EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#172: The death of Zhen Jin

The proposition of Jia Sha was rejected by Zhen Jin, the priest sound transfers suddenly severely: Templar Knight, you must consider the general situation.” 痂沙的提议被针金拒绝,神父声音陡然转厉:“圣殿骑士,你要为大局着想。” The Zhen Jin vision is firm: I am willing to think of the companion, priest!” 针金目光坚定:“我更愿意为同伴着想,神父!” Jia Sha cold snort/hum, a lightning emerges out of thin air suddenly, chops unexpectedly to Zi Di. 痂沙冷哼一声,忽然一道闪电凭空出现,竟是劈向紫蒂 Zi Di responded radically without enough time, looks at this lightning chops helplessly finally before own foot. 紫蒂根本来不及反应,眼睁睁地看着这道闪电最终劈在自己的脚边。 Stunned flickered, the people at once in an uproar. 错愕了一瞬,众人旋即哗然。 priest Lord, what do you make?!” 神父大人,你做什么?!” Just that lightning, was you operates?” “刚刚那道闪电,是你操纵的吗?” Actually do you want to do?!” “你究竟想要干什么?!” „Do I want to do?” Jia Sha roared, I only thought the time-saving! Now is not the mutual suspicion time, delivers quickly to me divine artifact! Otherwise, the next lightning chops like this will not be optional.” “我想要干什么?”痂沙咆哮,“我只想节省时间!现在不是相互怀疑的时候,快把神器给我送上来!否则,下一道闪电劈的就不会这样随意了。” Xiong Dun and Chai Zha, when your several can Church Guardian Knight also dillydally?” 熊顿柴栅,你们几位护教骑士还要磨蹭到什么时候?” Delivers quickly divine artifact.” “快把神器送上来。” This is the order!” “这是命令!” Relax, they will not prevent your. Because of our Templar Knight, wholeheartedly wants to think of the companion.” “放心,他们是不会阻止你们的。因为我们这位圣殿骑士,一心想为同伴着想呢。” Speaking of finally, the Jia Sha tone has the obvious taunt. 说到最后,痂沙的语气带着明显的嘲讽。 Xiong Dun, Chai Zha and the others forward one step, looks at Zhen Jin: Very sorry, Lord.” 熊顿柴栅等人向前一步,看着针金:“很抱歉,大人。” Zhen Jin clenches teeth stubbornly, refused to compromise several breath with several Church Guardian Knight, finally withdraws one step, the making way path. 针金死死咬牙,和几位护教骑士僵持了几个呼吸,最终后撤一步,让开道路。 Under the gaze of people, four Church Guardian Knight lift the sapphire gold coffin, takes the fairy tale of mermaid, got up fourth. 在众人的注视下,四位护教骑士们抬起青玉黄金棺,带上美人鱼的童话,一齐上了第四层。 Jia Sha Lord?!” Four Church Guardian Knight hearts jump, reveal the color of shock. 痂沙大人?!”四位护教骑士都心头一跳,流露出震惊之色。 They see Jia Sha again, discovered that priest has changed beyond all recognition. 他们再次看到痂沙,发现神父已经面目全非。 Jia Sha was in high spirits, while maturity, but he is describes now withered, thin, the brow deep wrinkle, the facial expression twists, the forehead blue vein sticks out suddenly. 原本痂沙精神矍铄,正当壮年,但现在他却是形容枯槁,骨瘦如柴,眉头深皱,神情扭曲,额头青筋暴起。 Jia Sha sees four people, mirthless smile, said with the volume that their four can hear: You think that invades this Central Tower not to have the price? In the final analysis, I am only Silver Rank priest, but here is the Legend Rank alchemist supreme headquarters!” 痂沙看到四人,惨笑一声,用他们四个才能听到的音量道:“你们以为侵占这座中枢塔是没有代价的吗?说到底,我只是一位白银级别神父而已,而这里是传奇级炼金术士的大本营!” priest and priest, the devout follower, because of believing, more or less obtains divine force to fill the body. Normally, the Jia Sha body time contains divine force, obtains divine force continues to nourish. Gradually, the Jia Sha physical quality will also be promoted, particularly vision. 神父牧师,虔诚信徒,都会因为信仰,或多或少得到神力灌体。正常情况下,痂沙身体时刻蕴含着神力,得到神力的持续滋养。久而久之,痂沙的身体素质也会得到提升,尤其是视力。 However must invade Central Tower, under the Jia Sha working order, complete divine force is insufficient, arrives at this place in let alone the process, in just fierce combat, he displayed divine spell repeatedly, consumed massive divine force. 然而要侵占中枢塔,痂沙完整状态下,全部的神力都不够用,更何况来到此地的过程中,还有刚刚的激战中,他都屡屡施展神术,消耗了大量的神力 divine force insufficiently invades Central Tower by far, Jia Sha can only use the non-conventional method. 神力远远不够侵占中枢塔,痂沙就只能用非常规的手段。 He squeezed oneself life strength, overdraws potential that the future was promoted, this bursts out far exceeds common divine force. 他压榨了自己的生命力,透支了未来晋级的潜力,这才迸发出远超寻常的神力 Jia Sha Lord......” several Church Guardian Knight hearts vibrate, the tone somewhat sobbed, their very clear Jia Sha sacrifice how huge. 痂沙大人……”几位护教骑士心头震动,语气都有些哽咽,他们很明白痂沙牺牲是多么的巨大。 Has not related.” Jia Sha smiles, „, so long as consecrates these two divine artifact, informs upper level here situation again, merit and reward that we obtain, far exceeds our payouts. When the time comes, I even may become the red clothes archbishop. But you also no longer were responsible for guard priest Knight.” “没有关系的。”痂沙笑了笑,“只要将这两件神器供奉上去,再将这里的情况告知上层,我们得到的功劳和奖赏,将远超我们的付出。到时候,我甚至有可能成为红衣大主教。而你们也不再是只是负责护卫神父骑士了。” Lord, when can we leave here?” 大人,我们什么时候能够离开这里?” Soon succeeded. Tower Spirit is wounded extremely seriously, is retreating in defeat again and again, we can open Teleportation Door quickly.” Jia Sha, the both eyes fine glow explodes at this point flashes, regarding this is very self-confident. “就快要成功了。塔灵受创极其严重,正在节节败退,我们很快就能开启传送门。”痂沙说到这里,双目精芒爆闪,对此十分自信。 Roar! 嗷吼! Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear attempts to rush to third. 一头猴尾棕熊企图冲上第三层。 Build huge Bone Feathered Deer by card on first to the second stairway, but Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear this class man-made magic beast actually not in this kind. 体型巨大的白骨羽鹿被卡在了第一层到第二层的楼梯口,但猴尾棕熊此类的人造魔兽却不在此类。 Zong Ge is brandishing the bone hammer, repels Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear. 鬃戈挥舞着骨锤,将猴尾棕熊击退。 Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear was bitten by behind alligator hammer tail ran rapidly, drags to entrain, starts to swallow. 猴尾棕熊迅速地被身后的鳄头锤尾蚺咬住,拖拽下去,开始吞噬。 Several Bat Monkey just about to clash jointly, was spurted by several acid liquid, one by one plants collapsed to go. 几头蝠猴则联手刚要冲过来,就被几道酸液喷中,纷纷倒下去。 But Green Lizard of spraying acid liquid is quick, is trampled by Resilient White Rhinoceros that the Spear Scorpion group catches up with, but escaped flurriedly. 而喷射酸液的绿蜥则很快,就被枪蝎群赶过来的强命白犀践踏,而慌乱逃跑了。 In second a confusion, lacks the smell unification to direct, these man-made magic beast kill one another. 第二层中一片混乱,缺乏气味统一指引,这些人造魔兽自相残杀。 Survivors pressures of guarding in third plummets. 驻守在第三层中的幸存者们压力骤降。 However ironically, Zong Ge is actually thinking this pressure is bigger a point to be good. 然而讽刺的是,鬃戈却想着这种压力更大一点才好。 Situation is not quite wonderful, Zhen Jin. Jia Sha is controlling Central Tower, the key is, actually we do not know his present progress how!” Zong Ge while the gap time, said to Zhen Jin. “情况不太妙啊,针金痂沙正在控制中枢塔,关键是,我们根本不知道他现在的进展究竟如何!”鬃戈趁着间隙时间,对针金道。 Zhen Jin deeply frowns, a face embarrassment, deep sigh: What to do can also? We may not have divine force, can invade the center only has Jia Sha one person.” 针金眉头紧锁,一脸难色,深深叹息:“还能怎么办?我们可没有神力,能够侵占中枢的就只有痂沙一人。” He also controlled the lightning......” “他还掌控了闪电……” Relax, he is Emperor Holybright priest, divine spell cannot create a false impression eventually.” “放心,他终究是圣明大帝神父,神术是造不了假的。” Zong Ge saw that Zhen Jin responded, gawked staring, at once the mood becomes worse. 鬃戈看到针金如此回应,不由愣了愣,旋即心情变得更加糟糕。 The half-beast heart sinks, suddenly understands: „It is not good. Zhen Jin is heroic, but was extremely benevolent. This is his a little, is his weakness, now was looked through by Jia Sha, and firmly holds. Zhen Jin wants to preserve others wholeheartedly, particularly here also has his fiancee. He was too young!” 半兽人心头一沉,忽然明白过来:“不好。针金英勇公正,但太过仁慈了。这是他的有点,也是他的弱点,现在被痂沙看破,并且紧紧抓住。针金一心想要保全其他人,尤其是这里还有他的未婚妻。他太年轻了!” Also a little, Zhen Jin is Templar Knight, Jia Sha is Holybright priest, two people relate recent. Therefore, although priest threatens Zhen Jin with the lightning intentionally, but Zhen Jin believes, priest will not entrap him.” “还有一点,针金圣殿骑士,痂沙圣明神父,两人关系最近。所以,尽管神父故意用闪电威胁针金,但针金还是相信,神父绝不会坑害他。” Templar Knight is the Emperor Holybright armed forces, priest, priest wait/etc is also the Emperor Holybright civilian post. These two is a system, has the same belief. 圣殿骑士是直属于圣明大帝的武装力量,神父牧师等等也是直属于圣明大帝的文职。这两者是一个体系的,有同一个信仰。 If between both kills one another, certainly will cause the disaffection of gods. Zhen Jin starts to Jia Sha, the circumstance is serious, will be eliminated the Templar Knight status, and issues a warrant for arrest. In turn, if Jia Sha is disadvantageous to Zhen Jin, the teachership will reduce or the radical nulling operation, even is defined as the rebel. 两者之间如果自相残杀,一定会引起神明的不满。针金痂沙下手,情节严重,会被剥夺圣殿骑士的身份,并且通缉。反过来,痂沙如果对针金不利,教职会降低或者彻底归零,甚至被定义为叛徒。 Therefore, the Jia Sha lightning has not divided to Zhen Jin, but chose Zi Di. 所以,痂沙的闪电没有劈向针金,而是选择了紫蒂 However has not divided truly to Zi Di, is only a warning. 但是也没有真正劈向紫蒂,只是一个警告。 In the Zong Ge eye pupil fills the hidden in the shade, he analyzes the situation secretly: „The present aspect is not very wonderful, only then Jia Sha can invade the center. Now he has acted was very long, controlled most Central Tower, can start the lightning, took the lead firmly.” 鬃戈眼眸中弥漫阴翳,他暗自分析局势:“现在的局面很不妙,只有痂沙才能侵占中枢。现在他已经行动了很久,控制了大半的中枢塔,能够发动闪电,牢牢占据了主动。” I simply do not have the means to analyze, in words that he spoke actually genuine and fake many. Perhaps the magic power pond dry crisis, has. But is also very possible, he has been able to open Teleportation Door.” “我根本没办法判断,他说的话中究竟真假多少。法力池干涸的危机,恐怕是有的。但也很可能,他已经能够开启传送门了。” Delivered these two divine artifact, was too bad. We lost important chip that immobilizes Jia Sha.” “把这两件神器送了上去,真的太糟糕了。我们失去了钳制痂沙的重要筹码。” But does not deliver, perhaps we must be divided by the lightning!” “但是不送,我们恐怕就要被闪电劈死!” Listens to his voice, this priest brain is the merit and merit. Obviously, in his heart, divine artifact is more important than the person!” “听他的话音,这个神父满脑子都是功劳、功劳。很显然,在他心中,神器比人更重要!” Zhen Jin is Templar Knight, will not have this worry. But our status, will not be paid attention to by Jia Sha. In this case, we were very dangerous.” 针金圣殿骑士,不会有这层担忧。但我们的身份,都不会被痂沙放在眼里。这样的话,我们就很危险了。” However now can let the Jia Sha scruples, only then present these man-made magic beast.” “而现在能够让痂沙顾忌的,就只有眼前的这些人造魔兽了。” Damn!” “该死!” I wished one could these man-made magic beast death rays before, now actually needs them to show a stronger offensive, guarantees own safety?” “我之前恨不得这些人造魔兽死光,现在却需要它们展现更强的攻势,来保证自己的安危?” Really is the satire!” “真是讽刺啊!” Zong Ge is a dauntless man, understands merciful people cannot command troops the truth, similarly also raises the advantage that the invader is self-possessed clearly. 鬃戈是个硬汉,深谙慈不掌兵的道理,同样也明白养寇自重的好处。 Regarding Zhen Jin, he is disappointed also understood, but after all Zi Di Young Knight fiancee. 对于针金,他既失望也理解,毕竟紫蒂可是少年骑士的未婚妻。 What to do should, really have a headache.” “该怎么办,真是头疼。” Zong Ge is not good at processing this type of thing. Although his father is powerful, but he as the illegitimate child, the childhood only obtains the attendance of martial skill guidance, has not obtained training in strategy. 鬃戈并不擅长处理这种东西。尽管他父亲位高权重,但他身为私生子,童年只得到武技教导的照顾,并没有得到谋略上的培养。 Otherwise, he after the enlistment, will not have the most outstanding score, was actually still pushed aside by the colleagues. 要不然,他也不会在参军之后,拥有最出众的战绩,却仍旧被同僚们排挤出去。 More or less, others have Zong Ge such idea. Read 或多或少,其他人也有鬃戈这样的想法。读读 The threat of Jia Sha and falls the lightning near Zi Di foot, lets the people fearfully, surprised uncertain. But saw that Zhen Jin was compelled unable to think, the morale of people declined rapidly a big truncation. 痂沙的威胁和落在紫蒂脚边的闪电,让众人心寒不已,惊疑不定。而看到针金都被逼得无法可想,众人的士气迅速衰落了一大截。 Therefore, although magic beast kill one another, however under often magic beast impact, the defense line of survivors was not obviously steady, presented the frightening vacillation. 因此,尽管魔兽们自相残杀,但是在不时的魔兽冲击之下,幸存者们的防线明显不稳,出现了让人心惊的动摇。 Withstands to me!” Jia Sha keenly saw clearly this situation, in fact, he was also prepared early. “给我顶住!”痂沙敏锐地洞察到了这个情况,事实上,他也早有准备。 He then drinks repeatedly greatly: So long as has supported the final difficulty, we can be rescued!” 他接着连声大喝:“只要撑过最后的难关,我们就都能获救!” „The merit in only present hand, enough you started.” “单凭现在手中的功劳,就足够你们重新开始了。” Zhen Jin, don't forget, I was your inspection officer. Before me said, at present the merit, is not only position of the trivial Lord of the Whitesand City.” 针金,别忘了,我可是你的考核官。就像我之前所说,眼下我们的功劳,绝不只是一个区区的白沙城主之位。” Mu Ban, you stole in the association massive bow crossbow blueprint, has this merit, you can return to the association, even can make Shangfenhui President position!” 木班,你盗窃了公会中大量的弓弩图纸,有这份功劳,你可以重返公会,甚至能做上分会会长的位置!” Cang Xu, you have not possibly known, the Shatta family civil strife has subsided, although you were betrayed by your son, but he because of the same faction, had been involved to be put in prison. Shatta family is bringing order out of chaos. You have this merit, in the future will have my guarantee again, Shatta family will abolish to your issuing a warrant for arrest, acknowledged that own mistake, you can be your scholar.” 苍须,你可能还不知道,沙塔家族的内乱已经平息,你虽然被你的儿子背叛,但他因为同一派系,已经被牵连入狱。沙塔家族正在拨乱反正。你有这份功劳,将来再有我的担保,沙塔家族会撤销对你的通缉,承认自己的错误,你可以做回你的学者。” Zi Di, your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce and Zhen Jin family alliance, but you were still bogged down in difficulties. After this war, I will be a go- to draw the bridge for you, making part of Holybright church parishes of your trade partners. You should understand that this regarding Chamber of Commerce, is how important.” 紫蒂,你的紫藤商会针金家族联盟,但你们仍旧陷入困境。此战之后,我将会为你们牵线拉桥,让一部分的圣明教区成为你们的贸易伙伴。你应该明白这对于商会而言,是多么重要。” Tripleblade, your indeed tasteful integrity. Because of the integrity, are the dirty job of your mercenary regimental grade cadre also many? Although dismissed, but I can find the position that finds a place to live for your these people, for example the guard in some city. If you really can believe in Emperor Holybright devotionally, I even can usher in the Church Guardian Knight group you!” 三刀,你的确讲究诚信。但因为诚信,你的佣兵团干的脏活也不少吧?虽然解散了,但是我可以为你们这些人找到安身的职位,比如某个城市的守卫。如果你们真的能够虔诚信奉圣明大帝,我甚至可以将你们领进护教骑士团!” Zong Ge...... I know that your status, you are an illegitimate child, you want to perform good deeds, you want to chin up and chest out go back, recapture to belong to all your. Then you should seize the opportunity of present, not?” 鬃戈……我知道你的身份,你是私生子,你想要建功立业,你想要昂首挺胸地回去,夺回属于你的一切。那么你就更应该抓住现在的这个机会,不是吗?” ...... …… The Jia Sha words, make the survivors change countenance again. 痂沙的一番话,再次让幸存者们动容。 He is knew about the survivors unexpectedly, and deepening of understanding, as if understands the idea and demand of everyone unexpectedly. 他竟是对幸存者们非常了解,并且了解之深入,竟似乎明白每个人的想法和诉求。 He remembers clearly the name of each survivor, these words have not left out anyone, even Bai Ya such average person is no exception. 他清楚地记得每个幸存者的名字,这番话也没有漏掉任何一人,甚至连白芽这样的普通人都不例外。 This is the outstanding accomplishment of sermonizer! 这是布道者的优秀素养! He guarantees to Bai Ya, so long as coordinates him, this merit divides later, in the future can make him Knight surely! 他对白芽担保,只要配合他,这份功劳分下来,将来必定能让他成为骑士 priest Lord, I...... believe you!” Bai Ya reveals to yearn for the color. 神父大人,我……相信你!”白芽露出向往之色。 The people morale no longer drops, the battleline also selects steadily. 众人士气不再跌落,阵线也稳点下来。 What is main, Jia Sha occupies too many initiatives, the people simply do not have the means to counterattack him, can only choose to believe. 更主要的是,痂沙占据太多的主动,众人根本没有办法反制他,只能选择相信。 However, in fourth. 然而,在第四层中。 After the speech that Jia Sha one agitates, is actually cold snort/hum one, the whole face dislike and disdaining: One crowd of dregs, coordinates us to assign this merit! Makes you die here, makes reparations for you.” 痂沙一番鼓动的演说之后,却是冷哼一声,满脸厌恶和不屑:“一群渣滓,也配和我们分配这份功劳!就让你们死在这里,为你们自己赎罪吧。” priest Lord?” 神父大人?” In this has Templar Knight.” “这里面可是有圣殿骑士啊。” Is a person of ship, after all we rush, mutual support......” “都是一船的人,毕竟我们一路闯过来,相互扶持……” Several Church Guardian Knight reveal the color of not enduring. 几位护教骑士流露出不忍之色。 Jia Sha cold snort/hum: Templar Knight I will certainly rescue!” 痂沙冷哼一声:“圣殿骑士我当然会救!” But others, I may be unable to carry off.” “但其他人,我可带不走。” I invade Central Tower more, the obtained information are more. From the record of passing War Monger transmission, present magic power, must transmit two divine artifact, already very reluctantly. Only can take away several people.” “我侵占中枢塔越多,得到的信息就越多。从过往战贩传送的记录来看,现在的法力,要传送走两个神器,已经十分勉强了。只能带走几个人。” „Do you want the companion? Wants the merit?” “你们是要同伴?还是要功劳?” The Jia Sha vision is sharp, takes a fast look around, Church Guardian Knight one by one lowers the head, does not dare with priest looking at each other. 痂沙目光犀利,扫视一圈,护教骑士纷纷低下了头,不敢和神父对视。 Jia Sha happily smiles, but at this moment, gold magic beast flushed. 痂沙得意地一笑,但就在这时,又有一头黄金魔兽冲了过来。 Its build is not big, unexpectedly is Gold Rank Bat Monkey! 它体型不大,竟是一头黄金级蝠猴 The people do not beat, the eye looks at battleline must collapse. 众人不敌,眼看着阵线就要崩溃。 Damn, I must untie third formation, takes that strange blood cell.” In Jia Sha heart anxious, bellows to next hastily, Zhen Jin! Forces up quickly, exhausts the full power.” “该死,我还要解开第三层的法阵,把那个奇怪的血球取出来啊。”痂沙心中焦躁,连忙对下一层大吼,“针金!快顶上去,用尽全力。” I know that your worry, these are unimportant!” “我知道你的顾虑,这些都不要紧!” Relax, has me, I will purify all for you.” “放心,有我在,我会为你净化一切。” Zhen Jin look big change. 针金神色大变。 He at this moment, is God's favored knight the condition, the Jia Sha implied meaning, lets the Zhen Jin thorough mutation without doubt. 此刻的他,已经是“神眷骑士”的状态,痂沙言下之意,无疑是让针金彻底异变。 He seems to have understood clearly the Zhen Jin biggest secret! 他似乎已经洞悉了针金的最大秘密! Zhen Jin hesitant, clenches teeth to launch the charge. 针金犹豫了一下,还是咬牙展开冲锋。 But the direction that he charges is not gold Bat Monkey, but unexpectedly is the fourth steps. 但他冲锋的方向并不是黄金蝠猴,而竟是第四层的阶梯。 Suspension of movement!” “停步!” Zhen Jin, do you want to do?” 针金,你想要干什么?” Keeps again, the consequence is proud!” “再不停下来,后果自负!” Zhen Jin turns a deaf ear , the speed more opens is faster. 针金充耳不闻,速度越开越快。 The people were shocked, has not expected Zhen Jin to be like this rash. 众人都惊呆了,没有料到针金这样莽撞。 Then next moment, the people tremble in fear. 然后下一刻,众人更加震恐。 Several lightnings chop continuously, chops Zhen Jin, chops unexpectedly at the scene Young Knight. 几道闪电连续劈下,劈中针金,竟是将少年骑士当场劈死。 No!” Stares, Zi Di sends out the sad and shrill scream at once, ran to the Zhen Jin corpse, was held by Hei Juan. “不!”愣了一下,紫蒂旋即发出凄厉的尖叫,跑向针金的尸体,却被身旁的黑卷一把抓住。 Was too dangerous!” Hei Juan yelled, Zi Di President, please calm.” “太危险了!”黑卷大叫,“紫蒂会长,请你冷静。” Father!!!” The giants angry roar, responded, charged into the Zhen Jin corpse. “爸爸!!!”大个子怒吼,反应过来,冲向针金的尸体。 The giants run full power, kneels down directly, ignores the fierce friction of knee on floor tile. 大个子全力奔跑,直接跪倒在地,不顾膝盖在地砖上的剧烈摩擦。 He changes the Zhen Jin corpse cautiously, a Zhen Jin surface blackness, not lives. 他小心翼翼地翻动针金的尸体,针金表面一层漆黑,毫无生息。 Father and father, you awake, you awake......” giant eyes to be red, tears well up. “爸爸、爸爸,你醒醒啊,你醒醒啊……”大个子双眼通红,泪如泉涌。 But clearly, Zhen Jin died. 但很明显,针金死了。 Everyone feels his life aura not to have. 所有人都感受到他的生命气息全无。 After all in this magic restriction environment, how the human body can unable to withstand the attack of lightning? These man-made magic beast, disintegrate under the lightning. 毕竟在这种禁魔的环境下,人体怎么能承受得住闪电的攻击?就连那些人造魔兽,也在闪电下土崩瓦解。 No, this not real.” “不,这不是真的。” „Did Lord Zhen Jin...... die?!” 针金大人……死了?!” „Was Jia Sha insane? He got down the killer to Templar Knight unexpectedly! Even if he has the dreadful merit, only this point, he cannot stand up from failure!” 痂沙难道疯了?他居然对圣殿骑士下了杀手!就算他有滔天功劳,单凭这一点,他就翻不了身!” Zong Ge and the others resists gold Bat Monkey difficultly, successively rout, is unable to believe that at present has. 鬃戈等人一面艰难地抵抗黄金蝠猴,节节溃败,一面无法相信眼前发生的这一幕。 Murderer! Murderers!! Murderer who kills the father, I must kill you!!” The giants angry roar, the look is fierce, charges into to the fourth steps. “凶手!凶手!!杀害爸爸的凶手,我要杀死你!!”大个子怒吼,神色狰狞,冲向通往第四层的阶梯。 Do not go!!” Zi Di screamed. “别去!!”紫蒂尖叫。 But already late. 但已经晚了。 next moment, is the consecutively several lightnings, chops the giant falls to the ground, the whole body twitches, the mouth spits the foam, is unable to move. 下一刻,又是连续几道闪电,把大个子劈得栽倒在地,浑身抽搐,口吐白沫,无法动弹。
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