EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#183: My fate

Jia Sha so affirmed, unavoidably lets Zhen Jin and four Church Guardian Knight is somewhat surprised. 痂沙如此肯定,不免就让针金和四位护教骑士们有些惊疑起来。 In the Zi Di heart sinks, the surface sneers: „. priest, do you want to struggle? On only this statement of only one of the parties?” 紫蒂心中一沉,表面冷笑:“呵。神父,你想挣扎?就单凭这一面之词?” I have the evidence!” Jia Sha drinks lowly. “我有证据!”痂沙低喝。 First, you have the 18 th level of jurisdiction. This jurisdiction is not simple, is not pure has the transaction with War Monger, or the business volume is the certain extent, can obtain such jurisdiction. I have checked, the jurisdiction altogether 50 levels, 18 levels of jurisdictions are very high, at least is a partner. Therefore, relations between you and War Monger are not so simple! 第一,你拥有第十八级的权限。这个权限可不简单,并不是单纯和战贩有交易,或者说交易量达到一定程度,就能得到这样的权限。我已经查到了,权限一共有五十级,十八级的权限已经很高了,至少是合伙人。所以,你和战贩之间的关系并不是那么简单的! Second, you just also acknowledged, the Zhen Jin substitute person has custom-made from the War Monger hand. Zhen Jin once to my confession, therefore I know that he sees the substitute person for the first time, warehouse in wharf. But before then, you cannot demonstrate his substitute person to Zhen Jin. This indicated, you raises the arrival of shipment after War Monger here, transports to the storage terminal. I guessed you before then, has visited Monster Bewildering Island, leading the Zhen Jin substitute person to return to the wharf. 第二,你刚刚也承认,针金的替身就是从战贩手中定制的。针金曾经向我告解,因此我知道他第一次见到替身,是在码头上的仓库。而在此之前,你并不能向针金展示他的替身。这说明,你是从战贩这里提到货后,运送到码头仓库中去。我猜测你在此之前,已经踏足过迷怪岛,带着针金的替身回到码头。 You also said that this is your guess.” Zi Di shakes the head. “你也说了,这都是你的猜测。”紫蒂摇头。 Does not worry, the third point, after the shipwreck, you disappeared. From submerging the ships recent sand beach, the most survivors ascend, actually without your form. Why is your landing area, the distance sunken wreck very far place? After falling in the water, the island is close, why you do not swim to the recent sand beach, instead goes round the sun to meet the moon?” “不着急,还有第三点,船难发生之后,你就消失了。距离沉没船只最近的沙滩,绝大多数幸存者都登上去,却没有你的身影。为什么你的登陆点,是距离沉船很远的地方呢?落水之后,海岛近在咫尺,为什么你不游向最近的沙滩,反而舍近求远呢?” What does this have? I received the volume seat of ocean waves.” Zi Di thinking little said/tunnel. “这有什么?我受到了海浪的卷席。”紫蒂不以为意地道。 The Jia Sha vision is even more sharp: Hehe, very good excuse! You blurted out, showed you have prepared to deal with such interrogation.” 痂沙目光越发犀利:“呵呵呵,很好的借口!你脱口而出,证明你早已经准备好应付这样的质问。” But, if the ocean waves volume seat, you are involuntary, that was stranger. Why you land this island, is the side following one team of troops? Why can you Zhen Jin substitute person probably by chance certainly very well? What you believe is the sea god? Obtained his care, It not only curls you to send to the sand beach with the ocean waves, but also curled one team just to subordinate in your manpower, defends you?” “但是,如果是海浪卷席,你身不由己,那就更奇怪了。为什么你登陆这座海岛,身边跟随着一队人马呢?为什么你能恰巧将针金的替身保管得很好呢?你难道信仰的是海神吗?得到了祂的眷顾,祂不仅用海浪卷你送上沙滩,而且还卷了一队刚好隶属于你的人手,来保卫你?” Zi Di sneers: „Haven't you dispersed? Am I can also suspect you like this, was you are in conspiracy with Church Guardian Knight to make the shipwreck?” 紫蒂冷笑:“你们不也是没有分散吗?那我是不是也可以这样怀疑你们,是你伙同护教骑士们制造了船难呢?” No, clearly, Priest Jia Sha utilized divine spell, united all Church Guardian Knight. When on the ship, almost Church Guardian Knight placed the priest side.” Zhen Jin shakes the head, denied the Zi Di words, he starts to take a look at the present fiancee with a surprised vision. “不,很明显,痂沙神父是运用了神术,团结了所有的护教骑士。在船上的时候,几乎护教骑士一直都保持在神父的身边。”针金摇头,却是否定了紫蒂的话,他开始用一种惊疑的目光重新打量自己眼前的未婚妻。 The Zi Di complexion sinks. 紫蒂面色一沉。 hahaha!” Jia Sha laughs, Templar Knight, it seems like you not stupid.” 哈哈哈!”痂沙大笑,“圣殿骑士,看来你并不蠢笨。” I can conclude like this: After the perils of the sea, you assembled one team of manpower, takes the skiff of landing to go round the sun to meet the moon, from another you relatively familiar place, landed Monster Bewildering Island. You are come prepared!” “那我就可以这样断定:海难发生后,你纠集了一队人手,乘坐登陆的小艇舍近求远,从另一个你相对熟悉的地点,登陆了迷怪岛。你是有备而来的!” Zi Di refuted: If comes prepared , I will not choose such landing area, this is a huge flaw. You can easily look, other person energies, will I easily naturally also expose myself like this?” 紫蒂反驳:“如果有备而来,那么,我绝不会选择这样的登陆点,这是一个巨大的破绽。你能轻易看出来,其他人自然也能,我会这样轻易地暴露自己吗?” Therefore, you want to land Monster Bewildering Island, you have also prepared, but the time was too hasty, your is underprepared. This perhaps is because you make the perils of the sea to conceive a plan temporarily!” “所以,你是想登陆迷怪岛,你也有所准备,但是时机太仓促了,你的准备不足。这恐怕是因为你制造海难是临时起意的!” You planned, was Zhen Jin agrees, went to Wilderness Continent, assists Zhen Jin to compete with the position of Lord of the Whitesand City.” “你原本的计划,是和针金约定好了,前往荒野大陆,去辅助针金竞争白沙城主之位。” „, when The Pig's Kiss navigates to the place of accident, you discovered Monster Bewildering Island presented the startled day accident!” “但是当猪吻号航行到失事的地点时,你发现了迷怪岛出现了惊天的变故!” „The expert squad of blood light sanction institute attacked the underground alchemy factory, they and War Monger almost perish together, because you grasp the 18 th level of jurisdiction, therefore knew this situation. You decide to land Monster Bewildering Island temporarily!” “血光制裁院的强者小队突袭了地下炼金工厂,他们和战贩几乎同归于尽,你因为掌握第十八级的权限,所以得知了这个情况。你临时决定登陆迷怪岛!” Stands in your angle, if the War Monger severe wound, you can implement the rescue, this will be a huge merit. If the War Monger death, you can the earliest possible time receive War Monger all assets. If the blood light/only punishes the institute to win, you play the role to do innocently, having a look at the opportunity to destroy the evidence that your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce and War Monger collude with!” “站在你的角度,如果战贩重伤,你可以实施救援,这将是一份巨大的功劳。如果战贩死亡,你可以第一时间接收战贩的所有资产。如果血光制裁院胜利,你就扮做无辜,看看有没有机会销毁你们紫藤商会战贩勾结的证据!” „, but when you decide to act, you discovered that you cannot publicize, can only the stealth activity. A trouble, you and Zhen Jin agree, must go to Wilderness Continent.” “但是当你决定行动的时候,你发现你不能公开,只能秘密行动。还有一个麻烦,你和针金约定好的,要前往荒野大陆。” „The Lord of the Whitesand City competitive success or failure, concerns your future. However War Monger and Monster Bewildering Island, are the golden opportunities. Wrestles, perhaps the whole person is born with be able to obtain the earth-shaking change!” 白沙城主的竞争成败,关乎你的未来。但是战贩迷怪岛,更是千载难逢的机遇。搏一搏,或许整个人生就能得到翻天覆地的改变!” Has to acknowledge, you have the venture spirit very much. In fact, if you really can come here, you indeed have the possibility first to inherit the War Monger asset.” “不得不承认,你很有冒险精神。事实上,如果你真的能走到这里,你的确有可能第一时间继承战贩的资产。” Pitifully your squad strength is too weak, even the jungle has not passed. This perhaps is because you underestimated the danger of Monster Bewildering Island. Perhaps also because of the beforehand fierce combat, War Monger opened all defensive measures, emitted innumerable man-made magic beast. The most critical juncture, you almost must lose life, be forced, you awaken the substitute person hurriedly. The substitute people remember because is also too hurried, only instilled into rarely, this had your later all sorts of experiences.” “可惜你的小队实力太弱,连丛林都没有过去。这或许是因为你低估了迷怪岛的险恶。也或许是因为之前的激战,战贩开启了所有的防御措施,放出了无数人造魔兽。最危急关头,你几乎要失去生命,迫于无奈,你只有匆忙唤醒替身。替身记忆也因为太匆忙,只灌输了很少,这才有了你们之后种种经历。” The Zi Di vision twinkle, refuted: Why do I want to kill the captain? I really want to land Monster Bewildering Island, will not make to come ashore more people, not? After I and Zhen Jin discussed that left with the landing craft secretly, wasn't good? Why I must move unnecessarily, kills captain, makes perils of the sea, making more people land Monster Bewildering Island?” 紫蒂目光闪烁,反驳道:“那我为什么要去杀船长呢?我真的想要登陆迷怪岛,就不会将更多人弄上岸,不是吗?我和针金商量之后,偷偷地用登陆艇离开,不就好了吗?我为什么要多此一举,去杀害船长,去制造海难,让更多的人登陆迷怪岛呢?” These words just said, Zhen Jin and four Church Guardian Knight complexions had the drastic change. 这番话刚说完,针金和四位护教骑士们的脸色都发生了剧变。 Zi Di witnesses their facial expression changes, own complexion also fiercely one white. 紫蒂目睹他们的神情变化,自己的脸色也猛地一白。 The critical moment, she violated a huge mistake! 关键时刻,她犯下了一个巨大的失误! Jia Sha is excited, his pupil expands greatly, is staring at Zi Di stubbornly: I have said that was you killed the captain?” 痂沙兴奋不已,他的瞳孔大大扩张,死死盯着紫蒂:“我有说过,是你杀害了船长吗?” Zi Di makes up for own error full power, shrugs saying: What does this have? You falsely accuse me to make the shipwreck, then the captain certainly is the biggest barrier, his cause of death to become puzzle, I said ahead of time you then want to falsely accuse my words!” 紫蒂全力弥补自己的错失,耸肩道:“这有什么?你诬陷我制造船难,那么船长一定是最大的障碍,他死因成谜,我只是提前说了你接下来想要诬陷我的话!” Worthily is Chamber of Commerce President, is really capable in argument! What a pity, I know why you kill the captain!” Jia Sha said. “不愧是一届商会会长,果然是能言善辩!可惜,我知道你为什么杀害船长!”痂沙道。 Because you discovered Captain The Pig's Kiss, must be disadvantageous to you!” “因为你发现了猪吻号船长,要对你们不利!” He is actually the person of Templar Knight fragrance skill. The perfume skill is position of one of the Lord of the Whitesand City competitors. Later I am also clear, my itinerary is actually an artificial coincidence. Captain's family to the perfume skill is loyal and devoted, he is ordered to inquire into my information, if the situation permits, he will show good will to me in the name of perfume skill ahead of time.” “他其实是圣殿骑士芬艺的人。芬艺是此次白沙城主之位的竞争者之一。之后我也才明白,我的行程安排其实是一场人为的巧合。船长对芬艺的家族忠心耿耿,他受命来探究我的情报,并且如果情况允许,他会以芬艺的名义提前向我示好。” Your goals are also to be close to me, therefore chooses to land The Pig's Kiss. The captain has not possibly discovered Zhen Jin, but discovered his fiancee, is Miss Zi Di you.” “你们的目的也是要接近我,所以才选择登陆猪吻号。船长可能没有发现针金,但发现了他的未婚妻,也就是紫蒂小姐你。” Captain will be certainly disadvantageous to you, does not know what reason, Miss Zi Di you discovered this point. If you leave secretly, might trigger investigation of captain. This will land Monster Bewildering Island to bring the enormous trouble to you. Therefore, you make the perils of the sea simply, kills it!” “船长当然会对你们不利,不知道什么原因,紫蒂小姐你发现了这一点。如果你偷偷离开,很可能会引发船长的追查。这会给你登陆迷怪岛带来极大的麻烦。所以,你索性制造海难,将其杀死!” How then priest you know?” Zhen Jin looks to Jia Sha, the inquiry said. “那么神父你是如何知道的呢?”针金又看向痂沙,提问道。 Jia Sha shows a faint smile: Because Xi Suo is the son of captain, camp that he knows certainly the captain. However, on his Monster Bewildering Island struggles to seek livehood, he chose to turn to your substitute person. Naturally, he thinks that the substitute person is true Templar Knight.” 痂沙微微一笑:“因为细索就是船长的儿子啊,他当然知道船长的阵营。然而,他迷怪岛上挣扎求生,他选择投靠了你的替身。当然,他认为替身就是真正的圣殿骑士。” He to my confession, in the heart worried. He indeed is the sincerity turns to the substitute person, but is afraid the matter of father camp, was discovered by the substitute person in the future.” “他向我告解,心中非常担忧。他的确是真心投靠替身,但又害怕父亲阵营的事情,在将来被替身发现。” Zhen Jin then suddenly. 针金这才恍然。 Zi Di also refuted: Captain The Pig's Kiss is powerful, I am only newly emerged low rank Mage, how I can kill him, but can also does not have any sound?” 紫蒂又反驳:“猪吻号船长实力雄厚,我不过只是一位初出茅庐的低阶魔法师,我又如何能杀了他,还能没有任何的动静呢?” Jia Sha sneers: This I am not clear. You are Mage, the Mage method enrich incomparably. You are skilled in potion, would various means.” 痂沙冷笑:“这我就不清楚了。你可是魔法师,法师手段都丰富无比。你又精通药剂,总会有各种办法的。” In brief, after you killed the captain, then destroyed The Pig's Kiss, making it succeed in giving up two sections. You led one team of most loyal reliable troops, landed Monster Bewildering Island.” “总之,你杀了船长后,又接着破坏了猪吻号,让它断成两截。你带领了一队最忠诚可靠的人马,登陆了迷怪岛。” Zhen Jin and four Church Guardian Knight look to Zi Di. 针金和四位护教骑士都看向紫蒂 Zi Di, told me quickly this not real!” The Zhen Jin sound shivers. 紫蒂,快告诉我这不是真的!”针金声音颤抖。 Zi Di sneers: Therefore, speaking of finally, all these is your guess.” 紫蒂冷笑:“所以,说到最后,这一切都是你的猜测。” Haha, I can certainly show.” Jia Sha laughs again. “哈哈,我当然能证明。”痂沙再度大笑。 divine spell detection lie! 神术侦测谎言! divine spell that next moment, Jia Sha displays, fell the body of Zi Di on the cover. 下一刻,痂沙施展的神术,就罩落到了紫蒂的身上。 Now, if you were unfair to by me, Miss Zi Di, you can prove itself!” The Jia Sha deep breath one breath, the complexion is completely tranquil. “现在,如果你是被我冤枉的,紫蒂小姐啊,你可以证明自己了!”痂沙深呼吸一口气,面色完全平静下来。 Zi Di falls into dies the general silence. 紫蒂陷入死一般的沉默。 The Jia Sha complexion changed, from tranquil gradually becomes excited. 痂沙的脸色变了,从平静逐渐变得兴奋。 He is unable is not excited! 他无法不兴奋! In the final moment, in that moment that he will soon be defeated, he held the final chance eventually! 在最后关头,在他即将落败的那一刻,他终究还是抓住了最后的胜机! Indeed, all are only his guess. 的确,一切都只是他的猜测。 He saw a possibility. 他只是看到了一种可能。 But now, he succeeded! 但现在,他成功了! The silence of Zi Di explained all. 紫蒂的沉默说明了一切。 divine force that he only remains, is extremely scarce, really only enough displays a detection lie small divine spell. 他仅剩下来的神力,极其稀少,真的只够施展一记侦测谎言的小神术 But was in this past ordinary divine spell, changed all! 但就是这个往日里平平无奇神术,改变了一切! Zhen Jin and Church Guardian Knight complexion is even more ugly. Nine peach 针金护教骑士们的脸色越发难看。九桃 I was almost used by her unexpectedly!” “我竟然差点被她利用了!” Virulent woman, the so beautiful semblance, inside is actually such darkness.” “恶毒的女人,如此美丽的外表,内里却是如此的黑暗。” So many people perish because of you, you should execute by hanging!” “这么多人因你而亡,你该被处以绞刑!” Told me, Zi Di, why do you want this?!” Zhen Jin arrives at the Zi Di front, interrogated agitated. “告诉我,紫蒂,你为什么要这样做?!”针金走到紫蒂的面前,情绪激动地质问。 Zi Di sighs, shakes the head: You do not need to know so many.” 紫蒂叹了一口气,摇头:“你不需要知道这么多。” Zhen Jin continues to interrogate: You made the shipwreck, has not actually informed me. You ignore my life and death, you discarded me, this is unreasonable!” 针金继续质问:“你制造了船难,却一点都没有通知我。你不顾我的生死,你舍弃了我,这不合理!” We have the engagement, the engagement announced. You make the shipwreck actually not to inform, to be equal to killing secretly me, you violate the engagement like this is to backlash the death by the contract. Why are you also living now?” “我们是有婚约的,婚约是宣布出去的。你制造船难却不通知,等于是暗害我,你这样违背婚约,是要被契约反噬死亡的。为什么你现在还活着?” Zi Di return to silent. 紫蒂回以沉默。 Jia Sha said: „Very simple, I speculated, this was War Monger acts, tampered with the engagement. His is alchemy Grandmaster, is Legend Rank Mage!” 痂沙则道:“很简单,我推测,这是战贩出手,篡改了婚约。他这可是炼金大宗师,是传奇级法师!” The Zhen Jin eyes narrow the eyes, is staring at present Zi Di, starts to send out the danger aura. 针金双眼眯起,盯着眼前的紫蒂,开始散发出危险的气息 The fact had proven Jia Sha guess Zi Di betrayed him, has not actually suffered backlash of engagement. 事实已经证明了痂沙的猜测紫蒂背叛了他,却没有遭受婚约的反噬。 Jia Sha also said: Thinks again, Templar Knight. Why after Miss Zi Di makes the perils of the sea, chose the substitute person, rather than you?” 痂沙又道:“再多想想,圣殿骑士啊。为什么紫蒂小姐制造海难之后,选择了替身,而不是你呢?” Said, this substitute person really looks like you very much. If not you exposes on own initiative, I was also certainly kept in the dark.” “说起来,这个替身真的很像你啊。如果不是你主动揭露,我一定也被蒙在鼓里。” Your substitute person and ordinary beastified person are very different, he is very special. Very possibly is War Monger mixes to transform personally.” “你的这个替身和普通的兽化人很不同,他是非常特殊的。很可能是战贩亲手调制改造出来的。” Perhaps, Miss Zi Di really wants to replace you with the substitute person!” “恐怕,紫蒂小姐是真的想用替身来取代你啊!” Jia Sha these words, making the Zhen Jin body and mind tremble for it play, later is the ice-cold chill in the air spews out from the heart, spreads rapidly his whole body. 痂沙的这番话,让针金身心都为之剧颤,随后是冰冷的寒意从内心深处喷涌而出,迅速蔓延他的全身。 No, is impossible!” Zhen Jin holds the head, the frightened mood makes his pupil shrink slightly. “不,不可能!”针金抱头,惊悚的情绪让他瞳孔缩成最小。 I must compete with Lord of the Whitesand City, the status am certainly examined strictly. In the future if becomes City Lord, will obtain a stricter examination!” “我要竞争白沙城主,身份一定会受到严格的检验。将来如果成为城主,更会得到更严格的审查!” Examination besides the examination of bloodline, memory, will also examine with divine spell.” Zhen Jin refuted subconsciously. “审查除了血脉的检测,还有记忆,还会用神术检测。”针金下意识地反驳道。 Jia Sha laughs at one: Has a look at these man-made magic beast, these were showing, War Monger is the life alchemy domain world peak. The examination of bloodline to him, is not the issue. Thinks accurate talent that again your substitute person, Templar Knight, he exposes, even also surpasses you. I heard, he can also display Hundred Needles Style battle skill?” 痂沙嗤笑一声:“看看这些人造魔兽,这些都在证明,战贩已经是生命炼金领域的世间巅峰。血脉的检测对他而言,不是问题。再想想你的替身,圣殿骑士,他展露出的精准天赋,甚至还超过你。我听说,他还能施展出百针风斗技?” However remembers that...... is not the issue. The memory crystal haven't you used?” “而记忆……更不是问题。记忆水晶你不是用过吗?” As for the divine spell examination, this indeed is a huge barrier. But regarding War Monger, I thought that is not a difficult problem. You look, what is this big shell?” “至于神术检测,这的确是个巨大的障碍。但对于战贩而言,我觉得并不是难题。你瞧,这个大贝是什么?” The Jia Sha vision hints. 痂沙目光示意。 The Zhen Jin body and mind shakes again, in mouth twittering: „The fairy tale of mermaid!” 针金身心再震,口中呢喃:“美人鱼的童话!” The pearl bubble that in this divine artifact produces, the gods can deceive, is in world excellent camouflage. 这件神器中产生的珍珠泡沫,就连神明都能欺瞒,是世间绝妙的伪装。 At this moment, Zhen Jin realizes own real situation finally. 这一刻,针金终于认识到自己的真实处境。 Never expected that my side, is ambushing a fatal poisonous snake unexpectedly!” “没想到我的身边,居然潜伏着一条致命的毒蛇!” Frightened beside, is the dreadful anger. 惊悚之外,就是滔天的愤怒。 Your this damn woman, wants to harm my life unexpectedly!” “你这个该死的女人,居然想害我的性命!” Zhen Jin is agitated, draws out SIlver Lightning , punctures to Zi Di. 针金情绪激动,拔出银电,就向紫蒂刺去。 Keeps her life!” The critical moment, unexpectedly is the Jia Sha summon. “留她一命!”关键时刻,竟是痂沙呼唤。 The Zhen Jin wrist/skill shakes, SIlver Lightning is almost scratching the heart of Zi Di, passes the body. 针金手腕一抖,银电几乎擦着紫蒂的心脏,透体而过。 Jia Sha shouts: Do not impulse, Templar Knight!” 痂沙喊道:“不要冲动,圣殿骑士!” My divine force is insufficient, by oneself, no means is invading the jurisdiction only. However my spirit continuously and spirit power entanglement of Zi Di. Her spirit obtained the approval of Tower Spirit, I am adjusting my spirit diligently, the camouflage act her. Only by doing so, I can control transmission wait/etc jurisdictions again.” “我的神力已经不足了,单靠自己,没有办法在侵占权限。但是我的精神一直和紫蒂精神力纠缠。她的精神得到了塔灵的认可,我正努力调整自己的精神,伪装扮演成她的。只有这样,我才能再次掌控传送等等权限。” Naturally, if Miss Zi Di can the little darling coordinate me, is the highest situation.” “当然,如果紫蒂小姐能乖乖配合我,是最高的情况。” Zi Di sneers: You want to result in may be really beautiful.” 紫蒂冷笑:“你想得可真美。” Saying, stimulates to movement the spirit unexpectedly again, attacks Jia Sha ruthlessly. 说着,竟是再次催动精神,狠狠冲击痂沙 priest Jia Sha the nasal cavity braves the blood immediately, a mind dizziness. 神父痂沙顿时鼻腔冒血,头脑一阵眩晕。 „It is good!” Jia Sha clenches the teeth, insisted stubbornly, suffers her to me, suffers her ruthlessly!” “好得很!”痂沙咬紧牙关,死死坚持,“给我折磨她,狠狠地折磨她!” Zhen Jin moves, kicks, kicks to turn Zi Di. 针金随声而动,一脚踢去,将紫蒂踢翻到底。 Afterward, SIlver Lightning rapier in his hand punctures gently, pierces the shoulder of Zi Di, temporarily fixes on the floor tile. 随后,他手中的银电刺剑轻轻刺下,就将紫蒂的肩头刺穿,临时固定在地砖上。 The severe pain, making the Zi Di spirit fluctuate, Jia Sha seizes the chance to counter-attack, holds one's ground. 剧烈的痛楚,让紫蒂精神波动,痂沙趁机反攻,站稳阵脚。 But Zi Di spirit still stubborn resistance: Together death!” 紫蒂的精神仍旧顽强抵抗:“一起死吧!” „Do you want me dead?! Why? Why! Have I treated unjustly you? I have treated you by the sincerity!!” Zhen Jin roared, angry. “你要我死?!为什么?凭什么!我亏待过你吗?我一直都以真心待你!!”针金咆哮,愤怒至极。 In the hand SIlver Lightning punctures again and again, quick, on Zi Di are many more than ten tiny blood holes. 手中银电连连刺下,很快,紫蒂身上已经多了十几个细小的血洞。 SIlver Lightning provokes continuously, the hands and feet of Zi Di was selected, cannot the application of force. 银电又连续挑动,紫蒂的手脚都被挑断,再不能施力。 The huge pain, making the young girl body twitch. 巨大的痛楚,让少女身躯都在抽搐。 But she bites the jaw stubbornly, has not exuded one unexpectedly miserably. 但她死死咬住牙关,竟是没有发出一声惨哼。 This hard stance is lets the Zhen Jin hatred and anger, he serves with more vicious suffering to Zi Di. 这种强硬的姿态更是让针金痛恨和愤怒,他对紫蒂施以更加狠毒的折磨。 magic robe is unable to resist the SIlver Lightning point, the ear and finger of Zi Di is cut away by one by one, skin on her arm and leg and foot, one was cut piece by piece, reveals inside bright red muscle. 魔法袍无法抵御银电的锋芒,紫蒂的耳朵、手指被一一切掉,她的手臂、腿脚上的皮肤,被一片片地切出去,露出里面鲜红的肌肉。 Quick, under the body of Zi Di saved pool of blood. 很快,紫蒂的身下就积蓄了一层血泊。 Four Church Guardian Knight look at the heart to send coldly. 四位护教骑士看得心底发寒。 Zhen Jin is skilled in battle arts, suffers the method of torture person is adept incomparable, he quite knew about the body constitution, Zi Di withstands enormous pain, suddenly actually not lethal. 针金精通武艺,折磨拷打人的手段更是娴熟无比,他对人体结构相当了解,紫蒂承受极大的伤痛,一时间却不致死。 After the moment, Jia Sha, the energetic showdown made the breakthrough suddenly. 片刻后,痂沙忽然一声,精神对决取得了突破。 Before he starts to recapture , the jurisdiction of losing, sang loudly, the progress was amazingly quick! 他开始夺回之前丧失的权限,一路高歌,进展神速! The Zi Di spirit flinches and collapses unceasingly, in those days in the bright amethyst double pupil, became has nothing to do gloomily. 紫蒂精神不断退缩、崩溃,往日里明亮的紫水晶般的双眸,变得暗淡无关。 Color of the intermittent black salt, fills the air in her field of vision. 一阵阵的黑灰之色,弥漫在她的视野中。 Never expected that my fate is such......” “没想到我的下场是这样的……” I failed eventually.” “我终究还是失败了。” Death aura welled up comprehensively. 死亡的气息全面涌来。
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