DBWG :: Volume #6

#607: The willow tree must get married reluctant to part

Pair of cold severe eyes, straight looks at Long Chen, has given the Long Chen huge pressure! 一双冷厉的眼睛,直直的看着龙辰,给与了龙辰庞大的压力! Long Chen is neither arrogant nor servile, the formidable strength, takes to his sufficient self-confidence, his corners of the mouth have brought back the light smiling face, said: Everybody, here is the War Clan domain, only then the open and aboveboard person, can stand here, but also asked everybody to leave!” 龙辰不卑不亢,强大的力量,带给他充足的自信,他嘴角勾起了淡淡的笑容,道:“各位,这里是战族的地盘,只有堂堂正正的人,才能够站在这里,还请各位离开吧!” His meaning is very obvious, Military Alliance these, are not the person! 他的意思很明显,武盟这些,都不是人! „Did you scold us are not a person? Your Courts Death!” “你骂我们不是人?你找死!” Do not think that defeated Yang Martial emperor to be great, in the middle of our Military Alliance, Zhao Danchen, Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji, their optional move can kill you!” Military Alliance spoke the insult, other Military Alliance people do not do actually, the Yang Ningfeng death, making them very aggrieved, but the fact was placed in the front, they have to accept. “别以为打败了杨武皇就了不起,我们武盟当中,还有赵丹尘,还有武帝赵无极,他们随意一招都能杀死你!”武盟出言侮辱,武盟其他人倒是不干了,杨凝锋的死,让他们心里都非常憋屈,可事实摆在面前,他们也不得不接受。 Zhao Danchen deep inspiration. 赵丹尘深深的吸了一口气。 He has chosen enduring patiently. 他选择了忍耐。 If he chooses and Long Chen now meets the tough head-on with toughness, can only explain that he is crude, the real man should understand that knows the opportunity to quit while ahead. He beckons with the hand, hints behind person to shut up, then looks at Long Chen saying: Long Chen, we have underestimated you, today our Military Alliance, has not lost to War Clan, has lost to you. You have the qualifications to be called are Expert, but, which Expert without, will do with Military Alliance to will have the good end, our Military Alliance nine quiet mourning soul places, will be including Earth Martial Realm 4-layer Cultivator, pass/test!” 如果现在他选择和龙辰硬碰硬,只能说明他是鲁莽的,大丈夫应该懂得识时机而急流勇退。他摆摆手,示意身后的人闭嘴,然后看着龙辰道:“龙辰,我们低估了你,今天我们武盟,不是败给了战族,是败给了你。你有资格称为是一名强者,不过,沒有哪个强者,和武盟做对会有好下场的,我们武盟的九幽丧魂地,可是连地武境四重者,都曾经关进去过!” He lowers the head, is cleaning pure white both hands gently, said: Therefore I advised politely your one, left is too self-satisfied, your auspicious day was not absolutely long, other I was not many said that this time I have planted, I was convinced, bye!” 他低着头,轻轻擦拭着自己洁白的双手,道:“所以我奉劝你一句,别太得意,你的好日子绝对不长,其他我也不多说,这一次我栽了,我服气,再会!” After saying, he was about to leave directly. 说完之后,他就准备直接离开了。 Such Zhao Danchen, makes Long Chen feel fearfully. 这样的赵丹尘,才让龙辰感觉到可怕。 Expert, will be frightening, but understood Expert that bears patiently, then can be the nightmares of many person, Zhao Danchen knows that today hardly touches, he cannot take Long Chen to be what kind , the status of therefore by this keeping aloof, has chosen bearing patiently! 一个强者,会让人胆战心惊,而一个懂得隐忍的强者,则会是很多人的噩梦,赵丹尘知道今天就算硬碰,他也不能拿龙辰怎么样,所以以他这高高在上的身份,都选择了隐忍! This Zhao Danchen, is an archenemy......” Long Chen is sighing with emotion at heart secretly. “这个赵丹尘,是个大敌啊……”龙辰心里暗暗感慨着。 After Zhao Danchen turns around, he transferred, at this time his on the face is brimming with the smiling face unexpectedly, said: Forgot to tell you a celebration, one month later, I will soon get married Ancient Demon Region Qing Li King daughter Liu Yiyi, when the time comes everybody had free time, may probably support surely!” 就在赵丹尘转身之后,他又转了回來,此时他的脸上竟然洋溢着笑容,道:“忘记告诉你们一件喜事了,一个多月后,我即将迎娶古魔域清漓王的女儿柳依依,到时候各位有空,可千万要來捧场啊!” Then, he Ha Ha smiles, leading the Military Alliance people to leave. 说完,他哈哈笑着,带着武盟众人离开了。 Obviously, he said these words, told Long Chen and the others, was because he knows that Long Chen and Liu Yiyi had an experience, but Jiang Wuya, was the Liu Yiyi father! 显然,他说出这句话,告诉龙辰等人,是因为他知道龙辰柳依依有过一段经历,而姜无涯,更是柳依依的父亲! What?” Waits for Zhao Danchen saying that Long Chen and Jiang Wuya complexion changed. They just immersed in the middle of the joy of victory, but suddenly had such affair matter? “什么?”等赵丹尘说出來,龙辰姜无涯的脸色都变了。他们刚刚才沉浸在胜利的喜悦当中呢,可是怎么忽然就出了这么一档子事? Zhao Danchen leaves fast, Long Chen has not pursued but actually. He has supported injured Jiang Wuya, said: Second Brother, do not impulse first, if the eternal truth he said that we take your time the plan.” 赵丹尘快速离开,龙辰倒沒有追上去。他扶住了受伤的姜无涯,道:“二哥,先别冲动,如果真如他所说,我们慢慢來计划。” Really is the bastard!” On the Jiang Wuya face revealed the fierce look, said: This certainly is the idea of Jiang Wuxie that old ordinary man, he clearly knows that Yiyi is my daughter! Jiang Wuya!” “真是混蛋!”姜无涯脸上流露出了狰狞的神色,道:“这一定是姜无邪那老匹夫的主意,他明知道依依是我女儿!姜无涯!” Long Chen also guesses that is this. 龙辰也猜是这样。 Everybody is peaceful.” Long Chen said that he observed the situation for one week, said: Now the oppression of Military Alliance, finally passed, we also this slow one slow, then plans the following matter.” “大家都安静下來吧。”龙辰说了一声,他环视了一周,道:“现在武盟的压迫,终于过去了,我们也该缓一缓,然后计划一下接下來的事情。” Lei Chen nodded, gratitude looks at Long Chen, said: Seven younger brothers, these time has been lucky you, I represent entire War Clan over ten thousand soldiers, knelt down to you!” 雷震点了点头,感激的看着龙辰,道:“七弟,这一次多亏了你,我代表整个战族上万的战士,给你跪下了!” His look incomparable excitement, all proceeded from the true feelings true feelings, Long Chen have blocked him hastily, said: Fourth Brother, we are Younger Brother, haggles over these to make anything. Is I should do.” 他的眼神无比的激动,一切都发自真情实感,龙辰连忙拦住了他,道:“四哥,我们是兄弟,计较这些做什么。都是我应该做的。” Lei Chen has not knelt, other six war kings to have actually knelt down, their anything that Long Chen shook had not said that but in the middle of look grateful and excitement, explained all. 雷震沒跪上,其他的六个战王却对龙辰震成的跪下了,他们什么都沒说,不过眼神当中的感激和激动,就已经说明了一切。 Gets up.” Long Chen can only helpless saying. “都起來吧。”龙辰只能无奈的说道。 You are my entire War Clan benefactor, we will remember forever your name, for generations inheritance!” The Lei Chen sound somewhat sobbed. Other people look at this sobriety, on the face are brimming with the smiling face. “你是我整个战族的恩人,我们会永远记住你的名字,世世代代的传承下去!”雷震的声音有些哽咽了。其他人看着这一副清醒,脸上都洋溢着笑容。 Long Chen also is very at heart satisfied. 龙辰心里也很满足。 This type can help others, manifests feeling that affect, quite good. 这种能帮助到别人,体现出自己作用的感觉,相当的好。 His brow wrinkled, said: This time we, although has won, but also has two issues...... The Fourth Brother, our Long Clan, plans alone.” 紧接着,他的眉头皱了起來,道:“这一次我们虽然赢了,不过还有两个问題……四哥,我们龙族,单独來计划一下吧。” Lei Chen nods, to other six war kingly ways: Your six, arranges well, has the matter that to publicize here, is strong my War Clan prestige!” 雷震点点头,对其他六个战王道:“你们六个,去好好布置一下,把这里发生的事情宣扬出來,壮我战族声威!” Fought Wang Men to nod, left, the news that they took away, let meet entire War Clan absolutely, even entire Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty caused a stir. 战王们点点头,离开了,他们带去的消息,绝对让会整个战族,甚至整个神武圣朝都轰动的。 Long Chen looks like the nova that raises slowly, in a short time, created also wanted the big stir compared with beforehand Long Chen! 龙辰就像是一个冉冉升起的新星,在极短的时间内,造成了比之前一个龙辰还要大的轰动! After fervor, in the heart of everyone, was still not relaxed. And the Jiang Wuya mood was somewhat difficult to control, his cold sound track: Yiyi has not seen Zhao Danchen, by the Zhao Danchen disposition, is impossible well to him, Jiang Wuxie this bastard must draw back toward the fiery pit in her, is not good, I must go to talk clearly with Jiang Wuxie! But Yue'er......” 激情过后,每个人的心中,却仍然轻松不了。其中姜无涯的情绪有些难控制了,他冷声道:“依依都沒见过赵丹尘,以赵丹尘的性格,也不可能好好对他,姜无邪这混蛋是要把她往火坑里退呢,不行,我一定要去和姜无邪说清楚!可是月儿……” This Zhao Danchen has brought two news, one is Liu Yiyi, one is Long Yue, Long Chen estimated that Long Yue had possibly been stranded in nine quiet mourning souls, although as we all know, nine quiet mourning soul places, very much difficultly again have rescued, but is own Younger Brother sisters, who will let go this opportunity? 这一次赵丹尘带來了两个消息,一个是柳依依,一个是龙月,龙辰估计,龙月很可能已经被困在九幽丧魂地了,虽然大家都知道,九幽丧魂地,已经很难再救出來了,可是都是自己的兄弟姐妹,谁会放弃这个机会? Long Chen can look, Jiang Wuya at heart is very puzzled, on the one hand is the female who he likes, on the other hand is his daughter, two aspects he does not want to give up, whom should he save? 龙辰看得出來,姜无涯心里是非常纠结的,一方面是他喜欢的女子,另一方面则是他的女儿,两方面他都不想放弃,他到底应该去救谁? To the Jiang Wuya emotion, Long Chen does not dare to say anything, from beginning to end he likes is Long Yue, really has daughter's matter with Qing Li King, he does not know. The appearance of this daughter, lets Jiang Wuya presented the dispute at heart. On the one hand is father's responsibility, on the other hand is own pursue, he is not clear, which one should should go one side. 姜无涯的情感,龙辰不敢说什么,他从始至终喜欢的都是龙月,和清漓王竟然有女儿的事情,他一直都不知道。这个女儿的出现,让姜无涯的心里出现了纠葛。一方面是身为父亲的责任,另一方面是自己的追求,他自己都不清楚,自己应该到底应该去哪一边。 Long Chen can only raise him to make a decision. 龙辰只能提他决断了。 Second Brother, the Martial Emperor city, I goes, but Ancient Demon Region there, can only you.” Long Chen said decisively. “二哥,武帝城,我去,而古魔域那里,只能你去了。”龙辰果断说道。 „Do you go to the Martial Emperor city?” Jiang Wuya gains ground. “你去武帝城?”姜无涯抬起头。 Long Chen nods, the analysis said: My present strength compared with you, general Earth Martial Realm 3-layer, is not my match, Sister Lian is held, you went are also in vain however, what I said was the fact, therefore let the words that I went, opportunity that perhaps the eldest sister will also rescue, but Ancient Demon Region there, you and demon emperor were Younger Brother, can only make you go Yiyi to rescue.” 龙辰点点头,分析道:“我现在实力比你强,一般的地武境三重,都不是我对手,连大姐都被抓住,你去了也是枉然,我说的是事实,所以让我去的话,恐怕还有一丝将大姐救出來的机会,而古魔域那里,你和魔皇是兄弟,只能让你去把依依救出來了。” Long Chen said right, Jiang Wuya is not the womanishly fussy person, he has thought that clenches teeth to nod, although he cares about the Long Yue problem very much, but he also knows one should unable to help. 龙辰说得对,姜无涯不是婆婆妈妈的人,他想了一阵,咬咬牙点头,他虽然很关心龙月的问題,可是他也知道自己应该帮不上忙。 We?” Lan Ling said that what she inquired was Long Chen, present Long Chen, because of the extraordinary strength and remarkable will, became the pillar of people. “那我们呢?”蓝翎儿说道,她询问的是龙辰,现在的龙辰,因为超绝的实力和卓越的心志,已经成为了众人的主心骨了。 You?” Long Chen thinks that said: Martial Emperor city bad risk, my words, move some fortunately, but that side the Second Brother, needs many person to take care, makes the Third Brother go, as for the Fifth Brother and you, here gives the Fourth Brother to help, if we are not, War Clan few masters, is incorrect, we did not have the nest in any case, temporarily regards War Clan is the supreme headquarters, everybody thought that I do arrange like this what kind of?” “你们?”龙辰想了想,道:“武帝城凶险,我一个人的话,还好活动一些,而二哥那边,需要多一个人照应一下,就让三哥去吧,至于五哥和你,就在这里给四哥帮一下忙,如果我们都不在,战族沒有几个高手,也是不行的,我们反正已经沒有窝了,就暂时把战族当成是大本营,大家觉得我这样安排怎么样?” The people nodded, such arrangement is truly good, but, the people did not feel relieved to Long Chen some that Lan Ling said: Seven younger brothers, you go to the Martial Emperor city, real? Nine quiet mourning soul places, in the middle of the inner city in Martial Emperor city, only if the family member of Military Alliance key person, cannot go in the Martial Emperor city inner city, you did not understand the situation of Martial Emperor city, when the time comes perhaps will suffer a loss.” 众人点了点头,这样的安排确实不错,不过,众人对龙辰还是有些不放心,蓝翎儿道:“七弟,你一个人去武帝城,真的行吗?九幽丧魂地,在武帝城的内城当中,除非是武盟核心人物的家属,都不能进去武帝城内城,你不了解武帝城的情况,到时候恐怕会吃亏。” Long Chen thinks, thinks is, therefore he said: I do not understand the Martial Emperor city, then you can say clearly with me, must pay attention to anything, as for the Second Brother, you were injured now, at least must recuperate the good body to go to Ancient Demon Region, Zhao Danchen does not say, one month, we must investigate thoroughly the authenticity of these matters as soon as possible.” 龙辰想一想,也觉得是,于是他道:“我不了解武帝城,接下來你们可以和我讲清楚,到底要注意什么,至于二哥,你现在受了点伤,至少要调养好身体才去古魔域,赵丹尘不是说了吗,还有一个月的时间,我们要尽早查清楚这些事情的真实性。” At the same time quite silent Chi Ying has nodded, said: I arrange person now, delivers the detail of Martial Emperor city, simultaneously inquired the eldest sister and Liu Yiyi matter.” 一边一直比较沉默的赤影点点头,道:“我现在就去安排人,把武帝城的详细资料送过來,同时打听大姐和柳依依的事情。” The real news, is most important, Scarlet Soul is having the formidable intelligence network, this matter gives Chi Ying to come, is most appropriate. 真实的消息,才是最重要的,赤魂拥有着强大的情报网,这一事情交给赤影來,是最合适不过的了。 After arranging, the people then left ancestor tomb here , to continue to plan the matter of writing down again in detail. 安排完毕之后,众人便离开了祖陵这里,再继续详细的计划着记下來的事情。 This time War Clan immersed in the joyful atmosphere, Long Chen walked all the way, on each face that saw was brimming with the smiling face of being survivor of disaster, their revelry, was drinking, sings, danced, entire War Clan quickly became the revelry heaven. 此时的战族沉浸在了快乐的气氛当中,龙辰一路上走來,看到的每个人脸上都洋溢着劫后余生的笑容,他们狂欢着,喝酒,唱歌,跳舞,整个战族很快就成为了狂欢的天堂。 Their incomparable gratitude Long Chen and the others, Long Chen, walk particularly all the way, the people throw the grateful look toward them, some gifts are deliver, if not Lei Chen that keeps is blocking, must kneel down a piece. 他们无比的感激龙辰等人,尤其是龙辰,一路上走过來,众人都朝着他们投來感激的眼神,一些礼物更是不停的送上來,如果不是雷震拦着,恐怕就要跪倒一片了。 The War Clan person, knows that is who has saved them. 战族的人,都知道到底是谁救了他们。 After the temporary dwelling of people, Lan Ling said: Was right, I when Yunmeng Ze, once saw Military Alliance Martial King, was killed by King Grade Monster Beast alone, I use his some skins, has manufactured a person skin mask, I have burnt his corpse, perhaps in the record of Military Alliance, he should be missing for more than ten days, now happen to applies, making seven younger brothers pretend to be his status, enters the Martial Emperor city! When the Fifth Brother comes back, I make him call Chen Guangjun's Martial King material to turn around this again, Battle Technique that in my Universe Bag, he studies!” 到了众人的临时住处之后,蓝翎儿说道:“对了,我在云梦泽的时候,曾经看到一个武盟武王,单独被一头王级妖兽杀死,我用他的部分皮肤,制作了一个人皮面具,我焚烧了他的尸体,恐怕在武盟的记录当中,他应该失踪十多天了,现在正好派上用场,让七弟冒充他的身份,进入武帝城!等五哥回來,我再让他把这叫陈光军的武王的资料掉过來,我的乾坤袋中,还有他修习的战技呢!” Long Chen nods, this method is feasible. 龙辰点点头,这个方法可行。 Lan Ling is easy to accommodate the ability, the world is unusual, she was known as that is hundred changes the succuba, not only can change oneself, changes his others is also quite fierce, Long Chen under her extraordinary technology, turns into Chen Guangjun, completely is not the issue! 蓝翎儿易容能力,天下少有,她号称是百变魔女,不但能变自己,变其别人也相当厉害,龙辰在她的超绝技术之下,变成陈光军,完全不是问題!
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