DBWG :: Volume #7

#637: Huangwu god seal

Willow catkin with the wind. 柳絮随风。 Under Zhao Danchen near at hand Golden Eye Desolate Destroyer, Long Chen can actually display perfect Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, has evaded the attack of this terror. That two Golden ray, bombed two diameters to have more than ten meters endocraters Long Chen behind ground directly. 赵丹尘近在咫尺的黄金寂灭之眼下,龙辰却能够施展出完美的柳絮随风步,躲过了这恐怖的攻击。那两道金色的光线,直接将龙辰身后的地面轰炸出來了两个直径足足有十多米的巨坑。 This Golden Eye Desolate Destroyer, if hits Long Chen, perhaps will make the body of Long Chen decompose directly. 黄金寂灭之眼,若是击中龙辰的话,恐怕会让龙辰的身体直接分解吧。 However, Long Chen can only with Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, hide from the attack of this Golden Eye Desolate Destroyer, can use this degree Battle Technique, perhaps so exquisite utilization Battle Technique, cannot compare Huangfu Fengchen. 不过,龙辰能够仅凭着柳絮随风步,就从这黄金寂灭之眼的攻击下躲过去,能够将战技用到这种程度,如此精妙的运用战技,恐怕连皇甫风尘都比不上吧。 Person who can see the way, in abundance to Long Chen praised to the heavens formidable. 看得出门道的人,纷纷对龙辰的强大叹为观止。 „Can this youth use this degree Huangfu family Willow Catkin on The Wind Step unexpectedly?” Even if here strongest Long Shen, somewhat panic-stricken nod. Before that Golden Eye Desolate Destroyer energy was full, in such near distance, was his Long Shen, perhaps could not fend. “这少年竟然能把皇甫家族柳絮随风步用到这个程度?”就算是这里最强的龙山,也有些惊骇的点头。之前那黄金寂灭之眼能量十足,在这么近的距离,就是他龙山,恐怕也闪避不过去吧。 Their fights, were in the exciting situation simply. 两人的战斗,简直到了扣人心弦的地步。 Whistling! 呼呼! On the body of Long Chen, Zhao Danchen has eaten shrivelled once more, can say that he started from the birth, did not have the present this continuously to eat on a person now twice shrivelled! 龙辰的身上,赵丹尘再次吃了一次瘪,可以说,他从出生开始,都沒有现在现在这样连续在一个人身上吃了两次瘪! This looked like on the face of his Zhao Danchen has flung dog deng simply! 这简直就像是在他赵丹尘的脸上甩了一把狗屎啊! Solemn Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji Direct Disciple, only then the ability of this point dog deng?” The corners of the mouth of Long Chen are moving slightly, above is hanging the smiling face of taunt. “堂堂武帝赵无极亲传弟子,就只有这一点狗屎的本领吗?”龙辰的嘴角微微动着,其上挂着嘲讽的笑容。 These words, resulted in corners of the mouth to twitch several Zhao Danchen air/Qi. 这句话,将赵丹尘气得嘴角抽搐了几下。 The golden heavy blows and Golden Eye Desolate Destroyer two moves, defeated in the hand of Long Chen. His Zhao Danchen truly is strong, is the attack Long Chen, what to do can he? 黄金重拳和黄金寂灭之眼两招,都败在了龙辰的手上。他赵丹尘确实是强,可是攻击不到龙辰,他能怎么办? Jiang Wuya Qiu of Ya breaking arm in the moral nature, Long Chen without demur, this time he has adopted the driving storm. He dreads in Zhao Danchen Golden Warrior Body, if not touch hardly, he finally how Zhao Danchen! 姜无涯的断臂之仇压在了心底,龙辰二话不说,这一次他采取了主动的强攻。他忌惮于赵丹尘黄金战体,可是如果不是硬碰的话,他最终也奈何不了赵丹尘 The Crazy Wind rainstorm general attack, takes away as many things as possible toward Zhao Danchen instantaneously. 狂风暴雨一般的攻击,瞬间朝着赵丹尘席卷而去。 Wind God Leg method, Tornado type!” 风神腿法,暴风式!” Long Chen this was first time has exposed in this outside the Wind God Leg method, this time people have not responded that the Wind God Leg method was the Yang Ningfeng unique skill, short one month, how to shift to the body of Long Chen? 龙辰这还是第一次将风神腿法在这外面展露了出來,这一时间众人都沒有反应过來,风神腿法是杨凝锋的绝技,短短一个月的时间,怎么会转移到龙辰的身上來呢? Moreover, uses on the body of Long Chen, but use to be much swifter and fiercer than initially Yang Ningfeng, probably this Wind God Leg Farben belongs to Long Chen, but is not Yang Ningfeng is the same. 而且,在龙辰的身上用出來,可要比当初杨凝锋用出來要凌厉得多,好像这风神腿法本來就属于龙辰,而不是杨凝锋的一样。 That just likes Tornado same Leg Technique, arrived at Zhao Danchen instantaneously at present, Zhao Danchen only thought that an eye flower, then at present appears is everywhere Blood Red leg shade, each likely was one has filled the whip of thorn, flung toward Zhao Danchen! 那恍如暴风一样的腿法,瞬间就到了赵丹尘的眼前,赵丹尘只觉得眼睛一花,然后眼前出现的就是漫天血红色的腿影,每一条都像是一条充满了荆棘的鞭子,朝着赵丹尘甩來! „Can this monster, be able to use this Wind God Leg method?” In the Zhao Danchen heart has filled panic-strickenly. “这个怪物,能够将风神腿法也都能用到这样?”赵丹尘心中充满了惊骇。 However, this cannot defeat his pride! 不过,这并不能够打败他的骄傲! Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰! The Wind God Leg method most major characteristics are quick, but Long Chen at this time the whole person incarnation became together the Red tornado, covers in the Zhao Danchen top of the head, that dense and numerous leg shade covered on the body of Zhao Danchen instantaneously, an intermittent bang, the Long Chen the arm of Tornado type and Zhao Danchen, had grating clashing! 风神腿法最大的特点就是快,而龙辰此时整个人都化身成为了一道红色的旋风,笼罩在赵丹尘的头顶上,那密密麻麻的腿影瞬间就笼罩在了赵丹尘的身上,一阵阵的巨响,龙辰暴风式和赵丹尘的手臂,发生了一次次刺耳的对撞! The time in Zhao Danchen body quite this powerful, his Golden Warrior Body, is quite simply same in the genuine golden steel and iron, even is more formidable! Long Chen each leg basically was given to block by the arm of Zhao Danchen, he felt that probably hit in the steel and iron general, each attack, let his thigh some feelings of tingling with numbness! 赵丹尘身体方面的功夫相当这强悍,他的黄金战体,简直就相当于真正的黄金钢铁一样,甚至要强大许多!龙辰每一腿基本上都被赵丹尘的手臂给挡住,他自己感觉就好像是撞在了钢铁上一般,每一次的攻击,都让他的腿部有些发麻的感觉! „The Wind God Leg method is good, has saying that other Earth Martial Realm 3-layer will not be your match! But my Zhao Danchen is different, your attack, on basic could not eradicate my defense!” The Tornado type must pass quickly, is the attack of each move of Tornado type, by Zhao Danchen with arm blocking! 风神腿法还不错,不得不说其他的地武境三重不会是你的对手!可我赵丹尘不同,你的攻击,根本上就破除不了我的防御!”暴风式很快就要过去了,可是每一招暴风式的攻击,都被赵丹尘用手臂给挡住了! The attack of Long Chen Wind God Leg, compared with Jiang Wuya beforehand attack formidable many, cannot break the defense of Zhao Danchen, Zhao Danchen also felt that the arm somewhat tingles with numbness. 龙辰风神腿的攻击,并不比姜无涯之前的攻击强大多少,破不了赵丹尘的防御,赵丹尘也只是感觉手臂有些发麻而已。 Golden Warrior Body, in the defense and strength, has the Long Chen incomparable might! 黄金战体,在防御和力量方面,有着龙辰不可比拟的威力! Therefore, Zhao Danchen recalled at this time self-confidently, therefore so will be self-satisfied! 所以,赵丹尘此时重新召回了自信,所以才会这么得意! Right?” Long Chen sneered, the defense of Zhao Danchen was also containing the attack of golden heavy blows, but at this time a Zhao Danchen move of gold fought with the fists again, he thinks that Long Chen will resist by Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, what may make Zhao Danchen misjudge, Long Chen has not used Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, but was direct move of Soul Scatter Dragon Claw and Zhao Danchen clashes! “是吗?”龙辰冷笑了一声,赵丹尘的防御还包含着黄金重拳的攻击,而此时赵丹尘正一招黄金重拳打來,他以为龙辰会以柳絮随风步抵挡呢,可让赵丹尘失算的是,龙辰并沒有使用柳絮随风步,而是直接一招散魂龙爪赵丹尘对撞! Soul Scatter Dragon Claw and golden heavy blows, had not decided the victory and defeat before, these time has not decided the victory and defeat! But these time is different, Long Chen withdrew the Soul Scatter Dragon Claw strength quickly, simultaneously a leg has flung suddenly, in Zhao Danchen has not fended in the past situation, the direct leg pulled out on his chin! 散魂龙爪和黄金重拳,之前沒有分出了胜负,这一次更沒有分出胜负!可这一次不同的是,龙辰很快就撤去了散魂龙爪的力量,同时一腿猛然甩了起來,在赵丹尘还沒有闪避过去的情况下,直接一腿抽在了他的下巴上! ! 啪! A grating sound resounds, Zhao Danchen sends out a pain to shout, directly raising to fly by a Long Chen foot! 一声刺耳的响声响起,赵丹尘发出一声痛呼,直接被龙辰一脚给掀飞了出去! Naturally, Long Chen this is the strength of temporarily using, cannot injure what kind of Zhao Danchen, most also lets Zhao Danchen suitable humiliation, this is since fights to start, Zhao Danchen first time is injured! 当然,龙辰这是临时用出的力道,并不能够把赵丹尘伤成怎么样,最多也只是让赵丹尘相当的丢脸罢了,这还是自从打斗开始,赵丹尘第一次受伤呢! Crash of tooth, almost bit own tongue, Long Chen that foot, making Zhao Danchen discover that the head became has had a dizzy spell. 牙齿的相撞,差一点咬到了自己的舌头,龙辰那一脚,让赵丹尘发现脑袋都变得头晕目眩了起來。 In a flash, the eye of Zhao Danchen became scarlet-red. 一瞬间,赵丹尘的眼睛就变得赤红了。 Long Chen!” Angry roaring, sends from the Zhao Danchen mouth! 龙辰!”一声愤怒的咆哮,从赵丹尘的口中发出來! He was raised body that flies to fall suddenly, the people who surrounds has not ridiculed him with enough time, actually sees his body to sink fast, attacks suddenly toward Long Chen! 他被掀飞出去的身体猛然下落,围观的众人还沒有來得及嘲笑他呢,却见他的身体快速下沉,猛然朝着龙辰攻來! A moment ago that leg, to Zhao Danchen, simply was the great shame! 刚才那腿,对赵丹尘來说,简直就是奇耻大辱! If beforehand Zhao Danchen slightly is angry, present he, the brain actually must explode with rage. He breathes becomes heavy, exhaled the white air/Qi to practice, as if turned into the wild animal! 如果说之前的赵丹尘只是略微生气,现在的他,脑子却要气炸了。他呼吸变得沉重,呼出了白色的气练,仿佛变成了野兽! Long Chen suddenly feels that the body of this Zhao Danchen, has started bigger strength raging tide probably, his Golden luminous spot, gradually becomes rich, quick Zhao Danchen from head to foot, completely turned into a Golden person! 龙辰一时间感觉到,这赵丹尘的身上,好像掀起了更大的力量狂潮,他身上那金色的光点,渐渐变得浓郁,很快赵丹尘就从头到脚,全部都化成了一个金色的人! This Zhao Danchen was compelled by him insanely, this boy obtained a Martial Emperor [lineage/vein] own biography, the strength is extremely powerful, in a while estimated can become new Martial Emperor. Today Long Chen cannot eliminate him, I remove him.” Long Shen looks, while said to Long Yue. “这赵丹尘被他逼疯了,这小子得到了武帝一脉的亲传,实力相当强悍,沒过多久估计就能够成为新一个武帝了。今天龙辰除不了他,我就除掉他吧。”龙山一边看着,一边对身边的龙月说道。 „Is Zhao Danchen very strong? Couldn't Long Chen kill him?” Long Yue asked. 赵丹尘很强?龙辰杀不了他?”龙月问。 Strong, naturally is strong, in the attack and strength, the youth is not his match, may in Battle Technique, speed and flexible aspect, the youth must go far beyond the opposite party, their strengths, should be are about the same. However, if Zhao Danchen also has the ability of pressure box, Long Chen should be very difficult to tidy up him.” Long Shen serious saying. “强,当然强,在攻击和力量方面,那少年不是他的对手,可在战技、速度和灵活方面,那少年又要远远超过对方,两人的实力,应该是在伯仲之间。不过,若是赵丹尘还有压箱的本领,龙辰应该很难收拾他。”龙山郑重的说道。 Grandfather, pressure box ability that you said that what refers to is?” Long Yue has as if thought of anything, among features somewhat worried. “爷爷,你说的压箱本领,指的是?”龙月似乎想到了什么,眉目之间有些担忧。 Right, is the King Grade Advanced Level Martial Emperor seal, this is Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty only King Grade Advanced Level Battle Technique! If this Zhao Danchen can display every gesture and motions of Martial Emperor seal, Long Chen absolutely is not his match.” Long Shen stern said. “沒错,就是王级高等武帝印,这是神武圣朝唯一的一门王级高等战技!这赵丹尘若是能够施展出武帝印的一招一式,龙辰绝对不是其对手。”龙山正色说道。 Martial Emperor seal? Zhao Danchen is the Zhao Wuji only disciple, Zhao Wuji thinks that has taught the Martial Emperor seal to him. Has not thought that Zhao Danchen also is really in the middle of three big Martial Emperor strongest one, other two big Martial Emperor estimates collaborate are not his match, Grandfather, if Long Chen has the danger, you must get rid to rescue.” Long Yue said anxiously. 武帝印?赵丹尘身为赵无极的唯一弟子,赵无极想必已经将武帝印传授给他了吧。沒想到赵丹尘还真的是三大武皇当中最强的一个,其他两大武皇估计联手都不是他的对手,爷爷,如果龙辰有危险,你已经要出手相救啊。”龙月紧张说道。 Hears Long Chen likely to have the danger, Jiang Wuya and the others was worried, particularly side is holding Liu Yiyi, looking at steadily is staring at Long Chen, in the middle of the clear eye socket, has filled the tears. 听到龙辰很可能有危险,姜无涯等人都很担心,尤其是一边扶着的柳依依,更是目不转睛的盯着龙辰,晶莹的眼眶当中,已经充满了泪水。 Before, is Jiang Wuya is hitting with Zhao Danchen, then Jiang Wuya was broken an arm, several near deaths, but talent that now and Zhao Danchen this goes against heaven's will what to war is Long Chen, these two men, are the men of Liu Yiyi care. 之前,是姜无涯在和赵丹尘打,然后姜无涯被断去了一只手臂,几近死亡,而现在和赵丹尘这逆天的天才对战的是龙辰,这两个男人,都是柳依依关心的男人。 Today, the heart of Liu Yiyi tightened the extreme. 今天,柳依依的心绷紧到了极点。 Long Chen, you must win, certainly cannot have an accident.” 龙辰,你一定要赢,一定不能出事啊。” But at this time, Long Chen a leg directly raising flew Zhao Danchen, on the face of Liu Yiyi, revealed the pleasantly surprised look. 而这时候,龙辰已经一腿直接将赵丹尘给提飞了,柳依依的脸上,流露出了惊喜的神色。 But quick broke down. 可很快又垮下來了。 Because of the attack of Zhao Danchen, approached again. 因为赵丹尘的攻击,再一次的临近了。 This time, Zhao Danchen is true was angry, he in the middle of the midair, at this time while is fast, both hands fast tied seal, this Sealing Technique quite complex, when Zhao Danchen just began using, the surrounding air vibrated! 这一次,赵丹尘是真正的愤怒了,他本來就在半空当中,此时在快速下來的同时,双手快速的结印,这个印法相当的复杂,在赵丹尘刚刚启用的时候,周围的空气就已经震动了起來! Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰! In the middle of the air, has exuded an intermittent bellow, that rich land features Spirit Qi, starts in the middle of Zhao Danchen toward sky to gather fast, land features Spirit Qi are most direct coming out from the earth, these Spirit Qi condensation became the earth Yellow large snakes, dozens large snakes, gather on the body of airborne Zhao Danchen completely, probably is general that in the middle of Zhao Danchen both hands is long. 空气当中,发出了一阵阵的轰鸣声,那浓郁的地脉灵气,开始朝着天空当中的赵丹尘快速的汇聚着,地脉灵气最多是从大地当中直接的出來,那些灵气凝聚成为了土黄色的长蛇,数十条的长蛇,全部汇聚在空中赵丹尘的身上,好像都是赵丹尘双手当中长出來的一般。 Dozens earth Yellow land features Spirit Qi, gathers in the middle of both hands of Long Chen, the both hands fast transformation of Zhao Danchen, these land features Spirit Qi directly were also grasped by Zhao Danchen in the hand, the Zhao Danchen hand signal is transforming, these land features Spirit Qi fast condensation on his both hands, the congealment became huge Golden Cultivator character! 数十条土黄色的地脉灵气,汇聚在龙辰的双手当中,赵丹尘的双手快速的变换,那些地脉灵气也被赵丹尘直接抓在了手中,赵丹尘的手势变换着,那些地脉灵气快速的凝聚在他的双手上,凝结成为了一个巨大的金色的‘’字! This is a huge and vigorous mark! 这是一个巨大而雄浑的印记! Yellow Cultivator ---- God seal!” “黄----神印!” This move, Zhao Danchen is well-known the yellow Martial God seal outside, is the Martial Emperor instruction in his to high Secret Law, naturally, higher Martial Emperor seal, does Martial Emperor have to teach to him, was unknown. 这一招,正是赵丹尘闻名在外的黄武神印,也是武帝传授于他的至高秘典,当然,还有更高的武帝印,武帝有沒有传授给他,就不得而知了。 Yellow Martial God India's name relative big in the middle of King Grade Intermediate Level Battle Technique, in the middle of Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, was known as directly is in the middle of King Grade Intermediate Level Battle Technique, striking power most intrepid merit law! 武神印在王级中等战技当中的名字相当之大,在神武圣朝当中,直接号称是王级中等战技当中,攻击力最为强悍的功法! Displays under the Zhao Danchen Golden Warrior Body addition, naturally has been full of the terror power and influence! 赵丹尘黄金战体的加成之下施展出來,当然充满了恐怖的威势! A [gold/metal] Yellow Cultivator character, congeals in Zhao Danchen at present! 一个金黄色字,凝结在赵丹尘的眼前! This time Zhao Danchen, the whole body turned into Golden, his look is indifferent, on the face is hanging the brutal smile throughout, that leg of Long Chen, was really a moment ago wild with rage him. 此时的赵丹尘,浑身都变成了金色,他的眼神冷漠无比,脸上始终挂着残酷的微笑,刚才龙辰的那一腿,实在是将他气疯了。
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