DMWG :: Volume #39

#3812: The emperor releases heaven's strength

Venerable, saves me!” 尊者,救我!” Venerable, you must take responsibility for us!” 尊者,你要为我们做主啊!” Venerable came, Jiang Chen must die without doubt.” 尊者来了,江尘必死无疑。” The first Buddha and the others complexion great happiness, gradually returned to normal, the emperor releases day Venerable to come, makes them pick up the confidence directly again, Venerable Emperor peak, the present emperor releases day expert, only missed one step to enter into Heavenly King Realm, immediately can restore in the past strongest battle strength, regarding Buddha Pagoda, this news, extremely has really shocked, first Buddha and the others, was releases the day incomparable awe to the emperor, after all he was the first person under demon ancestor, regardless of the strength and status, were not their eight Buddha can compare, although eight Buddha were Buddha Pagoda. Mainstay, but does not represent all people able with it side by side, the emperor releases day Venerable exist(ence), making them feel truly steadfastly, this is Buddha Pagoda strongest battle strength. 一世浮屠等人脸色大喜,逐渐恢复了平静,帝释天尊者前来,直接是让他们重拾信心,帝尊巅峰,如今的帝释天强者,只差一步就能够迈入天王境了,马上就能够恢复当年最强战力了,对于浮屠塔来说,这个消息,实在是太过震撼了,一世浮屠等人,都是对帝释天无比的敬畏,毕竟他是魔祖之下的第一人,不论实力与地位,都不是他们八部浮屠都能够比拟的,虽然八部浮屠浮屠塔的。中流砥柱,但是并不代表所有人都能够与之比肩,帝释天尊者存在,让他们真正感觉到踏实,这才是浮屠塔的最强战力 Emperor releases the day!” “帝释天!” The Jiang Chen look narrows the eyes, this thinks that he died, but initially in the summit of Southern Sea, the forest of black bamboo, this fellow was just together reading of soul, simply was not his true body, the emperor who now the travel fatigue comes in waves released the day, was his true body. 江尘眼神微眯,本以为他已经死了,不过当初在南海之巅,紫竹之林,这个家伙只不过是一道灵魂之念而已,根本就不是他的真身,如今风尘滚滚而来的帝释天,才是他的真身。 Jiang Chen, you seriously are the big courage, if it seems like does not kill you, on this day, feared that is rare peaceful.” 江尘,你当真是好大的胆子,看来若是不将你干掉的话,这天下,怕是难得安宁啊。” The emperor releases day indifferent looks at Jiang Chen, now Jiang Chen is even thornier than Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, Buddha is just the slight effort, but must cope with the Jiang Chen's words, he surely quite thorny. 帝释天冷漠的看着江尘,如今江尘甚至比霸者和尚都要棘手,佛陀只不过是举手之劳,但是要对付江尘的话,他必定会相当的棘手。 Initially defeated in the Jiang Chen hand , because that is only together reading of soul, is now, Golden Body once more, the emperor released day completely fearless Jiang Chen. 当初自己败在江尘手中,就是因为那只是一道灵魂之念,可是现在,金身再次,帝释天完全无惧江尘 „Did defeated, how say bravely? Hahaha.” “手下败将,何以言勇?哈哈哈。” Jiang Chen is sneering, the emperor releases day the complexion is also becomes extremely ugly, exceedingly indignant looks at Jiang Chen. 江尘冷笑着,帝释天的脸色也是变得极其的难看,无比愤怒的看着江尘 Has defeated my reading of soul, did you think you to be able with me for the enemy? You, as before are just are in my eyes young.” “击败了我的灵魂之念,你以为你就能够与我为敌了吗?你在我眼中,依旧只不过是个小喽啰而已。” The emperor releases day extremely arrogant being proud, indeed has the capital, Venerable Emperor peak, such strength, indeed is not present Jiang Chen can contend. 帝释天的狂妄自负,的确是有资本的,帝尊巅峰,这样的实力,的确不是现在的江尘所能够抗衡的。 Who is actually small, wants the real swords and spears to hit has known, my Jiang Chen can defeat your first time, can defeat your second time.” “究竟谁才是小喽啰,要真刀真枪打过才知道,我江尘能败你第一次,就能败你第二次。” The Jiang Chen link chest stands, vowed solemnly, so long as the strength does not surpass Venerable Emperor realm, has not achieved Heavenly King Realm, then Jiang Chen has the confidence with a it war. 江尘环胸而立,信誓旦旦,只要实力不超过帝尊境界,没有达到天王境,那么江尘就有信心与之一战。 Amitabha, the emperor releases Venerable, repents and is saved, you are the true Buddha clan big energy, how could to violate the so enormous disaster? Now Buddha sect destruction, can you be ruthless?” “阿弥陀佛,帝释尊者,回头是岸,你乃是真正的佛族大能,岂能犯下如此弥天大祸呢?如今佛宗覆灭,你难道非要赶尽杀绝吗?” The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva whole face sighed, incomparable grief. 地藏王菩萨满脸叹息,无比的悲怆。 Old fogy, thinks really Buddha sect also does have your small space? Because if not for you wield the gate of Samsara, perhaps you already died, in the Buddha sect, are you what? Even if Buddha, I do not place in the eye, why can he become the ancestors of ten thousand Buddha? Why isn't I? Why does the Buddha sect become so emaciatedly cannot withstand in his hands? The demon ancestor did exactly the opposite, has overthrown him, was the most correct choice, my Buddha Pagoda must substitute for the Buddha sect, how can also? You think under this heaven and earth , is the only Buddha sect legitimate? Do not forget, you perish, wants heaven defying the line, do you have this skill? The day is will never be reversible, heaven and earth Great Tribulation, is not the disaster, but is Samsara, being predestined friends person will go on living, but some people, the predestined time of death, are the true times of death. Even if you, is no exception.” “老家伙,真以为佛宗还有你一席之地吗?若不是因为你执掌轮回之门,恐怕你早就已经死了,佛宗之中,你算老几?就算是佛陀,我也不放在眼中,凭什么他能够成为万佛之祖?凭什么不是我?凭什么佛宗在他手中变得如此羸弱不堪?魔祖反其道而行之,推翻了他,才是最正确的抉择,我浮屠塔就是要取代佛宗,又能如何?你们真以为这天地之下,唯独佛宗才是正统吗?不要忘了,你们是怎么灭亡的,想要逆天而行,你们有这个本事吗?天是永远不可逆的,天地大劫,并不是灾难,而是一场轮回,有缘人会活下去,而有些人,大限将至,就是真正的死期。即便是你,也不例外。” The emperor releases day expression to be rampant, the domineering horizontal autumn, an angry color of face, has not placed in anybody the eye completely, conceited domineering, indeed, he also has this strength, Venerable Emperor peak, if I can not do it , who can, all over the world, can with the person of its confrontation, few. 帝释天神色嚣张,霸气横秋,一脸的愤怒之色,完全没有将任何人放在眼中,一副唯我独尊的霸气,的确,他也有这个实力,帝尊巅峰,舍我其谁,普天之下,能够与其交锋之人,也没几个。 scoundrel! The emperor releases the day, you are an out-and-out lunatic, you is a bastard. Rests talks nonsense, my Ksitigarbha, is heaven and earth respects it, you have what qualifications to nitpick. As Buddha sect degenerate, I and others shamed Ylha and others to be a companion.” 混账!帝释天,你就是个不折不扣的疯子,你就是个混蛋。休得胡言乱语,我地藏菩萨,乃是天地敬之,你有何资格品头论足。身为佛宗败类,我等羞于尔等为伍。” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk is also first time reveals the color of anger, after all this fellow does not place in Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva the eye completely, even if Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk regarding the awe that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also filled with, the hell is not spatial, vows does not achieve Buddhahood, past Ksitigarbha, if not for he makes extraordinary painstaking efforts, wholeheartedly is the world common people, the hell early is not today this scene. 霸者和尚也是第一次露出愤怒之色,毕竟这个家伙完全不将地藏王菩萨放在眼中,即便是霸者和尚对于地藏王菩萨也是满心的敬畏,地狱不空,誓不成佛,当年的地藏菩萨,若不是他苦心孤诣,一心为天下苍生,地狱早已经不是今天这番景象。 That how? Who can fight with me? Jiang Chen? Your this remnants, the Buddha sect the destruction, you also had any qualifications to negotiate with us, if not the demon ancestor, I had already killed you, regarding demon ancestor, some of some of your also uses.” “那又如何?谁能与我一战?江尘?还是你这个残兵败将,佛宗已经覆灭了,你还有什么资格跟我们谈判呢,如果不是魔祖的话,我早就杀了你了,对于魔祖而言,你还有些许用处。” The emperor releases the day to sneer, look is contemptuous. 帝释天冷笑着,眼神轻蔑。 Ok, Monk, this person had already been blinded by greed, did not have the sense of right or wrong, the Buddha sect degenerate, now already not any leeway of recalling. The result only then, we die, or he perishes.” “算了,和尚,这种人早就已经是利欲熏心,没有了是非观念,佛宗败类,如今已经没有任何挽回的余地了。结局只有一个,我们死,或者他亡。” Jiang Chen holds a sword to stand, at this time, was impossible to have the slight opportunity reconciliation, who gets down first but actually, who is a coward, who can live, who is control. 江尘仗剑而立,这个时候,根本不可能有丝毫的机会和解,谁先倒下去,谁就是孬种,谁能活下来,谁就是主宰者。 Right that you said that result only then, what a pity they actually could not completely understand, is only you is also a sensible person, words that wants dead, I help you, otherwise, sooner or later is dies, heaven and earth Great Tribulation, you cannot boil, why not early dead now early is reincarnated? Hahaha.” “你说的对,结局只有一个,可惜他们却看不透,唯独你还算是个明白人,想死的话,我就成全你吧,否则的话,迟早都是个死,天地大劫,你们也熬不过去的,何不现在早死早托生呢?哈哈哈哈。” The emperor releases the celestial pole to be completely wild, hysteria, even has gentle and reserved including the look, Jiang Chen cut reading of his together soul, he always bore a grudge, at this time, he must tear to shreds Jiang Chen surely. 帝释天极尽猖狂,歇斯底里,甚至连眼神都是极具阴柔,江尘斩掉了他一道灵魂之念,他始终都是怀恨在心,这个时候,他必定要将江尘碎尸万段。 Accompanies.” “奉陪到底。” Jiang Chen raises the sword, releases day four eyes contact with the emperor, fighting intent Ling correct/however. 江尘提剑而起,与帝释天四目相对,战意凌然。 Little Chen, be careful!” 小尘子,小心!” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk complexion very ugly, is very anxious, nobody is clearer than him, the emperor releases the day the fearfulness, initially was just together reading of soul has compelled in the hopeless situation them, now facing is the Golden Body return emperor releases the day, their situations, more unfortunate than fortunate. 霸者和尚脸色十分的难看,无比紧张,没有人比他更清楚,帝释天的可怕,当初只不过是一道灵魂之念就已经将他们逼到了绝境之中,现在面对已经是金身归位的帝释天,他们的处境,凶多吉少。 Others don’t provoke me, I don’t provoke others, person, if violates me, I must ten times of hundred times of suspect it! Today a war, the emperor releases day, making me have a look at your this trillion years ago Buddha sect War God, actually formidable.” “人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,我必十倍百倍犯之!今日一战,帝释天,让我看看你这个亿万年前的佛宗战神,究竟有多强大吧。” Jiang Chen is fearless, the fight is ready to be set off. 江尘无所畏惧,战斗一触即发。 If past I, your possibly even/including in my hands move could not support, even if this time, you must die without doubt. I also happen to move physique, the enmity of initial sword, the new hatreds on top of old, calculate together.” “若是当年的我,你可能连在我手中一招都撑不下去,即便今时今日,你也必死无疑。我也正好活动一下筋骨,当初的一剑之仇,新仇旧恨,一块儿算。” The emperor releases day getting hold of fist slowly, with Jiang Chen four eyes contact. 帝释天缓缓的握紧拳头,与江尘四目相对 Venerable, you must take responsibility for us, kills quickly then this Jiang Chen.” 尊者,你一定要为我们做主,将这个江尘杀之而后快。” First Buddha wicked stares at Jiang Chen to say. 一世浮屠恶狠狠的盯着江尘说道。 Husband, you must be surely careful!” “夫君,你要千万小心啊!” A tense color of Yan Qingcheng face, Jiang Chen charmings eyes beaming with smiles, present Yan Qingcheng, look how familiar, again also no longer was initially that iced cold female, her look, the tender feelings ten thousand types, her care, in own heart, cuns (2.5 cm) flows. 燕倾城一脸的紧张之色,江尘回眸一笑,如今的燕倾城,眼神是多么的熟悉,再也不再是当初那个冷若冰霜的女子了,她的眼神,柔情万种,她的关心,在自己心中,寸寸流淌。 Today, makes you have a look, my emperor releases a day of prestige, the buddha, I must make you know, even if no you, my emperor releases the day same to become Buddha sect Supreme. Nobody can be disobedient I.” “今日,就让你们看看,我帝释天之威,释尊,我要让你知道,即便是没有你,我帝释天一样可以成为佛宗至尊。没有人能忤逆我。” The emperor releases a day of ominous prestige illustrious, the heavy blows in me, point to Jiang Chen and Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, fighting intent soar to the clouds, the air/Qi to/clashes the bullfight. 帝释天凶威赫赫,重拳在我,直指江尘霸者和尚,战意凌霄,气冲斗牛。
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