EB :: Volume #2

#16: Kidnaps Cang Xu

Demon blue god. 魅蓝神。 Sea god of fishman belief. 鱼人信仰的海神。 The fairy tale of mermaid is his divine artifact. 美人鱼的童话便是祂的神器 However who knows, his follower may not only be only fishman. 然而谁都知道,祂的信徒可不仅仅只是鱼人 The belief will disseminate. 信仰是会传播的。 Any aquatic ethnic group, has the possibility to believe the charm blue god very much. The charm blue god has not mounted god throne time, the main body is a mermaid. Therefore, the population of mermaid also mostly believes It. 任何的水生族群,都很有可能去信仰魅蓝神。魅蓝神还未登上神座的时候,本体就是一只美人鱼。所以,美人鱼的族群也大多信仰祂。 Similarly, human believes this gods is not strange. Especially the coastal area, his belief is easier to be disseminated. 同样的,人类信仰这位神明也不奇怪。尤其是沿海地区,祂的信仰更容易得到传播。 Always, Holybright Empire does not have the orthodox sea god. 一直以来,圣明帝国都没有正统的海神。 But the charm blue god is the quite orthodox sea god. 而魅蓝神就是颇为正统的海神。 Believes It, is of great advantage to the follower. Can let navigate is smoother, making the fish attain to gather. Sometimes the sea fishes, can assign out the big shell or other rare and precious fish containing pearl. 信仰祂,对信徒而言大有好处。可以让航海更加顺利,让鱼获收取更多。有时候海钓,能调出含有珍珠的大贝壳或者其他珍稀鱼类。 The key is, It is the gods of alien race. 关键是,祂是异族的神明。 Holybright Empire regarding this kind of gods, has attacked. 圣明帝国对于此类神明,一直是严厉打击的。 Because believes is very important, this unique resources, among the gods are the competition are always intense. 因为信仰很重要,这种独特的资源,神明之间向来是竞争激烈。 The belief is a very powerful strength. 信仰是一股非常强大的力量。 It related to the common custom, the donation of follower brings the magnanimous wealth, the church influence can separate arming. It involves the humanities, the mutual understanding certain far exceeds average man between followers. The same belief, means the same values. Especially believes directly, can substantially promote coordination cooperation between human. 它涉及世俗,信徒的捐赠带来海量财富,教派势力能割据武装。它又涉及人文,信徒之间的相互理解一定远超常人。相同的信仰,意味着相同的价值观。尤其是正面信仰,能够极大地促进人类之间的协同合作。 Finally, it involves the gods. The gods are world most glorious life exist, frequently is also the strongest strength. The secret of gods is not well-known, which gods but overall to have a follower of rule more, his strength is stronger. 最后,它又涉及神明。神明是世间最悠久的生命存在,常常也是最强大的战力。神明的秘密并不众所周知,但总体而言有一个规律哪一位神明的信徒越多,祂的力量就越强。 Therefore, as long as the person of belief charm blue god kind of gods, will be determined as the evil believer. The fate of evil believer is very often pitiful, stands in the Empire angle, must execute one person as a warning to others to it surely! 所以,但凡信仰魅蓝神这类神明的人,都会被定性为邪教徒。邪教徒的下场往往很凄惨,站在帝国的角度,必定是要对其杀一儆百! This is really an unexpected harvest!” Cang Xu changes countenance, he has not thought in the tavern inquires the news, can find the clue of charm blue god. “这真是一个意外的收获!”苍须动容,他没想到在酒馆中打探消息,能找到魅蓝神的线索。 They suffer very big difficult position now, part of difficulties are related with the fairy tale of mermaid. 他们现在遭遇到很大的困境,其中一部分的困难和美人鱼的童话有关。 This divine artifact can produce the pearl bubble, the people consumes these pearl bubbles to hide itself. But the divine artifact output ratio is getting more and more low, in the near future, the people will not have the pearl bubble available. 这件神器能产生珍珠泡沫,众人消耗这些珍珠泡沫来掩藏自身。但神器的产出效率越来越低,不久的将来,众人就没有珍珠泡沫可用。 By that time, they are very difficult to resist prediction and detection method in spell and divine spell, will expose itself rapidly. 到那时,他们就很难抵御法术神术中的预言、侦查手段,会迅速暴露自身。 Once were captured by Empire, they were finished. 一旦被帝国追捕到,他们就完蛋了。 We, if found like this evil believer, found to help divine artifact enhance the capacity through him, or the means of more effective use pearl bubble. This will have the enormous help to us!” In the Cang Xu heart is calculating. “我们如果找到这样的邪教徒,通过他找到帮助神器提高产能,或者更有效率利用珍珠泡沫的办法。这对我们会有极大的帮助!”苍须心中盘算着。 Zi Di wallows does not awake, the people now are very difficult to contact Hundred Needles Patriarch. At once, is hard to make reparations. 紫蒂沉迷不醒,众人现在很难去联络百针族长。一时之间,是难以赎罪的。 In this case, the time drags longer more, the people obtain the redemption possibly is bigger. 在这种情况下,时间拖得越长,众人获得救赎的可能就越大。 This evil believer was grasped unfortunately, this possibly is his general idea/careless, is its strength is possibly insufficient. The ending of poetry also said his fate was sentenced publicly. But even so, this is also a commendable clue. Perhaps, I can discover more things. Perhaps here is hiding the evil believer of same belief, does not refer to him.” “这个邪教徒不幸被抓了,这可能是他大意,也可能是本身实力不够。诗歌的结尾也说了他的下场被公开处刑。但即便是这样,这也是一条难能可贵的线索。说不定,我能发现更多的东西。或许在这里隐藏着相同信仰的邪教徒,并不指他一人。” Therefore to the night, four people left the tavern starts to take action the time, Cang Xu opens the mouth saying: We separate to act. Lan Zao and Tripleblade you go to explore the wharf, confirmed that here is safe. But I and Bai Ya together, go to examine the residence of that evil believer.” 所以到了深夜,四人离开酒馆开始行动的时候,苍须开口道:“我们分开来行动。蓝藻三刀你们前去探索码头,确认这里是安全的。而我和白芽一道,前去查看那位邪教徒的住所。” Lan Zao nods assent. 蓝藻点头同意。 The fairy tale of concerned charm blue god and mermaid, this clue indeed is worth inquiring about thoroughly. 有关魅蓝神和美人鱼的童话,这条线索的确值得去深入探寻。 Bai Ya starts to speak but hesitates actually, some not big affection and Cang Xu live alone. Young people now to this old scholar with faint fear. 倒是白芽欲言又止,有些不大情意和苍须独处。年轻人现在对这位老学者怀着隐隐的畏惧。 But Lan Zao and Tripleblade leave directly. 蓝藻三刀径直离开。 Walks.” Cang Xu also urged. “走吧。”苍须也催促道。 Bai Ya bit a tooth, summon up courage followed old scholar. 白芽咬了一下牙,还是硬着头皮跟上了老学者 The dwelling of evil believer is located in the seashore, is a manufacturing in a rough way Camber. The ruined wooden steps, roof in disrepair after many years is leaking the wind, was bitter. 邪教徒的住处位于在海边,是一个粗制滥造的小船坞。破败的木制阶梯,年久失修的房顶漏着风,辛酸极了。 old scholar arranges the Bai Ya guard entrance, oneself one person shoves open the front door, goes in the exploration. 老学者安排白芽看守门口,自己一个人推开屋门,进去探索。 In Camber penniless, and is clear. After matter of evil believer, here had been patronized many by others one after another. 小船坞中一贫如洗,且一目了然。邪教徒的事情发生之后,这里已经被其他人陆续光顾了很多遍。 Waits for.” old scholar looks all around for a week later, suddenly footsteps slightly, the vision stayed in the under foot. “等一下。”老学者环顾一周后,忽然脚步微顿,目光停留在了脚下。 This floor seemed like some to be loose. 这一块地板似乎有些过于松动了。 old scholar then bends down, the clear moonlight, is putting out a hand to try to find out the moment. 老学者便俯身下去,就着清晰的月光,伸手摸索了片刻。 Quick, he lifts this floor. 很快,他就将这块地板掀开来。 Originally this is manufactures together specially, floor that can move. 原来这是一块特意制作,可以活动的地板。 But Cang Xu quick and disappointed. The underfloor is the tranquil sea water, other not things. 苍须很快又失望了。地板下面是平静的海水,并无其他东西。 However while he must close this floor time, he glimpsed a symbol. 不过正当他要合上这块地板的时候,他无意间瞥见了一个符号。 This symbol carves in the bottom surface of floor, probably carves with the blade directly. The symbol is very clear, probably a middle of U letter increases a straight pipe, the pipe across the U bottom, long extends. For the first time takes a quick look around, looks like a Jane/simple radical of fork. 这个符号刻在地板的底面,好像是用刀直接刻的。符号很清晰,像是一个U字母的中间增添一个笔直的竖线,竖线穿过U的底部,长长地延伸出去。乍一眼看去,就像是一个叉子的简笔画。 At this moment, the Cang Xu pupil shrinks fiercely. He is shocked, because he is world is rare, knowing one of the symbol special significance people! 这一刻,苍须瞳孔猛缩。他感到震惊,因为他就是世间少有的,知晓这个符号特殊意义的人之一! Do not move!” At this moment, a bright as snow dagger suddenly horizontally on the Cang Xu nape of the neck. “别动!”就在这时,一把雪亮的匕首忽然横在了苍须的脖颈上。 one person shape shadow in Cang Xu behind gradually appears. 一个人形黑影在苍须的身后逐渐显现出来。 Is bandits and thieves. 是一位盗贼。 I trigged him!” The bandits and thieves shout. “我制住他了!”盗贼喊道。 Obviously, he also has the partner. 显然,他还有同伙。 next moment, the front door was trampled. Another bandits and thieves are detaining Bai Ya, entered in the room. 下一刻,屋门被踹开。另一位盗贼押着白芽,走进了房中。 Although Bai Ya was trigged, but struggles vigorously, has not submitted. 白芽虽然被制住,但极力挣扎,并没有屈服。 Sends under escort his robber cold snort/hum, immediately with battle energy. 押解他的盗贼冷哼一声,立即用出斗气 battle energy crashes in the body of Bai Ya, immediately makes Bai Ya one miserable howling, the strength loses entirely suddenly, almost must fall to the ground weak. 斗气冲进白芽的身体里,顿时让白芽一身惨嚎,力气骤然丧尽,几乎要瘫软倒地。 Knows the limitation, brat. Made to kill you again!” His behind bandits and thieves threaten to say. “识相点,臭小子。再闹下去就把你杀了!”他身后的盗贼威胁道。 Is you.” Cang Xu the moonlight, is seeing Bai Ya behind bandits and thieves, wasn't successfully stealing his of purse in the tavern? “是你。”苍须就着月光,看到白芽身后的盗贼,不正是在酒馆里成功盗窃了他的钱袋的那位吗? Originally, this bandits and thieves, although the larceny failure, was thrown the tavern, but he has not actually given up. He is the member of bandits and thieves association, looked for an aid, has been staring at Cang Xu and other people. 原来,这位盗贼虽然偷窃失败,被扔出了酒馆,但是他却没有放弃。他是盗贼公会的成员,找来了一位援手,一直在盯着苍须等四人。 They are only two Bronze Rank bandits and thieves, originally they have no opportunity, the advantage that but traces manifested the Cang Xu four people to separate quickly. 他们只是两位青铜级别的盗贼,本来他们并没有什么机会,但是追踪下去的好处很快体现出来苍须四人分开来了。 Strongest Tripleblade and Lan Zao leave go far away, weakest Cang Xu and Bai Ya took another road. 最强的三刀蓝藻离开远去,最弱的苍须白芽走了另外一条路。 This dividing forces strategy, looked like in two bandits and thieves is stupid, but also made them very happy. 这种分兵策略,在两位盗贼看来是蠢极了,但同时也让他们十分高兴。 They with, see Cang Xu to enter Camber secretly, four also do not have others, then begins immediately. 他们偷偷地跟上来,看到苍须进入小船坞,四下又无其他人,便立即动手。 I have said that the opportunity always cares for these people who do not give up.” The bandits and thieves are suppressing Bai Ya, looked that is complacent to Cang Xu. “我说过的,机会总是眷顾不放弃的那些人。”盗贼压制着白芽,看向苍须洋洋得意。 Cang Xu heaves a deep sigh: Do not harm us, what do you want? I can give money.” 苍须摇头叹息:“不要伤害我们,你们想要什么?我可以给钱。” old scholar front bandits and thieves smiled immediately: Look, I had said this is a fat sheep!” 老学者面前的盗贼顿时笑了起来:“看吧,我说过这是一条肥羊!” next moment, Cang Xu hears his behind bandits and thieves to reply: Can drink the Bronze apple cider, naturally is the fat sheep.” 下一刻,苍须就听到他身后的盗贼答道:“能够喝得起青铜苹果酒的,自然是肥羊。” On the other hand.” A Cang Xu thread of conversation revolution, you kidnapped us, did not fear that our people do ask you to trouble? You know that who we are?” “话说回来。”苍须话锋一转,“你们绑架了我们,就不怕我们的人来找你麻烦吗?你们知道我们是谁吗?” Detains Bai Ya that bandits and thieves to say with a smile: You naturally are not the commission army corps. But that goblin, has perhaps been the mercenary. The people and person are different, although mingles among together, in my eyes, your origin is distinct.” 扣押白芽的那位盗贼笑道:“你们当然不是佣兵团。但那个地精,恐怕当过佣兵。人和人是不同的,尽管混迹在一起,在我的眼里,你们都来历分明。” Good that if I guess, your back backer should be some aristocrat. You are the aristocrat running dog!” “如果我猜的不错,你的背后靠山应该是某个贵族吧。你是贵族的走狗!” As for this young people, is only the pure rookie, was too tender.” “至于这个年轻人,只是纯粹一个新人而已,太嫩了。” Cang Xu nods: You guess actually good.” 苍须点头:“你猜的倒是不错。” The bandits and thieves were self-satisfied, he continues saying: I in new Tsukimori many years, recently in these 2-3 years the crecent moon harbor gradually had become different. In the surface seems like no, but actually I know, has the influence on extend here the tentacle secretly.” 盗贼更加得意了,他继续道:“我在新月镇已经很多年了,最近这2-3年里新月港口渐渐变得不一样了。表面上看上去没有什么,但其实我知道,暗地里已经有势力将触手伸到了这里。” Your back aristocrat should want to smuggle.” “你背后的贵族应该想要走私吧。” Therefore regarded as important here, wants to seek the sudden and huge profits through the navigation route.” “所以看重了这里,想要通过海上航线谋求暴利。” Therefore, you constructed the wharf , the dispatch personnel, want to mingle among the pirate in secret, sets up the relationship network.” “所以,你们建设了码头,又暗中派遣人员,想要混迹到海盗当中去,建立关系网。” No, your back influence not necessarily is human race. Hehe, possibly is elf in honeymoon forest. I have heard the hearsay, honeymoon elf king have wanted to return to the elf Saint hall, although does more and more greatly with the Empire trade, but the position of honeymoon forest actually slides year by year.” “不,你背后的势力不一定是人族。呵呵,也可能是蜜月森林中的精灵。我早就听到传闻,蜜月精灵王一直想要回归精灵圣厅,虽然和帝国的贸易做得越来越大,但蜜月森林的地位却逐年下滑。” Cang Xu cannot help laughing. 苍须哑然失笑。 At present this bandits and thieves very have the imagination. 眼前这个盗贼还是挺有想象力的。 The bandits and thieves know that Cang Xu this group of people want to infiltrate among the pirate group partner, this is not strange. Cang Xu inquires others 's information to the wineshop attendant, the wineshop attendant will also sell his information to others. 盗贼知道苍须这伙人想要混进海盗团伙当中,这并不奇怪。苍须向酒保打探他人的情报,酒保同样也会将他的情报售卖给其他人。 This is the information business. 这就是情报生意。 The vision of bandits and thieves is very accurate, to a certain extent, he saw Cang Xu, Bai Ya, Tripleblade and the others the details. 盗贼的目光很准,某种程度上,他看出了苍须白芽三刀等人的底细。 But he does not know, actually in secret the investment project crecent moon port, is actually the Empire navy. 但他并不知道,其实暗中投资建设新月港的,其实是帝国海军。 The Empire aspect must build a qualified secret supplies harbor here, convenient intelligence report duty conducts. 帝国方面要将这里打造成一个合格的秘密补给港口,方便谍报任务的进行。 The bandits and thieves said that in 2-3 years the crecent moon port gradually becomes different, this indicated that the Empire aspect advances the plan of secret port and harbor construction, has started 2-3 years ago. 盗贼所说“2-3年里新月港渐渐变得不一样”,这表明帝国方面推进秘密港口建设的计划,早在2-3年前就已经开始了。 The competition of pirate throne starts this year, but the Empire wise men have heard or forecast that occurrence of this situation, arranged the plan ahead of time. 海盗王座的竞争是在今年开始的,但帝国的智者们早就听到或者预测到这个情况的发生,提前布置了计划。 Holybright Empire is the world's first influence, not only its strong muscle, its intelligent mind, visionary vision. 圣明帝国之所以是世界第一势力,不只是它强硬的肌肉,还有它聪敏的头脑,富有远见的目光。 Although the speculation of bandits and thieves the result is wrong, but logically is the self consistent method. Pitifully only he is the floor, if the position is higher, receives a more secret message more, he should be able to guess correctly the correct answer. 盗贼的推测虽然结果错误,但逻辑上是自洽的。只可惜他属于底层,如果是地位更高一点,接收到更隐秘的消息更多一点,他应该能猜到正确的答案。 How many gold coins do you want? I coordinate you. I hope that you release me as soon as possible, because I carry the important matter.” Cang Xu sighed, compared with the loss of this sum of money, I delayed above to confess duty that the consequence was more serious. Moreover I must warn two, after two attain the ransom money, please leave this small town as soon as possible, try not to come back again.” “你们想要多少金币?我配合你们。我希望你们尽快释放我,因为我身负要务。”苍须叹息,“比起这笔钱的损失,我耽误了上面交代下来的任务,后果更加严重。另外我得告诫二位,二位拿到赎金之后,请尽快离开这个小镇,尽量不要再回来了。” Because of me, once the retrieval freedom, will certainly use the manpower and resources, issues a warrant for arrest two. Naturally, I really do not want to two disadvantage, but was my status decided I cannot lose face to my back aristocrat. Also please two coordinate, do not make me too awkward.” “因为我一旦重获自由,一定会动用人力物力,来通缉二位的。当然,我不是真的想对二位不利,而是我的身份决定了我不能给我背后的贵族丢脸。还请二位配合一下,不要让我太为难。” Hehe.” The bandits and thieves look the color of taunt, I know, aristocrat honor!” “呵呵呵。”盗贼面露嘲讽之色,“我知道,贵族的荣誉嘛!” Said that you want many ransom money. Can the character write, I can help you write the blackmail letter.” Cang Xu said. “说吧,你们要多少赎金。字会不会写,我可以帮你们来写勒索信。”苍须道。 Two bandits and thieves look at each other one, they have not thought of Cang Xu on to say like this, one of them probes the said/tunnel: That 100 gold coins?” 两位盗贼对视一眼,他们没有想到苍须这样上道,其中一人试探地道:“那就一百个金币?” Good.” Cang Xu nods to comply immediately. “好。”苍须立即点头答应。 Saw that he is like this simple, two bandits and thieves renege on a promise immediately: No, 200 gold coins.” 看到他这样干脆,两位盗贼顿时反悔:“不,两百个金币。” Cang Xu nods. 苍须点头。 300 gold coins, no, 500 gold coins!” The bandits and thieves renege on a promise again. “三百个金币,不,五百金币!”盗贼再次反悔。 Cang Xu shakes the head: 500 gold coins, were too few. Is inferior to the direct 1000 gold coins.” 苍须摇头:“五百个金币,太少了。不如直接一千金币吧。” In the bandits and thieves two people of eyes splits ** glow. 盗贼二人眼中绽**芒。 But the issue is, these 1000 gold coins can you take up?” Cang Xu said with a smile. “但问题是,这一千金币你们拿得起吗?”苍须笑道。 Two bandits and thieves become flushed, Cang Xu smiled taunt meaning too to be really strong. 两位盗贼勃然变色,苍须笑中的嘲讽意味实在太浓重了。 Old thing, making you suffer the hardship.” Detains the Cang Xu bandits and thieves to move the dagger. “老东西,让你吃吃苦头。”扣押苍须的盗贼拨动匕首。 next moment, the dagger jabs into the cheeks of Cang Xu, delimited a long wound on his face. 下一刻,匕首就刺进苍须的脸颊,在他的脸上划出了一道长长的伤口。 But the wound does not have the blood to flow out. 但伤口却毫无血液流出。 Moreover, from lacerating wound, the Cang Xu internal body is a pale color, no life vigor. 不仅如此,从割破的伤口来看,苍须的内部皮肉都是一片惨白之色,毫无生命的活力。 What thing are you?!” Two bandits and thieves are panic-stricken. “你是什么东西?!”两位盗贼惊恐起来。 Cang Xu is smiling, puts out a hand to touch own cheeks. He strokes the wound, holds back with the finger, a body that will cut open holds back to the original position. 苍须微笑着,伸出手来抚摸自己的脸颊。他抚摸伤口,用手指按压,将切开来的一层皮肉按压到原来的位置。 Then, other three people see the wound on Cang Xu face to heal rapidly. 然后,其他三人就看到苍须脸上的伤口迅速愈合。 Two bandits and thieves realized that is not right, wants to withdraw, spreads out with Cang Xu. 两位盗贼意识到不对了,想要后撤,和苍须拉开距离。 But at this time, they realized, oneself could not have moved. 但这个时候,他们才意识到,自己已经动弹不得。 A coldness of being hard spoken language, froze their soul. 一股难以言语的寒冷,冻结了他们的灵魂。 You, you and you!” “你、你、你!” Forgives and forgives!” “饶命、饶命啊!” Two people complexion twists, begs for mercy crazily. 两人脸色扭曲,疯狂求饶。 Cang Xu actually starts to recite. 苍须却开始吟唱。 After more than ten breath, his spell displays, the souls of two bandits and thieves were forced to extract, but their human bodies fell on the floor. 十几个呼吸之后,他的法术施展出来,两位盗贼的灵魂被强制抽出,而他们的肉体都倒在了地板上。 You are dead spirit Mage!” The souls of two bandits and thieves screamed with one voice. “你是亡灵法师!”两位盗贼的灵魂齐声尖叫。
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