DMWG :: Volume #36

#3513: The spirit of shark

Damn fellow, do not put up a last-ditch struggle again, you must die, you are doomed become the suppers in this sovereign mouth.” “该死的家伙,不要再垂死挣扎了,你们都得死,你们注定会成为本皇口中的晚餐。” The shark leaps, roared once again, by the irresistible potential, attacked the seabed world. 大鲨鱼一跃而出,再度咆哮而起,以势不可挡之势,冲击海底世界。 Jiang Chen withdraws rapidly, shade seized the chance to welcome, Thunderclap attacked, passes through the seabed world, hit on the body of shark, but the shark actually seemed superficial, as before maneating incomparable, pressed up to Jiang Chen. 江尘迅速退后,影儿趁机迎了上来,一道道雷霆攻击,穿越海底世界,打在大鲨鱼的身上,但是大鲨鱼却似乎是不痛不痒,依旧凶悍无比,直逼江尘 A Jiang Chen palm made, pats above the top of the head of shark, but it turbulent incomparable impact, actually radically had no time to attend to other things by oneself, was compelled to draw back unceasingly, during thousand jin (0.5 kg) capping that tearing of sea water extrusion the back transmitted, the front transmitted, making Jiang Chen fall into at once was passive, in a dilemma. 江尘一掌打出,拍在了大鲨鱼的头顶之上,但是它汹涌无比的冲击,却让自己根本无暇他顾,被不断逼退,背后传来的海水挤压的撕裂,胸前传来的千斤压顶,让江尘一时之间陷入了被动之中,进退两难。 Roar “吼” terrifying the sound of dragon roar gets up, hundred zhang (333 m) giant dragon, roared, shade these time was also the unusual anger, silver white color giant dragon, in the sea, roared crazily, let Jiang Chen is incomparable shock, this hundred zhang (333 m) giant dragon, but also was really the incomparable fearfulness. 一声恐怖龙吟之声响起,百丈巨龙,咆哮而出,影儿这一次也是异常的愤怒,一条银白之色的巨龙,在大海之中,疯狂咆哮,让江尘都是无比的震撼,这百丈巨龙,还真是无比的可怕。 giant dragon whooshes, directly then twines the shark, the heavily extrusion, the collision, in the seabed world, raised unequalled fighting to fight the raging tide, Jiang Chen also obtained not the small alleviation, the giant dragon hit of shade, making the shark complain constantly, two colossi, collided in the seabed mutually, have completed most primitive attack. 巨龙嘶吼不已,直接便是将大鲨鱼缠绕起来,重重挤压,碰撞,在海底世界,掀起了一阵无与伦比的斗战狂潮,江尘也是得到了不小的缓解,影儿的巨龙撞击,让大鲨鱼叫苦不迭,两道庞然大物,在海底之中相互碰撞,完成了最原始的出击。 Jiang Chen look one cold, removes rapidly, puts out a hand to grasp, Heavenly Dragon Sword verbal command, 108 handle peak Origin God Tool revolve once again, Jiang Chen started the law of set up formation. 江尘眼神一寒,迅速褪去,伸手一握,天龙剑号令一出,108柄巅峰元神器再度旋转而起,江尘开始了布阵之法。 The strength of shade, is very indeed strong, making Jiang Chen hold in high esteem, particularly in this moment, two everybody of blocking the sky twines together mutually, hits, Jiang Chen looks in the eye, thinks some creepy feeling. 影儿的实力,的确很强,让江尘都是刮目相看,尤其是在这一刻,两个遮天蔽日的大家伙相互的缠绕在一起,一次次撞击,江尘看在眼中,都觉得有些头皮发麻。 Really was too maneating.” “真是太凶悍了。” Jiang Chen muttered was saying, but among moments, Asura Sword Formation was once again arrange to become, sword shades approached, the wreaking havoc river, cold light was cold, the imposing manner was fearful. 江尘喃喃着说道,不过片刻之间,修罗剑阵便是再度布成,一道道剑影逼近,肆虐长河,寒光凛凛,气势慑人。 Shade and shark the tear and bite, continue long time, is without making any mutual concessions, the body of True Dragon, assaults with this shark fierce fights, is unable to occupy the one's superior official unexpectedly, it can be imagined, this shark has terrifying how. 影儿与大鲨鱼的撕咬,持续良久,互不相让,真龙之身,与这大鲨鱼搏击悍斗,竟然都是无法占据到上峰,可想而知,这大鲨鱼有多么的恐怖 I have the bloodlines of enormous legendary fish, although is few, however so-called Dragon Race, before me, as before is unable to withstand a single blow.” “我可是有着鲲的血脉,虽然很少,但是所谓的龙族,在我面前,依旧是不堪一击。” The shark roars, turn over body, changes to together seabed Whirlwind, mixes the seabed world, the Jiang Chen's form, motionless as mountain, but shade also cautiously, for fear that was involved in this terrifying vortex. 大鲨鱼怒吼一声,翻转身躯,化作一道海底旋风,搅动海底世界,江尘的身影,不动如山,但是就连影儿也小心翼翼,生怕被卷入这恐怖漩涡之中。 This fellow, but also is really a little skill. Battle Formation Technique, opening!” “这家伙,还真是有点本事。斗阵术,开启!” Jiang Chen look one cold, stimulates to movement Asura Sword Formation, under Battle Formation Technique, Asura Sword Formation amplification, is obvious, compared with coped with that four azure python a moment ago, wants terrifying ten times of hundred times to continue completely, the Asura Sword Formation evacuation, tears the seabed world, facing crazy vortex of shark, has formed two sceneries of being without making any mutual concessions. 江尘眼神一寒,催动修罗剑阵,斗阵术之下,修罗剑阵的增幅,也是显而易见的,比起刚才对付那四头青蟒,完全要恐怖十倍百倍不止,修罗剑阵排空而出,撕裂海底世界,面对大鲨鱼的疯狂漩涡,形成了两道互不相让的风景。 However after all Jiang Chen's Asura Sword Formation, early has taken shape, under the Battle Formation Technique in addition holds, is powerful, sword edge that wells up crazily violently, the moist sea, wreaks havoc in the sky, ten thousand sword shades, with irresistible force, in the shark look lock gradually, the incomparable shock, trivial human formation, can actually have such terrifying prestige energy, is really shocking. 但是毕竟江尘的修罗剑阵,早已经成型,而且在斗阵术的加持之下,气势如虹,疯狂激涌的剑锋,潮海而出,肆虐当空,万道剑影,势如破竹,大鲨鱼眼神之中渐渐锁紧,无比的震惊,区区的人类阵法,竟然能够有如此恐怖的威能,实在是让人震惊不已。 The shark wants to withdraw to go, but has actually been too late, because of Jiang Chen's Asura Sword Formation, was really too fearful, under four star Battle Formation Technique, easily accomplished, the shark could not resist completely, finally was put on the body by the innumerable sword shades, has shot down. 大鲨鱼想要退后而去,但是却已经为时已晚,因为江尘的修罗剑阵,实在是太可怕了,四星斗阵术之下,摧枯拉朽,大鲨鱼完全招架不住,最终被无数剑影穿身而过,击落了下来。 Your these petty and low human, you are are not impossible to defeat my, not “不你们这些卑微人类,你们是不可能战胜我的,不” The sound of shark whooshing, lingering on faintly, but Jiang Chen is actually the incomparable firmness, displays Jiang Chen under four star Battle Formation Technique, the relative rapidness of strength consumption, at this time even/including Yinger also looked to stay, has not thought of Jiang Chen's Asura Sword Formation , to promote unexpectedly once again, being a mass of cuts and bruises of this shark attack, simply is exciting! Oneself, can relax. 大鲨鱼嘶吼之声,不绝于耳,但是江尘却是无比的坚定,施展四星斗阵术之下的江尘,实力消耗的相当之快,这个时候连影儿也看呆了,没想到江尘的修罗剑阵,竟然再度升级,将这大鲨鱼打击的体无完肤,简直就是大快人心!自己,也是能够松了一口气。 Asked you, let off me.” “求求你们,放过我吧。” Shark the sound of entreaty, appears near the Jiang Chen's ear, but the Jiang Chen regard has decided that will be will not let off it absolutely, the law of the jungle, the natural selection, this world will be this, should not have any pitying, what if lost today will be he with shade, then died, will not have anybody to pity surely, will the shark let off them? The answer is also obvious. 大鲨鱼的哀求之声,出现在江尘的耳边,但是江尘心意已决,是绝对不会放过它的,弱肉强食,物竞天择,这个世界本来就是这样的,不该有任何的怜悯,如果今天输了的是他跟影儿,那么死去的,也必定不会有任何人怜悯,大鲨鱼会放过他们吗?答案也是显而易见的。 Therefore Jiang Chen any hesitation, directly has not been uses a Asura Sword Formation final aftertaste, obliterate the shark, but at that moment, he is also slowly but actually. 所以江尘没有任何的犹豫,直接是利用修罗剑阵最后的一丝余韵,抹杀了大鲨鱼,而那一刻,他也是缓缓的倒了下去。 Elder brother.” “哥哥。” Shade calls out in alarm one, hurries to help up Jiang Chen. 影儿惊呼一声,赶紧扶起江尘 When are not many, Asura Sword Formation vanishes gradually, but the shark is also the promotion cuts off, terrifying Asura Sword Formation, frightening. 不多时,修罗剑阵渐渐消失殆尽,而大鲨鱼也是升级断绝,恐怖修罗剑阵,令人心惊胆寒。 Jiang Chen gasping for breath in gulps, complexion pale, Divine Origin Energy of his within the body, almost is also the consumption completely. 江尘大口大口的喘着气,脸色苍白,他体内的神元之气,几乎也是消耗殆尽。 I am all right, do not have anything at the worst, has consumed too many Divine Origin Energy, the consumption of Battle Formation Technique was really too big. It seems like must control Asura Sword Formation, there are to support Battle Formation Technique, is really not that simple, no wonder Battle God Clan these fellows, display Battle Formation Technique to take several people.” “我没事,没什么大不了的,就是消耗了太多的神元之气而已,斗阵术的消耗实在是太大了。看来要掌控修罗剑阵,又有支撑斗阵术,果然不是那么简单的,怪不得斗神族的那些家伙,施展斗阵术都要好几个人。” Jiang Chen waves, sighs to say. 江尘挥挥手,叹息一声说道。 This shark Divine Origin Energy quite rich, I must have a look but actually, its monster crystal has terrifying how.” “这大鲨鱼身上的神元之气相当的浓郁,我倒要看看,它的妖晶有多么的恐怖。” Jiang Chen extremely difficult standing up, hand grasps Heavenly Dragon Sword, notch maliciously opened the body of shark, sure enough, perfectly round precious pearl of fist size, appears in front of Jiang Chen's, terrifying Divine Origin Energy, suffocating, the shade flash also looks was scared. 江尘极难的站起身,手握天龙剑,狠狠的豁开了大鲨鱼的身体,果不其然,一颗拳头大小的浑圆宝珠,出现在江尘的面前,恐怖神元之气,令人窒息,影儿一瞬间也看的傻眼了。 „The air/Qi of good rich charm, compared with the Divine Origin essence, even goes beyond.” “好浓郁的神韵之气啊,比起神元精髓,甚至都是有过之而无不及。” Saying that shade has planting. 影儿有种的说道。 Jiang Chen nods , to continue saying: 江尘点点头,继续道: Indeed so, Divine Origin essence, is mediocre, it seems like that the spirit of this shark, really suffices powerful.” “的确如此,神元精髓,也不过如此吧,看来这鲨鱼之灵,果然是够强悍啊。” You hurried to recruit elder brother, to compensate Divine Origin Energy that you consumed a moment ago.” “你赶紧吸收了吧哥哥,以补偿你刚才消耗的神元之气。” Shade day True Dao. 影儿天真道 You think that the spirit of this shark so is really easy to absorb? This compared with the Divine Origin essence is terrifying, if when breakthrough, were very not difficult such to consume huge spiritual energy, even if were God Sovereign Realm I, was not good. The spirit of this shark has almost held seabed world surely life the air/Qi of soul, the sea is hundred Sichuan greatness out of generosity, today can kill this shark, captures the spirit of shark, is a big good fortune.” “你以为这鲨鱼之灵真的那么容易吸收吗?这比神元精髓都是更加恐怖,如果不是在突破之际,很难消耗得了这么庞大灵气,即便是神皇境的我,也不行。这鲨鱼之灵几乎是容纳了海底世界千万生灵的灵魂之气,海乃百川有容乃大,今日能够杀了这大鲨鱼,夺得鲨鱼之灵,也是一场大造化啊。” Jiang Chen said that his breakthrough God Sovereign Realm middle stage, can be useful absolutely! 江尘说道,他突破神皇境中期,绝对能够用得上! „The spirit of good shark, a little skill, but this thing, you feared that not had the good fortune to enjoy something.” “好一个鲨鱼之灵,有点本事,不过这东西,你怕是无福消受了。” Sneers, lets Jiang Chen and shade is raised the head comes, complexion instantaneous gloomy. 一声冷笑,让江尘与影儿全都是抬起头来,脸色瞬间阴沉了下来。 New book opened for ten days, urgently needed the brothers to support, many Brother dragon marks shadow could not see, was very sad, does not have the brothers of collection, hopes that can collect.】 【新书开十天了,迫切需要兄弟们去支援,很多龙纹兄弟的影子都看不到了,很是伤心,没有收藏的兄弟,希望能够收藏一下。】
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