DBWG :: Volume #6

#608: Yellow Emperor seal

Then, Jiang Wuya in therapy as soon as possible, but other people are entering a city of Long Chen, but is bustling about, particularly Chi Ying, has spent all day time, he has prepared all materials completely, on the one hand is the material of Martial Emperor city, on the other hand is that named Chen Guangjun's Martial King material. Especially Chen Guangjun this Martial King material, Long Chen, because must pretend to be him to go in the Martial Emperor city, must therefore study every action and every movement of this person. 接下來,姜无涯在尽快的疗伤,而其他人则为龙辰的进城而忙碌着,尤其是赤影,花了一整天的时间,他才将所有的资料都准备了齐全,一方面是武帝城的资料,另一方面是那名为陈光军的武王的资料。尤其是陈光军这个武王的资料,龙辰因为要冒充他进去武帝城,所以必须要学习这个人的一举一动。 His talent is very good, moreover is having the ability of photographic memory, these materials were actually quick are absorbed by him, carving firmly in brain middle. Meanwhile, with the help of Lan Ling, Long Chen starts to put on make-up, must, in probably one day, Long Chen transform oneself completely became Chen Guangjun. 他天赋很好,而且拥有着过目不忘的本领,那些资料倒是很快就被他吸收了,牢牢的刻在了脑中当中。同时,在蓝翎儿的帮助下,龙辰开始化妆,总得來说,在大概一天的时间内,龙辰完全把自己转化成为了陈光军。 Because must rescue Long Yue, therefore he must prepare sufficient, the map in Martial Emperor city, the positions of nine quiet mourning soul entrances wait / etc., Long Chen knows clearly. 因为要救龙月,所以他必须要做好充足的准备,武帝城之内的地图,还有九幽丧魂地入口的位置等等,龙辰都知道得清清楚楚。 Meanwhile, Long Chen also knew, according to the Chi Ying material, Long Yue truly was held by Martial Emperor, is the same with another Long Chen, shut in nine quiet mourning souls middle. As for the Liu Yiyi news, real, she and Zhao Danchen engagement has set, does not have the accident, this is the demon emperor Jiang Wuxie force, the Qing Li King vigorous opposition, had actually made into the severe wound by demon emperor Jiang Wuxie. 同时,龙辰也知道了,根据赤影的资料,龙月确实已经被武帝抓住,和另外一个龙辰一样,被关进了九幽丧魂地当中。至于柳依依的消息,也是真的,她和赵丹尘的婚约已经定下了,不出意外,这是魔皇姜无邪强迫的,清漓王强烈反对,却被魔皇姜无邪打成了重伤。 After hearing this news, Long Chen a lot is the anger, if he has the time to go to Ancient Demon Region, will punch that demon emperor absolutely maliciously, present Long Chen, has such strength. 听到这个消息之后,龙辰一肚子都是火气,如果他有时间去古魔域的话,绝对会把那魔皇给狠狠揍一顿,现在的龙辰,拥有这样的实力。 His fact, has spread over entire Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, present Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, has continued two big talents, but was three big talents. 他的事迹,已经传遍了整个神武圣朝,现在的神武圣朝,已经不止有两大天才,而是三大天才了。 What is quite strange, in the middle of these three big talents, two are called the Long Chen person unexpectedly. 比较诡异的是,这三大天才当中,竟然有两个叫做龙辰的人。 Especially Long Chen, because he has defeated and killed Yang Ningfeng directly, therefore big of fame, suddenly also has surpassed another two talents! After all other two talents, have not struck to kill the instance of Earth Martial Realm 3-layer Cultivator! 尤其是龙辰,因为他正面击败并且杀死了杨凝锋,所以名气之大,一时间还超过了另外两个天才!毕竟其他两个天才,可沒有击杀过地武境三重者的事例! Military Alliance three big Martial Emperor, actually turned into two big Martial Emperor now, ate such big one to owe, that Martial Emperor actually did not have any movement. 武盟的三大武皇,现在却变成了两大武皇,吃了这么大一个亏,那武帝竟然也沒什么动作。 Military Alliance is mysterious and formidable, the people do not dare to guess. 武盟是神秘而强大的,众人也不敢揣测。 Quick, Long Chen prepared, but Jiang Wuya wound, was almost good. 很快,龙辰就准备好了,而姜无涯的伤,也差不多好了。 This time Long Chen, wears a [gold/metal] Yellow brocade clothes, the front is a flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes Cultivator character, he turned into a guy of middle age now, the complexion is sallow, whole face Hu slag, the body added compared with before wants on sturdily many, wanted on high many, such appearance, the sound was the daily custom, Long Chen arrived at the perfect similar degree, in Lan Ling excellent easy accommodated under the technology, who can think that this can be Long Chen? 此时的龙辰,穿着一声金黄色的锦衣,胸前是一个龙飞凤舞的字,他现在变成了一个中年的大汉,脸色焦黄,满脸胡渣,身体比起之前还说要粗壮上不少,也要高上不少,这样的外貌,不论是声音还是日常的习惯,龙辰都到达了完美相似的程度,在蓝翎儿高超的易容技术之下,谁能想到这会是龙辰 It can be said that the appearances of two people, are eight bamboo poles cannot hit, but Lan Ling actually actually turned into Chen Guangjun Long Chen, obviously its fierce place. 可以说,两个人的外貌,是八竿子打不着的,而蓝翎儿却硬是将龙辰变成了陈光军,可见其厉害之处。 Like, is not right, is not the looks like, but is exactly the same!” Lei Chen and the others, look at Long Chen time, cannot help but voices such feeling. “像,不对,不是像,而是一模一样!”就连雷震等人,看着龙辰的时候,都不由得发出这样的感慨。 Long Chen walks after the mirror, felt relieved approximately. This Chen Guangjun is missing for several days, the theory said that is not vanishes, only makes up a excuse, said one were wounded by King Grade Monster Beast, finds a place therapy, then returned to the Martial Emperor city to be OK. 龙辰在镜子前行走一圈之后,大致也放心了。这陈光军才失踪十几天,理论上來说并不算消失,只编个借口,说自己被王级妖兽击伤,找了个地方疗伤,然后才回到武帝城就可以了。 Military Alliance had such important matter War Clan, perhaps has not managed Long Chen small Martial King. The Military Alliance strength excels by far Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, is only Martial King has more than 40, moreover keeps some people arriving at Earth Martial Realm! 武盟战族这边发生了这样的大事,恐怕也沒有理龙辰一个小小的武王武盟的实力冠绝神武圣朝,光是武王就有40多个,而且还不停有人到达地武境呢! After all prepare, was time wants. 一切准备好之后,是时候要出发了。 Before embarking, Long Chen while convenient has also studied Chen Guangjun's some Battle Technique, what Chen Guangjun is strongest is one set of King Grade Primary Level knife skill, Long Chen by the present level study, was quick he to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, as for his the blade, completely gave Lan Ling to receive. 在出发之前,龙辰还顺便学习了一下陈光军的一些战技,陈光军最强的是一套王级初等的刀法,龙辰以现在的层次学习,很快他就能融会贯通了,至于他的那把刀,都全部给蓝翎儿收起來了。 Lan Ling has the custom of producer skin mask, saw that the Military Alliance person has the corpse here, she has made use of local materials, if when the time comes some people need to pretend to be the Military Alliance person, can apply, since must pretend to be, she naturally must receive Chen Guangjun all things. 蓝翎儿有制作人皮面具的习惯,看到武盟的人有尸体在这里,她就就地取材了,到时候若是有人需要冒充武盟的人,也能够派上用场,所以既然要冒充,她当然是要把陈光军所有的东西收起來。 Has Lan Ling this master, Long Chen does not need to be worried about the seen through an affair issue. 蓝翎儿这大师在,龙辰不用担心被拆穿的问題。 Has been OK completely, even if Chen Guangjun's wife and children, perhaps does not recognize you are the adulteration, naturally, in order to the security words, try not to go home.” The Lan Ling racket own palm said. “完全可以了,就算是陈光军的妻儿,恐怕都认不出你是冒牌的,当然,安全起见的话,你还是尽量别回家去。”蓝翎儿拍拍自己的手掌说道。 was the time wants. 是时候要出发了。 Before Long Chen and Jiang Wuya and the others embarked, Lei Chen stopped by calling out the people suddenly, said: Everybody, matter, I have not told you.” 龙辰姜无涯等人出发之前,雷震忽然叫住了众人,道:“各位,有一件事情,我还沒告诉你们。” What matter?” Jiang Wuya has turned head to ask. “什么事?”姜无涯回过头问道。 Lei Chen said refreshedly: We in tracking down the Five Emperor Seal whereabouts, only obtained Azure Emperor Seal now, in eldest sister's hand, what has not thought that my father actually in accidentally obtained Yellow Emperor Seal, this Yellow Emperor Seal now in my hands. Before he at the point of death, has passed to me this Yellow Emperor Seal.” 雷震爽快道:“我们一直都在追寻五帝印的下落,现在也只得到了青帝印,在大姐的手中,不过沒想到的是,我爹竟然在偶然间得到了黄帝印,这黄帝印现在就在我手中呢。他临死之前,将这黄帝印传给了我。” The people to Five Emperor Seal, the hope that has are not very big, listened to a Lei Chen such saying, everybody has smiled, Jiang Wuya said: Good, is very good, if can save the eldest sister, we had two emperors to print.” 众人原本对五帝印,抱的希望并不是很大,听雷震这么一说,大家都笑了起來,其中姜无涯道:“好,很好,若是能把大姐救出來,我们就有两个帝印了。” At this time, Chi Ying frowns saying: Everybody, a news I have not said that the eldest sister loses to Martial Emperor time, her Azure Emperor Seal was also robbed by Martial Emperor. However I heard that in the Martial Emperor hand has Golden Emperor Seal!” 这时候,赤影皱着眉头道:“各位,还有一个消息我沒有说出來,大姐败给武帝的时候,她的青帝印也被武帝抢走了。不过我听说,武帝手中有金帝印!” „Was Azure Emperor Seal robbed unexpectedly? In other words, Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji currently has two emperors to print. If were found five emperors to print by him, perhaps suitable trouble.” The brow of people, deep wrinkled. 青帝印竟然被抢走了吗?也就是说,武帝赵无极现在有两个帝印了。若是被他找到五个帝印,恐怕会相当的麻烦啊。”众人的眉头,都深深的皱了起來。 Hears them to talk, Long Chen decided has itself the matter that two emperors print to say finally, everybody is the Younger Brother sisters, Lei Chen so is frank, why his Long Chen not? 听到他们谈话,龙辰最终还是决定把自己拥有两个帝印的事情说出來,大家都是兄弟姐妹,雷震都这么坦率,为什么他龙辰不可以? When the people are pressed the brow, Long Chen said: Several elder brother Elder Sister, I had the words to say.” 在众人蹙着眉头的时候,龙辰道:“几位哥哥姐姐,我有话说。” Um?” The people looked to Long Chen, Lei Chen asked: Seven younger brothers, you spoke frankly.” “嗯?”众人看向了龙辰,其中雷震问道:“七弟,你直说。” Long Chen nods, said: Now Fire Great Emperor seal, Azure Emperor Seal and Golden Emperor Seal in the hand of Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji, Yellow Emperor Seal in Fourth brother's hand, remaining Profound Emperor Seal and Scarlet Emperor Seal, actually in my hands.” 龙辰点点头,道:“现在五大帝印,青帝印金帝印武帝赵无极的手中,黄帝印在四哥的手上,剩下的玄帝印赤帝印,其实在我手中。” Long Chen was saying, took from Realm Of Universe Profound Emperor Seal and Scarlet Emperor Seal. 龙辰说着,将玄帝印赤帝印太虚之境当中拿了出來。 For them, this news was really too accidental. On each face somewhat is stunned, Long Chen said that from the beginning they have not believed that when sees Scarlet Emperor Seal and Profound Emperor Seal in Long Chen hand, they believed thoroughly. 对他们來说,这个消息实在是太意外了。每个人脸上都有些愕然,龙辰说的时候,一开始他们都沒有相信呢,可是当看到龙辰手中的赤帝印玄帝印的时候,他们彻底相信了。 Everybody, sorry, I obtained these two emperors to print, has actually hidden the truth from you......” Long Chen to smile bitterly was saying. “各位,抱歉,我得到了这两个帝印,却一直瞒着你们……”龙辰苦笑着说道。 Seeings is believing, but they have many doubts, Jiang Wuya somewhat unbelievable asking: You had treated in Ancient Demon Region, that Profound Emperor Seal in your hands, this but actually passable, but that Scarlet Emperor Seal, how do you obtain?” 眼见为实,可是他们心里还是有很多的疑惑,姜无涯有些难以置信的问道:“你曾经在古魔域待过,那玄帝印在你的手中,这个倒说得过去,而那赤帝印,你是怎么得到的?” Right, you did not say before that there has Sun to be really hot, has not insisted including Sister Long Yue that takes Scarlet Emperor Seal?” Lan Ling also asked. “对,你之前不是说,那里有太阳真火,连龙月大姐都沒坚持住,取到赤帝印吗?”蓝翎儿也问道。 Long Chen shakes the head, said: My physique is somewhat special, therefore I have attained Scarlet Emperor Seal, but I am newly arrived, with everybody is not very familiar......” 龙辰摇摇头,道:“我体质有些特殊,所以我拿到了赤帝印,不过我是新來的,和大家都不是很熟悉……” Jiang Wuya laughs, said: Seven younger brothers join us finally, a little heart of protection, this is most normal, relax, we do not covet this Emperor Grade Battle Technique, but thinks such good Battle Technique, if fell in the hand of Martial Emperor, we forever not the date of raising one's head!” 姜无涯哈哈一笑,道:“七弟最后加入我们,有一点防备之心,这才是最正常的,放心吧,我们也不是觊觎这皇级战技,可是觉得这么好的战技,若是落到了武帝的手中,我们这些人就永远沒有出头之日了!” Lei Chen also nods to say with a smile: This just right! Now our Younger Brother had Scarlet Emperor Seal, Profound Emperor Seal and Yellow Emperor Seal, but Martial Emperor has Azure Emperor Seal and Golden Emperor Seal. Only then we snatched his two emperors to print, can collect Five Emperor Seal!” 雷震也点头笑道:“这正好!现在我们兄弟已经有了赤帝印玄帝印黄帝印,而武帝拥有青帝印金帝印。只有我们抢到了他的两个帝印,就能够凑齐五帝印了!” The Jiang Wuya complexion sinks, said: Seven younger brothers have the news that other two emperors print, cannot pass on absolutely, I estimated that now Martial Emperor was looking for falling that another three emperors printed, if made him know that we estimated must be finished, after all we currently have War Clan this supreme headquarters, was changed by the hidden place in public. Do you understand?” 姜无涯脸色一沉,道:“七弟拥有其他两个帝印的消息,绝对不能传出去,我估计现在武帝正在寻找另外三个帝印的下落了,若是让他知道,我们估计都得完蛋,毕竟我们现在有战族这大本营,已经由暗处转向了明处。你们都懂吧?” The people nod. 众人点点头。 This truth, everybody understands certainly. 这个道理,大家当然是懂的。 Long Chen also nods, knows that this news, oneself cannot reveal. He naturally has not coped with that mysterious Martial Emperor strength now, therefore cannot disclose, when he can cope with Martial Emperor, without a doubt, that Five Emperor Seal is his! 龙辰也点点头,知道这个消息,自己不能够泄露出去。他现在当然还沒有对付那神秘的武帝的实力,所以不能够声张,等他能对付武帝了,毫无疑问,那五帝印就是他的! Five Emperor Seal, five colors key! Long Chen has the premonition, if he has learned that Emperor Grade Battle Technique Five Emperor Seal method, has very big promotion to his strength, even if in the future can enter Ancient Cemetery, found that five emperors buried treasure, there is a very big help! 五帝印,五色钥匙!龙辰有预感,如果他学会了那皇级战技五帝印法,对他的实力有很大的提升,甚至将來若是能进太古坟场,找到那五帝宝藏,也有很大的帮助! Emperor Grade Battle Technique, that is the Heaven Martial Realm master, Battle Technique that Cultivate displays, light listens to the name, knew location of its terror. If can obtain, Long Chen knows that to own advantage, is absolutely infinite. 皇级战技,那是天武境的高手,修炼施展的战技,光是听名字,就知道其恐怖之处了。若是能够得到,龙辰知道,对自己的好处,绝对是无穷的。 Earth Martial Realm, Heaven Martial Realm and Divine Martial Realm, Long Chen now merely is Earth Martial Realm from the beginning, distance that Divine Martial Realm, good long good long distance! 地武境天武境神武境,龙辰现在仅仅是地武境的一开始,距离那神武境,还有好长好长一段距离! Saw that leaves from Lingxi, had 34 months. Quick six months, suddenly will pass, can Long Chen in ten years, frank and upright standing in the Lingxi front? 眼看着,距离灵曦离开,已经有34个月的时间了。很快半年的时间,眨眼间就会过去,龙辰能在十年内,光明正大的站在灵曦的面前吗? Lingxi light came a grandmother, such terror, her back strength, that called the Sword Soul Emperor Palace influence, light listens to the name, was terrorist. In the middle of Great 3 Emperors' Domain, one of them is Sword Soul Emperor's Domain, this Sword Soul Emperor Palace can top this name, the percentage hundred are in the middle of the Sword Soul Emperor's Domain first influence! 灵曦光是來了一个姥姥,就如此的恐怖,她背后的实力,那叫剑魂帝宫的势力,光是听名字,就非常恐怖了。三大帝域当中,其中之一就是剑魂帝域,这剑魂帝宫能够冠上这个名字,百分百是剑魂帝域当中的第一势力! Perhaps, in front of Sword Soul Emperor Palace, any Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, any Ten Thousand Country Territory, is a joke. 恐怕,在剑魂帝宫面前,什么神武圣朝,什么万国疆域,都是一场笑话吧。 Long Chen has gotten hold of the fist. 龙辰握紧了拳头。 No matter how, Five Emperor Seal is a huge turning point, he must obtain, cannot cheap that Martial Emperor! 不管如何,五帝印是一个巨大的契机,他一定要得到,不能便宜了那武帝 After all confess, Long Chen decided to start. 一切都交代完毕之后,龙辰决定启程了。 Lei Chen thinks that said: To prevent Martial Emperor obtains five emperors to print, I will find a remote place, directly Yellow Emperor Seal burying. If we can obtain another two emperors to print, when the time comes takes again, how?” 雷震想了想,道:“为了防止武帝得到五个帝印,我将会找一个偏僻的地方,直接将黄帝印给埋了。若是我们能得到另外两个帝印,到时候再取出來,如何?”
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