DMWG :: Volume #50

#4859: This person, cannot remain

Shock! 震撼! Shock that could not say, in the week overwhelming look, filled with amazement, he has not thought that the subordinate who Jiang Chen's strength such terrifying, oneself will be proud, among the moments, was killed half by Jiang Chen unexpectedly. 说不出的震撼,周浩然的眼神之中,充满了骇然,他万万没想到,江尘的实力会如此的恐怖,自己引以为傲的手下,竟然片刻之间,就被江尘杀了一半之多。 Although is star level 8-layer day expert, but is not easy with it generation, so many people collaborate, by Jiang Chen repelling, moreover in an instant, is decapitated, this, keeping week overwhelming in any event some from accepting. 虽然是恒星级八重天的高手,但是也绝不是易与之辈,这么多人联手,还是被江尘给击退了,而且霎那之间,身首异处,这一幕,让周浩然无论如何都有些无法接受。 Was this too also abnormal? 这也太变态了吧? Own before has planned all, but the final clown actually turned into himself unexpectedly. 自己之前已经算计好了一切,但是没成想最终小丑却变成了自己。 He thinks absolutely safe, is actually actually full of loopholes. 他以为万无一失,其实却是漏洞百出。 Own present is passive, under the suppression of Chen fine jade, absolutely does not have the strength to hit back, was also counting on these people rescue themselves, but now looks like, brought her home has become the dream bubble not saying that he must consider oneself escape route. 自己现在都已经是非常的被动了,在辰璐的打压之下,完全没有还手之力,原本还指望着这些人来救援一下自己,可现在看来,抱得美人归已经成为了梦幻泡影不说,他也得考虑一下自己的退路了。 Remaining three star level 9-layer Heaven, this was the week overwhelming final trump card, but these three people evidently also very discrete, was beset with problems, under the Jiang Chen's crazy headstrong suppression, seemed very distressed. 剩下三个恒星级九重天,这是周浩然最后的王牌了,但是这三个人看样子也是非常的谨慎,捉襟见肘,在江尘的狂莽打压之下,显得十分狼狈。 Kills to me! Kills!” “给我杀!杀呀!” Zhou Haoran is roaring crazily, but does not help matters, Jiang Chen was really strong, the hand grasped Heavenly Dragon Sword, swept away all obstacles, three star level 9-layer Heaven expert, absolutely did not have any opportunity, moreover became very distressed, this way, can only be a result, they must die. 周浩然疯狂的怒吼着,可是无济于事,江尘实在是太强了,手握天龙剑,所向披靡,三个恒星级九重天高手,完全没有了任何的用武之地,而且变得十分的狼狈,这样下去,只能是一个结果,他们全都得死。 Jiang Chen strolls, unflustered, sword edge refers, making three star level 9-layer Heaven expert be miserable beyond description, they cannot think through, Jiang Chen breakthrough 9-layer Heaven shortly, why aren't three people just able to shake him? This also too terrifying? 江尘闲庭信步,从容不迫,剑锋所指,让三个恒星级九重天高手苦不堪言,他们怎么也想不通,江尘才刚刚突破九重天没多久,为什么三个人都无法撼动他?这也太恐怖了吧? Facts speak louder than words, the Jiang Chen's strength, exceeded their imagination completely, one's effort, sweeps away the universe. 事实胜于雄辩,江尘的实力,完全超出了他们的想象,一己之力,横扫乾坤。 In three ordinary days aloof and remote star level 9-layer Heaven expert, turns into don't hit a person when he's down to be the same now completely, dashes about aimlessly, under the Jiang Chen's Heavenly Dragon Sword steamroll, injury more and more Yan Jun (severe). 三个平日里高高在上的恒星级九重天高手,现在完全变成了落水狗一般,东逃西窜,在江尘的天龙剑碾压之下,伤势越来越严峻 Such result, even Chen fine jade has not thought that big brother Jiang Chen faces so many expert alone, but can also be calm, unflustered, is really is not easy . Moreover the most important thing is, big brother Jiang Chen has no issue completely, but also was the winning side, looking at it like this, the week overwhelming must admit defeat surely. 这样的结果,即便是辰璐也是没有想到的,江尘大哥独自面对这么多高手,还能够如此镇定,从容不迫,实在是太不容易了,而且最重要的是,江尘大哥完全没有任何问题,还稳居上风,这样看来,周浩然必定是要吃瘪了。 Worthily is big brother Jiang Chen who I most worship! 不愧是我最崇拜的江尘大哥! In Chen fine jade heart proud, moreover oneself to fighting week overwhelming also very discrete, her method completely leaves, has made the week overwhelming place the disadvantage, panted for breath continually becomes very difficult. 辰璐心中骄傲,而且自己对战周浩然也是非常的谨慎,她手段尽出,已经让周浩然身处劣势,连喘息都变得十分艰难了。 Big brother Jiang Chen is invincible, this war, the week overwhelming obvious has defeated. 江尘大哥更是所向无敌,这一战,周浩然明显已经败了。 Rolls to me!” “都给我滚!” Sword 31!” “剑三十一!” The brutal sword, advances freely and quickly certainly, three big expert were shaken by Jiang Chen completely draws back, complexion is pale, but acts under full power, can guarantee own situation as before, but is actually not able to offend its sharply, the Jiang Chen's strength, was really strong. 无情绝剑,纵横驰骋,三大高手全部被江尘震退,面色惨白,不过全力施为之下,依旧还能够保证自己的处境,但是却根本无法撄其锋锐,江尘的实力,实在是太强了。 Kills “杀” Jiang Chen has not thought showing mercy, at this time his goal, only then, kills! 江尘从来没有想过手下留情,这个时候他的目的只有一个,杀! kill without mercy! 杀无赦 Week overwhelming, since the belt/bring person comes, wants exterminate, the person to kill me, is difficult to be inadequate I also to put down the butcher knife? 周浩然既然带人前来,就是想要将自己灭杀,人要杀我,难不成我还要放下屠刀? Jiang Chen is not always the Buddhism believers, massacres the week overwhelming, is his ultimate goal. 江尘向来都不是什么善男信女,杀掉周浩然,就是他最终的目的。 Is strange, blames your unable to differentiate good from bad, must oppose with me. 要怪,就怪你不知好歹,非要跟我作对。 In the Jiang Chen heart sneers, at this time, three big expert do not dare to march forward, but Jiang Chen is aims at the week overwhelming, murderous aura clears away. 江尘心中冷笑,这个时候,三大高手已经不敢继续向前了,而江尘则是对准周浩然,杀气涤荡。 Buzz sword cry, ear-splitting, the week overwhelming evades not to be possible to evade, a move suffers defeat, above the shoulder, bloody light spurts thinly, the severe wound draws back, the complexion incomparable paleness, his simply will not be Jiang Chen gathering. 一声剑鸣,震耳欲聋,周浩然避无可避,一招败北,肩膀之上,血光喷薄,重伤而退,脸色无比的惨白,他根本就不是江尘一合之将。 !” “噗!” A counter blood blowout, the week overwhelming drops, pounded above the land, crawled difficultly, the panic-stricken color of whole face. 一口逆血喷出,周浩然跌落而下,砸在了大地之上,艰难的爬了起来,满脸的惊恐之色。 Does not want, do not kill me......” “不要,不要杀我……” The week overwhelming whole face is pale, facial expression terrified saying. 周浩然满脸惨白,神情惶恐的说道。 Doesn't kill you? Do I remain your what use?” “不杀你?那我留你何用呢?” Jiang Chen sneers to say. 江尘冷笑道。 Your I do not have the enmity without the injustice, we said goodbye, asking you to let off me, Jiang Chen, I ensure later did not snatch Chen fine jade with you. I pledged to the day.” “你我无冤无仇,咱们就此别过,求求你放过我吧,江尘,我保证,以后再也不跟你抢辰璐了。我对天发誓。” Week overwhelming quickly said. 周浩然连忙说道 Doesn't have the enmity without the injustice? Hahaha, was really laughable, you must kill me, must seize my treasure, now exposed, said that we didn't have the enmity without the injustice? When really my Jiang Chen is a three -year-old child?” “无冤无仇?哈哈哈哈,真是太可笑了,你要杀我,要夺我宝贝,现在败露了,说我们无冤无仇?真当我江尘是三岁小孩嘛?” The Jiang Chen anger instead smiles extremely. 江尘怒极反笑。 You find the person to kill me, now could not be victorious, you said that doesn't have the enmity with me without the injustice? 你来找人杀我,现在打不过了,你说跟我无冤无仇? You think that I am so good to be perfunctory? Now our two have arrived did not die the continuous situation, the person who if seriously injured now is I, you can also say self-confidently, our two don't have the enmity without the injustice? You think that Lulu is you can bribe? Now resorts to arms, hangs in the balance, you also had a face saying that we didn't have the enmity without the injustice?” “你以为我真的那么好敷衍嘛?现在咱们两个已经到了不死不休的地步,如果现在受重伤的人是我,你还能够如此自信的说,我们两个无冤无仇嘛?你以为璐璐是你能够染指的嘛?现在兵戎相见,命悬一线,你还有脸说我们无冤无仇?” Jiang Chen kicks, overwhelming kicked the more than 10 meter away the week directly, the week overwhelming skeleton from top to bottom, was kicked the smashing to be the same probably, is in deep sorrow. 江尘一脚踢出,直接将周浩然踢出了十几米远,周浩然浑身上下的骨骼,都像是被踢得粉碎一样,痛不欲生。 In his look, fears and despairs, from initial being insufferably arrogant, trembles to the present whole body, the week overwhelming is the same like a turtle, rolling up, whole face entreaty looks at Jiang Chen. 他的眼神之中,只有恐惧与绝望,从最初的不可一世,到现在的浑身颤栗,周浩然如同一只缩头乌龟一样,蜷缩着,满脸哀求的看着江尘 I was of Young Master Tang four Great Family, Jiang Chen, I asked you do not kill me, I can your many wealth treasure, I be able to your unsurpassed glory, not to kill me, asked you, do not kill me.” “我是大唐四大家族之一的公子,江尘,我求求你不要杀我,我可以给你很多的财富宝贝,我可以给你无上的荣耀,别杀我,求求你了,别杀我。” Zhou Haoran gives Jiang Chen to kowtow unceasingly, but now, said anything already late, because Jiang Chen has made the resolution that must kill to him. 周浩然不断给江尘磕头,但是现在,说什么都已经晚了,因为江尘已经对他下了必杀的决心。 Big brother Jiang Chen, or...... considers as finished.” 江尘大哥,要不……还是算了吧。” gaze of Chen fine jade is somewhat complex, she possibly is not the heartache week overwhelming, but felt if at this time big brother Jiang Chen really massacred the week overwhelming, will then inevitably cause the crazy retaliation of entire Zhou, although big brother Jiang Chen strength is very strong, if wants one's effort to resist Zhou, perhaps is impossible. 辰璐的目光有些复杂,她不可能是心疼周浩然,而是觉得这个时候如果江尘大哥真的杀掉了周浩然,那么势必会引起整个周家的疯狂报复,江尘大哥的实力虽然很强,但是要想一己之力对抗周家,恐怕就是不可能的了。 Even HSBC Auction room, is impossible really to tear to pieces the facial skin with Zhou. 即便是汇丰拍卖行,也不可能真的跟周家撕破脸皮的。 The most important thing is, Zhou has ten several tens of thousands years of history in Tang, deep-rooted, wants to vacillate Zhou, definitely is difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 最重要的是,周家在大唐已经有着十数万年的历史了,根深蒂固,想要动摇周家,肯定是难如登天。 Zhou Haoran is Zhou big Young Master, the position respect, if he has problems, will definitely let Zhou thorough boiling. 周浩然是周家大公子,身份地位尊重,如果一旦他出了什么问题的话,肯定会让周家彻底沸腾的。 He insulted you, moreover wants to kill me, this person, cannot remain!” “他侮辱你,而且还想杀我,这种人,不能留!” The Jiang Chen gentle voice said, he knows Chen fine jade is worried about own safety, but Jiang Chen is not always person of the timid being afraid of getting into trouble, massacres this fellow let alone, to them, can get it over and done, otherwise this week overwhelming same will also hold to like quack remedy his, directly solved it would rather, in the future the Zhou weak trend will look for his trouble again, is confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth. 江尘柔声说道,他知道辰璐是担心自己的安危,但是江尘从来都不是一个胆小怕事之人,更何况杀掉这个家伙,对他们来说,也能够一劳永逸,否则的话这个周浩然也会如同狗皮膏药一样粘着他的,倒不如直接将其解决了,日后周家弱势再找上他的麻烦,也是兵来将挡水来土掩
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