DMWG :: Volume #50

#4858: Being decapitated

The week overwhelming can be so self-confident, naturally also because of behind expert, these people are their nuclei of Zhou, takes two people casually, destroys completely a small influence, that is easy. 周浩然能够如此自信,自然也是因为身后高手,这些人都是他们周家的中坚力量,随便拿出来两个人,灭掉一个小势力,那都是轻而易举的。 Trivial Jiang Chen? Was not paid attention to by him. 一个区区江尘?根本不被他放在眼里。 Really is the good aesthetic pleasure, since you are so happy, I naturally must accompany you to be fun, only pitifully, the treasure and beautiful woman, your cannot obtain.” “真是好雅兴啊,既然你这么开心,我自然要陪你好好玩玩了,只可惜,宝贝与美人,你一个都得不到。” Zhou Haoran is hands tied and vertical, look ice-cold, looks straight ahead Jiang Chen, murderous aura four is shooting. 周浩然束手而立,眼神冰冷,直视着江尘,杀气四射。 Relax, has me, they gave up any idea of that injures your fine hair.” “放心,有我在,他们休想伤害你一根汗毛。” Jiang Chen confidently said. 江尘自信的说道 Good, this man is good, the critical moment has not gone to you, Hahaha. Perhaps however today, your to the cruel fate affectionate couple, must distinguish.” “不错,这男人还不错,关键时刻还没有离你而去,哈哈哈。不过今天,你们两个这对苦命鸳鸯,恐怕就要分别了。” Week overwhelming complexion gentle and reserved. 周浩然面色阴柔 You could rest assured that I will definitely not kill his Chen fine jade, I will be in front of his, devastates you ruthlessly, I will make him have a different experience, woman type of thing, is not used to play? You said is right, Jiang Chen.” “你放心,我肯定不会杀了他的辰璐,我会当着他的面,狠狠的蹂躏你,我会让他有一种不一样的体验,女人这种东西,不就是用来玩的吗?你说对不对,江尘。” Your bastard! You is a shameless one.” “你混蛋!你就是个无耻之徒。” Chen fine jade closely is gripping the fist, wishes one could overwhelming to tear to shreds the week. 辰璐紧紧攥着拳头,恨不得将周浩然碎尸万段。 Said uselessly, the chart flaunts the advantage of argument, looked that you can laugh last, I must kill you, feared that does not need to go through the complications.” “多说无益,图逞口舌之利,就看你能不能笑到最后了,我要杀你,怕也不需要太费周折。” Jiang Chen and week overwhelming four eyes contact, both's spark, bursts out finally in this moment. 江尘与周浩然四目相对,两者的火花,终于在这一刻迸发开来。 Courts death! I deliver you a regulation.” “找死!那我就送你一程。” Week overwhelming cold voice said. 周浩然冷声说道。 Begins “动手” Sonic boom drinks, three star level 9-layer Heaven expert, rushes rapidly comes, six star level 8-layer days follow. 一声爆喝,三个恒星级九重天高手,迅速冲上前来,六个恒星级八重天紧随其后。 Nine big expert, directly then Jiang Chen sphering. 九大高手,直接便是将江尘给围住了。 Chen fine jade younger sister, making me have a look at your strength, has the progress.” “辰璐妹妹,让我看看你的实力,有没有长进呢。” The week overwhelming presses up to Chen fine jade to go, Chen fine jade look cold, present she is star level sevenfold peak, was selected by Chen family/home Ancestral Land, strength also absolutely not commonplace. 周浩然直逼辰璐而去,辰璐眼神一寒,现在的她可是恒星级七重巅峰,更是被辰家祖地选中,实力也绝非等闲。 Week overwhelming, although is the star level 8-layer day, but Chen fine jade does not fear him, this fought let alone is nothing's flinching leeway. 周浩然虽然是恒星级八重天,但是辰璐也并不怕他,更何况这一战已经是没有任何的退缩余地了。 Big brother Jiang Chen has welcomed nine big expert in a flash, the scene very difficult. 江尘大哥转瞬之间已经迎上了九大高手,场面非常的艰难。 Big brother Jiang Chen is careful!” 江尘大哥小心呐!” In Chen fine jade heart is anxious. 辰璐心中充满担忧。 You first care about yourself, humph humph.” “你还是先关心一下你自己吧,哼哼。” The week overwhelming may not have the feeling of slightly showing tender affection, first caught Chen fine jade to say again when the time comes threatened the opposite party with Chen fine jade, might as well be means. 周浩然可没有丝毫怜香惜玉的感觉,先擒住辰璐再说,到时候用辰璐威胁对方,也未尝不是一个办法。 However the week overwhelming is confident regarding own behind nine big expert, these nine people cope with Jiang Chen, is completely the piece of cake. 但是周浩然对于自己身后的九大高手还是非常有信心的,这九个人对付江尘,完全是小菜一碟嘛。 Kills “杀” Is star level 9-layer Heaven expert of head, reckless, leads the people, the long jab Jiang Chen's Achilles'heel. 为首的恒星级九重天高手,不顾一切,率领众人,直击江尘的命门。 Jiang Chen sneers, look gloomy and cold, naturally is the fearless danger, horizontal blade immediately, motionless as mountain. 江尘冷笑一声,眼神阴冷,自然是无惧危险,横刀立马,不动如山 After Dragon Transformation, the Jiang Chen's strength and breadth of spirit, are extremely overbearing, engages in fierce battle together with nine big expert, simply is Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. 龙变之后,江尘的力量与气魄,都是极其霸道,与九大高手鏖战在一起,简直就是惊天动地 The Jiang Chen strength consolidated thoroughly in star level 9-layer Heaven, these nine people, definitely are unable to shake the slightest, by an enemy nine, Jiang Chen still had the leeway. 江尘实力彻底稳固在了恒星级九重天,这九个人,完全无法撼动自己分毫,以一敌九,江尘尚有余地可言。 The strengths of nine people, are indeed good, can work for Zhou Jia, will the strengths of these people possibly be weak? 九个人的实力,的确不俗,能够为周家效力,这些人的实力怎么可能会弱得了呢? For this time absolutely safe, the week overwhelming looked for three star level 9-layer Heaven expert to assume personal command, now deadlock of both sides, lets the week overwhelming brow tight wrinkle, are these fellows doing? 这一次为了万无一失,周浩然找来了三个恒星级九重天高手坐镇,现在双方的僵持,让周浩然眉头紧皱,这些家伙在干什么? Hasn't fought a battle to force a quick decision?” “还不速战速决?” The week overwhelming angrily roars, what he has not thought that these people must worry compared with him, but you think that Jiang Chen really told you are so weak? If they can kill Jiang Chen, had begun, why to wait till now? 周浩然怒吼一声,但是他没有想到的是,这些人比他都要着急,但是你以为江尘真的跟你所说的那么弱嘛?他们如果能够击毙江尘,早就已经动手了,何必等到现在呢? In an instant, dozens moves have crossed, but Jiang Chen is in an impregnable position as before, moreover nine big expert, at this moment, somewhat were instead beset with problems. 转眼之间,几十招已过,但是江尘依旧还是立于不败之地,而且九大高手,此时此刻,反而是有些捉襟见肘了。 Jiang Chen is unflustered, the strengths of these fellows are nothing less, only ran into itself pitifully, the fight of such intensity, was was just good regarding Jiang Chen, after all three star level 9-layer Heaven not? Must give others somewhat some faces. 江尘从容不迫,这些家伙的实力不可谓不强,只可惜遇到了自己,这样强度的战斗来说,对于江尘还算是刚刚好,毕竟还有三个恒星级九重天不是嘛?多多少少还是要给人家一些面子的。 At this time Jiang Chen's gaze instead on Chen fine jade, her strength strong and weak, was Jiang Chen cares. 这个时候江尘的目光反而在辰璐身上,她的实力强弱,才是江尘所关心的。 Although between both has a disparity, but Chen fine jade actually not by oneself disappointed, to on strong 1-layer Heaven week overwhelming, Chen fine jade instead fiercer the more one fights, this lets Jiang Chen happy truly. 虽然两者之间有所差距,但是辰璐却并没有让自己失望,对上比自己强上一重天的周浩然,辰璐反而是愈战愈勇,这才是真正让江尘高兴的。 Saw that Chen fine jade was all right, oneself also this/should activity physique well. 眼看辰璐没事儿了,自己也该好好的活动一下筋骨了。 At this time Jiang Chen shakes the head, rays of light in look started becomes blazing. 这个时候江尘摇了摇头,眼神之中的光芒开始变得炽热起来。 The true fight, just started! 真正的战斗,才刚刚开始! That makes me have a look, your group of motley crew, many weights.” “那就让我看看,你们这群乌合之众,有多少斤两吧。” Jiang Chen sneers, the hand grasps Heavenly Dragon Sword, sword qi Liuyun, with irresistible force. 江尘冷笑一声,手握天龙剑,剑气流云,势如破竹。 Nine big expert have not thought completely, Jiang Chen can such terrifying. 九大高手完全没有想到,江尘会如此之恐怖 Six star level 8-layer days people, are unable to offend its sharply, even six people collaborate, can still compare favorably with star level 9-layer Heaven, the potential of Jiang Chen's attack, powerful, simply had not so given them let alone at this time any opportunity. 六个恒星级八重天的人,根本无法撄其锋锐,就算是六个人联手,也就堪堪能够比得上一个恒星级九重天而已,更何况这个时候江尘的进攻之势,如此强悍,根本没有给他们任何的机会。 Jiang Chen takes undivided attention, Heavenly Dragon Sword comes and goes, Sword of No Realm is unflustered, these nine people are less than ten moves, completely by Jiang Chen diverting, three star level 9-layer Heaven very discretely, but did to the Jiang Chen's strength is really strong. 江尘心无旁骛,天龙剑来去自如,无境之剑从容不迫,这九个人不到十招,就已经完全被江尘给牵制住了,三个恒星级九重天更是非常的谨慎,但是奈何江尘的实力实在是太强了。 They had not met such terrifying expert before, a crazy offensive gets down, Jiang Chen returns safe and sound radically, moreover Jiang Chen's Heavenly Dragon Sword, the point is very radiant, they can only fortify at every step, was injured by Jiang Chen's sword edge, completely does not have any strength to hit back. 他们之前还从来没有遇到过这么恐怖高手,一顿疯狂的攻势下来,江尘根本毫发无损,而且江尘的天龙剑,锋芒无比璀璨,他们只能步步为营,被江尘的剑锋所伤,完全没有任何还手之力。 Sword of No Realm, start was Jiang Chen provided the attack method of most simple and crude, even Jiang Chen has not put forth true killing strike, these people have started to retreat in defeat again and again. 无境之剑,开始为江尘提供了最为简单粗暴的攻击手段,甚至江尘还没有使出真正的杀招,这些人就已经开始节节败退。 Nearby week overwhelming sees this, thorough was scared, is Jiang Chen so unexpectedly abnormal? 一旁的周浩然看到这一幕,彻底傻眼了,江尘竟然这么变态? These people may be expert that their Zhou ranks among the best, is difficult to be inadequate to look to be good their Old Ancestor? 这些人可都是他们周家数一数二的高手,难不成要把他们老祖找来才行嘛? Jiang Chen one's effort, sweeps away the universe, making nine big expert fall into certainly, originally is also thinking nine people killed Jiang Chen to have more than enough to spare, now is actually recriminated to restrain. 江尘一己之力,横扫乾坤,让九大高手陷入了绝地之中,本来还想着九个人狙杀江尘绰绰有余,现在却被反控制住了。 Zhou Haoran is burning with impatience, this way, didn't oneself defeat? 周浩然心急如焚,再这样下去,自己不就败了吗? Moreover what is more important, under bombing of continually Chen fine jade, he had also fallen into the position of a narrow escape. 而且更重要的是,在辰璐的连番轰炸之下,他也已经陷入了九死一生的境地。 Paternal grandmother, my solemn Zhou Crown Prince master, ends up so the paddies unexpectedly. 奶奶的,我堂堂周家太子爷,竟然落得如此田地。 „Haven't you eaten meal? One crowd of waste, had not killed him to me!” “你们都没吃饭嘛?一群废物,还不给我杀了他!” Exclaiming that Zhou Haoran shouts oneself hoarse, however, all are he are unexpected, instead is the Jiang Chen rapid rise, potential of the sword, six star level 8-layer days, instantaneous to seal/confer throat, is decapitated! 周浩然声嘶力竭的吼道,然而,一切都是他始料未及的,反而是江尘迅速崛起,一剑之势,六个恒星级八重天,瞬间封喉,身首异处!
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