DBWG :: Volume #6

#606: Wu Jingdi double

War Clan, the people are startled, saw after Long Chen is all right unexpectedly, they wept. 战族这边,众人一怔,看到龙辰竟然沒事之后,他们喜极而泣了。 Especially Long Clan, Long Chen today's situation, with him initially when Ancient Demon Region became a fugitive, how similar? That time Long Chen, the people think that he had been killed by the demon emperor, but at that time he mysterious lived! 尤其是龙族,龙辰今天的情况,和他当初在古魔域逃亡的时候,是何其的相似?那时候的龙辰,众人都以为他被魔皇杀死了,可那时候他又神奇的活了过來! Now is also this! 现在也是这样! The Military Alliance person, will only treat as himself is suddenly has not seen clearly, but Long Clan several, actually look at each other in blank diamay, they know that Long Chen the method of going against heaven's will, can bring back to life absolutely unexpectedly! 武盟的人,只会当作自己是一时间沒看清楚而已,而龙族的几个,却面面相觑,他们知道,龙辰绝对有一种逆天的手段,竟然可以起死回生! Long Chen has several big Divine Ability, he can use Blood Sacrifice 1-layer actually, the injury of Blood Sacrifice 1-layer is not big, is the strength backs up First Grade, the issue is he now is Earth Martial Realm 1-layer, words that backs up, Martial Spirit that but on only remaining Opening Heaven Realm 9-layer, perhaps just congealed, must not have. 龙辰有几大神通,本來,他其实可以用血祭一重的,血祭一重的伤害并不大,就是实力倒退一级而已,问題是他现在是地武境一重,倒退回去的话,可就只剩下通天境九重了,说不定刚刚凝结出來的武魂,就要沒了。 Therefore Long Chen does not dare to use Blood Sacrifice. 所以龙辰不敢用血祭 But a moment ago, Long Chen under the attack of Yang Ningfeng, has saved own life with Reverse Time! 而刚才,龙辰杨凝锋的攻击之下,用时间逆流保住了自己的性命! Falls to the ground, the Long Chen action made the people call out in alarm, he has closed the eye at this time, was hitting Martial Fist Manual 2-layer unexpectedly! 一落地,龙辰的举动就让众人惊呼了,他此时闭上了眼睛,竟然在打地武拳谱的第二重 Under enough comprehension, this 2-layer place Martial Fist Manual, forms a coherent whole, Long Chen in a short time, has completed this 2-layer place Martial Fist Manual, moves of extremely mysterious, comprehended the succinctness of Earth Martial Realm 2-layer completely! 在足够的领悟之下,这第二重的地武拳谱,一气呵成,龙辰在极短的时间内,就完成了这第二重的地武拳谱,一招招极其的玄奥,完全领悟了地武境二重的精粹! Naturally, this must thank Yang Ningfeng, is from the fight of Yang Ningfeng during, Long Chen comprehended this Earth Martial Realm 2-layer book of illustrations dealing with boxing, one set of Fist Technique has trained fast, the body of Long Chen buzz, had the transformation again, these land features Spirit Qi, swarmed, lets in the middle of Long Chen Martial Veins True Essence, in Long Chen builds up, fast is increasing! 当然,这得感谢杨凝锋,正是从和杨凝锋的战斗当中,龙辰才领悟了这地武境二重的拳谱,一套拳法快速的演练了下來,龙辰的身体嗡的一声,再次发生了蜕变,那些地脉灵气,蜂拥了出來,让龙辰武脉当中的真元,在龙辰的炼化之下,快速的增加着! In the middle of his Knowledge Sea, that illusory Dragon Shape Martial Spirit, exudes one to roar, is swaying from side to side the body, what can see, this Dragon Shape Martial Spirit, congealed unexpectedly really several points, this was he arrives at the symbol of Earth Martial Realm 2-layer! 识海当中,那虚幻的龙形武魂,发出一声吼叫,然后扭动着身躯,可以看到的是,这龙形武魂,竟然凝实了几分,这正是他到达地武境二重的标志! The astonishing talent, the splendid fight experience, making Long Chen fight, has completed this step! 惊人的天赋,出色的战斗经验,让龙辰在战斗当中,完成了这一步! Roar! 吼! Within the body, 18 Martial Veins, look like 18 Blood Red Divine Dragon, is wriggling crazily, these go in land features Spirit Qi of his within the body, looks like food is ordinary, wriggled Martial Veins absorption digestion, turned into Long Chen Dragon Soul True Essence! 体内,18条武脉,就像是18条血红色神龙,疯狂的蠕动着,那些进去他体内的地脉灵气,就像是食物一般,被蠕动的武脉吸收消化,化成了龙辰本身的龙魂真元 Naturally, provision of land features Spirit Qi, to others, is quick, but to Long Chen, actually quite slow, particularly in this critical moment, but, Long Chen had already prepared, in the middle of his Realm Of Universe, but also is saving Mysterious Black Water Snake massive Blood Essence, at this time Long Chen is transferring these Blood Essence, making it come out from Realm Of Universe, but also submerges the eyes of other people, turned into one group of blood fog, by the Long Chen fast strength! 当然,地脉灵气的提供,对别人來说,算是很快的,但对龙辰自己來说,却相当的缓慢,尤其是在这紧要的关头,不过,龙辰早就准备了,在他的太虚之境当中,还存着黑水玄蛇大量的精血,此时龙辰调用着这些精血,让其从太虚之境当中出來,还沒入其他人的眼睛,就化成了一团血雾,被龙辰快速的力量了! After Martial Spirit expanded, Long Chen felt that the hunger and thirst of their body, these land features Spirit Qi cannot relieve thirst, only has Refining Blood Qi, massive Blood Essence, turned into True Essence by Long Chen directly, instills into to Long Chen Martial Veins, Martial Veins is wriggling, the extension refines chemically, finally turns into the strength that Long Chen can control! 武魂壮大了之后,龙辰感觉到自己身体的饥渴,那些地脉灵气根本就不能解渴,唯有炼血化气,大量的精血,被龙辰直接化成了真元,灌输到龙辰武脉当中,武脉蠕动着,转化炼化,最终化成了龙辰能够掌控的力量! After Long Chen falls to the ground, had a series of unthinkable changes, the people have not responded, saw that on Long Chen all blood light vanished, he restores to the original initial condition, but this time Long Chen, lowered the head, the body sent out formidable Blood Qi and power and influence, this made him look like, compared with the former terror many! 龙辰落地之后,就发生了一系列匪夷所思的变化,众人还沒反应过來呢,就看到龙辰身上所有的血光都消失了,他恢复到原來最初的状态,可这时候的龙辰,低着头,身上散发出來强大的血气和威势,这让他看起來,要比以前恐怖得多! Earth Martial Realm 2-layer! 地武境二重 Long Chen is fighting, arrived at Earth Martial Realm 2-layer! 龙辰在战斗当中,到达了地武境二重 Sees this Long Chen present situation, in other person of brains, reappeared gradually this idea. This matter naturally lets people incomparable panic-stricken, to Military Alliance, is incomparable stunned, may to War Clan Long Clan, this be startled day liking. 看到这龙辰现在的情况,其他人脑子里,逐渐浮现出了这个想法。这个事情自然让众人无比的惊骇,对武盟來说,是无比的愕然,可对战族龙族來说,这就是惊天的欢喜了。 Who can think that Long Chen can actually in this share, complete that final reversal? 谁能想到,龙辰竟然能够在这个份上,完成那最终的逆转? When all people think that he dies to decide, his shocking lived! 当所有人认为他死定的时候,他惊艳的活了过來! Understood that the Long Chen strength each Long Clan, in the heart has filled joyfully, they understand that this final reversal, means the body. 了解龙辰实力的每个龙族,心中都充满了欣喜,他们明白,这最终的逆转,到底意味着身体。 Saw back that Long Chen that makes a great show of one's talents, the Jiang Wuya whole face is relaxed, helpless smiling, sighs with emotion: This seven younger brothers, fear Yue'er unable to cope now, this in the past few days, you said that the terror isn't terrorist?” 看到龙辰那锋芒毕露的背影,姜无涯满脸轻松,无奈的笑着,感慨道:“这个七弟,现在恐怕月儿都对付不了,这才过去几天呢,你们说,恐怖还是不恐怖?” Everybody in looking at Long Chen, therefore nobody gives him the answer, is in the people heart, actually had the answer. 大家都在看着龙辰,所以沒有人给他答案,可是众人心中,其实都有了答案。 „The War Clan destiny, must pay in the hand of Long Chen.” 战族的命运,就要交付到龙辰的手上了。” Earth Martial Realm 1-layer, can end to defeat Earth Martial Realm 2-layer, that said that present Long Chen, can end to defeat Earth Martial Realm 3-layer? If so, Long Chen without a doubt, became super Expert that entire Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty ranks among the best, even can also substitute for Zhao Danchen, becomes the first person under Martial Emperor! 地武境一重,可以完败地武境二重,那是不是说,现在的龙辰,可以完败地武境三重呢?如果是这样的话,龙辰已经毫无疑问,成为了整个神武圣朝数一数二的超级强者,甚至还可以取代赵丹尘,成为武帝之下的第一人! Present Long Chen, endures compared with three big Martial Emperor, the demon emperor and Long Huang strength! 现在的龙辰,是堪比三大武皇,魔皇和龙皇的实力! Long Chen know in heart. 龙辰自己心里有数。 Naturally, the Military Alliance person, does not believe that on each of them's face has written all over in consternation, particularly Yang Ningfeng, he stares the eye to size up Long Chen greatly, on the face slowly is the incredible looks? 当然,武盟的人,是不会相信的,他们每个人的脸上都写满了愕然,尤其是杨凝锋,他瞪大着眼睛打量着龙辰,脸上慢慢都是不可置信的神色? Dragon...... Long Chen? Did you arrive at Earth Martial Realm 2-layer really?” Yang Ningfeng discovered that own words, somewhat trembled. “龙……龙辰?你真到达地武境二重了?”杨凝锋发现自己的话,都有些哆嗦了。 Long Chen rubbish with him. 龙辰沒有和他废话。 When he arrives at Earth Martial Realm 2-layer to start, Yang Ningfeng is not his match, regarding the weak one, Long Chen completely rubbish, his idea is direct, that is extinguishes kills! 当他到达地武境二重开始,杨凝锋就已经不是他的对手了,对于弱者,龙辰完全都不会废话,他心里的想法就直接一个,那就是灭杀! Long Chen is a smart person, copes with the weak one, he always as soon as possible extinguishes kills, so as to avoid gives birth to the accident, but copes with Expert, the protracted time that he actually requires to make an effort, seeks the win the opportunity! 龙辰是个聪明人,对付弱者,他向來都是尽快灭杀,免得生出意外,而对付强者,他却要使劲的拖延时间,寻求取胜的机会! But most people, deal with these two people, the custom exchanges the way, for example Yang Ningfeng, he on has been playing jokes upon Long Chen before! 可大多数人,对付这两种人,习惯把方式调换过來,比如说杨凝锋,他之前就一直在戏耍龙辰 Long Chen has not replied Yang Ningfeng, under glare of the public eye, he spoke with the attack directly! 龙辰沒有回答杨凝锋,在众目睽睽之下,他直接用攻击说话了! Devouring Blood!” 吞噬血界!” This time Devouring Blood, directly the Yang Ningfeng battle efficiency, slightly reduces to only remaining original 60%! Close half, must suppress this ebullition Blood Qi, he definitely is unable to use! 这一次的吞噬血界,直接将杨凝锋的战斗力,稍减到只剩下原來六成!接近一半,都得去镇压这沸腾的血气,他完全无法动用! Soul Scatter Dragon Claw, Five Dragon Broken Heaven!” The similar attack, has completely the different might, this time Five Dragon Broken Heaven, expanded ten times, under acting of Long Chen, approached Yang Ningfeng instantaneously! 散魂龙爪,五龙破天!”同样的攻击,却有着完全不一样的威力,此时的五龙破天,足足壮大了十倍,在龙辰的施为之下,瞬间靠近了杨凝锋 The shadow of death, covered in the Yang Ningfeng top of the head! 死亡的阴影,笼罩在杨凝锋的头顶上! Is impossible! So to be how strong?” A young fellow, like this crawled own top of the head to come up suddenly, in the Yang Ningfeng eye full was the incredible look, this successful stimulation his ominous! “不可能!怎么这么强?”一个毛头小子,忽然就这样爬到了自己的头顶上去了,杨凝锋眼中满是不可置信的神色,这成功的激发出了他的凶性! Originally, Long Chen was been oppressive by him, now in turn turns into Long Chen this junior to go to be oppressive he, can he accept? 本來,龙辰是被他虐的,现在反过來变成龙辰这个小辈去虐他,他怎么能接受得了? Wind God Leg method, Kamikaze form!” 风神腿法,神风式!” Brush! 刷! Speed ultra-fast, arrived at the body of Long Chen before instantaneously, but this time Kamikaze form, in Long Chen Devouring Blood under oppresses, the might was smaller than on many before, was in inverse proportion, finally can be imagined, no one has prevented, Long Chen two Divine Dragon have tied down the attack of Yang Ningfeng merely, another three Divine Dragon instantaneous windings on the body of Yang Ningfeng, these Divine Dragon have been possible to be the Long Chen vestiges of the past, under strangling to death of Long Chen, three Divine Dragon tying down Yang Ningfeng stubbornly, then! 超快的速度,瞬间到达了龙辰的身前,不过这一次的神风式,在龙辰吞噬血界的压迫之下,威力比之前小上许多,此消彼长,结果可想而知了,谁都沒有阻止过來,龙辰仅仅有两条神龙缠住了杨凝锋的攻击,另外三条神龙瞬间缠绕在了杨凝锋的身上,这些神龙可都是龙辰的爪印,在龙辰的绞杀之下,三头神龙死死的缠住杨凝锋,然后! ! 喀喀喀! Sounds of skeleton smashing make a sound. 一声声骨骼粉碎的声音响起來。 No!” A desperate pitiful yell sound passes on, was already late! “不!”一声绝望的惨叫声传出來,可是已经晚了! Zhao Danchen one startled, although he it is expected that arrives at Long Chen is very strong, has not actually thought that Long Chen can arrive at one move to extinguish unexpectedly kills the Yang Ningfeng degree, this time he also on deck chair, when the Yang Ningfeng bitter experience hopeless situation, he suddenly could not have rescued! 赵丹尘一惊,他虽然预料到龙辰会很强,却也沒想到龙辰竟然能到达一招灭杀杨凝锋的程度,此时的他还在躺椅上呢,所以在杨凝锋遭遇绝境的时候,他一时间还救援不过來! „!” More rending pitiful yell sound sends, under strangling to death of Long Chen Divine Dragon, human form Yang Ningfeng, instantaneously was twisted the bread twist, the blood has spurted suddenly, then in the next quarter, under strangling to death of Long Chen, turns into the flesh and blood that everywhere danced in the air! “啊!”更加撕心裂肺的惨叫声发出來,在龙辰神龙的绞杀之下,原本还是人形的杨凝锋,瞬间就被拧成了麻花,鲜血猛然喷出來,然后在下一刻,就在龙辰的绞杀之下,变成了漫天飞舞的血肉! This scene, is quite disgusting! 这个场面,是相当恶心的! Yang Ningfeng well, turned into the smashing! 好好的杨凝锋,被化成了粉碎! Sees this scene, Long Chen kills Yang Ningfeng, Lan Ling and the others, although vents spleen very much excitedly very much, but that terror scene, makes them feel the face whiten, to this seven younger brothers, in their hearts were more a awe! 看到这场景,龙辰杀死杨凝锋,蓝翎儿等人,虽然很兴奋很解气,可那恐怖的场景,还是让他们觉得脸色苍白,对这个七弟,他们心中更是多了一份敬畏! That shouted, Long Chen backed up, before having fallen back on Lei Chen and the others the bodies, under sweeping across of fire of his sun, the fragments of Yang Ningfeng these corpses, quick by Long Chen is burnt down cleanly, Yang Ningfeng did not exist again. 呼的一声,龙辰倒退,退到了雷震等人的身前,在他金乌之火的席卷之下,杨凝锋那些尸体的碎片,很快就被龙辰焚烧得干净,杨凝锋再也不复存在了。 One of three big Martial Emperor, the original wind god founder, actually dies in the hand of Long Chen now! 三大武皇之一,原來的风神教教主,现在却死在了龙辰的手中! This scene, let all person delay a while. 这个场面,让所有人都呆滞了一会儿。 Until Long Chen cold sound said: Everybody, the victory and defeat has made known, this third war, was my War Clan won, three games of two victories, our War Clan won two, but also kept the commitment toward Military Alliance everybody, earlier left, we did not deliver!” 直到龙辰冷声说道:“各位,胜负已经揭晓,这第三战,是我战族胜利了,三局两胜,我们战族胜利了两场,还往武盟的各位遵守承诺,早点离开,我们不送!” Long Chen these words, have used very big strength, the sound that therefore makes is not general big, his sound, just likes Lei Ming is common, in the airborne sound, is passing on loudly is very very far, basically the entire War Clan person, or is War Clan nearby Military Alliance army, heard. 龙辰这一句话,用了很大的力气,所以发出的声音也不是一般的大,他的声音,恍如雷鸣一般,在空中轰然响动着,传得很远很远,基本上整个战族的人,或者是战族附近的武盟军队,都已经听到了。 The Long Chen goal, must this result proliferating! 龙辰的目的,就是要将这个结果给扩散出去! His goal, quick was achieved. 他的目的,很快就达到了。 This result, is the War Clan person, is somewhat unbelievable, was needless to say Military Alliance, this time Zhao Danchen has stood, stubbornly looks at Long Chen, on Long Chen that huge Aura, let his deep dreading, he understands that present Long Chen, is not the soft persimmon that Military Alliance can pinch at will, even if were his Zhao Danchen, was not necessarily victorious Long Chen! 这个结果,就是战族的人,也有些难以置信,更加不用说武盟了,此时的赵丹尘已经站了起來,死死的看着龙辰,龙辰身上那庞大的气息,让他深深的忌惮,他心里明白,现在的龙辰,已经不是武盟能够随意捏的软柿子了,就算是他赵丹尘,也不一定打得过龙辰 Now, in the middle of Military Alliance, only if Martial Emperor gets rid personally, otherwise cannot take War Clan absolutely! 现在來说,武盟当中,除非武帝亲自出手,否则绝对拿不下战族 War Clan does not have Earth Martial Realm 3-layer Cultivator, Military Alliance to dare to subjugate, now in the middle of War Clan, are many more abnormal than much Long Chen to assume personal command the senior head of the clan, perhaps the Military Alliance opportunity did not have. 战族沒有地武境三重者,武盟才敢來征讨,现在战族当中,多了一个比老族长要变态得多的龙辰坐镇,恐怕武盟的机会也沒了。 Zhao Danchen is not a fool, he knows that now and a War Clan war, Military Alliance also absolutely loses at risk of life seriously, Yang Ningfeng dies, War Clan left Long Chen such Super Expert again, Military Alliance this time did not have the opportunity, Zhao Danchen wants to attack War Clan forcefully, he did not dare! 赵丹尘不是笨蛋,他知道现在就算自己和战族拼死一战,武盟也绝对损失惨重,杨凝锋一死,战族再出了龙辰这么一个超级高手,武盟这一次已经沒机会了,赵丹尘就算想强行攻击战族,他也不敢!
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