DMWG :: Volume #50

#4857: Outstanding

In the Jiang Chen's heart sinks slightly, without thinking oneself just planned to leave here, met troublesome. 江尘的心中微微一沉,没想到自己刚打算离开这里,就遇上了麻烦。 At this moment, Chen fine jade is also felt that the huge constriction, walked from own room rapidly. 此时此刻,辰璐也是感觉到了巨大的压迫感,迅速从自己的房间之中走了出来。 Sees only big brother Jiang Chen to bring the azure monkey to stand in the garden, whole face the color of enforcing. 只见江尘大哥带着天青猴站在庭院之中,满脸的严肃之色。 What's all this about? Big brother Jiang Chen?” “这是怎么回事?江尘大哥?” Chen fine jade is puzzled, although she does not have the Jiang Chen's sensation is so intense, but had also felt not wonderful, some people have possibly given to surround them, and is difficult. 辰璐还是一脸疑惑,她虽然没有江尘的感知那么强烈,但是也已经感觉到了一丝不妙,很可能有人已经将他们给包围了,而且是寸步难行。 Jiang Chen looked at Chen fine jade one, nods. 江尘看了辰璐一眼,点点头。 Some people have possibly stared at us.” “有人可能已经盯上我们了。” The Jiang Chen's sensation is not Chen fine jade can compare favorably absolutely, his life star soul had long ago felt that the oppression of this strength, the diameter directly soared them to surge. 江尘的感知绝对不是辰璐所能媲美的,他的本命星魂在很久之前就已经感觉到了这股力量的压迫,径直奔着他们涌动而来。 Comes out, since had come, won't be will plan to pitch camp here?” “出来吧,既然已经来了,不会是打算在这里安营扎寨吧?” Jiang Chen indifferently said. 江尘冷漠的说道 At this time, ten forms, quiet appearance in garden, although before Jiang Chen, already on arrange/cloth formation, but these people came prepared, wanted the words that formation eradicated, although was very difficult, but oneself must leave after all. 这个时候,十道身影,悄无声息的出现在了庭院之中,虽然江尘之前已经布上了阵法,但是这些人有备而来,想要将阵法破除的话,虽然很难,但是自己终归是要离开的。 Since the opposite party had flushed, oneself do not need to continue to camouflage. 既然对方已经冲了上来,那自己也就没有必要继续伪装下去了。 Since wants to come, that do not plan to go back. 既然想来,那就别打算回去了。 Man who can let Chen fine jade younger sister heart movement worthily, this imposing manner and courage, if is really praiseworthy. Jiang Chen, we met.” “不愧是能够让辰璐妹妹心动的男人,这份气势与胆魄,果真是让人钦佩啊。江尘,咱们又见面了。” Week overwhelming emergence, without beyond Jiang Chen's expected slightly, because he has long known that was he, this fellow will not definitely give up, above the years racket of HSBC Auction room, oneself made the week overwhelming lose completely face, will this Great Family Young Master master, how possibly swallow under this tone? 周浩然的出现,丝毫没有出乎江尘的预料,因为他早就已经知道是他了,这个家伙肯定是不会善罢甘休的,在汇丰拍卖行的年拍之上,自己让周浩然丢尽了颜面,这个大家族公子爷,怎么可能会咽得下这口气呢? Therefore the week overwhelming also appeared obviously, if he does not come, Jiang Chen will become very surprised. 所以周浩然也就显而易见的出现了,他如果不来的话,江尘才会变得十分惊讶。 In arrogant Zhou Haoran regarding ordinary day, Jiang Chen is his thorn in the side, rushed ahead with oneself let alone the woman? 对于平日里飞扬跋扈的周浩然而言,江尘就是他的眼中钉肉中刺,更何况还跟自己抢上了女人? May endure what else cannot be tolerated, the man must install! 是可忍孰不可忍,男人就得装! Zhou Haoran has set firm resolve today, must execute Jiang Chen in this inevitably, with hate of solution heart. 周浩然今天已经下定决心,势必要将江尘格杀于此,以解心头之恨。 He was the local despot in Tang, the Crown Prince master, this matter appeared on him, was really a shame. 他是大唐的土皇帝,太子爷,这种事情出现在他身上,实在是一种耻辱。 Above the years racket many looks at of helplessly, oneself were pressed twice by Jiang Chen, does not have the strength to hit back, can only allow to be oppressed. 年拍之上多少人眼睁睁的看着,自己两次被江尘压下去,毫无还手之力,只能任人宰割。 However is now different, oneself must kill him, easy as pie! 不过现在不一样了,自己要杀他,易如反掌! Week overwhelming, do you want to do?” “周浩然,你想干什么?” Chen fine jade heart sinks, eye looks at his behind expert, an unclear premonition well ups. 辰璐心头一沉,眼看着身后高手,一阵不详的预感涌上心头。 Zhou Haoran sneers, shakes the head. 周浩然冷笑一声,摇了摇头。 „Do I want to do? Baffles you to be able not to know? Today I must kill him, then gave to wrest away you, wasn't this my goal? Hahaha. This person, must die, my Zhou Haoran said.” “我想干什么?难倒你会不知道嘛?今天我就要杀了他,然后再把你给霸占了,这不就是我的目的嘛?哈哈哈。这个人,必须死,我周浩然说的。” Your this lunatic, we and you do not have the enmity without the injustice, why do you want to do that?” “你这个疯子,我们与你无冤无仇,你为什么要这么做?” A Chen fine jade face angry is looking at the week overwhelming, this fellow obviously woos inadequately, fly into a rage out of humiliation, vents anger in big brother Jiang Chen now, this matter then because of oneself. 辰璐一脸愤然的望着周浩然,这个家伙明显就是求爱不成,恼羞成怒,现在更是迁怒于江尘大哥,这件事情便是因自己而起的。 You also are really small lovable, Chen fine jade. He when the HSBC Auction market entrance, made impertinent remarks to me, unable to differentiate good from bad. Also above years racket again and again shames me? Didn't have the enmity with me without the injustice? What bitter hatred that is, can make me treat him? You think that who you are? You are just smelly table, in my eyes, you are slut, I must devastate you ruthlessly, then throws completely ten thousand Sheku to go you. Hahaha.” “你还真是个小可爱呀,辰璐。他在汇丰拍卖场门口的时候,对我出言不逊,不知好歹。又在年拍之上三番两次的羞辱我?还跟我无冤无仇?那得是什么深仇大恨,才能够让我这么对待他呢?你以为你是谁?你只不过就是个臭表子,在我眼里,你就是个贱人,我要狠狠的蹂躏你,然后把你丢尽万蛇窟里去。哈哈哈。” Week overwhelming eyeful indifferent, he was also passionately devoted about Chen fine jade, but this unable to differentiate good from bad woman, so demotes herself unexpectedly, but also shames him before other man, this hatred, overwhelming deeply had been buried the heart by the week, now such good opportunity, once in a thousand years, he must make Jiang Chen pay the price. 周浩然满眼冷漠,原本他还对辰璐一往情深,但是这个不知好歹的女人,竟然如此的贬斥自己,还在别的男人面前羞辱他,这份仇恨,已经被周浩然深埋心底,现在这么好的机会,千载难逢,他必须要让江尘付出代价。 The Young Master master as Tang, this strength had. 作为大唐的公子爷,这份实力还是有得。 Let alone, on Jiang Chen's definitely has many secrets, this fellow patted the Linghua precious book unexpectedly, then definitely will have the big treasure. 更何况,江尘的身上肯定有着不少秘密,这个家伙竟然拍下了菱花宝典,那么肯定还会有大宝贝。 This Linghua precious book laid out 50 million astronomical figures, does not know that many people are yearn for something even in one's dreams. 这菱花宝典就拍出了五千万的天文数字,不知道多少人都是梦寐以求的。 The treasure in Jiang Chen hand, is he wants urgently, Chen fine jade is not fragrant at this time, but takes while convenient, Jiang Chen is his ultimate goal. 江尘手中的宝贝,也是他迫切想要得到的,辰璐在这个时候已经不香了,只是顺便拿下而已,江尘才是他最终目的。 As one of the Tang four Great Family, this strength and breadth of spirit, the week overwhelming could take. 作为大唐四大家族之一,这份实力与气魄,周浩然还是拿得出来的。 Your bastard! Do you know, you do that might obtain HSBC Auction room. Do not forget, but big brother Jiang Chen Tang graceful young lady's distinguished guest.” “你混蛋!你知不知道,你这么做,很可能会得到汇丰拍卖行的。你别忘了,江尘大哥可是唐婉小姐的贵宾。” Chen fine jade glowers, Tang HSBC Auction room moved gracefully, wants to shout at to leave the week overwhelming, but the week overwhelming was not frightened in a big way, even Tang here, he will not call a halt gracefully absolutely. 辰璐怒目而视,将汇丰拍卖行的唐婉搬了出来,想要喝退周浩然,但是周浩然可不是被吓大的,就算是唐婉在这里,他也绝对不会停手的。 After all, today look for Jiang Chen, solely was not a Tang can control the aspect gracefully. 毕竟,今天自己来找江尘,可不单单是一个唐婉就能够控制得了局面的。 Only if, Tang Wan has prepared for with that Zhou Jia battles against, this not in HSBC Auction room. 除非,唐婉已经做好了跟周家开战的准备,这可不是在汇丰拍卖行。 You think that Tang gracefully was his charm amulet? I do not fear her now, my week overwhelming works, never needs anybody to teach me.” “你以为唐婉就是他的护身符了嘛?我现在可不怕她,我周浩然做事,从来不需要任何人来教我。” The week overwhelming one step treads, is imposing, brings infinite killing intent, looks angrily at Jiang Chen, no one can prevent him, anybody dares to block in own front, wants him to live to might as well die. 周浩然一步踏出,气势雄浑,带着无穷杀意,怒视江尘,没有人能够阻止他,任何人胆敢拦在自己的面前,一定要他生不如死。 Even if Chen fine jade still, because Chen fine jade is not important in the week overwhelming eye. 就算是辰璐也不例外,因为辰璐在周浩然眼中已经没有那么重要了。 Now Jiang Chen is in his eye treasure. 现在江尘才是他眼中的‘宝贝’。 You “你” Chen fine jade has not thought that the matter has developed this situation, his behind expert, is not a vegetarian, moreover in Tang four Great Family strengths, unusual terrifying, was not the influence of their Xijiang can be a worthy opponent, particularly Zhou, cannot be underestimated. 辰璐没想到事情已经发展到这种地步,他身后高手,可不是吃素的,而且大唐之中四大家族的实力,非常恐怖,绝不是他们西疆的势力所能匹敌的,尤其是周家,更是不容小觑。 „The week Young Master rare aesthetic pleasure, we cannot favor one and discriminate against the other, since wants to play, I accompany.” “周公子难得雅兴,那咱们更加不能厚此薄彼了,既然想玩,那我就奉陪到底。” Jiang Chen said with a smile, even facing week of coming prepared overwhelming, he is still nothing's scared look, these fellows are very indeed strong, but the present strength has also consolidated thoroughly in star level 9-layer Heaven, such battle strength, Jiang Chen is self-confident, does not meet true nebula level expert, he almost can sweep away. 江尘笑着说道,即便是面对有备而来的周浩然,他也是毫无任何的惧色,这些家伙的确很强,但是自己如今的实力也已经彻底稳固在了恒星级九重天,这样的战力,江尘自信,不遇到真正的星云级强者,他几乎可以横扫。 The week overwhelming is very crazy, his very presumptious, is also very rampant, but unfortunately ran into itself. 周浩然很狂,他也很放肆,很嚣张,但是可惜的是遇到了自己。 Big brother Jiang Chen, they overwhelm with numerical strength, these people are not the fuel-efficient lamps.” 江尘大哥,他们人多势众,这些人都不是省油的灯。” Week overwhelming behind nine big expert, formed a big pressure on Chen fine jade, after all this is in others domains, not in Xijiang. 周浩然身后的九大高手,还是对辰璐形成了不小的压力,毕竟这可是在人家的地盘上,并非是在西疆。 In these people, at least three star level 9-layer Heaven expert, remaining is also the star level 8-layer day. 这些人之中,至少有三个恒星级九重天高手,剩下的也都是恒星级八重天。 Zhou take action, is outstanding. 周家出手,就是不同凡响。
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