EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#182: Only because of me is Jia Sha

The betrayal of four Church Guardian Knight to Jia Sha seems to be unexpected, but careful thinks, is actually not strange. 四位护教骑士痂沙的背叛似乎出人意料,但仔细一想,其实并不奇怪。 Must let their four people of surrender Zi Di is impossible, but Zhen Jin actually regards as another matter. 要让他们四人投诚紫蒂是不可能的,但是针金却另当别论。 Zhen Jin bloodline is noble, is real aristocrat, is Templar Knight. 针金血脉高贵,是货真价实的贵族,更是圣殿骑士 Zhen Jin and Jia Sha position is similar, is the belief same gods. Holybright Church clergy frequently and Templar Knight combat teamwork. Templar Knight Regiment each Commander, is equivalent to the red clothes archbishop, must be higher than level compared with the bishop. 针金痂沙的地位差不多,都是信仰同一位神明。圣明教派的神职人员经常和圣殿骑士们协同作战。圣殿骑士团的每一位团长,都相当于红衣大主教,比主教还要高出一个层次 Church Guardian Knight is not Jia Sha direct descendant, six Church Guardian Knight were ordered to protect priest, is only left over four by the present. 护教骑士并非痂沙的嫡系,原本六位护教骑士只是奉命来保护神父,到现在只剩下四位。 Jia Sha seems like the condition very is not right, furthermore, the merit is big, is more significant to the significances of Jia Sha these high-rank, actually four Church Guardian Knight can divide many merit, is a question. 痂沙看起来状态就很不对劲,再者,功劳再大,对痂沙这些上位者的意义更重大一些,四位护教骑士究竟能分多少功劳,还是个疑问。 The dry trend in magic power pond is extremely violent, four Church Guardian Knight were also worried that magic power is accidentally insufficient, they become the sacrificial victim. 法力池的干涸趋势太过猛烈,四位护教骑士也担心万一法力不够,他们成为牺牲品。 After all among Templar Knight and priest cannot injure mutually, these four people of position and status, did not have this view. 毕竟圣殿骑士神父之间不能相互伤害,这四人的地位和身份,就没有这个说法了。 It looks like in four people, preserving the life is the first choice. Zhen Jin that wants to seek livehood wholeheartedly, became their best giving loyalty to objects! 在四人看来,保存自家性命是首选。一心想要求生的针金,就成了他们最佳的效忠对象! Now, the Zhen Jin attitude and chose the key. 现在,针金的态度和选择成了关键。 Lord Zhen Jin!” Zi Di summon. 针金大人!”紫蒂呼唤。 looks at oneself fiancee, Zhen Jin nods, at once then turns around, stares severely to Jia Sha. 看着自己的未婚妻,针金点点头,旋即便转身,严厉地瞪向痂沙 The priest heart sinks fiercely. 神父心头猛沉。 Priest Jia Sha, I ask you to withdraw from competition of jurisdiction now!” Zhen Jin shouted lowly. 痂沙神父,现在我请你退出权限的争夺!”针金低喝道。 Zi Di puts out foul air, as she expected, critical moment, Zhen Jin chooses to stand oneself. 紫蒂吐出一口浊气,不出她的所料,关键时刻,针金还是选择站在自己这边。 Jia Sha is wild with rage. 痂沙狂怒。 You, even if killed me, I will not withdraw from this competition!” “你就算杀了我,我也不会退出这场争夺!” Zhen Jin shakes the head, the tone relaxes: „Will I start to priest? I will only knock faint you.” 针金摇头,语气缓和下来:“我怎么会对一位神父下手?我只会敲昏你。” Knocks faints I?” Jia Sha sneers, at once the body gushes out wipes sacred light. “敲昏我?”痂沙冷笑,旋即身上涌出一抹圣光 His physical condition at this moment is anxious, the whole person looked like the bone surface coating a skin. 他此刻的身体状况非常令人担忧,整个人就像是骨头表面包裹了一层皮。 In those days in noble and pure sacred light, on him, instead seemed somewhat infiltrates the person. 往日里高洁的圣光,在他身上,反而显得有些渗人。 You think that I don't have the strength to hit back? In this magic restriction environment, you have more than enough battle energy, how to resist my divine spell?” These words let Zhen Jin and four Church Guardian Knight immediately hesitate. “你以为我没有还手之力?在这个禁魔的环境里,你们都用不了斗气,如何抵御我的神术?”这番话顿时让针金和四位护教骑士踌躇起来。 Jia Sha continues to say to four Church Guardian Knight: You four choices, I can understand. However you do this, even if living, what can also face? The training that you undergo, must protect church, protects our godhood member. You stand by now fortunately, if really must make a move to me, thinks that you, even if lives, must face the penalty and accountability, you deeply will live to might as well die!” 痂沙又继续对四位护教骑士道:“你们四位的选择,我都可以理解。但是你们这样做,就算活着出去,又要面对什么呢?你们经受的训练,无一不是要守护教派,守护我们神职成员。你们现在袖手旁观还好,如果真的要对我出手,想想吧,你们就算活下来,也要面对惩罚和问责,你们会深生不如死!” This......” four Church Guardian Knight look at each other in blank dismay, complexion dignifiedly. “这……”四位护教骑士面面相觑,面色都凝重至极。 The Jia Sha words technique is sharp, makes four Church Guardian Knight extremely awkward all of a sudden. 痂沙的话术非常犀利,一下子又让四位护教骑士极其为难。 They only then look to Zhen Jin, in the vision implores the meaning that Zhen Jin acts. 他们只有看向针金,目光中都是祈求针金出手的意思。 Zhen Jin is shocked. 针金愣住。 He does not dare! 他也不敢啊! All the way, he has fully felt the great strength of divine spell. 一路上,他已经充分地感受到了神术的强大。 Now makes him cope with Jia Sha? Very possibly divine spell gets down, he must die. 现在让他对付痂沙?很可能神术下去,他就要死亡。 Jia Sha such body and state of mind, compelling him really not to slaughter Templar Knight anxiously? Zhen Jin does not dare to bet. 痂沙这样的身体和精神状态,逼急了他真的不会屠杀圣殿骑士吗?针金不敢赌。 Even Zi Di also hesitates: Lord is careful, cannot be rash.” 甚至就连紫蒂也迟疑起来:“大人小心,不能莽撞。” Zhen Jin at this moment is her charm amulet, once Zhen Jin death, four Church Guardian Knight hear of whose self-evident. 针金此刻就是她的护身符,一旦针金死亡,四位护教骑士听谁的不言而喻。 Zhen Jin clenches teeth, stares at Jia Sha, the probe was saying: You cannot kill me!” 针金咬牙,盯着痂沙,试探道:“你不能杀我!” In Zi Di heart one cool, Zhen Jin this words make the fear in his heart expose without doubt. 紫蒂心中一凉,针金此话让他心中的恐惧展露无疑。 Really Jia Sha next is: Haha, Templar Knight, you can try greatly, look at me to dare! Compelled anxiously, my anything matter can be done.” 果然痂沙下一句便是:“哈哈,圣殿骑士,你大可以试一试,看我敢不敢!逼急了,我什么事情都能做得出来。” Zhen Jin bites the jaw stubbornly, the facial expression is more scruple. 针金死死咬住牙关,神情更加迟疑。 He was bogged down in difficulties choice. 他陷入了抉择的困境。 Just got angry, nothing but wants to request to live. But now Jia Sha unexpectedly strangely stubborn, this is really makes Zhen Jin not have the means. 刚刚之所以发怒,无非是想要求活。但现在痂沙居然诡异地死硬到底,这实在是让针金没有办法。 If I attempt to knock faint Jia Sha, finally actually dies under his divine spell, too to be undeserved?” “如果我尝试敲昏痂沙,结果却死在他的神术下,岂不是太冤枉了吗?” The risk is too big, Zhen Jin steps back. 风险太大,针金却步。 But pressure that the death will be near, lets his brain unprecedentedly racing. 而死亡将临的压力,也让他的脑筋前所未有地急转。 His rapid organization is good to express, persuades: Jia Sha, the time drags for a long time, magic power pond consumption more are much. Next divine artifact likely cannot transmit.” 他迅速组织好措辞,劝说道:“痂沙,时间拖得越久,法力池消耗的就越多。下一件神器很可能都传送不出去。” Now, we refuse to budge, contradictory continuous, nothing but is the division of work is uneven!” “现在,我们之所以僵持不下,矛盾不休,无非是分功不均!” I proposed that all merit we divide equally.” “我提议所有的功劳我们都平分。” Equal division?” Zi Di raises the eyebrow, does not want greatly. “平分?”紫蒂扬眉,不大愿意。 Please stop talking! Does my fiancee, you want dead?” Zhen Jin turns head, severe reprimanding. “请你住口!我的未婚妻,难道你想死吗?”针金回头,严厉斥责。 Zi Di no longer spoke. 紫蒂不再说话。 Equal division? Is impossible!” Jia Sha sneers, he has compelled Zhen Jin to obey, at this moment does not reach out for a yard after taking an inch, when treats? “平分?决不可能!”痂沙冷笑,他已经逼得针金就范,此刻不得寸进尺,更待何时呢? Jia Sha continues saying: You know how many prices I did pay? Also, you think that can divide equally the merit, can achieve the equal division? Rewarding according to merit, that is the above matter. Can you intervene their judgments and decisions?” 痂沙继续道:“你知道我付出了多少代价?再说,你以为能平分功劳,就能做到平分吗?论功行赏,那是上面的事情。你能干预他们的判断和决策吗?” The Jia Sha attitude was stronger than before. 痂沙的态度比之前更强硬了。 Zhen Jin clenches teeth: Good, I make concessions one step, the third thing, we do not want! Two divine artifact, we only take away this big shell. That sapphire gold coffin gives you.” 针金咬牙:“好,那我就退让一步,第三层的东西,我们不要了!两件神器,我们只拿走这个大贝壳。那件青玉黄金棺就给你。” This is not good!” Jia Sha low roar. “这也不行!”痂沙低吼。 Zhen Jin is shocked, at once is infuriated, he roared: You understand that what you are making now? priest Lord! You are bringing about own destruction.” 针金愣住,旋即火冒三丈,他咆哮起来:“你明白你现在在做什么吗?神父大人!你这是在自寻死路。” I am not really clear, do you want so many merit to do?” “我真不明白,你要这么多的功劳干什么?” Can't assign to our some?” “就不能分配给我们一些吗?” Yes, your contribution is biggest, but haven't we contributed? Without the sacrifices of our group of people, how can you come here safe and sound? Perhaps you had sacrificed. At least four Church Guardian Knight, certainly not remaining so many.” “是,你的贡献最大,但是我们都没有贡献吗?没有我们这伙人的牺牲,你怎么能安然无恙地走到这里?说不定你早就牺牲。至少四位护教骑士,绝不会剩下这么多。” Hehe Jia Sha smiles, his laughter is even more demented. “呵呵呵”痂沙笑起来,他的笑声越发癫狂。 No matter Zhen Jin erupts, he and Jia Sha negotiated, in the entire process, Zi Di never stopped attacking to Jia Sha. 不管是针金爆发,还是他和痂沙谈判,整个过程中,紫蒂就从未停止过对痂沙攻击。 Jia Sha to resist Zi Di, can only squeeze itself unceasingly, reckless. 痂沙为了抵抗紫蒂,只能不断压榨自己,不顾一切。 He now is old older, an old age had gradually fallen, reveals bald that the blue vein sticks out suddenly. His eyeball red piece, and thorough comes prominently, the whole person skin and bones, must sudden die probably momentarily. 他现在更加年迈苍老,原本一头的白头已经逐渐落下,露出青筋暴起的秃头。他的眼珠子通红一片,并且彻底突出来,整个人瘦骨嶙峋,像是随时要猝死。 I will not yield!” “我是不会让步的!” Must die, everyone dies together!” “要死,大家一块死!” Why do I want to make concessions to your dregs?” “凭什么我要向你们这些渣滓退让?” All merit are my, is my! Does not give my words, died together!” “所有的功劳都是我的,都是我的!不给我的话,就一起死好了!” Jia Sha roared, the color of whole face distortion, as if lost the reason completely. 痂沙咆哮,满脸扭曲之色,似乎彻底丧失了理智。 priest Lord!” 神父大人!” Your calm?” “你冷静一下好吗?” We have not compelled you!” “我们没有逼你啊!” Church Guardian Knight flustered. 护教骑士们慌了。 I do not make concessions. Will not make concessions to your type of things!” In Jia Sha mouth low nan, constantly stressed, the vision obvious delay, felt unconscious. “我绝不退让。绝不会向你们这种东西退让!”痂沙口中低喃,不断地强调,目光明显呆滞,给人神志不清的感觉。 Reason? We can discuss that your here has the issue we jointly to solve.” The Zhen Jin low roar, facing so biased and strong Jia Sha, he has a headache. “原因呢?我们可以商量的,你这边有问题我们可以共同解决啊。”针金低吼,面对如此偏执和强硬的痂沙,他头疼不已。 Good long while, Jia Sha responded: Reason?” 好半天,痂沙才反应过来:“原因?” Hehe.” “呵呵呵。” Reason only has one. You may listen.” “原因只有一个。你可听好了。” Zhen Jin said hastily: I am listening in reverent attention!” 针金连忙道:“我正洗耳恭听!” next moment, Jia Sha puts out foul air, in the weak firm incomparable tone, in a soft voice is typical: Because I am Jia Sha.” 下一刻,痂沙吐出一口浊气,以虚弱却坚决无比的语气,轻声地道:“因为我是痂沙。” What?” Zhen Jin is unbelievable. “什么?”针金难以置信。 His expression provoked laughter Jia Sha, on the face of Jia Sha revealed that wipes smiling of distortion, he repeats saying: Right, only because of me is Jia Sha!!” 他的这个表情逗笑了痂沙,痂沙的脸上显露出一抹扭曲的笑,他重复道:“没错,只因我是痂沙!!” Others are shocked all, said like Zi Di, because priest as if the body overdrew too seriously, the spirit was seriously battered, really unconscious- he was insane! 其余人无不震动,就像紫蒂所言,神父似乎因为身体透支太严重,精神遭受重创,真的神志不清-他疯了! I am Jia Sha......” the priest field of vision gradually blur, at this moment, he saw oneself once. “我是痂沙……”神父的视野逐渐模糊,这一刻,他看到了自己的曾经。 Holybright Continent, West coast. 圣明大陆,西海岸。 The salty illnesses attributed to the heat and dampness of the summer hot sea breeze, by the big ribbed arch window, insufflates in the church. 咸湿温热的海风,透过高大的肋拱窗户,吹进教堂之中。 The soft light of sunset glow, shines in the five colors flower window, exaggerates the mysterious atmosphere. 晚霞的柔光,照射在五色的花窗上,渲染出神秘氛围。 priest Jia Sha opens the front door fiercely, enters in the big church quickly. 神父痂沙猛地推开大门,快步走进大礼拜堂中。 He brings to be angry-looking, quick passes through rows of seats, before arriving at the platform . He interrogated: Even bishop, why can you overrule my promotion?” 他带着一脸怒气,很快就穿过一排排的座椅,来到讲台前。他质问道:“平一主教,你为什么要否决我的晋升?” I arrive at this stretch of church parish, already three years! For three years, I have been conscientious, contributes for the church parish, which doesn't day keep long hours? The chapels in various church parish places, majority are I urges to construct, these years protestantism numerous are almost developed by me. I all night long, rack one's brains for this reason. My merit promotes the bishop to have more than enough to spare, my devout livelihood to the Emperor Holybright may reflect, my aptitude does not have the issue certainly, I even can use the resurrecting technique by the priest status!” “我来到这片教区,已经三年了!三年来,我一直兢兢业业,为教区贡献,哪一天不是早起晚睡?教区各处的小教堂,大多数都是我督促建设起来的,这些年的新教众几乎都是由我发展出来。我为此通宵达旦,殚精竭虑。我的功绩晋升主教绰绰有余,我对圣明大帝的虔诚日月可鉴,我的资质也绝无问题,我甚至能以神父的身份施展出复活术!” I want to become the bishop! This is my for three years continuously goal diligently.” “我想成为主教!这是我三年来一直努力的目标。” Why you must deny, others agreed that but is your denial, making I three years of effort become the bubble!” “你为什么要否定,其他的人都同意,但就是你的这个否定,让我三年的努力都成了泡影!” You why?” “你凭什么?” „Are you fear? Envy?! Envying my me is like this young, must with your equal footing, become the same bishop.” “你是害怕吗?还是嫉妒?!嫉妒我我这样年轻,就要和你平起平坐,成为一样的主教。” The even bishop calmly listens respectfully to all words, then he ended the prayer, has turned the head, looks to Jia Sha. 平一主教静静地聆听所有的话,然后他结束了祷告,转过头,看向痂沙 He is very old, white-haired, the full beard is also snow white. He is tall, but the back rickets get up due to the age. 他十分年迈,满头白发,络腮胡子也是雪白。他身材高大,但是背部因为年龄的原因佝偻起来。 Even if suffers to curse angrily and reprimand, his vision still still filled was temperate and gentle. 即便是遭受怒骂和斥责,他的目光也仍旧充满了温和和慈祥。 Young and promising Jia Sha, the anger will not harm me, will only harm your oneself.” “年轻有为的痂沙啊,愤怒不会伤害我,只会伤害你自己。” I denied, because you were not suitable to be the bishop.” “我之所以否定,只是因为你还不适合担任主教。” Is inappropriate? Why you said that I am inappropriate?!” Jia Sha selects the eyebrow, erupts again. “不合适?你凭什么说我不合适?!”痂沙挑眉,再次爆发。 The even bishop stretches out the spacious palm, makes the movement that empty presses to Jia Sha. 平一主教伸出宽大的手掌,对痂沙做出虚按的动作。 Even the Jia Sha anger center of punch, along with the movement of even bishop, his mood marvelously were unexpectedly more moderate. 即便痂沙怒气冲心,伴随着平一主教的这个动作,他的心情竟是奇妙地缓和了一些。 The even bishop is slowly typical: Three years ago, there is a burglary. City Lord subordinates young guard, stole the treasure in City Lord mansion, finally was discovered. His corpse hangs in the city gate lasted one year. This matter, is you accuses?” 平一主教缓缓地道:“三年前,有一场盗窃案。城主麾下一位年轻的卫兵,盗窃了城主府中的宝物,结果被发现。他的尸体悬在城门长达一年之久。这件事情,是你告发的吧?” In the Jia Sha eye is glittering cold glow: Good! The real situation is, this young guard attempts to lead the City Lord daughter to elope. Before the action, the guard to my confession, confessed oneself betrayal to the City Lord and far away from parents the guilt, simultaneously prayed this eloping success.” 痂沙眼中闪烁着冷芒:“不错!真实的情况是,这位年轻的护卫企图带着城主的女儿私奔。行动之前,护卫向我告解,忏悔自己对城主的背叛和远离父母的愧疚,同时祈祷此次私奔的成功。” Snort, this rube, he depends some oneself handsome appearances and honeyed words, thinks the climb up member of the upper-class. The City Lord daughter has little experience of the world, receives his deceit.” “哼,这个泥腿子,他仗着自己一些英俊的容貌和花言巧语,就想攀附上等人。城主的女儿涉世不深,才受到他的欺骗。” How can I tolerate the matter that below this type defies superiors to happen? City Lord can him the opportunity, letting him be the guard, is how big gracious gift. He wants to return evil for good unexpectedly!” “我怎么可以容忍这种以下犯上的事情发生?城主能够给他机会,让他担任护卫,是多么大的恩赐。他居然想恩将仇报!” Therefore, I fill with the anger, at the same night told City Lord this matter. Do I have the mistake?” “于是,我满怀愤怒,连夜将此事告诉了城主。我有错吗?” The even bishop shakes the head: Confession, is the mortal draws close to the time of god. We must forgive, this is the sacred matter, cannot be used. You violated the canon.” 平一主教摇头:“告解,是凡人贴近神的时刻。我们应当宽恕,这是神圣的事,不应当被利用。你违背了教规。” Two years ago, the archbishop secret rainbow comes to inspect, is you are responsible for receiving. Seven days of reception, in the church parish several hundred people were killed. Is this situation true?” “两年前,大主教秘虹前来视察,是你负责接待。接待的七天,教区里数百人丧生。这个情况属实吧?” Jia Sha nods: Is true!” 痂沙点头:“属实!” But, the even bishop, the situations in our church parish you are clearest. Here was too barren, only a one by one special product is the silver thread fish. I started taught the numerous, posted a reward with high pay, encouraging them to capture alive the freshest silver thread fish, was used to entertain Bishop secret rainbow. Bishop secret rainbow is full of praise for this reason! The thorough seabed captures alive the silver thread fish, although is very dangerous, but teaches the numerous to hear that serves for Bishop secret rainbow, is willing to take risk.” “不过,平一主教,我们这块教区的情况你是最清楚不过的。我们这里太贫瘠了,唯一一项特产就是银丝鱼。我发动了教众,重金悬赏,鼓励他们活捉最新鲜的银丝鱼,用来招待秘虹主教。秘虹主教为此赞不绝口!深入海底活捉银丝鱼,虽然十分危险,但是教众们听说是为秘虹主教服务,都是甘愿去冒险的。” The even bishop sighed: The sum of money that however, you are used to post a reward, is in itself these teaches the numerous to offer. I planned, with the seed that these money to come purchase the improvement, provides to people free, the grain in improvement church parish. Let these people to eat genuine food, rather than with mud biscuit that the soil, butter and sea salt make.” 平一主教叹息:“然而,你用来悬赏的这笔钱,本身就是这些教众奉献的。我原本的计划,是用这些钱来购买改良的种子,免费发放给人们,改良教区内的粮食。让这些人都能吃上真正的食物,而不是用泥土、黄油、海盐做成的泥饼干。” Jia Sha raises the eyebrow, gets angry: This is good to plan, but I do not believe, uses is wrong on Bishop secret rainbow! I also use in the proper way, has not misappropriated. The silver thread fish I have still not tasted!” 痂沙扬眉,怒道:“这是个好计划,但我绝不认为,用在秘虹主教身上是错的!我也是用在正途,并没有私吞。银丝鱼我至今都没有尝过!” „The lower-class person offers to the member of the upper-class, is only the perfectly justified matter.” 下等人给上等人奉献,只是天经地义的事情。” Does not need to treasure these people, they look like the weeds, many of dying, fresh are more. What in the church parish are most is what? Isn't these people?” “不用太顾惜这些人的,他们就像是野草,死的多,生的更多。教区里最多的是什么?不就是这些人吗?” Even bishop, I know that you are the civilians promote to come, I understand your attitude. However you to these lower-class people, extremely sympathy.” “平一主教,我知道你是平民晋升而来的,我了解你的态度。但是你对这些下等人,太过同情了。” Actually human race society, with jungles and sea not many differences.” “其实人族的社会,和丛林、海洋并无多少区别。” „An everyone birth decided their future status and level very much.” “每个人一出生很就决定了他们今后的身份和层次。” Member of the upper-class looks like the sea shark, looks like the fierce tiger, the lower-class person is the fish and shrimp, is the bird rabbit, they were sacrificed inborn, their flesh nourished the member of the upper-class. This is our human race society.” “上等人就像是海鲨,就像是猛虎,下等人就是鱼虾,就是鸟兔,他们天生就是要被牺牲,他们的血肉滋养上等人。这就是我们人族的社会。” No, more specifically, elf, beastman, Dwarf wait/etc, which wasn't this?” “不,更准确地说,精灵兽人矮人等等,哪一个不是这样?” Also only has the expert rule weak one, the member of the upper-class rules the lower-class person, the high and low high and low, the society will stabilize, the family is orderly, Empire is hopeful!” “也只有强者统治弱者,上等人统治下等人,上下尊卑,社会才会稳定,家族才有秩序,帝国才有希望!” The even bishop shakes the head to continue: Because this sum of money diverts for any other purpose, one year ago the famine approaches, many people have no way out. Is you coordinates the feudal lord, suppressed these people, slaughters their total. I remember that I have exhorted you, do not worry to act like this, right?” 平一主教摇头不止:“因为这笔钱挪作他用,一年前饥荒来临,很多人走投无路。是你配合领主,镇压了这些人,将他们全数屠戮。我记得我嘱咐过你,不要这样着急行动的,对吗?” Jia Sha sneers: Indeed, bishop Lord your then idea, wants to mediate to compromise, therefore has exhorted me.” 痂沙冷笑:“的确,主教大人你当时的想法,是想从中斡旋调和,所以嘱咐过我。” But I do not want!” “但是我不愿意!” This group of rioters! They dare to revolt against the feudal lord, so long as thinks provokingly! The insect earthworm should in the life mud, this be their life paths. Any covets the member of the upper-class, by the lower-class person who greedily and floods unwillingly, must obtain the bloody lesson!” “这群暴民!他们敢反抗领主,只要想一想就让人生气!虫子蚯蚓就应该生活烂泥中,这才是他们的生命轨迹。任何觊觎上等人,被贪婪和不甘充斥的下等人,必须得到血淋淋的教训!” I killed all people who attempt the rebellion, hence a church parish peace, again unmanned resistance! This is my contribution!!” “我杀了所有企图暴动的人,至此教区一片安宁,再无人反抗!这都是我的贡献!!” The even bishop is silent. 平一主教沉默。 After the moment, he sighed a sound said: Jia Sha, I remember that you also come aristocrat, you are a son, right? You do not have the qualifications to inherit the territory, therefore, you choose to be engaged in the godhood. Then, asked you to understand these mortals. To a certain extent, they and your situation is very similar.” 片刻后,他叹息一声道:“痂沙,我记得你也出身贵族,你是个庶子,对吗?你没有资格继承领地,所以,你才选择从事神职。那么,就请你理解一下这些凡人吧。某种程度上,他们和你的处境很类似。” Jia Sha laughs: Even bishop, how can you so estimate me? You really come the civilians, could not understand our these aristocrat thought.” 痂沙哈哈大笑:“平一主教,你怎么可以如此揣度我呢?你果然还是出身平民,理解不了我们这些贵族的思想。” Truth told you, I was not a born, but was a son of first wife, was an eldest son!” “实话告诉你吧,我并非庶出,而是嫡子,更是长子!” But I gave up the right of inheritance of territory voluntarily.” “但是我自愿放弃了领地的继承权。” Why?” “为什么?” Because my bloodline is not outstanding, the density is very low, but my younger brother is much stronger than me in the potential.” “因为我的血脉并不优秀,浓度很低,而我的弟弟在潜质上比我强得多。” The even bishop stares. 平一主教微愣。 You think that what the world is? What is the Empire cornerstone? Even bishop!” Jia Sha stretches out the arms, the sound loud and clear to reverberates in the big church. “你以为世界是什么?帝国的基石是什么?平一主教!”痂沙张开双臂,声音洪亮到在大礼拜堂中回响。 Because of our correct thought!” “正是因为我们正确的思想!” one person lives, his bloodline decided his life.” 一个人生下来,他的血脉就决定了他的人生。” Without the bloodline mortal, must live lifelong in the mud, this is actually to his one protection. You want to make the earthworm rise the upper air, will only make him be burnt by the sunlight until death.” “没有血脉的凡人,终身就得生活在烂泥之中,这其实是对他的一种保护。你想让蚯蚓升上高空,只会让他被阳光灼伤至死。” However although I have quite outstanding bloodline, but in the family has me is more outstanding than much contemporaries. For the entire family, I must yield. Among the lion groups is competing forever, must make the aptitude strongest young lion eat the best meat, this can have each generation of most powerful Lion King!” “而我虽然拥有较为优秀的血脉,但家族中有比我优秀得多的同龄人。为了整个家族,我就得让步。狮群之间永远在竞争着,必须要让资质最强的年轻狮子吃最好的肉,这样才能有每一代最强大的狮王!” Family so, Empire similarly so. Because of this, therefore our human race meets the pressure world, holds the first overlord throne!” “家族如此,帝国同样如此。正是因为这样,所以我们人族才会威压世界,占据第一的霸主宝座!” „Does even bishop, you know that your idea is very dangerous?” “平一主教,你知不知道你的想法很危险?” These mortals are not worth caring! You to preserve them, sacrificed the interests of member of the upper-class, will only let the Lion King in entire lion group emaciated, gradually human race will become worse and worse, was dominated by other races on.” “这些凡人根本不值得在意!你为了保全他们,牺牲上等人的利益,只会让整个狮群中的狮王孱弱,久而久之人族会每况愈下,被其他种族凌驾于上。” Even bishop facial features are gentle, but the vision is firm: If the mortal is not worth caring, what I am?” 平一主教面容平和,但目光坚定:“如果凡人不值得在意,那我又算什么呢?” This is the destiny was fair.” “这就是命运的公平了。” Among countless mortals, would such 1-2 lucky fellows emerging.” “无数的凡人当中,总会有那么1-2幸运儿脱颖而出。” „What was this considered as?” “但这又算得了什么呢?” Places your body, is a miracle. Places the family, will a aristocrat family produce extraordinary continuously, the mortal? In several tens of thousands people in several years is not necessarily have one. Puts Empire, almost all high-level are the aristocrat family backgrounds! Even if there is a mortal status, is in ten thousand does not have an exceptional case.” “放在你的身上,是一种奇迹。放在家族来看,一个贵族家族会源源不断地产生超凡者,凡人呢?数万人中数年里都未必会有一位。放到帝国来看,几乎所有的高层都是贵族出身!即便是有凡人身份的,也都是万中无一的特例。” Ok, looks at your facial expression, knows your biased.” “算了,看你的神情,就知道你的偏执。” Jia Sha puts out foul air, sneering: You cannot convince me, I cannot convince you. Then come, the even bishop, I officially to you proposed that in teaches the duel!” 痂沙吐出一口浊气,冷笑着:“你说服不了我,我也说服不了你。那么来吧,平一主教,我正式向你提出教内决斗!” In teaching the duel is one of the Holybright Church characteristics, because Emperor Holybright is God of Victories. 教内决斗是圣明教派的特色之一,因为圣明大帝胜利之神 In the event of the situation of being unyielding, the winner who teaches the duel will also win in the dispute. 一旦发生争执不下的情形,教内决斗的胜者也将在争执中获胜。 A war continued the midnight. 一场大战持续了半夜。 A few days later, Jia Sha said goodbye to the even bishop. 几天后,痂沙向平一主教告辞。 „The scabs on your face, I can cure for you.” The even bishop said. “你脸上的伤疤,我可以为你治好。”平一主教道。 Does not need, I to remain intentionally.” The Jia Sha complexion is tranquil, but the eye band of light the hatred, I must bring it to continue my road of life.” “不必了,我是故意留着的。”痂沙脸色平静,但目光带着恨意,“我要带着它继续走我的人生之路。” I must make it remind me frequently, shame and failure that I suffer here.” “我要让它时时刻刻地提醒我,我在这里遭受的耻辱和失败。” One day, one day, I will come back, telling your me is correct that!” “总有一天,总有一天,我会回来,告诉你我才是正确的那个!” Even one silent. 平一沉默。 Jia Sha turns around, is raising the head, left the church with stride. 痂沙转身,昂着头颅,大步离开了教堂。 The fuzzy field of vision gradually the mood, struggles from the recollection, Jia Sha sees clearly present Zhen Jin, Zi Di and four Church Guardian Knight again. 模糊的视野逐渐情绪,从回忆中挣扎出来,痂沙再次看清楚眼前的针金紫蒂和四位护教骑士 The anger and fear color on each face, make the joyfulness in Jia Sha heart increase one. 他们每个人脸上的愤怒、恐惧之色,都让痂沙心中的愉悦增添一份。 I do not make concessions!” “我绝不退让!” Your this crowd of lowly bloodline, trivial Blackiron, can humiliate me?” “你们这群卑贱的血脉,区区黑铁,也要折辱我?” As for your Zhen Jin, you give your family, your bloodline is shamed!” “至于你针金,你给你的家族,你身上的血脉蒙羞!” How is noble may make concessions humblly?” “高贵怎可给低贱退让?” Even if dies......” “哪怕是死……” A deathly stillness. 一片死寂。 Zhen Jin is dumbfounded, if the person dies does not dread, how that can also? 针金目瞪口呆,人如果连死都不畏惧,那还能怎样呢? The people do not have the means with such Jia Sha. 众人拿这样的痂沙毫无办法。 You die!” Zi Di hates to clench jaws. “那你就去死吧!”紫蒂恨得咬牙切齿。 priest Lord, doesn't your compel us to begin?” Church Guardian Knight are ready to make trouble. 神父大人,你这不是逼我们动手吗?”护教骑士们蠢蠢欲动。 Jia Sha only responds with cold snort/hum. 痂沙只报以冷哼。 Four Church Guardian Knight size up one mutually, then disperses, from four directions, approaches Jia Sha slowly. 四位护教骑士相互打量一眼,便分散开来,从四个方向,缓缓逼近痂沙 Suffering a defeat and fleeing aura assaults the senses. 败亡的气息扑面而来 Jia Sha knows itself, he has been blustering, actually has been an arrow at the end of its flight, divine force is not much left. He also knows oneself are not very sane, but in fact, without this type angrily and supports him unwillingly, he has broken down. 痂沙知道自己,他一直在虚张声势,其实早已经是强弩之末,神力所剩无几。他也知道自己很不理智,但事实上,没有这种愤怒和不甘支撑他,他早就垮了。 Perhaps this is a person. 或许这就是人。 Some people were usually not known by the mood control, but to critical moment, actually snow and ice calmness and sane. But some people usually are sanely calm, but to the moment of critical life or death, actually became confused by the sentiment. 有的人平时被情绪支配而不自知,但到了关键时刻,却冰雪般的冷静和理智。而有的人平常冷静理智,但到了危急存亡的关头,却被感情冲昏头脑。 Only can come here?” “就只能走到这里了吗?” The important pass of failure, the Jia Sha eyes erupt together the bright light suddenly. 失败的关口,痂沙双眼忽然爆发出一道明光。 Wait!” He blurted out, shouted lowly. “等等!”他脱口而出,低呼道。 In this moment, in his mind flashes through together the electric light probably. 在这一刻,他的脑海中像是闪过一道电光。 This electric light tore to pieces the dark dense fog, shines road of the victory unexpectedly! 这道电光撕破了黑暗的迷雾,竟是照射出一条胜利之路! My great lord......” Jia Sha sighs one, at once the vision jumps over by Church Guardian Knight that he stopped by calling out, jumped over Zhen Jin, fell to the body of Zi Di. “我伟大的主啊……”痂沙兴叹一声,旋即目光跳过被他叫住的护教骑士们,跳过针金,落到紫蒂的身上。 „The The Pig's Kiss perils of the sea, are you make? Miss Zi Di.” 猪吻号的海难,是你制造的吧?紫蒂小姐。” People:??!! 众人:??!! Zhen Jin is angry: priest Jia Sha, you talked nonsense, nothing but was wants to delay the time. This acrobatics......” 针金恼怒:“神父痂沙,你胡言乱语一通,无非是想要拖延时间。这种把戏……” hahaha!” Jia Sha laughs wildly unexpectedly, the demented spirit inspires greatly. 哈哈哈!”痂沙蓦地狂笑,癫狂中精神大振。 His vision just like the advantage arrow, deadlocks Zi Di, repeats to say again: These was I wins eventually! Because of...... the The Pig's Kiss perils of the sea, is you make!” 他的目光宛若利箭,锁死紫蒂,再次重复道:“这一场终究是我胜了!因为……猪吻号的海难,就是你制造的!”
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