DMWG :: Volume #36

#3514: Has no qualms to base on between Heaven and Earth

Ao Lie!” “敖烈!” The Jiang Chen's complexion sinks slightly, in heart is also the incomparable indifference, has not thought that unexpectedly this fellow bringing, oneself present is an arrow at the end of its flight, the strength definitely is unable quickly to restore, at this moment, Ao Lie the appearance, is takes advantage without doubt, shade is also the consumption quite a lot. 江尘的脸色微微一沉,心中也是无比的冷漠,没想到竟然会把这个家伙给引来了,自己如今已经是强弩之末,实力完全无法迅速的恢复,此时此刻,敖烈的出现,无疑是来趁火打劫的,就连影儿也是消耗颇多。 precisely this sovereign, what kind, you hand over with the spirit fish paste the spirit of shark, wants me to begin personally? After all you are the person of my Dragon Race, hands over the thing, I can not kill you, keeps your way out, but this fellow is actually very repugnant, must result in dies.” 正是本皇,怎么样,你们是把鲨鱼之灵跟灵鱼膏交出来呢,还是要我亲自动手呢?毕竟你是我龙族之人,把东西交出来,我可以不杀你,留你一条生路,不过这个家伙倒是很讨厌,必须得死。” The gaze of haughty fierce coldy Jiang Chen, present Jiang Chen was not having again the strength of war, he naturally does not have slight worry, moreover when shade lies in the shark dogfight, the strength falls short greatly, now turned into Ao Lie the home game completely, shade after all is the Dragon Race direct descendant person, Ao Lie is not necessarily able to begin to shade unless it is absolutely essential, will possibly bring in rally togethering to attack of Dragon Race, this also has possibly. 敖烈冷冷的注视着江尘,现在的江尘已经没有了再战之力,他自然是没有丝毫的担忧,而且影儿在于大鲨鱼缠斗之时,实力大打折扣,现在完全已经变成了敖烈的主场,影儿毕竟是龙族嫡系之人,不到万不得已,敖烈未必会对影儿动手,很可能会引来龙族的群起而攻之,这也不是没有可能的。 But Jiang Chen is different, this is exhaustedly and is not the person of Dragon Race, has killed him, there are why not? Moreover he most likes was this humiliation small and weakly felt, particularly his beforehand strength incomparable powerful, turned into stray dog now. 江尘就不一样了,这个已经是筋疲力竭而且又不是龙族之人,杀了他,又有何妨呢?而且他最喜欢的就是这种欺凌弱小的感觉了,尤其是他之前的实力无比的强悍,如今变成了丧家之犬 You have a dream, Ao Lie!” “你做梦,敖烈!” Shade sinking sound said that in the ice-cold beautiful pupil, glittering is renouncing, at this time she was how regardless of not to give up Jiang Chen's, if were not Jiang Chen, the spirit and the spirit fish paste this shark will not obtain, moreover Jiang Chen also had the graciousness to her, at this time, shade will not make that ungrateful generation. 影儿沉声说道,冰冷的美眸之中,闪烁着一丝决绝,这个时候她是无论如何也不会放弃江尘的,如果不是江尘,这鲨鱼之灵与灵鱼膏都是不会得到的,而且江尘还对她有恩,这种时候,影儿绝不会去做那种忘恩负义之辈。 Innocent, but does not represent her to be silly, this war, she knows that surely is inevitable, even if fights at the last minute, she will not give up absolutely. 天真烂漫,但并不代表她傻,这一战,她知道必定是无法避免的,即使是战到最后一刻,她也绝对不会放弃的。 Impenetrably thickheaded, you think that I don't dare to kill you really? Has killed you, the person who in Dragon Race displaces, has. humph humph.” “冥顽不灵,你以为我真的不敢杀你吗?杀了你,龙族之中取而代之的人,有很多。哼哼。” Ao Lie sneers, sword refers to Jiang Chen, the killing intent four volts, at this time, their two had been listed as the object who has cut to kill by Ao Lie completely, remnants, the person of dying, surely if he could not its defeating, that be scoffed by the person of eastern Dragon Race. 敖烈冷笑一声,剑指江尘,杀机四伏,这个时候,他们两个已经全部被敖烈列为了斩杀的对象,一个残兵败将,一个将死之人,若是他还不能够将其击败的话,那必定会被东龙族之人所耻笑的。 „Do you fear death?” “你怕不怕死?” Jiang Chen looks to shade, says with a smile. 江尘看向影儿,笑着道。 Shade stares slightly, shook the head. 影儿微微一愣,摇了摇头。 Living the significance has, my father has said that must die has the weight, has the depth, for the elder brother, I thought that is worth.” “活着的意义有很多,我父亲说过,要死的有重量,有深度,为了哥哥,我觉得是值得的。” Sincere of shade, making Jiang Chen change countenance slightly, she is a very easy girl with emotions, not because of her overflowing sentiment, because she is good-hearted, in the eye cannot rub the sand, she has to make the heart that Jiang Chen can not hold a candle, this girl, is less common than anybody. 影儿的真挚,让江尘微微动容,她是一个很容易动情的女孩,不是因为她滥情,而是因为她心地善良,眼里揉不得沙子,她有着令江尘都望尘莫及的心胸,这个女孩,比任何人都不一般。 Father has added that person lives must the doing right by day, does right by, has no qualms in basing between Heaven and Earth.” “父亲还说过,人活着要对得起天,对得起地,无愧于立足天地之间。” Shade face rigorous saying, Jiang Chen cannot bear sighs slightly, depends on your words, in any event, I will not make you be injured, even if tiny bit. 影儿一脸严谨的说道,江尘忍不住微微叹息,就凭你这句话,无论如何,我都不会让你受伤的,哪怕一丝一毫。 The ratio of saying sang must listen, what a pity you must die. Nobody can save you.” “说的比唱的都要听,可惜你们还是要死。没人能救得了你们。” Ao Lie both hands one, shows a faint smile, but also is really the day helps me , these two things in fellow hands, may be the treasure, moreover now they are the oil lamp are completely dry, if not for oneself this time take action, feared that is the natural justice is intolerable? 敖烈双手一摊,微微一笑,还真是天助我也,这两个家伙手中的东西,可都是宝贝,而且现在他们已经是油尽灯枯,自己若不是这个时候出手的话,怕是天理难容? Elder brother, you walk first, here has me.” “哥哥,你先走,这里有我。” Shade person little rascal is big, protects Jiang Chen in behind, stern-faced color, although the stature is weak, but can actually assume sole responsibility for an important task, seems, called the Jiang Chen's look to be moist. 影儿人小鬼大,将江尘护在身后,一脸凝重之色,虽然身材较弱,但是却能够独当一面,看上去,直叫江尘的眼神湿润。 Has remembered, the man cannot hide in Goddess behind, even if dies, must stand dying, cannot kneel living.” “记住了,男人是不能够躲在女神身后的,哪怕是死,也要站着死,不能跪着生。” The Jiang Chen corner of the mouth overflow wipes the gentle and reserved chill in the air, slowly raised the head, tight grabbing shade hand. 江尘嘴角溢出一抹阴柔的寒意,缓缓抬起头,紧紧的抓着影儿的手。 Today, I then make you have a look, who is genuine sovereign Overlord.” “今日,我便让你看看,谁才是真正的皇者霸主。” Jiang Chen and haughty fierce four eyes contact, suddenly, Ao Lie has planted to stare at the feeling, in the heart somewhat is scared, but in his opinion, Jiang Chen was just shows off power, at most was outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted, he that war, oneself looked in the eye, was incapable of fighting completely again, at this time was showing off power, there are what uses? 江尘与敖烈四目相对,突然之间,敖烈有种被人盯上了的感觉,心中甚是有些发毛,不过在他看来,江尘只不过是逞强而已,顶多算是色厉内荏,他之前那一战,自己看在眼中,完全就是无力再战,这个时候在逞强,又有何用呢? Acts recklessly, I help you, above this endless Western Sea, making your sword return to the western paradise.” “不知死活,那我就成全你,在这无尽西海之上,让你一剑归西。” Ao Lie shouted angrily, raised the sword, but Jiang Chen protected shade in behind, she before and shark shivered, was the consumption quite a lot, otherwise must massacre that shark at one fell swoop, was extremely difficult. It can be said that during that fought a moment ago, shade claims credit to great, without her entanglement, the shark will not be cut to kill by Asura Sword Formation by Jiang Chen quickly, the final result, after is good. 敖烈怒喝一声,提剑而起,而江尘则是将影儿护在身后,她之前与大鲨鱼颤抖,也是消耗颇多,否则的话自己要一举杀掉那大鲨鱼,也是极其艰难的。可以说在刚才那一战之中,影儿可是居功至伟的,没有她的纠缠,大鲨鱼不会快被江尘修罗剑阵所斩杀的,不过最终的结果,却终归是好的。 Come, making me have a look, your skill, actually where, dares to speak the last words with me, you have dead end one. The deceased people, so will not be proud, your rampancy, is brings contempt upon oneself in my opinion. Trash.” “来吧,让我看看,你的本事,究竟在哪里,敢跟我叫板,你只有死路一条。死人,才不会这么骄傲,你的嚣张,在我看来不过是自取其辱而已。垃圾。” Ao Lie the hand grasps the long sword, is similar to the gentle and reserved prolonged large snake is ordinary, cunning and strange, Jiang Chen retreats in order to advance, the whole body shakes, has displayed Dragon Transformation instantaneously, at that moment, incessantly is Ao Lie, even even/including Yinger are the small mouth lightly cover, the complexion is dignified, the body of Jiang Chen's queue, although is not true giant dragon, but has actually filled unequalled dragon qi, dragon qi able to move unhindered, compared with their these two Dragon Race direct descendant people, must the boundless atmosphere, shocking. 敖烈手握长剑,如同阴柔绵长的长蛇一般,刁钻古怪,江尘以退为进,浑身一震,瞬间施展了龙变,那一刻,不止是敖烈,甚至连影儿都是小嘴轻捂,脸色凝重,江尘的人龙之身,虽然不是真正的巨龙,但是却充满了无与伦比的龙气,龙气纵横,比起他们这两个龙族的嫡系之人,都要更加的磅礴大气,令人震惊。 „The body of queue, are actually you what background? Boys?” “人龙之身,你究竟是什么来头?小子?” The haughty fierce heart shakes, look locks gradually, in the hand the sword, in that moment, slowly stopped unexpectedly, stagnates there, shock of face. 敖烈心头一震,眼神渐渐锁紧,手中剑,竟然都是在那一刻,缓缓的停了下来,凝滞在那里,一脸的震撼。 Does not have me including the strength of your bloodlines, do you have a face to ask me?” “连你的血脉之力都是没有我强,你还有脸问我?” Jiang Chen laughs, present strength, restored little, after having eaten medicine pill , can only alleviate temporarily, wants to achieve the peak condition, a short time cannot achieve, but has displayed Dragon Transformation, at least can stabilize the aspect at this time. 江尘嗤笑不已,如今的实力,恢复了了少许,吃了丹药之后,也只能是暂时缓解,想要达到巅峰状态,不是一时半会儿能够做到的,但是施展了龙变,至少能够在这个时候稳住局面。 „To know that who I am, you did not have this qualifications now.” “想知道我是谁,你现在还没这个资格。” Ancient Soaring Dragon Technique!” 上古龙腾术!” Jiang Chen roars, the roar like the thunder, Soaring Dragon Technique instantaneous startled changes, at that moment, Ao Lie and shade was thoroughly was scared, they were the people of Dragon Race, how can not know Ancient Soaring Dragon Technique? However Ancient Soaring Dragon Technique had already been lost, even is also nobody can know in entire Dragon Race, even if Patriarch, does not know. 江尘怒吼一声,吼声如雷,龙腾术瞬间惊变,那一刻,敖烈与影儿则是彻底傻眼了,他们是龙族之人,怎么会不知道上古龙腾术呢?但是上古龙腾术早就已经失传了,甚至于在整个龙族也是没有人能够知晓,即便是族长,也不知道。 But Jiang Chen can display . Moreover the strength of his bloodlines wants terrifying compared with anybody, is this fellow, the child of dragon? 可是偏偏江尘能够施展出来,而且他的血脉之力比任何人都要恐怖,这个家伙,难道是龙之子吗? Now, you should know that who was true Divine Dragon. Must kill me, you did not have this qualifications.” “现在,你应该知道,谁才是真正的神龙了吧。要杀我,你还没这个资格。”
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