DBWG :: Volume #21

#2108: On the 10 th imprisoned

Was good, closes for ten days, making you engage in introspection well, relax, does not have any important matter. That side the guard chamber, some people make mistakes, was closed for several years, over a hundred years, even over a thousand years.” “行了,就关上十天,让你好好反省一下吧,放心,没什么大事。禁闭室那边,有人犯错,被关上十几年,上百年,甚至上千年的呢。” Ye Yushi indifferent saying. 叶玉诗无所谓的说道。 The people are startled, this is deceiving Long Chen obviously, everyone knows the difference of confinement area and prisoner area, but resembles Long Chen to be newly-arrived, is not clear. 众人一怔,这明显是在糊弄龙辰啊,谁都知道禁闭区和囚犯区的区别,但好像龙辰初来乍到,并不清楚。 What Long Chen is very curious, Meng Qingqiu? 龙辰很好奇的是,孟清秋呢? Here has such matter, Meng Qingqiu so Expert, is in the middle of three big Commander another two, he must know that but he has not come to break through for himself unexpectedly, it seems like he was punished this matter to himself, is the manner of tacitly consenting. 这里发生这样的事情,孟清秋如此强者,身为三大都尉当中的另外两位,他不可能不知道的,但他竟然没来为自己解围,看来他对自己被惩罚这件事,是默许的态度了。 Really, this is not a trustworthy person, even compared with formidabe of Ye Yushi this going straight there and coming straight back. 果然,这也不是一个值得信任的人,甚至比叶玉诗这种直来直去的更难对付。 As for detains on ten days of time in the middle of Heaven Blood Hell...... 至于在天血地狱当中关押上十天时间…… Long Chen turns head to look that has over ten thousand eyes to that keeps is similar, just likes some biological larva same blood cell, that feeling is truly appalling, Long Chen naturally knows that these ten days of experiences definitely are quite terrifying, naturally he is not afraid, if he must revolt, even if Ye Yushi these two cultivate for are more powerful, but, so long as displays Time Travel Dragon, they take themselves not to have the means radically. 龙辰回头看向那有着上万眼睛,不停如同,就犹如某种生物幼虫一样的血球,那感觉确实让人毛骨悚然,龙辰自然知道这十天的经历肯定是相当恐怖的,当然他并不害怕,如果他要反抗的话,就算叶玉诗这两人修为比自己要强悍一些,但自己只要施展时间游龙,他们根本就拿自己没办法。 Revolts against them, inevitably is terrible business. 只是反抗他们,必然又是一件麻烦事。 He was considering how one must do. 他在考虑自己到底要怎样做。 Was good, like this decided. Comes the person, detains to me him to Heaven Blood Hell goes, is not right, I this obscene very catch Heaven Blood Hell to go personally.” “行了,就这样决定。来人,把他给我押到天血地狱去,不对,我亲自把这淫贼抓到天血地狱去。” In Ye Yushi heart self-satisfied, on the face full is rogue, she by the invincible might of Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage, toward Long Chen, the person has not arrived, suppresses Long Chen on the according to internal combustion engine stubbornly, preventing Long Chen to run away, this time she has done these many work, falsely accuses with the idea, obtains the child of this lesson this Eternal Dragon Emperor, leaves foul odor the opportunity, naturally will not make Long Chen run away at this time. 叶玉诗心中得意,脸上满是凶恶,她以六道轮回后期之神威,朝着龙辰袭来,人还没到,就以气机死死压制龙辰,防止龙辰逃走,这一次她做了这么多的工作,用计诬陷,才得到这个教训这永恒龙帝之子,出一口恶气的机会,当然不会让龙辰在这种时候逃走。 Snort! The son of person condemned for all time, can blatantly seek publicity in my Slaughtering Dragon City, was too exasperating. Outside nobody dares to move you, but in my Ye Yushi domain, how could to help you cross comfortably, hurries Heaven Blood Hell to enjoy!” “哼!千古罪人的儿子,也能在我杀戮龙城招摇过市,实在太气人了。外面没人敢动你,但在我叶玉诗的地盘,岂能让你过得舒服,赶紧去天血地狱享受吧!” ! 汩汩! When the Ye Yushi attack, Long Chen as if heard the sound of that blood cell trundle, turns head to look that as if over ten thousand eyes are still looking at themselves, Long Chen ascends suddenly a thought that he wants to make clear very much, how this Heaven Blood Hell is a matter. 叶玉诗来袭的时候,龙辰似乎又听到了那血球滚动的声音,回头一看,仿佛有上万只眼睛仍然在看着自己,龙辰忽然升腾起来一个念头,他很想搞清楚,这天血地狱到底是怎么一回事。 This idea without doubt is quite bold. 这个想法无疑是相当大胆的。 But to get rid, the present is an opportunity. 但如果想要出手的话,现在正是一个机会。 He is unable to close the eye, that Heaven Blood Hell is attracting him, to be honest, Long Chen naturally understands that own 3-layer ancestor Dragon Blood [lineage/vein] have how fearfully, even if this lets Heaven Blood Hell that the person is panic at the news, is not necessarily able how, Ye Yushi they attempt to punish itself with this Heaven Blood Hell, whether can achieve the goal, that has not known. 他无法闭上眼睛,那天血地狱正在吸引着他,说实话,龙辰自然明白自己的三重龙血脉到底有多么的可怕,就算是这让人闻风丧胆的天血地狱,也未必能够奈何自己,叶玉诗她们妄图用这天血地狱惩罚自己,是否能够达成目的,那还不知道呢。 This is the punishment is deserved!” “这是罪有应得啊!” Just arrived at Dragon Tomb Army, dares to get rid to the woman, was really too rampant, got what one deserves to be detained Heaven Blood Hell.” “刚刚来到龙墓军,就敢对女人出手,实在是太嚣张了,活该被关押到天血地狱。” The vision that the people to despise looks at Long Chen, scolding of talking endlessly. 众人以鄙视的目光看着龙辰,喋喋不休的骂道。 But beforehand shelters Long Chen Meng Qingqiu not to appear. 而之前庇护龙辰孟清秋没有出现。 Follows me!” “跟我走!” Ye Yushi seizes his arm, very makes an effort, she wants to let Long Chen the first flow point blood, but actually surprisedly discovered that her that Six Dao Reincarnation fearful strength, can break a ten thousand meters mountain peak easily, but is unable to sway from side to side the arm of Long Chen unexpectedly. 叶玉诗一手掐住他的手臂,十分用力,她本来想让龙辰先流点血的,但却惊奇发现,她身上那六道轮回的可怕力量,可以轻易震碎一座万米山峰,但竟然无法扭动龙辰的臂膀。 She looked that the Long Chen vision loathed. 她看龙辰的目光更加厌恶了。 Definitely is that person condemned for all time to the strength that he brings! Fellow of sitting idle and enjoying the fruits!” “肯定是那千古罪人给他带来的力量!坐享其成的家伙!” To this type inborn on the person of talent, the Cultivate many years has achievement her not to be resigned today. She does not certainly know how Long Chen is crawls step by step from the floor the present. 对这种天生就天才的人,修炼多年才有今日成就的她更加不甘心了。她当然不知道,龙辰是怎么从底层一步步爬到现在的。 Walks!” “走!” She is swaying from side to side the arm of Long Chen, to pull Long Chen vigorously, goes toward that Heaven Blood Hell. 她扭动着龙辰的胳膊,以大力拉扯着龙辰,朝着那天血地狱而去。 Feng Zhu revealed smiling. 身后,风烛流露出了会心一笑。 The people have cheered, happy. 众人欢呼了起来,皆大欢喜。 In their eyes, in fact Long Chen was frightened ignorant, because he had not responded from beginning to end, even did not have including the revolt strength. 在她们看来,实际上龙辰是被吓懵了,因为他从始至终都没有反应,甚至连反抗的力量都没有了。 What matter can go to have a look is?” “到底要不要进去看看是什么回事呢?” Long Chen in fact completely has not falsely accused to place in the eye this, he is thinking deeply about himself to while this opportunity go to have a look. Saw that Heaven Blood Hell is getting more and more near, his thought is getting more and more intense. 龙辰实际上完全没把这诬陷放在眼中,他在思索自己到底要不要趁着这个机会进去看看。眼看着天血地狱越来越近,他那种念头就越来越强烈。 Today does not go, will happen one day I will go, this thing, but also cannot frighten me.” “今天不进去,终有一天我还是会进去,就这东西,还吓不倒我。” He is always brave , after this time has this thought that he then decided that goes in while this opportunity, after having the decision, his entire talented person relaxed. 他向来胆大无比,这次有这念头后,他便决定趁着这个机会进去,有了决定后,他整个人才轻松了起来。 Ye Yushi happily smiles, draws him to go. 叶玉诗正得意笑着,拉着他前往。 Suddenly, she saw expression that Long Chen confused a moment ago, unexpectedly becomes very relaxed? 忽然间,她看到龙辰刚才迷惑的表情,竟然变得很轻松? Really, this fellow does not know Heaven Blood Hell fearful.” “果然,这家伙不知道天血地狱的可怕啊。” In the Ye Yushi heart sneers. 叶玉诗心中冷笑。 Long Chen looked at her several eyes, suddenly said: You may be hot more attractive than that two little girls a moment ago, has scale some, if tempts huo with you I, making me have an eyeful, in fact detains my one year I not so- said.” 龙辰瞄了她几眼,忽然道:“你比刚才那两个妞可火辣漂亮多了,也更有档次一些,如果用你来诱huo我,让我大饱眼福的话,实际上关押我一年我也没所谓啊。” „......” “呃……” After Ye Yushi since becomes Commander, face to face had not been said so bold frivolous words, her powdery white cheek time turned into Azure, pinches the palm of Long Chen to make an effort immediately, she pulls Long Chen, clenches jaws to get angry: Boy, you said anything! Courts Death is inadequate!” 叶玉诗自从当上都尉后,都没有被人当面说过如此大胆轻薄的话,她那粉白的脸蛋顿时间变成了青色,捏着龙辰的手掌顿时用力,她将龙辰拉扯过来,咬牙切齿怒道:“小子,你说什么!找死不成!” Long Chen hollow laugh. 龙辰干笑一声。 Sees him not to be afraid, Ye Yushi sneers saying: Immediately you know anything was called pitifully, ten days, ahem, you can insist that was not frightened the words that feared, when you came out, I called your grandfather!” 见他还不害怕,叶玉诗冷笑道:“马上你就知道什么叫做悲惨了,十天,哼哼,你能坚持下来,不被吓怕的话,等你出来,我叫你爷爷!” Long Chen cannot help laughing, said: This is you said that, listened clearly, ten days later if I came out safely, leaf Commander may probably shout my grandfather.” 龙辰哑然失笑,道:“这可是你说的啊,诸位,听清楚了没有,十天后我要是安然出来,叶都尉可就要喊我爷爷了。” The people heard certainly this saying, heard him to be crazed a moment ago to the Ye Yushi tiáo play, so lost heart does not change, was makes the people loathe, they were also sneering, Long Chen will know immediately painfully. 众人当然听到了这话,也听到了他刚才丧心病狂对叶玉诗的tiáo戏,如此死心不改,更是让众人厌恶,他们也在冷笑,马上龙辰就会知道痛苦了。 In an instant, Long Chen stood by that blood cell. 转眼之间,龙辰站在了那血球旁边。 Ye Yushi him according to here. 叶玉诗将他按在这里。 Long Chen fills looks at present this colossus that shocks, this blood cell approaches looks, is more like a meatball, is very disgusting, above each eye is the entrance of prison, is very scary, ancient and terrifying Aura heads on, making the person have an impulsion of retching. 龙辰充满震撼的看着眼前这庞然大物,这血球靠近一看,更像是一个肉球,十分恶心,其上每个眼睛都是牢狱的入口,十分吓人,一股古老而恐怖的气息扑面而来,让人有一种干呕的冲动。 Ye Yushi puts out one to cover entirely the ancient trace rapidly the scarlet quartz, grasps in the hand, mumbled, under her operation, an eye starts to melt at present, reveals Heaven Blood Hell the gate of prison, Long Chen one looked toward inside that inside has filled the scarlet mist, ozone headed on, contaminates to be hard to eliminate unexpectedly. Although is only the glance, but inside fills the red green disgusting liquid, is similar to the sanie of insect class within the body, is very disgusting, could not bear twitch including that Ye Yushi face shape, to be honest was she, does not dare to treat here, even if were the quarter! 叶玉诗迅速拿出一个布满古老纹路的血色水晶,握在手中,念念有词,在她的操纵下,眼前一颗眼睛开始消融,露出天血地狱的其中一个牢狱之门,龙辰往里面一看,里面充满了血色的雾气,一股臭气扑面而来,沾染到身上竟然难以消除。虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,但里面充满红绿色的恶心液体,如同虫类体内的脓液,让人无比恶心,连那叶玉诗的脸盘都忍不住抽动了一下,说实话就算是她自己,也不敢在这里待上哪怕是一刻钟! She lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at Long Chen, grips the Long Chen arm, happily said with a smile: Your end to!” 她冷冷看着龙辰,握住龙辰手臂,得意笑道:“你的末日到了!” Saying, she must under this is in the glare of the public eye, throws toward that Heaven Blood Hell in Long Chen. 说着,她就要在这众目睽睽之下,将龙辰朝着那天血地狱内部扔去。 At this time, Long Chen suddenly used Time Travel Dragon, the whole person disappeared in Ye Yushi at present, his movement was very quick, appeared once again still in Ye Yushi side, but he had gripped the Ye Yushi scarlet to fight armor at this time, tore suddenly, that war armor crash-bang was torn into shreds, what simultaneously follows was the pitiful yell of Ye Yushi. 就在这时候,龙辰骤然间使用时间游龙,整个人消失在叶玉诗的眼前,他的动作十分快,再度出现仍然在叶玉诗的旁边,只是这时候他已经握住了叶玉诗的血色战甲,猛然撕扯,那战甲哗啦一声被撕碎,同时伴随着的是叶玉诗的惨叫。 The people have been scared simply, looks at distant place that white and shiny tender body...... 众人简直吓呆了,看着远处那白花花的娇躯…… Mammoth, pure white as snow, beyond comparison, gently tremor. 波澜壮阔,洁白似雪,无以伦比,轻轻颤动。 When the people were scared including Ye Yushi, a Long Chen pair of hand has gripped the fullness of that tremor, makes an effort to rub to pinch several, the touch is subtle, today is falsely accused, was mad under this rubs to pinch, gave to make up completely. 在众人包括叶玉诗自己都被吓傻了的时候,龙辰一双手已经握住了那颤动的饱满,用力揉捏几下,触感微妙,今天被诬陷一顿,受得气在这揉捏之下,完全给补回来了。 All people look at this soul-stirring one, in the brain a blank, this absolutely is the scene that they are unable to imagine. 所有人都看着这惊心动魄的一幕,脑子里一片空白,这绝对是他们无法想象的场面。 Even Ye Yushi were scared, unexpected that obviously this presents. 甚至叶玉诗自己都被吓坏了,可见这一幕出现的出乎预料。 After Long Chen gets rid to be successful, takes the bull by the horns, a foot kicks Ye Yushi, simultaneously then the strength of recoil, goes toward that Heaven Blood Hell prison, hears his big laughter along the road, his bright sound track: Told you, my Long Chen in vain will not suffer a loss, you falsely accused me to blaspheme them, I asked for from you, has saying that the taste was good!” 龙辰出手成功之后,当机立断,一脚将叶玉诗踢飞出去,同时接着反冲的力量,朝着那天血地狱的牢狱而去,沿路传来他的大笑声,他朗声道:“告诉你,我龙辰可不会白白吃亏,你诬陷我亵渎她们,我就从你身上讨回来,不得不说,滋味不错!” „!” “啊!” Ye Yushi went crazy. 叶玉诗发疯了。 But at this time, Long Chen entered in the middle of that prison, the surroundings flesh and blood wriggles, has produced the new eye fast, was stranded Long Chen in that completely, Heaven Blood Hell restored original installation, but Ye Yushi dull float outside. 而这时候,龙辰已经进入了那牢狱当中,周围血肉蠕动,快速生成了新的眼睛,将龙辰完全困在了那里面,天血地狱恢复了原装,而叶玉诗呆呆的悬浮在外面。 Poem younger sister!” “诗妹!” The Feng Zhu complexion is pale, the whole person several wants to explode, he is Ye Yushi brings the clothing hastily, binds on her body, an eye almost must explode, must know the place that Long Chen moved a moment ago, has not bumped including him, in oneself heart the restricted area unexpectedly by this boy encroaching upon, suddenly Feng Zhu felt that the day spin installs, let alone Ye Yushi...... 风烛脸色铁青,整个人几欲爆炸,他连忙为叶玉诗带来衣物,裹在她的身上,一双眼睛几乎要爆炸了,要知道龙辰刚才碰触的地方,连他都没有碰过啊,自己心中禁地竟然被这小子给侵犯了,一时间风烛自己都感觉到天旋地装,更加别说叶玉诗了…… As for other people, has a parched mouth, in the middle of brain was reverberating, had been scared. They pledged, if Long Chen at this moment not to Heaven Blood Hell, no matter he went to any place, Ye Yushi and Feng Zhu estimate will clutch him, then kills. 至于其他人,口干舌燥,脑子当中不停的回荡着刚才的一幕,已经被吓傻了。他们发誓,如果龙辰此刻不是到了天血地狱,不管他去了任何一个地方,叶玉诗风烛估计都会把他揪出来,然后杀死。 Poem younger sister, I goes to make him, making you teach!” “诗妹,我去把他弄出来,让你教训!” The Feng Zhu air/Qi results in the whole body to shiver, goes toward eye that’ Long Chen is. 风烛气得浑身颤抖,朝着龙辰所在的‘眼睛’而去。 You get lost to me!” “你给我滚!” Ye Yushi is mad shivers, naturally she was not small Young Lady, this matter can also withstand, but the impact too frightened her greatly all of a sudden ignorant, at this time gradually sobered. 叶玉诗气得颤抖,当然她也不是小姑娘了,这种事情还能承受住,只是冲击太大一下子把她吓懵了而已,此时逐渐清醒了过来。 Long Chen entered Heaven Blood Hell, this is the biggest pain, now during he definitely is suffered, saves him compared with oneself, that type suffers is more fearful. 龙辰已经进了天血地狱,这就是最大的痛苦,如今他肯定处在被折磨当中,比起自己把他救出来,那种折磨更加可怕。 She wore the clothing, let somebody cool off or calm down said to the people: If I hear anybody to mention today's matter, even if the word, I will kill him at the scene! Remembers not have!” 她穿好了衣物,冷冷对众人道:“若是我听到任何人说起今天的事情,哪怕是只言片语,我都会当场杀死他!记住没有!”
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