DMWG :: Volume #48

#4606: Accepts the challenge

Is conservative and complacent, aloof and remote, already, no matter used, the strength of people are great, Jiang Chen had been pushed up the keenest struggle, Divine Doctor could not do to him. 故步自封,高高在上,已经不管用了,群众的力量是伟大的,江尘已经被推上了风口浪尖,神医都奈何不了他。 What is most essential is the Jiang Chen's method saves the sick and wounded, will therefore obtain the innumerable fans, even if inflates again, is natural, the so grave as to affect a human life matter, who dares the child's play? The Jiang Chen's prestige, had fired gradually, this way, Hou Zhenshan the position is really not steady, moreover he is Commander that the revelation knight rolls, wants to massacre him, is not that simple. 最关键的还是江尘的手段是救死扶伤,所以才会得到无数的拥趸,哪怕再膨胀,也是理所应当的,人命关天的事情,谁敢儿戏?江尘的威名,已经渐渐打响了,这样下去,侯振山的地位就真的不稳了,而且他还是天启骑士团的统领,想要杀掉他,可不是那么简单的。 But, Hou Zhenshan again take action, letting Liu Deshui Jiang Chen welcome to god Hou Residence, that significance was different. 无奈之下,侯振山再度出手,让刘德水把江尘请到神侯府,那意义就不一样了。 Jiang Chen Commander, my master asked you to cross a mansion to chat, discussed the medicine together, my master his old man was also sees to hunt for the heart to get up, above medical skill, second to none, saw Jiang Chen Commander, was very excited, therefore wanted to discuss 12 with Jiang Chen Commander.” 江尘统领,我师傅请您过府一叙,一同商讨医学,我师傅他老人家也是见猎心起,在医术之上,无出其右,见到江尘统领,亦是非常兴奋,所以想要与江尘统领探讨一二。” Liu Deshui's saying with a smile, before removing, that arrogance, because this master gave him to issue the dead order, must Jiang Chen to god Hou Residence, as the matter stands the significance be completely welcome different. 刘德水笑吟吟的说道,褪去了之前那份狂妄,因为这一次师父给他下了死命令,一定要把江尘请到神侯府,这样一来意义就完全不同了。 This, rare Sir Divine Doctor has such aesthetic pleasure, can't I fold the face of Sir Divine Doctor am not? I go to one, but common saying dao runes does not have the first military not to have second, I think that whose medical skill Sir Divine Doctor wants to compare with me to be able even better so.” “这样啊,难得神医大人有如此雅兴,我也不能折了神医大人的面子不是?那我就去一趟吧,不过常言道文无第一武无第二,我想神医大人是想要跟我比一比谁的医术更胜一筹才会如此吧。” The person of surroundings also nods silently, perhaps between two peak medicine, wants to fight over after all first. 周围之人也都是默默点头,两个巅峰医者之间,恐怕终归要争出个第一了。 It seems like Sir Divine Doctor could not sit still, otherwise Hahaha, will not so treat a matter seriously welcome be a guest to the family/home in Jiang Chen Commander.” “看来神医大人也坐不住了,哈哈哈,不然的话也不会如此郑重其事的将江尘统领请到家中作客。” It is estimated that is feared that the position of Divine Doctor does not guarantee.” “估计是怕神医之位不保吧。” Was difficult saying that but now Jiang Chen prominence, unmatched, wanted me is Sir Divine Doctor, I also worried that some people robbed my rice bowl, gā gā gā.” “难说,不过现在江尘可是声名鹊起,一时无两啊,要我是神医大人,我也担心有人抢了我的饭碗,嘎嘎嘎。” Facing people's question, Liu Deshui voice sinks saying: 面对众人的质疑,刘德水声音一沉道: everyone may go a view, my master said that the medical skill is the skill of noble spirit of saving the sick and wounded, should have a frank and sincere talk, does not have any anxiety, therefore he and between Jiang Chen Commander studies the matter of medical skill, welcome everyone to go to observe and emulate.” 诸位都可前去一观,我师傅说了,医术乃是救死扶伤的本事,本就该开诚布公,没有任何的疑虑,所以他跟江尘统领之间研究医术的事情,欢迎所有人前去观摩。” Jiang Chen gives a calm smile, this is must to him a demonstration of authority, but also wants during this compares notes to defeat itself, consolidates own status, his goal has been achieved, the heart of victory and defeat, obvious. 江尘淡然一笑,这是要给他一个下马威,还想要在这场切磋之中挫败自己,来稳固自己的身份,他的目的已经达到了,胜负之心,昭然若揭。 However Jiang Chen also won with the opportunity of Divine Doctor Hou Zhenshan fair showdown, the no root flower whereabouts, quick can have the whereabouts. 不过江尘也赢得了跟神医侯振山公平对决的机会,无根花的下落,很快就能够有下落了。 We may result in attractively, the showdown between Divine Doctor, that is the matter of only happening by happy circumstance.” “那我们可得好好看看,神医之间的对决,那可是可遇不可求的事情呀。” Yes, I support your river Commander! You are our patrons, you are best!” “就是,我支持你江统领!你是我们的保护神,你才是最棒的!” Yes, we take you as the honor! The veterans do not die, is only gradually on the wane, the knights of these retirements, are willing with the river Commander altogether onset and retreat!” “是啊,我们以你为荣!老兵不死,只是逐渐凋零,我们这些退役的骑士,愿意与江统领共进退!” Hehehe! I must have a look but actually, this self-designated Bufan (extraordinary) river Commander, whose who is actually weak with Sir Divine Doctor, really has the skill, is showing, Sir Divine Doctor is City Lord seals, is not easy to cope.” “嘿嘿嘿!我倒要看看,这个自命不凡的江统领,究竟跟神医大人孰强孰弱,是真的有本事,还是在作秀,神医大人乃是城主亲封,可不是那么容易对付的。” Walks! We together witness for river Commander and Sir Divine Doctor.” “走走走!我们一块为江统领神医大人见证。” Common people who Liu Deshui looks at this crowd of enthusiasms surge upward, is unusual rousing, wanted is this effect, Divine Doctor Commander that in your eyes is insufferably arrogant, before my master is the trash, when the time comes looks at your idols get down but actually, you know oneself had how ignorant and laughable. 刘德水看着这群热情高涨的百姓,也是非常的振奋,要的就是这种效果,你们眼中不可一世的神医统领,在我师父面前就是垃圾,到时候看着你们的偶像倒下去,你们就知道自己有多么的无知与可笑了。 Over a thousand people shouted hū lā, directly soared god Hou Residence to go, for these years, god Hou Residence also the first time was came so many people, to eliminate in work places hearsay, to rectify names to oneself, Hou Zhenshan also showed the stance, a mountain did not accommodate two tigers, oneself must give the clearness of Jiang Chen arrangement, the position in Milky Way city can consolidate. 上千人呼呼啦啦,直奔神侯府而去,这么多年来,神侯府也是第一次来了这么多的人,为了消除坊间传闻,为了给自己正名,侯振山也是摆出了架势,一山不容二虎,自己一定要给江尘安排的明明白白,在银河城之中的地位才能够稳固。 Can solve the fire cold poison, Hou Zhenshan has given Jiang Chen due attaching great importance, such medical skill, absolutely possibly is not the generation of having unearned reputation, initially even he was also very thorny, but actually needs to pay the enormous price, therefore he everyone told that the fire cold poison was impossible to cure, what making Hou Zhenshan not think was many years later, this fire cold poison actually becomes force to abdicate own ***. 能够解决火寒之毒,侯振山就已经给了江尘足够的重视,这样的医术,绝对不可能是浪得虚名之辈,当初连他也是非常棘手,但是却需要付出极大的代价,所以他才跟所有人说火寒之毒是不可能治愈的,让侯振山没想到的是多年以后,这火寒之毒竟然成为了逼宫自己的***。 When the time comes you rescue to know that who was true Divine Doctor.” “到时候你救知道谁才是真正的神医了。” Liu De water cooling snort/hum was saying, Jiang Chen this fellow is still pleased with oneself, struggles the name of Divine Doctor with my master, do you also match? Cured several people, really regarded itself the omnipotent gods, today wants you to be attractive. 刘德水冷哼着说道,江尘这个家伙还在沾沾自喜,跟我师父争神医之名,你也配?治好了几个人,就真把自己当成无所不能的神明了,今天一定要你好看。 In Liu De middle of the water, the master is sacred inviolable, the method of master, is he has experienced fiercely, Jiang Chen is the blowing own horn mountebank, dares to vie with the bright moon, the result only has one. 在刘德水心中,师父是神圣不可侵犯的,师父的手段,是他见识过最厉害的,江尘就是个自吹自擂的江湖郎中,也敢与皓月争辉,结局只有一个。 God Hou Residence was really big, even if thousands of people flooded into, as before without slightly crowded feeling, but above nine garrets, Hou Zhenshan actually looked far into the distance, the person came were more, he was happier, then witnesses the time of miracle, did Jiang Chen this person, still with fight with oneself? Sir Divine Doctor, only has one, that is he! 神侯府实在是太大了,即便是数以千计的人涌入其中,依旧没有丝毫拥挤的感觉,而在九层阁楼之上,侯振山却举目远眺,人来的越多,他越开心,接下来就是见证奇迹的时刻了,江尘这种人,也配跟自己争锋嘛?神医大人,只有一个,那就是他! Hou Zhenshan jumps down, the white clothing like the snow, flap flap makes noise, is imposing, the prestige is irreversible, to tread gradually spatially, but, fell on Jiang Chen's front not far away, greatest pressure, the person of presence, performed to feel a sensation of asphyxia. 侯振山一跃而下,白衣如雪,猎猎作响,气势雄浑,威不可挡,缓步踏空而至,落在了江尘的面前不远处,给人莫大的压力,在场之人,尽皆感觉到了一阵窒息感。 Old man Hou Zhenshan, the little brother, was courteous!” “老夫侯振山,小兄弟,有礼了!” Hou Zhenshan said with a smile lightly. 侯振山轻笑道。 Sir Divine Doctor, was laughed.” 神医大人,见笑了。” Jiang Chen said. 江尘道。 You have a look, this is the elegant demeanor of Sir Divine Doctor, his young fellow, with what ratio? Really thinks did oneself cure several any random trash to mount the place of refinement?” “你看看,这才是神医大人的风采,他一个毛头小子,拿什么比?真以为自己治好了几只阿猫阿狗就能够登上大雅之堂了嘛?” In other words, Sir Divine Doctor is my idol, how to allow others to tarnish!” “就是说嘛,神医大人一直都是我的偶像,岂容他人玷污!” Words cannot say fully, hehehe, if later the skill of Sir Divine Doctor does not enter Jiang Chen Commander, perhaps the name of Divine Doctor, must really exchange ownerships.” “话不能说得太满,嘿嘿嘿,待会儿如果神医大人的本事不入江尘统领的话,或许着神医之名,就真的要易主喽。” Indulges in fantasy! Such matter, will never happen.” “异想天开!切,这样的事情,永远都不会发生。” Jiang Chen is not infrequent with Hou Zhenshan the supporters, both people are serene, smiles, Hou Zhenshan simply has not placed in Jiang Chen the eye. 江尘跟侯振山的支持者都不在少数,两个人都是风轻云淡,相视一笑,侯振山根本没把江尘放在眼中。 Hearing the little brother medical skill is excellent, I am also see to hunt for the heart to get up, want to compare notes with the little brother, how? My this works as the senior, won't appear rash? Hehe.” “听闻小兄弟医术高超,我也是见猎心起,想要与小兄弟切磋一番,如何?我这个当前辈的,不会显得冒失了吧?呵呵呵。” Although Hou Zhenshan a face smile, but comes up to give Jiang Chen topped little brother the given name, but oneself pose as the senior, this crushed Jiang Chen in the imposing manner completely, with the high-rank stance, making people feel the inexplicable constriction. 侯振山虽然一脸笑容,但是一上来就给江尘冠上了‘小兄弟’的名号,而自己更是以前辈自居,这就在气势上完全压倒了江尘,以上位的姿态,让人感觉到莫名的压迫感。 The Jiang Chen look narrows the eyes slightly, the smile is bright. 江尘眼神微微眯起,笑容灿烂。 Is indelib, occupies the absolute one's superior official in the imposing manner, this fellow, is really an old fox! 先入为主,在气势上占据绝对的上峰,这个家伙,果然是个老狐狸! What the Divine Doctor senior said that my junior, how dare display one's slight skill before an expert before you, after you walked, I said again Divine Doctor is not late.” 神医前辈说的是,我一个小辈,怎敢在您面前班门弄斧呢,等您老走了以后,我再称神医不迟。” Jiang Chen saying with a smile, but lets many people are complexion changes, particularly Liu Deshui, even goes forward one step, the appearance of devils, as if must swallow Jiang Chen to be the same. 江尘笑吟吟的说道,但是却让不少人都是面色微变,尤其是刘德水,甚至上前一步,凶神恶煞的样子,似乎就要吞了江尘一样。
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