DBWG :: Volume #21

#2110: Status exposition

Long Chen is in itself wants to rescue his, although does not know that he made any mistake, but so punished, was really frigid. 龙辰本身是想要救他的,虽然不知道他犯下了什么错误,但如此惩罚,实在惨烈。 But the opposite party actually requested itself to kill him. 但对方却要求自己杀了他。 After speaking those words, his body as if died, motionless, year to year in the middle of this Heaven Blood Hell, he at this moment in fact with the death did not have what difference, the strength to lose basically, the mortal body nearly collapses, even if exits, how long unable to live. 说完那句话后,他的身体仿佛已经死去,一动不动,常年在这天血地狱当中,此刻的他实际上已经和死亡沒有什么区别,力量基本丧失,肉身近乎崩溃,就算是出去,也活不了多长时间。 Surroundings these fierce blood vessels still in surroundings, rogue looks at Long Chen and that Cultivator, may throw anytime. 周围那些狰狞的的血管仍然在周围,凶恶的看着龙辰和那者,随时都有可能扑上來。 It seems like reason that can be stranded on for over a thousand years not dead, has the relations with this Heaven Blood Hell, by these blood vessel entanglements time, even to die is very difficult. 看來之所以能被困上上千年都沒死,和这天血地狱有关系,被那些血管纠缠的时候,就算是想死都很困难。 Long Chen had finished his life, had ended his pain. 龙辰结束了他的性命,也结束了他的痛苦。 The surrounding blood vessel is very as if angry, regarding the Long Chen rotation, dense and numerous, everywhere is, but has not dared to approach toward Long Chen, they fear Long Chen. 周围的血管似乎很愤怒,围绕着龙辰转动,密密麻麻,到处都是,但还沒有敢朝着龙辰靠近的,他们惧怕龙辰 My as if anything cannot achieve.” “我似乎什么也都做不到。” Long Chen said to Li Xuanji. 龙辰李璇玑说道。 Is, here is Slaughtering Dragon City imprisons the place of prisoner, these person of itself are possibly guilty, although punishes too heavily, but you do not have the ability to rescue all people, moreover was too dangerous in this, I thought that you hurry to well, in the future will be more formidable, can come to have a look.” “是的啊,这里是杀戮龙城囚禁囚犯的地方,这些人本身可能是有罪的,虽然惩罚太重,但你也沒有能耐救出所有人,而且在这里面太危险了,我觉得你还是赶紧出去为好,往后更强大了,可以过來看看。” Li Xuanji said right. 李璇玑说得沒错。 Present he, truly anything cannot achieve. 现在的他,确实什么都做不到。 Good......” “好吧……” Long Chen is very helpless, these time comes in the only harvest, how is makes clear this Heaven Blood Hell to suffer the person, henceforth beside, without any other harvests. 龙辰还是挺无奈的,这一次进來唯一的收获,就是搞清楚这天血地狱是怎么折磨人的,从此之外,沒有其他任何的收获。 ........................ …………………… Ten days of pass by quietly. 十天的时间悄然过去。 These ten days of time, the people will look subconsciously to Heaven Blood Hell, the Long Chen appearance time reappear in their mind, remembers the Long Chen at this moment definitely very pitiful appearance, the people are not only absolutely terrified. 这十天时间,众人都会下意识的看向天血地狱,龙辰的模样顿时间浮现在他们脑海当中,想起龙辰此时此刻肯定十分悲惨的模样,众人不仅毛骨悚然。 This kid is too rampant, so will not be bad luck.” “这小家伙要不是太嚣张,也不会这么倒霉。” Yes, the courage was really too big, did not place in our Dragon Tomb Army the eye, not only began to two females blatantly, dares to provoke including leaf Commander.” “是啊,胆子实在是太大了,不把我们龙墓军放在眼中啊,不但公然对两个女子动手,更是连叶都尉都敢招惹。” Although on the mouth shuts out, despises, but when they remember leaf Commander that slender and wispy physique, the heart was also suddenly fiery, remembers Long Chen that pair of hand, very envies the envy. 虽然嘴上嫌弃,鄙视,但当他们一想起叶都尉那袅娜身姿,一时间心头又火热了起來,想起龙辰那一双手,十分羡慕嫉妒啊。 By the Heaven Blood Hell ten days, is this boy lifetime nightmare, you look that after he comes out, definitely the whole person will be scared, or the present is the fool, no matter the talent or the strength will drop very big level, does not know really this boy one Yuan tribulation Dragon Warrior, how achieves.” “被天血地狱十天,是这小子一生的噩梦,你看着吧,等他出來之后,肯定整个人会被吓傻的,或者现在已经是傻子了,而且不管是天赋还是实力都会下降很大的层次吧,真不知道这小子才一元劫龙武者,是怎么做到的。” Achieves anything.” “做到什么。” Naturally is the leaf...... Considers as finished does not say.” “当然是叶都……算了不说了。” The people understand clearly, originally said raids chest that matter, can only explain that the Long Chen technology was too excellent. 众人了然,原來说得是袭胸那件事,只能说明龙辰的技术实在太高超了。 Meanwhile, Feng Zhu is playing a stringed musical instrument to flatter Ye Yushi. 与此同时,风烛正在弹琴讨好叶玉诗 At this time, tall and sturdy Meng Qingqiu swaggering walks, sits on the ground, an eye bold sweeps on Ye Yushi, said: Ten days of time arrived, you now were also at heart happy, hurried to put him.” 就在这时候,人高马大的孟清秋大摇大摆的走进來,一屁股坐在地上,一双眼睛大胆的在叶玉诗身上扫动着,道:“十天时间到了,你现在心里也爽了,赶紧去把他放了吧。” Ten days.” “十天到了么。” Ye Yushi hollow laugh, remembered the initial matter, was really is mad trembles, but thinks that Long Chen so affirmed resulted in miserably cannot be miserable, on her mood good many, are only so, shame of that day estimated that she was also for a lifetime hard to forget. 叶玉诗干笑一声,想起当初的事情,真是气得发抖啊,但一想到龙辰如此肯定惨得不能再惨了,她心情就会好上许多,只是就算如此,那一天的羞辱估计她一辈子也难以忘记了。 Closes again for ten days, puts anything to put.” “再关上十天,放什么放。” Feng Zhu is not feeling well to say. 风烛不爽说道。 Meng Qingqiu hey said with a smile: You can try greatly, if on letting knows the matter that you do, it is estimated that your this lives did not have, hurries.” 孟清秋嘿嘿笑道:“你大可以试试,要是让上面知道你们做的事,估计你们这条命都沒了,赶紧的吧。” To be honest for these days they somewhat were truly with trepidation. 说实话这几天他们确实有些提心吊胆。 After all Long Chen is that key man, throws into Heaven Blood Hell him, is very inappropriate. 毕竟龙辰是那种关键人物,把他扔进天血地狱,实在很不妥当。 Ye Yushi said: Anything is not good to fear that he runs amuck, the item does not have the law of the land, with his father appearance, was Long Qinglan betrayed Human Clan simply, causing our casualties to be serious, son should pay the debts of the father, I believe that in the middle of Slaughtering Dragon City clenched jaws to kill his person to be many.” 叶玉诗道:“沒什么好怕的,他胡作非为,目无王法,和他父亲简直一个样子,是龙青澜背叛了人族,导致我们死伤惨重,父债子还,我相信杀戮龙城当中咬牙切齿想要杀他的人不少。” Saying, her was then leaving here, went in the Heaven Blood Hell direction. 说着,她便离开这里,朝着天血地狱的方向而去。 Poem younger sister and others I.” “诗妹等我。” Feng Zhu pursued hastily. 风烛连忙追了上去。 They appear, immediately attracted the attention of many people, remembers today is ten days later, they are in abundance stimulated, are following two big Commander, goes toward Heaven Blood Hell. 两人出现,顿时吸引了许多人的注意,想起今天已经是十天后了,他们纷纷亢奋,跟随着两大都尉,朝着天血地狱而去。 Really is the anticipation has a look at this boy pitifully to become any appearance.” “真是期待看看这小子悲惨成什么样子啊。” Feng Zhu and Ye Yushi lead the way shoulder to shoulder, chuckle was saying. 风烛叶玉诗并肩前行,轻笑着说道。 „Everyone such that comes out from Heaven Blood Hell, the remaining half lives, his ten days of estimate is only insufficient dead directly.” “每个从天血地狱出來的人都那样,只剩下半条命,他十天估计不至于直接死吧。” Ye Yushi said callously. 叶玉诗冷酷说道。 In the heart has been full of pleasant sensation of retaliation. 心中充满了报复的快感。 Feng Zhu sneers saying: Who lets this boy unexpectedly under the big crowd of people to your such, dies like a dog.” 风烛冷笑道:“谁让这小子竟然在大庭广众之下对你那样,不得好死。” Ye Yushi wishes one could to slap his face, she gets angry: Bastard, you can not to mention this matter.” 叶玉诗恨不得抽他一巴掌,她怒道:“混蛋,你能别提这件事吗。” Feng Zhu knows immediately own speaking incorrectly words, he said hastily: Poem younger sister, is my mistake, I later do not dare to say again.” 风烛顿时知道自己说错话了,他连忙道:“诗妹,是我的错,我以后不敢再说了。” The people have not paid attention to Feng Zhu this distressed appearance, what they want to pay attention is the Long Chen present situation. 众人沒有注意风烛这狼狈的样子,他们更想关注的是龙辰的现状。 Quick, Ye Yushi had found the Long Chen detained eye. 很快,叶玉诗就找到了龙辰被关押的眼睛。 Every one time releases people, that scene makes the person want to vomit without doubt, but this Ye Yushi actually especially excited and anticipation. 每一次放人出來,那场面无疑让人想要呕吐,但这一次叶玉诗却尤其的兴奋和期待。 She has put out the crystal sphere. 她拿出了水晶圆球。 Several thousand Dragon Tomb Army surround, looks anxiously, although can guess correctly the result, but everybody wants to join in the fun. 数千个龙墓军围观上來,紧张看着,虽然能猜到结果,但大家都想凑热闹啊。 Ye Yushi mumbled, that Blood Red crystal ball sent out the radiant ray, shone on that eye, the eye time in the future will shrink, sends out neighs intermittently, that eye started to melt, has revealed inside space, when generally speaking this scarlet crystal ball appeared, the criminal blood vessel of will also draw back timidly, the meat wall of extrusion will also loosen. 叶玉诗念念有词,那血红色的水晶球发出璀璨的光芒,照射在那眼睛上,眼睛顿时间往后缩,发出阵阵嘶叫,紧接着那眼睛开始消融,露出了里面的空间,一般來说当这血色水晶球出现的时候,犯人身上的血管也会退怯,挤压的肉壁也会松开。 Long Chen, comes out.” 龙辰,出來吧。” Ye Yushi does not want to go to bring this inadequate human form fellow. 叶玉诗才不想进去把这不成人形的家伙带出來呢。 Feng Zhu is sneering at the same time, he looks impatiently that sees only inside scarlet fog to wind around, full is the disgusting viscous gas, ozone heads on. 风烛在一边冷笑,他迫不及待的看去,只见里面血色的云雾缭绕,满是恶心粘稠的气体,一股臭气扑面而來。 Sigh. 呼。 At this time, a man to exceed the speed that they imagined, fled from inside, appeared in the people at present, he is standing in Ye Yushi at present ten meters place. 就在这时候,一个男子以超过他们想象的速度,从里面窜出來,出现在众人的眼前,他正站在叶玉诗眼前十米的地方。 Displays the physique...... 施展一下筋骨…… Blows up a gale, blows ozone. 鼓起一阵大风,把身上的臭气吹开。 Long Chen then gains ground, looks at the people, his corners of the mouth brought back one to sneer, really these fellows sent Wushang(No injuries) to their, was such shock. 龙辰这才抬起头,看着众人,他的嘴角勾起了一丝冷笑,果然这些家伙对自己的毫发无伤,是如此的震撼啊。 Ye Yushi was simply crazy. 叶玉诗简直要疯狂了。 In her heart all angers, because Long Chen went in Heaven Blood Hell to dissipate, she has not thought Long Chen met to send coming out of Wushang(No injuries) unexpectedly, for this simply was the unlikely matter, she fantasized the Long Chen pitiful condition innumerable, but Long Chen that relaxed happy appearance, where came out from Heaven Blood Hell likely. 她心中所有的愤怒,都因为龙辰进去天血地狱而消散了,她从來沒想过龙辰竟然会毫发无伤的出來,对她來说这简直是不可能发生的事情,她无数次幻想龙辰的惨状,可龙辰那轻松愉快的样子,哪里像是从天血地狱当中出來的。 Clearly comes out from the red light district good. 分明就是从温柔乡里出來的好么。 Not only Ye Yushi is stunned, Feng Zhu is stunned, several thousand Dragon Tomb Army already looking awful of delay. 不但叶玉诗愕然,风烛愕然,数千的龙墓军都已经呆滞的不成样子。 But at this time, the gate of closure Heaven Blood Hell that prison, has formed the new eye, it somewhat awes Long Chen, toward being far away from the Long Chen direction wriggles to go gently. 而这时候,天血地狱那牢狱之门关闭,形成了新的眼睛,它有些敬畏龙辰似的,朝着远离龙辰的方向轻轻蠕动而去。 Long Chen is clean ozone cleaning, was saying with a smile to Ye Yushi: Looks at anything, ten days of penalties had ended, I am live to might as well die in that, you have put me according to the agreement fortunately, otherwise I estimated that I will go crazy, Ha Ha......” 龙辰将身上的臭气清扫干净,才对着叶玉诗笑道:“看什么呢,十天的惩罚已经结束了,我在那里面真的是生不如死啊,还好你按照约定把我放了出來,不然的话我估计我会发疯吧,哈哈……” He crossed Ye Yushi and Feng Zhu, the preparation goes back. 他越过了叶玉诗风烛,准备回去。 You halt to me.” “你给我站住。” Ye Yushi is almost the rending roar. 叶玉诗几乎是撕心裂肺的吼出來。 Long Chen then said with a smile: Leaf Commander, other matters, you should not want to imprison ten days me again, you may really be was too cruel, this damned place is dirty and ugly, is not the person can treat the place, you or believe you to go to have a look.” 龙辰回头笑道:“叶都尉,还有其他事情么,你该不会还想把我再囚禁十天吧,那你可真的是的太残忍了,这鬼地方又脏又丑的,可不是人能待着的地方,你要不信你可以进去看看。” Ye Yushi was simply insane. 叶玉诗简直要疯了。 She does not understand that what happened. 她不明白发生了什么事情。 But Long Chen sends Wushang(No injuries) this is the fact. 龙辰毫发无伤这是事实。 Because by damn anger and hatred has not diverged under the big crowd of people, because instead playing tricks on opposite party makes her grasp crazily, she was wishes one could immediately living to rip Long Chen, because has not given a pretext, she can only restrain. 因为在大庭广众之下被他妈的愤怒和仇恨并沒有散去,反而因为对方的戏弄更加的让她抓狂,她真的是恨不得马上将龙辰给生撕了,只是因为沒有借口,她只能克制。 His sends Wushang(No injuries) unexpectedly.” “他竟然毫发无伤。” Is impossible, who he is, Heaven Blood Hell is so terrorist, he can resist unexpectedly.” “不可能啊,他到底是谁,天血地狱如此恐怖,他竟然能抵抗。” The people clamored, an incredible appearance. 众人喧哗了起來,一副不可置信的样子。 At this time, Feng Zhu saw Ye Yushi to be mad trembles, looked at Long Chen to be rampant again, he could not bear, at this moment he appears in Long Chen suddenly at present, angrily rebuked saying: Long Chen, is thought you are that anything Eternal Dragon Emperor son, we do not dare to move you, you have joined Dragon Tomb Army unexpectedly, we are your boss, you must obedient our orders, I order you to apologize to leaf Commander unconditionally now, and punishes your fan ear and area around it 10,000 times.” 就在这时候,风烛叶玉诗气得发抖,再看龙辰嚣张,他已经忍不住了,此刻他骤然出现在龙辰眼前,怒斥道:“龙辰,被以为你是那什么永恒龙帝的儿子,我们就不敢动你,你竟然加入了龙墓军,我们就是你的上司,你要无条件的服从我们的命令,现在我命令你向叶都尉道歉,并且罚你扇自己耳光10000次。” The Feng Zhu Commander violent anger, the people are fearful and apprehensive. 风烛都尉暴怒,众人更是胆战心惊。 They heard anything probably. 他们好像听到了什么。 Eternal Dragon Emperor son.” 永恒龙帝的儿子。” From the beginning, how in fact the people cannot imagine, Long Chen will come here unexpectedly. 一开始,实际上众人怎么都想象不到,龙辰竟然会來到这里。 But when hears this saying, they understood finally, saw the light suddenly, this boy is so rampant, there is a such ability, what is most important is his name is Long Chen, he obviously is in the middle of the legend child of Eternal Dragon Emperor. 但当听到这话,他们终于明白了,也顿悟了,这小子如此嚣张,又有如此能耐,最重要的是他的名字是龙辰,他显然就是传说当中的永恒龙帝之子啊。 Although nobody has seen him, but has listened to the person of his name, everywhere. 虽然沒人见过他,但听过他名字的人,无处不在。 Suddenly, the people clamored, they did not like Long Chen, in addition Long Chen now this unpardonably wicked status, is makes them clench jaws. 一时间,众人更是喧哗了起來,他们本來就不喜欢龙辰,再加上龙辰如今这个十恶不赦的身份,更是让他们咬牙切齿。 Long Qinglan is person condemned for all time, but the appearance of Long Chen, obtained detesting of almost all Dragon God Domain Cultivator, like the present, the people have been eager to try, wishing one could let Long Chen son should pay the debts of the father. 龙青澜是千古罪人,而龙辰的出现,得到了几乎所有龙神域者的憎恶,就像现在,众人已经跃跃欲试,恨不得让龙辰父债子还了。 Long Chen already expected that can be this. 龙辰早就预料会是这样。 The smiling face on his face vanished, looked at Ye Yushi, had a look at Feng Zhu again, suddenly said: Was good, do not pull any Dragon Tomb Army before me, I know why you aim at me, does not trace the woman who you pursued, this, I make her touch one time to you, like this is fair to everybody, you thought that is good.” 他脸上的笑容消失,看了看叶玉诗,再看看风烛,忽然道:“行了,别在我面前扯什么龙墓军,我知道你为什么针对我,不就是摸了你追求的女人吗,这样吧,我让她给你摸一次,这样对大家都公平,你觉得好不好。” .................. ……………… The exhausted time, more wrote was slower, afternoon 4 hours have written 1 chapter. 疲惫期,越写越慢了,一个下午4小时才写了1章。 Did not have the means that last chapter, before 22 : 00 pm , renewed. 沒办法了,最后1章,晚上22点前更新。 In the evening sleeps well, tomorrow will strive to restore, was not quite recently healthy. 晚上好好睡一觉,明天争取恢复,最近身体不太好。
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