DMWG :: Volume #36

#3512: terrifying seabed Overlord

Elder brother is quite fierce, good! giggle.” “哥哥好厉害,好棒啊!咯咯咯。” Shade saying with a laugh, unceasing claps to exclaim over. 影儿笑呵呵的说道,不断的拍手叫绝。 However at this moment, after Jiang Chen cuts has killed four azure pythons, is actually the discovery in shade behind, presented a giant incomparable shark, the shark has dozens zhang (3.33 m) huge, compared with the beforehand azure python, goes beyond. 然而这一刻,江尘斩杀了四头青蟒之后,却是发现在影儿的身后,出现了一头巨大无比的鲨鱼,鲨鱼有数十丈庞大,比起之前的青蟒,都是有过之而无不及。 The shark opens the big mouth, is swallowing down to shade directly, that making the Jiang Chen's complexion excitedly change, should be fights between four azure pythons, attracted the arrival of this shark, the strength of this shark, was without change with oneself unexpectedly, but Jiang Chen knows that under this deep sea, oneself very possible was not its match, in others domains, acted unruly with others, was not quite easy. 鲨鱼张开血盆大口,直接是对着影儿吞下去,那一幕,令江尘的脸色勃然而变,应该是自己跟四头青蟒之间的战斗,吸引了这头大鲨鱼的到来,这头大鲨鱼的实力,竟跟自己一般无二,不过江尘知道,在这深海之下,自己很可能不是它的对手,在人家的地盘,跟人家撒野,可不太容易。 What is most important, the Jiang Chen's strength regressed unceasingly, under the oppression facing this deep sea, his strength, can achieve God Sovereign Realm initial stage to be small at most, but facing this everybody, clearly it definitely has an addition. 最重要的是,江尘的实力已经不断的退步了,面对这深海之下的压迫,他的实力,至多也就能够达到神皇境初期小通天而已,而面对这个大家伙,显然它绝对是有所加成的。 Be careful!” “小心!” Jiang Chen calls out in alarm one, has pulled open shade, the complexion of shade slightly changes, changed to stream of light, glittering, has shunted biting of this devil. 江尘惊呼一声,一把拉开了影儿,影儿的脸色微微一变,化作了一道流光,闪烁而出,躲开了这一口恶魔之咬。 The speed of shade, making Jiang Chen slightly one startled, this fellow does not compare the beforehand that Flying Eagle fish to be slow unexpectedly, Jiang Chen is suddenly enlighted, originally this little girl has followed in own side, it is estimated that to not hide strength, but wants to hold that Flying Eagle fish with oneself together. 影儿的速度,让江尘微微一惊,这家伙竟然不比之前的那条飞鹰鱼要慢,江尘才恍然大悟,原来这小丫头一直都是跟在自己身边,估计并非是为了隐藏实力,而是想要跟自己一同抓住那条飞鹰鱼。 Kid.” “小家伙。” Jiang Chen relaxed slightly, shade escaped finally, but that shark, is actually looking angrily at eyes, looks at silently they, eye covetously. 江尘微微松了一口气,影儿总算是逃过了一劫,但是那大鲨鱼,却是怒视着双眸,默默的看着他们,虎视眈眈。 Sound that very obviously, Jiang Chen made a moment ago, was really too big, will therefore alarm it, this war, perhaps was the wars of their life and death, that four azure python, but was the appetizer. 很显然,刚才江尘弄出来的动静,实在是太大了,所以才会惊动了它,这一战,或许才是他们的生死之战,那四头青蟒,只不过是开胃菜而已。 The shark reveals rows of bloodthirsty the buckteeth, in front of Jiang Chen and shade, completely is an unequalled colossus. 大鲨鱼露出一排排嗜血的獠牙,在江尘与影儿面前,完全就是一个无与伦比的庞然大物。 Damn human, harassed my clear to cultivate, you damn. Two bloodlines pure fellows, delicacy delicacies, may help my at one fell swoop breakthrough God Sovereign Realm middle stage actually.” “该死的人类,扰乱我的清修,你们都该死。两个血脉精纯的家伙,倒是一道美味佳肴,可助我一举突破神皇境中期。” Shark terrifying soul power, has covered the trim sea area, including the Jiang Chen's complexion is also incomparably dignified, because of soul power of this shark, has achieved God Sovereign Realm late stage unexpectedly, no wonder so rampant, indeed has the rampant qualification. 大鲨鱼恐怖灵魂之力,覆盖了整片海域,连江尘的脸色也是无比凝重,因为这大鲨鱼的灵魂之力,竟然是达到了神皇境后期,怪不得如此的嚣张,也的确是有着自己嚣张的本钱。 Elder brother, what to do?” “哥哥,怎么办?” Shade looked at Jiang Chen one to ask. 影儿看了江尘一眼问道。 confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, he settled on the strength of our bloodlines, we want to be able his obliterate, his within the body infinite pure Divine Origin Energy, can use for us, in this deep sea, this shark is extremely terrifying exist(ence), its boundless Divine Origin Energy, looks like a mountain is the same. This fellow big fish eats small fish, finally is receive and use for oneself, swallows so the powerful situation, is really impressive.” 兵来将挡水来土掩,他看中了咱们的血脉之力,咱们只要能够将他抹杀的话,他体内无限精纯的神元之气,也是能够为我们所用,这深海之中,这大鲨鱼已经是极其恐怖存在了,其身上磅礴的神元之气,就像是一座山一样。这个家伙大鱼吃小鱼,最终全都是纳为己用,吞噬到如此强悍的地步,也着实是让人惊叹啊。” Jiang Chen looks to shade, two people look at each other one, set firm resolve, words that must run, their two are also not necessarily able are the match of this shark, but after all he Overlord in this deep sea. 江尘看向影儿,两个人对视一眼,下定了决心,要跑的话,他们两个也未必会是这大鲨鱼的对手,毕竟他可是这深海之中的霸主 Good.” “好。” The shade beautiful pupil dodges, the completely fearless shark, fights side-by-side with Jiang Chen, at this moment, in their looks, is sending out unequalled blazing rays of light. 影儿美眸一闪,完全无惧大鲨鱼,与江尘并肩作战,这一刻,他们两个的眼神之中,都是散发着无与伦比的炽热光芒 Acts recklessly, even if Dragon Race, this sovereign also photo eats does not harm.” “不知死活,即便是龙族,本皇也照吃不误。” The shark whole body moves, fish fin dodges, the speed is very swift and violent, is similar to the black hawk that assaults the expansive sky together is ordinary, virtually impossible to guard against. 大鲨鱼浑身一动,鱼鳍一闪,速度无比迅猛,如同一道搏击长空的黑鹰一般,令人防不胜防。 The gigantic body, mixes the seabed world, the storm volume seat, vortex is unceasing, the extrusion strength of all around, making Jiang Chen and shade very uncomfortable, but must deal with this fellow, must overcome this heavily to be difficult. If links this simplest underwater to suppress unable to shoulder, then they also in vain were God Sovereign Realm expert. 硕大的身躯,搅动海底世界,风暴卷席,漩涡不断,周遭的挤压之力,让江尘与影儿十分的难受,但是要对付这个家伙,就必须要克服这重重困难。如果连这最简单的水下压制都扛不住,那么他们也就枉为神皇境强者了。 Jiang Chen has not thought that as soon as they enter this sea area, has met such powerful exist(ence), God Sovereign Realm initial stage Great Perfection Sea Monster, its strength is makes one tremble in the water , compared to God Sovereign Realm middle stage human expert absolutely, fierce without doubt. 江尘也没想到,他们一进入这片海域,就遇到了这么强悍存在,神皇境初期大圆满海妖,其实力在水中更是令人震颤,绝对比起神皇境中期人类强者,更加凶猛无疑。 Jiang Chen grasps Heavenly Dragon Sword, a sword streamer, mixes Ruoshui 3000, afterimage like the hook, Jiang Chen and shark unceasing collision together, a sword cuts to fall, leaves behind the deep sword mark on the body of shark, the blood overflows together, but actually as if basic wound and does not arrive at the basis of shark. 江尘手握天龙剑,一剑横批,搅动弱水3000,残影如钩,江尘与大鲨鱼不断的碰撞在一起,一剑斩落,在大鲨鱼的身上留下一道深深的剑痕,鲜血溢出,但是却似乎根本伤及不到大鲨鱼的根本。 Sword 17th!” 剑十七!” Sword Tenth eight!” 剑十八!” Sword Tenth nine!” 剑十九!” In the hand a sword several degrees transformation, the sword shade eclipse date, turned in the palms, hundred miles waters spray welled up violently, the storm was dreadful, above several kilometers water surface, was the raging tide rises from all directions, the disturbance was uncertain. 手中剑几度变换,剑影蚀日,翻掌之间,百里水域浪花激涌,风暴滔天,数千米的水面之上,亦是狂澜四起,风波不定。 Shade also refuses to admit being inferior, although seems like the stature is delicate, but each step, has been full of surging forward the strength of impact, the white hands turn over, among Samsara, hits on the body of shark, seems like soft, regulations Thunderclap is extremely heavy, after all, shade is not the birds beast, but is True Dragon. 影儿也不甘示弱,虽然看似身材娇弱,但是每一步,都是充满了汹涌澎湃的冲击之力,玉手翻转,轮回之间,打在大鲨鱼的身上,看似软绵绵,实则雷霆万钧,毕竟,影儿可不是什么飞禽走兽,而是一条真龙 The strength of dragon, thinks with the shark that is not weak, if revealed that true body, perhaps the strength of shade will be stronger than the present, terrifying. 龙之力,与大鲨鱼想必,丝毫不弱,若是显露出真身的话,恐怕影儿的实力会比现在更强,更加恐怖 Even if so, both with shark unceasing socializing, very difficult, after all the body of shark was really too big, two person methods completely left, at once, is unable how this shark. 即便如此,两者与大鲨鱼不断的周旋,也是十分的艰难,毕竟大鲨鱼的身躯实在是太大了,两个人手段尽出,一时之间,都是无法奈何这大鲨鱼。 The Jiang Chen sword potential like the rainbow, sword frost cold 14 states, the potential of arrogant sword, the winding peaks and paths, fierce fights in the seabed world with the shark, but as before repeatedly was actually compelled to draw back by this terrifying fellow, in shade hand were also many divine sword, with the potential of Jiang Chen's attack, hands over to echo, but how strength extremely terrifying of this shark, in addition the Jiang Chen's strength was suppressed much, the fetter of seabed world, lets him, regardless of not to be how impossible to achieve above the land the feeling of that sweeping away all obstacles. 江尘剑势如虹,一剑霜寒14州,傲剑之势,峰回路转,与大鲨鱼在海底世界之中悍斗不已,但是却依旧是被这恐怖的家伙一再逼退,影儿手中也是多了一把神剑,与江尘的攻击之势,交相呼应,可是奈何这大鲨鱼的实力太过恐怖,再加上江尘的实力被压制了不少,海底世界的束缚,让他无论如何也不可能达到陆地之上那种所向披靡的感觉。 Freeze Three Thousand Li!” 冰冻三千里!” Jiang Chen grasps Cold River and Mountain, an seal makes, the storm of seabed world was frozen instantaneously, in the thousand li (500 km), was frozen thoroughly, the strength of cold ice, able to move unhindered wreaks havoc, does not know many Sea Monster under God Sovereign Realm, all directly froze to death, the terrifying side cold strength, is drawing support from ten thousand miles endless sea, even more powerful, Cold River and Mountain, making Jiang Chen's at present one bright, that shark while still alive was frozen by oneself, definitely is unable to move, life aura, is gradual reduction. 江尘手握寒江岳,一印打出,海底世界的风暴瞬间被冰冻下来,千里之内,被彻底冻结,寒冰之力,纵横肆虐,不知道多少的神皇境之下的海妖,全都是被直接冻死,恐怖的极寒之力,借助着万里无尽的大海,如虎添翼,寒江岳一出,让江尘的眼前都是为之一亮,那大鲨鱼则是被自己活活冻住了,完全无法动弹,生命气息,也是逐渐的降低。 The trim sea area, changes to thousand li (500 km) glacier thoroughly, life-force does not have. 整片海域,彻底化作千里冰川,生机全无。 Divine Bell Golden Cover, God Sealing Taboo! Suppresses to me!” 神钟金罩,封神禁!给我镇压!” Jiang Chen grasps Eastern Emperor Bell, delimits together the eternal rainbow, tore the thousand li (500 km) glacier, Eastern Emperor Bell happen to pounds above the top of the head of shark, the shark whooshed one, the whole body trembles, the glacier was completely broken, has raised the arrogant head, although was shaken by Donghuang Town, received not the small oppression, but Cold River and Mountain cannot its thorough freeze. 江尘手握东皇钟,划出一道万古长虹,撕裂千里冰川,东皇钟正好是砸在了大鲨鱼的头顶之上,大鲨鱼嘶吼一声,浑身一颤,冰川尽碎,扬起了高傲的头颅,虽然被东皇镇一震,受到了不小的压迫,但是寒江岳还是没能将其彻底冻结。
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