EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#176: She is joining in the fun

In the tent, Zhen Jin and Zi Di are quarrelling low voice. 帐篷内,针金紫蒂小声地争吵着。 Told me the truth, I beautiful lovable fiancee, the substitute person hasn't he bumped you?” Zhen Jin is narrowing the eyes, is staring at Zi Di stubbornly, sends out dangerous aura from top to bottom. “告诉我实话,我美丽可爱的未婚妻,替身他没有碰过你吧?”针金眯着双眼,死死盯着紫蒂,浑身上下散发出一股危险的气息 Zi Di stares to shake the head, looks by the inconceivable vision to Zhen Jin: What are you suspecting? Lord! Naturally no!” 紫蒂瞪眼摇头,以不可思议的目光看向针金:“你在怀疑什么呢?大人!当然没有!” No, please wait.” Zi Di stretches out the palm, does movement that under pressed, this is not the present key. I think that Lord you come secretly, is asks me to discuss related Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, the matter of related magic beast regiment. This is we most needs to care at present!” “不,请等一下。”紫蒂伸出手掌,做了一个下按的动作,“这不是现在的关键。我以为大人你偷偷过来,是来找我商量有关蓝狗狐狼,有关魔兽军团的事情。这才是我们眼下最需要关心的!” This naturally must care that but I must care about my fiancee!” The Zhen Jin facial features stare, reveals anger, particularly works as other men, is in front of my, grips the hand of my fiancee personally time! I your hand, has not even pulled.” “这个当然是要关心的,但是我也得关心我的未婚妻!”针金眉眼瞪起来,流露出一股怒意,“尤其是当其他男人,当着我的面,亲自握住我未婚妻的手的时候!我可是连你的手,都没有牵过呢。” Saying, Zhen Jin puts out a hand, must grip the hand of Zi Di. 说着,针金就伸手,要握住紫蒂的手。 Zi Di retrocedes immediately, the hand shrank, Zhen Jin grasped spatial. 紫蒂立即后退,手缩了回去,针金握了一个空。 Zhen Jin is just about to be angry, at this time outside the tent broadcast the voice of substitute person: Zi Di, did you rest?” 针金正要大怒,这时帐篷外传来替身的声音:“紫蒂,你睡了吗?” Zhen Jin is startled. 针金一惊。 Quickly, hides quickly.” Zi Di is also frightened, the opens the mouth, constantly changes the mouth shape silently, expressed own meaning. “快,快躲起来。”紫蒂也惊惶起来,静默地张口,不断变化嘴形,表达出自己的意思。 Is good arranges many in the Zi Di tent, Zhen Jin hides in the corner hastily. 好在紫蒂的帐篷中陈设很多,针金连忙躲进角落里。 Lord, I have not rested. Please come to say.” After Zi Di deep breath several tones, opens the mouth to say with a relatively tranquil sound. 大人,我还没有睡。请进来说吧。”紫蒂深呼吸几口气后,用一种相对平静的声音开口道。 The substitute people lift the gate, enters. 替身掀开门,进入其中。 Zi Di puts on that with magic robe of hood, spacious magic robe appears the young girl to be petiter pitifully. 紫蒂穿着那身带兜帽的魔法袍,宽大的魔法袍显得少女更加娇小可怜。 Sees the Zi Di manner, the substitute person sighed, arrived in front of Zi Di, embraced into Zi Di the bosom. 看到紫蒂的神态,替身叹息一声,走到紫蒂面前,将紫蒂揽入怀中。 The Zi Di body trembles slightly, without resistance. 紫蒂身躯微微一颤,没有反抗。 In the gloomy corner, Zhen Jin found this secretly, immediately gets angry stares the eyes, the blood threads floods the eye socket, almost he must jump! 阴暗的角落里,针金偷偷瞧见了这一幕,顿时怒瞪双眼,血丝充斥眼眶,差一点他就要跳出来! Fear?” The substitute people comfort in a soft voice. “害怕了么?”替身轻声安慰。 He was clear, Foxy Blue Wolf Dog once took to the Zi Di huge trauma. 他清楚,蓝狗狐狼曾带给紫蒂巨大的心理阴影。 Has Lord, I do not fear.” Zi Di gentle voice said/tunnel. “有大人在,我不怕的。”紫蒂柔声地道。 Un, I continuously side you. First Foxy Blue Wolf Dog dies in my under foot, second also died. Third and fourth head, even if appears are more, so long as there are me, I will not make you receive their injuries. I promised you!” The Zhen Jin comfort said. “嗯,我会一直在你身边的。第一头蓝狗狐狼死在我的脚下,第二头也死了。第三头、第四头,哪怕出现更多,只要有我,我不会让你受到它们的伤害。我向你保证!”针金安慰道。 Zi Di raises head in the bosom of Zhen Jin: Lord Zhen Jin, I believe you.” 紫蒂针金的怀中仰头:“针金大人,我信你。” Seemed like feels anything, the look of young girl became somewhat unusual. 似乎是感受到了什么东西,少女的神色变得有些异样。 Damn, damn!” Gloomy Zhen Jin clenches jaws, the times of short several breath, he has dismembered a body several substitute person in the mind. “该死的,该死的!”阴暗中的针金咬牙切齿,短短几个呼吸的功夫,他在脑海中已经将替身大卸八块十几遍了。 „, Right. My this time looks for you, mainly because of some blood.” The substitute people are smiling to Zi Di. “哦,对了。我这次来找你,主要是因为一些血。”替身对紫蒂微笑着。 I need you to do secretly.” “我需要你偷偷地做。” „Before matter has the result, do not tell others.” “事情有结果之前,不要告诉其他人。” Un?!” Is hiding Zhen Jin only feels an anger, has rushed to own top of the head from the chest. “嗯?!”躲藏着的针金只感觉一股怒气,从心口一直冲到自己的头顶。 You want to do!?” “你想要干什么!?” Damn, bold thing! You are only a substitute person, you are fake!!!” “该死的,胆大包天的东西!你只是替身,你是假的!!!” You dare...... you to dare to covet unexpectedly unexpectedly are not your thing!” “你居然敢……你居然敢觊觎不属于你的东西!” Zi Di was supported into the bosom by the substitute person, on the face appeared a piece to blush: Lord, what do you want...... to make?” 紫蒂被替身拥入怀中,脸上则浮现出了一片羞红:“大人,你想要……做什么?” Zhen Jin sees those images and scenes, the pupil shrinks Zhen Jin immediately, feels the unprecedented shame: This woman...... this woman!!” 针金看到此情此景,瞳孔顿时缩成针金,感觉到前所未有的羞辱:“这个女人……这个女人!!” Since has known with Zi Di, he also never sees the opposite party to reveal such thrilling charming color. But reveals to suffer the charming color fiancee, closely was actually hugged by other man in the bosom! 自和紫蒂认识以来,他还从未见过对方流露出这样动人心魄的娇羞之色。而流露出折磨娇羞之色的未婚妻,却被别的男人紧紧地抱在怀中! Do not misunderstand, I referred to......” substitute person not saying, was broken by Zi Di. “别误会,我是指……”替身还没说完,就被紫蒂打断。 Lord, you flowed the nosebleed.” 大人,你流鼻血了。” „.” The substitute people also felt that the blood flows, he was awkward, listened to me saying that Zi Di, matter was not such that you thought.” “呃。”替身也感到血液流淌下来,他尴尬极了,“听我说,紫蒂,事情不是你想的那样。” Zhen Jin felt that the whole person must explode with rage! 针金感到整个人都要被气炸了! Anger is very prosperous! Flowed the nosebleed. Damn thing, when reveals the truth, I must castrate you, castrated you!!” Rave of Zhen Jin in heart. “火气很旺啊!都流鼻血了。该死的东西,等到真相大白,我一定要把你阉了,把你阉了!!”针金在心中狂吼。 After the substitute people leave, Zhen Jin jumps immediately, the hand points at Zi Di, the whole body is trembling: You! You just added, he has not made anything to you! Said, to be honest, do not conceal me!” 替身离开之后,针金立即跳出来,手指着紫蒂,浑身发颤:“你!你刚刚还说,他没有对你做过什么!说,说实话,不要隐瞒我!” I said is the truth!” The Zi Di whole face is tight, the been unjust grievance, Lord, how can you not believe me?” “我说的就是实话!”紫蒂满脸紧张,还有被冤枉的委屈,“大人,你怎么可以不相信我呢?” How do you want me to believe you?!? You just in my at present, surrendered to other men!” Zhen Jin shouts. “你要我怎么相信你?!啊?你刚刚就在我的眼前,对其他男人投怀送抱!”针金嘶吼。 Low voice, can you make him hear the sound? He is silver cultivation base, the hearing is keener than us.” Zi Di reminded hastily. “小声点,你要让他听到动静吗?他可是白银修为,听力比我们更加灵敏。”紫蒂连忙提醒。 Zhen Jin lowers the sound immediately. 针金顿时就将声音压低。 But next moment, he is not quite right, feels humiliation. 下一刻,他就感到不对劲,感到更加的屈辱。 I am your fiance, I am true Zhen Jin, I must speak with you now unexpectedly secretly, doesn't dare to be discovered by fake goods?!” “我是你的未婚夫,我才是真正的针金,我现在居然要和你偷偷说话,不敢被一个冒牌货发现?!” Lord, small does not endure the chaotic big stratagem! You think that I do want? Is willing to ruin itself like this, joins in the fun with a substitute person? I also not for our present safety, for our plans?!” Zi Di changed the complexion, refuted severely. 大人,小不忍则乱大谋!你以为我愿意吗?愿意这样糟践自己,和一个替身逢场作戏?我还不是为了我们现在的安危,为了我们的计划吗?!”紫蒂变了脸色,严厉地反驳。 The Zhen Jin imposing manner stagnates. 针金气势一滞。 Zi Di continues saying: If were discovered the truth by the substitute person, how you do feel able? Our present strengths, you know. Can we control him?” 紫蒂继续道:“如果被替身发现了真相,你觉得会怎样?我们现在的实力,你是知道的。我们能掌控得住他吗?” Cannot!” “不能!” Not only that we must depend upon him, copes Zong Ge, deals with the Foxy Blue Wolf Dog magic beast regiment!” “不仅如此,我们还要依靠他,来对付鬃戈,应付蓝狗狐狼魔兽军团!” Misleads him into thinking that oneself is Lord you, making him work oneself to death for us, making him take risk the forest to trace, making him go against in the forefront of fight, but Lord you are located in the rear area safely, his score and aren't his reputation Lord your?” “让他误以为自己就是大人你,让他为我们卖命,让他冒险去森林追查,让他顶在战斗的最前线,而大人你安然位于后方,他的战绩、他的名声不都是大人你的吗?” Zhen Jin is unable to refute, he lowers the head, both hands fork waist, in the mouth is breathing heavily unceasingly, the facial expression is fierce, from time to time the anger hesitates from time to time. 针金无法反驳,他低下头去,双手叉腰,口中不断喘着粗气,神情狰狞,时而愤怒时而犹豫。 Zi Di then said: If makes him discover that oneself is fake, you think how he will do?” 紫蒂接着道:“如果让他发现自己是假的,你认为他会怎么做?” Lord, you thought that he will accept this truth?” 大人,你觉得他会接受这个真相吗?” After discovering the Lord status, massacres you, then replaces you?” “还是会在发现大人的身份后,杀掉你,然后替代你呢?” Zhen Jin the body trembles immediately, eyeful is panic-stricken: Purple, Zi Di, right that very you reminded. This island is very dangerous, Zong Ge is very dangerous, but he is more dangerous.” 针金顿时身躯一颤,满眼都是惊恐:“紫、紫蒂,你提醒的很对。这座海岛很危险,鬃戈很危险,但他更危险。” Conceals! We must continue to conceal!” “隐瞒!我们必须继续隐瞒住!” Zi Di puts out foul air: Lord, worthily is you, you have not disappointed me. Always winner must shoulder the burden that outsider cannot imagine, withstands pressure that others cannot bear, Lord, you achieved. We will succeed, we will leave here, we will become Lord of the Whitesand City, the substitute person eventually is only a substitute person, in the future one day, his disappearance will not be detected by anybody. No one knows that in this process, actually to have anything. People will only praise you, acclaims achievement that you achieve.” 紫蒂吐出一口浊气:“大人,不愧是你,你没有让我失望。历来胜利者都要背负外人想象不到的负担,承受他人所不能承受的压力,大人,你做到了。我们会成功的,我们会离开这里,我们会成为白沙城主,替身终究只是替身,将来有一天,他的消失不会被任何人察觉。没有人知道这个过程中,究竟发生了什么。人们只会称颂你,赞叹你所取得的成就。” Right that you said.” Zhen Jin nods again and again, at once on his face appears to wipe feeling sorry, also put in great inconvenience to you, my fiancee. My just attitude was a little extreme.” “你说的对。”针金连连点头,旋即他的脸上浮现出一抹歉疚,“也委屈你了,我的未婚妻。我刚刚的态度有点过激了。” Lord, you can understand that I am good. All that I make, for our plans, for our securities, for our future!” 大人,你能理解我就好。我所做的一切,都是为了我们的计划,为了我们的安全,为了我们的将来!” Zhen Jin nods: Yes, all for our happy future!” 针金点头:“是的,一切都是为了我们美好的将来!” ...... …… Seized the Foxy Blue Wolf Dog turning point, Zong Ge openly challenged the Zhen Jin authority, the content of competition leads the team to investigate the surrounding military situation respectively the achievement. 抓住了蓝狗狐狼的契机,鬃戈公然挑战针金的权威,比试的内容就是各自率队侦查周围军情的成果。 In the early morning, Zong Ge leads a group of people to start to investigate, because the substitute person taught last night painstakingly, is making up thinks. 天刚亮,鬃戈就带着一批人开始侦查,而替身因为在昨晚苦训,正在补觉。 Zhen Jin has had the breakfast, stands outside the tent, more waits more anxious: „Does this damn fellow, actually want to be loaf when? Does he have to make clear the condition! If the ignores Zong Ge provocation, my authority will suffer to strike serious weakening.” 针金早已吃过早饭,站在帐篷外,越等越焦躁:“这个该死的家伙,究竟要偷懒到什么时候?他到底有没有搞清楚状况啊!如果放任鬃戈挑衅,我的权威会遭受击严重的削弱。” Sun has raised, but also is resting, but also is resting!” “太阳已经升起,还在睡,还在睡!” „It is not good, I must urge him, making him act a bit faster! Naturally...... I will not remind personally.” “不行,我得督促他,让他快点行动!当然……我不会亲自去提醒。” The Zhen Jin vision glance, frames finally on the body of Bai Ya. 针金目光扫视,最终定格在白芽的身上。 Bai Ya has little experience of the world, under the Zhen Jin vicious human relations wrist/skill, said oneself almost all information quickly. 白芽涉世不深,很快在针金老辣的交际手腕下,说出了自己几乎所有的情报。 Really is for the Lord Zhen Jin worry.” Zhen Jin is sighing, a face worries about the color. “真是替针金大人担心啊。”针金叹息着,一脸担忧之色。 What's wrong?” Bai Ya asked curiously. “怎么了?”白芽好奇地问。 Zhen Jin stares slightly: You do not know that the present situation is very subtle? That half-beast harbors evil intentions, unexpectedly challenges the Lord Zhen Jin authority. Matter is such......” 针金微微瞪眼:“你不知道现在的局势很微妙吗?那个半兽人不怀好意,居然挑战针金大人的权威。事情是这样的……” Quick, knew that the details Bai Ya is anxious. 很快,得知详情的白芽焦急起来。 After Zhen Jin appears, Bai Ya pays a visit hastily. 针金出现后,白芽连忙去拜见。 Lord Zhen Jin.” 针金大人。” „The sky just shone, Zong Ge they led one group of people to go to investigate.” “天刚刚亮,鬃戈他们就带着一帮人出去侦查了。” Lord, I grow up in the forest since childhood. Now perhaps was unable to hunt, however is reconnoitering this aspect, I can certainly help Lord you!” Bai Ya is warm, joins voluntarily. 大人,我可是从小就在森林中长大的。现在或许还不能狩猎,但是在侦察这方面,我一定能帮助到大人您的!”白芽非常热情,主动请缨。 At noon, Zhen Jin leads the team the camp to eat meal. 中午的时候,针金率队回营地吃饭。 Zhen Jin is indignant: This damn fellow, certainly not clear condition? Unexpectedly the leisurely and carefree mood comes back to eat meal! Hurries to give me to investigate!” 针金愤愤不平:“这个该死的家伙,一定都不清楚状况吗?居然还有闲情逸致回来吃饭!赶紧给我侦查去啊!” He told the Bai Ya Zong Ge effort in secret. 他暗中告诉白芽鬃戈的努力。 Bai Ya reports to the substitute person heavyheartedly: Lord Zhen Jin, we had not noticed that Zong Ge they come back. They should bring food, eats outside.” 白芽忧心忡忡地向替身汇报:“针金大人,我们没有看到鬃戈他们回来。他们应该是带了食物,在外面吃的。” By the evening, Sun just fell to the crown on, the substitute person has received the team to return to the camp. 到了傍晚,太阳刚刚落到树冠上,替身已收队回营。 Bai Ya also reported: Lord, Zong Ge they have not come back. They are spelling to go all-out!” 白芽又禀告道:“大人,鬃戈他们还没有回来呢。他们是在拼尽全力了!” „It is not easy.” The substitute people sighed one. “都不容易啊。”替身感叹一句。 Bai Ya was really anxious: Lord, we also can definitely bring the dry rations, noon time continues to investigate, does not use to travel between the camp wastes the precious time.” 白芽真的急了:“大人,我们也完全可以带着干粮,中午的时候继续侦查,不用为了往返营地浪费宝贵的时间。” Un, is good to propose, tomorrow will do this.” The substitute people accept good advice readily. “嗯,是个好提议,明天就这样做吧。”替身从善如流。 Was starts finally diligently!” Zhen Jin relaxes in secret. “总算是开始努力了!”针金暗中松了口气。 Then, he feels an aggrievedness, probably stops up phlegm in throat, how to spit unable to spit, this type was too uncomfortable! 然后,他又感到一股憋屈,像是堵在咽喉里的一口痰,怎么吐也吐不出去,这种太难受了! This damn thing, is going against my reputation, enjoys people's commendation, the fiancee but who also covets my beautiful appearance, takes my advantage! I must to worry for him , helping him in secret?!” “这个该死的东西,顶着我的名头,享受众人的称赞,还觊觎我美貌的未婚妻,占我的便宜!我还得要为他操心,暗中帮他?!” „Will Heavens, why do this appearance?” 天呐,为什么会搞成这个样子?” Regarding Zhen Jin, this experience really was really bad. 对于针金而言,这个体验真的实在是太糟糕了。 ...... …… After the Zhen Jin sad worry, the substitute person takes the complete map. The achievement of detection wins Zong Ge and the others at risk of life diligently. 针金忧愁担心之后,替身拿出来完整的地图。侦查的成果完胜鬃戈等人的拼死努力。 Zhen Jin looks for Zi Di in secret. 针金暗中找上紫蒂 „Will he have such information comprehensive map? My fiancee, you do not tell me, he is my main God's favored knight, this is my main gracious gift.” “他怎么会有这样信息全面的地图?我的未婚妻,你可别告诉我,他是我主的神眷骑士,这是我主的恩赐。” Zhen Jin interrogated Zi Di. 针金质问紫蒂 Zi Di shakes the head, eyeful vacant colors: I do not know the situation of item body, this map appearance far far exceeds my anticipation.” 紫蒂摇头,满眼茫然之色:“我不知道具体的情况,这份地图的出现远远超乎我的意料。” But, this is also good, not?” “不过,这样也挺好的,不是吗?” „The Zong Ge challenge failed, he loses is very ugly.” 鬃戈挑战失败了,他输的很难看。” Not and not!” Zhen Jin shakes the head, this symptom is not very right! He is breaking away from our controls! This way, will be getting more and more dangerous.” “不、不!”针金摇头,“这种苗头很不对劲!他正在脱离我们的控制!这样下去,会越来越危险的。” Zi Di wonders: My Lord, wasn't he in our controls? Indeed, this control degree is very weak, but I believe that can also make him spell to go all-out to the full.” 紫蒂纳闷:“我的大人,他不是一直不在我们的掌控之中吗?的确,这种控制程度十分薄弱,但我认为,也能最大程度地让他拼尽全力啊。” No, is not this.” Zhen Jin continues to shake the head the denial, the complexion is even more serious and dignified, what I said is the trend. Before he compares, was hard to control.” “不,不是这样的。”针金继续摇头否定,脸色越发严肃和凝重,“我说的是趋势。他比之前,更加难以掌控了。” Why will he put out such information comprehensive military map? Purity that the scale of beast group investigates?” “为什么他会拿出那样信息全面的军事地图?就连兽群的规模都探查的一清二楚?” He also dares in the name of my main, blatantly deceit!” “他还胆敢用我主的名义,公然欺骗!” We know about the truth, he masters certainly the method and ability that we are not knowing.” “我们是知道实情的,他一定掌握着我们不知道的手段和能力。” Zi Di nods: Lord, you ponder are. He is the beastified person, he can control some beastified freely. I guessed, this should be he obtains the method of this detection achievement!” 紫蒂点头:“大人,你所虑极是。他是兽化人,他能够自由掌控部分兽化。我猜测,这应该就是他取得这种侦查成果的手段!” Actually can he beastified become what?” Zhen Jin pressed for an answer. “他究竟能兽化成什么?”针金逼问。 I do not know.” Zi Di said. “我不知道。”紫蒂道。 „Don't you know?!” Zhen Jin stares, the whole face is the color of suspicion. “你不知道?!”针金瞪眼,满脸都是怀疑之色。 Zi Di forced smile: Lord, he has custom-made. Although arms merchant accepts my customized requirements, but also told me, other cannot guarantee. Cannot swims, while sleeps. According to my understanding, this must be the limit of beastified transformation person technology.” 紫蒂苦笑:“大人,他是定制的。军火商方面虽然答应我的定制要求,但也告诉我,其他的就不能保证了。就像人不能一边游泳,一边睡觉。按照我的理解,这应当是兽化改造人技术的局限。” Your meaning is, the arms merchant does not know that what his concrete ability is?” Zhen Jin looks the color of thinking. “你的意思是,军火商也不知道他的具体能力是什么?”针金面露思索之色。 Yes. Arms merchant indicated, can reach our custom-made standards, is not very easy. And, Lord you should also know, the ordinary beastified person is the disposable consumables, once stimulates beastified, berserk will go crazy, the slaughter most has the goal of threat, without the concept of teammate.” “是的。军火商方面表示,能达到我们定制的标准,已经很不容易了。并且,大人你应该也知道,普通的兽化人是一次性的消耗品,一旦激发兽化,就会狂暴发疯,屠杀最具备威胁的目标,没有队友的概念。” „The beastified person who therefore, makes, the arms merchant will not examine thoroughly, once because stimulates beastified, the beastified person reimbursed.” “因此,制造出来的兽化人,军火商不会彻底检测,因为一旦激发兽化,兽化人就报销了。” Substitute person can some beastified, and freedom controls, this is quite rare beastified person.” “替身能够部分兽化,并且自由控制,这是相当罕见的兽化人。” In fact, I have believed that if the arms merchant found, perhaps will force to recycle, will not sell to us. At least, will not use the beforehand price.” “事实上,我一直认为,军火商如果发现,恐怕会强制回收,不会卖给我们。至少,不会用之前的价格。” Zhen Jin is looking at Zi Di with rapt attention long time, this nods, accepted the explanation of Zi Di, sighed reluctantly: It seems like, can obtain him, is our luck.” 针金凝神望着紫蒂半晌,这才点点头,接受了紫蒂的解释,无奈地叹息一声:“看来,能得到他,也是我们的运气。” ...... …… The camp surrounding situation of investigated very much clearly, the substitute person and Zong Ge competitive content took advantage of opportunity to change to suppress kills the beast group. 营地周围的情况探查得很清楚了,替身、鬃戈的竞争内容顺势改变成了剿杀兽群。 With the smog of Zi Di manufacture, substitute person, Zong Ge and the others flowed together, copes with the maximum Bat Monkey group. 采用紫蒂制造的烟雾,替身、鬃戈等人合流,对付最大的蝠猴群。 In this war, the substitute person performance extremely bright eye, the crossbow bolt almost case not empty sends, slaughtering the efficiency is to deserve first. 这一战中,替身表现极为亮眼,弩箭几乎例不虚发,杀戮效率是当之无愧的第一。 Zong Ge looks askance, in the heart the sigh is the Hundred Needles family bloodline. Although his archery also has trained hard for many years, but compares with the substitute person, immediately pales by comparison. 就连鬃戈都为之侧目,心中感叹到底是百针家族的血统。他的箭术虽然也苦练过多年,但和替身一比,立即相形见绌。 Zhen Jin competes in secret, lost. 针金暗中较劲,也输了。 Hateful!” Zhen Jin pinches the double fist secretly. “可恶!”针金暗捏双拳。 After is unwilling, is to disdain sneering. 不甘心之后是不屑的冷笑。 What am I thinking? He is silver cultivation base, I am Blackiron, losing to him is very normal.” “我在想什么呢?他是白银修为,我才是黑铁,输给他很正常啊。” You are strong, is only my substitute person. All that now makes, is my score!” “不过你再强,也不过只是我的替身。现在所做的一切,都是我的战绩!” Actually what background transforms his arms merchant? How can make him have such strong archery, unexpectedly exceeds my Hundred Needles Bloodline descendant? Perhaps before...... transformation, his itself/Ben is archery unusual Knight.” “改造他的军火商究竟什么来头?怎么能让他拥有这样强劲的箭术,居然胜过我这位百针血脉后裔?或许……改造之前,他本就是一位箭术超凡的骑士。” ...... …… Zhen Jin found Zi Di again quietly. 针金再次悄悄找到紫蒂 He comes straight to the point directly: I heard, some people made one set of alligator hammer tail ran leather armor, gave him? I also want!” 他直接开门见山:“我听说,有人做了一套鳄头锤尾蚺的皮甲,给了他?我也要!” Zi Di smile: Lord, please feel relieved although. I, have certainly your equipment. The first set, must give the substitute person, after all he is outwardly on Lord you.” 紫蒂微笑:“大人,请你尽管放心。我早就记着呢,一定有你的装备。只是第一套,还是要给替身,毕竟他才是明面上的大人你啊。” So long as new alligator hammer tail ran leather armor makes, certainly first equips Lord you. After all the Hei Juan status, is the mercenary who I hire. I first will certainly equip the person on one's own side, not?” “只要新的鳄头锤尾蚺皮甲制造出来,一定优先装备大人你。毕竟黑卷的身份,是我雇佣的佣兵。我当然会首先装备自己人,不是吗?” Zhen Jin shows the smile, is satisfied with the reply of Zi Di. 针金不由露出微笑,对紫蒂的回答感到满意。 But at once he frowns: I heard the news. The substitute people picked up a big bargain last night unexpectedly. Harvested that Silver Rank Bat Monkey, an entire Flying Squirrel group.” 但旋即他又皱起眉头:“我听到消息了。替身昨晚居然捡了一个大便宜。收获了那头白银级别蝠猴,还有一整支的飞鼠群。” Actually does he how accomplish?” “他究竟是怎么办到的?” Zi Di shakes the head: Map is a clue, we had determined, he has the strong detection ability. Perhaps this detection ability, helped him, making him seize the opportunity exactly, while silver Bat Monkey and Flying Squirrel group war, thus picks up a bargain.” 紫蒂摇头:“地图是一个线索,我们已经确定,他拥有强大的侦查能力。或许正是这份侦查能力,帮助了他,让他恰好捕捉到了机会,趁着白银蝠猴飞鼠群大战,从而捡了便宜。” Zhen Jin sighed: He was getting more and more excessive, repeatedly with my main reputation conduct. Every night he will go to do an inspection, this is very strange. His secret is big.” 针金叹息一声:“他越来越过分了,屡次用我主的名头行事。每天晚上他都会出去巡查,这很古怪。他身上的秘密不小。” Yes, Lord you said is very right. However, the secret are many, he was kept in the dark by us, not?” Zi Di is saying with a smile. “是的,大人你说的很对。不过,秘密再多,他还是被我们蒙在鼓里,不是吗?”紫蒂笑着道。 Zhen Jin also smiles, the brow stretched, nods: Right that you said.” 针金也笑起来,眉头舒展了一些,点点头:“你说的对。” ...... …… The magic beast regiment that two Foxy Blue Wolf Dog lead, started to attack the camp. 两只蓝狗狐狼率领的魔兽军团,开始进攻营地了。 The people heard substitute person's loud pray. 众人听到了替身的大声祈祷。 Oh, almighty Emperor Holybright, my God and Lord, your knight is about to head to battle and carry out your creed. With your blessing, I shall be fully equipped and put on the belt of righteousness, the mirror armor of braveness, the boots of peace and the helmet of salvation. However, the night is like fog that shrouds my vision. Oh God, please grant me clear sight to see my enemies and lead my people to victory!” 伟大的圣明大帝啊,我的神,我的主。祢的骑士将临战,将践行祢的教义承蒙祢的恩赐,我全副武装。我穿上正直的腰带,勇武的护心镜,平安的鞋和救恩的头盔然而,黑夜犹如迷雾,遮挡住我的视野。神啊,请赐予我明亮的双眼,让我看清敌势,让我引领众人,走向胜利吧!” Stirless. 毫无动静。 This idiot!” Zhen Jin must stare anxiously, you really think were oneself Templar Knight? Unexpectedly dares to play prays this set in the presence of everyone?! Even Commander, does not dare to pray at will!” “这个蠢货!”针金急得瞪眼,“你真以为自己是圣殿骑士了吗?居然敢玩当众祈祷这一套?!就算是团长,也不敢随意祈祷啊!” But Zong Ge also thinks the substitute person makes a mistake, the substitute person whole body trembles suddenly, opens the eyes that shut tightly, exudes pleasantly surprised and unexpected shout, I saw!” 鬃戈也认为替身失误的时候,替身忽然全身一颤,睁开紧闭的双眼,发出一声惊喜、意外的呼喊声,“我看到了!” Zhen Jin turns around immediately, the direction people said: Quickly, in the magic beast regiment has two Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. Now, they have divided forces. Leads the large unit, the direct impact barrack gate. Another head, then leads the Flying Squirrel group to circle, wants to attack the side of our military camp.” 针金立即转身,指挥众人道:“快,魔兽军团中有两头蓝狗狐狼。现在,它们已经分兵了。一头率领大部队,直冲营门。另外一头,则带领飞鼠群绕过来,想要攻打我们营寨的侧面。” After Zhen Jin dull, awakens: Originally he investigated. Actually does he how investigate? Hasn't seen his beastified? No, should not beastified, some beastified not be good. If were seen by others, they think that what my Zhen Jin is?” 针金呆愣之后,醒悟过来:“原来他侦查到了。他究竟怎么侦查到的?没看到他兽化啊?不,不应该兽化,就连部分兽化都不行。要是被别人看到了,他们会认为我针金是什么?” But this war certain bad risk is incomparable tonight! If not beastified, will make me defeat dead, that is beastified.” “但是今夜此战一定凶险无比!如果不兽化,会让我战败身亡的话,那还是兽化吧。” Later, only then I stand, redeemed own prestige.” “之后,只有我站出来,挽回自己的声誉了。” However, the later fight makes Zhen Jin broaden the outlook. 然而,之后的战斗让针金大开眼界。 The looks at substitute person kills the four directions greatly, Zhen Jin realizes more things: I underestimated his battle efficiency! If so, really can contend with Zong Ge. No wonder he had the energy before like this, harmed me to worry about such a long time in vain. Before investigated the information is also...... this damn fellow!” 看着替身大杀四方,针金意识到更多的东西:“我低估他的战斗力了!如果是这样,真的能和鬃戈抗衡的。难怪他之前这样有底气,害我白白担忧了这么长时间。之前侦查情报也是……这个该死的家伙!” Because of the surprise attack of underground sandworm, the survivors fall into leeward. 因为地下沙虫的突袭,幸存者们陷入下风。 Run!” Substitute person racing to come, bellowed to Zhen Jin and the others rapidly. “快跑!”替身急速奔来,对针金等人大吼。 Zhen Jin gawked, at once runs hastily, left the bed crossbow without hesitation. 针金愣了一下,旋即连忙奔跑,毫不犹豫地离开了床弩。 next moment, the bottom breaks open, the sandworm raids, swallows the bed crossbow, puts out the innumerable fragments. 下一刻,地底破开,沙虫袭来,将床弩吞下,吐出无数碎片。 Zhen Jin, lingering fear: Difference, I am almost dying. Was I saved by the substitute person? Does well!” 针金一身冷汗,后怕不已:“差、差点我就要死了。我被替身救了?干得好!” In the central log cabin is hiding Cang Xu, Zi Di and the others. 中央木屋中躲藏着苍须紫蒂等人。 Zi Di and Cang Xu, run!” The substitute people roar anxiously, at once sets out to run to the log cabin. 紫蒂苍须,快跑出来!”替身急吼,旋即起身向木屋奔跑过去。 Zi Di, Cang Xu and the others have been observing the situation, they just also saw the underground great insect, hears Zhen Jin this shouting, nothing hesitant, opens the door to run. 紫蒂苍须等人一直在观测外界情形,他们刚刚也看到了地下巨虫,听到针金这声喊,没有任何犹豫,都打开门奔跑出来。 The underground sandworm raids again spatially. 地下沙虫再次袭空。 Zhen Jin great happiness: He saved my fiancee!” 针金大喜:“他又救了我的未婚妻!” He suggested loudly to the substitute person: Lord, the military camp could not support. We break through quickly!” 他对替身大声建议道:“大人,营寨撑不住了。我们快突围吧!” The substitute people shake the head, is not discouraged, the present difficult position instead stimulated his fighting spirit: Hei Juan, you are responsible for breaking through, protect Zi Di, Cang Xu, Mu Ban, shipwright and the others the lives, they are important.” 替身摇头,并不气馁,眼前的困境反而更激发了他的斗志:“黑卷,你负责突围,护住紫蒂苍须木班、船匠等人的性命,他们非常重要。” The substitute person ultrasonic investigation, found that the underground great insect attacks the bed crossbow. 替身超声波探查,发现地下巨虫又去袭击床弩。 This time, Young Knight has not come up empty-handed. 这一次,少年骑士没有扑空。 He while the great insect swallows the bed crossbow the time, sword deeply jabs into the great insect body. 他趁着巨虫吞噬床弩的时候,一剑深深地刺进巨虫身躯。 The great insect has not shivered unexpectedly, probably by stabbing is not it, brings thin sword SIlver Lightning directly, retracted got down. 巨虫竟然没有颤抖一下,好像被刺中的不是它,直接带着细剑银电,又缩回了地下去。 I, my sword?!” Zhen Jin was scared. “我,我的剑呢?!”针金傻眼了。 My handed down in the family treasured sword, my SIlver Lightning ! Substitute people, your idiot!!!” He rave in heart. “我的家传宝剑,我的银电啊!替身,你这个蠢货!!!”他在心中狂吼。 Breaks through quickly.” Zi Di comes the reminder. “快突围吧。”紫蒂过来提醒。 Zhen Jin clenches teeth ruthlessly, compared with the sword, is the life is more important. 针金狠狠咬牙,比起剑,还是命更重要。 The military camp flaming combustion, the fire soars to the heavens. 营寨熊熊燃烧,大火冲天。 A Zi Di face worried: „Hasn't Lord Zhen Jin, come back?” 紫蒂一脸担忧:“针金大人,还没有回来吗?” Zhen Jin gawked, at once realizes the fiancee is referring to the substitute person, in his heart also worried very much. After all is his substitute person. 针金楞了一下,旋即意识到未婚妻在指替身,他的心中也很担忧。毕竟是他的替身。 The substitute person whole body is bathed in blood, finally appears in the people at present. 替身浑身浴血,终于出现在众人眼前。 He carries the severely wounded appearance, making Zhen Jin also sigh with emotion in secret: Spelled! However does is very good, your substitute person I am very satisfied.” 他身负重伤的样子,让针金也暗中感慨:“太拼了!不过做的真的很好,你这个替身我很满意。” With the aid of the flame, I won Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, but cannot kill it, making it run.” The substitute people confess to say to the people. “借助火焰,我赢了蓝狗狐狼,但没能杀死它,让它跑了。”替身向众人交代道。 Let alone, making me have a look at the wound.” Zi Di arrives in front of the substitute person, the tone sobbed. She extends the lush thin hand, takes bearing cautiously Zhen Jin leather armor, wanting total wreck leather armor to take down. “别说了,让我看看伤。”紫蒂来到替身面前,语气哽咽。她伸出芊芊细手,小心翼翼地探向针金皮甲,想要将破烂不堪的皮甲取下来。 The substitute people actually stopped her. 替身却制止了她。 Zhen Jin looks at this, the fist pinches speechless quietly, in the heart eats the taste, also elucidates on own initiative oneself: She is joining in the fun, false, is false.” 针金无语地看着这一幕,拳头悄然捏起,心中十分吃味,又主动开解自己:“她只是在逢场作戏,假的,都是假的。”
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