DBWG :: Volume #7

#636: Golden heavy blows

Long Shen, Jiang Wuya could not give a thought to own injury, complexion sad asking: Yue'er, can Long Chen cope with Zhao Danchen?” 龙山这边,姜无涯也顾不上自己的伤势了,脸色忧愁的问道:“月儿,龙辰能对付赵丹尘?” I do not know, but should not be worried, if he does not beat, my grandfather will cope his.” Long Yue made way the position, stood with Jian Chen in one, did not look at the Jiang Wuya direction, has avoided awkwardly. “我也不知道,不过别担心,如果他不敌的话,我爷爷会对付他的。”龙月让开了位置,和剑尘站在了一起,不看姜无涯的方向,也避免了尴尬。 From the Jiang Wuya performance, Long Yue looked at his choice. The Jiang Wuya final choice, Long Yue was also very happy for him. 姜无涯刚才的表现,龙月已经看出來他的抉择了。姜无涯最终的选择,龙月也很为他高兴。 But happy does not know. 但是不是真的高兴就不知道了。 Grandfather?” Jiang Wuya looked at Long Shen in consternation, he knows that this is the grandfather who Long Yue said that he also wants to inquire that but at this time, that side Long Chen, has been a focus of public attention, has hit with Zhao Danchen truly! “爷爷?”姜无涯愕然的看了看龙山,他知道,这就是龙月说的爷爷,他本來还想询问一下呢,而就在这时候,那一边的龙辰,已经在万众瞩目当中,真正和赵丹尘打了起來! This Zhao Danchen, absolutely is an archenemy! 赵丹尘,绝对是一个大敌! Innate Golden Warrior Body, granted his strong strength, Long Chen turned into Dragon's Soul Body Transformation at this time, his powerful Dragon Body added on True Martial Demon Body again, compared with Golden Warrior Body, still paled by comparison. 先天的黄金战体,赐予他超强的力量,龙辰此时已经化成了龙魂变身,他那强悍的龙体再加上真武魔体,比起黄金战体來说,仍然相形见绌。 Blood Red Dragon Scale, is covering the whole body of Long Chen, Long Chen Dragon's Soul Body Transformation, compared with Long Yue their superior much, present Long Chen, the battle efficiency rise dramatically from Earth Martial Realm 2-layer to Earth Martial Realm 3-layer directly! 血红色龙鳞,覆盖着龙辰的全身,龙辰龙魂变身,要比龙月他们的优越得多,现在的龙辰,战斗力直接从地武境二重飙升到地武境三重 Once had killed the Yang Ningfeng battle efficiency, at this time has again shown! 曾经杀死了杨凝锋的战斗力,此时再一次展现了出來! Such Long Chen, made Zhao Danchen receive the smiling face. 这样的龙辰,也让赵丹尘收起了笑容。 Can kill Yang Ningfeng that waste, truly some small weights, it seems like today, I must show my strength.” Zhao Danchen smiled, he and Long Chen launched the movement at this time, the personal appearance fast transformation, Long Chen have completed Dragon's Soul Body Transformation, the whole body turned into Blood Red, but after Zhao Danchen spoke, his eye was flashing the [gold/metal] Yellow ray, that together [gold/metal] Yellow looked like the ripple center, rippled gradually, quick has filled the whole body of Zhao Danchen, on the skin of Zhao Danchen, revealed that light Golden, looked like has spread a Golden paper. “能把杨凝锋那个废物干掉,确实有些小斤两,看來今天,我要展现一下自己的实力了。”赵丹尘笑了笑,他和龙辰此时展开了身法,身形快速的变换,龙辰已经完成了龙魂变身,浑身变成了血红色,而赵丹尘说完话之后,他的眼睛闪动着金黄色的光芒,那一道金黄色就像是波纹的中心,渐渐荡漾开來,很快就弥漫了赵丹尘的全身,赵丹尘的皮肤上,显露出來了淡淡的金色,就像是铺了一层金色的纸张。 This Golden, is not only tenacious, is the sharp symbol. 金色,不但是强韧,更是锋利的象征。 [Gold/Metal] Yellow that the eye of Long Chen Blood Red, the turnover the ice-cold ray, the front is rocking, lets him in the heart deep is dreading. 龙辰血红色的眼睛,吞吐着冰冷的光芒,前方晃动的金黄色,也让他在心中深深的忌惮着。 Regarding Zhao Danchen, in his heart does not have any assurance. 对于赵丹尘,他心中也沒有什么把握。 Today situation also many, if lost, Long Shen. But Long Chen has own pride, Zhao Danchen broke an arm of Jiang Wuya, Long Chen was the Jiang Wuya seven younger brothers, must ask for personally this brush debt to Zhao Danchen! 今天情况还好些,如果输了的话,还有龙山在。可龙辰有自己的骄傲,赵丹尘断去了姜无涯的一条手臂,龙辰身为姜无涯的七弟,就一定要亲手向赵丹尘把这笔债讨回來! Golden Warrior Body......” 黄金战体……” The pupil of Long Chen makes Eldest Child in this moment suddenly, because at this time, Zhao Danchen turned into a Golden shadow, plunders toward him at the extremely quick speed! 龙辰的瞳孔在这一刻猛然挣得老大,因为就在这时候,赵丹尘已经化成了一道金色的影子,以极快的速度朝着他掠來! A small Golden light, actually extremely heavy, Long Chen even misconception, probably arrival is not a person, Golden mountain peak that but is blotting out the sky, is heavy and sharp, ice-cold seizes the life! 小小的一道金色的光影,却极其的沉重,龙辰甚至有一个错觉,好像到來的不是一个人,而是一座铺天盖地的金色山峰,沉重而锋利,冰冷而夺命! A shadow of fist, expands in the Long Chen eye gradually! 一个拳头的影子,在龙辰的眼中渐渐扩大! Golden heavy blows!” “黄金重拳!” Although Zhao Danchen the build does not have Lei Chen to be so huge, walks is actually the violent strength route, in strength direction, Long Chen possibly is inferior to him, such as this move of golden heavy blows, are full of the strength, if the direct bang in the city wall in that yellow Cultivator city, perhaps will make the city wall in entire yellow Cultivator city collapse! 赵丹尘虽然体形沒有雷震那么巨大,走的却是极端的力量路线,在力量这个方向,龙辰可能不及他,就如这一招黄金重拳,充满力道,如果是直接轰在那黄城的城墙上,恐怕会让整个黄城的城墙都倒塌吧! The might of this fist, making the people who surrounds exclaim, even if in the yellow Cultivator city, can feel this golden heavy blows that extraordinary strength. 这一拳的威力,让围观的众人惊叹不已,就算是在黄城,也能够感受到这黄金重拳那超绝的力量。 Such strength, enough move extinguished me has killed, how can seven younger brothers resist?” The eye of Jiang Wuya stares Eldest Child. He just had hit with Zhao Danchen, therefore experience at heart is deepest. “这样的力量,足够一招把我灭杀了,七弟要怎么抵挡呢?”姜无涯的眼睛瞪得老大。他刚刚和赵丹尘打过,所以心里的体会最深。 Jiang Wuya was worried, may regarding Long Chen, all during his grasps. 姜无涯担心,可对于龙辰來说,一切都在他的掌握当中。 Willow catkin with the wind.” Treats this very prominent the match in the strength, uses Willow Catkin on The Wind Step is the best choice, at this time, Long Chen footsteps fast is waving, flies high to stand, Zhao Danchen arrived at him instantaneously at present, under the golden heavy blows bang, that vast imposing manner, actually directly flushed Long Chen! “柳絮随风。”对待这在力量上非常突出的对手,使用柳絮随风步是最好的选择,在这时候,龙辰的脚步快速的舞动着,凌空而立,赵丹尘瞬间就到了他眼前,黄金重拳轰下,那浩大的气势,却直接将龙辰冲了出去! Long Chen looks like a piece of light feather, the attack of Zhao Danchen, has not hit Long Chen, directly sweeping. Long Chen speed ultra-fast has also flown upside down, person in very distant place, but also thinks that Long Chen this was hit to fly by Zhao Danchen, was in effect it is not so. 龙辰就像是一片轻飘飘的羽毛,赵丹尘的攻击,还沒有击中龙辰,就直接将之吹走了。龙辰也超快的速度倒飞了出去,在很远处的人,还以为龙辰这是被赵丹尘打飞了出去呢,其实不然。 „Was this finished?” Many people in yellow Cultivator city, have sent out ridicules. But the following moment, they actually noticed that Long Chen just likes the bystander is the same, has stood firm own personal appearance. “这样就完蛋了?”黄城的很多人,都发出了一声声嘲笑。可接下來的一刻,他们却看到龙辰恍如沒事人一样,稳住了自己的身形。 Was hit is unexpectedly safe and sound, hadn't been hit?” “被打中竟然安然无恙,还是根本就沒有被打中?” Such question, exists in the brain of everyone. 这样的疑问,存在于每个人的脑中。 In War Clan there, Zhao Danchen has experienced Long Chen this wonderful Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, but now is to let him shocks, because of Long Chen Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, was really too powerful. His utilization to this movement, should not under gradually many years of Huangfu Fengchen! 战族那里,赵丹尘就见识了龙辰这神乎其神的柳絮随风步了,而现在更是让他大跌眼镜,因为龙辰柳絮随风步,实在是太强悍了。他对这身法的运用,应该不下于浸淫了多年的皇甫风尘 Including the Zhao Danchen so swift and violent attack, his movement launches, unpredictable, can fend easily. 赵丹尘如此迅猛的攻击,他身法展开,变幻莫测,都能够轻易的闪避过去呢。 Light will hide, is what real man?” Zhao Danchen has eaten from the beginning shrivelled, some are at heart uncomfortable. After he said that that a tip of the toe point, the body brushes plunders, appears in Long Chen instantaneously at present. “光会躲,算是什么好汉?”赵丹尘一开始就吃了一个瘪,心里有些不舒服。他说完之后,脚尖一点,身体刷的一声掠动着,瞬间就出现在龙辰的眼前。 Has to plant meets my fist!” Zhao Danchen roared! “有种就接我一拳!”赵丹尘吼叫了一声! Naturally, he knows that Long Chen this coward, this time was will not meet his fist absolutely, Long Chen was excelling at the Willow Catkin on The Wind Step method, this was the Zhao Danchen mortal enemy. 当然,他知道龙辰这胆小鬼,这时候是绝对不会接他的拳头的,龙辰擅长着柳絮随风步法,这是赵丹尘的死敌。 What may make Zhao Danchen accidental is, Long Chen is neat, is facing Zhao Danchen again a fist, Long Chen is neat, ten fingernails launch, immediately shoots toward the Zhao Danchen wind. 可让赵丹尘意外的是,龙辰干净利落,面对着赵丹尘的再一次一拳,龙辰干净利落,十爪展开,顿时就朝着赵丹尘飙射而來。 Soul Scatter Dragon Claw, Five Dragon Broken Heaven!” 散魂龙爪,五龙破天!” Howl, in the Long Chen claw shade, five Blood Red Divine Dragon photo portraits of making threatening gestures strangles to death to come toward Zhao Danchen, Five Dragon Broken Heaven and golden heavy blows meet instantaneously! 一声声呼啸,在龙辰的爪影当中,五头张牙舞爪的血红色神龙图影朝着赵丹尘绞杀而來,五龙破天和黄金重拳瞬间相遇! It looks like five blades, chopped on a Golden pillar general, has exuded the incisive fricative, the people can only notice that red Golden two shadows were transforming fast, an intermittent fricative spread, finally of bang, scarlet Divine Dragon and Golden pillar separated suddenly, Long Chen was using Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, drew back more than ten meters distances, but Zhao Danchen also corresponding drawing back opened! 就像是五把刀,砍在了一根金色的柱子上一般,发出了尖锐的摩擦声,众人只能看到一红一金色的两道影子在快速的变换着,一阵阵摩擦声传出,最后轰的一声,血色的神龙金色的柱子猛然分开,龙辰使用着柳絮随风步,退开了十多米的距离,而赵丹尘也相应的退开了! This confrontation, stems from people to expect that was unexpectedly even. This point has not thought including Zhao Danchen, Long Chen, utilized the peak degree Soul Scatter Dragon Claw, in a short time, will attack to erupt completely, formed five formidable strangling to death strengths. 这一场交锋,出乎众人预料,竟然是平手了。这一点连赵丹尘都沒有想到过,刚才的龙辰,将散魂龙爪运用到了巅峰的程度,在极短的时间内,将攻击全部都爆发了出來,形成五道强大的绞杀力量。 Soul Scatter Dragon Claw has left behind the scar on the fist of opposite party, the strength on Zhao Danchen fist, shakes Blood Qi to turn Long Chen wells up. 散魂龙爪在对方的拳头上留下了伤痕,赵丹尘拳上的力量,也同时将龙辰震得血气翻涌。 This time Zhao Danchen, the right hand is shivering slightly, what can see, the front piece on his arm already completely shatter, on that fair bright and clean arm, presented more than ten Blood Red scars. 此时的赵丹尘,右手稍微颤抖着,可以看到的是,他手臂上的衣襟已经完全破碎,那白皙光洁的手臂上,出现了十多条血红色的伤痕。 Many years, Zhao Danchen first time had been injured by contemporaries. 多少年了,赵丹尘第一次被一个同龄人伤到。 For him, this basically is the impossible matter. 对他來说,这基本上是不可能的事情。 This has simultaneously caused his anger and kills the heart. 这同时导致了他的怒火和杀心。 Looks up this faint young people, Zhao Danchen knows at present that this time he was must kill Long Chen in any event, whatever otherwise this boy was growing, sooner or later his Zhao Danchen will die. 抬起头看着眼前这个淡漠的年轻人,赵丹尘知道,这一次他是无论如何要将龙辰干掉了,不然任由着这小子成长下去的话,迟早他赵丹尘都会沒命。 Golden Warrior Body, had been lacerated by his claw, in the Zhao Danchen heart also has to be flustered. 就连黄金战体,都被他的爪子割破了,赵丹尘心中也不得不慌张了。 Zhao Danchen, you before very crazy appearance, but the fact showed that you are also mediocre?” Sound of Long Chen ridicule, lets the person who entire surrounds, almost heard. 赵丹尘,你之前很狂的样子,可事实证明,你也不过如此嘛?”龙辰讥笑的声音,让整个围观的人,几乎都听到了。 In people heart, actually not obvious tendency, but Military Alliance Zhao Danchen strikes root in the hearts of the people formidable. Ridicule of Long Chen, makes people start to laugh, simultaneously to Long Chen this youth, is holding the heart of deep awe. 众人心中,其实并沒有明显的倾向,只是武盟赵丹尘的强大深入人心罢了。龙辰的讥笑,也让众人开始发笑,同时对龙辰这个少年,抱着深深的敬畏之心。 This side Long Yue, Long Shen caresses must smile steadily, it is estimated that during this scene in he expects, but Long Yue and the others, to Long Chen are the looks that a face admires. Jiang Wuya is also the forced smile, he has to acknowledge that Long Chen has flung him by far after behind. 龙月这一边,龙山抚着长须微笑着,估计这情景在他预料当中,而龙月等人,对龙辰则是一脸佩服的神色。姜无涯也是苦笑不已,他不得不承认,龙辰已经远远把他甩在了身后。 He has looked at each other one with nearby Qing Li King Liu Yiyi. 他和旁边的清漓王柳依依对视了一眼。 Initially Long Chen clear flowinged King Palace in me, merely only then the Opening Heaven Realm 2-layer strength, completes such dramatic rise in six months, is really a monster.” Some Qing Li King feeling saying generally. “当初龙辰在我清漓王殿,仅仅只有通天境二重的实力,在半年的时间内完成这样的飙升,真是个怪物啊。”清漓王有些感概的说道。 But in the Liu Yiyi eye has filled move. 柳依依的眼中充满了感动。 Today's matter, causes because of her, Long Chen can be said as is Jiang Wuya revenges at the same time, but other side, then carries off a girl to be one's wife. 今天的事情,都是因为她而引起的,龙辰一方面可以说是为姜无涯报仇,而另一面,则是抢亲。 This move, making the heart of Liu Yiyi proceed along no particular course like the fawn, the pale complexion, at this time actually becomes ruddy, the tender and beautiful desire drops. 这种感动,让柳依依的心如小鹿般乱撞着,原本惨白的脸色,此时却变得红扑扑的,娇艳欲滴。 This striking contrast, making in the heart of Zhao Danchen burn the fire of bashful anger. 这强烈的反差,让赵丹尘的心中燃烧起了羞怒之火。 That took lightly Long Chen a moment ago, at this time actually according to at heart does not want to kill Long Chen, in the natural heart is the fires of shame. 刚才那看轻龙辰,此时却沒有按照心里所想把龙辰干掉,自然心中都是羞辱之火。 Without demur, Zhao Danchen just likes together the Golden tornado, takes away as many things as possible toward Long Chen. 二话不说,赵丹尘犹如一道金色的旋风,朝着龙辰席卷而去。 Golden heavy blows can you keep off? That this?” Zhao Danchen instantaneously to Long Chen at present, at this time, his both eyes filled the Golden flame, instantaneous, two Golden sturdy rays, burst out from his eye, punctured toward Long Chen, this Golden ray was having the scalding hot burning down ability, the average person looked by Zhao Danchen, it is estimated that the body must melt. “黄金重拳你能挡?那这呢?”赵丹尘瞬间到了龙辰的眼前,在这时候,他的双眼当中弥漫出了金色的火焰,瞬间,两道金色的粗壮光线,从他的眼中迸发出來,朝着龙辰刺來,这金色光线拥有着灼热的焚烧能力,普通人被赵丹尘一看,估计身体都要融化了。 Golden Eye Desolate Destroyer!” 黄金寂灭之眼!” In War Clan there, Long Chen had experienced Zhao Danchen this attack. 战族那里,龙辰曾经见识过赵丹尘这攻击。 Shout! 呼! Two rays, arrived at Long Chen instantaneously at present. 两道光线,瞬间就到达了龙辰的眼前。 Golden Eye Desolate Destroyer, is Zhao Danchen one of the big unique skills, is quite terrorist. Entire Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, only then the person of this talent, can send. 黄金寂灭之眼,是赵丹尘的一大绝招之一,相当恐怖。整个神武圣朝,也只有他这种天赋的人,才能够发出來。 Rumbling! 轰轰! The eye of Long Chen has narrowed instantaneously the eyes. 龙辰的眼睛瞬间就眯了起來。 He was away from Zhao Danchen is really too near. 他距离赵丹尘实在是太近了。 However, by this Golden Eye Desolate Destroyer strength, but also insufficient and poses the threat to Long Chen, in addition Long Chen already knows that he had such one to incur. 不过,以这黄金寂灭之眼的力量,还不足与对龙辰造成威胁,尚且龙辰早就知道他有这么一招了。 Similarly is the Willow Catkin on The Wind Step method, displays in the under foot of Long Chen, simply want on a high boundary compared with Huangfu Fengchen, in this near at hand situation, Long Chen had demonstrated to the people Willow Catkin on The Wind Step of time maximum level, in the look that the people acclaimed, two Golden rays have staggered him, shot one side ground! 同样是柳絮随风步法,在龙辰的脚下施展开來,简直都要比皇甫风尘都要高上一个境界,在这近在咫尺的情况下,龙辰向众人展示了一次最高层次的柳絮随风步,在众人赞叹的眼神当中,两道金色光线错开了他,射到了一边的地上!
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