,公主又变回了原来的样子。 Young Knight led the princess to leave the evil abyss, returned to the castle, saw the king and queen. The whole families reunited finally. 年轻的骑士带着公主离开了罪恶的深渊,回到了城堡里,见到了国王和王后。一家人终于团聚了。 The princess married Knight, after this lived on the happy life. 公主嫁给了骑士,从此之后过上了美好幸福的生活。 The madame told this story, was even more weak. 夫人讲完了这个故事,越发虚弱。 She is supporting herself vigorously, did not let own lethargic sleep in the past. 她极力支撑着自己,不让自己昏睡过去。 She uses the final strength, grasps the Zi Di small hand, the injunction said: My small Zi Di, my little princess, mother, although must walk, but you will still obtain father's love.” 她用最后的力气,抓紧紫蒂的小手,嘱咐道:“我的小紫蒂啊,我的小公主,妈妈虽然要走了,但你仍旧会得到父亲的爱。” What difficult position no matter you facing, must maintain the hope in the future at heart.” “不管你将来面对什么样的困境,心里都要保持希望。” You are optimistic, you are strong.” “你要乐观,你要坚强。” So long as you insisted, Knight, your Knight, can help you, saves you!” “只要你坚持,一定会有一个骑士,你的骑士,会来帮助你,拯救你!” After the madame said that finally the strength clears, closed the eyes slowly. 夫人说完之后,终于力气散尽,缓缓闭上了双眼。 life aura dissipates slowly. 生命气息缓缓消散。 This is a mother to daughter's blessing, is her final last words. 这是一位母亲对女儿的祝福,也是她最后的遗言。 Naive Zi Di, has not actually understood at present this serious meaning, but mother's just before the end words deeply quarter in the heart of Zi Di. 年幼无知的紫蒂,却还未明白眼前这一幕沉重的含义,但母亲临终的话语深深地刻在紫蒂的心中。 Clever, be not quarrelling your mother. She rested.” Broadcasts the sound that the father sobbed. “乖,别吵着你妈妈哟。她睡了。”身后传来父亲哽咽的声音。 „.” Zi Di nods cleverly, follows the father footsteps to get to the entrance gently. “哦。”紫蒂乖巧地点头,跟随父亲脚步轻轻地走到门口。 Father, mother leaves, can I deliver her?” Zi Di looks the hospital bed, does not abandon extremely. “爸爸,妈妈离开的时候,我能送她吗?”紫蒂回望病床,极其不舍。 The father clenches the teeth all of a sudden, closes the door with the hand of shivering: I think to be able......, so long as you do not hate to get out of bed, can get up earlier.” 父亲一下子咬紧牙关,用颤抖的手关上房门:“我想应该可以……只要你不赖床,能早点起。” ...... …… The time passes, childhood Zi Di gradually grows into a young young girl. 时间流逝,童年紫蒂逐渐长成一位小少女。 Inherited parents' characteristics, like the fairy tale princess, she becomes the youth person. 继承了父母的特征,就像童话故事里的公主一样,她变得青春可人。 The father did not find a wife again, he founded Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, the business is getting more and more arduous, loves to Zi Di. Perhaps is because his too few time accompany Zi Di to grow, in this love is mixing with guilty many. 父亲再未娶妻,他开创了紫藤商会,事务越来越繁重,对紫蒂非常宠爱。或许是因为他太少时间来陪伴紫蒂成长,这份宠爱中更夹杂着许多愧疚。 The beautiful appearance, where making Zi Di arrive at to catch attention and welcome. 美丽的容颜,让紫蒂走到哪里都受到关注和欢迎。 In the school, young girl Zi Di obtained the pursues of many youngster. Quick, an eminent aristocrat young girl, beat all pursuers to surface smoothly. 在学院中,少女紫蒂得到了诸多少年的追求。很快,一位家世显赫的贵族少女,击败了所有的追求者顺利脱颖而出。 He dashing gold/metal, and sympathizes gently. Under he warm and many pursue method, young girl Zi Di gradually palpitates with excitement. 他英俊潇洒多金,并且温柔体贴。在他热情且繁多的追求手段下,少女紫蒂逐渐怦然心动。 Perhaps, he is my Knight.” “或许,他就是我的骑士。” However some day, an evening banquet, stood Zi Di that ventilated in the balcony heard the talk between aristocrat youngster accidentally/surprisingly. 然而某天,一次晚宴,站在阳台透风的紫蒂意外地听到了贵族少年之间的谈话。 hahaha, I soon took Zi Di!” 哈哈哈,我快要将紫蒂拿下了!” Among us bet, is I wins surely. She looked like difficult to pursue, actually she really felt oneself were a princess, therefore was arrogant, the frame of mind was arrogant.” “我们之间的打赌,必定是我赢。她看来了难追,其实她只是真觉得自己是一个公主,所以盛气凌人,心气高傲。” Hehe, is really laughable! She is only a merchant's daughter, the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce even scale is big, her bloodline is still lowly incomparable.” “呵呵呵,真是可笑!她不过只是一个商人之女,紫藤商会就算规模再大,她的血脉也是卑贱无比的。” Princess? The little girl of this ages, likes having such dream! She affirmed that was fantasizing and I marry, how will my such status marry a merchant's daughter? Cracks a joke simply! Played enough her, anyone of you took over, I was optional.” “公主?这个年龄段的小女孩,就喜欢做这样的梦!她肯定幻想着和我结婚,我这样的身份岂会娶一个商人之女?简直开玩笑!玩够了她,你们谁接手,我随意。” Zi Di in balcony pastes the wall to stand, her whole face is pale, both hands cover oneself mouth tightly, the tears are flowing copiously. 阳台上的紫蒂贴着墙壁站着,她满脸苍白,双手紧捂着自己的嘴,眼泪夺眶而出。 ...... …… Being disillusioned of love, making the Zi Di mind be seriously battered, once felt that own world was full of the misfortune. 爱情的破灭,让紫蒂心灵遭受重创,一度感觉自己的世界充满了不幸。 After this incident, she responds with extremely vigilantly to all pursuers, easily did not move again. 经此一事,她对所有的追求者都报以万分的警惕,再未轻易动心。 The busy father, cannot enter the young girl sensitively at heart. The innumerable gloomy mood and concerns, she can only tell to oneself. 繁忙的父亲,不能走进少女敏感的心里。无数的愁绪和心事,她只能对自己讲述。 First was princess's dream broke, later the burden of studies also gradually aggravated, making her clearly recognize that a brutal reality- her bloodline was inferior, even if there is Chamber of Commerce to provide the sufficient cultivation resources, even if she diligently, she highest achievement also can only be Blackiron Level extremely her entire life. 先是公主的梦破碎了,随后学业的负担也逐渐加重,让她认清一个残酷的现实-她的血脉低劣,哪怕有商会提供足够的修行资源,哪怕她极其努力,她一生最高的成就也只能是黑铁级别 Father's business gets bigger and bigger, the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce scale expands unceasingly. He feels to lack the ability to do what one would like gradually, the smile on face are getting fewer and fewer, later almost every day anxious look over the face. 父亲的生意越做越大,紫藤商会规模不断扩张。他渐渐感到力不从心,脸上的笑容越来越少,之后几乎每天都愁容满面。 Many nights, Zi Di discovers in the father study room also to turn on a light. 很多个深夜,紫蒂发现父亲书房中还亮着灯。 Zi Di will knock on a door, enters the study room, reminded the father to rest early. 紫蒂会敲门,进入书房,提醒父亲早睡。 This Wisteria Chamber of Commerce President is often smoking the cigar, day after day the large body shrinks in the spacious leather couch, under the strong smog covers, unexpectedly to Zi Di an misconception that rolls up to dread. 这位紫藤商会会长往往抽着雪茄,日渐肥大的身躯缩在宽大的真皮座椅中,浓烈的烟雾笼罩下,竟是给紫蒂一种蜷缩畏惧的错觉。 When he sees Zi Di, he will gain ground, squeezes out a happy expression from the face, then pinches out the cigar in hand rapidly. 当他看到紫蒂的时候,他会抬起头,从脸上挤出一丝笑意,然后迅速地掐灭手中的雪茄。 Does not wait for Zi Di to roll the eyes, he has flattering meaning, the initiative nod admits mistakes: My clever daughter, your anything let alone, I understood, my rests!” 不等紫蒂翻白眼,他就带着一丝讨好的意味,主动点头认错:“我的乖女儿,你什么都别说了,我明白了,我这就睡!”
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