EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#170: The victory falls suddenly

In the Young Knight heart the intense intuition annexation absorbed this heart core, is of great advantage to him! 少年骑士心中更有一股强烈的直觉吞并吸收了这颗心核,对他大有好处! However under glare of the public eye, how to start? 但是众目睽睽之下,如何下手? Under the fairy tales of two divine artifact sapphire gold coffin and mermaid, the people have not contacted arbitrarily. Who knows that in this more important third, what defensive measure War Monger will arrange. 底下两层的神器青玉黄金棺、美人鱼的童话,众人都没有擅自接触。谁知道会在这更重要的第三层中,战贩会布置什么样的防御手段。 Zhen Jin only then endures patiently quietly. 针金只有悄然忍耐。 This hadn't found to control the raft of alchemy factory?” Hei Juan a little worried. “这一层也没有找到掌控炼金工厂的关键物品吗?”黑卷有点着急了。 Fourth has certainly!” Zi Di said. “第四层一定有!”紫蒂道。 The people bypass heart core, climbs up the steps. 众人绕过心核,攀上阶梯。 Walks quickly in the forefront scouting opens the mouth: „The fourth emptiness, nothing!” 很快走在最前面的斥候开口:“第四层空空荡荡,没有一件东西!” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” What situation is this?” “这是什么情况?” Our gods, can this should do?” “我们的神啊,这可如何是好?” The people are on fourth quickly, is really empty, somewhat is flustered. 众人很快都登上第四层,果然空无一物,都有些慌张起来。 Hateful, could not find the means of control, we are hard to use here formation to escape.” “可恶,找不到控制的办法,我们就难以利用这里的法阵逃生呐。” Even has many divine artifact, is useful?” “就算有再多的神器,又有什么用?” Island collapses, we must die here. No, once the flame mountain difficulty-relief, certainly will also be run over and die we, like grinding ant!” “海岛崩溃,我们都要死在这里。不,一旦焰山脱困,一定也会碾死我们,就像碾蚂蚁一样!” Many people are holding the head, looks the desperate color. 不少人抱着头,面露绝望之色。 We have the time.” The Bai Ya comfort said. “我们还有时间。”白芽安慰道。 „Isn't here the center?” Cang Xu knits the brows, look doubts. “这里难道不是中枢吗?”苍须皱眉,神色疑惑。 War Monger defeated to retreat, chose here. Here is possible enormous of center!” 战贩战败撤退,选择了这里。这里是中枢的可能极大!” „But why hasn't controlled the goods of factory?” “但为什么没有控制工厂的物品?” On the body of War Monger?” “难道在战贩的身上?” Perhaps in the middle of this factory, other mage tower.” “或许这座工厂当中,还有其他的法师塔。” When people speculation, the Jia Sha complexion suddenly changed. 众人猜测之际,痂沙的脸色忽然变了。 He reveals the color of pleasant surprise fiercely: Wait, is here! Here is the center!” 他猛地露出惊喜之色:“等等,就是这里!这里就是中枢!” The vision of people was attracted immediately. 众人的目光顿时被吸引。 This mage tower, no, specifically, this was to control the key of alchemy factory!” Jia Sha is saying, while instills into divine force in within the body to the wall on. “这座法师塔,不,准确地说,这一层就是掌控炼金工厂的关键!”痂沙一边说着,一边将体内的神力灌输到墙壁上。 He did this has continued to meet, before was unresponsive, currently finally has the effect. 他这样做已经持续了一会了,之前毫无反应,现在终于有了效果。 The people see divine force to sparkle the pure white brilliance, surges from the hand of Jia Sha, flows on the fourth wall. divine force flows the mistake, forms the straight or curving lines as well as rune/symbol writing. 众人就看到神力闪耀着洁白的光辉,从痂沙的手中涌动而出,在第四层的墙壁上流淌。神力流淌过处,形成一条条笔直或者弯曲的线路以及符文。 These rune/symbol writing, line arrangement compact, with lightening of divine force, gradually reveals some small part of alchemy formation in people's eyes. 这些符文、线条排列紧致,随着神力的点亮,在众人的眼中逐渐显露出炼金法阵的某个小部分。 Fierce, was really fierce.” The happy expression on Jia Sha face is even more strong, along with the corrosion of divine force, his understanding this mage tower swiftly increases. “厉害,真是太厉害了。”痂沙脸上的喜色越发浓重,伴随着神力的侵蚀,他对这座法师塔的了解迅速增多。 Really worthily is War Monger, he absolutely is world alchemy peak character!” “真不愧是战贩,他绝对是世间炼金巅峰的人物!” Then, Jia Sha changes color slightly, has the lingering fear mood: Luckily the Tower Spirit condition is extremely bad, if it is complete, we will be eliminated on first directly!” 然后,痂沙又微微变色,带着后怕的情绪道:“幸亏塔灵状态极差,如果它还完好,我们在第一层就会被直接消灭了!” I have said that! This is the destiny presents our gift.” “我说过的,诸位!这就是命运馈赠予我们的礼物。” People great happiness. 众人大喜。 „It was good!” “太棒了!” Really worthily is Jia Sha Lord.” “真不愧是痂沙大人。” If continue, we can grasp the entire alchemy factory!” “照此下去,我们就能掌握整个炼金工厂!” Has a look, what to be able quickly to help us escape?” “快看看,有什么能够帮助我们逃生的?” When the people talked at once, the Tower Spirit sound resounded suddenly again. 众人七嘴八舌之际,塔灵的声音陡然再次响起。 Warning! Warning!” “警告!警告!” alchemy Central Tower was invaded, controls stage's fourth to present the intruder.” 炼金中枢塔遭受入侵,中控台第四层出现入侵者。” Immediately implements to eliminate...... not to examine China , Tajikistan to guard.” “立即实施清除……没有检测到中塔守卫。” Awakens the element warrior...... not to have the life sign of element warrior.” “唤醒元素武士……没有元素武士的生命迹象。” Release toxic gas...... the control valve has not responded.” “释放毒气……控制阀没有响应。” Convenes outside the tower the demon...... the contact to be disturbed likely, is unable to contact.” “召集塔外魔像……联络遭受干扰,无法联络。” Urgent termination cultivation advancement, awakens is making magic beast...... to awaken successfully!” “紧急终止培育进程,唤醒在造魔兽……唤醒成功!” The Tower Spirit words let in the people heart perturbed, falls finally, lets the people look big change. 塔灵的一番话让众人心中七上八下,落到最后,还是让众人神色大变。 Roar! 嗷吼! Was away from Central Tower, the people heard the loud and clear hot tempered beast roar. 隔着中枢塔,众人都听到了洪亮暴躁的兽吼声。 After several breath, the beast roar even more is stormy, shouts innumerably interlocks, forms the mountainous cry tsunami voice. 几个呼吸之后,兽吼声就越发密集,无数嘶吼交错,形成山呼海啸般的声浪。 Jia Sha is pale: Is these inner and outer coffins outside tower, the complete inner and outer coffin was opened, massive magic beast are attacking to here!” 痂沙脸色发白:“是塔外的那些棺椁,完整的棺椁都被打开来了,大量的魔兽正在向这里进攻!” Must stop up them!” “必须堵住他们!” Wins the time to me, so long as my divine force soaks here completely, Tower Spirit will have no alternative to us!!” “给我争取时间,只要我的神力全部浸透这里,塔灵也会对我们无可奈何!!” The people know that the most critical moment, one by one killed first. 众人都知道到了最紧要的关头,纷纷杀下第一层。 The first door has vanished, three entirely succeed was destroyed, forms the giant loophole. 第一层的门扉已经消失,三成都被破坏,形成巨大的漏洞。 Alligator hammer tail ran, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, Resilient White Rhinoceros, Spear Scorpion wait/etc, the tide is probably common, turbulent long-range raid. 鳄头锤尾蚺、猴尾棕熊蓝狗狐狼强命白犀枪蝎等等,像是潮水一般,汹涌奔袭而来。 berserk imposing manner, making the people feel the enormous pressure. 狂暴至极的气势,让众人感受到了极大的压力。 Shoots!” Hei Juan directs loudly, the shout is hitting trembling. “射!”黑卷高声指挥,喊声都打着颤。 Round of arrow rain, two rounds of arrow rain and three rounds of arrow rain...... 一轮箭雨、两轮箭雨、三轮箭雨…… Although the survivors the population is scarce, the composed arrow curtain is also very thin, but their moment utilization is the alchemy arrow. 幸存者们虽然人数稀少,组成的箭幕也很稀薄,但是他们此刻运用的都是炼金箭头。 These arrows or from exploding, or the flaming combustion, or sending out is incorruptible, the lasing thunder...... power is outstanding, created huge killing to the beast group. 这些箭头或是自爆,或是熊熊燃烧,或者散发冰霜,或是激射雷霆……威能不同凡响,给兽群造成了巨大的杀伤。 However these magic beast conditions very fierce and brutal, the eye pupil floods the blood threads, possibly was broken the cultivation process, even without were attacked, should still approach the overflow blood from the pore of whole body. 然而这些魔兽状态都非常凶暴,眼眸充斥血丝,可能是被打断了培育过程,即便没有遭受攻击,也会从全身的毛孔中向外溢血。 Tower Spirit as if stimulated their life strength thoroughly, erupted reckless it. 塔灵似乎彻底激发出了它们的生命力,不顾后果地将其爆发出来。 magic beast span and tramples each other corpse, rushed to the front of survivors. 魔兽们跨越、践踏彼此的尸体,冲到了幸存者们的面前。 The divine spell sacred hall protects the shield! 神术圣堂护盾! The pure white brilliance, from fourth following the Central Tower tower wall, fell the body of people suddenly. 洁白的光辉,忽然从第四层顺着中枢塔的塔壁,落到了众人的身上。 This divine spell came promptly, giant, Zong Ge and the others withstood/top in the forefront crack place, is depending upon the light shield from top to bottom, stood firm the battleline actually! 这个神术来得太及时了,大个子、鬃戈等人顶在最前面的破洞处,依靠着浑身上下的光盾,硬是稳住了阵线! Hang there, I have been able to use Central Tower now, transmitted my divine force at will.” Jia Sha shout from fourth handing down from generation to generation. “坚持住,我现在已经能够利用中枢塔,随意传递我的神力了。”痂沙的喊声从第四层传下来。 Zhen Jin the mutation, has changed into golden scorpion armor, grasps two spider knife points god family shape. 针金早已异变,化为金色蝎甲,手持两把蜘蛛刀锋的“神眷”形态。 The sword light flash, the head of Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear had been cut together by the Zhen Jin direct blade! 一道剑光闪过,猴尾棕熊的头颅被针金直接一刀砍下! Blood whirlwind shoots, covers the eye pupil of Zhen Jin. 血液飚射,遮挡住针金的眼眸。 Suddenly, huge alligator dashes to come from the bloody water of splash. 忽然,一个庞大的鳄头从飞溅的血水中冲撞而来。 Zhen Jin avoids without enough time, is unable to avoid, his behind is a companion, can only by this strike hardly. 针金来不及躲避,也无法躲避,他的身后就是同伴,只能硬挨这一击。 Bang a dull thumping sound, he was hit to back up, pounds directly on a body of companion, almost breaks by smashing with stone his rib! 砰的一声闷响,他被撞得倒退出去,直接砸在一个同伴的身上,将其肋骨几乎砸断! Could not withstand!” Zong Ge is clenching teeth, removes to second going quickly.” “顶不住了!”鬃戈咬着牙,“快撤到第二层去。” The physical strength of person is limited, cannot compare with magic beast. 人的体力是有限的,和魔兽不能比。 The confrontation of this person and beast, the intensity is too big, but fought with all might a small little while, Zong Ge the big feeling could not have endured, the bone hammer in hand becomes very heavy. 这场人与兽的交锋,烈度实在太大,只是拼杀了一小会儿,鬃戈就已经大感吃不消,手中的骨锤变得十分沉重。 Jia Sha Lord, did you succeed? We must support continuously!” Some people shout. 痂沙大人,你成功了吗?我们要支持不住了!”有人喊道。 Waits a bit, I had successfully invaded first formation.” The Jia Sha sound conveys at once. “稍等一下,我已经成功侵占了第一层的法阵。”痂沙的声音旋即传来。 next moment, sacred light flows out from the upper layer, described alchemy formation all sorts of details along the way. 下一刻,圣光从上层流泻而下,沿途描绘出炼金法阵的种种细节。 Almost among a blink, pure white sacred light divine force converged in the sapphire gold coffin. 几乎一眨眼间,洁白的圣光神力就汇入到了青玉黄金棺中。 The sapphire gold coffin erupts one to lead fiercely the mixed brilliance, brilliance everywhere one visit, the people injury recovers instantaneously, the spirit and physical strength replied in peak condition. 青玉黄金棺猛地爆发出一股青金混杂的光辉,光辉所到之处,众人伤势瞬间痊愈,精神、体力都回复到了巅峰状态。 Then leads to proliferate brilliance, many magic beast also bathing brilliance, total restoration! 然后青金光辉扩散开去,许多魔兽也沐浴光辉,全数复原! Sorry, I can only control this degree.” The Jia Sha sound hands down from generation to generation again, I have untied alchemy formation, now you can contact this divine artifact safely. While this time, gives me to bring to come up the sapphire gold coffin quickly!” “抱歉,我只能控制到这种程度。”痂沙的声音再次传下来,“我已经解开了炼金法阵,现在你们可以安全地接触这件神器了。趁着这个时间,快将青玉黄金棺给我带上来!” The people drag to entrain the sapphire gold coffin hastily, following the steps, removes to second going. 众人连忙拖拽着青玉黄金棺,顺着阶梯,撤到第二层去。 magic beast are in hot pursuit. 魔兽们紧追不舍。 Father first walks, I protect you in behind!” The giants bring up the rear on own initiative. “爸爸先走,我在后面保护你!”大个子主动殿后。 Withdraw to second, the pressure of people dropped immediately. 撤到第二层,众人的压力顿时下降了很多。 The place that because they defend reduced, and occupies a commanding position, overlooks the attack, profits very much. 因为他们防守的地方缩小了很多,并且居高临下,俯视攻击,很占便宜。 However after attacking one, the Jia Sha angry sound conveys: Do not use the alchemy arrow again. Central Tower was destroyed, will seriously disturb me!” 然而攻击了一阵后,痂沙气恼的声音传来:“不要再用炼金箭头了。中枢塔被破坏,会严重干扰到我!” The people can only the close combat fight hand-to-hand. 众人只能近战肉搏。 Then, the battleline has to gradually the relieving. 如此一来,阵线不得不逐渐后缩。 magic beast fierce do not fear, offensive berserk, the people injury increases rapidly, shield armor that divine spell brings is also weaken significantly. 魔兽们悍不畏死,攻势狂暴至极,众人伤势迅速增添,神术带来的盾甲也大幅度减弱。 However quick, protects divine spell of shield to hand down from generation to generation again, exerts the body of people. 不过很快,护盾的神术又再次传下来,施加到众人的身上。 Meanwhile, sacred light flows, described big piece of alchemy formation along the way, finally sacred light gathered in the midair on the float big shell. 与此同时,圣光流淌,沿途描绘出一大片的炼金法阵,最终圣光汇集到半空中悬浮的大贝上。 This divine artifact bang, falls directly in the place, near survivor who will depend on is startled cold sweat. 这件神器砰的一声,直接掉落在地,将靠的近的幸存者惊出一声冷汗。 Picks up quickly it, you can remove!” Jia Sha shouts. “快把它拾起来,你们可以撤了!”痂沙喊道。 priest, did you succeed?!” The people are pleasantly surprised. 神父,你成功了?!”众人又惊又喜。 Jia Sha said: Also no, Tower Spirit is controlling the jurisdiction of transmission firmly, my also need more time!” 痂沙却道:“还没有,塔灵牢牢地掌控着传送的权限,我还需要更多时间!” Hasn't succeeded?!” Hei Juan screamed discontentedly. “还没有成功?!”黑卷不满地尖叫。 Jia Sha cold snort/hum: I the control degree to Central Tower am deepening swiftly and violently, capturing the transmission jurisdiction is sooner or later matter. Without my help, how do you possibly contact these two divine artifact?” 痂沙冷哼一声:“我对中枢塔的控制程度正在迅猛加深,夺取传送权限是迟早的事情。没有我的帮助,你们怎么可能接触到这两件神器?” These divine artifact, these simply were leave alone useless to us!” Some people refuted loudly. “别管这些神器了,这些对我们根本没有用!”有人高声反驳。 No, these are presenting that the destiny gives, you know that gives to Empire high-level, how many merit will obtain? You cannot imagine!” Jia Sha exclaimed. “不,这些都是命运给予的馈赠,你知道献给帝国高层,会得到多少功劳吗?你想象不到!”痂沙吼道。 The fierce combat is continuing, the casualties of survivors gradually increase. 激战持续着,幸存者们的伤亡逐渐增大。 The arm that huge alligator bit a survivor, drags to entrain fiercely him. 庞大的鳄头咬住了一位幸存者的胳膊,猛地将他拖拽回去。 Saves me!” This survivor shouted panic-stricken. “救我!”这位幸存者惊恐大喊。 Zong Ge catches his another arm hastily, but the strength of alligator hammer tail ran is terrifying, if not for Zong Ge lets go immediately, he was almost even entrained. 鬃戈连忙拽住他的另一条胳膊,但鳄头锤尾蚺的力道非常恐怖,若不是鬃戈立即撒手,差点连他都被拽过去。 The body of survivor submerges at once in the beast tide, almost was eaten to eat all one's food by several magic beast instantaneously. 幸存者的身躯旋即淹没在兽潮中,几乎在瞬间就被几头魔兽吃光。 Two survivors stagger the retreat, their lost the left arm, this is shuts off by the spider blade edge. Another is covering the pierced abdomen, wound nearby intestines is burnt by the bear claw of Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear. 两位幸存者踉跄后退,他们一个失去了左臂,这是被蜘蛛刀锋切断的。另一个捂着被洞穿的腹部,伤口附近的肠子已是被猴尾棕熊的熊爪烤焦了。 The battleline presented the gap, Zhen Jin made up hastily, he was bathed in blood to fight with all might, several times did not attend to themselves, spelled is being injured the time that strove to make a move, killed several magic beast ruthlessly, this danger stood firm the battleline. 阵线出现了缺口,针金连忙补了上去,他浴血拼杀,好几次不顾自身,拼着受伤争取出手的时机,狠杀了几头魔兽,这才险险稳住了阵线。 Withdraw to third, removes quickly!” A survivor collapsed, in the future will run away, wants in first third. “撤到第三层,快撤!”一位幸存者崩溃了,往后逃窜,想要第一个上第三层。 But at this moment, in the tower chops the next lightning unexpectedly baseless, chops at the scene this military deserter. 但就在这时,塔内竟是凭空劈下一道闪电,当场将这位逃兵劈死。 Afterward, the sound is unceasing, the crowded lightning chops one after another, deducted the hard coke magic beast in tower. 随后,咔嚓声响不断,密集的闪电接连劈下,将塔内的魔兽都劈成了焦炭。 Again later, the lightning spreads rapidly, spreads to Central Tower outside, surplus magic beast will divide entirely. 再之后,闪电迅速扩散,蔓延到中枢塔外,将剩余的魔兽统统劈死。 Zhen Jin and the others had not actually been attacked by the lightning. 针金等人却没有遭受闪电的袭击。 Won too suddenly, the people on the spot. 胜利来得太突然了,众人都楞在原地。
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