EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#177: Should you not be will fall in love with him?!

Zong Ge gives the substitute person thin sword SIlver Lightning . 鬃戈将细剑银电递给替身。 Zong Ge back Tripleblade explained: Foxy Blue Wolf Dog organized the last time charge in the main entrance, that underground great insect also participated. But it encountered Zong Ge Lord, was routed by Lord again.” 鬃戈背后的三刀解释道:“蓝狗狐狼在正门组织了最后一次冲锋,那头地下巨虫也参与了。但它遭遇了鬃戈大人,被大人再度击溃。” Is Zong Ge Lord saw on it is inserting the sword, takes risk to jump down the gulf, takes the thin sword this.” “是鬃戈大人看到它身上插着的剑,冒险跳下深坑,将这把细剑取回来的。” Zhen Jin relaxes: Came back finally, I before also in being worried about Zong Ge buckles SIlver Lightning in the hand.” 针金松了一口气:“总算是回来了,我之前还在担心鬃戈银电扣在手中。” The substitute people nod, visual Zong Ge: This certainly is very splendid fight. Thank you! It comes back unusual is prompt, now we can follow up a victory with hot pursuit.” 替身点点头,目视鬃戈:“这一定是很精彩的战斗。谢谢你!它回来的非常及时,现在我们可以乘胜追击了。” What? Also can pursue?” Zhen Jin is startled in secret. “什么?还要追击?”针金暗中大吃一惊。 But the substitute person following words are well-founded, leaving alone, in the future will be more dangerous. Instead might as well attack while the present, remaining magic beast are very weak. 但替身接下来的话有理有据,放任不管,将来更加危险。反而不如趁着现在出击,剩下的魔兽都很虚弱。 The substitute people seek the help, but his vision sweeps to where, where people lower the head, or a rotation pupil looks around person, avoids his vision. 替身寻求帮助,但他的目光扫向哪里,哪里的人们就低下头,或者转动眼眸看旁边的人,躲避他的目光。 The substitute people are firm: Good, you have your choice, I will not force. But even if only then my one person, must solve Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. ” 替身非常坚决:好吧,你们有自己的选择,我并不会强迫。但哪怕只有我一人,也要去解决掉蓝狗狐狼。” Lord!” Zi Di shouted lowly. 大人!”紫蒂低呼。 Other person also one by one change countenance. 其他人也纷纷动容。 Zhen Jin stares secretly: You must court death, the bastard, knows us to purchase you, how many prices paid?!” 针金暗自瞪眼:“你这是要找死啊,混蛋,知道我们为了购买你,花了多少代价吗?!” Lan Zao, Zong Ge and Tripleblade stood, the choice and Zhen Jin attack together. 蓝藻鬃戈三刀都站了出来,选择和针金共同出击。 This group of fools, go to the forest to chase down the magic beast regiment, brings about own destruction simply!! Simply was insane, but we just the disastrous defeat, the camps were even burnt!” Zhen Jin goes wild, but has no alternative, he is unable to stand the rebuttal. “这群傻瓜,前往森林中追杀魔兽军团,简直是自寻死路!!简直是疯了,我们刚刚可是惨败,连营地都被烧了!”针金抓狂不已,但无可奈何,他无法站出来反驳。 In fact, he also thinks that the words of substitute person have certain truth. 事实上,他也认为替身的话也有一定的道理。 At least needs to cure the wound.” Zi Di insisted, blocks the substitute person. “至少要治好伤。”紫蒂坚持,拦住替身。 I must race against time.” The substitute people shake the head. “我必须争分夺秒。”替身摇头。 Zi Di is staring at the substitute person, as if forgot all, in the beautiful amethyst eye pupil hold the tears all around. 紫蒂凝视着替身,似乎忘记了周遭所有一切,美丽的紫水晶般的眼眸中噙着泪水。 I had not just presented time, Zi Di is certainly worried about me extremely. Actually I have very big assurance, so long as some people attract the firepower for me. But these I cannot tell her, can only make her be very anxious to me.” “我刚刚没有出现的时候,紫蒂一定极为担心我吧。其实我有很大的把握,只要有人为我吸引火力。但这些我不能告诉她,只能让她对我牵肠挂肚。” The substitute people are also staring at Zi Di, a guilt that conceals to cause, thick feeling attached to aiming at ascends for the body and mind. 替身也凝视着紫蒂,一股隐瞒而导致的愧疚,还有浓浓的爱怜之意在替身心中升腾而起。 next moment, the substitute person hugs Zi Di slowly in the bosom. 下一刻,替身将紫蒂缓缓搂在怀中。 I......” Zhen Jin see this, immediately pair of eyes spit fire. “我……”针金看到这一幕,立即双眼喷火。 Hugs! You hug my fiancee!” “又抱!你又抱我的未婚妻!” These is also in front of so many people time!!” “这一次还当着这么多人的面!!” You died, you died!” “你死定了,你死定了!” Zhen Jin, in the heart roared wildly with rage unceasingly. 针金狂怒不已,心中不断咆哮。 The Zi Di body trembles slightly. 紫蒂身躯微微一颤。 Zhen Jin is pasting the ear of Zi Di the wing of the nose, said to her gently: I came back, I promised you, I will come back.” 针金将鼻翼贴着紫蒂的耳朵,轻轻地对她道:“等我回来,我向你保证,我会回来的。” Said that this saying, Zhen Jin loosens Zi Di, turns around then to walk. 说完这话,针金松开紫蒂,转身便走。 Zong Ge and the others followed. 鬃戈等人紧随其后。 Others are speechless, the looks at four people are increasingly estranged. 其他人怔怔无语,看着四人渐行渐远。 Zhen Jin pants, the air/Qi fainted. 针金气喘吁吁,气得头都晕了。 Hurries dead, I do not want to see you again!!” “赶紧去死吧,我不想再看到你了!!” Best is that two strange Foxy Blue Wolf Dog perishes together!” “最好是和那两头邪乎的蓝狗狐狼同归于尽!” This is a hero!” Some people voice the heartfelt opinions. “这就是英雄啊!”有人发出由衷的感叹。 This saying touched the most deep place of Bai Ya innermost feelings all of a sudden, the young people bellow: Lord, waits for me!” 这话一下子触动了白芽内心的最深处,年轻人大吼一声:“大人,等等我!” Bai Ya runs out of the crowd, on the face does not have the slight hesitation again. 白芽冲出人群,脸上再没有丝毫的犹豫。 At this moment, the risky spirit and glory flood his heart, making him lose the reason. 这一刻,冒险的精神和荣耀充斥他的心胸,让他失去了理智。 Blocks him quickly.” Zi Di ordered immediately. “快拦住他。”紫蒂立即下令。 You rest to me, brat.” Xi Suo cancels the foot gently, trips Bai Ya on the ground, you are bring death.” “你就给我歇去吧,臭小子。”细索轻轻一勾脚,就将白芽绊倒在地上,“你这是去送死。” Bai Ya crawls, but also wants to follow Zhen Jin: I must become Knight, how can Knight flinch?” 白芽爬起来,还想要追随针金:“我要成为一名骑士,骑士怎么可以退缩?” Brave is not stupid, young people.” Cang Xu sighed, the persuasion said, someday, you will become Knight. But you now are also only a mortal, but this...... is the romantic of Knight.” “勇敢不是愚蠢,年轻人。”苍须叹息,劝说道,“或许有一天,你会成为骑士。但你现在还只是一个凡人,而这……是属于骑士的浪漫。” Bai Ya also wants to speak. 白芽还想说话。 Shuts up to me!” Zhen Jin strikes Bai Ya stonkering, the look shames angry. “给我闭嘴!”针金一击将白芽击昏,神色羞恼。 Depends on you also to seek the Knight honor? Snort!” In the Zhen Jin stomach cold snort/hum, in the heart is even more angry. “就凭你也想寻求骑士的荣光?哼!”针金肚里冷哼,心中越发恼怒。 This angry is complex. 这种恼怒是复杂的。 He had not detected, in his angry also mixes with this admiration and envying to substitute person. 就连他都没有察觉,他的恼怒中还夹杂这一份对替身的敬佩和羡慕。 ...... …… When substitute person, Zong Ge and the others chased down Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, Zhen Jin and Zi Di had the quarrel again. 就在替身、鬃戈等人追杀蓝狗狐狼的时候,针金紫蒂再次发生了争吵。 Does not want to see again you surrendered to him, you understand my meaning!” Zhen Jin warned Zi Di severely. “不希望再看到你对他投怀送抱了,你明白我的意思!”针金非常严厉地告诫紫蒂 Zi Di shakes the head, is staring at Zhen Jin with the innocent and suffering vision: Lord, please do not use such expression, I have never surrendered!” 紫蒂摇头,用无辜、委屈的目光盯着针金:“大人,请你不要用这样的措辞,我从未投怀送抱过!” I know, but you have never rejected!” Zhen Jin is going around same place, the whole person seems very hot tempered. “我知道,可是你从未拒绝过!”针金在原地绕圈,整个人显得很暴躁。 Lord, if I dodge, this was too doubtable?” Zi Di refuted, how your wish made me deal, can continue our plans? Please teach me.” 大人,如果我闪躲,这就太让人怀疑了吧?”紫蒂反驳,“你想要让我怎么应对,才能继续我们的计划?请你教我。” Zhen Jin ran on dumbfounded, he becomes angry out of shame: These I do not do! Do you know? He hugs your time, I hardly can control me. The indignant direct impact top of the head, every made me have to kill him one time, killed the impulsions of others!” 针金被挤兑得哑口无言,他恼羞成怒:“这些我不管!你知道吗?他拥抱你的时候,我几乎不能控制我自己。气愤直冲头顶,每一次都让我有杀了他,杀了其他所有人的冲动!” Lord Zhen Jin!” Zi Di shakes the head, a speechless appearance, I understand you very much, but please receive your jealousy to be good? He does not match to make Lord you envy, he is only a substitute person, by the pitiful tool that we are kept in the dark. All that he makes, you will pave the way for Lord in the future.” 针金大人!”紫蒂摇头,一副无语的样子,“我很理解你,但请你收起你的嫉妒心好么?他不配让大人你嫉妒,他只是一个替身,一个被我们蒙在鼓里的可怜的工具。他所做的一切,都是为大人你将来铺路。” A Zi Di persuasion and comfort, Zhen Jin aura is finally gentle: I was rude. You is right, he is only a tool. Very easy-to-use tool. However pitifully...... his estimate did not come back.” 紫蒂一番劝说和安慰,针金终于气息平缓下来:“我失态了。你是对的,他只是一个工具。很好用的工具。不过可惜了……他这一次估计是回不来了。” Zi Di stares, at once reveals to be sad and sad. 紫蒂一愣,旋即流露出悲伤和忧愁。 Zhen Jin caught Zi Di the facial expression to change keenly, in his heart surged suddenly not a wonderful feeling. 针金敏锐地捕捉到了紫蒂的这份神情变化,他的心中忽然涌起一种不妙之感。 Wait.” His both eyes are fixing the eyes on Zi Di, what are you thinking? Is my fiancee, you worried about him? Is worried about a substitute person, a board game piece?” “等等。”他双目紧盯着紫蒂,“你在想什么?我的未婚妻,你在担心他?担心一个替身,一个棋子?” Zi Di stares immediately, the beforehand facial expression vanishes suddenly: Lord! Were you? I worried that he does have the mistake? If he buckle, our beforehand investments throw away carelessly. To our future influences, is very big! After all he has silver cultivation base, but Lord you are also only Blackiron.” 紫蒂立即瞪眼,之前的神情骤然消失:“大人!你这是怎么了?我担心他有错吗?他如果折损了,我们之前的投入就打了水漂。对我们将来的影响,也是很大的!毕竟他有白银修为,而大人你还只是黑铁。” Intense shames the angry meaning to rush to the Zhen Jin heart immediately, making him stare to Zi Di. 一股强烈的羞恼之意顿时冲上针金心头,让他不禁瞪向紫蒂 I and I will become silver Knight sooner or later!” “我、我迟早会成为白银骑士的!” Zi Di as if also realized oneself spoke incorrectly the words, hastily recovery: Lord, your aptitude is obvious to all, gold Knight is not your end point. Sorry, I am only very anxious. If the substitute people the buckle, how we then did safeguard the security? How to flee from here?” 紫蒂似乎也意识到自己说错了话,连忙补救:“大人,你的资质有目共睹,黄金骑士也绝不是你的终点。对不起,我只是很紧张。替身如果折损了,我们接下来怎么保障安全?怎么逃离这里?” The Zhen Jin attention was involved itself to come up safely, did not immediately have and Zi Di earnest mood. 针金的注意力被牵扯到自身安全上来,顿时也没有了和紫蒂较真的心情。 What you said is.” He deeply sighed, substitute person died a little too early.” “你说的是啊。”他深深一叹,“替身死的有点太早了。” I thought that we should maintain the hope.” Zi Di persists in saying. “我觉得我们应该保持希望。”紫蒂坚持道。 Hopes...... the hope is very really uncertain.” Zhen Jin returned to one worn out. “但愿吧……希望真的很渺茫。”针金有气无力地回了一句。 ...... …… But the substitute person, Zong Ge and other people of totals triumphal return, meanwhile after brought a Foxy Blue Wolf Dog corpse, Zhen Jin really shocked. 但替身、鬃戈等四人全数凯旋,同时还带来了一具蓝狗狐狼的尸体后,针金真的震惊了。 Inconceivable...... really success.” “不可思议……真的成功了。” Lord!” Young girl Zi Di runs, arrives at the front of substitute person, her eye socket flood red, as to surrender, but so many people, because halted shy. 大人!”少女紫蒂一路小跑,来到替身的面前,她的眼眶泛红,似乎想要投怀送抱,但这么多人,又因为害羞止步了。 Saw this, Zhen Jin is raising the heart put. 看到这一幕,针金提着的心放了下去。 Celebrates at the merit evening banquet, the substitute person became the lead of deserving. 庆功晚宴上,替身成了当之无愧的主角。 People closely worship the vision that and respects regarding the substitute person, is discussing the related God's favored knight topic. 人们崇拜、敬仰的目光紧紧围绕着替身,谈论着有关神眷骑士的话题。 Zhen Jin sits in the corner, in the heart disdains. 针金坐在角落里,心中不屑至极。 God's favored knight?” 神眷骑士?” Hehe , he if God's favored knight, I can get down the SIlver Lightning swallow alive!” “呵呵,他要是神眷骑士,我能把银电生吞下去!” Unexpectedly Zong Ge was even deceived! Snort, half-beast really does not have the brain.” “居然连鬃戈都被骗了!哼,半兽人果然没有脑子。” „...... What can beastified, grow the armor unexpectedly?” “不过……到底什么样的兽化,居然能长出铠甲?” The looks at eulogized substitute person, in the Zhen Jin heart even more envies, hates unable body generation of it. 看着被歌颂的替身,针金心中越发羡慕,恨不得以身代之。 Then, Zhen Jin heard the Cang Xu words. 然后,针金又听到了苍须的一番话。 Lord Zhen Jin is extremely outstanding cultivator, his natural talent is remarkable.” 针金大人本身就是极为优秀的修行者,他的天资非常卓越。” He has noble bloodline, is Templar Knight, offered the complete belief to Emperor Holybright.” “他拥有高贵的血脉,又是圣殿骑士,向圣明大帝奉献了全部的信仰。” These have made him in ten thousand not have one, what he is more valuable, always scrupulously follows the say/way of Knight, wipes out the bullies and helps the down-trodden, rewarding virtue and punishing vice, the attendance is small and weak, even if will sacrifice itself, does not violate the Templar Knight principle!” “这些已经让他万中无一,但他更可贵的是,始终恪守骑士之道,锄强扶弱,惩恶扬善,照顾弱小,哪怕会牺牲自己,也不违背圣殿骑士的原则!” He is heroic, fair fair, is willing to admit anybody, regards as the companion everyone, can see his broad mind, as well as pities with the benevolent natural disposition.” “他英勇无畏,公平公正,愿意接纳任何人,将所有人都视为同伴,从中就能看出他宽阔的胸襟,以及怜悯和仁慈的本性。” Such person, obtains care of gods, cannot?” “这样的人,得到神明的眷顾,难道不是应当的吗?” During Zhen Jin falls into is silent. 针金陷入沉默之中。 In his mind, appeared suddenly an issue that made him be hard to face- 他的脑海中,忽然浮现出了一个让他难以面对的问题- If he himself, he can achieve all these? 如果是他自己,他能做到这一切吗? Can? 能吗? Snort, this issue does not have the significance.” “哼,这个问题毫无意义。” He is the beastified person, before the transformation, was silver Knight, the strength is more powerful than me.” “他是兽化人,改造之前就是白银骑士,实力比我强大多了。” If I have silver cultivation base, can...... should.” “如果我有白银修为,也能……应该吧。” Zhen Jin is even more silent. 针金越发沉默。 The voice of substitute person then spreads over the entire camp: Therefore, not only my name, we must cheer for Zong Ge, is Tripleblade cheers, is Lan Zao cheers, cheers for our warriors!” 替身的声音接着传遍整个营地:“所以,不只是我的名字,我们也要为鬃戈欢呼,为三刀欢呼,为蓝藻欢呼,为我们的勇士欢呼!” When the substitute person the merit and glory, apportions Zong Ge, Tripleblade and Lan Zao, when lets the people read aloud these three people of names unceasingly high, Zhen Jin simply quiet such as dies, the complexion also became has some paleness. 当替身将功劳和荣耀,分给鬃戈三刀蓝藻,让众人都不断地高诵这三人的姓名时,针金简直沉寂如死,脸色也变得有一些苍白。 ...... …… For with coming back the wolf corpse was dissected in the presence of everyone, Zi Di talks about the perfume, is very excited. 替身带回来的狼尸被当众解剖,紫蒂谈及香水,十分兴奋。 The camps were burnt down, the survivors bring wood to start. 营地被烧毁,幸存者们带着木材启程出发。 Because of the God's favored knight reputation, Xi Suo turned to the substitute person on own initiative, Zong Ge also ceased all activities, experienced the fight to make the people be together harmoniously, before was not two camps. 因为神眷骑士的名头,细索主动投靠了替身,鬃戈也偃旗息鼓,共同经历过战斗更让众人相处融洽,再不是之前的两个阵营。 Was really made by the substitute person. Now, he is everyone's true leader!” In the Zhen Jin heart sighed. “真的被替身做成了。现在,他是所有人真正的头领!”针金心中感叹不已。 The spider group of blocking the way vanishes suddenly mystically. 原本拦路的蜘蛛群忽然神秘消失。 Zhen Jin associated to remaining that Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, was afraid: Should not be that Foxy Blue Wolf Dog has actually been following secretly we? The Blade Edge Spider group will not migrate at will, they because of not dreading us escape, this is their dens! But does not have any fights with fighting, they vanished like this, certainly was taken away by Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. It leads the Blade Edge Spider group to retreat on own initiative, the goal is to continue to save the regiment in the , after being some degree, it will lead the regiment to attack us again!” 针金联想到了剩下的那头蓝狗狐狼,心生恐惧:“该不会是那头蓝狗狐狼其实一直在偷偷地跟着我们吧?刀锋蜘蛛群不会随意迁移,它们更不会因为忌惮我们而逃跑,这可是它们的老巢!但没有任何打斗和搏杀,它们就这样消失了,一定是被蓝狗狐狼收走了。它主动领着刀锋蜘蛛群退走,目的就是在附近继续积攒军团,达到某种程度后,它会率领军团再次进攻我们!” Massive Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear also disappear. 大量的猴尾棕熊也不见了。 Worry and dignity that on the face of survivors cannot cover. 幸存者们的脸上是掩盖不住的担忧和凝重。 Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear disappears, the cave nearby has some fight traces, are not many.” 猴尾棕熊都不见了,山洞的附近有一些战斗痕迹,并不多。” That Foxy Blue Wolf Dog also follows we!” “那头蓝狗狐狼还跟着我们!” „The magic beast regiment expanded, what to do should we?” 魔兽军团又壮大了,我们该怎么办?” In the process of making a long and wearisome journey, the disease spreads among the survivors. 长途跋涉的过程中,疾病在幸存者之间流传。 Person who these fall ill, although symptom weight, but is very similar. Can give up these people?” Tripleblade inquired the substitute person. “这些生病的人,症状虽然轻重不等,但都很相似。要放弃这些人吗?”三刀询问替身。 Gives up?” Zhen Jin shakes the head, does not have the words of shipwright, our how shipbuilding?” “放弃?”针金摇头,“没有船匠的话,我们怎么造船呢?” The substitute people insist the seeing a doctor trouble. 替身坚持看完病患。 Now this situation, what can also perform? Substitute person fellow entered the play is too deep, high-rank should maintain own security, this was to other person best being responsible for!” “现在这种情况,还要表演什么?替身这个家伙入戏太深了,上位者就该保持自身的安全,这才是对其他人最好的负责!” Zhen Jin snorts contemptuously to the behavior of substitute person in secret, worried. 针金暗中对替身的行为嗤之以鼻,也对此担忧。 But was a pity very much, he is unable to control the action of substitute person. 但很可惜,他无法掌控替身的行动。 The disease abates, people start to promote the correct choice and enlightened leadership of substitute person. 疾病消退,人们又开始鼓吹替身的正确选择和英明领导。 Arrived at the sand beach, Bai Ya seeks for rum of keg. 到达沙滩,白芽寻找到了一小桶的朗姆酒。 The bonfire evening banquet in sand beach. 沙滩上的篝火晚宴。 The survivors in rags, the beard stretches out, shape like savage. 幸存者们衣衫褴褛,胡子拉碴,形如野人。 Bai Ya divides the liquor, the whole face is earnest. Fei She lowers the head, is stinging the liquor of shell edge little. 白芽分酒,满脸认真。肥舌低着头,一点点地嘬着贝壳边缘的酒。 Cang Xu wipe clean own eye, after the jungle, his eyeglasses only had piece of lens, another side only had an air-to-air picture frame. 苍须擦拭着自己的眼睛,经过丛林之后,他那副眼镜只剩下一片镜片了,另一边只有一个空空的镜框。 Mu Ban is pinching an air-to-air beverage bottle, the finger is stroking surface affectionately- this is the sense of touch of human civilization. 木班捏着一个空空的酒瓶,手指深情地抚摸着表面-这是人类文明的触觉。 Zong Ge and Tripleblade lower the head to talk low voice. 鬃戈三刀小声地低头交谈着。 The giants squat to sit on the ground, calmly is listening respectfully to the song of shipwright. 大个子蹲坐在地上,静静地聆听着船匠的歌。 Lan Zao still stood in Zhen Jin behind sand beach loyally. 蓝藻仍旧忠诚地站在针金身后的沙滩上。 The substitute people are looking at the nighttime sky, tonight stars. He looks out into the distance the East, there has Wilderness Continent, has Whitesand City, will have his responsibility and future hope. 替身则望着夜空,今夜繁星点点。他远眺东方,那里有荒野大陆,有白沙城,有他的责任和未来的希望。 The liquor in Zhen Jin looks at shell, in the heart sneers: Snort, rum. My solemn will Zhen Jin, how degenerate to this degree?” 针金看着自己贝壳里的酒,心中冷笑一声:“哼,朗姆酒。我堂堂针金,怎会堕落到这种程度?” The rare inexpensive rum, has not brought to Zhen Jin happily, but is ashamed. 罕见的廉价的朗姆酒,没有给针金带来欢愉,而是一种羞耻。 He shut out gave to person the liquor, he is looking at the west side, that was Holybright Continent, there had the family/home. 他嫌弃地将酒送给了身边的人,他望着西边,那是圣明大陆,那里有家。 ...... …… The weather becomes strange changeable, the rainstorm keeps doing. 天气变得诡异多变,暴雨下个不停。 Substitute people not , Zhen Jin found Zi Di to interrogate: That night, some people saw tent that your person went to the substitute person secretly. Did you do?” 替身不在的时候,针金找到紫蒂质问:“那天晚上,有人看到你偷偷一人去了替身的帐篷。你干什么去了?” Zi Di stares slightly, at once says: I am deliver potion, Lord, I came out quickly.” 紫蒂微微一愣,旋即道:“我是去送药剂的,大人,我很快就出来了。” Snort, I know certainly how long you have not stayed, if not this, my present attitude was another type!” The Zhen Jin whole face is gloomy, why do you want to go to his tent on own initiative? He has not come to provoke you, you actually provoke him on own initiative! Is potion, what potion?” “哼,我当然知道你没有停留多久,如果不是这样,我现在的态度就是另外一种了!”针金满脸阴沉,“你为什么要主动去他的帐篷?他没有来招惹你,你却主动去招惹他!药剂,是什么药剂?” One type drives out the cold potion. Manufactures for mother stock with a poisonous mushroom. potion has the slight toxicity, but can rouse the spirit, only has the life-level not low person to use.” Zi Di replied. “一种驱寒药剂。用一种毒蘑菇为主料制作的。药剂有轻微毒性,但是能振奋精神,只有生命层次不低的人才能使用。”紫蒂答道。 You cared that he does do? Drives out the cold? Does he need to drive out the cold? Before the transformation, he is silver Knight, after the transformation, he is the beastified person, may be very more powerful than Zong Ge!” The Zhen Jin vision becomes sharp, as if must pierce Zi Di innermost feelings most deep place. “你这么关心他干什么?驱寒?他需要驱寒吗?改造前他是白银骑士,改造后他是兽化人,很可能比鬃戈还要强大!”针金的目光变得犀利,似乎要洞穿紫蒂内心最深处。 Zi Di shakes the head, suffering said/tunnel: Lord, we could not have controlled him now, needs to relate closely, is occupied by him with other way fetters. I have been carrying out us to decide the good plan.” 紫蒂摇头,委屈地道:“大人啊,我们现在已经掌控不住他了,更需要密切地联系,以其他的方式羁绊住他。我一直正在执行我们早已商定好的计划啊。” Zhen Jin eye of band of light carefully examining: My fiancee, your some are not right!” 针金的目光带着审视:“我的未婚妻,你有些不对劲!” That, my where isn't right? All that I make, for us!” The Zi Di facial expression changes, the direct rebuttal said. “那么请问,我哪里不对劲?我所做的一切,都是为了我们啊!”紫蒂神情微变,直接反驳道。 Zhen Jin shakes the head: You, so long as knows that I am Zhen Jin, that is only the fake goods. When he did not have the use value, he will welcome the death. This damn island, is not the whole world. You must remember, you are Zi Di, is President of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, is my fiancee!” 针金摇头:“你只要知道我才是针金,那个只是冒牌货。等到他没有了利用价值,他就会迎来死亡。这个该死的海岛,不是整个世界。你要记得,你是紫蒂,是紫藤商会的会主,也是我的未婚妻!” Zi Di stares the double pupil: I know! Lord Zhen Jin, what are you suspecting my?” 紫蒂微瞪双眸:“我知道啊!针金大人,你在怀疑我什么?” You put best into it.” Zhen Jin is cold the face, retreats quietly. “你好自为之。”针金冷着脸,悄然退走。 ...... …… No matter the mountain, is the sea, is the swamp, or the islands, my main sacred light shines all. The Empire colors, incur to raise forever against the wind, stand erect not but actually!” “不管是高山,还是海洋,是沼泽,亦或岛屿,我主的圣光都照耀一切。帝国的军旗,永远迎风招扬,屹立不倒!” „Nothing, can hinder me to lead the way. I will gain the glory, but follows me, the glory will also belong to you.” “没有任何东西,能阻碍我前行。我将获取荣耀,而跟随我,荣耀也将分属你们。” From now on, here is run by me.” “从现在开始,这里由我来掌管。” Who has the objection?” “谁有异议?” The audience are completely silent. 全场鸦雀无声。 The substitute people nod satisfied. 替身满意地点点头。 He leads the people, finally converged other survivors, and immediately successfully controlled these people. 他率领众人,终于汇合了其余的幸存者,并且在第一时间成功地掌控了这些人。 Substitute person at this moment, showed past no aggression and impressive and dignified manner. 此刻的替身,展现出了以往没有的霸气和威仪。 Right, I...... should be like this!” Zhen Jin in crowd looks up to the substitute person, yearns, happily, likes and envies, excitedly, meanwhile fears and scruple. “没错,我……就应该是这样子的!”人群中的针金仰望替身,向往、欣慰、欢喜、羡慕、兴奋,同时还有一丝恐惧和迟疑。 ...... …… Took care of the threat of underground sandworm, dismantled half The Pig's Kiss, the shipwright designed the new ship, people started the shipbuilding, and simultaneously turned over in full nearby beast group. 解决了地下沙虫的威胁,拆解了半截猪吻号,船匠设计出了新船,人们开始造船,并且同时清缴附近的兽群。 Prepared for some time Zhen Jin, finally waited till the opportunity. 准备多时的针金,终于等到了机会。 He mounts a hillside, witnessed after Zhen Jin shapeshift , the slaughter extinguishes an entire Scale-Horned Black Panther group the situation. 他登上一处山坡,目睹了针金变身之后屠灭一整支鳞角黑豹群的情形。 He is so unexpectedly powerful! The monster, simply is a monster!!” The Zhen Jin whole body trembles. “他居然这么强大!怪物,简直是一个怪物!!”针金全身颤栗。 Suddenly, the substitute person turns the head, the vision went to him. 忽然,替身转头,目光投向了他。 He discovered me! Damn, run!!” The Zhen Jin heart jumps crazily, turns around to dash about wildly, escapes towards the mountain valley! “他发现我了!该死,快跑!!”针金心头狂跳,转身狂奔,逃向山谷! Why?” “为什么?” How does he discover my?” “他到底是怎么发现我的?” Induced to my vision?!” “是感应到我的目光了吗?!” Quickly, again quickly. If were held by him, I must silence a witness of crime!” “快,再快一点啊。如果被他抓住,我就要被杀人灭口了!” Stimulates Zhen Jin extremely frightened, making him erupt the unprecedented speed. 极度地恐惧刺激针金,让他爆发出前所未有的速度。 Dashes about wildly unceasingly, making him pant quickly, dripping with sweat. 狂奔不断,让他很快气喘吁吁,大汗淋漓 The crown shakes suddenly, Zhen Jin hears the sound, turns around fiercely the examination. 身后树冠忽然一震,针金听到动静,猛地掉头查看。 What thing has?” “有什么东西吗?” Should not be a substitute person?” “该不会是替身吧?” „Is his speed so fast?!” “他的速度有这么快?!” „Am I dying? Am I dying?” “我要死了吗?我要死了吗?” No, do not frighten yourself like this. Run, run!” “不,别这样吓自己。快跑,快跑!” The stop in same place several breath, the crown that just shook has not had other sounds. 停顿在原地几个呼吸,刚刚一震的树冠并没有发生其他的动静。 In the Zhen Jin heart actually raises the dreadful raging tide. 针金心中却是掀起滔天的狂澜。 Is I frightens itself?” “是我吓自己吗?” No! Also may is a substitute person. He...... hesitates. Yes, he in hesitant!” “不!也有可能就是替身。他……在犹豫。是的,他在犹豫!” My memory portrayed him, he thinks is Templar Knight, how to start to my companion? However I saw his beastified situation.” “我的记忆塑造了他,他自认为是圣殿骑士,怎么会对我这个同伴下手?但是我又看到了他兽化的情况。” „It is not wonderful, is not wonderful!” “不妙,不妙!” „Should I indicate the status directly? No! This stimulates him, encourages the homicide I.” “我该直接表明身份吗?不!这样就是刺激他,鼓励他杀我。” Runs, pretends not to look through , to continue to run!” “跑,装作没有看破,继续跑!” Run!” “快跑!” Zhen Jin puts out foul air, pretended to feel relieved some appearances, turned around to continue to run. 针金吐出一口浊气,装作放心了一些的样子,转身继续奔跑。 A moment later, Zhen Jin and other Patrolling Team converge. 片刻之后,针金和其他巡逻队员们汇合。 Hei Juan Lord.” The team members greeted to Zhen Jin. 黑卷大人。”队员们向针金打招呼。 According to the worst plan, with substitute person.” “按照最坏的打算,身后就跟着替身。” According to the strength of substitute person, entire Patrolling Team must suffer his violent treachery, 2-3 minutes had more than enough to spare!” “按照替身的战力,整个巡逻队要遭受他的毒手,2-3分钟绰绰有余了!” I must first explain one, stands firm him.” “我得先解释一句,稳住他。” In the Zhen Jin heart the train of thought sharply flashes, nods: I touch following that strange sound, explored very long distance, anything had not discovered. Walks, we return to the camp to go now.” 针金心中思绪急闪,同时点头:“我顺着那个怪声摸过去,探索了很长一段路程,什么都没有发现。走吧,我们现在就回营地去。” But weather also early.” Some people have the objection. “但是天色还早呢。”有人有异议。 In Zhen Jin heart violent anger: Early what morning?! Do you know that very possible next second, we must die!” 针金心中暴怒:“早什么早?!你知不知道很可能下一秒,我们都要死!” Forces to repress in the heart the strong mood, the Zhen Jin smile said: Time was up, we were away from the mountain valley camp to be very far, hurried back, happen to can eat one hot.” 强制按捺住心中强烈的情绪,针金微笑道:“时间差不多了,我们距离山谷营地已经很远了,赶回去,正好能吃上一口热乎的。” Do not worry, here had been prospected by us, if then has the beast group, certainly will have the trap to be stepped on, warned our.” “别担心,这里已经被我们勘察过了,若是接下来有兽群,一定会也有陷阱被踩中,示警我们的。” Sees Zhen Jin such attitude, others also no longer insisted. 看到针金这样的态度,其他人也不再坚持。 Also good.” “也好。” Listens to Hei Juan Lord.” “就听黑卷大人的。” Some people are laughing: I have thought Hei Juan Lord you are not easy getting along with, the result you are together truly with Lord, is completely the rumor.” 还有人嘻嘻哈哈起来:“我一直以为黑卷大人你不好相处呢,结果真正和大人你相处下来,完全是谣言嘛。” Ok, rubbish, hurries.” Zhen Jin could not bear urge one. “好了,别废话了,赶紧走吧。”针金忍不住催促了一声。 In the heart is roaring: Walks quickly, your group of idiots!!! Does not walk, we must die!” 心中却在咆哮:“快走啊,你们这群蠢货!!!再不走,我们都要死!” Finally, under the extremely uneasy state of mind, Zhen Jin and the others returned to the mountain valley camp. 终于,在极度忐忑不安的心境下,针金等人回到了山谷营地。 Roar! 嗷吼! Suddenly, the beast roar of Bat Monkey Zhen Jin, alarmed nearby bird one by one to fly the sky. 忽然,蝠猴针金的兽吼,惊扰了附近的飞鸟纷纷飞上天空。 The Zhen Jin whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, the intuition told him intensely: Is a substitute person, is he! Perhaps he has been really tracking us, in has hesitated whether must start to me!” 针金全身一个激灵,强烈地直觉告诉他:“是替身,就是他!他恐怕真的一直在跟踪我们,一直在犹豫是否要对我下手!” „Did he set firm resolve finally?” “他终于下定决心了吗?” „Does he want to kill me?” “他要杀了我吗?” No! Can't like this, how I be possible dead here?” “不!绝不能这样,我怎可死在这里?” Was killed by own substitute person?! This was too pitiful, was too funny!” “被自己的替身杀死?!这太可悲了,太滑稽了!” This sound also brought to the attention of others. 这股动静也引起了其他人的注意。 What sound?” “什么声音?” What did you just have to hear?” “你们刚刚有没有听到到了什么?” Probably has Bat Monkey to howl.” “好像是有蝠猴在吼叫。” They settle down subconsciously, turn the head to look to behind. 他们下意识地驻足,转头看向身后。 Walks quickly, your group of bastards!” Zhen Jin roared in the heart, he does not dare to display exceptionally, succeeds at present, if the stimulation resulted under the substitute person the killer, he died, will be certainly angry and unwilling. “快走啊,你们这群混蛋!”针金在心中咆哮,他不敢表现出异常,成功就在眼前,万一刺激得替身下杀手,他死亡的时候,一定会非常愤怒和不甘。 How possibly?” Zhen Jin wears a smile, the rebuttal said, Bat Monkey is forms groups, even by vagrant Bat Monkey that the ethnic group expels, does not dare to penetrate into the nearby of mountain valley camp.” “怎么可能?”针金堆笑,反驳道,“蝠猴都是成群结队的,就算是被族群驱逐的流浪蝠猴,也不敢深入到山谷营地的附近。” Investigates?” Some people proposed. “还是去侦查一下吧?”有人提议。 You must die, I am not blocking you!!!” Zhen Jin fellow who wishes one could to choke to death this proposition at the scene. “你要死,我绝不拦着你!!!”针金恨不得当场掐死这个提议的家伙。 But contains his impulsion sanely unceasingly. 但理智不断地遏制住他的冲动。 Zhen Jin shakes the head, does utmost to maintain the tranquil complexion: Does not need. Single vagrant Bat Monkey does not have any threat, what sound just really had? Haven't I heard? Got windy, the wind sound/rumor was getting bigger and bigger. Were the camps at present, your some people too tense?” 针金摇头,竭尽全力保持自己平静的脸色:“没有必要。单个的流浪蝠猴不具备任何威胁,刚刚真的有什么动静吗?我怎么没有听到?起风了,风声越来越大了。营地就在眼前,你们有些人是不是太紧张了?” The people know the Hei Juan strength, since Bronze Rank elite said, people one by one feels relaxed. 众人都知道黑卷的实力,既然青铜级的精锐都这么说,众人纷纷释然。 Should be the wind sound/rumor.” “应该就是风声而已。” Ok, returned to the camp to go.” “好了,回营地去吧。” When he formally enters the camp, the Zhen Jin heart has had tears streaming down the face: Came back finally! I really saved a life.” 当他正式进入营地,针金内心深处已经泪流满面:“总算是回来了啊!我真的是捡了一条命。” No, is not good!” “不,还不行!” I must completely eliminate my suspicion, if cannot dash the suspicion of substitute person, perhaps I in some day, will be assassinated in the camp!” “我得彻底消除自身的嫌疑,如果不能打消替身的怀疑,我说不定会在某天,就在营地中被暗杀!” Looks for Zi Di!” “找紫蒂!” Now only then she can help me!!” “现在只有她能帮我!!” Zi Di knew the situation, is staring Zhen Jin unbelievable: Lord, how can you this?! You did this were too risky, did not absoltely need. Now what we must do flees from here full power.” 紫蒂知道了情况,难以置信地瞪着针金:“大人,你怎么可以这样做?!你这样做太冒险了,根本没有必要。我们现在要做的是全力逃离这里。” No, how can not need?” Zhen Jin shakes the head, we need to investigate, we about him knew that were too few. His present authority cannot offend, really must be disadvantageous to us, we have no strength to hit back. He hidden was too deep, had the city mansion. If not I personally sees, I do not believe that he has such strong battle efficiency!” “不,怎么能没有必要?”针金摇头,“我们需要侦查,我们对他了解太少了。他现在的权威不可冒犯,真要对我们不利,我们没有任何还手之力。他隐藏的太深了,太有城府了。如果不是我亲眼所见,我绝不会相信他有这样强大的战斗力!” This time, you must help me.” “这一次,你必须要帮我。” If he will assassinate me in the future, we were finished. You and your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce under my father's anger, will perish thoroughly!” “如果他将来暗杀我,我们就都完蛋了。你和你的紫藤商会将会在我父亲的怒火下,彻底灭亡!” Zi Di is smiling bitterly shaking the head: Lord Zhen Jin, you felt relieved. According to your narration, the substitute person has followed you. However under this all the way, he does not have the killer, you are safe!” 紫蒂苦笑着摇头:“针金大人,你放心。按照你的叙述,替身早就跟着你们一路了。但是这一路上,他都没有下杀手,你是安全的!” No.” Zhen Jin refuted immediately, „will he change the mind by some chance in the future? I am very dangerous, must try to find the solution as soon as possible, eliminates him to my suspicion.” “不。”针金当即反驳,“万一他将来改变主意了呢?我还是很危险的,必须尽快想办法,打消他对我的怀疑。” You do not understand him, Lord.” Zi Di sigh. “你不了解他,大人。”紫蒂叹息。 Zhen Jin is staring at Zi Di stubbornly: I do not understand him, did you understand?! Why you will feel him not under the killer to me, why? Is because between you and him, there is close relations that what I do not know? You believe that even if makes him kill me, still no matter?” 针金死死地盯着紫蒂:“我不了解他,你了解?!为什么你会觉得他不会对我下杀手,为什么?是因为你和他之间,有什么我不知道的紧密关系吗?还是你认为,就算让他杀死我,也无所谓?” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Zi Di, I must tell you. If I were dying, several days later , many letters will be discovered massively, inside is our secrets, the truth of concerned substitute person.” 紫蒂,我必须告诉你。如果我要死了,过几天后,就会有许多封信件被大量发现,里面都是我们的秘密,有关替身的真相。” I pry the information, how possibly to make a measure?” “我去刺探情报,怎么可能不做一点措施呢?” Zi Di immediately look changes: Lord, you are playing with fire! Letter/believes where?” 紫蒂顿时色变:“大人,你这是在玩火啊!信都在哪里?” Zhen Jin smiled: Letter/believes is specially-made, will not readily make you discover.” 针金笑了起来:“信是特制的,不会轻易让你发现的。” Zi Di deep breath one breath: Lord Zhen Jin, be please calm, I will certainly help your, because we are always a camp. Do not make the extreme behavior, first calms down?” 紫蒂深呼吸一口气:“针金大人,请你冷静一点,我一定会帮你的,因为我们始终是一个阵营。你不要做过激的行为,先冷静下来好吗?” I continue again calmly, could not do well must be killed by the substitute person, was displaced by him!” Zhen Jin low roar. “我再继续冷静,搞不好就要被替身杀了,被他取而代之了!”针金低吼。 How possibly?” Zi Di turned a supercilious look, is very speechless, how even he looks like you again, even if bloodline is like you, he could not replace you. Empire has the strict censorship, the major dukes are the gods, sees the whole matter clearly, never has Empire high-level to be camouflaged the alternative example for a long time!” “怎么可能?”紫蒂翻了一下白眼,很无语,“就算他再怎么像你,哪怕血脉都和你一样,他也取代不了你。帝国是有严格的审查制度的,各大公爵都是神明,洞察一切,从未有过帝国高层被长久伪装替代的例子!” But I now am very dangerous, if he changes the mind, wants to kill me, who can protect me?!” Zhen Jin continues to roar lowly, the tremendous pressure of death, making him hysteric. “但是我现在很危险,万一他改变主意,想要杀我,谁能保护得了我?!”针金继续低吼,死亡的巨大压力,让他变得歇斯底里起来。 Wait!” “等等!” Zhen Jin narrows the eyes suddenly: Your response is very strange, my fiancee!” 针金忽然眯起双眼:“你的反应很奇怪,我的未婚妻!” You do not seem to worry that my safety, I am your fiance. The fact that we marry has announced that I died, your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce was also certainly finished!” “你似乎一点都不担心我的安危,我可是你的未婚夫。我们联姻的事实已经宣布出去了,我死了,你们紫藤商会也一定完蛋!” What did you just say? I do not understand the substitute person. You too trusted the substitute person, you really think that he was Knight? God's favored knight?” “你刚刚说什么?我不了解替身。你太信任替身了,你真的以为他是一名骑士神眷骑士?” Wait!” The Zhen Jin vision becomes sharp incomparable, he is staring at the double pupil of Zi Di stubbornly, the sound asked crabbedly, „should you not fall in love with him?!” “等等!”针金的目光变得犀利无比,他死死地盯着紫蒂的双眸,声音艰涩地问道,“你该不会是爱上了他吧?!” Zi Di rolls the eyes greatly, obviously goes wild: „Does Lord, actually in your brain think what? Will I fall in love with him? A substitute person? A beastified person?” 紫蒂大翻白眼,明显抓狂起来:“大人,你的脑子里究竟想些什么呢?我会爱上他?一个替身?一个兽化人?” Hehe.” Zhen Jin sneers, the whole face is the color of suspicion. “呵呵呵。”针金冷笑不已,满脸都是怀疑之色。 Yes, is really laughable, falls in love with a substitute person, falling in love with a beastified person...... this is really unwise, will not be the matter that Chamber of Commerce President should do.” “是啊,真是可笑,爱上一个替身,爱上一个兽化人……这真的太不明智了,绝不会是一届商会会长该干的事情。” But love...... this type of thing, but also really did not say certainly.” “但是爱情啊……这种东西,还真的说不准。” When the love became confused, in this world the sane person will also become the incurable fool!” “当爱情冲昏了头脑,这个世界上再理智的人也会成为无可救药的傻瓜!” „Very dangerous, Zi Di, your present performance makes me feel that you now are very dangerous.” “很危险啊,紫蒂,你现在的表现让我感觉到你现在很危险。” I hope that you can clearly recognize the reality.” “我希望你能够认清楚现实。” Even if you fell in love with him, among you still can only be a tragedy!” “就算你爱上了他,你们之间也只会是一场悲剧!” Thinks to look that when he knows all truth, when he knows that oneself at all is not Templar Knight, is only a base and low substitute person, when he knows person who he most loves, fiancee who he has thought that actually deceives he deepest person. What to do can he? How will he see you?” “想想看吧,当他知道一切的真相,当他知道自己根本不是圣殿骑士,只是一个卑微的替身,当他知道他最爱的人,他一直以为的未婚妻,其实是欺骗他最深的人。他会怎么办?他会怎么看你?” Zi Di turned very quiet. 紫蒂屏住了呼吸。
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