EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#171: First delivers divine artifact or the person?

priest Lord?” Hei Juan is looking at a magic beast corpse of place unbelievable. 神父大人?”黑卷难以置信地望着一地的魔兽尸体。 Is I does!” The Jia Sha sound conveys, he happily smiled one, I controlled Central Tower to control the island weather the jurisdiction, this was also only great talent tested in a small task.” “是我做的!”痂沙的声音传来,他得意地笑了一声,“我掌控了中枢塔操控全岛天气的权限,这还只是牛刀小试而已。” Jia Sha Lord, you were really good!” 痂沙大人,您真是太棒了!” Safe......” some people sat down exhausted directly on the ground. “安全了……”一些人直接瘫坐在了地上。 We won!!” More people cheer. “我们胜利了!!”更多人欢呼。 However, cheered just started, suddenly a huge pressure production, the space twisted instantaneously. 然而,欢呼刚刚开始,忽然一股庞大的压力产生,空间瞬间扭曲。 The transmission happened! 传送发生了! Scale far exceeds just, magnanimous man-made magic beast is flooding the entire center space instantaneously, closely surrounds Central Tower. 规模远超刚刚,海量的人造魔兽在瞬间充斥整个中枢空间,紧紧包围住中枢塔 Roar! 嗷吼! next moment, innumerable magic beast attack again. 下一刻,无数魔兽再次袭击过来。 The people have a big shock. 众人大惊失色。 The sound that the Jia Sha startled anger happened simultaneously conveys: Is Tower Spirit, it is controlling the transmission jurisdiction, it transmitted man-made magic beast in ground!” 痂沙惊怒交加的声音传来:“是塔灵,它掌控着传送权限,它将地面上的人造魔兽都传送过来了!” Uses the lightning quickly!” Some people called out. “快用闪电!”有人叫道。 Does not need others to remind, Jia Sha has been doing. 不用他人提醒,痂沙已经在做了。 The lightning erupts, caused the giant casualties to the magic beast regiment again. 闪电爆发,再次给魔兽军团造成了巨大的伤亡。 However the lightning chops many magic beast, has corresponding magic beast to be transmitted , to continue to attack Central Tower. 但是闪电劈死多少的魔兽,就有相应的魔兽被传送进来,继续袭击中枢塔 The lightning scale reduces rapidly. 闪电规模迅速削减。 priest, what's the matter?!” The people are surprised. 神父,怎么回事?!”众人惊疑不定。 „It is not good, this way, the magic power pond wants thoroughly dry. No matter the lightning transmits, shares a magic power pond. Without the magic power words, we would have no means opening, to maintain Teleportation Door! Don't forget, we must bring back to these divine artifact, magic power of transmission consumption will be huge!” “不行了,这样下去,法力池就要彻底干涸。不管是闪电还是传送,都是共用一个法力池。没有法力的话,我们就没办法开启、维持传送门!别忘了,我们还要带回这几件神器,传送消耗的法力会非常巨大!” No matter divine spell or spell, have the transmission. 不管是神术还是法术,都有传送。 But Jia Sha transmission divine spell, even helps oneself not to have the means that the transmission distance is too short. 痂沙的传送神术,连自救都没办法,传送距离太短。 The survivors must use Teleportation Door in alchemy factory. Here Teleportation Door compared with Jia Sha transmission divine spell, is much fiercer. Even War Monger transmits personally, cannot compare this Teleportation Door. 幸存者们必须利用炼金工厂中的传送门。这里的传送门痂沙的传送神术,厉害得多。甚至就连战贩亲自传送,也比不上这个传送门 But Teleportation Door needs magic power to start, each transmission, according to corresponding population and life-level, goods as well as goods rank, magic power of consumption correspondence. 传送门需要法力才能启动,每一次传送,根据相应的人数、生命层次,物品以及物品等级,消耗对应的法力 The population are more, life-level is higher, the goods are more, the goods rank is higher, magic power of transmission consumption is bigger. 人数越多,生命层次越高,物品越多,物品等级越高,传送消耗的法力就越大。 Must carry off the fairy tale these two divine artifact of sapphire gold coffin and mermaid, consumption magic power is very terrifying. 要带走青玉黄金棺、美人鱼的童话这两件神器,消耗的法力是非常恐怖的。 At this time, but also is worrying about divine artifact!” “都这个时候了,还记挂着神器!” We what to do?” “那我们怎么办?” The people were bogged down in difficulties again. 众人再一次陷入了困境。 Although there is a lightning, but they cannot eliminate the magic beast regiment. 虽然有闪电,但他们不能将魔兽军团消灭。 Because eliminates many, Tower Spirit can transmit many. 因为消灭多少,塔灵就能传送进来多少。 Who knows how many man-made magic beast on the island also survived? 谁知道海岛上还生存了多少人造魔兽 Once the magic power reserve in magic power pond exhausts, everyone is out worryingly. Only Tower Spirit does not fear, instinct that or it has not sought livehood. 而一旦法力池中的法力储备耗尽,所有人都下场堪忧。惟独塔灵不惧,或者说,它根本就没有求生的本能。 The range that the lightning covers contracts rapidly, finally dissipates not to have. 闪电覆盖的范围迅速收缩,最后消散全无。 Did not have the attack of lightning, the magic beast regiment volume seat to come, immediately before covering, nearby emptied Central Tower, then rushed ahead. 没有了闪电的攻击,魔兽军团卷席而来,立即覆盖了之前被清空的中枢塔附近,然后冲杀进来。 Jia Sha shouted: Then, does not arrive at as a last resort, I will not send out the lightning again. I will spell to go all-out, resist Tower Spirit, captures the jurisdiction of transmission from its hand! Then, you must fight bravely full power, block these magic beast!” 痂沙大喊:“接下来,不到万不得已,我不会再发出闪电。我会拼尽全力,对抗塔灵,从它手中夺取传送的权限!接下来,你们必须全力奋战,挡住这些魔兽!” Jia Sha is deliberately controlling the scale of fight. 痂沙在刻意地控制战斗的规模。 Cannot make magic beast die many, because dies many magic beast, Tower Spirit transmits many to come, this transmission will also consume magic power. 不能让魔兽死得太多,因为死多少魔兽,塔灵就传送多少进来,这种传送也会耗费法力 Tower Spirit has not had scruples, only wants to kill these intruder. However the survivors want to escape, must save magic power. 塔灵没有顾忌,只想杀死这些入侵者。但是幸存者们都想要逃生,必须节省法力 The people rush to first, forms the first defense line. 众人重新冲下第一层,组建第一道防线。 Close combat fighting! 近战搏杀 Giants, Zhen Jin, Zong Ge and the others, have decided in the forefront. 大个子、针金鬃戈等人,一直定在最前线。 Jia Sha divine spell sacred light also sways, protects the body and in addition for the people holds. 痂沙神术圣光也挥洒下来,为众人护体和加持。 Different with beforehand fighting, this time, Zhen Jin and the others strive only to injure to these magic beast do not kill. 和之前的搏杀不同,这一次,针金等人都争取对这些魔兽只伤不杀。 The difficulty of fight was higher than at least one time compared with before. 战斗的难度比之前高出了至少一倍。 alchemy arrow type of destructiveness extremely strong mist, almost cannot use. 炼金箭头这种杀伤性极强的雾气,几乎是不能动用了。 The most humanities are in physical ability, strength, defense wait/etc aspects, is not similar to magic beast of rank. Has the help of divine spell luckily, the people then have to insist qualification that fights. 绝大多数人本身在体能、力量、防御等等方面,都不如同等级的魔兽。幸好有神术的帮助,众人这才有坚持去战斗的本钱。 But these qualifications, after gold magic beast rushes to the frontline, immediately appears is tiny. 但这些本钱,在黄金魔兽冲上前线之后,立即显得渺小起来。 Beforehand man-made magic beast, drills from the inner and outer coffin, does not have gold first-level. It seems like high-grade man-made magic beast to be first used to cope with expert of blood light sanction institute, but consumption up. 之前的人造魔兽,从棺椁中钻出来,并没有黄金一级。似乎是高等级的人造魔兽都被优先用来对付血光制裁院的强者们,而消耗光了。 In magic beast regiment that but now, transmits, combined many gold magic beast. 但现在,传送过来的魔兽军团中,混杂了许多黄金魔兽 Zhen Jin kicks full power, tramples Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear but actually. 针金全力一踢,将猴尾棕熊踹倒。 The bear claw of this Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear had been cut away by Zhen Jin, the threat reduces greatly, dies to fight does not draw back. 这头猴尾棕熊的熊爪已经被针金切掉,威胁大减,死战不退。 Zhen Jin drives back it each time, uses its plump body to catch behind these magic beast. 针金每次逼退它,利用它的肥硕身躯卡住身后的那些魔兽 But at this time, Lava Giant Turtle rushed ahead. 但这个时候,一头熔岩巨龟冲杀过来。 Huge shape leg direct injury very heavy Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear stamps, then opens the big mouth, bites to Zhen Jin. 巨大的象腿直接伤势很重的猴尾棕熊踩死,然后张开大口,咬向针金 Zhen Jin clenches the teeth, contends full power, finally this was hit, was almost hit to fly, drew back continually more than ten steps, disrupted the entire formation. 针金咬紧牙关,全力抗衡,结果被这一撞,差点被撞飞,连退了十几步,打乱了整个阵型。 Withdraw!” Zhen Jin puts out a small blood, drinks hastily lowly, the strength of opposite party is not can contend. “撤!”针金吐出一小口的鲜血,连忙低喝,对方的力量不是自己能够抗衡的。 The survivors withdraw to second hastily. 幸存者们连忙后撤到第二层。 In the process of retreating, they threw down several bodies of companions again. 撤退的过程中,他们再次丢下了几具同伴的尸体。 Lava Giant Turtle sneaks in first, but wanted to enter second actually to worry. 熔岩巨龟钻进第一层,但想要进入第二层却犯难了。 Its not crawling staircase, and stairway regarding Lava Giant Turtle such build, was extremely narrow and small. 它可不会爬楼梯,并且楼梯口对于熔岩巨龟这样的体型而言,太过狭小了。 The people return to second, the pressure therefore to plummet. 众人回到第二层,压力因此骤降。 Lava Giant Turtle occupied massive spaces, following magic beast cannot kill. 熔岩巨龟占据了大量的空间,后续的魔兽都杀不进来。 After trying several failure, matter that Zhen Jin most is worried about happened. 尝试几次失败之后,针金最担心的事情发生了。 The large and small black hole on Lava Giant Turtle tortoise shell, starts to emit the thick smoke, the thick smoke floats second, making the people start to cough unceasingly. 熔岩巨龟龟壳上的大大小小黑洞,开始冒出浓烟,浓烟飘进第二层,让众人开始不断咳嗽。 The air temperature rises suddenly, in the thick smoke starts spout the magma. 空气温度急剧升高,浓烟中开始喷涌出岩浆来。 In second floods the thick smoke, the people coughs fiercely, and hears other magic beast because of the magma but miserable howling sound. 第二层中充斥浓烟,众人不禁剧烈咳嗽,并且听到其他魔兽因为岩浆而惨嚎的声音。 This way, the magma can well up.” “这样下去,岩浆会涌上来的。” Quickly, stops up with that coffin!” Bai Ya thought of a good way. “快,用那个棺材堵住!”白芽想到了一个好办法。 Zong Ge drags to entrain the sapphire gold coffin, suppresses the stairway directly. 鬃戈将青玉黄金棺拖拽过来,直接压住楼梯口。 Although small slit, but the thick smoke and air temperature was isolated most probably. 虽然还有小缝隙,但浓烟、空气温度都被大半隔绝了。 Bang bang! 砰砰! Lava Giant Turtle starts with the head hit sapphire gold coffin, the sapphire gold coffin almost to be hit to fly directly. 熔岩巨龟开始用脑袋撞击青玉黄金棺,青玉黄金棺差点直接被撞飞。 Zong Ge, Zhen Jin and the others move hastily it, and suppresses full power. 鬃戈针金等人连忙将其挪回去,并全力镇压。 Insisting a small meeting, the survivors reached the limit. 坚持了一小会,幸存者们就达到了极限。 Sapphire gold coffin boiling hot incomparable, can roast the ripe egg directly. The heat cannot be obstructed, the second heat lets the person scant of breath. 青玉黄金棺已经滚烫无比,能直接烤熟鸡蛋。热量并不能被阻截,第二层热得让人呼吸困难。 Jia Sha Lord!” Hei Juan shouts loudly requests reinforcements. 痂沙大人!”黑卷高声呼喊求援。 Jia Sha sighed, the lightning appears again. 痂沙叹息一声,闪电再次出现了。 The sound floods the ear bank suddenly, nearby Central Tower is emptied. Lava Giant Turtle suffered most lightnings, the death fell to the ground eventually. 咔嚓的声响一时间充斥耳畔,中枢塔附近都被清空。熔岩巨龟挨了最多的闪电,终究还是死亡倒地。 The transmission happened, supplemented that the later magic beast regiment breaks in Central Tower again. 传送发生了,补充之后的魔兽军团再次冲入中枢塔 The people are taking advantage of the stairway defense, cannot insist quickly. 众人依仗着楼梯口防守,很快又坚持不住。 This invading one's territory gold magic beast is a deer. 这次来犯的黄金魔兽是一头鹿。 It seems like the elk, the head long has the giant white bones quality of material antler, as if the branch is vertically and horizontally confused , the back also long has the giant snow white wing. 它像是麋鹿,头上长有巨大的白骨质地的鹿角,仿佛树枝纵横错乱,同时背部还长有巨大的雪白羽翼。 This is Cang Xu and the others near the snowy mountain, gold magic beast that the accident/surprise glimpses, Cang Xu names as Bone Feathered Deer it. 这是苍须等人在雪山附近,意外瞥见的黄金魔兽,苍须将其命名为白骨羽鹿 Bone Feathered Deer similarly through this stairway, but it uses the antler to attack. 白骨羽鹿同样通过不了这个楼梯口,但是它用鹿角攻击。 The antler is not hard, after breaking off, the antler breaks up, changes into the turbulent cold air to corrode the survivors violently. 鹿角并不坚硬,被折断之后,鹿角崩解,化为汹涌的寒气猛烈侵蚀幸存者们。 Several survivors unexpected , the body was frozen, can only the amputation, then preserve a life under Jia Sha healing divine spell. 几位幸存者猝不及防之下,身躯被冻伤,只能截肢,然后在痂沙治疗神术下保住一条命。 Second quick was flooded by the cold air, almost changes into an ice cave. 第二层很快就被寒气充斥,几乎化为一个冰窟。 We need to support, priest!” Under has no recourse, the people shouted loudly again. “我们需要支援,神父!”迫不得已之下,众人再次高喊。 Response that but Jia Sha has no. 痂沙却没有任何的回应。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” What magic beast won't have to transmit in fourth?” “不会是有什么魔兽传送到了第四层中去了吧?” When the people are surprised, the Jia Sha exciting sound resounds suddenly: Visited me to find anything quickly!” 众人惊疑之时,痂沙兴奋的声音忽然响起:“快看我找到了什么!” During the speeches, magic beast outside tower are suddenly chaotic, starts to kill one another unexpectedly. 说话间,塔外的魔兽们忽然混乱起来,竟开始自相残杀。 I seized Tower Spirit part of jurisdictions, unexpectedly controls these magic beast means.” “我抢占了塔灵的一部分权限,居然是控制这些魔兽的办法。” They were controlled by the smell unexpectedly.” “它们居然是受气味操控的。” Although has not seized completely the jurisdiction of this part, but I have closed here to send out the installment of smell, hahaha!” “虽然没有把这部分的权限完全抢占过来,但我已经关闭了这里散发气味的装置,哈哈哈!” Jia Sha laughs. 痂沙大笑。 Pressure violent that the people defend falls the valley, but Bone Feathered Deer is holding the sapphire gold coffin with the antler. 众人防守的压力这次暴降到底谷底,但白骨羽鹿还是在用鹿角捅青玉黄金棺。 This kind of gold magic beast such as like a crane among chickens, even if man-made magic beast restored the independency, most gives way to traffic as far as possible Gold Rank magic beast. 这类黄金魔兽如鹤立鸡群,就算人造魔兽们恢复了自主性,绝大多数都尽可能地避让黄金级别魔兽 The cold air is even more serious, the hair of people caught hoar frost. 寒气越发严重,众人的毛发都染上了一层白霜。 Has no recourse, the people have to retreat to third. 迫不得已,众人只好退守到第三层中。 Finally can breathe the one breath. 终于能喘上一口气了。 The survivors avoid float heart core in midair, regarding the stairway, the threatening cold air continues to corrode, people block the sapphire gold coffin again. 幸存者们避开悬浮在半空中的心核,围绕着楼梯口,逼人的寒气继续侵蚀上来,人们就再次将青玉黄金棺堵上。 This way, third will also degenerate into the ice cave.” “这样下去,第三层也会沦为冰窟的。” Divides it with the lightning quickly.” “快用闪电劈死它啊。” Jia Sha Lord, did you grasp the transmission jurisdiction not to have?” 痂沙大人,您掌握了传送权限没有啊?” The people talked at once, are exhausted. 众人七嘴八舌,疲惫不堪。 „It is not good, magic power must save. That stupid deer was caught by the stairway, itself also catches other magic beast. We are safe temporarily.” The Jia Sha sound transmits. “不行,法力要节省下来。那头蠢鹿被楼梯口卡住,本身也卡住其他的魔兽。我们已经暂时安全了。”痂沙的声音传达下来。 Xiong Dun and Chai Zha, first give me to bring to come up the inner and outer coffin and big shell.” Jia Sha ordered suddenly. 熊顿柴栅,先把棺椁和大贝壳都给我带上来。”痂沙忽然下令。 Most people stare, Zhen Jin, Zi Di, Zong Ge, Cang Xu and the others took the lead to respond, the complexion changes. 大多数人都是一愣,针金紫蒂鬃戈苍须等人率先反应过来,面色微变。 Two Church Guardian Knight responded, is clenching teeth to move toward divine artifact, but Zhen Jin and Zong Ge stood to block two people immediately. 两位护教骑士反应过来,咬着牙走向神器,但针金鬃戈立即站出来拦住二人。 Priest Jia Sha, what do you mean?” Zhen Jin stares front Church Guardian Knight, cold Shengdi is drinking. 痂沙神父,你这是什么意思?”针金瞪着面前的护教骑士,冷声低喝。 Jia Sha sighed: divine artifact cannot abuse like this, they were too important. Tower Spirit is wounded too heavily, will not be my opponent. I soon succeeded. After Teleportation Door forms, we first deliver these two divine artifact.” 痂沙叹息:“神器不能这样滥用,它们太重要了。塔灵受创太重,绝不会是我的对手。我快要成功了。传送门形成之后,我们就先将这两件神器送出去。” This proposition encounters Zhen Jin to reject pointedly: No, first sees somebody off, then delivers divine artifact!” 这个提议遭到针金断然否决:“不,先送人,再送神器!”
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