EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#181: I was really by enough you!

The lightning chops unceasingly, shines on the survivors Yin clear uncertain face. 闪电不断劈下,映照在幸存者们阴晴不定的脸上。 The magic power reserve in magic power pond, is consuming rapidly. 法力池中的法力储备,正在迅速消耗。 The survivors obtain the reminder of Zi Di, flinched nearby the blood nuclear, temporarily was safe. 幸存者们得到紫蒂的提醒,退缩到了血核附近,暂时安全了。 However these man-made magic beast meet with a disaster one after another, is killing one another, one by one was divided. 但是那些人造魔兽都陆续遭殃,在自相残杀中,纷纷被劈死。 However, the magic beast quantity does not have the visible drop, because Tower Spirit was still transmitting unceasingly increases troops. 然而,魔兽的数量却没有明显的下降,因为塔灵仍旧在不断地传送增兵。 Zi Di look changes: Tower Spirit, stops transmitting quickly!” 紫蒂色变:“塔灵,快停止传送!” Tower Spirit: Request rejects, eliminates the intruder, protects the Central Tower duty...... first......” 塔灵:“请求驳回,消灭入侵者,保护中枢塔任务最……优先……” No matter Zi Di summoned repeatedly, Tower Spirit forced dormancy. 不管紫蒂连声呼唤,塔灵又强制休眠。 Damn!” The Zi Di complexion is dignified, the situation becomes quite bad. “该死!”紫蒂脸色凝重,情况变得相当糟糕。 Jia Sha this old fox, do not look that the semblance as if blows the one breath to be able but actually, actually also to leave leeway the ample force. Let Zi Di attack, wants to rob plan evaporate of complete weather control jurisdiction. 痂沙这个老狐狸,别看外表似乎吹一口气就能倒,其实还留有余力。让紫蒂突袭,想要抢夺全部的天气操控权限的计划落空。 But what awfully is Tower Spirit inserts one horizontally, wants to eliminate besides Zi Di everyone with all one's heart. 而更要命的是塔灵横插一手,一门心思想要消灭除了紫蒂之外的所有人。 Among the three parties attempts respectively, the mutual entanglement, caused to form a condition of fast knot. 三方之间各有企图,相互纠缠,导致形成了一个死结的状态。 On the face of Zhen Jin reveals the flurry that cannot cover, he persuaded Zi Di and Jia Sha hastily: Calm, we are one group, does not need to become this noisily.” 针金的脸上流露出掩盖不住的慌乱,他连忙劝说紫蒂痂沙:“冷静,我们是一伙的,没有必要闹成这样。” Hehe.” Jia Sha sneers, late, the lightning has been separated from me and Zi Di control now, is completely the free attack. The jurisdiction of transmission was also recaptured by her most probably, if in my hands, Tower Spirit simply does not have the ability to transmit so many magic beast to come in!” “呵呵呵。”痂沙冷笑,“晚了,现在闪电已经脱离我和紫蒂的掌控,完全是自由打击。传送的权限也被她夺回了大半,如果是在我手中,塔灵根本没有能力传送这么多的魔兽进来!” The Zhen Jin forehead full is the cold sweat. 针金额头满是冷汗。 Also is the lightning, is the transmission, this way, the reserve of magic power pond must bottom. When the time comes, no one can get away! 又是闪电,又是传送,这样下去,法力池的储备就要见底。到时候,谁也走不了! Zi Di, my fiancee!” Zhen Jin turns the head to look to Zi Di, in the vision besides the anxiety, one wipes the entreaty. 紫蒂,我的未婚妻!”针金转头看向紫蒂,目光中除了焦急之外,还有一抹哀求。 Zi Di shakes the head, vision ice-cold: I do not have the means to return the jurisdiction, once loses to Jia Sha intentionally, the contract will want my life. Only then makes Jia Sha have no jurisdiction, I can withdraw.” 紫蒂摇头,目光冰冷:“我没有办法送还权限,一旦故意输给痂沙,契约就会要了我的命。只有让痂沙没有任何权限,我才能脱身。” When the time comes, the Tower Spirit dormancy, I can stop controlling the weather, stops the transmission of thunder and lightning and magic beast. We can win!” “到时候,塔灵休眠,我就能停止控制天气,停下雷电和魔兽的传送。我们就能赢!” Zhen Jin looks to Jia Sha: priest, draws back one step as boundless as the heavens and sea. The sapphire gold coffin turns over to you, we will not inquire again!” 针金又看向痂沙:“神父,退一步天高海阔。青玉黄金棺就归你,我们不会再过问!” hahaha!” Jia Sha raises head to laugh wildly, why? This all the way, I lead you, treats for you, provides food for you, for your divine spell guard. Without me, your underground alchemy factory cannot come in!” 哈哈哈!”痂沙仰头狂笑,“凭什么?这一路上,我领导你们,为你们治疗,为你们提供食物,为你们神术护身。没有我,你们连这个地下炼金工厂都进不来!” Why can I give you other merit?” “凭什么我要将其他的功劳让给你们?” What did you contribute?” “你们贡献了什么?” Despicable merchant, timid aristocrat! Arrived at the final time depending on you, suddenly defects, coerces me to make me obey?” “卑鄙的商人,胆怯的贵族!就凭你们到了最后时刻,忽然反水,要挟我就能让我就范吗?” Zhen Jin stares the big eyes: Jia Sha Lord, your calm point? No one yields, we must die! Now only then you can make concessions, my fiancee on her has the contract.” 针金瞪大双眼:“痂沙大人,你冷静一点好吗?谁都不让步,我们都要死!现在只有你能退让,我的未婚妻她身上有契约啊。” Jia Sha sneers, is staring at Zhen Jin and Zi Di two people with the vision of taunt: Why your fiancee cannot make concessions, can make me make concessions?” 痂沙冷笑,用嘲讽的目光盯着针金紫蒂二人:“凭什么你的未婚妻不能退让,就得让我退让?” Said again, the specific content of contract who knows? Templar Knight, you determined that your fiancee hasn't deceived you?” “再说了,契约的具体内容谁知道?圣殿骑士啊,你确定你的未婚妻没有欺骗你吗?” Zhen Jin stares. 针金一愣。 In the final analysis, the three parties lack each other trust seriously. 说到底,三方都严重地缺乏彼此的信任。 At first was only the conflict of interests, but could not get out to the present three parties, the situation was separated from everyone's control. 起先只是利益之争,但是到了现在三方都下不了台,局势脱离了所有人的掌控。 They were unable to back down. 他们都骑虎难下了。 Jia Sha Lord and Miss Zi Di, two be please sane.” 痂沙大人紫蒂小姐,请二位都理智一点。” Yes, the internal friction, will only make Tower Spirit work senselessly!” “是啊,无谓地内耗,只会让塔灵得逞!” War Monger had died, we have been able to escape. If the result perishes together, this was also unworthy.” 战贩已经死了,我们已经可以逃生。如果结果是同归于尽,这也太不值了。” Several Church Guardian Knight were also hurried. 几位护教骑士也慌了。 Jia Sha sneers, fills the eyes of blood threads to reveal rich killing intent: That first massacres Zi Di! As for Zhen Jin, so long as did not die is OK!” 痂沙冷笑,充满血丝的双眼流露出浓郁的杀意:“那就先杀掉紫蒂!至于针金,只要不死就可以了!” Church Guardian Knight hesitate, gradually intent moves. 护教骑士们犹豫,逐渐意动。 As Church Guardian Knight, their responsibility lie in guard church, is not willing with Templar Knight to the war. 作为护教骑士,他们的职责在于护卫教派,并不愿意和圣殿骑士对战。 However the present situation to this condition, has massacred Zi Di intense, only critical Zhen Jin life, as if became a best choice. 然而现在的局势已经紧张到这种状况,杀掉紫蒂,只要害了针金的性命,似乎成了最好的一个选择。 Moreover, they also always obey the Jia Sha order. 而且,他们也一向是听从痂沙命令的。 Church Guardian Knight that Zhen Jin looks at is ready to make trouble, immediately is anxious, once really begins, his double fist difficult enemy four, completeness of very difficult guard Zi Di. 针金看着蠢蠢欲动的护教骑士们,顿时紧张起来,一旦真的动手,他双拳难敌四手,很难护卫紫蒂的周全。 Zi Di, making my sound transmit!” Zhen Jin said to Zi Di. 紫蒂,让我的声音传达下去!”针金紫蒂道。 Therefore next moment, the survivors heard the Zhen Jin shout: Zong Ge, Tripleblade and Lan Zao, as well as crew, my Zhen Jin by Templar Knight and status of Hundred Needles family sole heir, summoned, recruited.” 于是下一刻,幸存者们听到了针金的呼喊声:“鬃戈三刀蓝藻,以及诸位船员们,我针金圣殿骑士百针家族唯一继承人的身份,召唤诸位,征召诸位。” „The Empire colors flutter in our top of the head, the glory must the replenishment body.” 帝国的军旗在我们头顶飘扬,荣耀必加注诸位的身上。” Comes up quickly, fights with me shoulder to shoulder!” “快上来,和我并肩战斗!” My Zhen Jin pledged by own reputation/honorary, will not treat unjustly you surely.” “我针金以自身的名誉发誓,必定不会亏待你们。” The crowd unrest gets up. 人群骚乱起来。 Before, the talk of Zi Di and Jia Sha has not leaked, only limited in fourth. The people only noticed that the lightning and transmission repeatedly happen, actually knows nothing about the inside story. 之前,紫蒂痂沙的谈话没有外传,只局限在第四层中。众人只看到闪电和传送不断发生,对内情其实一无所知。 Now Zhen Jin summons suddenly, people are surprised uncertain. 现在针金忽然召唤,人们都惊疑不定。 What's the matter? What in the building exactly had?” “怎么回事?楼上到底发生了什么?” „Did they encounter the enemy? Had the magic beast transmission of transformation to pass?” “他们遇敌了?难道是有改造的魔兽传送过去了吗?” Zhen Jin temporarily recruits unfruitful, the survivors no one moves. 针金的临时征召毫无效果,幸存者们没有一人动弹。 Useless.” The Zi Di complexion is dreary, why this is I must resurrect the substitute person.” “没有用的。”紫蒂脸色惨淡,“这就是我为什么要复活替身。” Hateful, I am Zhen Jin, solemn Templar Knight!” Zhen Jin clenches jaws, to agitate this group of people resists Jia Sha and Church Guardian Knight, he talked ambiguously intentionally. “可恶,我可是针金,堂堂的圣殿骑士!”针金咬牙切齿,为了鼓动这群人对抗痂沙护教骑士们,他故意含糊其辞。 The crowd is aloof, making Zhen Jin feel ashamed and resentful. 人群却无动于衷,让针金感到一阵羞愤。 Now, Jia Sha had lost the jurisdiction of weather control, cannot use the lightning again in view of some specific goal. Lightning that however chops at will randomly, in the eyes of survivors, becoming is more threatening. 现在,痂沙已经丧失了天气操控的权限,不能再用闪电针对某个特定的目标。然而随意乱劈的闪电,在幸存者们的眼中,变得更有威胁。 Must rush to fourth, must brave the life danger!” Zi Di said. “要冲到第四层,就得冒着生命危险!”紫蒂道。 Zhen Jin looking pensive, loses the said/tunnel: „If the substitute person is also living, he does certainly agitate these people?” 针金若有所思,失落地道:“如果是替身还活着,他一定鼓动这些人吧?” Not necessarily.” Zi Di shakes the head, you exposed the true status, his prestige also drops to the valley, was very difficult to believe. Lord Zhen Jin, I remember that has looked after you repeatedly, must maintain the secret! Once you expose the status, was too big to our losses.” “未必。”紫蒂摇头,“你暴露了真正的身份,他的威望也降至谷底,很难让人相信了。针金大人呐,我记得多次关照过你,一定要保持隐秘啊!一旦你暴露身份,对我们的损失真的太大了。” Blames me!!” At this moment, Zhen Jin incomparable regret. “都怪我!!”这一刻,针金无比后悔。 He wiped cold sweat of full head: „Was the magic power pond is quickly dry? We hurry first to open Teleportation Door. Your four people can first walk!” Zhen Jin said to four Church Guardian Knight. 他抹了一把满头的冷汗:“法力池是不是快干涸了?我们还是赶紧先打开传送门吧。你们四人可以先走!”针金对四位护教骑士如此说道。 Church Guardian Knight were ready to make trouble, hears this saying, hesitates. 护教骑士们原本蠢蠢欲动,听到这话,又犹豫起来。 Because the transmission jurisdiction has grasped most probably in the hand of Zi Di, at present the situation has been separated from everyone's control, if withdraws ahead of time, preserves the life, is one is good to choose. 因为传送权限已经大半掌握在了紫蒂的手中,眼下局势已经脱离了所有人的掌控,如果提前脱身,保存性命,也是一个好选择。 Jia Sha the heart sinks immediately. 痂沙顿时心头一沉。 At present he and Zi Di fall into refuse to budge, although he retreats in defeat again and again, but the strength of resistance. 目前他和紫蒂陷入僵持,虽然他节节败退,但是还有抵抗之力。 Even if Zi Di wins finally, captures the complete jurisdiction, the time will still delay is very long. By that time, the magic power pond is thorough, cannot transmit anybody. 紫蒂就算最终获胜,夺取全部权限,时间也会拖延很长。到那时,法力池彻底干涸,根本就不能传送任何人了。 Jia Sha and Zi Di are not willing to see that this situation happened, therefore both sides must change the situation ahead of time. 痂沙紫蒂都不愿意看到这种情况发生,所以双方都必须提前改变局势。 After Zhen Jin recruits the failure temporarily, the choices of four Church Guardian Knight became the change biggest factor. 针金临时征召失败之后,四位护教骑士的选择就成了改变局面的最大因素。 Church Guardian Knight are awkward. 护教骑士们非常为难。 They want to maintain a livelihood, wants the merit. Does not want to cope with Zhen Jin, does not want to violate the order of Jia Sha. 他们想活命,也想要功劳。不想对付针金,又不想违背痂沙的命令。 Zi Di sees the hesitation of Church Guardian Knight, the heart one happily, immediately increases price: „Haven't you looked? Priest Jia Sha he is insane! Perhaps is invades the jurisdiction the time, suffered backlash, he is unconscious. Actually he does not fear death. Because dies, his soul was still possibly attracted by Emperor Holybright, enters the god country, even changes into heroic spirit.” 紫蒂看到护教骑士们的犹豫,心头一喜,立即加码:“你们没看出来吗?痂沙神父他已经疯了!或许是侵占权限的时候,遭受了反噬,他已经神志不清了。其实他不怕死。因为就算是死,他的灵魂也可能被圣明大帝招引,进入神国,甚至化为英灵。” But you? Do you have this treatment? Your situations are actually same as us!” “但是你们呢?你们有这种待遇吗?你们的处境其实和我们一样!” The Church Guardian Knight hesitant color is stronger. 护教骑士们犹豫之色更浓。 But next moment, Zhen Jin actually fills the panic-stricken said/tunnel: Zi Di, my good fiancee, I not to die. The soul of follower enters the god country to have the standard, I could not have been the devout degree to the belief of Great Emperor. You open Teleportation Door, first delivers me to walk!” 下一刻,针金却充满惊恐地道:“紫蒂,我的好未婚妻,我可不想死。信徒的灵魂进入神国是有标准的,我对大帝的信仰还达不到虔诚的程度。你打开传送门,先送我走吧!” Zi Di stares. 紫蒂一愣。 Before the Zhen Jin proposition opened Teleportation Door, Zi Di also thinks that Zhen Jin wants to stand firm Church Guardian Knight, never expected that he really wants to open Teleportation Door. 之前针金提议打开传送门,紫蒂还以为针金是想稳住护教骑士们,没想到他是真的想开启传送门 Under the tremendous pressure of death, Zhen Jin revealed the natural disposition, the reason was being used to demolish, the intense hope of seeking livehood got the winning side. 在死亡的巨大压力之下,针金露出了本性,理智正在被用来摧垮,求生的强烈渴望占据了上风。 Jia Sha and Church Guardian Knight again slightly look changes, Zhen Jin made them catch a huge flaw of Zi Di side scared instantaneously. 痂沙护教骑士们再度微微色变,针金的恐慌让他们瞬间捕捉到了紫蒂一方的巨大破绽。 Zi Di recovers hastily, she said to Zhen Jin callously: My fiance, you walked, wants to keep here my one person? I comply with Tower Spirit, accepts the contract, not for our future?!” 紫蒂连忙补救,她冷酷地对针金道:“我的未婚夫,你走了,想要把我一个人留在这里吗?我之所以答应塔灵,接受契约,不正是为了我们的将来吗?!” Zhen Jin stammering: I will do everything possible to resurrect your! I pledged!!” 针金期期艾艾:“我会想尽办法复活你的!我发誓!!” Zi Di sneers: Even you can resurrect I, I die in their hands, this extreme merit belonged to them! Are you resigned?” 紫蒂冷笑:“就算你能复活我,我死在他们手中,这泼天的功劳就都归属他们了!你甘心吗?” My fiancee, discusses that now what merit, first preserves the life! This Jia Sha I was look, he is insane, ignored the life and death! This is actually very normal, he is not a merchant, he is a follower, a God of Victories devout follower!” Zhen Jin shouts, the color of whole face entreaty. “我的未婚妻啊,现在还谈什么功劳啊,先保住命啊!这个痂沙我算是看出来了,他已经疯了,不顾生死!这其实很正常,他不是商人,他是一个信徒,一个胜利之神的虔诚信徒啊!”针金喊道,满脸哀求之色。 Zi Di closes the eyes, shakes the head slowly, at this moment she thorough was disappointed about Zhen Jin. 紫蒂闭上双眼,缓缓摇头,这一刻她对针金彻底失望了。 Church Guardian Knight are ready to make trouble again. 护教骑士们再次蠢蠢欲动。 Zi Di opens the eyes fiercely, sneers again and again: Killed me, you cannot escape. Jia Sha, how your condition can I not understand?” 紫蒂猛地睁开双眼,冷笑连连:“杀了我,你们也不能逃生。痂沙,你的状态我岂会不了解?” You absolutely do not have the ample force!” “你根本已经没有余力了!” Even if I die, you must consume divine force and spirit, invades jurisdiction. Your so many divine force? Your spirit was also seriously battered with my resistance.” “就算我死,你还得耗费神力和精神,来侵占权限。你有这么多的神力吗?你的精神也在和我的对抗中遭受重创了。” In other words, I, once died, no one can open Teleportation Door!” “也就是说,我一旦死亡,就没有人能够打开传送门!” Church Guardian Knight also hesitate. 护教骑士们又犹豫起来。 They want the merit, but wants to live! 他们想要功劳,但更想要活着! Jia Sha laughs, deliberately shows own condition with Gao Liang's intonation: You too underestimated me, Miss Zi Di.” 痂沙哈哈一笑,刻意地用高亮的语调来彰显自己的状态:“你太低估我了,紫蒂小姐。” Your can only Blackiron, how understand silver level?” “你区区一个黑铁,怎么能理解白银层次?” My ample force, but are many! You said things just to frighten people, is revealing your weak.” “我的余力可是很多的!你危言耸听,就是在显露你的虚弱。” My spirit was still exuberant, my divine force even can use resurrecting technique a time. However my not resurrecting substitute person?” “我的精神仍旧旺盛,我的神力甚至可以施展一次复活术。但是我是不会复活替身的?” Reactivates he, making him encourage the following person to attack me? Your scheme, I have seen through!” “复活他,让他来鼓动下面一层的人来攻击我?你的计谋,我早就识破了!” The Church Guardian Knight intent moves again. 护教骑士们再次意动。 Zi Di also sneers: „Was spirit still exuberant? Why you retreat in defeat again and again, the jurisdiction was recaptured by me one after another......” 紫蒂也冷笑:“精神仍旧旺盛?那你为什么节节败退,权限被我陆续夺回……” Church Guardian Knight also hesitate. 护教骑士们又犹豫起来。 Sufficed! Your these two people! I was really by enough you!!” Suddenly, Zhen Jin eruption. “够了!你们这两个人!我真是受够你们了!!”忽然,针金爆发了。 He grabs oneself hair, the whole face becomes flushed, roars: „Are your two damn fellows, actually doing what?! Has been able to escape obviously, are you doing something?” 他抓着自己的头发,满脸涨红,咆哮起来:“你们这两个该死的家伙,究竟在搞什么啊?!明明已经可以逃生了,你们在搞什么名堂?” „! Now the magic power pond wanted dry, you have not been willing to make concessions!” “啊!现在法力池要干涸了,你们还不愿意退让!” „Do you want dead?” “你们想死吗?” You want dead, why doesn't die early? Why doesn't die on the road? Why doesn't deliver to these magic beast mouths on own initiative? Why can also rush to here?” “你们想死,为什么不早死呢?为什么不死在路上呢?为什么不主动送到那些魔兽口中去?为什么还要赶到这里来?” Time drags for a long time, our merit are less, the hope that we live is smaller. This truth aren't you clear?” “时间拖得越久,我们的功劳就越少,我们活下来的希望就越小。这个道理你们不明白吗?” Your these two idiots!!!” “你们这两个蠢货!!!” Zhen Jin roared again and again, is venting angry and panic in heart. 针金连连咆哮,发泄着自己心中的愤怒和恐慌。 Lord Zhen Jin said is very right!!” Four Church Guardian Knight nod again and again, approval cannot approve of again. 针金大人说的很对!!”四位护教骑士连连点头,赞同的不能再赞同了。 Right that since I said that your four damn fellows listen my, should not be affected by these two person several words again!!” The Zhen Jin anger is dreadful. “既然我说的对,你们这四个该死的家伙就听我的,不要再被这两个人几句话影响了!!”针金怒火滔天。 Four Church Guardian Knight look at each other in blank dismay, immediately a face is firm, nods to Zhen Jin layer on layer/heavily. 四位护教骑士面面相觑,随即一脸坚定,对针金重重点头。 Jia Sha and Zi Di simultaneously look changes. 痂沙紫蒂同时色变。 The circumstance sharp bend, a Zhen Jin ignition, changed the situation unexpectedly! 情势突转,针金一通发火,居然改变了局势! Now, his attitude and choice, became the key. 现在,他的态度和选择,成了关键。
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