EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#178: I do not haggle over the mistake that you violate

Stops stops from time to time!” Zi Di puts out a hand empty to press, Lord, these persecuted fantasy, please know when to stop! I a little received enough!” “停停停!”紫蒂伸手虚按,“大人,这些被迫害的幻想,请你适可而止吧!我有点受够了!” Zi Di pulls up the sending silk of forehead to the ear behind, her deep breath one breath, stabilizes diligently lives in the mood, after several breath, she opens the mouth saying: I have the means that I thought of the means that Lord Zhen Jin, you must first calm down, was good to be of pleasant to hear I to say......” 紫蒂将额头的发丝撩到耳朵后面,她深呼吸一口气,努力稳定住情绪,几个呼吸之后,她开口道:“我有办法,我想到办法了,针金大人,你务必先冷静下来,好好听我说……” Only exposes part? Mislead him into thinking that I haven't seen clearly? This indeed is means.” Zhen Jin nodded, approved the plan of Zi Di. “只暴露一部分么?让他误以为我没有看清楚?这的确是个办法。”针金点头,认可了紫蒂的这个计划。 After a conference, no matter the substitute person, is the Zhen Jin crisis, relieved temporarily. 一场会议之后,不管是替身,还是针金的危机,都暂时解除了。 Next day, Zhen Jin leads to investigate the battlefield again, the discovery battlefield had actually been cleaned cleanly. 次日,针金再次带队探查战场,却发现战场已是被打扫干净。 The information feeds, high-level discussed again. 情报传回,高层再次商议。 Zi Di worried that looks to the substitute person: Lord, last night you still night patrol. Please do not do this ? A huge magic beast regiment likely ambushes around us, that Foxy Blue Wolf Dog likely obtained the lesson, these subdued brand-new type terrifying magic beast time unexpectedly. Lord, you, although has mental force, but in the night, is only all alone.” 紫蒂担忧地看向替身:“大人,昨夜你仍旧夜巡了。请你不要这样做了,好吗?一支庞大的魔兽军团很可能就潜伏在我们周围,那头蓝狗狐狼很可能得到了教训,这一次竟收服了全新种类的恐怖魔兽大人,你虽然有心灵的力量,但在深夜里,到底只是孤身一人啊。” The substitute people have a heavy heart. Person who tidies up the battlefield, naturally is he! 替身心情沉重。收拾战场的人,当然就是他! This woman......” Zhen Jin lowers the head, is hiding the gloomy expression. “这个女人……”针金低头,隐藏着阴沉的表情。 Lord Zi Di said is very reasonable. The masters, your individual safety concerns the general situation. Because always, there are you, we unite, shipbuilding, to escape together , but shoulder to shoulder diligently. Without you commands us, we will become in a state of disunity. Your status is precious, should not brave hardships and dangers personally.” Lan Zao also urged. 紫蒂大人说的很有道理。主人,您的个人安危关乎大局。一直以来,因为有您,我们才重新团结起来,一起造船,为共同逃生而并肩努力。没有您统领我们,我们将成为一盘散沙。您身份贵重,不应该亲自涉险了。”蓝藻也劝道。 Cang Xu and the others one by one nod. 苍须等人纷纷点头。 Zong Ge opens the mouth: Templar Knight, we can understand your mood, knows your braveness, never shirks as the responsibility of leader. But, we are for this reason more careful. If late at night the open country, you suffer besieging of magic beast regiment, or the attack of that mysterious magic beast, to we will be the huge blow. Both armies make war, the command cannot run all over the place at will.” 就连鬃戈都开口:“圣殿骑士,我们都能理解你的心情,也知晓你的勇武,从不推卸身为领袖的责任。但正因如此,我们才更要小心。如果深夜野外,你遭受魔兽军团的围攻,或者那头神秘魔兽的攻击,对本方将是巨大的打击。两军开战,统帅可不能随意乱跑啊。” Really is laughable and pitiful! If made them know the true status of substitute person, what expression they will have?” In the Zhen Jin heart sneers to continue. “真是可笑、可悲!如果让他们知道了替身的真正身份,他们会有什么样的表情呢?”针金心中冷笑不止。 The ships construction progress are many, however the giant goes crazy, the earthquake and volcanic eruption, more and more magic beast regiments besiege the mountain valley camp unceasingly. 船只建造进展很多,然而大个子发疯,地震和火山喷发,越来越多的魔兽军团不断围攻山谷营地。 Under the situation of this hardships, the new ship constructs finally successfully. 在这种艰难困苦的处境下,新船终于建造成功。 In the glee feast, the substitute person leaves quietly. 庆功宴中,替身悄然离开。 Where does he want to go to?” Zhen Jin follows in secret, quick, he discovered that Zhen Jin and giant sit on the hillside. “他要去哪里?”针金暗中跟随,很快,他就发现针金和大个子坐在山坡上。 Snort, is really the birds of a feather flock together like attracts like, a beastified person, -and-a-half Giant, are the monsters!” Zhen Jin sneers, returns to the banquet. “哼,果然是物以类聚人以群分,一个兽化人,一个半巨人,都是怪物!”针金冷笑,回归宴会。 However in the dual attacks of earthquake and under magic beast regiment, the new ship destroyed. 然而在地震、魔兽军团的双重袭击之下,新船还是毁了。 Critical juncture, if not for many beastified, counter-attack suddenly crazily, Zhen Jin has died in beast many mouths. 危急关头,若不是许多人忽然兽化,疯狂反扑,针金已经死在兽群口中。 Senior shipwright at point of death, cannot put down the giant, entreated the substitute person with the vision. 老船匠弥留之际,还是放不下大个子,用目光哀求替身。 Do not comply! Some such idiots, I have what aristocrat reputation/honorary!” Zhen Jin opposed extremely, but does not have the means. “别答应!有这么一个蠢货,我还有什么贵族名誉啊!”针金极度反对,但却没有办法。 His looks at substitute person complies helplessly, successfully cheated the giant. 他眼睁睁地看着替身答应下来,成功哄骗住了大个子。 Attracting each other of two monsters, are really enough disgusting!” Zhen Jin spurns secretly. “两个怪物的惺惺相惜,真是够恶心的!”针金暗自唾弃。 The beastified companion was dissected, Zi Di suspected: „The arrangement of master of the island can change all sorts of life on island subtly, our companion beastified, perhaps are this reason.” 兽化的同伴被解剖,紫蒂怀疑:“海岛之主的布置能潜移默化地改变海岛上的种种生命,我们同伴之所以兽化,恐怕就是这个原因。” „Should I not also the move? Perhaps I in this island for a long time, was also being transformed in secret!” Zhen Jin is afraid. “我该不会也中招了吧?我在这座海岛这么长时间,或许也在被暗中改造!”针金心生恐惧。 But these strange magic beast that Cang Xu proposed, perhaps the predecessor was the guess of human, was makes the person chill in the air all over the body. 苍须提出的这些古怪魔兽,或许前身都是人类的猜测,更是让人寒意遍体。 Zhen Jin holds own curly hair, clenches teeth to curse: I was really by enough this damn place! Guessed so many to do, we hurried to fix the ship, left here as soon as possible.” 针金抓住自己的卷发,咬牙咒骂道:“我真是受够了这该死的地方了!猜测这么多干什么,我们还是赶紧把船修好,尽快离开这里吧。” The reality is brutal- new ship has destroyed, cannot navigate. 现实非常残酷-新船已毁,不能航海。 Also is a giant earthquake, the ground splits, a brand-new river therefore presents the people at present. 又是一场巨大的地震,地面都裂开来,一条崭新的长河因此出现众人的眼前。 Zi Di proposed that goes to the volcano region, attacks the center. 紫蒂提议前往火山地带,进攻中枢。 No.” Zhen Jin shakes the head saying that we can wait for the rescue. To the island central attack, was too crazy! There in the volcanic eruption, the magic beast regiment along the way, we will even be dying in the halfway.” “不。”针金摇头道,“我们可以等待救援。向海岛中央进攻,太疯狂了!那里正在火山喷发,还有沿途的魔兽军团,我们甚至会死在半途中。” We use the ship.” The voice of substitute person conveys, this will save massive traveling schedules and time for us.” “我们用船。”替身的声音传来,“这将为我们节省大量的行程和时间。” Zhen Jin stares. 针金一愣。 In just, Emperor Holybright transmitted the enlightenment to me!” The substitute person hand is pointing at this river. “就在刚刚,圣明大帝向我传达了启示!”替身手指着这条河。 The people gawk again. 众人再楞。 Zhen Jin was almost mad takes a Palestinian slap in the past, your substitute person what details, didn't I know? Still is deceiving! 针金气得差点要一巴掌扇过去,你这个替身什么底细,我不知道吗?还在把人往死里骗! „, This rivers are the Emperor Holybright manufacture?” “难道说,这条河流是圣明大帝制造的吗?” No wonder we had not died a person.” “难怪我们没有死去一人。” „The will of gods is unable to estimate!” “神明的意志无法揣度!” God's favored knight......” Cang Xu deeply bows to Zhen Jin, the sigh, this perhaps was the road of your hero. My Lord Zhen Jin!” 神眷骑士……”苍须针金深深鞠躬,感叹不已,“这或许就是您的英雄之路了。我的针金大人!” Presents almost all person some scalp tingles. 在场几乎所有人都有些头皮发麻。 They seem like felt oneself in testimony history! 他们似乎感到自己在见证历史! If the epic of hero will sing in the future, we also do have a role? 如果将来英雄的史诗传唱出去,我们是不是也有一份角色? Was finished! Your this group of idiots!!” In the Zhen Jin heart filled desperately, he at all is not the hero, he can mutation beastified, he be the most fearful threat!” “完蛋了!你们这群蠢货!!”针金心中充满了绝望,“他根本不是什么英雄,他能变异兽化,他才是最可怕的威胁啊!” The substitute people observe the situation about, the definite will of the people have changed, he firm incomparable loudness ordered: Decided like this, the restore sea boat, cremates the companion full power, collects food, water and weapon as far as possible wait/etc. We will set sail, we will go to...... the most center of island!” 替身环视左右,确定人心已变,他坚定无比的大声下令:“就这样决定了,全力修复海船,火葬同伴,尽可能地收集食物、水以及武器等等。我们将启航,我们将前往……海岛的最中心!” The people had not opposed. 众人都没有反对。 In Zhen Jin heart rave: Was insane, the substitute person was insane, Zi Di was also insane, this group of people were insane, is bringing about own destruction!” 针金心中狂吼:“疯了,替身疯了,紫蒂也疯了,这群人都疯了,都在自寻死路!” ...... …… The people lead the way, are forced to disembark, are under the attack of magic beast regiment. 众人一路前行,被迫下船,遭遇魔兽军团的袭击。 Jia Sha appeared: Zhen Jin, you came finally.” 痂沙出现了:“针金,你终于来了。” Jia Sha?! He is also living!” Zhen Jin is overjoyed in secret. 痂沙?!他还活着!”针金暗中大喜过望。 Lord, we must succeed!” Zi Di found Zhen Jin quietly, has Jia Sha Lord divine spell, we want to increase. Jia Sha had reached the agreement with the substitute person, he will fully support you to become Lord of the Whitesand City. If this time makes the great merit, is not only a city! Although the perils of the sea are an accident/surprise, but had the opportunity. The substitute people are fighting for us, so long as we continue, can harvest greatly.” 大人,我们要成功了!”紫蒂悄然找到针金,“有痂沙大人神术,我们希望大增。痂沙已经和替身达成了协议,他会全力支持你成为白沙城主。而如果这次立下大功,绝不只是一座城池!海难虽然是个意外,但又充满了机遇。替身在为我们打拼,只要我们继续下去,就能收获巨大。” Yes, you said not wrong.” Zhen Jin actually worries, has the substitute person to withstand/top in front, we can safe. Oh, hopes that finally can succeed.” “是啊,你说的一点都没有错。”针金却担忧不已,“有替身在前面顶着,我们能安全一点。唉,希望最后能成功吧。” We have no alternative, Lord. Keeps in same place waiting rescue, the hope is very tiny.” Zi Di said. “我们别无选择,大人。留在原地等待救援,希望是很渺小的。”紫蒂道。 I understand.” “我明白。” Two people also talked a while, the back that looks at Zi Di leaves, the Zhen Jin vision becomes deep and quiet. 两人又交谈了一会儿,看着紫蒂离开的背影,针金目光变得深幽。 The peers made all have the opportunity, Zhen Jin waited till the time finally, one person found Jia Sha in private: priest, I earnestly seek a confession.” 同行让一切充满了机会,针金终于等到了时机,私下一个人找到痂沙:“神父,我渴求一场告解。” In the confession, Zhen Jin confessed all processes. 在告解中,针金坦白了一切的经过。 Interesting!” Jia Sha is difficult to cover the color of vibration, „, no matter your substitute person, is your fiancee, is very interesting.” “有意思!”痂沙难掩震动之色,“不管是你的替身,还是你的未婚妻,都很有意思。” Zhen Jin, you made the wisest choice.” 针金啊,你做出了最明智的选择。” At present, when your my dialogue has never happened. Do you understand my meaning?” “不过眼下,就当你我这场对话从未发生过。你明白我的意思吧?” I understand that priest Lord!” Zhen Jin deep ritual. “我明白的,神父大人!”针金深深一礼。 ...... …… Under the leadership of Jia Sha, the people broke through the underground alchemy factory, and led the way, arrived at the center. 痂沙的带领下,众人突破到了地下炼金工厂,并且一路前行,来到中枢。 The lightning divided the full substitute person, Zhen Jin grabbed Zi Di rashly stubbornly, confessed to the people. 闪电劈死了冒然充分的替身,针金死死抓着紫蒂,向众人坦白了一切。 man-made magic beast fall into the middle of the enormous confusion, massacres mutually, in addition the stairway is narrow and small, rarely has can break through. 人造魔兽们陷入极大的混乱当中,相互残杀,再加上楼梯口狭小,很少有能够突破上来的。 Do not be startled . The truth exposes, is good to your me. Now what dies is only a substitute person, I am also living!” Zhen Jin starts to persuade other survivors. “不要惊慌,诸位。真相揭露,对你我都有好处。现在死的只是一个替身,我还活着!”针金开始劝说其他的幸存者。 Lan Zao, you should understand now, I your master.” Zhen Jin looks to Lan Zao. 蓝藻,你现在应该明白了,我才你的主人。”针金看向蓝藻 Lan Zao is also holding the body of substitute person, a delay of his face, the truth subverted his cognition thoroughly. 蓝藻还抱着替身的尸体,他一脸的呆滞,真相彻底颠覆了他的认知。 Zhen Jin turns the head to smile to say to Bai Ya and the others: You are willing to follow me, I was very happy. I by my Templar Knight status, by the reputation/honorary guarantee of my aristocrat, loyal will be praised surely. Follows me, you will obtain the glory, splendor, riches and honor that you want.” 针金又转头对白芽等人微笑道:“你们愿意追随我,我很高兴。我以我圣殿骑士的身份,以我贵族的名誉担保,忠诚必定会得到嘉奖。跟随我,你们会获得你们想要的荣华富贵。” Heavens, this what's the matter?!” Bai Ya is holding the head, a train of thought confusion. 天呐,这到底是怎么回事?!”白芽抱着头,思绪一片混乱。 Cang Xu is silent. 苍须默然不语。 half-beast repels to magic beast, while cold snort/hum: Shut up! Does your coward, what qualifications have to lead us? Your substitute person is more like Templar Knight compared with you!” 半兽人一边击退冲上来的魔兽,一边冷哼:“闭嘴!你这个懦夫,有什么资格来带领我们?你的替身比你更像是一位圣殿骑士!” Zong Ge believes Jia Sha and Zhen Jin words, because priest will not crack a joke with the belief, but he fully does not approve such Zhen Jin. 鬃戈相信痂沙针金的话,因为神父不会拿信仰开玩笑,但他完全不认可这样的针金 No matter you are Lord Zhen Jin, please first let loose my family President.” The fat tongue facial expression is severe. “不管你是不是针金大人,请你先放开我家会长。”胖舌神情严厉。 Zhen Jin shakes the head, grabs the arm of Zi Di stubbornly, the rejection said: She is your President, is my fiancee.” 针金摇头,死死抓着紫蒂的手臂,拒绝道:“她是你会长,更是我的未婚妻。” Zi Di is scared, the eyes stare are staring at the body of substitute person. 紫蒂失魂落魄,双眼直勾勾地盯着替身的尸体。 Sees such fiancee, the Zhen Jin climate does not hit one, he exclaimed: Sufficed, you give me soberly.” 看到这样的未婚妻,针金顿时气不打一处来,他吼道:“够了,你给我清醒一点。” At this moment, several Flying Squirrel fled. 就在这时,数只飞鼠窜了进来。 Be careful!” Zong Ge warned loudly. “小心!”鬃戈大声示警。 The thoughts of people are chaotic, the morale falls into the valley, the attack of Flying Squirrel makes them be thrown into confusion immediately. 众人的心思早已混乱,士气跌入谷底,飞鼠的袭击顿时让他们手忙脚乱。 Zhen Jin is entraining Zi Di, with crossbow bolt burst Flying Squirrel, while retrocedes. 针金拽着紫蒂,一边用弩箭点射飞鼠,一边后退。 The wish of Zi Di no movement, she even wants to rush to the body of substitute person, but by the Zhen Jin rapid discovery, is stopped at once. 紫蒂毫无移动的意愿,她甚至想奔向替身的尸体,但被针金迅速发现,旋即制止。 Sufficed!” Zhen Jin low roar. “够了!”针金低吼。 Zi Di, the young people make mistakes very normally.” 紫蒂,年轻人犯错很正常。” I have checked your material, knows the experience of your no love. Do not think that this was the calamity.” “我查过你的资料,知道你毫无恋爱的经历。不要认为这就是天塌地陷了。” Thinks that your Chamber of Commerce, thinks you also so many youthful years.” “想想你的商会,想想你还有这么多的青春年华。” I do not haggle over the mistake that you violate, follows me! We are most appropriate one pair, we each other need!” “我不计较你犯下的错,跟我走!我们才是最合适的一对,我们彼此需要!” Zi Di still struggled. 紫蒂仍旧挣扎。 Zhen Jin is helpless, must urgently state near her ear in a low voice: We go to one now.” 针金无奈,只得在她耳边低声急述:“我们现在就去上一层。” I do not trust him, he had become confused the mind by the dreadful merit. Naturally, trading to do is I, I can also like this! Who is willing to apportion others the merit?” “我不信任他,他已经被滔天的功劳冲昏了头脑。当然,换做是我,我也会这样!谁愿意将功劳分给他人?” Jia Sha does not dare to kill me, but he definitely did not mind that you die! Follows I, you can live!” 痂沙不敢杀我,但他肯定不介意你去死!跟着我,你才能活!” Said again, Jia Sha is the murderer who kills the substitute person. You do not want to keep the life, gives your beloved person to revenge?!” “再说,痂沙就是杀害替身的凶手。你不想留着命,给你心爱的人报仇吗?!” Zhen Jin desperate , can only use such words persuasion. 针金情急之下,只能用这样的话劝说。 The Zi Di body shakes, finally no longer resistance, as Zhen Jin steps Central Tower most high-level. 紫蒂身躯一震,终于不再反抗,随着针金踏上中枢塔高层 Other survivor looks at, some people want to follow helplessly, was actually fallen by a lightning, chops before the body. 其余的幸存者眼睁睁地看着,有人想要跟随,却被一记闪电落下,就劈在身前。
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