EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#175: Lets loose your hand quickly!

On The Pig's Kiss. 猪吻号上。 Stands in assigning to give in own cabin, the Zhen Jin complexion is ugly: Just embarked, can I act Hei Juan? Doesn't have a slightly big cabin?” 站在分配给自己的船舱中,针金脸色难看:“难道刚上船,我就要扮演黑卷吗?就没有一个稍大的船舱?” The present cabin is indeed narrow and small, but to Blackiron Rank mercenary treatment, is normal. 眼前的船舱的确狭小,不过给黑铁级的佣兵这种待遇,非常正常。 The Zi Di gentle voice persuaded: Lord, do not forget our trip is the camouflage. We made you also to keep in same place false appearance, but I as your fiancee, but led a group of people to go to Wilderness Continent in advance, acted as advance party for you. If exposes now, on gain does not equal the loss. In fact, I also pretend to hide the identity.” 紫蒂柔声劝说道:“大人,别忘了我们此行是伪装。我们做出了你还留在原地的假象,而我作为你的未婚妻,只是带着一批人先行前往荒野大陆,为你打前站。如果现在暴露,就得不偿失了。事实上,就连我也装作隐藏身份。” However The Pig's Kiss cabin, actually not many differences. The biggest cabin is in the hand of Priest Jia Sha. Other cabins, actually similar.” “而猪吻号的船舱,其实并无多少差别。最大的船舱正在痂沙神父的手中。其余的船舱,其实都差不多。” Zhen Jin nods encouragingly: When can my substitute person come out?” 针金勉为其难地点点头:“那我的替身什么时候能够出来?” Once arrives at Whitesand City, we make the substitute person regain consciousness. By that time, will make our two competitors be startled.” Zi Di said with a smile. “一旦到达白沙城,我们就让替身苏醒。到那时,想必会让我们的两位竞争对手大吃一惊的。”紫蒂笑道。 Hehe.” The Zhen Jin daydream, I had compelled to see they expression.” “呵呵。”针金遐想了一下,“我已经迫不及地想要看到他们俩个的表情了。” Ok, I condescended in this cabin crossed several days.” “算了,那我就屈尊在这种船舱中渡过几日吧。” Tonight you can accompany me.” “今晚你可以来陪我了。” Zi Di reveals the color of just right regretting immediately: Lord Zhen Jin, although I also want to do this, but don't forget, Jia Sha Lord on this ship.” 紫蒂顿时流露出恰到好处的惋惜之色:“针金大人,尽管我也非常想这样做,但别忘了,痂沙大人就在这艘船上。” In fact, according to our beforehand discussions, we accidental releasehad given Church Guardian Knight own information ‚.” “事实上,按照我们之前的商议,我们已经将自身的情报‘意外泄露’给了护教骑士们。” Then, we must create meeting by chance, ahead of time knows Lord your time inspection officer.” “接下来,我们要造成一种偶遇,提前结识大人你此次的考核官。” If hides in the camouflage, the stealth activity at this time, we lived together, perhaps will make extremely the poor impression to Priest Jia Sha.” “如果在伪装潜藏,秘密行动这个时候,我们同居一处,恐怕会给痂沙神父留下极为不好的印象。” The Zhen Jin complexion was also ugly several points: You said also right. Snort, I endure patiently for the time being for several days.” 针金的脸色又难看了几分:“你说的也对。哼,那我就暂且忍耐几天吧。” ...... …… The curtain of night is deep. 夜幕深沉。 The Pig's Kiss calmly navigates above the vastness. 猪吻号静静地航行在汪洋之上。 The Zhen Jin turning over side rests, suddenly the bed inverts, fell him on the floor. 针金翻身侧睡,忽然床铺颠倒,将他摔在了地板上。 Zhen Jin was hit to awake, opens the eyes, sees on the floor full is the water. Meanwhile, his ear bank hears many cries of being frightened. 针金被撞醒,睁开双眼,看到地板上满是积水。同时,他的耳畔传来许多惊惶的叫声。 What's the matter?!” “怎么回事?!” He some responses, the cabin door was just shoved open fiercely, bang, sea water encroachment comes. 他刚有反应,舱门就被猛地推开,轰隆之下,海水倒灌进来。 I......” Zhen Jin just about to the opens the mouth pray for rescue, was filled several by the sea water fiercely, the whole person was submerged thoroughly. “我……”针金刚要张口求救,就被海水猛灌了几口,整个人被彻底淹没。 ...... …… Zhen Jin is breathing heavily greatly, drills from the water spray, finally the both feet steps on the sand beach. 针金大喘着粗气,从水浪中钻出来,终于双脚踩在沙滩上。 His whole body in the water drop, after staggering walked more than ten, finally knees one soft, kneels down. 他浑身都在滴水,踉跄地行走了十几步后,终于双膝一软,跪倒在地。 The surrounding confusion, many survivors also swam the sand beach. Some people were praying loudly, some people are weeping and wailing, some people are sobbing, some people are organizing to rescue vigorously. 周围一片混乱,许多幸存者也游到了沙滩。有人在大声祈祷,有人在哭喊,有人在抽泣,也有人在极力组织救援。 Hey, is quick , helping save others.” Some people run, sees Zhen Jin, shouts said. “喂,快起来,帮着救救其他人啊。”有人奔跑,看到针金,呼喊道。 But Zhen Jin was unresponsive, his head buzzes, the whole world seemed like with him isolates was the same. 针金毫无反应,他的脑袋嗡嗡作响,整个世界像是和他隔离了一样。 He gawked some little time, the intelligence then repeats. 他愣了好一会儿,神智这才复述过来。 Had the perils of the sea?” “发生海难了?” How can like this!” “怎么会这样!” Zhen Jin such as the falling ice cave, wants to cry but have no tears. 针金如坠冰窟,欲哭无泪。 The surrounding survivors are getting more and more, people send out sad Hu, the looks at The Pig's Kiss half ships submerge helplessly thoroughly, but another half reached a deadlock in the sand beach. 周围的幸存者们越来越多,人们发出悲呼,眼睁睁地看着猪吻号的半截船只彻底沉没,而另外半只搁浅在了沙滩上。 Really occurrence shipwreck!” “真的发生船难了!” Was too hapless.” “太倒霉了。” Wait!” The Zhen Jin body trembles, puts out a hand to touch to own waist, after touching SIlver Lightning , he relaxes immediately. “等等!”针金身躯一颤,伸手摸向自己的腰间,摸到了银电之后,他顿时松了一口气。 Luckily also.” As for in fleeing from calamity, how to wear the sword this, Zhen Jin does not have the impression. “幸好还在。”至于在逃难的时候,如何将这把剑佩戴起来的,针金已经毫无印象了。 He not only rejoices now and lingering fear. 他现在既庆幸又后怕。 The surrounding people start to summon relatives and friends' name, Zhen Jin also to start to search for Zi Di and other mercenaries in the crowd. 周围的人们开始呼唤亲朋的名字,针金也开始在人群中搜寻紫蒂和其他的佣兵。 He saw some ripe faces, but how not to have the Zi Di form. 他看到了一些熟面孔,但如何也没有紫蒂的身影。 My fiancee...... encountered difficulty!” Zhen Jin heart sinking valley. “我的未婚妻……遇难了!”针金心沉谷底。 ...... …… Captain has been missing, I am first officer. This perils of the sea very fishy, before not a wee bit omens. Reason that the discussion perils of the sea have, I felt, might as well thinks how should flee from here.” “船长已经失踪,我是大副。这场海难很蹊跷,之前没有一丁点的预兆。谈论海难产生的原因,我觉得,还不如想想该怎么逃离这里。” Food and water that at present, we collect, are not many. But this island covered entirely the rain forest, the commodity is certainly good. We need first to form Exploration Team, investigates here terrain for us, where has a look to have the stable source of a lot of food and tap water.” “目前,我们搜集的食物和水,都不多。但这座海岛布满了雨林,物资一定丰厚。我们需要先组建一只探索队,为我们探查这里的地形,看看哪里有大量的食物和饮用水的稳定来源。” first officer is speaking. 大副宣讲着。 Zhen Jin shrinks in the middle of the crowd, looks at a group of people were convened, the looks at Cang Xu driving request joins. 针金缩在人群当中,看着一批人被召集起来,看着苍须主动要求加入。 These people are taking risk! This island is very strange, is forbids magic and battle energy unexpectedly, the forbidden upper limit judgment is unclear, they dare to explore unexpectedly.” “这些人在冒险!这座海岛很古怪,竟是禁止魔法斗气,禁止的上限还判断不清,他们居然敢去探索。” Zi Di died, Jia Sha they also disappear, more unfortunate than fortunate!” 紫蒂死了,痂沙他们也不见踪影,凶多吉少!” Oh, I first stay here, conceals identity, has this camouflage, others only think that I am a mercenary.” “唉,我还是先留在这里,隐姓埋名,有这层伪装,别人只会以为我是一个佣兵。” When the family helps, searches and rescues me, I indicated again the status is not late.” “等到家族来援,搜救到我,我再表明身份也不迟。” ...... …… The Zhen Jin air/Qi throws on the ground the axe in hand. 针金气得将手中的斧头扔在地上 All day is cuts trees down and cuts trees down.” “整天都是砍树、砍树。” My solemn Templar Knight, must handle this matter unexpectedly!” “我堂堂一位圣殿骑士,居然要做这种事情!” Shipbuilding? When can this make? When rescues credibly.” “造船?这要造到什么时候?还是等到救援靠谱。” I am the Hundred Needles family sole heir, here falls to the enemy also has Wisteria Chamber of Commerce President, as well as priest Jia Sha. Definitely will have the rescue!” “我是百针家族的唯一继承人,这里失陷的还有紫藤商会会长,以及神父痂沙。肯定会有救援的!” Un? Any sound!” “嗯?什么声音!” Zhen Jin is Blackiron cultivation base, the physical quality surpasses commonly, heard the xi xi su su sound. 针金黑铁修为,身体素质超出寻常,听到了窸窸窣窣的声音。 He searches following the sound, discovered that an old person is eating food. 他循声探去,发现一位老人正在进食。 Old fogy, your western eastern Tibet?” The Zhen Jin great happiness, comes to approach. “老家伙,你藏东西了?”针金大喜,现身逼近。 The old person detected that Zhen Jin Blackiron cultivation base, immediately is panic: Big, Lord, this is my. I bring to come up to the island. I was too hungry, asking you to show a round of kindness of heart, do not accuse me. These things, I am willing to share with you.” 老人察觉到针金黑铁修为,顿时惊惶失措:“大、大人,这本来就是我的。我带到岛上来的。我太饿了,求你发发善心,不要告发我。这些东西,我愿意与你共享。” Exploration Team has not turned over to for a very long time, stable food has not originated, food reserve cannot support day and night the continual consumption, particularly must fell the trees to make the new ship. Therefore first officer applied food control, anybody can not hide food secretly. 探索队久久未归,没有稳定的外界食物来源,食物储备架不住日夜连续的消耗,尤其是还要砍伐树木建造新船。所以大副施行了食物管制,任何人都不得偷藏食物。 Zhen Jin cold snort/hum, kicks down the old person, seizes food all. 针金冷哼一声,一脚踢倒老人,将食物尽数夺走。 The old person grasps the calf of Zhen Jin: Lord, asking you to act charitably, gives me a point to eat. Does not eat the thing, I will really starve to death.” 老人抱住针金的小腿:“大人,求你行行好,给我一点吃的吧。再不吃东西,我真的会饿死的。” „Wasn't a waste mortal, dying good? Why must waste the grain here!” Zhen Jin despises incomparably, tramples the old person ruthlessly, has no more to do with walk. “一个废物凡人,死了不是挺好吗?为什么还要在这里浪费粮食!”针金鄙夷无比,狠狠地踹中老人,拔腿而走。 The old person this was almost trampled, tramples faints. 老人差点被这一踹,踹得背过气去。 However, soon, three crew looked for Zhen Jin. 然而,不久之后,三位船员找上了针金 Hei Juan, heard that you hid the food secretly. Won't you know the present custom?” 黑卷,听说你偷藏了食。你不会不知道现在的规矩吧?” Boy, knowing the limitation words, the little darling takes.” “小子,识相的话,还是乖乖拿出来。” Right, this is good to us.” “没错,这对我们都有好处。” The crew that Zhen Jin looks at leads, the opposite party also sent out life aura of Blackiron Rank number. 针金看着领头的船员,对方同样散发出了黑铁级数的生命气息 Certainly is that old man not indignation considers secret! Damn.” “一定是那个老头不忿告秘!该死。” Crew overwhelm with numerical strength, I do not need to spell hardly. When the family helps, I must make these damn fellows attractive!” “船员们人多势众,我没必要硬拼。等到家族来援,我一定要让这些该死的家伙好看!” In the heart is planning, the Zhen Jin surface said with a smile: My also means that are good to us.” 心中算计着,针金表面却笑道:“我还有一个办法,对我们双方更有好处。” Saying, he fished out three gold coins. 说着,他摸出了三枚金币。 Three crew see the gold coin, immediately the eyes shine. 三位船员看到金币,顿时双眼发亮。 Good, this indeed is better.” “好,这的确是更好的。” On your boy said.” “你小子上道啊。” „Becoming the mercenary, makes money?” “成为佣兵,这么赚钱的吗?” Zhen Jin smiling said/tunnel: I want to become friends with purely, invites to be accommodating in the future.” 针金笑眯眯地道:“我是纯粹想结交诸位,也请诸位在今后多行方便。” The crew laugh, racket of lead shoulder of Hei Juan: Boy, you understands what has to be done very much.” 船员们大笑,领头的拍拍黑卷的肩膀:“小子,你很识时务。” After the crew walk, Hei Juan shut out to sweep the patted shoulder with the hand, the color of whole face despising: This crowd of floor goods, three gold coins sent you. When the family helps, you will lament for today's attitude!” 船员们走后,黑卷嫌弃地用手扫了扫被拍的肩膀,满脸鄙夷之色:“这群底层货色,三枚金币就将你们打发了。等到家族来援,你们都会为今天的态度而悔恨!” ...... …… Food reserve dropped the warning line, first Exploration Team was missing, the first officer attempt formed second Exploration Team. 食物储备下降到了警戒线,第一支探索队失踪了,大副尝试组建第二支探索队 Now I announced that result of ballot, the person who I register the name will become the second Exploration Team member......” “现在我宣布抽签的结果,我报到名字的人将成为第二支探索队的成员……” After first officer announced that people in an uproar. 大副宣布之后,众人一片哗然。 Why doesn't have a crew to be selected?” “为什么没有一位船员被抽中?” Fairness that I suspect this ballot!” “我怀疑这次抽签的公正性!” Heavy bamboo slip, heavy bamboo slip!!” “重签,重签!!” People who in the Zhen Jin hiding crowd, the looks at surroundings are filled with righteous indignation, are hugging the attitude of watching the good play. 针金藏身人群之中,看着周围义愤填膺的人们,抱着看好戏的态度。 He has not been on the list, but bribed the related crew with the gold coin again. 他并没有上榜,而是再次用金币贿赂了相关船员。 ...... …… Late at night. 深夜。 Zhen Jin was awakened by noise: What happened?” 针金被吵醒:“发生了什么事?” Some people take the lead, hit with the crew!” “有人带头,和船员们打起来了!” What?!” Zhen Jin vibrates, brings SIlver Lightning hastily, goes to surround. “什么?!”针金震动,连忙带着银电,前去围观。 He witnessed Zong Ge pushes to the front, to being a worthy opponent, easily beats the giant, under testifying of Que Shan, in the presence of everyone except killing first officer. 他目睹了鬃戈一马当先,所向匹敌,轻松击败大个子,又在雀扇的作证下,当众除杀了大副 This half-beast strength was too strong, equipment also very excellent! Here forbids battle energy and magic, instead causes this half-beast by dirty bloodline, becomes most expert.” “这个半兽人实力太强了,装备也非常精良!这里禁止斗气魔法,反而使得这个半兽人凭借肮脏的血脉,成为了最强者。” I conceal identity is right, who knows that these half-beast and half elf bastard, will hate about people like me.” “我隐姓埋名是对的,谁知道这些半兽人、半精灵的杂种,会对我这样的人多么仇恨。” This crowd of crew are the waste!” “这群船员们都是废物!” This thing for no reason long is so big, a martial skill does not have.” “这东西平白无故长的这么大,一点武技都没有。” Hateful!” “可恨!” Crew lose power, the gold coin that I invest must throw away carelessly.” “船员们失势,我投资出去的金币都要打水漂了。” ...... …… Zong Ge substitutes first officer, starts to control here aspect. 鬃戈替代大副,开始掌控这里的局面。 However every day at night, the survivors were attacked mystically, people died a tragic death one after another. 然而每天夜晚,幸存者们都遭受神秘袭击,人们陆续惨死。 Damn, damn!” Zhen Jin is cursing. “见鬼,真见鬼!”针金咒骂着。 What ghost thing is, killed these people?” “到底是什么鬼东西,杀了这些人?” Damn, rescuing was also too slow, actually when can arrive?” “该死,救援也太慢了,究竟什么时候才能到来?” ...... …… Receives Zhen Jin to bribe most crew, walks in quietly. 受到针金贿赂最多的船员,悄悄地找上门来。 Hei Juan, follows us. The captain was assassinated, our was attacked mystically, perhaps is Zong Ge this half-beast plays tricks!” 黑卷,跟我们走吧。船长是被暗杀的,我们遭受神秘袭击,恐怕就是鬃戈这个半兽人捣鬼!” We plan to use to form the Exploration Team opportunity, sneaks off together.” “我们打算利用组建探索队的机会,一起溜走。” Who?” In Zhen Jin heart one startled, dispatches a gold coin on own initiative. “都有谁?”针金心中一惊,主动递出一枚金币。 The crew has the happy expression, replied: Xi Suo Lord, shipwright and Mu Ban...... the truth told you again, among us the senior shipwright can produce the new ship. You understand.” 船员带着喜色,答道:“细索大人、船匠、木班……实话再告诉你,我们当中就只有老船匠能够造新船。你懂的。” Zhen Jin nods again and again: I understood!” 针金连连点头:“我明白了!” Occupies under half-beast, making Zhen Jin be shamed. 屈居半兽人之下,让针金感到耻辱。 And here each night will have the mysterious attack, the living environment is bad, Zhen Jin does not want to treat. 并且这里每晚都会发生神秘袭击,生存环境非常恶劣,针金也早就不想待了。 ...... …… Xi Suo, Hei Juan and the others mixed in Exploration Team secretly, but quick was detected, Zong Ge leads the team to launch the pursuit. 细索黑卷等人混在探索队中偷偷出发,但很快就被发觉,鬃戈率队展开追击。 During the pursuit, had the transmission. 追击当中,发生了传送。 The surprise a stretch of strange camp, Xi Suo yelled: This certainly is the arrangement of gods, making us get rid of the fierce sinister enemy, but also granted their temporary camps!” 意外发现了一片古怪的营地,细索大叫:“这一定是神明的安排,让我们摆脱了凶残阴险的敌人,还赐予他们临时的营地!” The camps have been restored, actually suffered the attack of Bat Monkey group and Resilient White Rhinoceros quickly. 营地得到修缮,却很快遭受了蝠猴群、强命白犀的攻击。 No, I do not want dead, I do not die!” In the Zhen Jin heart roared, an extremely intense seeking livehood desire flooded his chest. “不,我不想死,我不要死!”针金心中咆哮,一个极其强烈的求生欲望充斥他的胸膛。 Here has ended! Stays here, will definitely die.” Zhen Jin clenches teeth, turns around fiercely, bents, rushes to the log cabin. “这里已经完了!留在这里,肯定会死。”针金咬了咬牙,猛地转身,猫着腰,奔出木屋。 With Bat Monkey life and death fighting, Zhen Jin obtained the support accidentally/surprisingly. 在和蝠猴的生死搏杀中,针金意外得到了支援。 Has the person!” He is overjoyed, does not dare to turn head, spells to go all-out to the direction that the dart shoots to run. “有人!”他大喜过望,不敢回头,拼尽全力向飞镖射来的方向跑去。 Dashes about wildly, Zhen Jin enters in the forests quickly, discovered that under a tree is standing several people. 一路狂奔,针金很快进入林间,发现一棵树下站着几个人。 „It is not Xi Suo they...... wait/etc.” “不是细索他们……等等。” Zhen Jin is unbelievable, in heart wild with joy. He suddenly discovered Zi Di, his fiancee is also living! 针金难以置信,心中狂喜。他竟然发现了紫蒂,他的未婚妻还活着! His eyes are suddenly bright, show the accidental/surprised and pleasantly surprised look, blurts to shout: Purple......” 他双眼骤亮,露出意外和惊喜的神色,脱口喊道:“紫……” Is Hei Juan!” At the same time, Zi Di saw clearly the Hei Juan appearance, shouted lowly, he was the member who in commission army corps I hired!” “是黑卷!”同一时间,紫蒂看清楚了黑卷的面貌,低呼道,“他是我雇佣的佣兵团里的成员!” Un?” In the Zhen Jin heart stares. “嗯?”针金心中一愣。 Lord Zhen Jin, in the middle of the log cabin person should come from The Pig's Kiss.” Zi Di also said to Young Knight. 针金大人,木屋当中的人应该都来自猪吻号。”紫蒂又对身旁的少年骑士道。 That person? Is my substitute person!” The Zhen Jin heart is suddenly enlighted. “那个人?是我的替身!”针金心头恍然大悟。 Young Knight nods: I must rescue them as soon as possible! You stay here.” 少年骑士点头:“我必须尽快救出他们!你们留在这里。” His rapid vanguard, several breath, arrive at the Zhen Jin front, he used the vision to size up this dark youngster rapidly up and down: Also can fight again?” 他迅速前行,几个呼吸,就走到针金的面前,他用目光迅速上下打量了这个黝黑的少年:“还能再战吗?” Zhen Jin stands in same place, looks at present substitute person. 针金站在原地,愣愣地看着眼前的替身。 Really looks like me!” “真像我啊!” In his heart full is the sigh, suddenly has not responded. 他心中满是感叹,一时间没有回应。 Young Knight shakes the head secretly: It seems like his courage has lost.” 少年骑士暗自摇头:“看来他胆气已丧。” That Zhen Jin escapes, he watches. 针金逃跑的一幕,他是看在眼里的。 Young Knight charges into the camp, Zhen Jin opens the mouth to prevent hastily: Don't......” 少年骑士冲向营地,针金连忙开口阻止:“别……” You are my substitute person, don't, because these idiots lost the life. Do not take risk, comes back to protect me! 你可是我的替身,别因为这些蠢货丢了性命。不要冒险,回来保护我! But next moment, Zhen Jin sees the substitute person powerful battle efficiency. 下一刻,针金就看到替身强悍的战斗力。 Zhen Jin is staring at the back of substitute person firmly, reveals the color of shock. 针金牢牢地盯着替身的背影,露出震撼之色。 How to have the so terrifying strength?” “怎么会有如此恐怖的力量?” Here cannot utilize battle energy.” “这里可不能运用斗气啊。” Was, he was the beastified person. 是了,他是兽化人。 Before he was transformed, is silver Knight, the physical quality substantially is higher than me. 他被改造之前,还是白银骑士,身体素质大大高于我。 Compared with Zong Ge, what kind of? 鬃戈比起来,怎么样? Hei Juan.” Zi Di, Lan Zao and the others walked. 黑卷。”紫蒂蓝藻等人走了过来。 Snort, developed is very proper. To continue to cover up? Also yes, now reveals, to me, does not have the profit. Makes this fool substitute person raise me to work oneself to death. 哼,演的挺到位。是想继续遮掩下去么?也是,现在揭穿,对我而言,毫无益处。就让这个傻瓜替身提我卖命吧。 Miss Zi Di.” Zhen Jin tidies up the mood, to Zi Di good a ritual, actually this Lord is......” 紫蒂小姐。”针金收拾情绪,对紫蒂行了一礼,“这位大人究竟是……” Zi Di shows a faint smile, will answer. 紫蒂微微一笑,正要作答。 Always silent Lan Zao actually first opens the mouth: He is my Master Lord Zhen Jin! He is the Lord Zi Di fiance, is the Hundred Needles family only successor, true Templar Knight, can be Whitesand City City Lord in the future. He is my savior, is your savior.” 向来沉默的蓝藻却抢先开口:“他是我的主人-针金大人!他是紫蒂大人的未婚夫,是百针家族唯一的继承人,真正的圣殿骑士,将来也会是白沙城城主。他是我的救命恩人,同时也是你的救命恩人。” Zhen Jin: „???” 针金:“???” Who is this idiot?” “这个白痴是谁?” It seems like, was seizes the chance to receive a working oneself to death lackey. Also good.” “看来,是趁机收了一个卖命的奴才。也不错。” Zi Di nods: I hired your guards I to go to Wilderness Continent Whitesand City, Lord Zhen Jin have hidden in my side. The goal is to cover their ears and eyes, preventing the competitor to obstruct our traveling schedules maliciously. The perils of the sea happened, I retrieved Lord Zhen Jin. Believes me, Lord Zhen Jin will certainly lead us, lives is leaving this island.” 紫蒂点头:“我雇佣了你们护卫我前往荒野大陆白沙城,针金大人一直隐藏在我的身边。目的是掩人耳目,防止竞争对手恶意阻挠我们的行程。海难发生了,我寻回了针金大人。相信我,针金大人一定会带领我们,活着离开这座海岛的。” So that's how it is.” The Zhen Jin Adam's apple rolled, in the heart mused, good that you said that my fiancee, the rescue of family is far-fetched, the self-help was the outlet!” “原来如此。”针金喉结滚动了一下,心中暗想,“你说的不错,我的未婚妻啊,家族的救援已经不靠谱了,自救才是出路!” ...... …… Repels the beast group, Zhen Jin is warmly welcomed, people treat as the hero to regard him. 击退兽群,针金受到了热烈的欢迎,人们都将他当做英雄来看待。 This substitute person does actually good.” Zhen Jin is secretly gratified. “这个替身做的倒是挺不错嘛。”针金暗自欣慰。 Zhen Jin looks for Zi Di secretly, talked alone. 针金偷偷找上紫蒂,独自交谈。 My dear Zi Di, you do not have the matter, was too good! I also think that you encountered difficulty, for several days I was very sorrowful.” Zhen Jin goes forward to stretch out the arms, wants to hug Zi Di. “我亲爱的紫蒂,你没有事,真的太好了!我还以为你遇难了,那些天我都无比悲痛。”针金上前张开双臂,想要拥抱紫蒂 Zi Di retrocedes one step, looks around anxiously everywhere: Lord, was seen by others carefully.” 紫蒂后退一步,紧张地四处张望:“大人,小心被别人看到。” Then, she continues by the excited language gas channel/angrily said: „After perils of the sea, I and a group of people was rushed to another on island by the ocean current am a sand beach. Lord, I have been trying to look for you for serveral days. We assign/life should not certainly! Just saw you, I almost called to break your status excitedly, but I noticed luckily Lord your vision hinted, I then sobered.” 然后,她继续以激动的语气道:“海难发生之后,我和一批人被海流冲到了岛上的另一处是沙滩。大人,这些天我一直在试图找寻你。我们都命不该绝!刚刚看到你,我差点激动地叫破你的身份,但幸亏我看到大人你的目光示意,我这才清醒过来。” Zhen Jin touches own chin, this wonderful misunderstanding makes the obstruction in his heart dispel many immediately, he said with a smile: With your such smart person exchange, indeed is free from worry to reduce effort.” 针金摸了摸自己的下巴,这个美妙的误会顿时让他心中的芥蒂消解许多,他笑道:“和你这样的聪明人交流,的确是省心省力的。” Now situation how? Have you sent out the message of requesting reinforcements? Has been responded?” “现在情况怎么样?你发出过求援的消息吗?得到回应了吗?” Zi Di shakes the head, low-spirited said/tunnel: No response, this island has the strangeness greatly, unusual bad risk. Compels to have no other choice, I then awaken the substitute person. Without him, I have died.” 紫蒂摇头,黯然地道:“没有任何回应,这座海岛大有古怪,非常凶险。逼不得已,我这才将替身唤醒。没有他,我已经死了。” You do is very right. Actually does my substitute person have what strength?” “你做的很对。我的这个替身究竟有什么样的实力?” Zi Di shakes the head: He is the beastified person, but the memory instills into is incomplete, I discover him to be able some beastified. As for having stronger battle efficiency, I thought that are not many.” 紫蒂摇头:“他是兽化人,但记忆灌输并不完整,我发现他能部分兽化。至于有没有更强大的战斗力,我觉得并不多。” Zi Di narrated something in detail. 紫蒂详细叙述了一些事情。 Zhen Jin reveals the disappointed color: Looking at it like this, he cannot fight Zong Ge.” 针金不由地流露出失望之色:“这样看来,他是斗不过鬃戈的。” Some people came.” Zi Di reminded immediately. “有人来了。”紫蒂立即提醒。 Zhen Jin can only terminate and short exchange of Zi Di, leaves rapidly quietly. 针金只能终止和紫蒂的短促交流,迅速悄然地离开。 ...... …… As two groups of troops exchange unceasingly, when the substitute person takes out armor piece, the Zhen Jin heart shakes: „It is not good, it seems like Zong Ge was also transmitted, I must hurry to remind them: This Zong Ge is very dangerous!” 而随着两批人马不断交流,当替身取出甲片时,针金不禁心头一震:“不好,看来鬃戈也被传送过来了,我得赶紧提醒他们:这个鬃戈是非常危险的!” Lord.” Zhen Jin caresses the chest, bends the waist a ritual to the substitute person, you worthily are Templar Knight, frequently is grasping the fair fair spirit. But I suspect Zong Ge, is not without foundation.” 大人。”针金抚胸,向替身弯腰一礼,“您不愧是一位圣殿骑士,时刻秉持着公正公平的精神。但我怀疑鬃戈,并不是毫无依据的。” He by strict field training!” Zhen Jin then said. “他受过严格的战斗训练!”针金接着道。 The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人面面相觑。 Zhen Jin also said: Each mercenary, or each sailor has the field training. The field training that I said that is not this ordinary training, but is the military training.” 针金又道:“每一位佣兵,或者每一位水手都受过战斗训练。我说的这种战斗训练,不是这种普通的训练,而是军事训练。” Believes me, I can affirm that he had served in the army. Only then after strict military training, and has served in the army, his body will have such a aura of soldier, this I was clearest.” “相信我,我敢肯定他曾经在军队中服役过。只有经过严格的军事训练,并且在军队中服过役,他的身上才会有那样的一种军人的气息,这点我最清楚不过了。” Before he said that has never proposed publicly opinion, the substitute person and Zi Di attached great importance. 他说出来之前从未公开提过的见解,替身、紫蒂都非常重视。 ...... …… Zong Ge and the others hid outside, Xi Suo, shipwright and the others have not turned over , the substitute person immediately decides to go out to seek. 鬃戈等人潜藏在外,细索、船匠等人又迟迟未归,替身立即决定外出寻找。 Sword is good.” The substitute people return thin sword SIlver Lightning to Zhen Jin. “剑不错。”替身将细剑银电交还给针金 Zi Di said to Zhen Jin suddenly: Hei Juan, I know that your sword is not mortal rank, please give the Lord Zhen Jin use this sword for the time being.” 紫蒂忽然对针金道:“黑卷,我知道你的剑不是凡品,请你暂且将这柄剑交给针金大人使用吧。” Zhen Jin stares, the complexion changes said: This sword is my handing down from generation to generation treasure.” 针金一愣,脸色微变道:“这柄剑可是我的传家宝物。” He had not pondered, direct rejection. 他没有细想,直接拒绝。 Substitute person faint smiles: Zi Di, does not need to feel embarrassed him.” 替身淡淡一笑:“紫蒂,没有必要为难他。” Lord, this is not good!” Zi Di actually insisted very much, we just also analyzed, Zong Ge is a powerful opponent. He also has the armor that a superior fine steel makes, his battle lance certainly is also good. Lord you take the ordinary weapon, with words that Zong Ge fights, almost with weaponless no difference. But if Lord you were defeated, our fates will be very worrying. Lord you do not think of yourself, please think for us.” 大人,这可不行!”紫蒂却很坚持,“我们刚刚也分析了,鬃戈是一位实力强大的对手。他还有一副上等精钢所制的盔甲,他的战矛也一定不俗。大人你拿着普通武器,和鬃戈交手的话,几乎和手无寸铁没有什么区别。而大人如果你失败了,我们这些人的下场会很堪忧。大人你不为自己着想一下,也请为我们想一想啊。” The substitute people were shocked, at once smiles bitterly. 替身愣住了,旋即苦笑。 The Zhen Jin heart shakes: Yes! I should give the substitute person to use the sword this, Zong Ge is powerful, must arm the substitute person comprehensively.” 针金心头一震:“是了!我应该将这把剑交给替身来用,鬃戈非常强大,必须全面武装替身。” He replaces me to battle! If he because of lacking the weapon defeats, finally the one who is hapless is I.” “他是代替我作战的!如果他因为缺乏武器而战败,最终倒霉的还是我啊。” Good that very Zi Di considers, she thinks of me.” 紫蒂考虑的很好,她是为我着想的。” Gave the substitute person the sword, my risk were less!” “把剑给了替身,我身上的风险更少了!” Lord!” Zhen Jin thinks of here, then changed the idea. He holds the thin sword on own initiative in both hands, goes forward to offer submissively, is my humble self is ignorant, the vision was too narrow and small. This sword in the Lord hand, can display the value at this time truly. This is my family heirloom, sword SIlver Lightning . It can bloom surely the radiant brilliance in the hand of Lord!” 大人!”针金想到这里,便改了主意。他主动将细剑捧在双手中,上前拱手奉上,“是小人愚昧,眼界太狭小了。这把剑此时在大人手中,才能真正地发挥出价值。这是我的传家宝,剑名银电。它必定能在大人的手中绽放出璀璨的光彩!” Zi Di smile: Hei Juan, this employment, I will pay your double reward.” 紫蒂微笑:“黑卷,此次雇佣,我会支付你双倍的报酬。” On the face of Zhen Jin appears immediately the happy expression. 针金的脸上顿时浮现出笑意。 Also good. I will kindly treat this sword, I will guarantee that as far as possible it gives back to you completely completely.” The substitute people see Zhen Jin such attitude, receives the sword naturally. “也好。我会善待这柄剑的,我会尽量保证它完整无缺地还给你。”替身看到针金这样的态度,也就大大方方地将剑重新接过来。 The Zhen Jin heart happily smiles: You worked oneself to death to me on the line well.” 针金心底得意地笑:“你好好给我卖命就行了。” ...... …… Zhen Jin, substitute person and Zi Di and his party, successfully rescued Xi Suo, saved shipwright and the others. 针金、替身、紫蒂一行人,成功救援了细索,也拯救了船匠等人。 The substitute people and Zong Ge confront. 替身和鬃戈对峙。 Snort. Pretty boy aristocrat!” Zong Ge despises the looks at substitute person, the vision stays, in the Zhen Jin waist inserts the thin sword sword hilt in scabbard, the faint appraisal, „...... the sword is actually good.” “哼。一个小白脸贵族!”鬃戈鄙视地看着替身,目光停留在针金腰间插在剑鞘中的细剑剑柄,淡淡评价,“不过……剑倒是不错。” The substitute people show a faint smile, stare on Zong Ge the broken fine steel to fight the armor: Your armor is also good.” 替身微微一笑,盯着鬃戈身上残破的精钢战铠:“你的铠甲也不错。” Zhen Jin observes secretly, in heart anxious: Do not hit!” 针金暗自观察,心中紧张不已:“千万别打起来啊!” Saw that Tripleblade, Zong Ge and the others rejected gathering of Zi Di, in his heart is almost in an uncontrollable rage, pledged secretly: Your this crowd of hybrids and dregs, reject to become my subordinates unexpectedly. So despises me! Also matches depending on your status?! Very good, this shame I have engraved on mind, one day, I must make you regret!” 看到三刀鬃戈等人拒绝了紫蒂的招揽,他心中几乎怒不可遏,暗暗发誓:“你们这群杂种、渣滓,居然拒绝成为我的麾下。如此轻视我!凭你们的身份也配?!很好,这份耻辱我已经铭记在心,总有一天,我要让你们后悔!” Zong Ge makes the substitute person show that with the pray own status, this makes the substitute person be angry. 鬃戈让替身用祈祷来证明自己的身份,这让替身大怒。 The substitute people get hold of the sword hilt, the brow deep wrinkle, the complexion sink, the vision becomes cold like the ice, he shouted lowly: Zong Ge, pays attention to your expression! You dare to despise the gods! My carrying/sustaining Emperor Holybright vision, this is gods' blessing. divine spell is the gracious gift of gods, does not perform or is used in the proof of status. Now to I apologize, immediately! Otherwise you will welcome a Templar Knight anger!” 替身握紧剑柄,眉头深皱,脸色沉下来,目光变得冷冽如冰,他低喝道:“鬃戈,注意你的言辞!你胆敢轻视神明!我身上承载着圣明大帝的目光,这是神明的祝福。神术更是神明的恩赐,绝非是表演或者是用于身份的证明。现在就给我道歉,马上!否则你将迎来一位圣殿骑士的怒火!” Saying, the substitute person is stepping forward one step, approaches Zong Ge. 说着,替身向前踏上一步,逼近鬃戈 His behind Lan Zao, Hei Juan and the others caress the weapon, Zi Di put out a hand to search into the handbag, idiot take up the wooden stick, sends out the low roar from the throat deep place. 他身后的蓝藻黑卷等人都抚上武器,紫蒂伸手探入皮包,傻大个拿起木棒,从喉咙深处发出低吼。 The heart of Zhen Jin mentioned the throat immediately, anxiously to sweating: Damn! Does rashly? You cannot fight Zong Ge!” 针金的心顿时提到了嗓子眼,紧张到冒汗:“该死!这么莽撞干什么?你是斗不过鬃戈的啊!” Then flinching of Zong Ge, makes Zhen Jin feel oneself fell back on the safety belt from the edge of the cliff: This substitute person was extremely also heroic.” 接下来鬃戈的退缩,则让针金感觉自己从悬崖边缘退到了安全地带:“这个替身也太过英勇了一些。” The substitute people admitted Zong Ge one group in the presence of everyone, invited them to return to the camp on own initiative. 替身又当众接纳了鬃戈一行人,主动邀请他们回营地。 The Zhen Jin air/Qi must to stamp one's foot: Your this is not lets a wolf into the fold! Simply is stupid incurable!” 针金气得要跳脚:“你这不是引狼入室嘛!简直是蠢的无可救药!” After returning to the camp, Zhen Jin found Zi Di again in private, arbitrarily decided to the substitute person, the big feeling is discontented. 回到营地后,针金再次私下找到紫蒂,对替身擅自决定,大感不满。 He gets angry about Zi Di: He also really thinks what oneself was Templar Knight. Added that anything fair fair, equality of treatment everyone...... provokes like this Zong Ge this group of people, haha, is simply stupid!” 他对紫蒂发怒:“他还真以为自己的是圣殿骑士了。还说什么公正公平,平等对待所有人……就这样把鬃戈这伙人招惹进来,哈哈,简直愚不可及!” Zi Di is helpless: Lord, the beforehand situation I have not talked clearly, the memory instills into to the substitute person time, presented very serious concern.” 紫蒂无奈:“大人,之前的情形我没有说清楚,记忆灌输给替身的时候,出现了很严重的问题。” Substitute person does this, we are not good to refute face to face. This is Lord your authority.” “替身这样做,我们也不好当面反驳。这可是大人你的权威啊。” He does this, actually also has very big advantage, this is a perfect camouflage. Now Zong Ge, believes in firmly to his status.” “他这样做,其实也有很大的好处,这是一种完美的伪装。现在就连鬃戈,都对他的身份深信不疑了。” The Zhen Jin deep sigh, was persuaded finally. 针金深深叹息,最终被劝服下来。 ...... …… The logging team and camp suffer the surprise attack of beast group simultaneously. 伐木队和营地同时遭受兽群的突袭。 In the process of defense counter-attack, the substitute person discovered the clue of secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 在防御反击的过程中,替身发现了幕后黑手的端倪。 The substitute person look is serious: This secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is not very simple, not only can transfer the Bat Monkey group and silver rhinocero, but also he also has the good tactical quality. His fanning out in two groups, diverts us, in addition key attack camp. He is very clear, the camp is we weakest place, is the most important place.” 替身神色严肃:“这幕后黑手很不简单,不仅能够调动蝠猴群和白银犀牛,而且他也有不俗的战术素养。他这次兵分两路,一路只是牵制我们,另一路重点攻击营地。他很明白,营地是我们最薄弱的地方,也是最要紧的地方。” Right. We must eradicate him!” Zong Ge nods. “没错。我们必须要铲除掉他!”鬃戈点头。 That walks, our, others implicate.” The substitute people take the lead to take a step, Zong Ge discards the waste sword in hand, follows. “那就走,就我们俩个,其他人都是拖累。”替身率先举步,鬃戈扔掉手中的废剑,紧随其后。 Zhen Jin sees these two to leave the camp, not only rejoices and worries. 针金看到这两人离开营地,既庆幸又担忧。 This fellow also spelled. Actually residual memory is what, lets his personality so animal courage?” “这家伙也太拼了吧。究竟残留的记忆是什么,让他性格如此蛮勇?” This was too risky.” “这太冒险了。” Oh, hopes that he can return safely!” “唉,希望他能够安全归来!” Zong Ge came back, brought the alligator hammer tail ran corpse, triggers the stir, but the substitute person has not actually turned over. 鬃戈回来了,带来了鳄头锤尾蚺的尸体,引发轰动,而替身却迟迟未归。 Zhen Jin found Zi Di: This substitute person was we spent the huge price, did. Cannot make him act again like this independently!” 针金找到紫蒂:“这个替身可是我们花费了巨大代价,才搞到手的。不能再让他这样自主行动了!” His thorough forest, this adventure did not have the brain unexpectedly solitarily.” “他居然只身深入森林,这种冒险太无脑了。” We must make good use of him, making him protect our safety, displays he maximum value to come.” “我们要善用他,让他保护我们的安危,发挥出他最大的价值来。” Lord, you said is very right.” A Zi Di face approval as well as worried color, how, but should do?” 大人,你说的很对。”紫蒂一脸认同以及苦恼之色,“但是该怎么做呢?” This......” “这个……” Zi Di also said: To be honest, I hope that now the substitute person can return safely, I have thanked heaven and earth.” 紫蒂又道:“说实话,我现在就希望替身能安全归来,我就已经谢天谢地了。” Zhen Jin sighed again: Oh, I also think like this.” 针金再次叹息:“唉,我也是这样想的。” ...... …… The substitute people not only came back, removed Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, has the essential information of secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator truth. 替身不仅回来了,更除掉了一头蓝狗狐狼,带回来幕后黑手真相的关键情报。 Zi Di said: Lord tracks the beast group to be very long, when Foxy Blue Wolf Dog attempts to subdue Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, braves the life danger surprise attack, killed Foxy Blue Wolf Dog.” 紫蒂道:“大人跟踪兽群很久,才在蓝狗狐狼企图收服猴尾棕熊的时候,冒着生命危险突袭,杀死了蓝狗狐狼。” Lord Zhen Jin, you by a person of strength, took care of always the threat of camp, has done very well.” 针金大人,你以一人之力,解决了一直以来营地的威胁,已经做得非常好了。” The substitute person looks at young girl amethyst beautiful pupil, showed a faint smile, puts out a hand to grip Zi Di to place the hand on desktop. 替身看着少女紫水晶般的美眸,微微一笑,伸手握住了紫蒂摆放在桌面上的手。 The subordinate consciousness of Zi Di shrinks slightly, but stays, whatever the substitute person grasps in the hand. 紫蒂的手下意识地微微一缩,但还是停留住,任凭替身握在手中。 Really worthily is my substitute person!” Zhen Jin is also attending the meeting, in heart self-satisfied, does well......!” “果然不愧是我的替身!”针金也在参会,心中得意,“干得好……个屁啊!” Damn, unexpectedly dares to grip the hand of my fiancee!” “该死的,居然敢握住我的未婚妻的手!” Lets loose quickly, your fellow!!” “快放开,你这个家伙!!” It seems like we must change the strategy.” Mu Ban said, we cannot light/only the logging, probably make the strong bow crossbow as soon as possible.” “看来我们要改变策略。”木班道,“我们不能光伐木,要尽快地制造出强劲的弓弩。” The people start to discuss how to deal with the magic beast regiment under Foxy Blue Wolf Dog direction. 众人开始讨论怎样应对蓝狗狐狼指挥下的魔兽军团。 Zhen Jin closely is actually paying attention to the substitute person and Zi Di hand. 针金却始终关注着替身和紫蒂手。 Hasn't let loose? Actually must grasp when!?” “还不放开?究竟还要握到什么时候!?” He is very indignant, really wants to jump immediately, inserts SIlver Lightning to the forehead of substitute person on. 他十分气愤,真想立即跳起来,把银电插到替身的脑门上。 But he cannot! 但他不能! Calm, calm. I now am only Hei Juan, he is Zhen Jin!” “冷静,冷静。我现在只是黑卷,他才是针金!” And......” “而且……” SIlver Lightning also in his hand.” 银电也在他的手上。”
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