EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#174: Memory crystal

Wharf. 码头。 The Pig's Kiss calmly is anchoring, a small number of crew remain on the ship, most people in the tavern and gambling in wharf work place and other places enjoyment. Day of setting sail tomorrow. 猪吻号静静地停泊着,少数船员留守在船上,大多数人则在码头的酒馆、赌・坊等地欢娱。起航的日子就在明天。 In the warehouse in wharf. 码头的一处仓库中。 A firm fine wooden crate, this moment wooden crate cover had been lifted, reveals inside cargo. 一个坚固精致的木箱,此刻木箱盖子已被掀开,露出里面的货物。 „, Is this?!” Zhen Jin stands before the wooden crate, exudes the whoa unrestrainedly. “啊,这是?!”针金站在木箱前,情不自禁地发出惊叹声。 He sees: In the wooden crate, is lying down blonde youngster, he is in the closing eyes deep sleep. No matter the wing of the nose or the eyebrow, the arm or the ankle, are completely his Zhen Jin duplicate/restores carves, the height is consistent. 他看到:在木箱中,正躺着一位金发少年,他正在闭目沉睡。不管是鼻翼还是眼眉,手臂还是脚腕,完全是他针金的复刻,就连身高都是一致的。 Lord, this is I for the substitute person who you prepare.” Zi Di is saying with a smile. 大人,这就是我为你准备的替身。”身旁的紫蒂微笑着道。 Unbelievable! Too unbelievable. Possibly how to find the so perfect substitute person!” Zhen Jin exclaims in surprise again and again. “难以置信!太难以置信了。怎么可能找到如此完美的替身!”针金惊叹连连。 Zi Di then explained: Naturally did not find, this is the mixture transforms. He is a beastified person.” 紫蒂便解释:“当然不是找到的,这是调制改造出来的。他是一位兽化人。” beastified person?” The Zhen Jin pupil shrinks slightly, at once thinks of the related information. This type of lifeform weapon, as if becomes very popular. Especially recently these years, more and more were appearing in each continent the place of war.” 兽化人?”针金瞳孔微微一缩,旋即想到了相关的情报。“这种生物兵器,似乎变得很流行。尤其是在最近这些年,越来越多地出现在了各个大陆的战争之地。” Worthily is Lord, really well-informed.” Zi Di held one gently. “不愧是大人,果然见闻广博。”紫蒂轻轻捧了一句。 So beautiful woman's flattery, making Zhen Jin enjoy very much. 如此美人的奉承,让针金很是受用。 Zhen Jin faint un, then frowned: „But why he exactly the same as me?” 针金淡淡地嗯了一声,然后又皱起眉头:“但他为什么和我长得一模一样?” Zi Di access road/simply said: Because this is specially is Lord your custom-made beastified person.” 紫蒂便道:“因为这是专门为大人你定制的兽化人啊。” Also can have custom-made?” In the Zhen Jin eye the twinkle fine glow, in the heart acclaimed secretly, Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is next to six big Chamber of Commerce worthily, no wonder the father will comply with this marrying. The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce so huge mass, contacted world many dark corners, secret dangerous character. Even if were hit remnantly, still cannot be underestimated.” “还能有定制?”针金眼中闪烁精芒,心中则暗暗赞叹起来,“紫藤商会不愧是仅次于六大的商会,难怪父亲会答应这场联姻。紫藤商会如此巨大的体量,接触到了世间很多黑暗的角落,隐秘的危险人物。就算是被打残,也不容小觑。” Zi Di then introduced: According to the request that we put forward, the arms merchant had custom-made this beastified person. You also saw, he has with your exactly the same appearance, height wait/etc characteristics. What is more important, he and Lord you are the same , is Knight, cultivation battle energy. His battle energy, has Silver Rank.” 紫蒂接着介绍道:“按照我们提出来的要求,军火商定制了这位兽化人。你也看到了,他有着和你一模一样的外貌、身高等等特征。更重要的是,他和大人你一样,也是一位骑士,修行斗气。他的斗气,已经有白银级别了。” Zhen Jin heart immediately one cold, said: „To catch silver Knight, isn't this City Lord rank character, very easy?” 针金心头顿时一凛,说道:“想要捕捉一位白银骑士,这种城主级别人物,很不容易吧?” Zi Di shakes the head the smile: Our Chamber of Commerce may be unable to make such dangerous matter. This is the arms merchant provides.” 紫蒂摇头微笑:“我们商会可做不出这样危险的事情。这都是军火商提供的。” Zhen Jin closely examines: That, what is his concrete status? Is which aristocrat juniors, Knight that the civilians promote?” 针金追问:“那么,他的具体身份是什么?是哪家的贵族子弟,还是平民晋升的骑士?” Zi Di continues to shake the head: We are not clear, this can feel relieved, his original memory had been eliminated completely, now is blank. Even if awakens him now, does not know who oneself are, but he had been transformed, will be certainly loyal and devoted, obeys our orders, remain faithful unto death.” 紫蒂继续摇头:“我们不清楚,这点可以放心,他原有的记忆已经被全部消除了,现在是一片空白。就算现在唤醒他,不知道自己是谁,但他被改造过,一定会忠心耿耿,听从我们的命令,至死不渝。” beastified person technology, but also is really convenient.” Zhen Jin is sighing, in the heart actually had the sense of crisis. 兽化人这种技术,还真是方便啊。”针金感叹着,心中却生出了危机感。 Silver Rank Knight planted, let alone a he small Blackiron Rank number? 一位白银级别骑士都栽了,更何况他一个小小的黑铁级数? But, I and Zi Di are marry the relations, I am Templar Knight, is the Hundred Needles family sole heir. They do not dare to harm my.” “不过,我和紫蒂是联姻关系,我是圣殿骑士,也是百针家族的唯一继承人。他们是不敢害我的。” Zhen Jin thinks of here, the brow wrinkles deeply, he saw the drawback of beastified person: „Can a substitute person of blank, how act me?” 针金想到这里,眉头皱得更深,他看出了兽化人的一项弊端:“一片空白的替身,怎么能扮演好我呢?” About this, Lord please look.” Zi Di demonstrated that to a Zhen Jin thing, „we are certainly prepared early.” “关于这点,大人请看。”紫蒂展示给针金一物,“我们当然早有准备。” Zhen Jin looked at the past, then discovered that in the palm of Zi Di had a milky white crystal column. 针金看过去,便发现紫蒂的手掌中有一根乳白色的水晶柱。 Tears of Angel?” Zhen Jin raises the brow, not, this is the memory crystal of quiet ginseng/partake!” 天使之泪?”针金微扬眉头,“不,这是幽参的记忆水晶!” Zi Di smile: Lord, has the person talk of vision and wisdom with you like this, is really a joyful matter.” 紫蒂微笑:“大人,和你这样深具眼光和智慧的人谈话,真是一件令人愉悦的事情。” The dead souls founder quiet ginseng/partake, issues a warrant for arrest in the list sixth, founds the dead souls magic Legend character. 死灵祖师幽参,通缉榜上第六位,开创死灵魔法传奇人物。 He concrete is what race, was unable to research, in many information mentioned that he is a successful blaspheming priest, has stolen divine force of many gods. 他具体是什么种族,已经无从考证,很多情报中提到他是一名成功的亵渎祭司,窃取过许多神明的神力 This unusual is not easy. 这非常的不容易。 He successfully deceived the gods repeatedly, misleading the gods into thinking that he is the follower, thus projects divine force, instills into to the quiet ginseng/partake. 他屡屡成功地欺骗了神明,让神明误以为他是自家信徒,从而投射神力,灌输给幽参。 Some expert guessed, perhaps the quiet ginseng/partake stole divine force of many gods, conducts research in private, this urged him successfully to found dead spirit magic. 强者猜测,或许正是幽参窃取了许多神明的神力,进行私下的研究,这才促使他成功开创了亡灵魔法 But the quiet ginseng/partake deceives important item of gods, is the memory crystal that he researches and develops. 而幽参欺骗神明的重要道具,就是他研发出来的记忆水晶。 This list seems like from the semblance, with Tears of Angel very similar magic item, can delete and duplicate the wisdom life memory. 这种单从外表看上去,和天使之泪很相似的魔法道具,可以删改、复制智慧生命的记忆。 Each quiet ginseng/partake changes the shapeshift share, believes other gods, will cut in own memory the memory crystal, the forge memory will load into own body again. 每一次幽参改变身份,去信仰另外的神明,都会将自己的记忆剪切到记忆水晶中,再将伪造的记忆装进自己的身体里。 As the matter stands, he deceives directly, does not have any flaw, then deceives each gods. 这样一来,他直接将自己都欺骗,不产生任何破绽,进而欺骗各个神明。 Was wonderful!” Zhen Jin claps hands to laugh, „, so long as duplicates one to remember, instills into to this substitute person. As the matter stands, simply is I just like.” “妙极了!”针金抚掌大笑,“只要复制一份记忆,灌输给这个替身。这样一来,简直就是活脱脱的一个我嘛。” Was only......” Zhen Jin thought of anything, had the new worry. “只是……”针金想到了什么,又产生了新的顾虑。 Zi Di knows in his heart to think, immediately persuaded: Lord, you felt relieved although, the Hundred Needles family secret skill, the Templar Knight Regiment secret cannot divulge. After the memory instills into, he only thinks oneself are Zhen Jin, how possibly do divulging these secrets harm themselves? The memory crystal we will control strictly, conduct the revision deletion. Some critical memories, we do not pass to him and that's the end. Handles this memory crystal, only then both of us. I am Lord your fiancee, cultivation magic, not to these secret skill anything has what idea. Our benefits are consistent, Lord Zhen Jin.” 紫蒂知道他心中所想,立即劝说:“大人,你尽管放心,百针家族的秘技,圣殿骑士团的秘密都泄露不出去。记忆灌输之后,他只会认为自己是针金,怎么可能泄露这些秘密伤害自己呢?记忆水晶我们会严格把控,进行修改删减。一些紧要的记忆,我们不传给他就是了。经手这份记忆水晶的,只有我们二人。我可是大人你的未婚妻,修行魔法,更不会对这些秘技什么的有什么想法。我们的利益是一致的,针金大人。” Zhen Jin nods: You said is very right. Actually, family's battle skill and secret skill anything, has leaked out. As loser, these things have collected in the deep place of Empire library. But these battle skill and secrets, need to coordinate our Hundred Needles family bloodline, can manifest the true value.” 针金点头:“你说的很对。其实,家族的斗技、秘技什么的,都已经泄露出去了。作为战败者,这些东西早就收藏在帝国图书馆的深处。而这些斗技、秘技,需要配合我们百针家族血脉,才能体现出真正的价值。” Zhen Jin looks at the substitute person of deep sleep, the heart even more is at present satisfactory: „Very good, used the substitute person, I was safe. silver battle energy, happen to suits competes with Lord of the Whitesand City. My battle energy was too low. Really worthily is Lord Father. The decision that he makes, I have fully approved now, with the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce cooperation, profiting is very big.” 针金看着眼前沉睡的替身,心底越发满意:“很不错,采用了替身,我本人就非常安全了。白银斗气,也正好适合竞争白沙城主。我本人的斗气还是太低了。真不愧是父亲大人。他做的这个决定,我现在已经完全认可,和紫藤商会合作,受益真的很大。” Sees the look change of Zhen Jin, Zi Di then knows that he has approved oneself plan, therefore then supple sound said: Lord Zhen Jin, then duplicates to remember, place that some must pay attention.” 看到针金的神色变化,紫蒂便知道他已经认可了自己的计划,于是接着柔声道:“针金大人,接下来复制记忆,还有一些要注意的地方。” First, we do not need all memories, to duplicate in the crystal. Because the person will forget, we will not remember all the things of occurrence.” “第一,我们没必要将所有的记忆,都复制到水晶中。因为人是会遗忘的,我们本身也不会记得过去所有发生的事情。” Second, important moment in our life, please try not to omit. If omitted, the substitute person saw the enemy, actually treats as the friend them, we will puzzle very much.” “第二点,我们人生中的重要时刻,请尽量不要遗漏。如果遗漏了,替身见到了敌人,却将他们当做朋友,那我们就会很困扰的。” „The third point, please duplicate some positive/direct memories as far as possible, lets substitute person cognition own time, felt oneself are Templar Knight, outstanding aristocrat juniors. This can display he bigger value to come.” “第三点,请尽量多复制一些正面的记忆,让替身认知自己的时候,觉得自己是一位圣殿骑士,一位优秀的贵族子弟。这样才能发挥出他更大的价值来。” The Zhen Jin facial features transfer austere, nods again and again. 针金面容转肃,连连点头。 Zi Di said is very reasonable, he thinks of Qing Kui and An Ge these people quickly: Haha, makes my silver substitute person cope with them. When they noticed that my cultivation base promoted silver suddenly, was certainly surprised.” 紫蒂说的很有道理,他很快想到青魁暗戈这些人:“哈哈,就让我的白银替身来对付他们。当他们看到我忽然修为提升到了白银,一定非常惊讶吧。” A moment later. 片刻之后。 „Does Lord, now how feel?” Zi Di inquired. 大人,现在感觉如何?”紫蒂询问。 Zhen Jin shakes the head slightly: Besides the headache that the duplication memory causes, other is very good.” 针金微微摇头:“除了复制记忆导致的头疼之外,其他的都很好。” He is staring at the present mirror with rapt attention. 他凝神盯着眼前的镜子。 In the mirror, is one must hang youngster of saber. Black becoming dark eye, the skin is also dark, the hair brings the natural volume. 镜子中,是一位要挂佩剑的少年。黑发黑眼,皮肤也黝黑,头发带着天然卷。 Zhen Jin uses in novel vision looks at mirror: Really worthily is Duke Amy personally mixture potion, I became other one person completely! What name should hand over to be good?” 针金用新奇的目光看着镜子中的自己:“果然不愧是艾美公爵亲手调制的药剂,我完全成了另外一个人!该交什么名字好呢?” Zhen Jin thinks, said several names, but Zi Di shook the head the veto: These names that Lord, you said were too noble. Now what you act is the mercenary, the name of mercenary needs vulgarly. Might as well be called Hei Juan to be good.” 针金想了想,说出几个名字,但紫蒂都摇头否决:“大人,你说的这些名字都太高贵了。你现在扮演的是佣兵,佣兵的名字需要低俗一点。不如就叫做黑卷好了。” Hei Juan? Really bad name.” Zhen Jin shakes the head, at once shrugs, no matter, called this.” 黑卷?真是糟糕的名字。”针金摇了摇头,旋即又耸了耸肩,“无所谓,就叫这个吧。” Zi Di looks to the Zhen Jin waist saber: Lord, this also please give the substitute person to use the sword.” 紫蒂又看向针金的腰间佩剑:“大人,这把剑也请交给替身来用吧。” This time, the attitude of Zhen Jin rejection is firm, he without hesitation, shakes the head again and again: No, this is not good.” 这次,针金拒绝的态度非常坚决,他毫不犹豫,连连摇头:“不,这可不行。” This is Lord Father grants me personally, its named SIlver Lightning , is in itself Gold Rank, in fact is one of the wonderful light nine swords vice- swords.” “这是父亲大人亲手赐予我的,它名为银电,本身是黄金级别,实际上更是奇光九剑的副剑之一。” Such precious thing, must I take care personally!” “这样贵重之物,必须我亲自保管!” Looked at Zi Di, Zhen Jin also said: You felt relieved that although the wonderful light nine swords are famous, but the vice- sword is numerous, concrete is anything, the world knows rarely. I not because of this exposed status.” 看了看紫蒂,针金又道:“不过你放心吧,奇光九剑虽然名闻天下,但副剑众多,具体是什么,世人罕知。我不会因为这个暴露身份的。” Zi Di nods: That, Lord Zhen Jin you can rest now. I am Lord prepare the room, on a position code reddest dance hall hostess. Naturally, she does not conform to your real status. Is regarded as the trial that Lord you are familiar with the new status.” 紫蒂点了点头:“那么,针金大人现在你可以去休息了。我已经为大人准备好了房间,还有一位码头上最红的舞娘。当然,她绝不符合你的真实身份。就当做是大人你熟悉新的身份的试炼吧。” hahaha.” Zhen Jin laughs, I also never as floor mercenary, conducts these activities. This is very certainly interesting. Zi Di, these satisfy me, you do is very good. I have approved you now, perhaps in the future you can indeed be competent, becomes my wife. Tonight don't you accompany me?” 哈哈哈。”针金大笑,“我还从未以一位底层佣兵的身份,来进行这些活动。这一定很有趣。紫蒂啊,这些都让我非常满意,你做的很不错。我现在已经认可你了,或许将来你的确可以胜任,成为我的妻子。只是,今晚你不来陪我吗?” The Zi Di smile, she bows a ritual, with the aid of the time of lowering the head, conceals the facial expression that despises, supple sound said: Very sorry, Lord, The Pig's Kiss must set sail tomorrow, but a lot must process.” 紫蒂微笑,她屈膝一礼,借助低头的时刻,掩饰住鄙夷的神情,柔声道:“很抱歉,大人,猪吻号明天就要起航了,可是还有很多事情要去处理。” hahaha.” Zhen Jin laughs, that manages the proper business. Must continue to try hard, wants to become a aristocrat wife, by your such status and bloodline, is not easy.” 哈哈哈。”针金大笑,“那就去办正事去吧。要继续努力啊,想成为一位贵族的妻子,以你这样的身份和血脉,可不容易呢。” „The Lord words, I keep certainly firmly in mind!” 大人的话,我一定牢记在心!”
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