DBWG :: Volume #21

#2109: Living hell

In this rank stink is hard to endure patiently simply, in the middle of the field of vision a fuzziness, the surroundings have filled the great smelly and viscous gas, these things mount, in the body was swindled disgusting. 这里面的腥臭味简直难以忍耐,视野当中一片模糊,周围充满了巨臭而粘稠的气体,那些东西黏在身体上当中恶心。 Long Chen toward looks, only thought one were stranded in the middle of the meat group probably, the surrounding space probably room size, the wall is the scarlet meat wall, above is similar to has the innumerable insects, the creeping motion that keeps again, occasionally explodes, releases that type of disgusting mucilage and gas. 龙辰朝着四下望去,只觉得自己好像被困在肉团当中,周围的空间大概有一个房间大小,墙壁是血色的肉壁,如同其上有无数的虫子,再不停的蠕动,偶尔爆开,释放出那种恶心的粘液和气体。 Long Chen looks at creepy feeling, this damned place takes a while he to think disgusting, does not know really these people were stranded on for five years ten years, how to withstand. Really this Heaven Blood Hell lets the place that the person is panic at the news, must otherwise Ye Yushi not deceive here to come Long Chen with the scheme. 龙辰看得头皮发麻,这鬼地方带上一会儿他就觉得恶心,真不知道那些人被困上五年十年,到底是怎样承受的。果然这天血地狱是让人闻风丧胆的地方,要不然的话叶玉诗也不会用计谋把龙辰骗到这里来了。 Meng Qingqiu that fellow, actually to ignore I was being brought to come to here, it seems like mind not liáng.” 孟清秋那家伙,竟然放任着我被带到这里来,看来居心不liáng啊。” Long Chen naturally knows that these three Commander, are not the good thing. 龙辰自然知道,这三个都尉,都不是什么好东西。 Just arrived here, the surroundings had not responded that has not waited for the Long Chen rest too for a long time, to have the sound immediately, Long Chen suddenly discovered that the surrounding scarlet meat wall extruded to come toward oneself unexpectedly, above that meat wall, was hiding scarlet fierce blood vessels, was similar to the poisonous snake is the same to look around, prepares to attack. 刚刚来到这里,周围还没有反应,可没等龙辰休息太长时间,马上就有动静了,龙辰竟然发现周围的血色肉壁竟然朝着自己挤压而来,那肉壁之上,隐藏着一根根血色的狰狞血管,如同毒蛇一样在探头探脑,准备冲击而来。 Long Chen discovered that this every large or small, was the thing of blood vessel has filled the surroundings likely, eyed covetously, along with the reduction of that meat wall, seemed preparing momentarily to strike to oneself. 龙辰发现,这种大大小小,像是血管的东西已经充满了周围,虎视眈眈,随着那肉壁的缩小,似乎正准备随时给自己一击吧。 Can unexpectedly like this?” “竟然会这样?” Long Chen feels that in the air under surrounding of this type of viscous disgusting gas, his within the body has the boundless strength spatially, is hard to display unexpectedly, the strong mortal body actually also thought very worn out, does not have the strength, even drowsy feelings. 龙辰感觉到,在空气当中这种粘稠恶心气体的包围下,他体内空有磅礴的力量,竟然难以施展,原本强劲的肉身竟然也觉得很疲软,没有力气,甚至有一种昏昏欲睡的感觉。 Long Chen has extracted Behead Divine Sword immediately, the body is also covering Blood Red sincere Dragon Scale, complete Cultivator installs to surround itself, he comes to make clear this Heaven Blood Hell what's the matter, cannot obey absolutely easily! 龙辰当即抽出了斩神剑,的身上也覆盖着血红色厚重的龙鳞,全副装包围自己,他进来就是为了搞清楚这天血地狱是怎么回事的,绝对不能轻易就范! At this time, the meat wall wriggled, extrudes his side to come. 就在这时候,肉壁已经蠕动,挤压到他的身边来了。 Long Chen stretches out Behead Divine Sword, punctured gently on that meat wall, immediately really had the fresh blood stream, making people think that this Heaven Blood Hell was a living thing. 龙辰伸出斩神剑,轻轻刺在了那肉壁上,顿时竟然有鲜血流了下来,让人觉得这天血地狱就是一种生物。 When he stabs the meat wall, the surroundings start to move mountains instantaneously, the movement time of that meat wall increased the several fold, the crazy creeping motion, presses toward Long Chen, simultaneously that hid the blood vessel under meat wall also finally had the movement, they flushed the meat wall, came toward the Long Chen worry, this thing itself and blood vessel was different, but the forehead was actually the appearance ugly insect! 就在他刺伤肉壁的时候,周围瞬间开始排山倒海,那肉壁的动作顿时间增大了数倍,疯狂蠕动,朝着龙辰压来,同时那隐藏在肉壁之下的血管也终于有了动作,它们冲开了肉壁,朝着龙辰撕咬而来,这东西本身和血管没什么两样,但头部却是模样难看的虫子! Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! Long Chen cut off with Behead Divine Sword approached own blood vessel reptile, but at this time, that meat wall has extruded by one tyrannical incomparably strength, surrounded Long Chen instantaneously, no matter how Long Chen wielded a sword, that shatter part will be immediately long, moreover seemed like the frail meat wall, Long Chen actually needs to use can cut fully broken! 龙辰斩神剑斩断了靠近自己的血管爬虫,可就在这时候,那肉壁以一种无比强横的力量挤压了上来,瞬间包围住龙辰,不管龙辰怎么挥剑,那破碎的部分马上就会重新长出来,而且看似脆弱的肉壁,龙辰却需要倾尽全力才能斩破! Was awful!” “糟糕了!” The speed of opposite party was really too quick, in an instant instantaneous Long Chen felt had trillion jin (0.5 kg) strength functions on own body, causing oneself unable to move, cannot move Behead Divine Sword, strength simply terrifying scary that meat wall extruded! 对方的速度实在是太快了,转眼瞬间龙辰就感觉到有亿万斤的力量作用在自己的身上,导致自己根本就无法动弹,连斩神剑都动不了,那肉壁挤压的力量简直恐怖的吓人! But this is not the key! 但这并不是关键! The key is, these use the mouth of insect as the forehead blood vessel, when Long Chen was extruded, hundred and thousand of come toward the Long Chen worry, their bodies also only then the finger is thick or thin, but is very cruel, will not be forgiving, the fierce appearance has routed the psychological defense lines of many people directly! 关键是,那些以虫子的嘴巴为头部的血管,就在龙辰被挤压住的时候,成百上千朝着龙辰撕咬而来,它们的身体也只有手指粗细,但十分残暴,根本不会留情,狰狞的样子直接击溃了许多人的心理防线! Any ghost thing!” “什么鬼东西!” Long Chen realized, person who very possible these to come, is makes this blood vessel reptile bite, then on permanent was stranded here, is bearing that pain without limits? 龙辰意识到,很可能那些进来的人,都是让这种血管爬虫咬中,然后就永久被困在这里,承受着那种无止境的痛苦? He is preparing to cause blood spirit thorn. 他正准备使用血灵刺。 The sharpest blood spirit thorn, it is estimated that can make him tear to pieces this Heaven Blood Hell. This was the only means that he wants to come to make clear what's the matter, does not want to suffer hardships really here! 最锋利的血灵刺,估计能让他撕破这天血地狱,冲出去。这是唯一的办法了,他只是想进来搞清楚到底是怎么回事,可不想真的在这里受苦! But completely loses so, many fierce blood vessels before Long Chen displays the blood spirit thorn, bit his body, the Long Chen time felt that fearful and pain of tap web, seemed having the innumerable suckers to insert in his body, in a flash, on him any thing, including was the strength, the flesh and blood essence wait / etc., swallowing to attract to go by that tree root blood vessel. 但尽失如此,还是有不少狰狞的血管在龙辰施展血灵刺之前,就咬住了他的身体,龙辰顿时间感觉到一股可怕而锥心的痛苦,仿佛正有无数的吸管插在他的身上,转瞬之间,他身上任何的东西,包括是力量、血肉精华等等,都在被那树根血管给吞吸而去。 That absorbed feeling, simply is the nightmare. 那种被吸收的感觉,简直是噩梦。 Lingxi has the girl bloodlines, Long Chen with it connects the time , this absorbed feelings, but Lingxi has the feedback, that is only one blends. But this Heaven Blood Hell blood vessel insect, that plunders simply, plundering of being relentless! 灵曦有素女血脉,龙辰与之交汇的时候,也会有这种被吸收的感觉,但灵曦是有反馈的,那只是一场交融。但这天血地狱的血管虫子,那简直就是掠夺,毫不留情的掠夺! Here dull previous some time, it is estimated that must turn into the dry corpse! 在这里呆上一段时间,估计都得变成干尸了! What is most disgusting, these insects were too ugly. 最恶心的是,这些虫子太丑陋了。 Damn!” “该死!” Long Chen is just about to give to pull apart these things, at this time, that unexpectedly twitched in Long Chen blood vessel, then explodes, changes into everywhere the mucilage, has almost spurted a Long Chen face, after that several blood vessels explode, several other hundred want to insert the blood vessel time of Long Chen body to retrocede, they estimate not to have the wisdom, even all blood vessels are the same organism, when it realized that the bloodlines of Long Chen are not it can swallow, the instinct retrocedes. 龙辰正要将这些东西给扯断,就在这时候,那扎在龙辰身上的血管竟然抽搐了开来,然后爆炸,化为漫天的粘液,差点喷了龙辰一脸,当那几根血管爆炸后,其他数百根想要插进龙辰身体的血管顿时间后退,它们估计没有智慧,甚至所有的血管属于同一个肌体,当它意识到龙辰的血脉并不是它能吞噬的时候,本能后退。 The surrounding meat wall, dispersed at this time, has left a space of room size. 周围的肉壁,也在这个时候散开,留下了一个房间大小的空间。 That several thousand blood vessel also trembling backlash, finally shrank in the middle of the meat wall, seems very terrified. 那数千根血管也颤颤巍巍的后退,最终缩进了肉壁当中,似乎十分惶恐。 Is the relations of my ancestor Dragon Blood [lineage/vein]?” “是我祖龙血脉的关系?” Long Chen has guessed approximately, who this Heaven Blood Hell is unable to digest, therefore is scared by Long Chen now. The surrounding all returned to normal, but the air works as always that disgusting gas, still had not vanished. 龙辰大致猜了出来,这天血地狱根本就无法消化的自己,所以现在是被龙辰吓坏了。周围一切都恢复了正常,只是空气当总那股恶心的气体,仍然没有消失而已。 Long Chen calmed the mind, looks to restore the tranquil surroundings, sought Sidao: This Heaven Blood Hell, looks like a living thing, or it is the biology. Person who then it will surround, absorbs people strength, flesh and blood and marrow wait / etc., until digests the person completely, enriches it......” 龙辰静下心来,看着恢复了平静的周围,寻思道:“这天血地狱,就像是一个生物,或者它就是生物。然后它会困住进来的人,吸收众人身上的力量、血肉和骨髓等等,直到把人完全消化,充实它自己……” He cannot help but frowns, secret passage: Person who in other words, for a lot of years, were detained, should be very difficult the opportunity is right, even if can exit, finally also affirmed the inadequate human form. If swallows to attract truly, it is estimated that has more than enough for a lot of years, then this Heaven Blood Hell regenerates the strength and flesh and blood essence using Cultivator unceasingly, the supply of shape growth time?” 他不由得皱着眉头,暗道:“也就是说,千百年来,被关押进来的人,应该很难有出去的机会才对,就算能够出去,最后也肯定不成人形了。如果真正吞吸的话,估计用不了千百年的时间,那么这天血地狱是利用者不断再生力量和血肉精华,形成长时间的供应?” He guessed like this. 他是这样猜测的。 This is very fearful. 这很可怕。 This Heaven Blood Hell is similar to a master, but this inside Cultivator, likely is the chicken that the opposite party raises, lays eggs unceasingly, finally was eaten does not have remaining including the dregs. Even this is much more fearful than this analogy, after all the flesh and blood and strength of Cultivator, even is a Yuan god is their part, but is not below egg. 天血地狱就如同主人,而这里面的者,都像是对方养的鸡,不断为之下蛋,最后被吃得连渣都没有剩下。甚至这比这种比喻还要可怕得多,毕竟者的血肉和力量,甚至是元神都是他们自己的一部分,而不是下的蛋。 Long Chen has an absolutely terrified feeling. 龙辰有一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 He cannot believe that surroundings Heaven Blood Hell, what is? 他不敢相信,周围这天血地狱,到底是什么? Why will have here? 为什么会存在这里? In this was detained, what person is also? 这里面被关押的,又是一些什么人? The so virulent thing, why can Slaughtering Dragon City begin using? 如此恶毒的东西,杀戮龙城为什么要启用? He moved slightly, the surrounding meat wall is shivering, attempts the shunt he. 他稍微移动了一下,周围的肉壁就在颤动,试图闪开他。 Fears me?” “惧怕我么?” Really has to fear this mood, explained that this entire Heaven Blood Hell, is really a living thing, or was antiquity Variation? 竟然有惧怕这种情绪,说明这整个天血地狱,真的就是一种生物,或者是上古异种 Really was too strange.” “真是太奇怪了。” Li Xuanji also some incredible to say similarly. 李璇玑同样也有些不可置信的说。 Long Chen, you earlier leave here, this was too dangerous, may be incautiously troublesome.” 龙辰,你还是早点离开这里吧,这实在太危险了,一不小心,可能会非常麻烦。” Long Chen shakes the head saying: Does not have the issue, it fears me now, in any case ten days later will exit, I here treat for ten days, has a look whether has anything to discover.” 龙辰摇头道:“没问题,它现在怕我,反正十天后就会出去,我就在这里待上十天,看看是否有什么发现。” He starts to approach toward the left meat wall, he approaches a point every time, that meat wall is wriggling, retroceded a point toward that side, Long Chen has then gone toward the left, but degree that meat wall will shrink in the future also getting smaller, even did not like retreating toward that side very much again. 他开始朝着左边的肉壁靠近,他每靠近一分,那肉壁就蠕动着,朝着那边后退了一分,龙辰便一直朝着左边而去,而那肉壁往后缩的程度也越来越小,甚至很不喜欢再往那边退去了。 Long Chen has extracted Behead Divine Sword, cuts without demur toward the meat wall! 龙辰抽出了斩神剑,二话不说朝着肉壁斩去! Clang! 铛! It seems like the frail meat wall, in fact has the fearful toughness, Long Chen Behead Divine Sword one time cannot chop to break it. 看似脆弱的肉壁,实际上拥有可怕的韧性,龙辰斩神剑一次都没能砍破它。 After Long Chen chops, that meat wall starts angrily to wriggle, does not have again to be the Long Chen concessions, even also has the appearance that the volume earth kills. 龙辰砍中后,那肉壁开始愤怒蠕动,没有再为龙辰让步,甚至还有卷土重新杀来的样子。 Long Chen then received Behead Divine Sword. 龙辰便收起了斩神剑 That meat wall has rested. 那肉壁才安息了下来。 Long Chen still approached toward that side, meat wall also helpless in the future will shrink, but speed is slower compared with before, under this deadlock, Long Chen has consumed the huge effort, position shift that step by step oneself are, five days later, he can conclude probably one deviated place originally to be very far. 龙辰仍然朝着那边靠近,肉壁也无奈的往后缩,只是速度比起之前慢多了,在这种僵持之下,龙辰耗费了巨大的努力,才将自己所在的位置一步步的转移,大概在五天后,他能断定自己已经偏离了原本的地方很远了。 Almost, should arrive at another position of eye......” “差不多,该到了另外一个眼睛的位置……” Long Chen careful looks at that meat wall. 龙辰仔细的看着那个肉壁。 When he goes forward again, he sees impressively in the middle of this somewhat transparent flesh and blood, is hiding a person, in the surroundings of this person, has densely and numerously, is similar to the poisonous snake same blood vessel, is very fierce, what is more fearful, that finger thick or thin blood vessel, altogether over a thousand, gripped in the middle of that person of body completely, became that person tattered and torn...... 当他再前进一步的时候,他赫然看到在这有些透明的血肉当中,藏着一个人,在此人的周围,有着密密麻麻,如同毒蛇一样的血管,十分狰狞,更可怕的是,那手指粗细的血管,一共上千根,全部都扎进了那人的身体当中,将那人变得千疮百孔…… This is Long Chen has experienced the most pitiful person without doubt...... 这无疑是龙辰见识过最悲惨的一个人…… His body, already not complete skin, even makes that blood vessel give tearing including the eye and mouth, is very disgusting, the body only has the skin that can see, arid split, cannot see is the appearance of person. But that innumerable blood vessel is wriggling, was still absorbing the thing on him. 他的身体,已经没有完整的皮肤了,甚至连眼睛和嘴巴都让那血管给撕裂,十分恶心,身上仅有能看到的皮肤,也枯燥干裂,看不出是人的样子。而那无数的血管蠕动着,仍然在他身上吸取着东西。 In Long Chen heart anger. 龙辰心中愤怒。 Even somewhat shivers. 甚至有些颤抖。 He has not thought that in this world really has the so cruel penalty, when no wonder the people hear here to be detained here for ten days, can be such expression unexpectedly. Here simply is Hell...... 他从来没想到,这世界上竟然有如此残忍的惩罚,怪不得当众人听到这里要在这里被关押十天,竟然会是那样的表情。这里简直就是地狱啊…… Heaven Blood Hell! 天血地狱 World Hell! 人间地狱 He is almost in an uncontrollable rage, that angry appearance, Heaven Blood Hell as if can feel, the meat wall also instantaneously withdrew, the blood vessel of that creeping motion as if saw existence of Long Chen, retreats in abundance, was being pestered Cultivator extricates finally, throws down on the ground. 他几乎怒不可遏,那愤怒的样子,天血地狱似乎能够感受到,肉壁也瞬间退后了许多,那蠕动的血管仿佛看到了龙辰的存在,纷纷撤退,而那被纠缠着的者终于解脱,摔倒在地上。 He also has the vitality, the body is shivering, because own formidable, body also in fast self-recovery and rebirth, but his eye restores, when he opens the eye, sees Long Chen that instant, his whole body is shivering, said three characters. 他还有生机,身体颤动着,因为自身强大,身体还在快速的自愈、重生,但他眼睛恢复,当他睁开眼睛,看到龙辰的那个刹那,他浑身颤抖着,说出了三个字。 Has killed me......” “杀了我……”
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