EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#173: I am Zhen Jin!

All happen was too sudden. 一切发生的都太突然了。 After several breath, Zhen Jin died in the people at present. 几个呼吸之后,针金就死在了众人的眼前。 The Zi Di sad and shrill summon, the giant acting boldly regardless of one's safety person, then cannot fall to the ground...... 紫蒂凄厉的呼唤,大个子奋不顾身人,然后倒地不起…… Crowd quiet, then one of the bang blasted out probably. 人群沉寂了一下,便像是轰的一下炸开了。 You give me to drop!” Zi Di attempts to make an effort to break free from the hand of Hei Juan, but Hei Juan still firmly held her arm, is stern-looking. “你给我放手!”紫蒂企图用力甩开黑卷的手,但黑卷仍旧牢牢抓住她的手臂,面色严峻。 Damn and damn!” Zong Ge is resisting invading one's territory magic beast at the same time, at the same time clenches jaws, the whole face is the color of anger. “该死、该死!”鬃戈一面抵御着来犯的魔兽,一边咬牙切齿,满脸都是愤怒之色。 Master!!!” Lan Zao bellows, charges into the Zhen Jin corpse. “主人!!!”蓝藻大吼,也冲向针金的尸体。 Be careful!” The Zi Di heart raises, reminded again loudly. “小心!”紫蒂心提起来,再次高声提醒。 But this time, Lan Zao swoops to the Zhen Jin corpse by, had not actually been struck by lightning unexpectedly. 但这一次,蓝藻飞扑到针金的尸体旁,却竟是没有遭受雷击。 Master......” Lan Zao grasps the Zhen Jin corpse body, is calling out in grief painfully. “主人……”蓝藻抱住针金的尸躯,痛苦地悲鸣着。 His eyes are red, have tears streaming down the face, because before was injured, fell back on behind the battleline, waited for the divine spell treatment, therefore Zhen Jin charge time, Lan Zao did not even have first to detect. 他双眼通红,泪流满面,之前因为受伤,退到阵线后面,等待神术治疗,所以针金冲锋的时候,蓝藻甚至都没有第一时间察觉。 When he had the action, all were too late. 而等到他有了举措,一切都太迟了。 The Lan Zao body rickets, closely are holding Zhen Jin. At this moment, he felt that own life the light dissipated, his life falls into to the boundless darkness again. 蓝藻的身躯佝偻着,将针金紧紧抱着。这一刻,他感觉自己人生的光明消散了,他的人生再次陷入到无边的黑暗当中。 The boundless pain and confusedness, as if formed an abyss, swallows him. 无边的痛苦、迷茫,似乎形成了一个深渊,将他吞噬。 Meanwhile, side does not have the regret and to Jia Sha the hatred, multiplies in the darkness rapidly, fierce savings! 与此同时,还有无边的懊悔、对痂沙的仇恨,在黑暗中迅速滋生,凶猛积蓄! Lord Zhen Jin!! You killed our Lord Zhen Jin!” Many people roared. 针金大人!!你杀了我们的针金大人!”许多人咆哮。 Also some people of both hands hold the head, dull like statue, unbelievable looks at present: „Does Lord Zhen Jin die? Does he die in the hand of person on one's own side unexpectedly?” 也有人双手抱头,呆如雕像,难以置信地看着眼前的一幕:“针金大人死?他居然是死在自己人的手中?” No!” Bai Ya cried out, he responded, rushed to Zi Di, Lord Zi Di, potion, quickly, we revived Lord in a big hurry!” “不!”白芽呐喊,他反应过来,奔向紫蒂,“紫蒂大人,药剂,快快快,我们把大人救活!” These words actually seem like a lightning, strikes Zi Di tarries, the silent tears flow rapidly under. 这句话却像是一道闪电,将紫蒂击得呆住,无声的泪水迅速流淌而下。 Go away!” Sees Bai Ya to throw near, if the shape the crazy, Hei Juan is on the one hand grasping the arm of Zi Di, lifts Bai Ya knocks down directly. “滚开!”看到白芽扑近,状若疯癫,黑卷一手抓着紫蒂的手臂,一脚抬起直接将白芽踢倒在地。 Hei Juan, do you want to do?!” Cang Xu shouts a question sternly. 黑卷,你要干什么?!”苍须厉声喝问。 Lets loose my family President quickly!” Fei She approaches. “快放开我家会长!”肥舌逼近。 Boy, you best let loose the Lord Zhen Jin fiancee. Here cannot allow you to act unruly!” Tripleblade grasps the dagger, eyeful is the colors of warning. “小子,你最好放开针金大人的未婚妻。这里容不得你撒野!”三刀手持匕首,满眼都是警告之色。 Hehe and hehe, hehe hehe......” Hei Juan actually smiles strangely, takes a fast look around everyone with the taunt and contemptuous vision, does not have the sentiment of fearing. “呵呵、呵呵呵、呵呵呵呵呵……”黑卷却诡异地笑起来,用嘲讽、轻蔑的目光扫视所有人,毫无惧怕之情。 Your this crowd of ignorant generations, ignorant disciple!” Hei Juan head high, chest out, drinks loudly greatly, I am Zhen Jin! I am true Zhen Jin!” “你们这群无知之辈,愚昧之徒!”黑卷昂首挺胸,高声大喝,“我才是针金!我才是真正的针金啊!” The people are shocked. 众人震惊。 What did you say?” “你说什么?” „Were you insane?!” “你疯了吧?!” Couldn't bear the pressure, the collapse?” “难道是受不了压力,崩溃了吗?” However, at this time the Jia Sha sound conveyed again: He indeed is true Zhen Jin, Templar Knight, the Hundred Needles family sole heir, is you wholeheartedly the person who wants to follow.” 然而,这时痂沙的声音再度传来:“他的确才是真正的针金,圣殿骑士,百针家族的唯一继承人,也是你们一心想要追随的人。” Hears not to have, idiots!” Hei Juan stares. “听到没有,蠢货们!”黑卷瞪眼。 People quiet, again in an uproar. 众人沉寂了一下,再次哗然。 These two people were insane!” “这两个人都疯了!” Jia Sha was also insane, no wonder this!” 痂沙也疯了,难怪会这样做!” This perhaps is not the priest mistake, but is Tower Spirit plays tricks again.” “这或许不是神父的错,而是塔灵再捣鬼。” No, perhaps that divine artifact- the fairy tale of mermaid affects in the display, all of us were deceived! All these are false.” “不,也许那件神器-美人鱼的童话在发挥作用,我们所有人都被骗了!这一切都是假的。” During Cang Xu falls into is silent, he is looking at Zi Di and Hei Juan, looks to the Zhen Jin corpse, on the face reveals the color of thinking. 苍须陷入沉默之中,他望着紫蒂黑卷,又看向针金的尸体,脸上流露出思索之色。 Who told you, this by the criminal who I divided, was true Zhen Jin?” Jia Sha with filling the taunt language gas channel/angrily said, you believes, I will be stupid to by a Holybright Church priest status, murders Templar Knight blatantly? If I by doing so, can many merit also be useful?” “谁告诉你,这个被我劈死的罪犯,是真正的针金?”痂沙用充满嘲讽的语气道,“还是你们认为,我会蠢到以一位圣明教派神父的身份,公然谋杀一位圣殿骑士?我如果这样做了,要再多的功劳又有什么用呢?” Also, you did not think that Zhen Jin just action, impulsive is very very strange?” “还有,你们不觉得针金刚刚的举动,很冲动很诡异吗?” Why does he charge into fourth? Because of my just words, making him realize, own status had been pierced.” “他为什么冲向第四层?只是因为我刚刚的话,让他意识到,自己的身份已经被戳穿了。” The people voice in an uproar is weaken. 众人哗然的声音减弱下去。 But he is God's favored knight, prayed that almost can get the response of Great Emperor!” Some people refuted. “可他是神眷骑士,祈祷几乎都能得到大帝的回应啊!”有人反驳。 „Is his God's favored knight? What appearance you see true God's favored knight are?” Jia Sha is angry, take a good look, his armor, the sword in his hand! Like the shell of Spear Scorpion, like the leg of Blade Edge Spider!!” “他那是神眷骑士吗?你们见过真正的神眷骑士是什么样子的吗?”痂沙大怒,“好好看看,他身上的铠甲,他手中的剑!像不像枪蝎的壳,像不像刀锋蜘蛛的腿!!” The people vision focus in the past, complexions changed. 众人目光聚焦过去,一个个脸色都变了。 The Jia Sha sound transfers slow, becomes gentle: I know your thoughts, special understanding. In fact, among you no one thought that the false Zhen Jin appearance is suspicious? Does no Lenovo to the shell of Spear Scorpion, the spider blade edge touch the foot?” 痂沙声音转缓,又变得柔和起来:“我知道你们的心思,也特别理解诸位。事实上,你们当中难道没有人觉得假针金的模样可疑吗?没有联想到枪蝎的壳,蜘蛛刀锋触脚吗?” Is only you wants to escape, wants to live is leaving here, wants to follow Zhen Jin, wants a bright future. Therefore, you deliberately overruled these suspicious places.” “只是你们想要逃生,想要活着离开这里,想要跟随针金,想要一个光明的前途。所以,你们就刻意地否决了这些可疑的地方。” This false Zhen Jin indeed has the method very much, he rouses the greeds and selfish desires in your heart, making you help him deceive you.” “这个假针金的确很有手段,他勾动你们心中的贪欲、私欲,让你们帮助他来欺骗你们自己。” Jia Sha, then earnestly announced: You were deceived by him!” 痂沙顿了顿,然后郑重地宣布:“你们都被他骗了!” The people are surprised, Bai Ya was just kicked by Hei Juan in the place, now sits on the ground, shakes the head: No, this not real, this not real.” 众人惊疑不定,白芽刚刚被黑卷踢到在地,现在坐在地上,一个劲地摇头:“不,这不是真的,这不是真的。” Hei Juan sneers, he takes a fast look around the surrounding person: Has a look at your present expressions, but also is really splendid!” 黑卷冷笑,他扫视周围的人:“看看你们现在的表情,还真是精彩!” If you do not believe me, does not believe that Holybright Church priest Lord, that here also has the one person card.” “如果你们不相信我,也不相信圣明教派神父大人,那我这里还有一个人证呢。” Zi Di, my fiancee, told them quickly the truth!” Hei Juan observes closely Zi Di with the swift and fierce vision. 紫蒂,我的未婚妻啊,快告诉他们真相!”黑卷用凌厉的目光盯住紫蒂 But Zi Di has cried the tears person, whatever the arm were firmly controlled by Hei Juan, she is looking at the youngster corpse dull, motionless, the facial expression is confused, has probably not heard Hei Juan. 紫蒂已经哭成泪人,任由手臂被黑卷牢牢控制,她呆呆地望着少年的尸体,一动不动,神情迷茫无比,好像根本就没有听到黑卷的话。 Hei Juan cold snort/hum, is extremely discontented with Zi Di, periphery he takes a fast look around: Actually you are really silly, plays the fool? She has tacitly approved.” 黑卷冷哼一声,对紫蒂非常不满,他扫视周围:“你们究竟是真傻,还是装傻?她已经默认了。” Indeed, Zi Di this strange condition, has confirmed Hei Juan and Jia Sha words sufficiently. 的确,紫蒂这份诡异的状态,已经足以验证黑卷痂沙的话了。 An audience deathly stillness. 全场一片死寂。 Only then downstairs magic beast battle sound transmits unceasingly. 只有楼下魔兽的厮杀声不断传来。 At this moment, the Hei Juan big feeling satisfies, his deep breath one breath, air never has changed, but he feels unprecedented carefree. 这一刻,黑卷大感满足,他深呼吸一口气,空气从未变过,但他却觉得前所未有的畅快。 Stands in crowd that in silent such as dies, Hei Juan announced again proudly: Now you should understand, I am true Zhen Jin.” 站在沉默如死的人群中,黑卷再次傲然宣布:“现在你们应该明白了,我是真正的针金。” I am Zhen Jin!” “我才是针金!” I am Zhen Jin...... 我是针金…… Zhen Jin of childhood stands in pools of blood, the surroundings are his brothers and sisters' body. 童年的针金站在一片血泊中,周围都是他兄弟姐妹的尸体。 But the murderer squats at this moment in the Zhen Jin front, the delicate face has the charming smile. 而杀人凶手此刻蹲在针金的面前,清秀的面孔带着迷人的微笑。 The murderers extend the slender pure white hand, touches the hair of Zhen Jin gently, comforts to say gently: You name, little friend.” 凶手伸出纤细洁白的手,轻轻地抚摸针金的头发,温柔地安慰道:“你叫什么名字啊,小朋友。” The childhood Zhen Jin pupil has shrunk the needle-tip size stiffly, the whole body such as dies, the entire body and mind was being flooded frightened. 童年针金瞳孔早已缩成针尖大小,浑身僵硬如死,整个身心都被恐惧充斥着。 Non- little darling replied elder sister's words, can die.” Murderer smiling said/tunnel. “不乖乖回答姐姐的话,会死的哟。”杀人凶手笑眯眯地道。 The childhood Zhen Jin whole body play trembles, the opens the mouth wants to speak, but his tooth trembles fiercely, could not say. 童年针金浑身剧颤,张口想要说话,但他牙齿剧烈打颤,怎么也说不出来。 He is panic-stricken, is extremely anxious, the cold sweat of forehead follows the cheeks to tumble unceasingly. 他惊恐至极,极度焦急,额头的冷汗不断顺着脸颊滚落下来。 Hehe, the good child, not to need to fear, does not need to fear.” The murderer racket the small head of Zhen Jin, then the close Zhen Jin ear bank, said again on the quiet, you did not say I also know, you are called Zhen Jin is right?” “呵呵呵,好孩子,不用怕,不用怕。”杀人凶手再次拍拍针金的小脑袋,然后贴近针金的耳畔,悄悄地说道,“你不说我也知道,你叫做针金对不对?” The murderer hehe smiles: You felt relieved that just the elder sister played a small joke with you. The elder sister does not kill you, you will live. Who makes Great Emperor choose to forgive your Hundred Needles family.” 杀人凶手呵呵呵地笑起来:“你放心吧,刚刚姐姐只是跟你开了一个小玩笑。姐姐不杀你,你会活下来。谁让大帝选择宽恕你们百针家族呢。” According to elder sister's intention, your decayed unceasing betrayals, southern great aristocrat that also surrenders unceasingly should exterminate the clan thoroughly is....... Really is a pity.” “按照姐姐的心意,你们这种腐朽的不断背叛,又不断投降的南方大贵族应该彻底灭族才是。啧啧……真是可惜啊。” Hundred Needles family, although lasts, but was also similar to the extermination of the clan. Great Emperor only allows Hundred Needles family to have a successor, knows why the elder sister will elect you?” “不过百针家族虽然存续下来,但和灭族也差不多了。大帝只允许百针家族拥有一个继承人,知道姐姐为什么会选你吗?” Because you were too timid, these brothers and sisters of your side, they are very quietly brave, they fill with the hatred, they want to promote the family......, therefore, they died.” “因为你太胆小了,悄悄你身边的这些兄弟姐妹,他们很勇敢,他们满怀仇恨,他们想要重新振兴家族……所以,他们死了。” You must thank your spiritless and timidness, this is your personality, you must well maintain, little friend.” “你要感谢你的懦弱和胆小,这是你的性情,你要好好保持哦,小朋友。” Heard?” “听到了吗?” The childhood Zhen Jin whole body play trembled again, then starts to nod crazily. 童年针金浑身再次剧颤了一下,便开始疯狂地点头。 Really clever!” The murderer touched a small head of Zhen Jin with a smile, stands up. “真乖!”杀人凶手笑着抚摸了一下针金的小脑袋,站起身来。 Glance corpse everywhere, on her face reveals to slaughter the later happiness and satisfaction. Also sweeps to crazy nod childhood Zhen Jin, she reveals a faint trace to be regrettable unavoidably. 扫视遍地的尸体,她的脸上流露出杀戮之后的欢愉和满足。又扫到疯狂点头的童年针金,她又不免流露一丝丝遗憾。 She turns around to leave here, keeps same place childhood Zhen Jin, the shape like the puppet, was still nodding crazily. 她转身离开这里,留在原地的童年针金,形如木偶,仍旧在疯狂地点头。 ...... …… In the bright broad pure white palace, the sunlight by seven color glass windows of standing tall and erect, the photo sprinkles. 光明恢弘的洁白殿堂中,阳光透过高耸的七彩玻璃窗户,照洒进来。 One crowd of youngster are assemble, Zhen Jin is also one of them. 一群少年齐聚一堂,针金也在其中。 Zhen Jin and other youngster take an oath together- 针金和其他少年一同宣誓- I pledged that respects and loves gods who is alive, the lord of great Empire, Emperor Holybright! 我发誓敬爱在世的神明,伟大的帝国之主,圣明大帝 I pledged that follows the footsteps of senior official diligently, marches forward courageously! 我发誓努力跟随长官的脚步,勇往直前! I pledged that protects my family member, is through thick and thin! 我发誓守护我的亲人,不畏艰险! I pledged that treats the friend of mine sincerely, the rejection is false! 我发誓真诚地对待我的朋友,拒绝虚伪! I pledged that to will love remain faithful unto death, steadfast loyalty! 我发誓将对所爱至死不渝,不离不弃 I pledged that resists the ferocious adversary bravely, and kindly treats the weak one! 我发誓勇敢地对抗强暴,并善待弱者! I pledged am fair, fought against all mistakes! 我发誓保持公正,抗击一切错误! Starting today, I am Templar Knight! 今日起,我即是圣殿骑士 „It was good!” After taking an oath, in the youngster Zhen Jin heart filled excitedly, I become Templar Knight, our families have the backer, in the future will be safe!” “太棒了!”宣誓完毕后,少年针金心中充满了激动,“我成为一名圣殿骑士,我们家族就有靠山,将来就安全了!” ...... …… Gloomy sky, next drizzle. 阴沉的天空,下着细雨。 In an open training ground. 一片空阔的训练场中。 One crowd of youngster encircle, but Zhen Jin pours on the ground at this moment, was encircled by youngster in the center. 一群少年围成一圈,而针金此刻倒在地上,被少年们围在中央。 youngster are overlooking Zhen Jin, exudes the laughter and taunt sound unceasingly, on the face is strong disdaining. 少年们俯视着针金,不断地发出哄笑声、嘲讽声,脸上都是浓重的不屑。 Lead youngster is tall and powerfully built, a azure hair, just like several cuns (2.5 cm) steel needle, stands erect on the scalp. 领头的少年身材魁梧,一头青色的头发,宛如数寸的钢针,在头皮上直立。 blue-haired youngster embraces the both arms, the foot is stepping on the shoulder of Zhen Jin: Zhen Jin! You give me to remember well, your Hundred Needles family is Viscountcy, loser! Your such fellow, wants with our equal footing?” 青发少年怀抱双臂,脚踩着针金的肩膀:“针金!你给我好好记住,你的百针家族不过是个子爵领,战败者!你这样的家伙,也想和我们平起平坐?” blue-haired youngster lifts the foot suddenly, steps on fiercely in the head of Zhen Jin, grins fiendishly to make noise: Today gives you a lesson! From now henceforth, you see us, which place in castle no matter, gives me to lower the head obediently, gives me to allow to pass through obediently, shrinks to!” 青发少年忽然抬脚,猛地踩在针金的头上,狞笑出声:“今天就给你一个教训!从今以后,你见到我们,不管是在城堡中的哪处地方,都给我乖乖低头,给我乖乖让路,缩到一边去!” lower-class aristocrat must have the lower-class aristocrat appearance. Makes me see you to horizontally view my Qing Kui again, I make into the disabled person you.” 下等贵族就要有下等贵族的样子。再让我看到你平视我青魁,我就把你打成残废。” Understood what is heard?” “听明白了吗?” Qing Kui roars loudly lowly, the under foot makes an effort, grinds the head of Zhen Jin to the muddy land in directly. 青魁放声低吼,脚下用力,直接将针金的脑袋碾到泥地之中。 Under...stood. Coughs!” Zhen Jin made the sound difficultly, in the heart was full of the fear. 明……明白。咳咳咳!”针金艰难地发出声音,心中充满了恐惧。 hahaha.” Qing Kui raises head to send out self-satisfied laughing, loosens the foot, swaggers away. 哈哈哈。”青魁仰头发出得意的大笑,松开脚,扬长而去。 Just before leaving before, but also leaves behind a few words: Naturally, Zhen Jin, you , if not convinced, can challenge me at any time. My Qing Kui is waiting for you anytime and anywhere!” 临走前,还留下一句话:“当然,针金,你如果不服气,可以随时来挑战我。我青魁随时随地等着你!” Coughs.” Zhen Jin is struggling, sits up the upper part. “咳咳咳。”针金挣扎着,坐起上半身。 He wanted to say words that oneself will not challenge and so on, but just the opens the mouth spoke, the muddy water flowed backwards unavoidably the throat, initiated a cough. 他想要说自己绝不会挑战之类的话,但刚刚张口说话,泥水不免倒流到咽喉,又引发一阵咳嗽。 Saw his distressed appearance, youngster lost the interest. 看到他这番狼狈的模样,少年们都失去了兴趣。 Bah, anything!” “呸,什么东西!” Depends on him also to challenge Young Master Qing Kui? Why?” “就凭他也想挑战青魁少爷?凭什么?” Depending on his embroidery needle, hahaha.” “凭他的那把绣花针啊,哈哈哈。” The rain got down in a big way, youngster are crowding around Qing Kui, sent out one to laugh intermittently, entered the castle. 雨下得大了,少年们簇拥着青魁,发出一阵阵哄笑,都进入了城堡。 Zhen Jin sits in the muddy land, whatever the rainwater hits on own body. 针金坐在泥地中,任凭雨水打在自己的身上。 He trembles, in the heart puts in great inconvenience: I am unjust, I want to become friends with you Qing Kui, has not wanted to challenge your meaning!” 他瑟瑟发抖,心中委屈至极:“我是冤枉的,我只是想结交你啊青魁,根本就没有想要挑战你的意思!” ...... …… Autumn evening. 秋天的傍晚。 Zhen Jin places oneself in the middle of a study room. 针金置身在一个书房当中。 The study room is dim, one side stone wall opened a narrow and small window, this is the present only light source. 书房昏暗,一侧的石壁开了一扇狭小窗户,这是眼下唯一的光源。 After seeing the desk, sits the Zhen Jin father, Hundred Needles Patriarch. 看到了书桌后坐着针金的父亲,百针族长 He is a middle-aged man, is skinny, looks pale, there are two straight and tall and slender beards. His brow slightly wrinkle, reveals the grave and stern makings: Zhen Jin, my son, do not lower the head.” 他是一位中年男子,身材瘦削,面色苍白,有两道笔直又细长的胡子。他眉头微皱,流露出冷峻的气质:“针金,我的儿子,别低着头。” Zhen Jin raised the head, looking was father-like, fear shifts the vision at once. 针金抬起头,看了父亲一样,旋即又惧怕地转移了目光。 Why? For half a month passed, my son, you have not progressed on Aura Restraining Technique, stay in the original degree.” The voice of middle-aged man continues to convey. “为什么?半个月过去了,我的儿子,你在敛息术上还是没有进展,停留在原来的程度。”中年男子的声音继续传来。 The Zhen Jin heart trembles, does not dare to make noise. 针金心头一颤,不敢出声。 The middle-aged man actually understands clearly the said/tunnel: I am very clear your feeling. You are not always interested in Aura Restraining Technique, you thought that family's battle skill is very weak, not?” 中年男子却是了然地道:“我很明白你的感受。你从来对敛气术就不感兴趣,你觉得家族的斗技很弱,不是吗?” You thought that our Hundred Needles family bloodline, cannot take to your remarkable physical ability, strength or the speed, now is also only Empire lower-class aristocrat, right?” “你觉得我们百针家族血脉,并不能带给你卓越的体能、力量或者速度,如今也只是帝国下等贵族,是吗?” Zhen Jin keeps silent. 针金默不作声。 Middle-aged aristocrat deeply sighed one, stood, bypassed the desk, arrived at Zhen Jin side: Come, follows me.” 中年贵族深叹一声,站起来,绕过书桌,走到针金的旁边:“来,跟我走。” Two people go out of the study room, passes through the dark corridor, after the motley stone wall, goes to the middle of the garden in castle. 两人走出书房,走过阴暗的走廊,经过斑驳的石壁,来到城堡内的花园当中。 battle skill Hundred Needles Style!” 斗技-百针风!” The middle-aged man pulls out the saber fiercely. 中年男子猛地抽出佩剑。 This does not operate the cutting sword of blade the saber, but is slender rapier. 这把佩剑不是开刃的斩剑,而是修长的刺剑 rapier attacks in the hand of middle-aged man unceasingly, because the speed is too fast, a direct production sword shadow. Especially rapier is covering battle energy state-of-art, suddenly, gold star overflows, brilliant eye-dazzling! 刺剑在中年男子的手中不断出击,因为速度太快,直接形成一片剑影。尤其是刺剑的最尖端笼罩着斗气,一时间,金星四溢,灿烂夺目 Tree Winged Butterfly by strong winds volume seat, was hit by gold star, only drops on the ground. 树翅蝶被狂风卷席,又被金星击中,一只只跌落在地上 After several breath, in the ground overspread one „the parasol tree leaf, hundreds and thousands of Tree Winged Butterfly do not have one successfully to escape unexpectedly! 几个呼吸过后,地面上铺满了一层“梧桐树叶”,成百上千只的树翅蝶竟是没有一只成功逃生! Good, is quite fierce!” Zhen Jin stares dumbfounded. “好,好厉害!”针金瞠目结舌。 Coughs.” The middle-aged man received the saber, repeatedly the cough, the complexion also became pale, you also thought that our Hundred Needles family was weak?” “咳咳咳。”中年男子收起了佩剑,连声咳嗽,脸色也变得苍白起来,“你还觉得我们百针家族弱吗?” Zhen Jin makes an effort to shake the head. 针金使劲摇头。 Each aristocrat family has own background, let alone our Hundred Needles family once was southern great aristocrat! Hundred Needles Style is symbol battle skill of my clan, is one of the I clan background. But outsider rarely knows this secret.” “每一个贵族家族都有自己的底蕴,更何况我们百针家族曾是南方的大贵族百针风是我族的标志斗技,也是我族的底蕴之一。但外人很少知道这个隐秘。” Operates a family, needs the strategy. Sometimes, we need high-proflie, probably ferocious beast bare fangs and brandish claws. But sometimes, we want low-key to be dormant. Similar to immediately, our Hundred Needles family needs to show weakness, reduces own existence feeling.” “经营一个家族,是需要策略的。有时候,我们需要高调,像是猛兽张牙舞爪。但有时候,我们要低调蛰伏。就如同当下,我们百针家族就需要示弱,降低自己的存在感。” , Middle-aged aristocrat continued saying: You know that what can stimulate to movement the Hundred Needles Style foundation is?” 顿了一顿,中年贵族继续道:“你知道要催动百针风的基础是什么吗?” Does not wait for Zhen Jin to reply, middle-aged aristocrat then opens the mouth at once: Is Aura Restraining Technique.” 不等针金回答,中年贵族便旋即开口:“是敛气术啊。” „?” Zhen Jin surprise. “啊?”针金诧异。 Only then bears patiently, the savings strength, has the remarkable eruption. Aura Restraining Technique can make us restrain own aura, making outsider unobservable, or underestimates our battle energy cultivation base. Meanwhile, Aura Restraining Technique also has the effect of savings strength. Only has Aura Restraining Technique this battle skill cultivation to the profound situation, can cultivation Hundred Needles Style wait/etc battle skill. It can be said that Aura Restraining Technique is my clan battle skill cornerstone. Zhen Jin, you are my Hundred Needles family successor. Must practice well.” “只有隐忍,积蓄力量,才有惊人的爆发。敛气术能够让我们收敛自己的气息,让外人难以察觉,或者低估我们的斗气修为。同时,敛气术还有积蓄力量的效果。只有敛气术这个斗技修行到高深的地步,才能修行百针风等等斗技。可以说,敛气术是我族斗技的基石。针金,你是我百针家族的继承人。一定要好好练习啊。” I understood, my certain effort, Lord Father!” The Zhen Jin eyes shine, is very inspired. “我明白了,我一定努力,父亲大人!”针金双眼放光,十分振奋。 He found the reason. 他找到了理由。 Right, I am bearing patiently, I am not spiritless, is never timid.” “没错,我只是在隐忍,我不是懦弱,也从未胆小。” I in the savings strength, I am enduring humiliation for the family!” “我是在积蓄力量,我在为家族忍辱负重!” ...... …… In an obsolete tavern, the lights are dim, confusion of voices. 一座老旧的酒馆中,灯火昏暗,人声嘈杂。 We won!” “我们胜利了!” Drinks this cup completely!” “满饮此杯!” This is the newly-organized Templar Knight Fifth Regiment glee feast. 这是新编的圣殿骑士五团的庆功宴。 On the Knight armor, on the cloak, or on the body has the brand-new scar, but everyone is excited. 骑士们的铠甲上,披风上,亦或者身体上都有崭新的伤痕,但人人兴奋。 Zhen Jin is also one of them. 针金也在其中。 Commander. To us says that I know you have attended many wars, for example attacks and captures Iron Flag Castle, encircles blood Knight, protects Griffon Cliff. You think that what the most difficult war is?” Some people ask. 团长。给我们说一说吧,我知道您老人家参加过许多大战,比如攻克铁旗堡,围剿血骑士,守护狮鹫崖。您老认为最艰难的一战是什么?”有人开口询问。 Old Commander remaining one-eyed, under shine of flame, reveal the color of recalling. 老团长剩下的一只独眼,在火光的映照下,露出缅怀之色。 He opens the mouth saying: Must say the most difficult war, but must be six years ago that in Jackal Valley.” 他开口道:“要说最艰难的一战,还得是六年前的那一场,在豺狼山谷。” I know, is the Cold Fir Knight Regiment war of annihilation!” Some person of exciting tunnels. “我知道,是寒杉骑士团的歼灭战!”有人兴奋地道。 Many people, look with the sharp vision to Zhen Jin. 还有不少人,用尖锐的目光看向针金 Old Commander nods , to continue saying: Yes, in Jackal Valley. That crowd of southern aristocrat are almost deceitful my humble self, despicable and shameless, capricious!” 老团长点头,继续道:“是的,就在豺狼山谷。那群南方的贵族几乎都是奸诈小人,卑鄙无耻,反复无常!” Our Templar Knight Fifth Regiment march has five days, after entering Jackal Valley, was betrayed by the allied force. Tens of thousands of Cold Fir Knight launched to us encircled kills.” “我们的圣殿骑士五团行军已有五天,进入了豺狼山谷后,就被友军背叛。成千上万的寒杉骑士对我们展开了围杀。” Our Fifth Regiment just removed from the frontline, after encountering the first wave of attack, unexpected, the buckle 30% manpower, only had more than 1000 people at the scene, almost everyone is wounded.” “我们五团刚从前线撤下,遭到第一波攻击后,猝不及防,当场折损了30%人手,只剩下一千多人,几乎人人带伤。” We lost!” “我们输了!” „, Entire Fifth Regiment died, was only left over me.” “,整个五团都死光了,只剩下了我。” Was Great Emperor makes a move to rescue my dog's life personally. He asked that I need anything to reward.” “是大帝亲自出手救了我一条狗命。他问我需要什么奖励。” I told Great Emperor him, sought him the Knight Fifth Regiment designation to me, I must reconstruct Templar Knight Fifth Regiment!” “我就告诉大帝他老人家,求他将骑士五团的番号给我,我要再建一个圣殿骑士五团!” Therefore, had your group of young animals, knows?” “所以,才有了你们这群小崽子们,知道吗?” Otherwise, solemn will Templar Knight Regiment, how easily incur newly?” “要不然,堂堂的圣殿骑士团,怎么会轻易招新呢?” Your these little fellows, walked dog shit luck. However is too young, was just that weaponry, what considered as?” Old Commander shook the head, did not say anything again, but continued to drink. “你们这些小家伙,都是走了狗屎运。不过还太年轻,刚刚那一场仗,算得了什么?”老团长摇头不已,再没有说什么,只是继续喝酒。 He said is very brief, is very rough, but in the tavern these young Templar Knight are actually an excitement of face. 他说的很简略,很粗糙,但酒馆中这些年轻的圣殿骑士们却是一脸的兴奋。 They talked excitedly. 他们兴奋地交谈起来。 I know that Jackal Valley that weaponry, our Fifth Regiment only depends on a lot of people, eliminated the Cold Fir Knight Regiment more than 5000 people, hit to extinguish their three establishments!” “我知道的,豺狼山谷那一仗,我们五团只靠着千百人,足足消灭了寒杉骑士团五千多人,打灭了他们三个编制!” Cold Fir Knight Regiment just cleaned the battlefield, is attacked by the Templar Knight three groups that the lightning long-range raid comes, finally all extinguished in Jackal Valley.” 寒杉骑士团刚刚打扫了战场,就被闪电奔袭而来的圣殿骑士三团袭击,最终全灭在豺狼山谷中了。” Cold Fir Knight Regiment is first trump card of southern aristocrat alliance. This weaponry, gave to break the back of southern aristocrat alliance!” 寒杉骑士团南方贵族联盟的第一王牌。这一仗,把南方贵族联盟的脊梁都给打断了!” Right, this is our Templar Knight!” “没错,这就是我们圣殿骑士!” Our unparalleled, no one can keep off!” “我们无可匹敌,无人能挡!” Even if falls into the hopeless situation, we still want to be soaring the head to go to!” “即便身陷绝境,我们也要高昂着头颅赴死!” No mistake, the charge, the charge, goes to the dead charge!” “没有错,冲锋,冲锋,赴死冲锋!” The atmosphere in tavern is warm, young Templar Knight do not know that because of liquor water, is excited, reddens all over the face. 酒馆中的氛围重新热烈起来,年轻的圣殿骑士们不知是因为酒水,还是兴奋,一个个满脸通红。 Only Zhen Jin sits in the corner, he falls into silent, is no longer absent-minded. The honor of victory as if strips thoroughly with him, even does not have any one person is willing to sit with him in one. 惟独针金坐在角落里,他陷入沉默,不再恍惚。胜利的荣光似乎和他彻底剥离开来,甚至没有任何一个人愿意和他坐在一块。 ...... …… Filled the person compared with the martial stage surrounding. 比武场外围满了人。 In the showdown compared with martial stage also drew to a close. 比武场中的对决也步入了尾声。 Templar Knight Qing Kui was forced into the hopeless situation, his opponent Hundred Needles Patriarch. 圣殿骑士青魁被逼入绝境,他的对手正是百针族长 Zhen Jin places in the middle of the crowd, in the heart cried out: Is this, the father, massacres this damn fellow! In Templar Knight Regiment, is he has looked for my stubble. Since I enter Fifth Regiment, he never stops humiliating me!” 针金身处人群当中,心中呐喊:“就是这样,父亲,把这个该死的家伙杀掉!在圣殿骑士团里,就是他一直找我的茬。从我进入第五团,他就从未停止过欺凌我!” But in the Zhen Jin side, but also is crowding many Templar Knight colleagues, they are some ripe faces. 而在针金的身边,还拥挤着许多圣殿骑士的同僚,他们都是一些熟面孔。 Qing Kui, is not good admits defeat!” 青魁,不行就认输吧!” Opponent was too powerful, you are too young, defeating is not ignominious.” “对手太强大了,你还太年轻,战败并不可耻。” Thinks that you have a younger sister, Qing Kui, should not be stubborn.” “想想你还有一个妹妹啊,青魁,不要倔强。” Young Templar Knight are shouting. 年轻的圣殿骑士们都在呼喊。 The Qing Kui younger sister outside, at this moment her whole face is also pale, no blood-color, the tender body shivers, probably in violent storm pitiful little flower. 青魁的妹妹也在场外,此刻她满脸苍白,没有一丝血色,娇躯颤抖,像是狂风暴雨中可怜的小花。 Zhen Jin sneers secretly: Qing Kui younger sister? Very good! Qing Kui died, has not calculated! Once catches the opportunity to me, you as his sister, make reparations for your Elder Brother well.” 针金暗自冷笑:“青魁的妹妹?很好!青魁死了,还不算完!一旦给我逮到机会,你作为他的妹妹,就好好为你哥哥赎罪吧。” Then, for the last time to spelling. 然后,最后一次对拼。 Hundred Needles Patriarch was cut off hand that holds the sword, but Qing Kui faints on the ground. 百针族长断掉了持剑的手,而青魁则昏倒在地上 Father and father!” Zhen Jin sends out to call out in alarm, the voice shivers fiercely. “父、父亲!”针金发出惊呼,声线剧烈颤抖。 Is impossible, this is impossible! Trivial Qing Kui, how can injure to result in the father!” Zhen Jin is unable to believe the present fact. “不可能,这不可能!区区青魁,怎么能伤得了父亲!”针金无法相信眼前的事实。 Killed him, was about to kill him, father!” Zhen Jin wants to shout loudly, but does not have the courage to shout. “杀了他,快杀了他,父亲!”针金想要高声大喊,但却始终没有勇气呼喊出来。 Old Commander entered the location at this time, announced that this duel ended. 老团长这个时候走进场地,宣布这场决斗结束。 No, how can like this!?” The surrounding person cheers one piece, Zhen Jin actually such as the falling ice cave. “不,怎么会这样!?”周围人欢呼一片,针金却如坠冰窟。 Father!” He runs swiftly, supports by the arm Hundred Needles Patriarch. “父亲!”他飞跑过来,搀扶住百针族长 The middle-aged man looks all around for a week, scene all around will receive in the eye, the expression actually had returned to normal: My son, raised the head looks at I. Told me, the parental instruction of my clan was anything.” 中年男子环顾一周,将周遭的情景都收入眼中,表情却是已经恢复了平静:“我的儿子,抬起头来看着我。告诉我,我族的家训是什么。” Cannot overestimate the person, may not underestimate the person.” Zhen Jin raised the head reluctantly, the intonation brings sobbing, the heart to shiver. “不可高估人,亦不可低估人。”针金勉强抬起头来,语调带着哽咽,心在颤抖。 ...... …… In the target range only has two people. 靶场中只有两人。 Lord Father, I follow your summon to come.” Zhen Jin opens the mouth. 父亲大人,我遵循您的召唤而来。”针金开口。 Hundred Needles Patriarch slight nod: You come back from the imperial capital, has several days. I test test to compare with you, training in imperial capital lax. This time, we compare archery. If you can win me, I then grant you that Swift Bee.” 百针族长微微点头:“你从帝都回来,已经有几日了。我来考较考较你,在帝都的训练有没有松懈。这一次,我们来比比箭术。你要是能赢得了我,我便将那匹迅蜂赐予你。” The Zhen Jin heart trembles, sadly and opens the mouth to say scruple: But Lord Father, your arm......” 针金心头一颤,难过且迟疑地开口道:“可是父亲大人,您的手臂……” Hundred Needles Patriarch actually does not care at all: Might as well, you first shoot.” 百针族长却满不在乎:“无妨,你先射。” Zhen Jin takes up the long bow, projects the arrow, his fall in the blues, not center bull's eye. 针金拿起长弓,射出箭去,他情绪低落,并没有正中靶心。 Was one's turn Hundred Needles Patriarch. 轮到百针族长了。 Look carefully, son.” Hundred Needles Patriarch with the index finger and middle finger, picks up white crystal long needle, counts on the fingers a ball. 看好了,我的儿子。”百针族长用食指和中指,拈出其中一根白晶长针,屈指一弹。 ! 咻! The Zhen Jin ear bank resounds one immediately sharply, passes through air the sound of wailing. 针金耳畔顿时响起一股锐利的,贯穿空气的尖啸之声。 Meanwhile, he noticed that golden long needle has delimited in the midair, remains together the bright ray. 同时,他看到金色长针在半空中划过,残留一道明丽的光线。 The ray extends straightly, center the target, an explosive, the entire target explodes the smashing at once loudly thoroughly! 光线笔直延伸,正中箭靶,旋即轰然一声爆响,整个箭靶彻底炸成粉碎! „Is this?!” The Zhen Jin slightly opens the mouth, the whole face is the color of shock. “这是?!”针金微微张口,满脸都是震撼之色。 This is Secret Sharp Needle Thunder that our Hundred Needles family generation spreads. Do you want to study?” “这是我们百针家族世代流传下来的秘技-尖针轰鸣。你想学吗?” According to your current battle energy total quantity, the words that instills into completely, must be able to send out one reluctantly.” Hundred Needles Patriarch estimates to say at once. “按照你目前的斗气总量,全部灌输的话,应当可以勉强发出一针。”百针族长旋即又估算道。 Zhen Jin forced smile: Lord Father, as the matter stands, I use this secret skill the words, isn't a little dangerous?” 针金苦笑:“父亲大人,这样一来,我使用这项秘技的话,不是有点危险吗?” The happy expression on Hundred Needles Patriarch face gradually restrains, his facial expression transfers seriously. 百针族长脸上的笑意逐渐收敛,他的神情转为严肃。 He is staring at Zhen Jin, is full of the profound meaning said/tunnel: My son, the reality is always brutal. No matter fights, is other aspects, you would placing oneself in the risk.” 他盯着针金,饱含深意地道:“我的儿子,现实总是残酷的。不管是战斗,还是其他方面,你总会置身在风险之中。” Every so often, you will discover, projects one full power exactly is the wisest choice.” “很多时候,你会发现,全力射出一针恰恰是最明智的选择。” Consumes the light within the body all battle energy temporarily, the taste of this void pain is very uncomfortable. But sometimes, we must this.” “将体内所有的斗气都暂时消耗光,这种空虚痛苦的滋味是很难受。但有时候,我们就得这样做。” Do not be afraid the risk , should not be afraid the sacrifice!” “不要害怕风险,也不要害怕牺牲!” Sacrifice?” Solely this word, makes in the Zhen Jin heart tremble. “牺牲?”单单这个词,就让针金心中一颤。 ...... …… An obviously careful arranged room, luxurious wasteful. On the wall hangs the picture of famous expert, in air is scattering expensive perfume aura, the powder golden window curtains is drawing, daytime sunlight by window curtains impediment most, making the entire room appear dim and ambiguous. 一个明显被精心布置的房间,豪华奢靡。墙壁上挂着名家的画,空气中飘散着昂贵的香水气息,粉金色的窗帘拉起来,白日的阳光被窗帘阻隔大半,使得整个房间显得昏暗、暧昧。 Dance hall hostess Ji Si wears the Empire northwest foreign land clothing, wear a look of the purple veil, making the outstandingly beautiful facial features show the mysterious seduction. Her physique is slender, after first is raised, curls upwards. The red is a lord, doped the dance suit of gold thread is very personal short, revealed her slender arm and snow white navel. 舞娘姬丝穿着帝国西北的异域服装,面带紫色面纱,让绝色的面容更透出神秘诱惑。她身姿窈窕妖娆,前凸后翘。红色为主,掺杂了金线的舞衣很短小贴身,露出她修长的胳膊、雪白的肚脐。 The dance music ended, three youngster in room looked dull. 舞曲结束,房间中的三位少年都看呆了。 After responding, one by one applauded. 反应过来后,纷纷鼓掌。 Zhen Jin main attention centralized on youngster, this youngster status is not very ordinary. 针金的主要注意力都集中在其中一位少年身上,这位少年的身份很不一般。 Zhen Jin suppresses is not abandoning, was asking: An Ge, you have not put forward the request to me, wants to see the Ji Si dancer's posture? How do you feel? I can take responsibility now, gives you this Miss Ji Si. Tonight, you can come the warm bed with her. hahaha.” 针金强忍着不舍,笑着问:“暗戈,你不是向我提过要求,想要一睹姬丝的舞姿吗?你觉得如何?我现在就可以做主,将这位姬丝小姐送给你。今天晚上,你就可以用她来暖床了。哈哈哈。” However...... 然而…… Fierce, the temptation of beauty is really fierce.” “厉害,美色的诱惑真是厉害。” This beautiful woman does not have the value to me. I will not want.” “这位美人已经对我没有价值了。我不会要的。” „The parental instruction of my clan is these words- hell before foot, degenerates then instantly. The parental instruction reminded us, must maintain the vigilance, the desire was the abyss, did not pay attention slightly, will transform devil, again no longer was.” “我族的家训便是这句话-地狱就在脚边,堕落便在即刻。家训提醒我们,要保持警惕,欲望是深渊,稍不留意,就会转变成恶魔,再不复为人。” Zhen Jin, your my share is the colleague. This time, you helped me, my good words persuaded. Own cultivating holds is the key point, the seeking personal gain personal connection can only be the leaf blade that in the wind flutters constantly.” 针金,你我份属同僚。这一次,你帮助了我,那我就好言相劝。自身的修持才是重点,一味钻营人脉只会是风中飘扬的叶片而已。” Spoke these words, An Ge ignores the Zhen Jin ugly complexion, sets out then to walk. 说完这句话,暗戈不顾针金难看的脸色,起身便走。 Is hateful and hateful!” When does not have outsider on the scene, Zhen Jin air/Qi breaks the cups in room, looks down upon me, looks down upon me!!” “可恶、可恨!”等到没有外人在场,针金气得砸碎房间中的杯盏,“看不起我,都看不起我!!” ...... …… What?! Lord Father, do you want to make me compete with the position of Lord of the Whitesand City?” “什么?!父亲大人,你想让我去竞争白沙城主之位?” This and this are not good.” “这、这不行啊。” I am only Blackiron cultivation base, solemn lord of a city, should need at least Silver Rank cultivation base!” “我只是黑铁修为,堂堂一城之主,应该需要至少白银级别修为啊!” Zhen Jin shakes the head unceasingly. 针金不断摇头。 Hundred Needles Patriarch cold snort/hum: Who lets your ordinary day cultivation not diligently? Has a look at your colleague, Qing Kui and An Ge these person of which aren't Silver Rank?” 百针族长冷哼一声:“谁让你平日修行不努力?看看你身边的同僚,青魁暗戈这些人哪个不是白银级?” Zhen Jin lowers the head, in the mouth mumbled: Their background is deep, the had cultivation resources are too many, how can I compare?” 针金低下头,口中嘟囔:“他们都背景深厚啊,拥有的修行资源太多,我怎么能比?” Hundred Needles Patriarch again cold snort/hum: Our Hundred Needles family, although is desolate, but should support your will not be few.” 百针族长再次冷哼一声:“我们百针家族虽然落寞,但该支持你的不会少。” This time, is the turning point that our families promote. You must grasp!” “这一次,是我们家族振兴的契机。你必须把握住!” Because, you are the Hundred Needles family only successor.” “因为,你是百针家族唯一的继承人。” I will dispatch the elite strength, and makes the arm tile lead the team , helping you compete with the position of City Lord.” “我会派遣精锐力量,并且让臂瓦率队,来帮助你竞争城主之位。” Zhen Jin reveals the happy expression immediately: „, Arm tile uncle?” 针金顿时露出喜色:“啊,臂瓦叔叔?” In addition, I also strove for a foreign aid for you. Congratulates you, my son, in some time ago, me chose an outstanding fiancee for you. She is called Zi Di, is current Wisteria Chamber of Commerce President.” “除此之外,我还为你争取了一个外援。恭喜你,我的儿子,就在不久前,我为你挑选了一名优秀的未婚妻。她叫做紫蒂,是现任紫藤商会会长。” This?!” The Zhen Jin happy expression does not have, Lord Father, she simply does not have the aristocrat bloodline, making me marry her? If were once Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, but also some discussed. But now this Wisteria Chamber of Commerce......” “这?!”针金喜色全无,“父亲大人,她根本没有贵族血统啊,让我娶她?如果说是曾经的紫藤商会,还有的商量。但现在这个紫藤商会……” Ok, I called you to come, was informs you to prepare, rather than listened to your complaint. Gets down.” Hundred Needles Patriarch waves. “好了,我唤你过来,是通知你去做准备,而不是听你的抱怨。下去吧。”百针族长挥手。 Zhen Jin opened the opens the mouth, a face does not prefer, but concerned about father's authority, can only restrain one's anger to draw back finally. 针金张了张口,一脸的不情愿,但最终碍于父亲的权威,只能含忿而退。 ...... …… „Are you Zi Di?” Zhen Jin is raising the head slightly, is taking a look at the present purple pupil young girl. Although unemotional, but in the heart is actually the Zi Di appearance starts the mighty waves. “你就是紫蒂?”针金微微昂着头颅,打量着眼前的紫眸少女。虽然面无表情,但心中却为紫蒂的容颜掀起波澜。 Really is a beautiful woman!” “真是一个美人!” Although the body she, is really degrading the status, will degenerate into the laughingstock in circle.” “虽然躯她,实在是有辱身份,甚至会沦为圈内的笑柄。” But depending on this appearance, as if also valuable.” “但是光凭这份容颜,似乎也有价值。” Lord Zhen Jin.” Zi Di is a face is anxious, was sorry very much comes in a hurry, but the situation is really urgent. The manpower who the expensive/noble family sends, has been annihilated.” 针金大人。”紫蒂却是一脸焦急,“很抱歉匆匆而来,但情况实在紧急。贵家族派遣过来的人手,已经全军覆没了。” I know.” Zhen Jin nods, reveals to wipe the color of startled anger, „, if the arm tile uncle leads the team personally, will not have this matter.” “我知道。”针金点头,流露出一抹惊怒之色,“如果臂瓦叔叔亲自率队,绝不会发生这种事情。” Zi Di continues saying: I worry now very much, other competitors will arrive at Whitesand City ahead of time, the establishment earlier the advantage. Therefore, I suggested, we make the stay same place false appearance, in fact camouflages the status , rides The Pig's Kiss to go to sea in secret.” 紫蒂继续道:“我现在很担心,其他的竞争者会提前到达白沙城,确立前期优势。所以,我建议,我们们做出停留原地的假象,实际上伪装身份,暗中出发,乘坐猪吻号出海。” Zhen Jin pupil micro, in the heart has the meaning of flinching, but is not willing to seem timid before the present beautiful woman, has cold snort/hum one: This is a great idea, but is also very risky. I only then Blackiron cultivation base, if extremely acts rashly, causing me to be framed, then all plans are the empty talk.” 针金瞳孔微缩,心中生出退缩之意,但又不愿意在眼前的美人面前显得怯弱,只得冷哼一声:“这是个好主意,但也很冒险。我只有黑铁修为,如果太过莽撞地行动,导致我被陷害,那么一切计划都是空谈。” Zi Di smile: Asked Lord to feel relieved. I have the method, ensures the Lord security. First, we will hire the powerful commission army corps, the guard our safety. Next, we act quietly, are not necessarily able to be discovered. Again, in The Pig's Kiss also has this Lord of the Whitesand City inspection officer, Holybright Church priest Jia Sha Lord. Finally, I strongly suggested that Lord camouflage status, plays the role to be an ordinary mercenary, but in a public setting using the substitute person, acts as the bait.” 紫蒂微笑:“请大人放心。我有手段,确保大人的安全。首先,我们会雇佣强大的佣兵团,护卫我们的安全。其次,我们悄然行动,未必会被发现。再次,猪吻号中还有此次白沙城主的考核官,圣明教派神父痂沙大人。最后,我强烈建议大人伪装身份,扮做一名普通的佣兵,而在公共场合运用替身,充当诱饵。” Zhen Jin by the smile attraction of Zi Di, was felt one intermittent dazzling, he frowns reluctantly: „Can this...... be good?” 针金紫蒂的笑容吸引,感到一阵阵炫目,他勉强皱起眉头:“这样……能行吗?” Can be good, Lord. Our potion of this utilization, are by Duke Amy personally refinement shapeshift potion. After the people drink next, will change own skin color and hair color, or was changed tall very/straight by own bridge of the nose, the eye increases a point wait/etc. The most important thing is, its effect is tangible, is safe and secret. If usual spell or the magic item camouflage, certainly needs to consume magic power continually, will also have magic power to fluctuate.” The Zi Di gentle voice is persuading. “能行的,大人。我们此次运用的药剂,是由艾美公爵亲手炼制的变身药剂。人喝下之后,会改变自己的肤色、发色,或者让自己的鼻梁变高挺一点,眼睛变大一点等等。最重要的是,它效果明显,非常安全和隐秘。如果是通常的法术或者魔法道具伪装,一定需要持续消耗法力,还会有法力波动。”紫蒂柔声劝说着。 This...... seems like a great idea.” The Zhen Jin tone is indecisive, that my substitute person?” “这……似乎是个好主意。”针金语气犹豫不决,“那我的替身呢?” Believes me, Lord Zhen Jin, will be quick you to see him, and will be satisfied!” “相信我,针金大人,很快你就会见到他,并且会非常满意!”
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