DBWG :: Volume #7

#638: Kills Heaven certainly

The eye of Long Chen has narrowed the eyes. 龙辰的眼睛眯了起來。 What good......” is surprising, under this might vast yellow Martial God seal, Long Chen has not felt frightened, his complexion is invariable, even calm fearfulness! “还不错……”让人惊讶的是,在这威力浩大的黄武神印之下,龙辰并沒有感觉到恐惧,他的脸色不变,甚至冷静的可怕! Installs flamboyant?” Sees Long Chen this, Zhao Danchen is sneering at heart, he is increasing the output of strength, nine big Cultivator holes True Essence, continuous comes out from the pill pill, pasts to his hand in that yellow Martial God seal! “装牛逼吗?”见龙辰这样子,赵丹尘心里冷笑着,他加大着力量的输出,九大窍当中的真元,源源不断的从其中的丹丸当中出來,流转到他手中那黄武神印当中! Broken!” “破!” During Zhao Danchen sonic boom drinks, the yellow Martial God seal ejects suddenly, that huge Cultivator character, covers the overhead to cover toward Long Chen! 赵丹尘一声爆喝当中,黄武神印猛然击出,那个巨大的字,朝着龙辰笼罩当头笼罩而來! The Long Chen instantaneous feeling probably is the entire sky extrudes own body to be the same! 龙辰瞬间感觉就好像是整个天空都挤压到自己的身上一样! The yellow Martial God seal has not arrived, Long Chen felt that function in oneself strength, let his foot directly deep falling the soil. 武神印还沒有到达呢,龙辰就感觉到那作用在自己身上的力道,让他的脚直接深深的陷进了泥土当中。 The strength of yellow Martial God seal erupts suddenly! 武神印的力量猛然爆发! This Cultivator character, looks like a mountain peak, even the weight of mountain range, presses toward Long Chen! 这个字,就像是一座山峰,甚至是有一座山脉的重量,朝着龙辰压來! This attack, making all people fearful and apprehensive! 这攻击,让所有人都变得胆战心惊! Before, Zhao Danchen admitted defeat in the Long Chen front, the people felt Zhao Danchen probably not fiercely, but this yellow Martial God seal used, people thorough being convinced. 之前,赵丹尘龙辰的面前吃瘪,众人都感觉赵丹尘好像并沒有多厉害,可这黄武神印用出來的时候,众人都彻底的服气了。 Long Yue, the people are also unusual heart to be startled. 龙月这边,众人也非常心惊。 Long Shen must get rid, after may see Long Chen that calm complexion, he has anchored his movement, because he knows that Long Chen this boy, definitely has the method that oneself face! 龙山本來要出手,可看见龙辰那冷静的脸色之后,他停住了自己的动作,因为他知道,龙辰这小子,肯定有自己面对的方法! Really, when the yellow Martial God seal arrives, both hands of Long Chen, exactly say are pair of claws, from behind takes, kept off in the front, on his pair of claws, was the Blood Red flame, the flaming combustion of fire of sun on his both hands, Long Chen urged to send the sun fire of maximum limit, making him look like a small Sun is ordinary, was sending out the scalding hot quantity of heat, has promoted much the surrounding temperature! 果然,就在黄武神印降临的时候,龙辰的双手,确切的说是双爪,从身后拿出來,挡在了胸前,在他的双爪上,是血红色的火焰,金乌之火在他的双手上熊熊的燃烧着,龙辰催发着身上最大限度的金乌之火,让他就像是一个小太阳一般,发出着灼热的热量,将周围的温度提升了不少! Roar! 吼! Strip Blood Red dragonet, appears in the hand of Long Chen, fast howls regarding his ten fingers is hovering. With the combustion of flame, altogether nine dragonets appear and disappear from time to time, exude Dragon Roar sounds! 条的血红色小龙,在龙辰的手中出现,围绕着他的十根手指头快速呼啸的游动着。伴随着火焰的燃烧,一共九头小龙时隐时现,发出一声声的龙吟声! What vulture insect small technique?” Zhao Danchen sneers, the yellow Martial God seal arrives in the Long Chen top of the head! “什么雕虫小技?”赵丹尘冷笑一声,黄武神印降临在龙辰的头顶上! He has not experienced, but after seeing now the Long Chen appearance, Long Shen and other people, on the face is a panic-stricken look, because they discovered that Long Chen this attack, impressively is the Soul Scatter Dragon Claw last move! 他沒见识过,可当看到现在龙辰的样子后,龙山等三人,脸上都是一副惊骇的神色,因为他们发现,龙辰这攻击,赫然就是散魂龙爪的最后一招! Soul Scatter Dragon Claw, Absolute Killing Nine Heaven!” 散魂龙爪,绝杀九重天!” Nine dragonets, speed up in the speed in the hand of Long Chen walking randomly suddenly, this time Long Chen, turned into a Blood Red light, when the yellow Martial God seal falls, his tip of the toe stepped on suddenly on the ground, fired into Zhao Danchen instantaneously! 九头小龙,在龙辰的手中游走的速度猛然加快,此时的龙辰,化成了一道血红色的光影,在黄武神印下落的时候,他脚尖猛然踩在了地上,瞬间冲向赵丹尘 Soul Scatter Dragon Claw, pushed loudly at this time! 散魂龙爪,在这时候轰然推出來! Soul Scatter Dragon Claw last move, with High Profound Dragon Seal of middle Long Chen use quite similar, because High Profound Dragon Seal is Nine Dragon is also uneven, is this move of Absolute Killing Nine Heaven, actually too be more than middle High Profound Dragon Seal, High Profound Dragon Seal is simple Dragon Shadow strangles to death, but this Absolute Killing Nine Heaven, is the attack of 1-layer 1-layer, altogether has 9-layer! 散魂龙爪的最后一招,和当中龙辰使用的太玄龙印相当的相似,因为太玄龙印也是九龙齐出的,可是这一招绝杀九重天,却要比当中的太玄龙印强太多了,太玄龙印是简单的龙影绞杀,而这绝杀九重天,则是一重一重的攻击,一共有九重! Kills 9-layer certainly! 绝杀九重 The dog marks that nine Divine Dragon compose, from all sides, come out from the Long Chen hand loudly, comes out from his control! 九头神龙组成的爪痕,前前后后,轰然从龙辰手中出來,从他的手心出來! In the middle of the air, has sent out nine huge vibrations suddenly! 空气当中,猛然发出了九次巨大的震动! The yellow Martial God seal, is an attack, but Long Chen Absolute Killing Nine Heaven, is during an attack, is containing nine times strengths! 武神印,是一次的攻击,而龙辰绝杀九重天,是一次攻击当中,包含着九次的力量! In the middle of the eyeball of people, two attacks clash loudly! 在众人的眼球当中,两种攻击轰然对撞! Suddenly, in the eyes of people, as if two people both vanished, what appears in the people eyes is altogether nine huge Blood Red Divine Dragon photo portraits, that Golden mountain peak, the Golden mountain peak looks like a sharp sword blade edge, sweeping away all obstacles, but that Blood Red Divine Dragon, looks like puts the nine magic knives on that mountain peak! 一时间,在众人的眼中,仿佛两个人都已经消失了,出现在众人眼中的是一共九条巨大的血红色神龙图影,还有那一座金色的山峰,金色的山峰就像是一把锋利的剑刃,所向披靡着,而那血红色神龙,就像是扑在那山峰上的九把神刀! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! This incisive sound, is Long Chen that just likes the sound that the bit common claw and Zhao Danchen that hard Golden Warrior Body makes! 这尖锐的声音,是龙辰那恍如刀片一般的爪子和赵丹尘那坚硬的黄金战体发出的声音! These young people of two going against heaven's will, who strengthens?” “这两个逆天的年轻人,到底谁更加强呢?” This is in many human brains middle question. 这是很多人脑中当中的疑问。 Long Chen has to acknowledge that this Zhao Danchen probably is a turtle is the same, that sincere tortoise shell, the claw of Long Chen delimited above, instead will have some pains! 龙辰不得不承认,这赵丹尘就好像是一个乌龟一样,那厚重的龟壳,龙辰的爪子划在了上面,反而自己会有一些痛感! Under Dragon's Soul Body Transformation, Long Chen in front of True Essence, was actually similar to Zhao Danchen, Zhao Danchen yellow Martial God seal, is similar to Long Chen Absolute Killing Nine Heaven. Zhao Danchen has Golden Warrior Body, but Long Chen has going against heaven's will the fire of sun. Basically, the strengths of two people are quite close. 龙魂变身之下,龙辰真元面前,其实已经和赵丹尘差不多了,赵丹尘的黄武神印,也和龙辰绝杀九重天差不多。赵丹尘黄金战体,而龙辰却有逆天的金乌之火。基本上,两个人的实力是相当接近的。 Naturally, Zhao Danchen in the strength, because of the Golden Warrior Body powerful defense capability, will make Zhao Danchen more formidabe. At this time Long Chen Absolute Killing Nine Heaven, in Zhao Danchen anti-, basically flew back without any results. 当然,赵丹尘在实力上,因为黄金战体的强悍的防御能力,会让赵丹尘更加难对付一点。此时龙辰绝杀九重天,在和赵丹尘的相抗下,基本上都无功而返了。 Zhao Danchen yellow Martial God seal , is really not the lid! 赵丹尘的黄武神印,也真不是盖的! In the confrontation of final strength, Long Chen revealed defeat, after an confrontation, Long Chen starts to be compelled to retrocede by the yellow Martial God seal! 在最终实力的交锋当中,龙辰显露出了败绩,一阵交锋之后,龙辰开始被黄武神印逼得后退! Long Chen must defeat.” Sees this situation, Long Shen helpless shaking the head, what has to acknowledge, Zhao Danchen Golden Warrior Body, somewhat went against heaven's will absolutely. 龙辰要败了。”看到这情形,龙山无奈的摇摇头,不得不承认的是,赵丹尘黄金战体,绝对有些逆天了。 „It is not right, Long Chen also has the unique skill not to use.” Long Yue was also worried, but is quick, she has thought of another point. “不对,龙辰还有绝招沒有用出來呢。”龙月本來也担心着,可很快,她就想到了另外一点。 Unique skill?” Long Shen is startled. “绝招?”龙山一怔。 At this time, Long Chen, when this key, finally Devouring Blood using. 就在这时候,龙辰在这关键的时候,终于将吞噬血界给使用了出來。 The Blood Red mist, has filled instantaneously the surroundings, looks like a Blood Red big cocoon, completely has both covered Long Chen and Zhao Danchen two people, this, basically does not have the Earth Martial Realm above boundary, in does not have the matter that the eyesight sees clearly has. 血红色的雾气,瞬间就弥漫了周围,就像是一个血红色的大茧,将龙辰赵丹尘两个人都完全笼罩了起來,这一下,基本上沒有地武境以上的境界,是沒有目力看清楚里面发生的事情的。 The appearance of this Devouring Blood, has limited Zhao Danchen close 40% True Essence directly. 吞噬血界的出现,直接限制了赵丹尘接近四成的真元 The might of Devouring Blood, Zhao Danchen had experienced, but has not actually thought unexpectedly abnormally to this degree. Under Devouring Blood, the blood did not belong probably his, Blood Qi of that ebullition, Zhao Danchen has to massive True Qi suppress, can make own body activity free. 吞噬血界的威力,赵丹尘曾经见识过,但却沒想到竟然变态到这种程度。吞噬血界之下,血液好像已经不属于他的了,那种沸腾的血气,赵丹尘不得不大量的真气來镇压着,才能够让自己的身体活动自如。 Zhao Danchen then understands, why Long Chen during the fight arrives at Earth Martial Realm 2-layer, Yang Ningfeng will defeat such quickly. Initially Long Chen to fighting Yang Ningfeng, Devouring Blood came out, Yang Ningfeng in the hand of Long Chen, the strength that basically has not hit back. 赵丹尘这才明白,为什么龙辰在战斗当中到达地武境二重的时候,杨凝锋会败得这么快了。当初龙辰对战杨凝锋,吞噬血界一出來,杨凝锋龙辰的手中,基本上沒有还手的力量。 The yellow Martial God seal, can suppress Long Chen Absolute Killing Nine Heaven, but Devouring Blood comes out, under the situation completely counter-, has been in inverse proportion, Long Chen Absolute Killing Nine Heaven played the overwhelming victory quickly! This is Long Chen in the reason that this time used Devouring Blood! 武神印,本來能够压制龙辰绝杀九重天,可吞噬血界一出來,情况就完全反了过來,此消彼长之下,龙辰绝杀九重天很快就起到了压倒性的胜利!这就是龙辰在这时候才使用吞噬血界的原因! When Zhao Danchen is most lax, uses this move to Killing Technique come, can in this crucial time locking victory! 只有在赵丹尘最为松懈的时候,使用出这一招必杀技來,才能够在这关键的时刻锁定胜局! Attack in hand, is Absolute Killing Nine Heaven. 手中的攻击,是绝杀九重天 But the attack on leg, Long Chen carved at this time launches, while Soul Scatter Dragon Claw can use last move, Long Chen Wind God Leg, can use final one move, the Wind God Leg method, was dozens years ago of a wind god Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty big influences to high Secret Law, that last move of Kamikaze form, had been used by Long Chen at this time at crucial moment! 而腿上的攻击,龙辰在这时刻才展开,在散魂龙爪能够用到最后一招的同时,龙辰风神腿,也能够用到了最后的一招,风神腿法,是数十年前神武圣朝一大势力之一的风神教的至高秘典,此时那最后一招的神风式,被龙辰在关键的时候使用了出來! Original move of Absolute Killing Nine Heaven, Zhao Danchen could not block, say nothing of Long Chen came a wave of attack! 本來一招绝杀九重天,赵丹尘就挡不住了,更不用说龙辰又來了一波攻击! Wind God Leg method, Kamikaze form!” 风神腿法,神风式!” Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! The Wind God Leg most major characteristics are quick, but at this time was displayed by Long Chen incisively, moves of Leg Technique attack the body of Zhao Danchen again and again, under the might of Devouring Blood, the yellow Martial God seal could not block instantaneously, Long Chen Soul Scatter Dragon Claw and Wind God Leg method, fell in torrents at this time completely on the body of Zhao Danchen! 风神腿最大的特点就是快,而此时更是被龙辰发挥得淋漓尽致,一招招的腿法连连攻击到赵丹尘的身上,在吞噬血界的威力之下,黄武神印瞬间就挡不住了,龙辰散魂龙爪风神腿法啊,此时全部都倾泻在了赵丹尘的身上! It looks like the torrential downpour falls to be the same loudly, sound that the close raindrop sound keeps! 就像是倾盆大雨轰然落下一样,细密的雨点声噼里啪啦不停的响起來! In that moment that Devouring Blood presents, the Zhao Danchen complexion changed, can suppress Long Chen with the yellow Martial God seal shortly, Zhao Danchen did not have with enough time happily, by the Long Chen counter- suppression, moreover arrived instantaneously has hung the defeat the edge! 吞噬血界出现的那一刻,赵丹尘的脸色就变了,眼看着可以用黄武神印压制住龙辰呢,赵丹尘还沒來得及高兴,就被龙辰反压制,而且瞬间就到了垂败的边缘! How possible?” Zhao Danchen looks deathly pale has called out in alarm one! “怎么可能?”赵丹尘脸色惨白的惊呼了一声! His heart beat fiercely, but Long Chen that Blood Red the ice-cold look, looks like the nightmare of his innermost feelings most deep place, making him feel intermittent fearful. 他的心脏剧烈的跳动了起來,龙辰血红色而冰冷的眼神,就像是他内心最深处的梦魇,让他感觉到一阵阵的心寒。 He was always known as that is the Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty most formidable talent, even if another with his name is Long Chen of two big talents, in his mind, he quite looks down upon actually. 他向來都号称是神武圣朝最强大的天才,就算是另外一名和他并称是两大天才的龙辰,在他的心中,其实他是相当看不起的。 But this Long Chen, appears, directly him from the highest status compelling. 而这个龙辰,横空出世,直接将他从最高的地位当中给逼了下來。 A fist leg, directly has hit completely Zhao Danchen, direct role on his body. This is attack, even if Zhao Danchen has Golden Warrior Body, cannot block such attack, a claw leg, making Zhao Danchen send out pitiful yells! 一拳一腿,全部都直接击中了赵丹尘,直接作用在他的身体上。这是实打实的攻击,就算赵丹尘黄金战体,也挡不住这样的攻击,一爪一腿,让赵丹尘发出了一声声的惨叫! Ping! 砰砰砰! Last leg, pressed directly on the forehead of Zhao Danchen, dividing to the ground, an explosive, in that hard ground, will have been broken open a big hole loudly loudly, the soil that soared to the heavens has spattered in all directions. Scattered all around. 最后一腿,直接压在了赵丹尘的脑门上,将之劈到在地上,轰然一声爆响,那坚硬的地面上,被轰然砸开了一个大坑,冲天的泥土迸溅了出來。散落到了四周。 Devouring Blood, this vanished. 吞噬血界,这才消失了。 This scene, making all people dumbfounded. 这场景,让所有人都目瞪口呆。 After Devouring Blood appears, most people do not know that in exactly what happened. Who can think that in one in an instant, Long Chen has completed merely the reversal, a Military Alliance most fusheng talent, a foot kicked directly on the ground. 吞噬血界出现之后,大多数人都不知道里面到底发生了什么事情。谁又能够想到,仅仅是在一个刹那之间,龙辰就完成了逆转,直接将武盟最富盛名的天才,一脚踢在了地上。 Then, Long Chen falls loudly, arrives at the Zhao Danchen side, a foot selects on the body of Zhao Danchen, selecting to midair! 然后,龙辰轰然下落,來到赵丹尘的身边,一脚挑在赵丹尘的身体上,将之挑到了半空当中! The body of Zhao Danchen that whole body cruentation, high raising, appears in the field of vision of people. 赵丹尘那浑身染血的身体,高高的扬起,出现在众人的视野当中。 Sees that cruentation Zhao Danchen, all person child links dumbfounded. 看到那染血的赵丹尘,所有人都子环节呆住了。 Is this Zhao Danchen? 这还是赵丹尘吗? Zhao Danchen that they see, already did not have the beforehand attractiveness. But is one in the wild animal that under the suppression of Long Chen struggles desperately! 他们看到的赵丹尘,早就沒有了之前的光鲜。而是一头在龙辰的压制下苦苦挣扎的野兽! Even if struggles, does not have any use! 就算是挣扎,也沒有任何用处! After Zhao Danchen flings the midair, Long Chen suddenly flees, to the Zhao Danchen side, Crazy Wind type crazy sweeping of Wind God Leg method on the body of Zhao Danchen, has regarded Zhao Danchen is a sandbag, is devastating heartily, but Zhao Danchen looked like the killed pig is ordinary, has exuded pitiful yell sounds! 赵丹尘甩到半空当中之后,龙辰猛然窜起,到赵丹尘的身边,风神腿法的狂风式疯狂的扫在了赵丹尘的身上,把赵丹尘当成是一个沙包,尽情的蹂躏着,而赵丹尘就像是被杀的猪一般,发出了一声声的惨叫声!
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