DMWG :: Volume #39

#3814: Buddha and demon, only in 1 read

The Jiang Chen's strength is retreating step by step, because this Asura Sword Formation was too greatly was too big regarding his strength consumption, made him be hard to withstand radically, in an instant, but 20 breaths time, but above will be void the emperor to release the day, has compelled in the hopeless situation. 江尘的实力在一步步退却,因为这修罗剑阵对于他的实力消耗实在是太大太大了,根本让他难以承受,转眼之间,不过20息的时间,但是却将虚空之上的帝释天,也已经逼到了绝境之中。 This, is a focus of public attention, countless people are admire, looks up to the emperor to release day and Jiang Chen, these two people look like two brilliance incomparable Sun are ordinary, that type of radiant radiance, makes anybody shrink back at the sight sufficiently. 这一幕,万众瞩目,无数人都是高山仰止,仰望着帝释天与江尘,这两个人就像是两个光耀无比的太阳一般,那种璀璨的光华,足以让任何人望而却步。 Little Chen possibly could not insist that was too long.” 小尘子可能坚持不了太久了。” The Big Yellow sinking sound said, the complexion is dignified, feels the Jiang Chen's strength to regress unceasingly, suppressed strength that he can erupt, is the futile attempt. 大黄沉声说道,脸色凝重,感受着江尘的实力不断退步,他能够爆发出来的压制力,已经是杯水车薪。 Big Yellow understands Jiang Chen compared with anybody, at this time he was difficult the technique of backfill, Asura Sword Formation can release the day to compel the emperor to this step, already was beyond the expectations of all people. 大黄比任何人都了解江尘,这个时候他已经难有回填之术了,修罗剑阵能够将帝释天逼至这一步,已然是出乎了所有人的预料。 That what to do?” “那怎么办?” The Yan Qingcheng look is dignified, worry of ten points, all females, silently are hoping, the eye is looking at Jiang Chen, wishes one could to shoulder this to strike for Jiang Chen, but both sides evenly matched , the emperor releases the day to be forced by Asura Sword Formation unceasingly, in an extremely difficult situation, if Jiang Chen can insist, no doubt can make the emperor release the day to obey, but feared that feared Jiang Chen could not insist. 燕倾城眼神凝重,十分的担忧,所有的女子,都是默默的期盼着,眼望着江尘,恨不得替江尘去扛下这一击,但是双方势均力敌之下,帝释天被修罗剑阵不断逼迫,狼狈不堪,如果江尘能够坚持下去,固然能够让帝释天就范,可是怕就怕江尘已经坚持不住了。 Only can look his.” “只能看他自己的了。” Big Yellow sighed, others could not help, if Jiang Chen is unable to end the emperor to release the day, possibly the result will be reversed by the opposite party. 大黄叹息一声,别人根本帮不上忙,如果江尘无法终结掉帝释天,可能结局就会被对方所逆转。 Jiang Chen clenches the teeth, the time that but he can insist were not much, was similar to Big Yellow said, all these must depend upon itself, divine might that 108 peak Origin God Tool erupted, making the Venerable Emperor peak emperor release the day, for it with amazement, strength that but at the same time, it consumed, was Jiang Chen is hard to be lasting controlling, the potential of Asura Sword Formation each second of heaven-shaking, made Jiang Chen feel that felt urgently strenuous, was similar to swallows up general, the strength of oneself within the body was stripped instantaneously, unravelling same terrifying. 江尘咬紧牙关,可是他能够坚持的时间已经不多了,正如同大黄所说,这一切都要依靠自己,108柄巅峰元神器所爆发出来的神威,让帝尊巅峰的帝释天,都为之骇然,但是与此同时,它所消耗的力量,也是江尘难以持久把控的,修罗剑阵每一秒的惊天之势,都让江尘感觉到倍感吃力,如同鲸吞一般,自己体内的力量被瞬间剥离,抽丝剥茧一样恐怖 Bastard, wants to kill me, is impossible!” “王八蛋,想杀我,不可能!” The emperor releases day making one after another, the loud sound, vibrates heaven and earth loudly, layer upon layer the sword shade, was repelled by his heavy blows, is he also unceasing retreat, defends stubbornly the surrounding area, is difficult slightly the little advance, sword qi from come in all directions, is unable to deal, even if his god fist is invincible, has blocked many sword qi, but still also had innumerable say/way seizing every opportunity sword qi, making him be subject to the misery, is scarred. 帝释天一拳接一拳的打出,轰然巨响,震动天地,层层剑影,被他的重拳击退,可是他也不断的后退,固守方圆,难有丝毫寸进,一道道剑气从四面八方而来,根本无从应对,即便是他的神拳无敌,挡住了不少的剑气,但是仍旧还有无数道无孔不入的剑气,让他备受苦难,伤痕累累。 The time of 30 breaths, the emperor releases the day unable to support again absolutely, now he felt that extremely strenuous, this Asura Sword Formation, 108 peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool, simply is a between Heaven and Earth big net, even if the Venerable Emperor peak emperor releases the day , can only follow. 再有30息的时间,帝释天绝对支撑不住,现在他已经感觉到了极其的吃力,这修罗剑阵,108柄巅峰混元宝器,简直就是天地之间的一张大网,即便是帝尊巅峰的帝释天,也只能望其项背。 However at this moment, the emperor releases the day, although the heart has the intimacy, but he discovered that Jiang Chen is also an arrow at the end of its flight, is incapable of continue be able to support radically again, heaven and earth spiritual energy that this huge incomparable formation, needs, almost lets this Venerable Emperor rank expert, for it look changes. 不过这一刻,帝释天虽然心有戚戚,但是他发现江尘也已经是强弩之末,根本无力再继续支撑下去,这庞大无比的阵法,所需的天地灵气,几乎是让他这个帝尊级别的强者,都为之色变的。 Young brat, I thought when you can endure.” “小兔崽子,我看你能熬到什么时候。” The emperor releases the day to sneer, he has been ready, Jiang Chen died to knock. 帝释天冷笑一声,他已经做好了准备,更江尘死磕到底了。 Jiang Chen deeply inspired, the final ten breath time, he started the crazy impact, no matter can win finally, he must whole-heartedly, display a final split vision, even if were defeated, cannot make the emperor release the day absolutely to feel better. 江尘深吸了一口气,最后的十息时间,他开始了疯狂的冲击,不管最终能不能获得胜利,他都必须要全力以赴,发挥出最后的一丝余光,即便是自己败下阵来,也绝对不能够让帝释天好过。 Heavenly God descends to earth, Myriad Swords Return to Origin!” 天神下凡,万剑归宗!” Swift and fierce sword qi, in unceasing exploding from Asura Sword Formation shoot, the emperor releases the day to be very discrete, step by step retreat, expression incomparable distress. 一道道凌厉的剑气,自修罗剑阵之中不断的爆射而出,帝释天无比谨慎,步步后退,神色无比的狼狈。 All person incomparable anticipations, but Jiang Chen could not insist , the consumption of Asura Sword Formation, let him is almost the oil lamp is completely dry. 所有人都无比的期待,可是江尘真的坚持不住了,修罗剑阵的消耗,让他几乎已经是油尽灯枯了。 -- “噗—— A Jiang Chen counter blood blowout, the bitterness and astringency of corner of the mouth, reveals in speech and appearance, staggering, is holding a sword to stand finally, is supporting reluctantly, otherwise is thorough but actually. 江尘一口逆血喷出,嘴角的苦涩,溢于言表,踉跄着,最终仗剑而立,勉强支撑着,否则的话已经是彻底的倒了下去。 The emperor releases the day whole body to shake, the surrounding air wave retreats gradually, sword rain also dissipate, Asura Sword Formation collapses of itself, because Jiang Chen has been incapable of supporting. 帝释天浑身一震,周围的气浪渐渐退去,一道道剑雨也是随之消散,修罗剑阵不攻自破,因为江尘已经无力支撑了。 However the emperor released the day is very distressed, suffered the heavy losses, although compared with Jiang Chen in many, but actually also some feelings of injuring oneself in putting on a vain show, if Jiang Chen can continue to insist 30 breaths, then sufficiently the emperor will release the day to utterly destroy, forced out thoroughly. 不过帝释天也十分狼狈,遭受了重创,虽然比江尘强上不少,但是却也有些打肿脸充胖子的感觉,如果江尘能够继续坚持30息,那么就足以将帝释天斩尽杀绝,彻底封杀。 But all, are only if. 可是一切,都只是如果。 You after all are not my match, has saying that your Asura Sword Formation, very is very indeed strong, was only a pity, before me, is nothing to speak.” “你终归不是我的对手,不得不说,你的修罗剑阵,的确很强很强,只可惜,在我面前,不值一提。” The emperor releases the day face rampant saying, Jiang Chen is an arrow at the end of its flight, does not have the strength of again war again, at this time, he after all final winner. 帝释天一脸嚣张的说道,江尘已经是强弩之末,再无再战之力,这个时候,他终归还是最终的胜者。 If not for I formerly battled to consume were too many, you were not necessarily able to run away the birth day, evaded my Asura Sword Formation.” “若不是我先前交战消耗了太多,你未必就能够逃出生天,躲过我的修罗剑阵。” Jiang Chen clenches teeth saying that the face darken, with the wars of three big Buddha, had given the Jiang Chen enormous pressure before, releases the day to God once more, his situation so will be distressed. If the true peak showdown, oneself not necessarily cannot make the emperor release the day to bow the head to profess allegiance. 江尘咬着牙说道,脸色阴沉,之前与三大浮屠之战,已经给了江尘极大的压力,再次对上帝释天,他的处境才会如此狼狈。若是真正的巅峰对决,自己未必就不能让帝释天俯首称臣。 But finally, you cannot massacre me.” “但最终,你还是没能杀掉我。” The emperor releases the day to sneer was saying, the history forever is writes by the victor, has defeated, can only become the dust of history. 帝释天冷笑着说道,历史永远是由胜利者书写的,败了,就只能成为历史的尘埃。 winner is the king, loser is the villain, without any issue, this is the timeless truth. 成王败寇,没有任何的问题,这是亘古不变的真理。 This time, you know our Buddha Pagoda finally fierce? Opposes with us, you must die.” “这一次,你们总算是知道我们浮屠塔的厉害了吧?跟我们作对,你们都得死。” „Does emperor release Venerable can it be that you to contend? Really overreaches oneself.” “帝释尊者岂是你能够相抗衡的?真是不自量力。” Venerable, but also waits for anything quickly their completely obliterate, late perhaps causes trouble. The emperor releases day behind several Venerable, all was the complexion hidden in the shade, Jiang Chen has brought enough threat and fear to them, if not for the emperor released day prompt take action, perhaps they will die possibly here. 尊者,还等什么赶快将他们全部抹杀,迟恐生变啊。帝释天身后的几个尊者,全都是脸色阴翳,江尘给他们带来了足够的威胁与恐惧,若不是帝释天及时出手,或许他们都可能会死在这里。 Emperor releases the day, you know that you are doing? Buddha is our Buddha sect only hope , the demon ancestor is the true devil, do you want to help a tyrant do evil? Before innumerable years, you had forgotten original intention that oneself achieve Buddhahood? Wish the world forever not to have the hardship, wishing the common people forever to enjoy Anfu.” “帝释天,你知道自己在干什么吗?佛陀是我们佛宗唯一的希望,魔祖才是真正的恶魔,你难道想要助纣为虐吗?无数岁月之前,难道你们都忘记了自己成佛的初衷吗?愿天下永无疾苦,愿世人永享安福。” Although Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva already not battle strength, but before actually step by step treads, releases day four eyes contact with the emperor, gaze interweaves, fearless fearless. 地藏王菩萨虽然已经毫无一丝战力,但却步步踏前,与帝释天四目相对,目光交织,无惧无畏。 The emperor released the day to look at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva one, sneered was saying: 帝释天看了地藏王菩萨一眼,冷笑着说道: Under this heaven and earth, but also nobody can the verbal command I, even if the demon ancestor, cannot, because he can make me have the absolute freedom, making me unrestrained, the murder and life-saving, with me, early have not distinguished, kill thousands of people with saving thousands of people, life and death, Buddha and demon, only in instant, I wants the demon, heaven and earth all trembles, I want to achieve Buddhahood, all living things bring salvation.” “这天地之下,还没有人能够号令我,即便是魔祖,也不能,因为他能够让我拥有绝对的自由,让我无拘无束,杀人与救人,与我而言,早已经没有区别,杀千万人与救千万人,生与死,佛与魔,只在一念之间,我欲成魔,天地皆颤,我欲成佛,众生普度。” The emperor releases day expression ice-cold, early did not look at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the eye, even if Buddha, is only his stumbling obstacle. 帝释天神色冰冷,早已经不将地藏王菩萨看在眼中,哪怕是佛陀,也只是他的绊脚石而已。
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