DMWG :: Volume #48

#4607: safe young master

Jiang Chen's counter-attack, makes Hou Zhenshan hold in high esteem, however his complexion is not obviously good looks, seems like the flattery, is hoping actually he dies earlier. 江尘的反击,也让侯振山刮目相看,但是他的脸色明显不甚好看,看似是奉承,实则是盼着他早点死。 Hahaha, the landscape generation has the talent person to leave, various lead(er) coquettish several hundred years, evidently I was look down on the little brother. As the senior, I must learn from the later generation today well.” 哈哈哈哈,江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年,看样子我还是小看了小兄弟呀。作为前辈,今日我是必须要向后辈好好学习一下了。” Hou Zhenshan is laughing wildly, abandons oneself to Bohemianism, gaze like the electricity, the Jiang Chen's provocation, to him, is naturally impossible to ignore, but as the elegant demeanor of Sir Divine Doctor, cannot lose, unflustered, facing the Jiang Chen's challenge, strolls, can show its everyone style. 侯振山狂笑着,放浪形骸,目光如电,江尘的挑衅,对于他来说,自然不可能熟视无睹,而身为神医大人的风采,亦是不能丢,从容不迫,面对江尘的挑战,闲庭信步,才能彰显它的大家风范。 I can teach you, are not many, compares notes mutually, Sir Divine Doctor does not need to be modest. Haha.” “我能教你的,可不多,互相切磋而已,神医大人不必过谦。哈哈。” Jiang Chen's is self-confident, far ultra Hou Zhenshan imagination . Moreover the pressure that brings to him facing oneself this star level expert, he can actually be without turning a hair, expert pressure that invisible between sends out, if were the common Half Step star level had broken down, the complexion possibly so will be ruddy? 江尘的自信,远超侯振山的想象,而且面对自己这个恒星级强者给他带来的压力,他竟然能够面不改色,无形之间散发出来的强者威压,如果是寻常的半步恒星级早就已经垮了,脸色怎么可能还会这般红润? This boy, comes prepared absolutely, to sense of awe that oneself have no, to put it bluntly with kicks different of gathering place, he must teach Jiang Chen, must so, wants to consolidate own position, making more people know that who is true Divine Doctor, Hou Zhenshan must take a look to a Jiang Chen color. 这小子,绝对是有备而来,对自己毫无任何的敬畏之心,说白了就跟来踢场子的没什么两样,偏偏他要教训江尘,非得如此不可,想要稳固自己的地位,让更多的人知道谁才是真正的神医,侯振山必须要给江尘点颜色瞧瞧。 Okay good! Respects the young, said that how you do want the ratio?” “好好好!后生可畏,说吧,你想怎么比呢?” Hou Zhenshan nods to say. 侯振山点头道。 I did not pass on responsibilities, senior. What may I ask is no root is colored?” “那我就当仁不让了,前辈。敢问什么是无根花?” Jiang Chen sincere say/way, looking of face Yan Jun (severe) to Hou Zhenshan. 江尘正色道,一脸严峻的望向侯振山。 „No root flower? What is that?” “无根花?那是什么东西?” Yes, I study the medical more than hundred years, actually hears something never heard of before.” “是啊,我学医百余年,竟然闻所未闻。” You do not know that does not know on behalf of Sir Divine Doctor.” “你不知道不代表神医大人也不知道。” No root flower is really very mysterious exist(ence), the person of presence, no one knows, Hou Zhenshan complexion is calm, shaking the head chuckle. 无根花果然是非常神秘的存在,在场之人,没有人知道,侯振山面色从容,摇头轻笑。 No root is colored, as the name suggests, then does not have a flower, in the world knows that no root flower person, are not many, no root flower not exist(ence), it did not have vine by the potable well-water irrigation, will grow no root to be colored, compared with appearing briefly, quickly, precious. Therefore among the world knows that no root flower person, few, by chance, the old man knows actually, does not know that I did say to with am not right?” “无根花,顾名思义,便是无根之花,天底下知道无根花的人,可不多,无根花本不存在,它是由无根水浇灌无根藤,才会生长出无根花,比起昙花一现,更快,也更加的珍贵。所以天下间知道无根花的人,寥寥无几,恰巧,老夫倒是知晓,不知道我说得对与不对?” Hou Zhenshan confidently said, contemptuously looked at Jiang Chen, this boy also wants to baffle itself, isn't that cracks a joke? 侯振山自信的说道,轻蔑的看了一眼江尘,这小子还想难倒自己,那不是开玩笑吗? Jiang Chen complexion one happy, in the heart suddenly sees the light, originally no root flower does not emerge out of thin air, but needs not to have vine to make no root peanut with the potable well-water irrigation long come out, no wonder, almost no one has seen, few knows actually personally no root flower is at where. 江尘面色一喜,心中豁然开朗,原来无根花并不是凭空出现的,而是需要用无根水浇灌无根藤才能够让无根花生长出来,怪不得,几乎从来没有人见过,也没几个人知道无根花究竟在哪。 travel far and wide looking for something, must come is not all time-consuming, the excitement in Jiang Chen heart can be imagined, no root flower in own hand, this news to him, extremely roused simply, it seems like these days squatted here, to contend with Hou Zhenshan, was really worth. 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫,江尘心中的兴奋可想而知,无根花就在自己手中,这个消息对他而言,简直太过振奋了,看来自己这些天在这里蹲守,为了跟侯振山一较高下,果然是值得的。 Now Jiang Chen was equal to that thorough collection simultaneous/uniform five medicinal ingredients, refines five to bond pill, was full of confidence. 现在江尘等于是彻底的集齐了五种药材,炼制五障丹,也是充满了信心。 You have a look, this is true Sir Divine Doctor, this called the skill, looked that Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, it is estimated that was also frightened.” “你看看,这才是真正的神医大人,这就叫本事,看那江尘一愣一愣的,估计也是被吓到了。” That may not necessarily, but is constantly medicinal ingredients, who has the real skill, is uncertain, the position of this Divine Doctor, must receive today, is the new king ascends the throne the old king to defend, all unknown.” “那可未必,不过就是一味药材而已,谁有真本事,还不一定呢,这神医之位,今日必有接过,是新王登基还是旧王卫冕,一切都还是未知数。” In the crowd many people have shown off for Hou Zhenshan unceasingly, after all he is Divine Doctor of revelation Milky Way city, Sir City Lord seals, who dares easily with it to be an enemy? Jiang Chen is unable to differentiate good from bad. 人群之中不少人已经为侯振山夸耀不断,毕竟他才是天启银河城的神医,城主大人亲封,谁敢轻易与之为敌?江尘就是不知好歹 Really worthily is Sir Divine Doctor, admire.” “果然不愧是神医大人,佩服佩服。” The Jiang Chen nod said. 江尘点头道。 Good, now was one's turn me to ask you, what for blood jujube plum?” “那好,现在轮到我来问你了,何为血枣梅?” Hou Zhenshan vowed solemnly, is staring at Jiang Chen, this is he on ancient book saw that Jiang Chen will not know absolutely. 侯振山信誓旦旦,盯着江尘,这是他在一本古籍上看到的,江尘绝对不会知晓。 Does not know, Sir Divine Doctor is really talented, Jiang Chen candidly admits defeat.” “不知道,神医大人果然才华横溢,江尘甘拜下风。” Jiang Chen said with a smile, his goal has been achieved, did not have the heart of victory and defeat on the contrary, he with this so-called Sir Divine Doctor not the gratitude and grudges, might as well quit while ahead. 江尘笑道,他的目的已经达到了,反倒是没有了胜负之心,他跟这个所谓的神医大人并无恩怨,不如急流勇退。 At that moment, let alone comes to see the lively eating melon people, even/including Houzhen the mountain was scared, Fuck was your too also exaggerating? Does not take the common road, comes up to surrender, some Hou Zhenshan instead ignorant/veiled circles. 那一刻,别说是来看热闹的吃瓜群众了,连侯振山都傻眼了,卧槽你这也太夸张了吧?不走寻常路,上来就投降,侯振山反而有些蒙圈了。 Not? Did Jiang Chen this admit defeat?” “不是吧?江尘这就认输了?” It seems like nothing truly learned and genuinely talented, is afraid falls the chain before the people, this person was also some self-knowledge, hehe.” “看来是没什么真才实学,害怕在众人面前掉链子,这种人还算是有些自知之明,呵呵呵。” If I will not come to god Hou Residence from the start, this is not has a joke backfire.” “要是我压根就不会来神侯府的,这不是自讨没趣嘛。” I look not necessarily, Jiang Chen this called one who knows the times great, if he died to knock with Sir Divine Doctor, the advantage that to him had no, won naturally achieved both fame and fortune, once lost, might by the striking back primary form, will suffer many suppressions extremely.” “我看未必,江尘这叫识时务者为俊杰,如果他跟神医大人死磕到底,对他而言没有任何的好处,赢了自然名利双收,可是一旦输了,就有可能会被打回原形,甚至会遭受极其之多的打压。” Child non- fish, knows the happiness of fish, how others think that how we possibly know, but evidently, Jiang Chen actually open-minded, this competition indeed is very senseless, white reckless my anticipation.” “子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐,人家怎么想的,我们怎么可能知道呢,不过看样子,江尘倒是豁达的很,这场比试的确是很无趣,白瞎了我的期待了。” Most annoying was Liu Deshui, he thinks that looks at Jiang Chen was suppressed by the master, best to kill him to be good directly, such also removed extra worries, otherwise Jiang Chen will look sooner or later own, he can feel that Jiang Chen to own killing intent, wanted to drive him initially to commit suicide, now is the intention is disturbed. 最可气的莫过于刘德水了,他想看着江尘被师傅打压,最好直接打死他才好呢,那样自己也就除掉了后顾之忧,否则的话江尘迟早会找上自己的,他能感觉得到江尘对自己的杀机,当初想要置他于死地,如今却是心怀忐忑。 Some Hou Zhenshan complexion transformations, but as the revelation star's first is Divine Doctor, he impossible to feel embarrassed Jiang Chen at this time, others had admitted defeat, under big crowd of people , he if were in power unforgiving, will definitely be subject to denounces. 侯振山脸色有些变换,但是身为天启星第一是神医,他也不可能在这个时候为难江尘,人家已经认输了,大庭广众之下,他若是得势不饶人,肯定会备受诟病的。 Such being the case......” “既然如此……” Hou Zhenshan is quite contented, own position consolidated well, he have no reason to punish Jiang Chen, at least in the surface is incorrect, to defend own reputation, even if starts still to act in secret, but this Jiang Chen's makes him quite curious firmly, this fellow on this prospect? 侯振山颇为自得,自己的身份地位稳固了就好,他并没有理由制裁江尘,至少表面上是不行的,为了维护自己的声誉,即便是下手也得暗中行动,不过这个江尘的确让他颇为好奇,这家伙难道就这点出息? Has not divided the victory and defeat, I look at this comparing notes, the meaning of having no, as the revelation star a person of great ability and tremendous potential, Sir Divine Doctor you can come as soon as called wielding to go can it be that? Today this young master here, actually having a look at you to have the real skill, if the generation of having unearned reputation, I enforce justice on behalf of Heaven, cut the degenerate who your revelation knight rolled.” “未分胜负,我看这场切磋,根本没有任何的意思,身为天启星的栋梁之才,神医大人岂是你能召之即来挥之即去的?今天本少爷就在这里,看看你究竟有没有真本事,如果是浪得虚名之辈,我就替天行道,斩了你这天启骑士团的败类。” The purple clothes youngster, walks slowly, arranges the numerous, everyone yields and withdraws, side him, actually has expert of two star levels, at that moment the Jiang Chen's complexion is also thorough gloomy, this fellow was initially in the revelation Milky Way city outer city the youngster who oneself lash out. 紫衣少年,缓缓走来,排众而出,所有人都是退避三舍,在他身边,竟然有着两个恒星级的高手,那一刻江尘的脸色也是彻底的阴沉了下去,这个家伙就是当初在天启银河城外城之中对自己发难的少年。 safe young master your honorable self visits, the old man has to lose welcomes, hehe, but also asked safe young master to excuse me.” “泰少爷大驾光临,老夫有失远迎,呵呵呵,还请泰少爷见谅。” Hou Zhenshan saying with a laugh, bows to bow in salute, many people are the complexion change, guards expert of two star levels, moreover Sir Divine Doctor so respectful, actually this person is, can have such big skill? 侯振山笑呵呵的说道,躬身作揖,不少人都是脸色微变,两个恒星级的强者护卫,而且就连神医大人都如此的毕恭毕敬,这个人究竟是谁,能有这么大的本事?
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