EB :: Volume #2

#15: Mermaid tavern

The crecent moon port for new Tsukimori all, it to the flying fish channel, backs on the honeymoon forest. 新月港为新月镇所有,它面向飞鱼海峡,背靠蜜月森林。 The honeymoon forest is in Holybright Empire the biggest elf autonomous territory, the elf king is very early surrenders to Emperor Holybright. Emperor Holybright is divided into marquis Empire it. 蜜月森林是圣明帝国中最大的精灵自治的领地,精灵王很早就向圣明大帝投诚。圣明大帝将其分为帝国侯爵。 In the honeymoon forest is bountiful, what is most famous is the moon spring water. Drinks this spring water, can supplement magic in within the body rapidly. Words that drinks for a long time, but can also raise the upper limit of magic reserve. 蜜月森林中物产丰富,其中最出名的是月亮泉水。饮用这种泉水,可以迅速补充体内的魔力。长期饮用的话,还能够提高自身魔力储备的上限。 The elf of survival in forest, is maintaining the scale huge trade with Holybright Empire year to year. However new Tsukimori does not undertake the function of trade center, although it next to this piece of vast forest. 生存在森林中的精灵,常年和圣明帝国保持着规模巨大的贸易。不过新月镇不承担贸易枢纽的作用,尽管它就紧挨着这片广袤的森林。 The one who undertakes the trade center is color Shan Town, this town is located above the mountain, Empire makes huge investment builds. Between the exact location and new Tsukimori, happen to are away from the honeymoon forest. 承担贸易枢纽的是彩山镇,这个镇子位于高山之上,帝国投入巨资打造。具体位置和新月镇之间,正好隔着蜜月森林。 Color Shan Town has the well-known Empire airport. Year to year has the airship, hot-air balloon, the lion vulture and spatial whale contact, particularly every year in March/three months, in September, various flight mounts and tools seem like the bird group to circle and take off and land in the sky of color Shan Town. 彩山镇拥有闻名帝国的空港。常年都有飞艇、热气球、狮鹫、空鲸往来,尤其是每年的三月、九月,各类飞行坐骑、工具像是鸟群在彩山镇的天空盘旋、起降。 With is more convenient, compared with a development more perfect air route, new Tsukimori the competitiveness of navigation route was too weak. 和更便捷,开发更完善的空中航线相比,新月镇的海上航线的竞争力就太弱了。 New Tsukimori also has no special product, but its development also relies on the honeymoon forest. 新月镇本身也没有什么特产,但它的发展也依赖蜜月森林。 Different with color Shan Town, new Tsukimori relies on is not the trade, but time is the honeymoon forest every year beast tide. 只是和彩山镇不同,新月镇依赖的不是贸易,而是蜜月森林每年一次的兽潮。 The beast tide is the crisis is also the opportunity. 兽潮是危机也是机遇。 The mercenary trade union and bandits and thieves trade union construct the branch here, the super commission army corps also established here in the managing place, hunting for the group is here patron. Sometimes can also see Mage and scholar. These days around to the beast tide, is the new Tsukimori busiest time. 佣兵工会、盗贼工会在这里建设分会,超级佣兵团也在这里设置了驻办处,捕猎团是这里的常客。有时候还能见到魔法师、学者。到了兽潮发生前后的这段时间,是新月镇最繁忙的时候。 The mermaid tavern is new Tsukimori is biggest is also the oldest tavern. 美人鱼酒馆是新月镇最大也是最老的酒馆。 Reason that is biggest oldest , because in entire town only then its such tavern. 之所以是最大最老的,是因为整个镇子上就只有它这样一座酒馆。 In tavern noisy, brilliantly illuminated. 酒馆内吵吵嚷嚷,灯火通明。 The wineshop attendant's wipe clean after the bar wine glass. 酒保在吧台后擦拭着酒杯。 A male recited Poet roaming to sing the song on the stage. The song lively rhythm, is permeated with the rich tropical charm. 一位男性吟游诗人在台上唱着歌曲。歌曲节奏明快,洋溢着浓郁的热带风情。 At this time, the gate of bar was shoved open suddenly. 这时,酒吧的门被忽然推开。 Four people rush travel-worn, captured the attention of many. 四个人风尘仆仆地闯了进来,吸引了不少人的目光。 What lead is a human race man, is well-built, hair withered and yellow, Bronze aura is rich. 领头的是一位人族男子,体格健壮,头发枯黄,青铜气息浓郁深厚。 What afterward is goblin, is hoodwinking the face with the black arrange/cloth turban, carries long sword. 随后的是一位地精,用黑色的布巾蒙着脸面,身后背着一把长剑 Later is a senior citizen, the whole face wrinkle, the stature is plump, wears giant eyeglasses. Beard of black and white interaction handled is very good. 再之后是一位老年人,满脸皱纹,身材肥硕,戴着一副巨大的眼镜。黑白相间的胡须被打理的很好。 Finally is young people, the look is ordinary, somewhat is evidently anxious. 最后是一位年轻人,相貌普通,看样子有些紧张。 Four people across the liquor tables, arrive at the bar directly. 四人穿过一个个酒桌,径直来到吧台。 The one who starts talking is middle old man, his voice is hoarse, first complained one: This damn mountain road.” 开口说话的是当中的老者,他声音沙哑,先是抱怨了一句:“这该死的山路。” Afterward sits the high foot wooden chair, is knocking the desktop of bar, asked: What nice wine your does here have?” 随后一屁股坐上高脚木椅,敲着吧台的桌面,问道:“你这里有什么好酒?” The wineshop attendant put down in the hand the wipe clean wine glass: Guest, our signboard is the Bronze apple cider. The material of wine-making is from honeymoon forest center a Bronze apple tree in city. The guests should know the copper apple, the iron apple, the silver apple and even the gold/metal apple?” 酒保放下手中擦拭的酒杯:“客人,我们这里的招牌是青铜苹果酒。酿酒的材料取自蜜月森林最中心的城市中的一棵青铜苹果树。客人应该知道铜苹果、铁苹果、银苹果乃至金苹果的吧?” The old men raise the brow slightly, reveals color of the accident/surprise. 老者微微扬起眉头,露出一丝意外之色。 These apples are not ordinary, belong to magic plant, contains marvelous magic. Long-term edible, can make the corresponding rank extraordinary increase background, urges own strength rapid growth. But a more essential effect, is works as extraordinary situated in life peak level, actually falls into the bottleneck temporarily, is unable to break through. Then this extraordinary can choose the edible high-grade apple, helping oneself break through smoothly. 这些苹果并不普通,属于魔植,蕴含着奇妙的魔力。长期食用,能让相应等级的超凡者增加底蕴,促使自身的实力迅猛增长。而更关键的作用,是当一位超凡者处于生命巅峰层次,却暂时陷入瓶颈,无法突破的时候。那么这位超凡者可以选择食用更高等级的苹果,帮助自己顺利突破。 These magic apples are in the honeymoon forest the most precious foreign trade goods. As for the moon spring water, is a sacred object of elf clan, never sells publicly. 这些魔法苹果是蜜月森林中最珍贵的对外贸易物品。至于月亮泉水,是精灵一族的圣物,从来不公开售卖。 The old men smile: That gives me to come to one cup of Bronze apple bars. Others come to select the beer.” 老者笑了笑:“那就给我来一杯青铜苹果酒吧。其他人都来点啤酒。” One cup of Bronze apple cider gold coins. Other beer altogether 18 copper coin.” The wineshop attendant are smiling, he detects life aura of average person from the body of old man, urged, elderly man try not to drink.” “一杯青铜苹果酒一个金币。其他的啤酒一共十八个铜币。”酒保微笑着,他从老者的身上之察觉到普通人的生命气息,又劝道,“老人家还是尽量不要多喝。” The old men pulled out two gold coins from the bosom directly, places on the bar, presses the gold coin with two fingers the surface, then pushes to the wineshop attendant slowly: Said something new to me.” 老者直接从怀中掏出了两个金币,放在吧台上,用两个手指摁住金币的表面,然后缓缓推给酒保:“给我说点新鲜事吧。” Therefore, the wineshop attendant understood, the extra money is the information expense that the old man pays. 于是,酒保了解了,多余的钱是老者付出的情报费用。 If you want to inquire that the matter of beast tide, I must tell you, you came early.” “如果你们想打听兽潮的事情,那我得告诉你们,你们来早了。” Not.” The old men shake the head, said the ship to me.” “不不不。”老者摇头,“跟我说说船。” He lowered some sounds slightly, added: Ship that I finger/refer, is not a merchant ship, is not a warship.” 他略微压低了一些声音,补充道:“我指的船,不是商船,也不是军舰。” In the wineshop attendant eyes the fine glow flashes, also lowered the sound: The time that you come is very skillful. Recently in these days, will have a good opportunity. At least two ships, will anchor to the wharf conduct a lot of supplies. But do these two ships receive the person, I do not know.” 酒保眼中精芒一闪,也同样压低了声音:“那你来的时间很巧。最近这几天里,就会有一个好机会。至少有两艘船,会停靠到码头进行大量的补给。但这两艘船收不收人,我就不知道了。” Two ships? What is?” The old men closely examine. “两艘船?都是什么样的?”老者追问。 They are one group. The specific situation I am not quite clear, but is very strong. The captains of two ships are the Silver Rank experts. But it is said that among this pirate group partner does not have two Silver Rank extraordinary!” “他们是一伙的。具体的情况我不太清楚,但很强。两艘船的船长都是白银级别的高手。而据说,这个海盗团伙当中不只有两位白银级别超凡者!” Old man doubts: Which side troops is? Two captains? Is a small-scale alliance?” 老者疑惑:“到底是哪方人马?两个船长?是一个小型联盟吗?” The wineshop attendant shake the head: This I was not quite clear.” 酒保摇头:“这我就不太清楚了。” The old men put out a gold coin. 老者又拿出一枚金币。 But the wineshop attendant refuses to accept. 但酒保拒收。 This made the old man understand, was not the wineshop attendant does not want to collect this money, but was only stops in this that he knew. 这让老者明白了,不是酒保不想收这个钱,而是他知道的仅止于此。 But the old man pushes to the wineshop attendant the gold coin directly: „Do I want to embark, what method have?” 但老者还是径直地将金币推向酒保:“我想上船,有什么门路吗?” The wineshop attendant sighed, shook the head: Does not have the method. This is their first docking. But I think, your opportunity is very big. This group of troops have experienced a war, although defeated, but opponent but gold fighter. It is said that they lost a ship, the loss of personnel could be imagined.” 酒保叹息一声,摇头:“没有门路。这是他们第一次停靠。但我想,你们机会很大。这批人马经历过一场大战,虽然战败了,但对手可是黄金斗者。据说他们损失了一艘船,人员的损失可想而知。” The old men look to three companion one eyes, he understands immediately: The pirate group partner who the wineshop attendant refer to is Knight youngster, Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui this fleet. 老者看向三位同伴一眼,他顿时明白:酒保所指的海盗团伙就是骑士少年鬃戈一身灰这支船队。 The old men are not others, is Cang Xu. 老者不是别人,正是苍须 Other three people respectively are Lan Zao, Tripleblade and Bai Ya. 其余三人分别是蓝藻三刀白芽 Although Knight youngster captured 006, achieved the cooperation with Empire initially, obtained the magic contract. But this time, they are go in person the Empire harbor to conduct the supplies. 虽然骑士少年俘虏了006,也初步和帝国达成合作,得到了魔法契约。但这一次,他们是亲赴帝国的海港进行补给。 Knight youngster this will certainly not go directly, if the Monster Bewildering Island truth did expose? If by some chance the Empire aspect does want to lure and kill the pirate? 骑士少年当然不会就这样直接前去,万一迷怪岛的真相暴露了呢?万一帝国方面想要诱杀海盗呢? Therefore, Knight youngster ordered, Cang Xu and the others to advance landing, nosing. But he himself leads the fleet, anchors on own initiative on the nameless island conducts the supplies, strove to investigate the time that to Cang Xu and the others. 所以,骑士少年下令,让苍须等人先行登陆,查探情况。而他自己则率领船队,主动停靠在无名小岛上进行补给,给苍须等人争取侦查的时间。 Cang Xu and the others rode Sea Monster first step to arrive at the crecent moon port, gradually changed the appearance using the method, arrived at the mermaid tavern inquiry news. 苍须等人乘坐深海怪鱼号先一步来到了新月港,利用手段稍微改变了模样,来到了美人鱼酒馆打探消息。 Empire has- liquor that very well a proverb said cannot invent anything, but the liquor can shake to reveal the secret. 帝国有一句谚语说的很好-酒不能发明什么,但酒能抖露出秘密来。 Therefore, the tavern is always inquires the information the good place. 所以,酒馆历来就是打探情报的上佳场所。 Inquired the news that own gang must come to supply, worry in Cang Xu heart vanished the larger part. 打听到自家团伙要来补给的消息,苍须心中的担忧消失了一大半。 The news has passed on, the Empire aspect sets the trap to lure and kill their probabilities immediately changes small. 消息已经传出来了,帝国方面设置陷阱诱杀他们的概率立即变小很多。 Because compares to lure and kill several Silver Rank pirates, the Empire prestige is more important. 因为相比诱杀几位白银级别的海盗,帝国的信誉更加重要。 Information obtained from 006 there, Cang Xu is very clear: Holybright Empire has the big plan regarding pirate god throne. 从006那里得到的情报,苍须很清楚:圣明帝国对于海盗神座有大计划。 Therefore, Empire not for only several silver pirates, drop like this big plan. 因此,帝国不会为了区区几个白银海盗,就放弃这样的大计划。 Why passes on as for the news? 至于消息为什么传出来? Actually is also very simple. 其实也很简单。 Empire must provide the supplies, will involve the personnel movement and commodity to transfer surely. But in certain supplies of Knight youngster request, there is a specially giant utensil. 帝国要提供补给,必定会牵扯到人员调动、物资调动。而骑士少年要求的某些补给中,又有特别巨大的器物。 These things cannot conceal the truth. 这些东西是瞒不住的。 So long as involves the personnel, naturally has the relevant information to spread. 只要当中涉及到人员,自然就有相关情报流传出去。 Naturally, but inquires in the information also by far insufficient, following plan, Cang Xu they must go night to search the wharf. 当然,只是打探情报还远远不够,接下来的计划中,苍须他们还要去夜探码头。 But now time also less than late at night. 但现在时间还不到深夜。 Cang Xu and the others still stayed in the tavern, inquires other information, while waits for the time to be mature. 苍须等人仍旧留在了酒馆中,一边打探其他情报,一边等待时机成熟。 The business of tavern is good, has the guest to come in unceasingly. 酒馆的生意非常好,不断有客人进来。 The mermaid tavern is not big, quick, here becomes noisier and crowded. 美人鱼酒馆并不大,很快,这里就变得更加嘈杂和拥挤。 Cang Xu and the others had left the bar, sits by a table in corner. 苍须等人已经离开了吧台,坐在角落里的一张桌子旁。 A black hair tall thin man hit Cang Xu. 一个黑发高瘦的男子撞了一下苍须 Sorry!” “抱歉!” He lifted the hand to hint, turned around to walk. 他抬手示意了一下,转身就走。 But Tripleblade acts suddenly, its holds all of a sudden, strikes fiercely, him is knocked down. 三刀忽然出手,一下子将其抓住,猛地一击,就将他击倒在地。 The men cover the belly, is moaning painfully. 男子捂住肚子,痛苦地呻吟着。 Tripleblade however bosom from him leisurely pulls out the purse, before putting the Cang Xu table . 三刀施施然地从他怀中掏出钱袋,放到苍须的桌前。 Sees own purse, Cang Xu reveals the astonished color. 看到自己的钱袋,苍须露出惊愕之色。 Thief!” Bai Ya called out. “小偷!”白芽叫道。 I come.” Lan Zao sets out, a collar that holds the man, drags to entrain to the bar entrance, then opens the door, threw this thief directly. “我来吧。”蓝藻起身,一把抓住男子的衣领,一路拖拽到酒吧门口,然后推开门,将这小偷直接扔了出去。 Because of this accident, in the tavern the noisy sound was smaller, but restores at once such as beginning. 因为这个变故,酒馆中嘈杂的声音小了一些,但旋即又恢复如初。 Cang Xu calmly is listening attentively in the corner. 苍须在角落里静静地倾听着。 In the words of these alcoholics often disclosed many information. 这些酒客的话中常常透露出许多信息。 He heard the information related to oneself this pedestrian fruitfully. After The Pig's Kiss vanishes mystically, Templar Knight Regiment, Holybright Church and Hundred Needles family send people to search the period of time. After searching is fruitless, the search-and-rescue team abolished, related Zhen Jin, Jia Sha and the others the looking for missing people lists have posted the cities of coastal places. 他如愿以偿地听到了有关自己这行人的情报。猪吻号神秘消失之后,圣殿骑士团圣明教派百针家族都派人搜索过一阵子。搜索无果之后,搜救队就撤销了,有关针金痂沙等人的寻人榜单都已经张贴到了沿海各处的城市。 In the list has their portraits, labelled rich bounty. 榜单上有他们的画像,同时也标注了一份丰厚的赏金 Cang Xu was not worried. 苍须并不担心。 This situation early as he expected, in the meantime, Zhen Jin and Jia Sha, although very early contacted with Yi Shenhui and the others. However their appearances also passed through changed/easy appearance/allow of certain extent, differs big with the original appearance. 这个情况早在他的意料当中,同时,针金痂沙虽然很早就和一身灰等人接触。但是他们的模样也经过了一定程度的易容,和本来面貌相差不小。 What is main is Knight youngster Baihe River battle energy. This battle energy is common, is not hundred needles battle energy. Therefore is very difficult to make one associate to go both together. 最主要的还是骑士少年的白河斗气。这种斗气非常普遍,并非百针斗气。因此很难让人将两者联想到一起去。 Really is the splendid story!” Bai Ya said after a sigh suddenly. “真是精彩的故事!”白芽忽然感叹道。 Cang Xu gawked. 苍须愣了一下。 Bai Ya is pointing at recitation Poet roaming in tavern stage: You did not feel the story that he recited, was very splendid?” 白芽指着酒馆舞台上的吟游诗人:“你们不觉得他吟诵的这个故事,很精彩吗?” Cang Xu gawked, his attention continuously centralized in other alcoholics' talks, neglects the music that always had actually. 苍须愣了一下,他的注意力一直集中在其他酒客的谈话中,倒是忽略了一直以来就存在的音乐。 Recitation Poet roaming in stage is playing the lyre, another coordinates his person to blow the flageolet. 舞台上的吟游诗人弹奏着里拉琴,另外一位配合他的人则吹着竖笛。 Poetry that he recited, was the form of typical heroic epic. What told was several warriors discovers the evil believer, and restrained according to the law it, protects the story of townspeople. 他吟诵的诗歌,是典型的英雄史诗的格式。讲述的是几位勇士发现邪教徒,并将其绳之以法,保护镇民的故事。 The Cang Xu itself/Ben thinks little, but the ending of poetry, recited Poet roaming actually by the praise tone, revealed the names of these warriors. They impressively are the mayor and guard in team captain and church priest this small town, even the owner in mermaid tavern. 苍须本不以为意,但诗歌的结尾,吟游诗人却以赞颂的口吻,吐露出这几位勇士的姓名。他们赫然是这座小镇中的镇长、卫兵队长、教堂牧师,甚至还有美人鱼酒馆的主人。 Originally this is the matter that has.” Bai Ya exclaimed in surprise. “原来这是真实发生的事情啊。”白芽惊叹。 The surrounding alcoholic is not accidental/surprised. This music they listened many, becomes accustomed to early. 周围酒客却不意外。这个乐曲他们听了很多遍,早习以为常。 Cang Xu lowers the head hastily, conceals own changing countenance. He heard the more information of concerned evil believer, the music ending exposed his evil belief- charm blue god! 苍须连忙低下头,掩饰自己的动容。他听到了有关邪教徒的更多情报,乐曲结尾揭露出他邪恶的信仰-魅蓝神!
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