DMWG :: Volume #39

#3813: Takes the life as stake

Withdraws!” “退后!” Releases the day to call out along with the emperor, nine dragons Buddha, first Buddha, Buddha Long Xiang and diamond Buddha, performs all retreat to go, the emperor releases the day is similar to together vault of heaven phantom, arrives, divine might is unparalleled, unrivaled. 伴随着帝释天的一声暴喝,九龙浮屠,一世浮屠,龙象浮屠与金刚浮屠,尽皆后退而去,帝释天如同一道天穹虚影,降临而下,神威盖世,举世无双 Skyscraping palm!” “摩天掌!” The emperor releases the day a palm to make, heaven and earth trembles, the wind and cloud changes countenance, the myriad things roared. 帝释天一掌打出,天地震颤,风云变色,万物咆哮。 The Jiang Chen horizontal blade immediately, the hand grasps Heavenly Dragon Sword, a sword chops, sword 24 from but in all directions, easily accomplished, releases day being in charge to interweave with the emperor quite the same as, at that moment, the Jiang Chen's complexion also changes, backs up to go, very distressed, even if there is body of Dragon Transformation, the Ancient Soaring Dragon Technique in addition holds, Jiang Chen as before is not expert of Venerable Emperor rank, but the emperor releases the day, has actually achieved Venerable Emperor peak, the terrifying strength, fills between Heaven and Earth, letting the person is unable to contend. 江尘横刀立马,手握天龙剑,一剑劈出,剑24从四面八方而至,摧枯拉朽,与帝释天的掌印浑然交织,那一刻,江尘的脸色也随之而变,倒退而去,十分的狼狈,即便是有着龙变之身,上古龙腾术的加持,江尘依旧不是帝尊级别的高手,而帝释天,却已经达到了帝尊巅峰,恐怖的力量,弥漫天地之间,让人无从抗衡。 Little Chen!” 小尘子!” Husband!” “夫君!” Wu Ningzhu and Yan Qingcheng and the others, mentioned the throat the heart, Jiang Chen has made an effort the skills, but at this time, being hard made the emperor release the day to withdraw as before Half Step. 舞凝竹燕倾城等人,都是把心提到了嗓子眼儿,江尘已经是使劲了浑身解数,但是这个时候,却依旧难以让帝释天退后半步 The Jiang Chen tooth fastens to nip, a blood spouts, but look incomparable gloomy and cold, has not dreaded the slightest bit as before. 江尘牙关紧咬,一口鲜血喷出,不过眼神依旧无比的阴冷,不曾畏惧半分。 Emperor releases the day, rolls to me!” “帝释天,给我滚!” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk flies high, powerful attacks, in hand obscure Buddha sect Yinjue, makes one after another, appears, understands thoroughly Nine Heavens. 霸者和尚凌空而起,强势出击,手中晦涩的佛宗印诀,接连打出,横空出世,洞彻九天 rubs scolds the big hand imprint!” “摩诃摩罗大手印!” Buddha has a new lease of life now, the memory of previous also completely fused with Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, the Buddha sect method, performs to understand clearly in chest/heart, rubs scolded the big hand imprint, precisely his past unsurpassed unique skill, although the present strength displays, the might fell short greatly, but also was the incomparable powerful. 佛陀如今重获新生,前一世的记忆也已经完全与霸者和尚相融合,佛宗手段,尽了然于胸,摩诃摩罗大手印,正是他当年的无上绝技,虽然如今的实力施展出来,威力大打折扣,但是亦是无比的强势。 The emperor releases day expression to congeal, the hand grasps the heavy blows, attacks once again, scolds the big hand imprint facing the rubs of Buddha, does not dare to neglect, after all this was the special skill of past Buddha. 帝释天神色一凝,手握重拳,再度出击,面对佛陀的摩诃摩罗大手印,也是不敢怠慢,毕竟这可是当年佛陀的看家本领。 Infinite Buddha rhyme, fills the vault of heaven dreadfully, Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk has put forth the skills, obstructed the day hand imprint, golden light was radiant, but in the emperor released the day under the heavy blows, among the flashes, changed into the intermittent luminous spot unexpectedly, the dissemination and void between. 无穷的佛韵滔天而起,弥漫天穹,霸者和尚更是已经使出了浑身解数,遮天手印,金光璀璨,可是在帝释天的重拳之下,竟然一霎那之间,就是化为了阵阵光点,弥散与虚空之间。 Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk flying upside down goes, is without change with Jiang Chen, performs is all released the day to compel to draw back by the emperor, very distressed. 霸者和尚倒飞而去,与江尘一般无二,尽皆是被帝释天逼退,十分的狼狈。 Everyone at heart quite dignified, Jiang Chen and Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk is repulsed one after another, the complexion is ugly, the situation is worrying, the emperor releases the day is similar to the unparalleled crazy demon is common, keeps Jiang Chen from resisting radically. 每个人的心里都是相当的凝重,江尘霸者和尚接连败退,脸色难看,处境堪忧,帝释天如同盖世狂魔一般,根本让江尘无法抵御。 You walk first, Little Chen, here has me to withstand/top, the person who he wants is I!” “你先走,小尘子,这里有我顶着,他想要的人是我!” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk sends away the rewards and punishment, clenches the teeth to say. 霸者和尚屏退奖惩,咬紧牙关说道。 Fart, today I do not die with this bastard bastard surely continuous.” “放屁,今日我必定与这混蛋王八蛋不死不休。” Jiang Chen does not pay attention to Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk completely, but Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk knows, they any opportunity, the emperor had not released the day this venerable/true body is really too formidable, initially released the day for Emperor obliterate reading of soul, their two have put forth the skills, now wants to suppress the emperor to release the day difficultly such as to ascend to heaven. 江尘完全不理会霸者和尚,但是霸者和尚知道,他们已经没有任何的机会了,帝释天的本尊实在是太强大了,当初为了抹杀帝释天的一道灵魂之念,他们两个就已经使出了浑身解数,现在想要压制住帝释天难如登天。 Your nobody can live is leaving here. Naturally, Buddha is an exception, because the demon ancestor wants your Golden Body, in addition is him to use, Hahaha.” “你们没有人能够活着离开这里。当然,佛陀是个例外,因为魔祖要你的金身,另作他用,哈哈哈。” The emperor releases the day a face proudly, is similar to looked that is ordinary to the ants, looks at Jiang Chen. 帝释天一脸傲然,如同看向蝼蚁一般,看着江尘 „To kill me, you did not have this skill.” “想杀我,你还没这个本事。” The Jiang Chen look is sharp, murderous aura is steaming. 江尘眼神犀利,杀气腾腾。 Sword!” “剑来!” The Jiang Chen palm moves, the wind sound/rumor howls, 108 peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool, all appear above void, all people are the complexion are startled change, 108 peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool, this was really too terrifying, even if were four big Buddha, was the complexion is ugly. 江尘手掌一动,风声呼啸而起,108柄巅峰混元宝器,全部出现在虚空之上,所有人都是脸色惊变,108柄巅峰混元宝器,这实在是太恐怖了,即便是四大浮屠,也都是脸色难看。 I thought that you can play to play tricks.” “我看你能玩出什么花样来。” The emperor releases day expression to be rigorous, but the Jiang Chen's strength after all was too weak, at this time he wanted to oppose with himself, completely was the wishful thinking, even if had the formation in addition to hold, over a hundred Primal Origin Treasure Tool, how that can? 帝释天神色严谨,不过江尘的实力毕竟还是太弱了,这个时候他想要跟自己作对,完全是痴心妄想,即便是有阵法加持,上百柄混元宝器,那又能如何? Boils to me!” “给我滚开!” The emperor releases the day to angrily roar, is in charge the fluttering, the imposing manner is dreadful, in the wink of an eye, Jiang Chen's Asura Sword Formation, has covered entirely completely void, the emperor releases the day to run away, destroys Asura Sword Formation, is hard to achieve completely, even if Venerable Emperor peak he, facing this sword formation that becomes by 108 peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool gatherings, is unable as before instantaneous to break the formation. 帝释天怒吼一声,掌印翻飞,气势滔天,瞬息之间,江尘的修罗剑阵,已经是完全布满了虚空,帝释天想要逃出来,摧毁修罗剑阵,完全难以做到,即便是帝尊巅峰的他,面对这由108柄巅峰混元宝器汇聚而成的剑阵,依旧无法瞬间破阵 A little meaning.” “有点意思。” The emperor releases the day look to narrow the eyes, sneers was saying, gathers along with Jiang Chen's Asura Sword Formation gradually, sword formation operates completely, Jiang Chen's expression is also gloomy and cold even more, wanting the emperor to release the day to strangle to death completely here, Jiang Chen also set firm resolve. 帝释天眼神微眯,冷笑着说道,伴随着江尘的修罗剑阵逐渐汇聚而成,剑阵完全运行起来,江尘的神色也是越发的阴冷,想要将帝释天完全绞杀在这里,江尘也是下定了决心。 terrifying sword qi, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the fluttering, in between Heaven and Earth, the alternation, at that moment, the emperor has released the day to feel that enormous shock, Jiang Chen just trivial Emperor Realm middle stage, is this Asura Sword Formation, actually gave him this Venerable Emperor peak strength to bring the enormous trouble. 一道道恐怖剑气,纵横翻飞,在天地之间,穿插而过,那一刻,帝释天已经感觉到了极大的震撼,江尘只不过区区帝境中期而已,可是这修罗剑阵,却给他这个帝尊巅峰的实力都是带来了极大的麻烦。 However this Asura Sword Formation needs to control 108 peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool, strength huge that extremely needs to consume, even less than ten breath time, has consumed the Jiang Chen one-third physical strengths. 不过这修罗剑阵需要掌控108柄巅峰混元宝器,需要耗费的力量极其的庞大,甚至不足十息时间,就已经消耗了江尘1的体力。 The emperor releases the day to stagger step by step, in Asura Sword Formation, is step by step disorderly, complexion extremely gloomy, this terrifying sword qi, is erupted by Primal Origin Treasure Tool completely, moreover peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool , to continue, if was unable to be separated from this sword formation in the hemiprism fragrant time, the emperor releases god knows, oneself will die surely here, exhausts the physical strength. 帝释天步步踉跄,在修罗剑阵之中,步步凌乱,脸色极为的阴沉,这恐怖剑气,全部都是由混元宝器爆发而出的,而且还是巅峰混元宝器,持续下去,如果在半柱香的时间里还无法脱离出这剑阵的话,帝释天知道,自己必定会死在这里,耗尽体力的。 However at this moment, Jiang Chen also somewhat has lacked very much the ability to do what one would like obviously, the hemiprism fragrant time, he cannot insist absolutely, even if 30 breaths, regarding Jiang Chen, extremely difficult. 不过这一刻,江尘很显然也已经有些力不从心,半柱香的时间,他是万万坚持不到的,即便是30息,对于江尘来说,都是极其的艰难。 However Jiang Chen does not have the least bit to idle, at least must its heavy losses, be able to relieve hate of own heart, this conceited fellow, was stranded in own Asura Sword Formation, as before is difficult! 但是江尘却没有半点懈怠,至少也要将其重创,才能够解除自己的心头之恨,这个狂妄自大的家伙,被困在自己的修罗剑阵之中,依旧是寸步难行! Bastard!” “混蛋!” The emperor releases day complexion incomparable Yan Jun (severe), in this Asura Sword Formation, he may anytime by obliterate, this Jiang Chen, simply is a lunatic, ten breath time have exhausted he about half physical strength, insist are longer, regarding Jiang Chen, are enormous tallying, will possibly overdraw his body, send in the place of consigned to eternal damnation him. 帝释天脸色无比严峻,在这修罗剑阵之中,他随时都有可能被抹杀,这个江尘,简直就是个疯子,十息时间就已经耗尽了他近半的体力,坚持的越久,对于江尘而言,也是极大的符合,甚至可能会透支掉他的身体,将他送入万劫不复之地。 Therefore regarding Jiang Chen, this war, is makes stake with his life at this moment, is in order to suppresses the emperor to release the day. 所以此时此刻对于江尘来说,这一战,乃是拿他自己的生命做赌注,就是为了能够镇压帝释天。 „To massacre me, you do not match, does not match!” “想要杀掉我,你不配,不配!” The emperor releases the day the roar to reverberate unceasingly above the horizon, all people are hold the breath with rapt attention, Jiang Chen's Asura Sword Formation was extremely formidable, any peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool, is Emperor Realm expert yearn for something even in one's dreams, even released the day to say including the emperor of Venerable Emperor rank, these many divine weapon treasure, somewhat were shocking including him, over a hundred peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool wanted to control, was the matter that was almost impossible to complete, but Jiang Chen has achieved, moreover Asura Sword Formation will be the emperor will release the day to compel in the hopeless situation directly. 帝释天的吼声不断回荡在天际之上,所有人都是屏息凝神,江尘的修罗剑阵太过于强大了,任何一柄巅峰混元宝器,都是帝境强者梦寐以求的,甚至连帝尊级别的帝释天都不得不说,这么多的神兵宝器,连他都有些震惊,上百柄巅峰混元宝器想要掌控,也是一个几乎不可能完成的事情,但是江尘做到了,而且修罗剑阵更是直接将帝释天逼到了绝境之中。
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