DMWG :: Volume #50

#4879: Discussed together the important matter

tut tut, this boy was finished, gave the grandson sea unexpectedly waste.” 啧啧啧,这小子完蛋了,竟然把孙海洋给废了。” Yes, yeah, although did a good matter, but actually gave itself the evil. In this abundant Yang Shuicheng, who dares to move him.” “是啊,哎,虽然做了件好事儿,但是却把自己给害了。在这博阳水城之中,谁敢动他呀。” Goes too far, if I, I will not let off absolutely his.” “欺人太甚,要是我,我也绝对不会放过他的。” This little brother is very really kind, changes into me, certainly must kill him.” “这位小兄弟已经很够意思了,换成我,肯定要杀了他。” Quick do not blow awesome, changed into your you to kneel begs for mercy.” “你快别吹牛逼了,换成你你早就跪地求饶了。” The one side often some people sigh with emotion, at the last minute, Long Yang long spear selected, caused heavy losses to the grandson sea, although has not massacred him, but he had turned into a disabled person. 一旁不时有人感慨起来,最后一刻,龙阳长枪一挑,重创了孙海洋,虽然没杀掉他,但是他已经变成了一个废人了。 king Dachui deeply frowned, in the heart sighed, although Long Yang has not massacred the grandson sea finally, preserved his life, but also offended that grandson Liu king without a doubt. 王大锤眉头紧锁,心中感叹,虽然龙阳最后没有杀掉孙海洋,保住了他的一条命,但是毫无疑问也是得罪了那个孙刘王。 Although this person is not the big energy, but Sun Liu king reputation is also the non- constant error, moreover is sinister. 虽然这号人并不是什么大能,但是孙刘王的名声也是非常差,而且非常阴险的。 Abundant Yang Shuicheng, no one wants to provoke this group of goods. 博阳水城,谁都不想招惹这路货色。 Long Yang this action, after all impulsive. 龙阳这一举动,终归还是鲁莽了一些。 This place is not suitable stays for a long time, Long Yang, we hurry, goes to that side Western city to lie low until something blows over, you offend Sun Liu king in abundant Yang Shuicheng now, surely does not have the auspicious day, perhaps yeah, I should not lead you to come, the slippery customer as this abundant Yang Shuicheng, Sun is not always affable.” “此地不宜久留,龙阳,我们还是赶紧走吧,去西城那边避避风头,你现在在博阳水城得罪了孙刘王,肯定没有好日子过,哎,或许我就不该带你来,作为这博阳水城的老油条,孙家可是向来不是好惹的。” king Dachui is low and deep was saying. 王大锤低沉着说道。 Sorry, the sledgehammer elder sister, I annoyed to you troublesome.” “抱歉,大锤姐姐,我给你惹麻烦了。” Long Yang shrugs to say. 龙阳耸耸肩说道。 Or I leave, perhaps abundant Yang Shuicheng does not suit me.” “要不我还是离开吧,博阳水城或许并不适合我。” king Dachui waves. 王大锤挥挥手。 Although Sun is not affable, but I am not affable, walks, I have an uncle in Western city, so long as his there, Sun Liu king definitely did not have idea.” “虽然孙家不是好惹的,但是我也不是好惹的,走吧,我在西城有个叔叔,只要到了他那里,孙刘王肯定没辙的。” Long Yang is hesitating nod, he is not willing to implicate others, but king Dachui vowed solemnly, must draw to go to Western city. 龙阳迟疑着点了点头,他也不愿意拖累别人,不过王大锤信誓旦旦,一定要拉着自己去西城。 Good!” “好吧!” The Long Yang following king sledgehammer, left the crowd, goes toward Western city rapidly. 龙阳跟着王大锤,离开了人群,迅速朝着西城而去。 My this uncle is not at home year to year, does not know that he is not at now, but his younger brother is also a good person, I came to here to play before frequently.” “我这个叔叔常年都不在家,不知道他现在在不在,不过他弟弟也是个不错的人,我以前经常来这里玩的。” king Dachui said. 王大锤说道。 Two people dash about wildly, directly soar Western city to go. 两个人一路狂奔,直奔西城而去。 Abundant Yang Shuicheng is divided into the east, south, west, and north four cities, each city is surrounding and protecting of city, four Wei, the protection east , south , west and north four cities, four city Wei, that may be expert of Heaven Immortal rank mostly it is said. Abundant Yang Shuicheng Stream of people broad extremely, therefore fish and dragons mixed in together, but also has many local bullies, Sun Liu king is its one. It is said that he relates excellently with a chief in East city, therefore rides roughshod in East city, few dares to manage him.” “博阳水城分为东南西北四城,每一个城都是中城的拱卫,四大都尉,守护东、南、西、北四城,据说四城都尉,那可都是天仙级别的强者。博阳水城人流极其之广,所以鱼龙混杂,但是也有很多的地头蛇,孙刘王就是其一。据说他跟东城的一个大队长关系极好,所以在东城横行无忌,几乎没有人敢管他。” King sledgehammer sound very serious. 王大锤声音十分的严肃。 You felt relieved that my uncle is also talented, the status is prominent, dries in the sun him not to dare to come to here to ask us to trouble.” “不过你放心吧,我这个叔叔也是实力不俗,身份显赫,晾他也不敢来这里找咱们麻烦的。” Dashed about wildly several double-hour, they rushed to Western city from East city. 狂奔了数个时辰,他们才从东城赶到了西城。 Ouyang mansion!” 欧阳府!” The Long Yang look narrows the eyes, this Ouyang mansion seems like the actually suitable style, side also has two Jingui Town stones, can have such side Pure Land in inch of land worth an inch of gold abundant Yang Shuicheng, is quite overbearing. 龙阳眼神微眯,这欧阳府看起来倒是相当的气派,旁边还有着两个金龟镇石,能够在寸土寸金的博阳水城之中拥有这么一方净土,也是相当霸道的。 Who?” “何人?” The guard goes forward one step, blocked with Long Yang king Dachui directly before the gate. 护卫上前一步,直接将王大锤跟龙阳拦在了门前。 Reported your family master, said that the king sledgehammer came.” “禀告你家老爷,就说王大锤来了。” King sledgehammer indifferently said. 王大锤淡淡说道 Sledgehammer? I look at you to seem like the wooden club, good miss, but also called the sledgehammer, you stuck to play tricks.” “大锤?我看你好像棒槌,挺好个姑娘,还叫大锤,你糊弄鬼去吧。” The guard sneers was saying. 护卫冷笑着说道。 Rolls rolling! Provoked the father, breaks your leg, our Ouyang mansion, is you can pass in and out casually.” “滚滚滚!惹恼了老子,把你腿打断,我们欧阳府邸,也是你能随便进出的。” act like a snob.” 狗眼看人低。” King sledgehammer not saying anything further, kicks, the guard was kicked the more than 10 meter away by her directly, another guard is also whole face pale, is waiting for the king sledgehammer, outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted. 王大锤二话不说,一脚踢出,护卫直接被她踢飞了十几米远,另外一个护卫也是满脸苍白,等着王大锤,色厉内荏。 „Your your-- do not act unreasonably, otherwise I may call the person.” “你你你——你别乱来,不然我可叫人了。” Called, best call your whole family.” “叫吧,最好把你们全家都叫出来。” king Dachui indifferent say/way. 王大锤冷漠道。 Who dares to act unruly in my Ouyang mansion?” “谁敢在我欧阳府撒野?” lowly, appears near the people ear, the yellow robe man who is riding the seahorse, walks slowly. 一声低喝,出现在众人耳边,一个骑着海马的黄袍男子,缓缓走来。 „The Ouyang to subdue|grams, won't your I know?” 欧阳克,你不会连我也不认识了吧?” king Dachui cast off the azure gauze at this time, at that moment, surroundings many people are in same place, incomparable exclamation. 王大锤此时摘掉了青纱,那一刻,周围不少人都是愣在原地,无比的惊叹。 Ouyang to subdue|grams above seahorse was also shocked, does the look wink. 就连海马之上的欧阳克也是愣住了,眼神一眨不眨。 Greatly big...... sledgehammer younger sister?” “大大大……大锤妹妹?” Ouyang to subdue|grams look one bright, is very happy. 欧阳克眼神一亮,喜上眉梢。 Ocean waves clear pupil, cherry small mouth, peach blossom such as eye, lithe extremely, particularly corner of the mouth wipes the tender feelings and ice-cold, seems incompatible, is just right, probably gentle like water, as if aloofs. 碧波清眸,樱桃小嘴,桃花如眼,轻盈万分,尤其是嘴角的一抹柔情与冰冷,似乎格格不入,又恰到好处,好像温柔如水,又似乎拒人于千里之外。 At this time Long Yang the mouth, the whole face was shocking, he had not seen the true colors of king sledgehammer before, although thought that she under fine gauze also was very certainly attractive, but has not thought that was so unexpectedly attractive, under this world like Nine Heavens Fairy. 这个时候龙阳吧嗒吧嗒嘴,满脸震惊,他之前一直都没有看到过王大锤的真面目,虽然觉得轻纱之下的她一定也很好看,但是没想到竟然这么漂亮,如同九天仙女下凡尘。 Good attractive miss, I felt that I met my really loved......” “好漂亮的姑娘,我感觉我遇到我的真爱了……” Yes, such attractive miss, my whole life or the first time sees, the life not regretted.” “是啊,这么好看的姑娘,我这辈子还是头一次看见,此生无憾了。” Loved, this is true Goddess, my God!” “爱了爱了,这才是真正的女神,我的天哪!” Such woman, what man can be joined to her?” “这样的女人,什么样的男人才能够配得上她呢?” Her man is good, is very graceful. A white clothing, seems like cold proud, has saying that is also the rarely seen handsome man.” “她身边的男人就不错,也很帅呀。一袭白衣,看上去十分的冷傲,不得不说也是难得一见的美男子。” Many passers-by focus attention on to watch. 不少路人瞩目观看。 Although Long Yang is very graceful, but compares in the beauty of king sledgehammer, wanted to be inferior many, because the beautiful woman was lovable, the dashing man, was actually regarded the public enemy, therefore Long Yang was even graceful, still few individuals will like his such appearance, didn't that antagonize people to oneself? 虽然龙阳很帅,但是相比于王大锤的美,就要逊色不少了,因为美女惹人爱,英俊潇洒的男人,却被当成公敌,所以即便是龙阳非常非常帅,也没几个人会喜欢他这样的容颜,那不是给自己树敌嘛? I think that you have given to forget me, where went to drink the drinking party.” “我以为你早就已经把我给忘了呢,是不是又去哪里喝花酒了。” King sledgehammer cold snort/hum was saying. 王大锤冷哼着说道。 What looks at to look? Looked digs again your eyeball.” “看什么看?再看把你眼珠子挖出来。” King sledgehammer white Long Yang. 王大锤白了龙阳一眼。 Lecher, courts death! Is my sledgehammer younger sister also you can look? Has not gone!” “登徒子,找死!我大锤妹妹也是你能看的?还不快滚!” The Ouyang to subdue|grams shouted angrily, gaze like the arrow, pointed to Long Yang. 欧阳克怒喝一声,目光如箭,直指龙阳 He is my friend.” “他是我朋友。” king Dachui said. 王大锤道。 Eh......” “额……” The Ouyang to subdue|grams complexion is gloomy, even so, he does not like Long Yang this fellow. 欧阳克脸色阴沉,即便如此,他也是非常不喜欢龙阳这个家伙。 This man was too graceful, must lead compared with him, this is a quite threatening man. 这个男人太帅了,比他还要帅,这可是一个相当具有威胁的男人。 The Ouyang to subdue|grams liked the king sledgehammer being very long, but assisted the king having a mind goddess not to have the dream, the king sledgehammer did not catch cold to him. 欧阳克喜欢王大锤很久了,但是襄王有心神女无梦,王大锤对他一直都不感冒。 The Ouyang to subdue|grams does not believe, he thought oneself with the king sledgehammer simply is inborn one pair, although she has not promised herself now, but will not be definitely long on this day. 欧阳克可不这么认为,他觉得自己跟王大锤简直就是天生一对,虽然现在她并没有答应自己,但是这一天肯定是不会太久的。 Now emits Long Yang across the sky, at this time he definitely was uncomfortable. 现在横空冒出一个龙阳,这个时候他心里肯定不舒服呀。 The sledgehammer younger sister comes to here, definitely is looks his, otherwise, does she come to here to do? 大锤妹妹来这里,肯定是来找他的,不然的话,她来这里干什么呢? But this man was really repugnant, you were so the most important thing is graceful, if you disfigured I did not say anything, long was so graceful, a stand by my sledgehammer younger sister, you were a huge threat. 只不过这个男人实在是太讨厌了,最重要的是你还这么帅,你要是个丑八怪我也就不说啥了,长这么帅,在我大锤妹妹旁边一站,你就是个巨大的威胁呀。 Even the sledgehammer younger sister's friend, should know to examine a little, ascends the disciple prodigal son, so fills obscene gaze, is not the good thing.” “就算是大锤妹妹的朋友,更应该知道检点一点儿,登徒浪子,如此充满淫秽的目光,可不是什么好东西。” Ouyang to subdue|grams sinking sound said. 欧阳克沉声道。 A Long Yang brow wrinkle, this fellow clarified regarded his having a low opinion of the enemy with oneself. 龙阳眉头一皱,这家伙摆明了是拿自己当成了他的轻敌。 enough, the Ouyang to subdue|grams, I said that Long Yang is my friend, I joke with him, unrequited love good.” 够了,欧阳克,我说了,龙阳是我朋友,我跟他开玩笑呢,你不要自作多情了好不好。” King sledgehammer sinking sound said. 王大锤沉声道。 Good all various professions, are I are not good, the sledgehammer younger sister you should not be angry, walks, first enters a mansion to chat.” “行行行,是我不好,大锤妹妹你别生气,走吧,先入府一叙吧。” The Ouyang to subdue|grams said. 欧阳克道。 Thing that two do not keep eyes open, this is my sledgehammer younger sister, hasn't gone?” “两个不长眼的东西,这是我大锤妹妹,还不快滚?” In Ouyang to subdue|grams hand a long whip sound, pulled out on two faces, the bloodstain appeared together, two guards tumbled, ran up to one side, trembled. 欧阳克手中长鞭一响,抽在了两个人脸上,一道血印出现,两个护卫连滚带爬,跑到了一边,瑟瑟发抖。 Walks the sledgehammer younger sister, I give you to lead the way.” “走吧大锤妹妹,我给你开路。” The Ouyang to subdue|grams got down the seahorse, a face smile brought the king sledgehammer to enter the Ouyang mansion. 欧阳克下了海马,一脸笑容的带着王大锤进入了欧阳府。 This has not thought that you are so unexpectedly attractive, tut tut, really makes me startled be Celestial.” “这没想到啊,你竟然这么好看,啧啧啧,真是让我惊为天人啊。” Long Yang said in a low voice. 龙阳低声说道。 humph humph, this knows that sledgehammer elder sister attractive, later mixes with me, guarantees would-be you to be popular drinks spicily.” 哼哼,这回知道大锤姐姐有多漂亮了吧,以后跟我混,保准你吃香的喝辣的。” king Dachui was self-confident, patted the shoulder of Long Yang. 王大锤自信满满,拍了拍龙阳的肩膀。 At this time, the people had gone to the great hall living room. 这时候,众人已经来到了大堂客厅之中。 Uncle Ouyang?” 欧阳叔叔呢?” king Dachui asked. 王大锤问道。 „Did you say my Second Uncle? He went out, outside abundant Yang Shuicheng three thousand li (500 km) heard that has soon Monster Beast of breakthrough Heaven Immortal boundary, their eighteen lohans, were all called to seize the thief, does not know when will come back. It is estimated that at least also ten days of half a month.” “你说我二叔呀?他出去了,博阳水城之外三千里听说有个快要突破天仙境的妖兽,他们十八罗汉,全都被叫去擒贼了,不知道什么时候会回来。估计至少也得十天半个月的。” The Ouyang to subdue|grams said. 欧阳克说道。 Here is your family/home, felt relieved that stays the sledgehammer younger sister, has me, you want anything, although said, my Ouyang to subdue|grams for you, dared on Nine Heavens to embrace moon/month, under dared the cig soap match candl kero to seize the turtle! So long as you are happy, without matter that I do not dare to handle.” “这里就是你的家,放心住下吧大锤妹妹,有我在,你想要什么尽管说,我欧阳克为你了,敢上九天揽月,敢下五洋捉鳖!只要你开心,没有我不敢做的事情。” Ouyang to subdue|grams incessant saying, shows unceasingly loyally to king Dachui. 欧阳克滔滔不绝的说道,不断给王大锤表忠心。 I prepared to live recently here previous some time, looks for two room to me, good work, when Uncle Ouyang came back to say again.” “我最近准备在这里住上一段时间,给我找两间房吧,辛苦了,等欧阳叔叔回来再说。” king Dachui said. 王大锤说道。 Good, your room I may remain to you, the sledgehammer younger sister, you could rest assured that I each after a period of time, will clean one personally.” “好嘞,你的房间我可一直都给你留着呢,大锤妹妹,你放心,我每过一段时间,都会亲自打扫一遍的。” Ouyang to subdue|grams in front of king sledgehammer to the utmost attentive. 欧阳克在王大锤面前极尽殷勤。 Long Yang shakes the head secretly, this fellow simply is the typical licking dog. 龙阳暗自摇头,这家伙简直就是典型的舔狗。 As the saying goes, licks the dog to lick the dog, licks finally, does not have a thing in the world. 俗话说得好,舔狗舔狗,舔到最后,一无所有。 This Ouyang to subdue|grams wishes one could to give king Dachui to wash foot, this also too petty and low, moreover king Dachui looked that does not look at his one eyes, his face is also pleased with oneself, does not know the determination. 欧阳克恨不得给王大锤洗脚,这也太卑微了,而且人家王大锤看都不看他一眼,他还一脸沾沾自喜,不知自觉。 However this person clarified bullying, without his uncle, it is estimated that is also waste one. 不过这种人就是摆明了仗势欺人,如果没有他叔叔,估计也就是废物一个。 His strength is almost the same as king Dachui, but actually the outwardly strong but inwardly weak, it is estimated that is not the opponent of king sledgehammer. 他的实力跟王大锤相差无几,但是却外强中干,估计都不是王大锤的对手。 The Ouyang to subdue|grams complexion is gloomy, as if to Long Yang disdaining, this fellow was arranged in the distance king sledgehammer several courtyards rooms directly, king Dachui the face was green, but did to the Ouyang to subdue|grams saying that these room some people lived, moreover some in the stack junks, clarified was to separate itself with the king sledgehammer. 欧阳克脸色阴沉,似乎对龙阳十分的不屑,这个家伙直接被安排在了距离王大锤好几个院子的房间,王大锤脸都绿了,但是奈何欧阳克说这些房间都有人住了,而且有的在堆放杂物,摆明了就是要分开自己跟王大锤。 Long Yang also has nothing discontentedly, oneself are in any case impossible here, to lie low until something blows over dull temporarily, when his strength breakthrough Half Step Earth Immortal, Long Yang planned to leave. 龙阳也没什么不满的,反正自己不可能一直呆在这里,暂避风头,等他的实力突破半步地仙,龙阳就打算离开了。 That side was the firewood room, must put in great inconvenience to this brothers.” “那边就是柴房了,就要委屈一下这位兄弟了。” The Ouyang to subdue|grams said pale with a smile. 欧阳克淡笑着说道。 What do you mean? The Ouyang to subdue|grams, you went too far, my uncle was not , did you so neglect me unexpectedly?” “你这是什么意思?欧阳克,你太过分了吧,我叔叔不在,你竟然如此怠慢我?” The king sledgehammer complexion sinks. 王大锤脸色一沉。 Sledgehammer younger sister, I do not have the means that said whose again he is I do not know, you felt at ease to be good because of your original room, relax, will eat and drink I is not short of this brothers same, what my family servant ate, what gave this brothers to eat, wasn't this good?” “大锤妹妹,我也是没有办法呀,再说他是谁我又不知道,你就安心住在你原来的房间就好了,放心,吃喝我一样不会少了这位兄弟的,我家下人吃什么,就给这位兄弟吃什么,这还不行嘛?” Ouyang to subdue|grams face indifferent saying, clarified wants saying that Long Yang ate up a food. 欧阳克一脸淡然的说道,摆明了是想说龙阳吃下眼食的。 Such being the case, Long Yang, you go to my room, I go your.” “既然如此,龙阳,你去我的房间,我去你的。” king Dachui said. 王大锤道。 I am all right, you feel relieved.” “我没事,你就放心吧。” Long Yang shakes the head saying that after all now to flee from calamity, living under subjugation, therefore endures to be uneventful now for a while. 龙阳摇头道,毕竟现在是为了逃难,寄人篱下,所以现在还是忍一时风平浪静。 „The Ouyang to subdue|grams, you are waiting to me, when my Uncle Ouyang came back, I definitely consider your one.” 欧阳克,你给我等着,等我欧阳叔叔回来了,我肯定告你一桩。” The king sledgehammer is cold the face. 王大锤冷着脸。 The Ouyang to subdue|grams thinks otherwise, that is my biological uncle, are you what? 欧阳克不以为然,那是我亲叔叔,你算老几? I also not for how are you? Smelly table, installs what clarity , when sooner or later, the father will certainly kill you, lets you will kneel in my crotch, obediently my bitch. 我还不都是为了你好吗?臭表子,装什么清纯,早晚有一天,老子一定把你干掉,让你跪在我胯下,乖乖的当我的母狗。 I first walked, in the evening I give you to prepare feast.” “那我就先走了,晚上我给你准备一顿大餐。” The Ouyang to subdue|grams said, then left. 欧阳克说完,便是离开了。 Did not do right by, Long Yang, is I am not good, never expected that Uncle Ouyang at home, this Ouyang to subdue|grams has not definitely aimed at your. Sorry.” “对不住了,龙阳,都是我不好,没想到欧阳叔叔没在家,这个欧阳克肯定就是针对你的。抱歉。” A king sledgehammer face apology. 王大锤一脸歉意。 Doesn't matter, who makes your charm so big? From me, as soon as comes, was regarded the love rival by him, your attractiveness, liked your person is really many.” “没关系,谁让你魅力这么大呢?从我一进来,就被他当成情敌了,你这个漂亮,喜欢你的人实在是太多了。” Long Yang said. 龙阳道。 Love rival? Does he also match? Hehe, right, didn't you like me?” “情敌?他也配?呵呵呵,对了,难道你不喜欢我嘛?” looks at Long Yang of king sledgehammer face charming smile. 王大锤一脸媚笑的看着龙阳 The Long Yang complexion is gloomy, this fuck who can withstand? Like this big treasure, do not blame the man crime, really attracted, was too attractive. 龙阳脸色阴沉,这尼玛谁顶得住呀?这样的大宝贝,也别怪男人犯罪,实在是太魅惑了,太诱人了。 However Long Yang mental, easy dealt with, the king sledgehammer also closed with a smile, this woman, the electric discharge, almost sent off oneself momentarily, such charm, did again several times, oneself really had no way to resist. 不过龙阳何等心智,还是轻而易举的应付过去了,王大锤也是一笑置之,这个女人,随时放电,差点就把自己送走了,这样的魅力,再搞几次,自己真的没法抵抗呀。 Long Yang returned to own room, the surroundings are indeed chaotic, probably firewood room, but he and does not have any nitpickingly regarding here, oneself are not becomes the ancestor, the environment to him, is the external object. 龙阳回到了自己的房间,周围的确乱糟糟的,像是柴房,不过他对于这里并没有什么挑剔,自己又不是来当祖宗的,环境对他来说,都是外物。 Having a plan for the present, is hurries breakthrough Half Step Earth Immortal, these 100,000 low-grade spirit stones, are his final impact. 为今之计,就是赶紧突破半步地仙,这几十万下品灵石,就是他最后的的冲击。 ............ ………… The Ouyang to subdue|grams returned to the great hall time, received steward's notice. 欧阳克回到了大堂的时候,就接到了管家的通知。 Young master, some people visit.” “少爷,有人拜访。” The stewards said in a low voice. 管家低声说道。 The Ouyang to subdue|grams stares, at this time, who visited the Second Uncle? 欧阳克一愣,这个时候,谁来拜访二叔? Said that my Second Uncle is not, making him come another day again.” “就说我二叔不在,让他改日再来吧。” Ouyang to subdue|grams impatiently said, had sent several over the two days. 欧阳不耐烦的说道,这两天已经打发走好几个了。 This......” “这……” The stewards stare, smile bitterly were saying: 管家一愣,苦笑着说道: Young master, coming the person saying that was looks your.” “少爷,来人说是来找你的。” The Ouyang to subdue|grams these time actually somewhat was surprised. 欧阳克这一次倒是有些惊讶了起来。 Looks for me? Asks me to do?” “找我?找我干什么?” Without saying, he said looks for you, discussed together the important matter.” “没说,他就说找你,共商大事。” Steward serious saying. 管家一脸严肃的说道。 Looks for me? Also discussed together the important matter? Hehe, a little meaning. What did he call?” “找我?还共商大事?呵呵呵,有点意思。他叫什么?” Ouyang Grain said with a smile. 欧阳克冷笑道。 Pang She!” “庞佘!”
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