EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#179: Please resurrect he!

Zhen Jin brings Zi Di successfully to step into Central Tower most high-level. 针金带着紫蒂成功地踏入中枢塔的最高层 priest Lord, how were you?!” Sees Jia Sha again, Zhen Jin hardly can believe own eye. 神父大人,你这是怎么了?!”再一次看到痂沙,针金几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Jia Sha is silver-haired, emaciated, the eye socket gets sucked, beforehand four Church Guardian Knight deliver divine artifact time must be more serious , the body condition is anxious, tranquil also has the crazy look to let the person palpitation. 痂沙白发苍苍,形销骨立,眼窝深陷,比之前四位护教骑士送上神器的时候还要更加严重,身体状态让人担忧,平静却又带着疯狂的神色则让人心悸。 The Zi Di heart jumps, understands suddenly: Jia Sha seized squeezing divine force is too many from the body! 紫蒂心头一跳,陡然间明白过来:痂沙从身体内攫取压榨的神力太多了! priest and priest gain divine force, is the dependence prayed, has been instilled into. The reverends are more reverent, teaching the step is higher, divine force that each pray obtains are more. 牧师神父获取神力,是依靠祈祷,得到灌输。神职者越是虔诚,教阶越高,每一次祈祷得到的神力就越多。 divine force fills the body, is transforming the reverend every time, strengthens their body accomplishment. 神力灌体,每时每刻都在改造神职者,增强他们的身体素养。 The number of times of however praying, every day was fixed. 然而祈祷的次数,每天是固定的。 With Emperor Holybright, usually only has the time that three times prayed. One time in morning, one time at noon, one time in evening. 就拿圣明大帝而言,通常只有三次祈祷的时间。一次在早晨,一次在中午,一次在晚上。 divine force that Jia Sha obtains every day is limited. 痂沙每天得到的神力是有限的。 But must invade this Central Tower, divine force of his within the body is far from enough, has not arrived at the pray time, therefore he can only squeeze oneself body. 而要侵占这座中枢塔,他体内的神力远远不够,又还未到祈祷的时候,所以他就只能压榨自己的身体。 Clearly, Jia Sha sacrificed oneself advanced potential, the aptitude damaged greatly, even also consumed own life energy, is used to receive in exchange for many divine force!” “很明显,痂沙牺牲了自己进阶的潜能,资质大损,甚至还消耗了自己的生命能量,用来换取更多的神力!” In the Zi Di heart analyzes, fishes the merit to Jia Sha the crazy and urgent mentality, suddenly understood! 紫蒂心中分析,对痂沙捞功的疯狂、急迫的心态,忽然非常理解了! He paid too many prices, these prices were too high, even if he has the life to escape, still became the disabled person( church to choose reverend naturally also to want aptitude first), lived is about 2-3 years. 他付出了太多的代价,这些代价太高昂了,就算他有命逃出去,也成了废人(教派挑选神职者当然也要资质优先),同时也活不过2-3年。 If possible, Jia Sha like this will not be risky, cannot like this stake all on a single throw. 如果有可能,痂沙不会这样冒险,不会这样孤注一掷 However does not have the means! 但是没办法! Here forbids low rank magic and battle energy, others are unable to count on, he can only force up. He cannot force up, cannot escape from here, cannot escape from here, is dies. In the face of death, what aptitude but also discusses, life span and future? 这里禁止低阶的魔法斗气,其他人根本无法指望,他只能顶上去。他顶不上去,就逃不出这里,逃不出这里,就是个死。在死亡面前,还谈什么资质、寿命和将来呢? But as an intruder, he is impossible only to use the spirit, can connection Central Tower. He must adhere to stick cohere the spirit in the middle of divine force, through way that the divine force powerful corrodes, lets victories of his spiritual in Central Tower, routs the control of Tower Spirit, captures jurisdictions. 而作为一个入侵者,他不可能只动用精神,就能接驳这座中枢塔。他必须将精神附着在神力当中,通过神力强力侵蚀的方式,让他的精神在中枢塔中节节胜利,击溃塔灵的控制,夺取一份份的权限。 Why does Jia Sha long to divine artifact like this? 为什么痂沙神器这样渴望? Because puts at present his, only then a road, he must receive in exchange for the dreadful merit with divine artifact, received exchange for the church even gods making a move with the dreadful merit again personally, recalls the life for him the prospect. 因为摆在他眼前的只有一条路,他必须用神器换取滔天之功,再用滔天功劳来换取教派甚至神明亲自出手,为他挽回人生的前景。 Otherwise, without the words of this dreadful merit , he even if lives, should still become a disabled person, living to might as well die! 否则,没有这份滔天功劳的话,他就算活下来,也会成为了一个废人,生不如死! Facing the Zhen Jin surprised vision, Jia Sha shuts tightly the lip, but stared Zhen Jin one ruthlessly, is unable to divert attention he to attend, does not have any reply. 面对针金的惊疑目光,痂沙紧闭嘴唇,只是狠狠瞪了针金一眼,无法分心他顾,没有任何回答。 Suddenly, he bellows. 忽然,他大吼一声。 next moment, Central Tower fourth shone a blue light suddenly. 下一刻,中枢塔第四层忽然亮起了一点蓝光。 Afterward the blue light spreads, formed a light gate of oval-shape unexpectedly. 随后蓝光扩散,竟形成了一个椭圆形的光门。 Teleportation Door! 传送门 No matter Zhen Jin or Church Guardian Knight, see this, reveals the intense happy expression. 不管是针金还是护教骑士们,看到这一幕,都流露出强烈的喜色。 hahaha!” Jia Sha then laughs, but is quick, because he is too weak, coughs violently. 哈哈哈!”痂沙这才大笑起来,但很快,他因为身体太虚弱,又猛烈咳嗽起来。 priest Lord, you succeeded!. We walk now, hurries to leave here!” Zhen Jin urged unbearably anxiously. 神父大人,你成功了!。我们现在就走吧,赶紧离开这里!”针金急不可耐地催促道。 Do not worry, I had robbed half of transmission jurisdictions from the Tower Spirit hand, this Teleportation Door receives my control, is stable, how Tower Spirit cannot take it. Now...... who first walks who withdraws, is I decides.” At this point, the Jia Sha eyeful profound meanings stare to Zhen Jin. “不要着急,我已经从塔灵手中抢夺了一半的传送权限,这座传送门受到我的控制,非常稳定,塔灵也不能拿它怎样。现在……谁先走谁后撤,都是我说了算。”说到这里,痂沙满眼深意地盯向针金 The Zhen Jin heart thump, said with a smile reluctantly: What priest Lord said that aren't you our leaders?” 针金心头咯噔一下,勉强笑道:“神父大人说的是,您不一直都是我们的领导者吗?” Zi Di looks pale. 紫蒂面色苍白。 Jia Sha no longer looks at Zhen Jin, but ordered to Church Guardian Knight: First forces in the sapphire gold coffin Teleportation Door.” 痂沙不再看针金,而是对护教骑士们下令:“先将青玉黄金棺塞进传送门中去。” Yes, Lord!” “是,大人!” Four Church Guardian Knight one person are lifting the corner/horn of sapphire gold coffin, feeds in Teleportation Door, finally coffin penetrating basal plug to gate another side. 四位护教骑士一个人抬着青玉黄金棺的一角,送进传送门,最终将棺材彻底塞到门的另一边去。 divine artifact was transmitted, in this process, the Teleportation Door drastic fluctuation, overall was stable. 神器被传送走了,这个过程中,传送门剧烈波动了一下,总体而言非常稳定。 Makes concrete as for this divine artifact is delivered to where, except for controlling Teleportation Door Jia Sha, no one knows. 至于这件神器具体被送到何处,除了控制传送门痂沙,没有人知道。 Payout of Jia Sha is very valuable, he controlled the Teleportation Door jurisdiction, occupies this moment situation initiative firmly. 痂沙的付出是很有价值的,他掌控了传送门的权限,牢牢占据此刻局势的主动权。 Very good, very good.” Jia Sha shows the smile, the intense complexion was more moderate. “很好,很好。”痂沙露出微笑,原本紧张的面色缓和了许多。 Packs off the sapphire gold coffin, consumed massive magic power. 送走青玉黄金棺,耗费了大量的法力 However in the magic power pond also has surplus. 但是法力池中还有剩余。 Enough sends out divine artifact again, finally can also while convenient Jia Sha and other small numbers of people. 足够再送出一件神器,最后还能顺带痂沙等少数人。 Now, throws the fairy tale of mermaid.” Jia Sha said again. “现在,将美人鱼的童话投过去。”痂沙再道。 Church Guardian Knight just about to act, the Tower Spirit sound conveys suddenly: Warning and warning!” 护教骑士们刚要行动,塔灵的声音忽然传来:“警告、警告!” Examines the transmission jurisdiction to lose 55, 56, 58, 59 and 61......” “检测到传送权限丢失55、56、58、59、61……” Teleportation Door is opening, the man-made magic beast alchemy core module loses, is attempting to close......” 传送门正在开启,人造魔兽炼金阵核心组件丢失,正尝试关闭……” Teleportation Door is unable to close.” 传送门无法关闭。” Warning, warning. The transmission jurisdiction loses has reached 65. Tower Spirit is unmatchable, is losing, is losing.” “警告,警告。传送权限丢失已达65。塔灵无法对抗,正在丢失,正在丢失。” People anxious, relaxes quickly. 众人紧张了一阵,很快又放松下来。 hahaha.” Jia Sha laughs again, has a false alarm, I have victory in the hand!” 哈哈哈。”痂沙再次大笑,“虚惊一场,我已胜券在握!” But at this time, the people listened to Tower Spirit saying: Tower Spirit request assistance, request assistance.” 但这个时候,众人又听塔灵道:“塔灵请求支援,请求支援。” Request goal does not have the feedback.” “请求目标没有回馈。” Warning, the transmission jurisdiction loses has reached 68.” “警告,传送权限丢失已达68.” Request had not responded.” “请求没有反应。” Start emergency call, searches for the external backer.” “启动紧急呼救,搜寻外来支援者。” Starts to examine the jurisdiction.” “开始检测权限。” Examines ten levels of jurisdiction...... not to have.” “检测十级权限者……无。” Examines 11 levels of jurisdiction...... not to have.” “检测十一级权限者……无。” ...... …… Ding, examines the 18 th level of jurisdiction owner Miss Zi Di.” “叮,检测到第十八级权限拥有者紫蒂小姐。” Confuses strange factory Tower Spirit to seek help from you, requested that your support, hopes that you can extend the aid.” “迷怪工厂塔灵正向你求助,请求您的支援,希望您能伸出援手。” Your this contribution, on record. According to your contribution, you will obtain under the Tower Spirit jurisdiction the corresponding material reward. You will obtain the favorable impression and friendship of alchemy factory owner. From now on can purchase the product of this factory, will obtain with you contributes the discount of correspondence.” “您此次的贡献,将记录在案。依据您的贡献,您将获得塔灵权限下相应的物质奖励。您将获得炼金工厂主人的好感和友谊。今后能购买本工厂的产品,将获得与您贡献对应的折扣。” Whether you do accept this time request reinforcements?” “请问您是否接受此次求援?” Under the people dumbfounded gaze, Zi Di responded rapidly, and replied: Yes!” 在众人目瞪口呆的注视下,紫蒂迅速反应过来,并回答道:“是!” The light of magic sprinkles, forms contract formation in the midair. 魔法之光洒落,在半空中形成契约法阵 next moment, the formation concentration, falls before the Zi Di volume, forms a formation tattoo design. 下一刻,法阵浓缩,落到紫蒂的额前,形成一副法阵的纹身图案。 Tower Spirit said: Contract establishes.” 塔灵道:“契约成立。” Asked Miss Zi Di to assist Tower Spirit, routed the intruder, captured the control jurisdiction. The target priority is as follows: The transmission jurisdiction's first first, the weather control jurisdiction's second first, the man-made magic beast direction jurisdiction's third first......” “请紫蒂小姐协助塔灵,击溃入侵者,重新夺取控制权限。目标优先级如下:传送权限第一优先,天气控制权限第二优先,人造魔兽指挥权限第三优先……” No!” The Jia Sha rave, the violent anger, he suffered the attack of Zi Di. “不!”痂沙狂吼,暴怒不已,他遭受到了紫蒂的攻击。 The attack is relentless, bringing angry roaring of revenge, Jia Sha to invade the jurisdiction of obtaining to lose with great difficulty rapidly. 攻击毫不留情,带着复仇的怒吼,痂沙好不容易侵占得到的权限正在迅速丢失。 The expert squad and War Monger of blood light sanction institute are mutually wounded, may be called perish together, in this frigid confrontation Tower Spirit also suffers the key attendance, the condition is extremely bad. 血光制裁院的强者小队和战贩两败俱伤,堪称同归于尽,这场惨烈的交锋中塔灵也遭受重点的照顾,状况极差。 As the center brain, it cannot control the alchemy factory, the most time, by forced dormancy, otherwise must be defeated and dispersed thoroughly. 作为中枢大脑,它已经不能控制炼金工厂,绝大多数时间,都是被强制休眠,否则就要彻底溃散。 Therefore, when silver priest corrodes the center, Tower Spirit radically irresistibly. 所以,当一位白银神父来侵蚀中枢,塔灵根本无法抵抗。 Must compete for the jurisdiction, wants the spirit to spelling, this aspect Jia Sha goes smoothly everywhere. Restricts this silver priest divine force truly. He must through divine force, let the spirit invade in the center. 要争夺权限,就要精神对拼,这方面痂沙无往不利。真正制约这位白银神父的还是神力。他必须通过神力,来让精神入侵到中枢里去。 The spirit competes for the jurisdiction, divine force is the energetic carrier. 精神争夺权限,神力是精神的载体。 However, the present situation was different. 然而,现在的情况不同了。 After Zi Di complies with the aid, her spirit was accepted by entire Central Tower. 紫蒂答应援手之后,她的精神就被整个中枢塔接受。 She is Mage, has never used magic, the condition is very good. Although is only Blackiron Level, but spiritual or far exceeds average man. 她是一名魔法师,从未用过魔法,状态很好。虽然只是黑铁级别,但精神还是远超常人。 Jia Sha is priest, spells now, he is an arrow at the end of its flight. He was resisted, the spirit must adhere to stick cohere in the middle of divine force, can corrode the center. 痂沙是一位神父,拼到现在,他已经是强弩之末。他又受到抵制,精神必须附着在神力当中,才能侵蚀中枢。 The result of showdown is obvious, Zi Di as brand-new strength, is skilled in the utilization of spirit, hits the spirit that Jia Sha leaves behind retreats in defeat again and again. 对决的结果显而易见,紫蒂作为全新的力量,又精通精神的运用,将痂沙留下的精神打得节节败退。 Shortly, Teleportation Door closure. 不久后,传送门关闭。 This actually not Zi Di closure, but is Jia Sha is not according to the circumstances wonderful, closes on own initiative. 这倒不是紫蒂关闭的,而是痂沙见机不妙,主动闭合。 Did not close the Teleportation Door words, Zi Di can learn Teleportation Door another exact location from this space relation. 不关闭传送门的话,紫蒂就能从这份空间联系中获知到传送门的另一头具体位置了。 „Will you have the jurisdiction? You have come to here!” Jia Sha stares stubbornly to Zi Di. “你怎么会有权限?你来过这里!”痂沙死死地瞪向紫蒂 Zhen Jin also looks to Zi Di, dumbfounded. 针金也看向紫蒂,目瞪口呆。 Zi Di not dreads returns stares Jia Sha, then shot a look at Zhen Jin, sneers a sound said: Then you think where the Lord Zhen Jin substitute person does have custom-made?” 紫蒂毫无畏惧地回瞪痂沙,然后瞥了一眼身边的针金,冷笑一声道:“那么你们以为,针金大人的替身是从哪里定制的?” Only Blackiron Mage!” In Jia Sha heart wild with rage, agitates the full power, but he really reached the limit, blows up the complete ample force , was still not the Zi Di opponent. “区区一个黑铁法师!”痂沙心中狂怒,鼓动全力,但他真的到达了极限,鼓起全部余力,也仍旧不是紫蒂的对手。 You know that you are doing?! Do you want to betray Empire? Zhen Jin, do you want to betray your belief? Becoming degenerating Knight?” Jia Sha shouts a question. “你们知道自己在干什么吗?!你们想背叛帝国吗?针金,你想背叛你的信仰?成为一名堕落的骑士?”痂沙喝问。 Zi Di hehe smiles: priest Lord, please do not say things just to frighten people. We have never thought betrays Empire, you do not need to be unjust to the Lord Zhen Jin betrayal belief. We actually have no intention for the enemy, but wants to discuss well.” 紫蒂呵呵一笑:“神父大人,请你不要危言耸听。我们从未想过背叛帝国,你也不必冤枉针金大人背叛信仰。我们其实无意为敌,只是想好好谈一谈。” Jia Sha air/Qi clenches jaws. 痂沙气得咬牙切齿。 He wants to order, making four Church Guardian Knight massacre Zi Di. But key Zhen Jin keeps off in the Zi Di front, Zi Di has seen through the situation, treats as own charm amulet this Templar Knight. 他很想一声令下,让四位护教骑士紫蒂杀掉。但关键针金挡在紫蒂的面前,紫蒂已经看穿局势,将这位圣殿骑士当做自己的护身符。 This arrangement is really fierce, making Jia Sha not dare to start. 这一手布置着实厉害,让痂沙根本不敢对其下手。 The mind is an intermittent slight dizziness, Jia Sha knows that this was mad purely! But does not have the means that he can only force itself to calm down. 头脑还是一阵阵轻微的眩晕,痂沙知道这纯粹是被气的!但没办法,他只能强迫自己冷静下来。 What do you want to discuss?” Jia Sha asked. “你们想谈什么?”痂沙问。 Chatted the contribution!” Zi Di said immediately, this, the priest Lord merit is all the way biggest, this we acknowledged. But can't our contributions deny?” “谈谈贡献!”紫蒂立即道,“这一路上,神父大人功劳最大,这点我们承认。但我们的贡献也不能否定吧?” Zhen Jin responded, immediately the postscript, in the attitude supported Zi Di explicitly. 针金反应过来,立即附言,态度上明确支持紫蒂 Now does not investigate Zi Di conceals itself and War Monger relation time. 现在可不是追究紫蒂隐瞒自己和战贩的联系的时候。 I have not thought denied your contributions and merit!” Jia Sha gloomy to wanting water drop. “我从来没有想过否定你们的贡献和功劳!”痂沙阴沉到要滴水。 That, actually did the sapphire gold coffin transmit to where?” The Zi Di words are simply sharper than SIlver Lightning . “那么请问,青玉黄金棺究竟传送到哪里去了?”紫蒂的话简直比银电还要犀利。 Jia Sha cold snort/hum, is quite discontented: You think that I do go back easily to say?” 痂沙冷哼一声,极为不满:“你认为我回去轻易说出来?” Zi Di sneers: But acquisition of sapphire gold coffin, has our merit. priest Lord, you just said that without denying our merit and contributions, the words that but your action spoke with you are inconsistent.” 紫蒂冷笑:“可是青玉黄金棺的获得,有我们的一份功劳啊。神父大人,您刚刚说,没有否定我们的功劳和贡献,可是你的行动却和你说的话并不一致。” If I do not have to obtain the approval of Tower Spirit by luck, Priest Jia Sha, you have thought abandons us?” “如果我没有侥幸获得塔灵的认可,痂沙神父,你是不是想过抛弃我们?” The Jia Sha mind sends to hurt faintly, Zi Di sharply and surprises him hard to deal with. 痂沙头脑隐隐发疼,紫蒂的犀利和难缠让他大为意外。 He shakes the head, puts out foul air, the complexion already a quietness: Now discusses these, does not need! Even if I explained again well, lacked the trust foundation, you will not believe. Will not believe you like me, said the sapphire gold coffin transmission position is the same.” 他摇了摇头,吐出一口浊气,面色已经一片沉静:“现在谈论这些,都没有必要!就算我解释得再好,缺乏信任基础,你们也是不会信的。就像我不会相信你们,将青玉黄金棺传送位置说出来一样。” Doesn't matter.” Zi Di smile, „, when my spirit routs your brand mark thoroughly, after I grasp transmits the jurisdiction completely, just transmission records me definitely to check to obtain!” “没有关系。”紫蒂微笑,“等到我的精神彻底击溃你的烙印,我掌握全部传送权限之后,刚刚的传送记录我完全可以查得到!” Jia Sha changes colors immediately. 痂沙顿时失色。 If he grasped the complete transmission jurisdiction, naturally can erase the transmission record. But his transmission jurisdiction never achieves 100. 他如果掌握了全部的传送权限,自然是可以将传送记录抹除的。但他的传送权限从未达到100过。 Haha, Zi Di, does attractively!” Zhen Jin laughs. “哈哈,紫蒂,干得漂亮!”针金大笑。 Perhaps we can make a transaction.” Zi Di said again, the tone also transfers gently, we have never thought forces priest you, acknowledged priest Lord your merit far exceeds we. We want to protect our that to be OK.” “或许我们可以做一场交易。”紫蒂再道,语气也转为柔和,“我们从未想过逼迫神父你,也承认神父大人您的功劳远超过我们。我们只是想保护自己的那一份就可以了。” Actually do you want what? Hurries to say!” Jia Sha is extremely agitated, he was compelled to have no alternative by Zi Di finally, can only choose the compromise. “你究竟想要什么?赶紧说出来!”痂沙极度烦躁,他终于还是被紫蒂逼得无可奈何,只能选择妥协。 The Zi Di vision is deep and quiet: „Very simple, so long as priest Lord you use the resurrecting technique, the Zhen Jin substitute person who will just divide resurrects then.” 紫蒂目光深幽:“很简单,只要神父大人你使用复活术,将刚刚劈死的针金替身复活即可。” What??!!” Zhen Jin stunned, turns head fiercely, the anger stares own fiancee. “什么??!!”针金愕然,猛地回头,怒瞪自己的未婚妻。
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