DBWG :: Volume #21

#2107: False charge

Long Chen shocked. 龙辰震惊了。 First meeting, they must unexpectedly with themselves...... 第一次相见,她们竟然要跟自己…… This matter cannot comply absolutely, let alone Li Xuanji also in the middle of god country. Cannot fall to the enemy at this time absolutely, therefore his complexion changes, moves hastily, the whole person has been far away from them. 这种事情是绝对不能答应的啊,更何况李璇玑还在神国当中呢。绝对不能在这个时候沦陷,于是他脸色一变,连忙一动,整个人已经远离了她们。 Two should Elder Sister joke with me?” “两位姐姐应该是跟我开玩笑吧?” Long Chen said vigilantly. 龙辰警惕说道。 Who and you cracks a joke, the fellow of puzzled character and style, wants us to play rough , are you willing to obey?” “谁和你开玩笑呢,不解风情的家伙,真要我们动粗,你才肯就范呢?” Their sisters almost also said that at this time they got rid unexpectedly, comes toward the Long Chen entanglement directly, these two strengths basically are four look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage, at is not the Long Chen match. 她们姐妹几乎是同时说道,这时候她们竟然出手,直接朝着龙辰纠缠而来,这两位的实力基本上都是四象轮回劫境后期,根本不是龙辰对手。 Makes Long Chen think what difficult office is, they were too hot, in getting rid, the body compact leather clothing disintegration, the remaining pink xiè clothes binds that full twin peaks unexpectedly again and again unexpectedly, the powdery white flesh and perfectly round thigh get a panoramic view, every action and every movement are coquettish, fill endless tempt huo, so covers up, even compares removes completely all, but also is appealing. 只是让龙辰觉得难办的是,她们实在太火辣了,竟然在出手的时候,身上紧致的皮衣连连崩碎,竟然剩下粉色xiè衣裹住那饱满双峰,粉白的肌肤和浑圆的大腿尽收眼底,一举一动搔首弄姿,充满无尽诱huo,如此遮遮掩掩,甚至比起尽数脱光,还要吸引人。 Little brother, you if today has not given to force-feed two Elder Sister, do not want to run.” “小弟弟,你今天要是没把两位姐姐给喂饱,就别想跑了。” Relax, we will be very gentle.” “放心,我们会很温柔的。” They surround side Long Chen, sweet and delicate voice smiles, the surroundings full are the buttocks wave young wave, fills to shock...... 她们环绕在龙辰身边,娇声笑着,周围满是臀波乳浪,充满震撼…… Long Chen actually felt that is not right, these two are extremely really warm, therefore was a little false, although their stature is extremely good, but likely is not the so dissolute person, before all feared that installs. 龙辰却感觉到不对,这两位实在太过热情,所以有点假了,她们身材虽然极好,但不像是如此浪荡之人,之前一切怕都是装出来的。 I have the matter, did not accompany two.” “我还有事,就不奉陪两位了。” Long Chen no longer said that seizes the step to go toward the entrance directly. 龙辰不再多说,直接夺步朝着门口而去。 Their complexion changes, they reprimanded one tenderly, raised the white and shiny arm, got rid unexpectedly truly, killed toward Long Chen, the cloven hoof has revealed truly, this got rid not to be forgiving. 她们脸色一变,两人娇斥一声,举起白花花的手臂,竟然真正出手,朝着龙辰杀来,狐狸尾巴真正显露了出来,这一出手也没有留情。 Long Chen look one cold. 龙辰眼神一冷。 Can fight? I may not be impolite!” “要打架么?那我可就不客气了!” Fights in this narrow environment, four looked like above Reincarnation Calamity Realm to be quite tyrannical, under fought, the surrounding construction collapsed in abundance, sends out the huge sound, Long Chen strength at this moment can definitely the crush they, therefore short flash, these two by overthrowing of Long Chen on the ground. 在这狭窄的环境当中战斗起来,四象轮回劫境以上已经相当强横了,一战之下,周围的建筑纷纷倒塌,发出巨大的动静,龙辰此刻的的实力完全可以碾压她们,所以短短一瞬间,这两人就被龙辰的打倒在地上。 Long Chen has not injured them actually. 龙辰倒是没打伤她们。 He is only very strange, what are these two goals? 他只是很奇怪,这两人的目的到底是什么? Quick he understood. 很快他就明白了。 During this fights, these two females very desirably periphery destroys, here war a piece in confusion, makes the huge sound, when here collapses completely, Long Chen has overthrown them the time, surroundings over a thousand Dragon Warrior surround unexpectedly! 在这场打斗当中,这两位女子非常刻意的去破坏周围,将这里战得一片狼藉,闹出巨大的声响,当这里完全倒塌,龙辰打倒了她们的时候,周围竟然有上千的龙武者围观而来! Suddenly, more and more Divine Dragon clash toward here. 一时间,越来越多的神龙朝着这边冲来。 The scene that they see is, below piece in confusion, Long Chen is standing, but that two female clothing are really from top to bottom few, reveal the big piece snow white, they were trigged, the body blue and purple, the chun light releases for the first time, they are piteous, with being full of the tears vision looks at the people...... 他们看到的场面是,下方一片狼藉,龙辰站着,而那两位女子浑身上下衣物甚少,露出大片雪白,两人已经被制住,身上青紫,chun光乍泄,两人可怜兮兮,用饱含眼泪的目光看着众人…… Saves us quickly, this fellow wants to encroach upon us unexpectedly!” “快救救我们,这家伙竟然想侵犯我们!” Who saves our sisters.” “谁来救救我们姐妹啊。” They were very unexpectedly flurried, push, was far away from Long Chen with tears, their performing skills made Long Chen ignorant instantaneously, was this their true goals? Aren't they do not know their real status? Why wants pit? 两人竟然十分慌乱,挤到了一起,含着眼泪远离龙辰,她们那演技瞬间让龙辰懵了,这才是她们真正的目的?她们不是根本就不认识自己的真实身份吗?为什么要坑自己? Really is too does not make sense!” “真是太不像话了!” Immediately has Expert to go forward, supports by the arm their pair of sisters, wears the clothing for them again, two female beautiful face changing colors, the whole face is startled, chest fluctuating said: Must take responsibility for us, our good intention leads him to know everybody, he actually depends himself to have a background, encroaches upon us! Everybody rushes fortunately promptly......” 马上就有强者上前,将她们一对姐妹搀扶起来,再为她们穿上衣物,两女花容失色,满脸惊慌,胸口起伏道:“诸位一定要为我们做主啊,我们好心带他认识大家,他却仗着自己有所背景,侵犯我们!还好大家及时赶到……” Was saying was saying, their tears clip clop fall, the people looked have loved dearly , the evidence was solid, everybody almost angrily looks at Long Chen by expression, everyone looked, no matter these depended the background and backstage other others' person, according to the introduction of Meng Qingqiu, they already knows that Long Chen likely had very big background! 说着说着,两人的眼泪啪哒哒的落下来,众人看了十分心疼,证据确凿,大家几乎都以愤然的表情看着龙辰,谁都看不管那些仗着背景和后台其他别人的人,根据孟清秋的介绍,他们早就知道龙辰很可能是有很大背景的! The people are cold the face, encircles toward Long Chen. 众人冷着脸,朝着龙辰围来。 Must punish him, otherwise he must do all kinds of evil things here, he thinks that Dragon Tomb Army is also the place that he can act unreasonably!” “一定要惩罚他,不然他就要在我们这里为非作歹了,他以为龙墓军也是他能乱来的地方!” What does, Dragon Tomb Army has the Dragon Tomb Army military discipline, he unexpectedly is here one, must observe here custom.” “做的是,龙墓军龙墓军的军规,他竟然是这里其中一员,就要遵守这里的规矩。” The people complexion scolds to say red. 众人脸色通红呵斥道。 On them shows the intense murderous intention, compares Long Chen, they definitely believe words that pair of sisters spoke, after all they are the people on one's own side. 他们身上展现出强烈杀机,相比较龙辰,他们肯定是更加相信那一对姐妹说的话,毕竟她们才是自己人。 Long Chen smiles bitterly. 龙辰不禁苦笑。 Has not thought that arrives at this Heaven Blood Hell, meets so preliminary false charge unexpectedly, what is more laughable was incurs unexpectedly. 没想到来到这天血地狱,竟然还遇到如此低级的诬陷,更可笑的还是自己竟然中招了。 What he is quite curious, since here person does not know that own status, why must drag in lots of people, falsely accuses itself with this method? Is looks for the pleasure to be inadequate? 他比较好奇的是,既然这里的人都不知道自己的身份,为何还要兴师动众,用这手段来诬陷自己呢?难道是找乐子不成? If falsely accuses, then secret person, should to enter the stage. 如果是诬陷的话,那么幕后的人,也应该要出场了。 Is threatening in the people, decided gets rid to punish Long Chen by whom the time, suddenly some people clash the crowd, cold sound ask: Gathers does here?” 正在众人气势汹汹,决定由谁出手惩罚龙辰的时候,忽然有人冲开人群,冷声问道:“都聚在这里干什么?” The people look like the person, salutes to say hastily: Subordinate see wind Commander, leaf Commander.” 众人一看来人,连忙行礼道:“属下参见风都尉,叶都尉。” The future is a skinny yellow clothes middle-aged person and a female, the female wears scarlet armed forces armor, very prestige Cultivator, the heroic spirit is threatening. 来者是一个干瘦的黄衣中年人和一位女子,女子身穿血色军甲,十分威,英气逼人。 Their imposing manner is great, is almost the same as Meng Qingqiu, surpasses the surrounding these people, according to people's name, Long Chen naturally knows again that these two are in the middle of this Heaven Blood Hell three big Commander another two. 两人气势宏大,和孟清秋相差无几,远超周围这些人,再根据众人的称呼,龙辰当然知道,这两位就是这天血地狱三大都尉当中的另外两位。 Feng Zhu and Ye Yushi. 风烛叶玉诗 They should be know own status, because of this, therefore falsely accuses itself, punishes itself? 他们应该是知道自己身份的,因为这,所以诬陷自己,惩罚自己呢? Really, at this time the two started to put on airs, inquired that the reason and process of matter, Feng Xue and Feng Yu they were very suffering from injustice, cry to Ye Yushi inquired that they nearly by the process that Long Chen held, the expression was vivid, really says with, after saying, the Dragon Tomb Army people were angry! 果然,这时候那两人开始装模作样,询问事情的缘由和经过,枫雪枫雨两人十分委屈,哭哭啼啼向叶玉诗询问她们险些被龙辰占有的经过,语气生动,说得跟真的似的,说完之后,龙墓军众人更是愤怒! Playboys! Really damn!” “纨绔子弟!真是该死!” After listening, is the woman, Ye Yushi naturally must first act crazy, her both eyes ice-cold looks at Long Chen, scolds to say by the ice-cold biting cold sound: „Are you called Long Chen? What is Meng Commander brings right? Hears you in Slaughtering Dragon City, certain background?” 听完之后,身为女人,叶玉诗当然要首先发飙,她双眼冰冷的看着龙辰,以冰冷彻骨的声音呵斥道:“你叫做龙辰是吧?是孟都尉带过来的是吗?听说你在杀戮龙城,还有一定的背景是么?” Long Chen cannot help laughing, in the face of battle formation, he is so unhurriedly, said: Leaf Commander, designs this good play, what is the ultimate goal? You spoke frankly, my this person did not like turning round greatly.” 龙辰不禁哑然失笑,在如此阵势面前,他不慌不忙,道:“叶都尉,设计这出好戏,最终的目的是什么?你就直说吧,我这人不大喜欢拐弯。” The people hear bewilderedly. 众人听得莫名其妙。 Ye Yushi is angry, points at Long Chen saying: My Ye Yushi always most dislikes your this person! The ability that depends the person of father's generation runs amuck, item does not have the law of the land, you rampantly were possibly used to it, did not pay attention to anybody, but I must tell you, here was Dragon Tomb Army, was not your family, here had the discipline, your counter chaotic discipline, encroached upon other people, if the circumstance were more serious, should sentence to beheading, but read in you are in the share of first offense, I can forgive your life, but the capital crime may exempt, the suffering was difficult to run away!” 叶玉诗大怒,指着龙辰道:“我叶玉诗平生最讨厌你这种人!仗着父辈的能耐胡作非为,目无王法,你可能嚣张习惯了,不把任何人放在眼里,但我要告诉你,这里是龙墓军,不是你家,这里是有军纪的,你逆乱军纪,侵犯他人,若是情节严重一些,理应处斩,但念在你是初犯的份上,我可以饶你一命,但是死罪可免,活罪难逃!” The speech of Ye Yushi, has immediately caused cheering of people, they to spurn the vision to look at Long Chen extremely, wished one could living to rip Long Chen this playboys, Ye Yushi despised the powerful official, did not fear that offended Expert to punish the Long Chen behavior, immediately has aroused their intense resonance. 叶玉诗的发言,顿时引起了众人的欢呼,他们以极度唾弃了目光看着龙辰,恨不得把龙辰这纨绔子弟给生撕了,叶玉诗藐视权贵,不怕得罪强者惩罚龙辰的行为,顿时引起了他们强烈的共鸣。 The opposite party that incomparably intense performance, makes Long Chen shock simply, he does not know whether need to shout loudly one my father is such and such, you cannot move me to coordinate the opposite party absolutely. This obvious false charge is very in fact shoddy, under Ye Yushi and Feng Zhu the powerful of they very authoritarian status oppresses, false must turn, Long Chen has the single opinion, said that are many in people opinion quibbles. 对方那无比紧张的表演,简直让龙辰震惊不已,他都不知道是否自己需要高喊一声‘我爹是某某,你绝对动不了我’来配合一下对方了。这种显而易见的诬陷实际上十分拙劣,但是在叶玉诗风烛他们非常具有权威的身份的强势压迫之下,假的也要变成真的,龙辰只有一家之言,说再多在众人看来都是狡辩。 Observes the situation for one week, the surroundings are the angry look, filled has shut out and despised. In their eyes Long Chen is a thing of relying on the power of the master. 环视一周,周围都是愤怒的眼神,充满了嫌弃和鄙视。在他们眼中龙辰就是一个狗仗人势的东西。 This falsely accused feeling...... 这种被诬陷的感觉…… Long Chen does not have actually too greatly so-called, the Lord appeared, what then their goals are? These two definitely are know that their status, looks at that Ye Yushi enraging at this moment, it is estimated that is wants one to teach to oneself justifiablily, he very clear because of the relations of Long Qinglan status, in the middle of Five Great Dragon City wants to teach his person sincerity to be many. 龙辰其实没太大所谓,正主出现了,那么他们的目的是什么?这两人肯定是知道自己的身份的,看那叶玉诗此刻的激怒,估计是想要名正言顺给自己一顿教训吧,他很清楚因为龙青澜身份的关系,五大龙城当中想要教训一下自己的人真心不少。 They to Long Qinglan that ingrained hatred, are not can eradicate immediately, under this situation, knows the person who own status, very difficult not to be holding the hostility to oneself, before arriving at Dragon God Domain he wants to understand. 他们对龙青澜那种根深蒂固的仇恨,不是自己能够马上根除的,在这种情况之下,知道自己身份的人,很难不对自己抱着敌意,在到来龙神域之前他就想明白了。 Therefore, he is resists, his goal, is makes these want to suffer own person, feels the respect to oneself completely, even is frightened! 所以,他是来抗争,他的目的,就是让这些想要折磨自己的人,全部对自己感到尊敬,甚至是恐惧! At this time, that another Commander said: Long Chen is newly-arrived, the item does not have the law of the land, makes so the huge mistake, must process with the discipline seriously, can indicate that our manner, simultaneously make him thoroughly rectify misdeeds, the ordinary penalty is unable to make him be convinced, I proposed that shuts in the Heaven Blood Hell ten days of time him. How leaf Commander thinks, how thinks?” 就在这时候,那另外一位都尉道:“龙辰初来乍到,就目无王法,犯下如此大错,必须要用军纪严重处理,才能表明我们的态度,同时让他痛改前非,普通的惩罚无法让他服气,我提议把他关进天血地狱十天时间。叶都尉觉得如何,诸位觉得如何?” Heaven Blood Hell! 天血地狱 The people have been startled first, swallowed saliva, they have not thought that really these two Commander to the Long Chen so serious punishment, will think in the middle of that Heaven Blood Hell the prisoner pain appearance, they have an absolutely terrified feeling. 众人先是怔了一下,吞了一口唾沫,他们还真没想到这两位都尉会给龙辰如此惨重的责罚,一想到那天血地狱当中囚犯痛苦的样子,他们就有一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 Ye Yushi sneers saying: Ten days good? Can ten days make him repent? After letting him, clever? I look to take 20 days!” 叶玉诗冷笑道:“十天怎么行?十天怎么能让他悔改?让他以后乖巧?我看需要20天!” The people steel one's heart, thought that Ye Yushi said well, it is estimated that does not cancel Long Chen this rampant arrogance, he definitely will not be convinced, other penalties are invalid, the only means that are make him enter Heaven Blood Hell! 众人把心一横,觉得叶玉诗说得不错,估计不把龙辰这嚣张的气焰打消,他心里肯定不会服气,其他的惩罚根本无效,唯一的办法,就是让他进天血地狱 In that case, can make him repent truly! 那样的话,才能让他真正悔改! People crazy, although penalty stresses, but can attack the arrogance of this playboys, their innermost feelings very support, what is most important, if above blames, cannot punish in their top of the head in any case. 众人疯狂了起来,虽然惩罚偏重,但能打击一下这种纨绔子弟的气焰,他们内心还是十分支持的,最重要的是,如果上头怪罪下来,反正也责罚不到他们头顶上。 The final decision is, closes for ten days in Heaven Blood Hell Long Chen. 最终的决定是,将龙辰天血地狱关上十天。 Ten days......” “十天啊……” The people cannot help but have a parched mouth, the look that to pity looks at Long Chen, ten days, were really too miserable. 众人不由得口干舌燥,以怜悯的眼神看着龙辰,十天,实在是太惨了。 Must know, Heaven Blood Hell of prisoner area, with confinement area simply is two matters, prisoner area Heaven Blood Hell closes for day, the painful degree has striven to excel confinement area for one year. 要知道,囚犯区的天血地狱,和禁闭区的简直就是两回事,囚犯区天血地狱关上一天,痛苦程度都要强过禁闭区一年。 Long Chen is equal in the confinement ten years...... 龙辰相当于禁闭十年……
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