EB :: Volume #2

#9: Rou Cang

After ten days . 十日后。 The strong winds are assailing the sea level, a shell of wash bowl size cuts the expansive sky, from the sky exudes the sharp howling sound, later is scratching the Squirrel broad side, falls to the sea water. 狂风吹袭着海面,一颗脸盆大小的炮弹划破长空,在空中发出尖锐的呼啸声,随后擦着灰鼠号的船舷,落到海水中。 Bang! 轰! Huge crack, the shell falls in entering the sea, creates three people of high spray. 一声巨大的炸响,炮弹落入海中,激起三人多高的浪花。 The Yi Shenhui whole face is the cold sweat. The mild-mannered crisp gray mouse wool that he usually cleans up, mounted to stick only in one. 一身灰满脸都是冷汗。他平时清理的柔顺净爽的灰色鼠毛,都黏糊在了一起。 Just that shell avoided luckily, otherwise Squirrel must make heavy losses. 刚刚那个炮弹幸亏是躲开了,否则灰鼠号必遭重创。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… Back bombing has never stopped, most shells fall to the sea water, explodes water columns. 背后的炮击从未停止过,大多数的炮弹落到海水中,炸出一个个的水柱。 Squirrel walks randomly in these water columns unceasingly. 灰鼠号就在这些水柱中不断游走。 This sea boat is the Yi Shenhui one's favorite, he almost complete net worth investment. Squirrel was built the Blackiron Level magic energy ship, most excels is the acceleration and train slewing of short distance. 这艘海船是一身灰的心头肉,他几乎将全部身家投入其中。灰鼠号被打造成了黑铁级别魔能船,最擅长的就是短途的加速和方向急转。 Under Yi Shenhui steers personally, the Squirrel simply incarnation became mouse in a sea level, slick, most shells were avoided by it successfully. 而在一身灰亲自操舵之下,灰鼠号简直化身成了一只海面上的老鼠,油滑至极,大部分的炮弹都被它成功躲避。 However, Yi Shenhui is actually more and more anxious, in the heart the pressure is getting bigger and bigger. 然而,一身灰却是越来越紧张,心中压力越来越大。 Back pursuing troops strength far exceeds he, has bombarded, at a moderate pace, probably the cat play mouse, controls the overall situation. 背后的追兵实力远超过他,一路炮轰,不紧不慢,像是猫戏老鼠,掌控全局。 This is a great whale battleship. 这是一艘巨鲸般的战舰。 The entire hull at least is Squirrel three times, the bow is clear, probably a great whale floats in the sea level. 整个船体至少是灰鼠号的三倍,船头圆润,像是一头巨鲸浮在海面上。 Different with the Squirrel and other pirate ships, this steamship is mastless, the middle is three tall buildings. 灰鼠号等海盗船不同,这艘大船并无桅杆,中间是一座三层高楼。 This is a large ship. 这是一艘楼船。 In the crown of large ship, arranged a giant bathtub. 在楼船的顶部,布置了一座巨大的澡盆。 The water in bathtub cluck the bubbling, impressively is the water that heats goes away. 澡盆中的水咕咕冒泡,赫然是烧得滚开的水。 one person face upwards lying down in the bathtub, the both arms places the edge of bathtub, is backing on the bathtub in leans, is sitting in repose with eyes closed. 一个人仰躺在澡盆中,双臂放在澡盆的边缘,背靠着澡盆的里侧,正在闭目养神。 His two sweet and pretty females, the correct use massage this person of thick shouldering behind full power. The boiling hot steam as well as puts together the massage that goes all-out, letting these two females tired the whole body is the perspiration, the sweat adheres together the clothes and skin, making the female has to concave-convex the stature reveal obviously. 他的身后有两位娇美的女子,正用全力按摩此人厚实的肩背。滚烫的水蒸气以及拼尽全力的按摩,让这两位女子累得浑身是汗,汗水将衣服和皮肤黏连在一起,让女子凹凸有致的身材显露得更加明显。 Makes an effort, to make an effort again.” The person of take a bath set the request. “用力一点,再用力一点。”泡澡的人提出要求。 Two females clench teeth, try to display a bigger strength, but lacks the ability to do what one would like, they can insist now, is not easy. 两位女子咬牙,试图施展出更大的力气,但力不从心,她们能坚持到现在,已经非常不容易了。 Waste!” The person of take a bath gets angry immediately, flings the obese arm, immediately the gale agitation, sweeps away these two females. “废物!”泡澡的人顿时发怒,一甩肥胖的胳膊,顿时劲风鼓动,将这两位女子横扫出去。 Two women's squawks called out pitifully, ejected an arc in the midair, crashed from tall building most top layer to the deck, almost also plunged to death. 两位女子尖声惨叫,在半空中抛出一个弧线,从高楼最顶层坠落到甲板上,几乎同时摔死。 Captain Lord!” first officer goes into the roof, immediately partly kneels on the ground. “船长大人!”大副跑到楼顶,立即半跪在地上 Captain cold snort/hum of take a bath, opens an eye seam disgruntledly: I have not meant, when my take a bath, do not disturb me?” 泡澡的船长冷哼一声,不悦地睁开一丝眼缝:“我不是说过,在我泡澡的时候,不要来打扰我吗?” The first officer body shakes ruthlessly, because the voice frightened becomes trembling: Ship and captain Lord, we have encircled successfully. Squirrel will soon be caught by us!” 大副身躯狠狠一震,声线因为恐惧变得颤颤巍巍:“船、船长大人,我们已经成功合围了。灰鼠号即将被我们捕获!” Un? Very good.” The captain stands up, steps forward the giant bathtub. “嗯?很好。”船长站起身来,跨出巨大的澡盆。 Bang and bang...... 砰、砰…… He walks barefoot in the roof, every falls to make people one time feel the vibration of roof fully. 他光脚走在楼顶,每一次落足都能让人感受到楼顶的震动。 In the steam, a pair of stone mill giant both feet, finds out suddenly. 水蒸气中,一对石磨般巨大的双脚,猛然探出。 The head of first officer lowered deeply. 大副的头低得更深了。 A huge shadow, gradually covers him. 一个巨大的阴影,逐渐将他覆盖。 This mousie also very can run.” The captain stands in the first officer front, is looking at the distant place, light snort/hum. “这个小老鼠还挺能跑的。”船长站在大副的面前,望着远方,轻哼一声。 first officer said hastily: All are Lord you map out strategic plans in an army tent, arranged other ships ingeniously, formed the surrounding network. Yi Shenhui both laughable and pitiful, he presumptuously thinks to escape from Lord your hand unexpectedly.” 大副连忙道:“一切都是大人您运筹帷幄,巧妙安排了其他船只,形成了包围网。一身灰既可笑又可怜,他居然妄想从大人您的手中逃生。” Is such? How I remember, is our ship speeds does not compare Squirrel, I am angry very much, therefore surrounds from each direction on other signalling people?” The captain is trying to find out own chin. “是这样子的吗?我怎么记得,是我们的船速度比不上灰鼠号,我很生气,所以就传信其他人从各个方向包围过来?”船长摸索着自己的下巴。 first officer the cold sweat streaming immediately. 大副顿时冷汗涔涔。 At this time, the lookout man shouted: Squirrel entered in sea Shijiao!” 这时,瞭望员大喊:“灰鼠号进入海石角里去了!” „? Entered in the sea reef group. Snort, but also wants to escape!” The captain is disgruntled immediately, strange, will here have a group of reef? Actually is the hunt plan that who arranges, is so unexpectedly stupid, even hasn't this piece of sea reef considered?” “哦?进入海礁群里了啊。哼,还想逃!”船长顿时不悦,“奇怪,这里怎么会有一大群的礁石?究竟是谁布置的追捕计划,竟然如此愚蠢,连这片海礁都没有考虑到吗?” first officer flurriedly. 大副慌乱不已。 This obviously is the plan of captain, but at this time, first officer added ten courage not to dare to say again. 这明明就是船长的计划,但此时,大副就是再多添十个胆子也不敢说啊。 But the captain actually does not let off, the complexion is fierce, killing intent is imposing: Capturing the plan is you do?” 但船长却不放过,脸色狰狞,杀意凛然:“追捕计划是不是你做的?” first officer stutter. 大副结结巴巴。 Bang! 轰! next moment, the captain lifts starts, stepped on first officer the floor of roof directly. 下一刻,船长抬起脚,就将大副直接踩进了楼顶的地板中。 first officer is Blackiron Level cultivation base, the drum urges battle energy desperately, but is useless, was stepped on a beach flesh mud by the captain directly. 大副黑铁级别修为,拼命地鼓催斗气,但却毫无用处,直接被船长踩成了一滩血肉烂泥。 Two?” The captain bellows. “二副呢?”船长大吼。 Two tumbling ground the top layer, the almost entire body fell down in the roof: Ship and captain Lord, I, I and I here, obey your summon!” 二副连滚带爬地上了顶层,几乎整个身体都扑倒在楼顶上:“船、船长大人,我、我、我在这里,听从您的召唤!” Said, actually this does capture to plan is who does? Unexpectedly admitted reef Shi Qun li Squirrel!” The captain angrily rebukes. “说,这个追捕计划究竟是谁做的?居然把灰鼠号放进了礁石群里去了!”船长怒斥。 Two wails say/way: Captain Lord, all these are you plan.” 二副哭嚎着道:“船长大人,这一切都是您计划的啊。” Un?!” The captain frowns immediately, the whole face dark clouds cover, how don't I remember?” “嗯?!”船长顿时皱起眉头,满脸阴云笼罩,“我怎么不记得了?” Captain Lord, you take constant care of many affairs of sate, forgot that these minor matters are very normal.” Two had felt oneself leave refuses stubbornly far, suddenly the miraculous glow starts, blurted out, your plan was too perfect! Now Squirrel has to hide in reef Shi Qun li, our people siege calmly reef Shi Qun, they definitely could not escape.” “船长大人,您日理万机,忘记这些小事很正常。”二副已经感到自己离死不远,忽然灵光乍起,脱口而出,“您的计划太完美了!现在灰鼠号不得不躲进礁石群里,我们的人就更从容地将礁石群围困起来,他们肯定逃不掉了。” „But how do we arrest them?” The captain frowns, my Bathtub may be unable to open!” “但我们怎么去抓捕他们呢?”船长皱起眉头,“我的澡盆号可开不进去!” Two said hastily: We can use the boat, goes in the lifeboat. Squirrel is also unable to defend oneself, we rush, perhaps it has struck a reef, is submerging.” 二副连忙道:“我们可以用小船,用救生艇进去。灰鼠号也自身难保,我们赶到的时候,说不定它已经触礁,正在沉没呢。” hahaha.” The captain laughs suddenly, the beforehand anger completely vanishes, as if all are the misconception. 哈哈哈。”船长忽然大笑,之前的怒意完全消失,似乎一切都是错觉。 Manages! Small, we killed Yi Shenhui, takes away the buried treasure. I want my Rou Cang ( zng ) given name, hangs in first of Saint tablet!” The captain bellows. “就这么办!小的们,我们去杀了一身灰,拿走宝藏。我要我肉藏(zng)的大名,挂在圣碑的第一位上!”船长大吼。 Yes!!” The pirates in large ship responded loudly. “是!!”楼船中的海盗们轰然回应。 Yi Shenhui this time situation is not indeed wonderful. 一身灰此时的情形的确不妙。 Throws, throws the water and food, goods. We only keep the weapon and medicine!” Yi Shenhui is bellowing repeatedly, the sound becomes hoarse. “抛,把水和食物都抛出去,还有货。我们只留武器和伤药!”一身灰连声大吼着,声音都变得嘶哑。 The preserve rums, the wooden barrel of preserve grain, was thrown into the sea water. 一个个储藏朗姆酒的,储藏粮食的木桶,都被抛到海水中去。 The wooden crates of loading, falls into the sea level. 一个个装货的木箱,也落入海面。 Did not have these things, the Squirrel water line rapidly to drop, the entire hull broke surface, to prevent to strike a reef to provide more possibilities. 没有了这些东西,灰鼠号的吃水线迅速下降,整个船体上浮起来,为防止触礁提供了更多可能。 Yi Shenhui is anxious. 一身灰紧张无比。 He fully realized, even, Squirrel is still so dangerous, has the possibility that strikes a reef to crash anytime. 他深知,就算如此,灰鼠号也非常危险,随时有触礁撞毁的可能。 Because here is the famous coral corner/horn. 因为这里是大名鼎鼎的海石角。 Here reef is hard, prominent sea level. Reef surface not smooth clear, but is rugged strange, truncates the axe to divide just like the blade, is incisive. 这里的礁石坚硬无比,突出海面。礁石表面并不光滑圆润,而是嶙峋怪异,宛若刀削斧劈,非常尖锐。 The tide after a considerable period of time has the ebb tide, has not worn down these reefs the edges and corners. This is because these reef material qualities are very special, the grade is very high, achieves Sacred Domain Rank to leave. But is actually hard to mine, mining, the cost is extremely forcefully high, gain does not equal the loss. 天长日久的潮起潮落,都没有消磨这些礁石的棱角。这是因为这些礁石材质十分特殊,品级很高,达到圣域级别。但却非常难以开采,强行开采,成本极高,得不偿失。 The bad news is, the Yi Shenhui pirate ships are Blackiron Level. 坏消息是,一身灰的海盗船只是黑铁级别 But the good news is, the Rou Cang ( zng ) Bathtub specification is higher, is the Silver Rank magic energy ship. Now, is taken in the ominous name of coral corner/horn, Rou Cang one group of choices stops the pirate ship, used the skiff to go into here. 但好消息是,肉藏(zng)的澡盆号规格更高,是白银级别魔能船。现在,摄于海石角的凶名,肉藏一伙选择停下海盗船,动用了小艇闯入这里。 Captain Lord, their ships came!” The lookout men called out. “船长大人,他们的船都来了!”瞭望员叫道。 Yi Shenhui looks out into the distance, sees to be the Rou Cang ships, surrounded the coral corner/horn from east, south, west, and north each direction. If Squirrel escapes, will be impeded by these pirate ships surely, the difficulty of smoothly escaping from is extremely high. 一身灰远眺,看到属于肉藏的船只,从东南西北各个方向包围了海石角。如果灰鼠号逃出来,必定会被这些海盗船绊住,顺利逃脱的难度极高。 Yi Shenhui takes back the vision quickly. 一身灰很快收回目光。 He is not worried about these pirate ships. 他并不担心这些海盗船。 Because these ships also stayed beside reef Shi Qun. 因为这些船也都停留在了礁石群之外。 What he most is worried is Rou Cang. 他最担心的是肉藏 Lord, they launched the attack.” The lookout men shout. 大人,他们展开进攻了。”瞭望员又喊道。 Some how many people?” Yi Shenhui heart one tight, closely examines hastily. “有多少人?”一身灰心头一紧,连忙追问。 The lookout men replied immediately: „, From Bathtub the pirate at least has 100 people. Rou Cang in the frontline. In addition, in other pirate ships also delimits many skiffs, inside also fought completely the pirate.” 瞭望员立即答道:“很多,从澡盆号上下来的海盗至少有一百人。肉藏就在最前方。除此之外,其他海盗船中也划过来许多小艇,里面也战满了海盗。” Yi Shenhui took a deep breath, forcing oneself to exhaust possibly the tranquil tone to order: Do not penetrate again, comes to anchor here. Uses the artillery to explode to me ruthlessly, do not have any reserved, shoots completely the shell!” 一身灰深吸一口气,强迫自己用尽可能平静的语气下令:“不要再深入了,就在这里抛锚。给我用火炮狠狠地炸,不要有任何保留,把炮弹全部射出去!” Yes!!” The pirates were forced into the hopeless situation, but morale also. Yi Shenhui the prestige in subordinates heart is usually very high. “是!!”海盗们被逼入绝境,但士气还在。一身灰平时在麾下心中的威信就很高。
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