EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#180: Zi Di games Jia Sha

Zhen Jin is angry extremely. 针金极为生气。 Any man noticed that oneself fiancee has an emotional tie with other men, will be very indignant. 任何男人看到自己的未婚妻心系其他男人,都会十分气愤。 Zhen Jin decided that must squeeze the maximum value of substitute person, then made him die a tragic death. But some time ago, the substitute person has died! Regarding dead person , there is nothing to be angry. 针金原本打定主意,要压榨出替身的最大价值,然后让他惨死。但不久前,替身已经死了!对于死人,就没什么好生气的。 Is adding on the circumstance to compel, Zhen Jin then chooses forgives Zi Di temporarily. 在加上情势所迫,针金便选择暂时原谅紫蒂 But where thinks, Zi Di must resurrect unexpectedly his substitute person! 但哪里想到,紫蒂居然要复活他的替身! Although Zhen Jin does not have to open the mouth again, but his vision seems like spit fire simply, seems complaining: 针金虽然没有再开口,但他的目光简直像是在喷火,仿佛在控诉: You never forget to him like this! Actually does he have what good?” “你就这样对他念念不忘!他究竟有什么好?” „In front of my, must resurrect your lover, what when you I am?!” “当着我的面,要复活你的情夫,你当我是什么?!” Zi Di makes noise comforting: „” Lord Zhen Jin, we must the resurrecting substitute person. Because after leaving this island, does not have the magic restriction environment again. We will face silver priest, four Blackiron Level Church Guardian Knight. I have recaptured many transmission jurisdictions, if transmits second divine artifact again, magic power can only escape for the limited several people! 紫蒂出声安抚:“”针金大人,我们必须复活替身。因为离开这座海岛之后,就再也没有禁魔的环境。我们将面对一位白银神父,四位黑铁级别护教骑士。我已经夺回许多传送权限,如果再传送第二件神器,法力只能供有限的几个人逃生! Looks at Zi Di to glitter the double pupil of fine glow, in the Zhen Jin heart imposing. 望着紫蒂闪烁着精芒的双眸,针金心中一阵凛然。 Said very reasonable!” “说的很有道理!” Yes, after escaping from the type, if Jia Sha reneges on a promise, invades the spoils of war again, we simply do not have the strength to resist.” “是啊,逃出种类后,如果痂沙反悔,再度侵占战利品,我们根本没有力量抵抗。” This woman is very astute, worthily is Wisteria Chamber of Commerce President, thinks long-term compared with me. However does she really plan for this?” “这个女人还是很精明的,不愧是紫藤商会会长,比我想得更长远。但是她真的只是为了这层算计吗?” Zhen Jin has mixed feelings at this moment, the train of thought somewhat is also chaotic. 针金此刻心情复杂,思绪也有些混乱。 Jia Sha sends out to sneer: Resurrecting substitute person? Templar Knight, between it seems like your fiancees and your substitute people relate are not very common. Just the substitute person I divided, she simply must wholeheartedly strive.” 痂沙发出冷笑:“复活替身?圣殿骑士,看来你的未婚妻和你的替身之间关系很不一般啊。刚刚替身被我劈死的时候,她简直是要一心求死了。” Hehe. Templar Knight, do you really trust her?” “呵呵呵。圣殿骑士,你就真的这么信任她吗?” She is also hiding the truth from you, contacts with War Monger in secret closely. After you are not afraid resurrected the substitute person, are you by the substitute person displaced?” “她还瞒着你,私底下和战贩联系密切。你就不害怕复活了替身之后,你被替身取而代之吗?” Zhen Jin cold snort/hum: Jia Sha Lord, I am also aristocrat, Templar Knight! This words, do not deceive me.” 针金冷哼一声:“痂沙大人,我好歹也是一名贵族,一位圣殿骑士!这种话,就不要来蒙骗我了。” Empire aristocrat, if is so easy to pretend, that human race society has messed up. bloodline is extremely first difficult forge, next holds the post of the important post high-level, once in a while will have the clergy to use the divine spell confirmation. Who can deceive the gods?” 帝国贵族如果是这么容易假冒,那人族社会早就乱套了。首先血脉就极难伪造,其次担任要职的高层,每隔一段时间都会有神职人员动用神术验证。谁能欺骗得了神明?” I and Zi Di have the engagement, this is the strict magic contract. The betrayal each other, will pay the heavy price.” “我和紫蒂是有婚约的,这是严格的魔法契约。背叛彼此,将付出惨重代价。” However what is most essential, the best object of Wisteria Chamber of Commerce attachment, is my Hundred Needles family, our benefits are highly consistent! If I die because of her betrayal here, Wisteria Chamber of Commerce was destroyed inevitably.” “而最关键的是,紫藤商会依附的最佳对象,就是我百针家族,我们的利益高度一致!如果我因为她的背叛而死在这里,紫藤商会必然遭受毁灭。” Has the contact of secret between her and War Monger? Hehe, what relations does this have? Empire many aristocrat also with devil and devil contact, trade in secret! Huge Chamber of Commerce, has the contact with War Monger such secret character, this is quite normal.” “至于她和战贩之间有隐秘的联络?呵呵呵,这又有什么关系呢?帝国的许多贵族还和恶魔魔鬼联络,私底下进行交易!一个规模巨大的商会,和战贩这样的隐秘人物有联络,这是相当正常的。” Zhen Jin that looks at spoke with confidence, Jia Sha gawked slightly. 看着侃侃而谈的针金,痂沙微微一愣。 His heart despised timid Zhen Jin, but has not thought that this moment, his oil salt does not enter, a performance comes as a surprise to Jia Sha. 他原本心底十分鄙视怯懦的针金,但没想到这种关头,他油盐不进,一番表现出乎痂沙意料。 Damn aristocrat. Once related to own benefit, often becomes incomparably astute!” “该死的贵族。一旦涉及到自身的利益,往往就变得无比精明!” „Do I really want to compromise to these two?” “难道我真的要向这两人妥协?” Jia Sha feels absurd, simultaneously unusual anger. He pays such huge price, but in the end, actually wants cheap outsider. 痂沙感到荒谬,同时又非常的愤怒。他付出这么样巨大的代价,但是到头来,却要便宜外人 priest is quite unwilling. 神父极为不甘心。 He then shakes the head, shifts responsibility onto others: Resurrecting technique? Miss Zi Di, don't you have the general knowledge in this aspect? This divine spell only then the bishop level you can utilize, I am Silver Rank priest. You are feeling embarrassed me purely.” 他接着摇头,推诿道:“复活术?紫蒂小姐,你没有这方面的常识吗?这种神术只有主教级才你能够运用,我不过是白银级神父而已。你这是纯粹在为难我。” Zi Di sneers: Jia Sha Lord, you can investigate to mount the The Pig's Kiss member. How can I not investigate your information? Actually according to your merit, you should promote the bishop to conform to the common sense at this moment. You have been able to use the resurrecting technique, this is one of you aptitude outstanding evident proof.” 紫蒂冷笑:“痂沙大人,你能调查登上猪吻号的成员。我岂会不调查你的情报呢?其实按照你的功绩,你此刻应该晋升主教才符合常理。你早已经可以使用复活术,这是你资质出众的明证之一。” priest Lord. I know must be much more, quick action that you imagine.” 神父大人。我知道的比你想象的要多得多,快行动吧。” Is impossible.” Jia Sha shakes the head, I am only silver priest, always urges the round of resurrecting technique, must be most flourishing in peak condition, my present physical condition, you are obvious to all. My divine force cannot be as good as resurrecting technique consumption 1/10, if begins using this divine spell forcefully, is to make me bring death on own initiative.” “不可能。”痂沙摇头,“我只是白银神父,历来催发复活术,都必须是全盛的巅峰状态,我现在的身体状况,你们有目共睹。我的神力抵不上复活术消耗的十分之一,如果强行启用这个神术,就是让我主动送死。” Zhen Jin slightly look changes. 针金微微色变。 In the Zi Di eye the fine glow twinkle is uncertain: How you want me to believe you, priest, your Central Tower can invade, you told me, now your is divine force insufficient?” 紫蒂眼中精芒闪烁不定:“你要我怎么相信你呢,神父啊,你连中枢塔都能侵占,你告诉我,现在你神力不足?” Because invaded Central Tower, therefore divine force consumes greatly. I have not deceived your necessities, we are not enemies, not? At best, we somewhat disputed to the assignment of merit.” Jia Sha attempts to slow down the atmosphere in field. “正是因为侵占了中枢塔,所以神力消耗巨大。我没有欺骗你们的必要,我们并非敌人,不是吗?充其量,我们只是对功劳的分配有些争执。”痂沙企图放缓场中的气氛。 Zi Di narrows the eyes slightly: priest Lord, don't you really have divine force? Perhaps leaves leeway the ample force, after transmitting, is used to cope with us, this sounds like a great idea!” 紫蒂微微眯起双眼:“神父大人,你真的没有神力吗?或许留有余力,传送出去后,用来对付我们,这听起来就像是一个好主意!” Time that the Jia Sha look changes, both sides talked, his forehead has covered entirely the sweat stain. 痂沙色变,双方交谈的功夫,他的额头已经布满汗渍。 This is because on the side of Zi Di and Jia Sha negotiated, another side never stopped attacking Jia Sha with the spirit, recaptured the jurisdiction in his hand. 这是因为紫蒂一边和痂沙谈判,另一边从未停止过用精神来攻击痂沙,夺回他手中的权限。 Miss Zi Di, do not do too comes excessively!” Jia Sha cannot support, the jurisdiction loses unceasingly, the field of vision starts the dizziness. 紫蒂小姐,你不要做的太过分过来!”痂沙支持不住,权限不断丧失,视野更是开始眩晕。 Zi Di emphasized again: Resurrecting substitute person, I can postpone the offensive! Your such condition, at all possibly is not my opponent, not?” 紫蒂再次强调:“复活替身,我就可以暂缓攻势!你这样的状态,根本不可能是我的对手,不是吗?” You are compelling me dead!” The Jia Sha air/Qi results in the anger to commit suicide by fire. “你这是在逼我去死!”痂沙气得怒火焚身。 Is inconceivable, my solemn Jia Sha, silver priest, was being forced by a trivial merchant female unexpectedly.” “难以想象,我堂堂痂沙,白银神父,居然正在被一个区区商人女子逼迫。” This is the dreadful shame!” “这是滔天的耻辱!” The looks at Jia Sha so fierce complexion, Zhen Jin turns the head to say to Zi Di: Perhaps we should choose to believe him, after all, persecuting to death Jia Sha is also quite harmful to us.” 看着痂沙如此狰狞的脸色,针金转头对紫蒂道:“或许我们应该选择相信他,毕竟,逼死痂沙对我们也相当有害。” Zi Di shakes the head slowly: I and Tower Spirit signed the magic contract, must eliminate or expel from Central Tower the Jia Sha spirit.” 紫蒂缓缓摇头:“我和塔灵签订了魔法契约,必须将痂沙的精神从中枢塔中消灭或者驱逐。” So long as completes this step, my contract fulfilled even.” “只要完成这一步,我的契约就算是履行了。” We not only can obtain the reward of Tower Spirit, but can also weaken the Jia Sha battle efficiency enormously. Leaves this island, he will not start to you, but copes with me, actually does not need any worry.” “我们不仅能够获得塔灵的奖励,还能极大地削弱痂沙的战斗力。离开这座海岛,他不会对你下手,但是对付我,却不需要任何顾虑。” Lord Zhen Jin, you felt I analyze reasonable?” 针金大人,你觉得我分析的有道理吗?” The Zi Di words are extremely well-founded, Zhen Jin must nod. 紫蒂的话太过有理有据,针金只得点头。 Zi Di and Tower Spirit achieve the contract, as if seems very crude. But if in fact does not sign, they will unable to achieve this refusing to compromise aspect, the spoils of war by the Jia Sha thorough control. 紫蒂塔灵达成契约,似乎显得很鲁莽。但实际上如果不签订,他们根本达不到这种僵持的局面,战利品将会被痂沙彻底掌控。 Therefore!” Zi Di will look at Jia Sha again, her speaker urged, death was not the end, priest Lord, so long as you resurrected the substitute person, all discussed well. Even if you passed away unfortunately, we will still use this dreadful merit, the hope gods, making you resurrect in the temple.” “所以!”紫蒂再次将目光投向痂沙,她扬声催促道,“死亡并非终结,神父大人,只要你复活了替身,一切都好商量。即便你不幸去世,我们也会利用这份滔天的功劳,祈求神明,让你在神殿中复活。” Jia Sha sneers: Miss Zi Di, your thoughts were extremely rather vicious. The resurrecting technique has the limit, once exceeds the time limit, dying the soul of person will dissipate. Without the soul, even if the gods use the resurrecting technique personally, cannot resurrect I! How you guaranteed, after I die , can you make me resurrect promptly? Even uses here Teleportation Door, we still can only transmit to nearby island on.” 痂沙冷笑:“紫蒂小姐,你的心思未免太过狠毒了。复活术是有局限,一旦超过时限,死去的人的灵魂就会消散。没有灵魂,就算是神明亲自施展复活术,也不能复活我!你怎么保证,我死后你能够及时地让我复活?即便是利用这里的传送门,我们也只能传送到附近的海岛上。” The Zi Di complexion sinks. 紫蒂面色微沉。 This is also her anxious place, if not this point, she does not want to force Jia Sha to use the resurrecting technique. 这也是她焦虑的地方,如果不是这一点,她也不想逼迫痂沙使用复活术。 Wait, I think means that we take carry back the divine artifact sapphire gold coffin! This can't divine artifact bring back to life?” The Zhen Jin miraculous glow flashes, shouts. “等等,我想到了一个办法,我们把神器青玉黄金棺拿回来!这件神器不是可以起死回生吗?”针金灵光一闪,喊道。 Jia Sha sneers: Takes the sapphire gold coffin, delivers again? magic power is insufficient!” 痂沙冷笑:“把青玉黄金棺取回来,再送出去?法力根本不够!” Moreover, the sapphire gold coffin is divine artifact, we simply do not have the means to begin using it. alchemy formation of War Monger arrangement has destroyed here most probably, has not damaged even, this alchemy formation is still used to transform magic beast, is not used for the resurrecting corpse.” “而且,青玉黄金棺是神器,我们根本没有办法启用它。战贩在这里布置的炼金法阵已经毁了大半,就算没有损毁,这座炼金法阵也只是用来改造魔兽,不是用来复活尸体的。” This......” Zhen Jin frowns tightly, strongly thinking, the color of whole face anxiety. “这样的话……”针金紧皱眉头,竭力思索,满脸愁苦之色。 At this moment, Zi Di gained a tremendous victory again. 就在这时,紫蒂再度取得了一项巨大的胜利。 Jia Sha changes color suddenly, the startled anger happened simultaneously! 痂沙猛然变色,惊怒交加! Originally the Zi Di savings moment, launches the attack fiercely, does not capture the transmission jurisdiction, but aimed at the jurisdiction of weather control. 原来紫蒂积蓄片刻,猛地发动攻击,不是夺取传送权限,而是瞄准了天气操控的权限。 Zi Di, you are very good!” Jia Sha was hit one to be caught off guard, spells to go all-out to revolt hastily, guaranteed own only remaining jurisdictions. 紫蒂,你很好!”痂沙被打了一个措手不及,连忙拼尽全力反抗,保证自己仅剩下的权限。 priest holds in high esteem to Zi Di again. 神父不禁再一次对紫蒂刮目相看。 He wanted to take advantage of the jurisdiction of weather control, comes and a Zi Di lecture of condition, has not thought that the latter has thought this, the foray, the intention end walks Jia Sha the card in hand. 他原本想要依仗天气操控的权限,来和紫蒂讲条件,没想到后者已经想到这一层,突然袭击,意图端走痂沙的这张底牌。 The eye looks at Zi Di spirit victories, oneself must lose this chip. 看着紫蒂精神节节胜利,自己就要失去这个筹码。 Jia Sha be forced, must make ahead of time. 痂沙迫于无奈,只得提前打出。 Is you compels my!” Jia Sha bellows, uses the jurisdiction of weather control, bursts out a lightning. “是你逼我的!”痂沙大吼一声,动用天气操控的权限,迸发道道闪电。 But Zi Di clenches teeth, the jurisdiction that the use just seized, attempts to stop bursting out of lightning. 紫蒂则咬牙,利用刚刚夺下来的权限,尝试停止闪电的迸发。 And. 咔嚓、咔嚓。 The lightning is transferred crowded sparsely, the place of lightning falling, man-made magic beast is not the tragic death is the severe wound. 闪电由密集转为稀疏,闪电落下之处,人造魔兽不是惨死就是重伤。 What's the matter?” The third survivors are surprised. “怎么回事?”第三层的幸存者们惊疑不定。 Before, the dialogue of Tower Spirit and Zi Di, making them know that fourth presented the accident, but no one dares to take risk. 之前,塔灵紫蒂的对话,让他们都知道第四层出现了变故,但是无人敢冒险上去。 Tower Spirit , helping me quickly.” Zi Di saw unable to close the lightning, can only summon the reinforcements. 塔灵,快来帮我。”紫蒂见关闭不了闪电,只能呼唤援兵。 Tower Spirit appears, inserts the confrontation of Zi Di and during Jia Sha. 塔灵出现,插入紫蒂痂沙的交锋当中。 However what stems from two people to be unexpected, Tower Spirit has not helped Zi Di directly, but seizes the chance to operate the lightning, making the lightning be separated from the control of Jia Sha, turned into the disorderly lightning. 但是出乎两人意料之外的是,塔灵并没有直接帮助紫蒂,而是趁机操纵闪电,让闪电脱离痂沙的掌控,变成了无序闪电。 Tripleblade is unexpected, was almost divided by the lightning. 三刀猝不及防,差点就被闪电劈中。 What fourth did exactly have?!” “第四层到底发生了什么?!” Priest Jia Sha, why you must chop us!” 痂沙神父,为什么你要劈我们!” The survivors go haywire in the middle. 幸存者们陷入混乱当中。 The Jia Sha sound conveys: I cannot control the lightning now. Zi Di, this is your mistake! Your companions are going to be divided because of you.” 痂沙的声音传来:“我现在已经不能控制闪电了。紫蒂,这都是你的错!你的同伴们将要被因为你而被劈死了。” Zi Di quick response: Hides the blood nuclear the , from the blood nuclear in three meters, is the safety zones!” 紫蒂很快回应:“躲到血核的附近,距离血核三米之内,都是安全区域!” The people have been reminded, shrinks to the blood nuclear around hastily. 众人得到提醒,连忙缩到血核周围。 Lan Zao is holding the corpse body of substitute person, caught up. 蓝藻抱着替身的尸躯,也赶了过来。 Zong Ge took risk still the giant who with several other people kept twitching, towed to entrain in the crowd. 鬃戈则和其他几人冒险将仍旧不停抽搐的大个子,拖拽进人群中来。
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