DBWG :: Volume #21

#2106: Beautiful woman attack

A dragon grave general, controls Heaven Blood Hell, its under is equipped with three big Commander. 一个龙墓将军,掌控一个天血地狱,其下设有三大都尉 The Commander strength, basically is Six Dao Reincarnation Late Stage, just can suppress Long Chen. This is also Third Dragon Emperor places here reason Long Chen. Certainly must carry on certain limit to Long Chen. 都尉的实力,基本上是六道轮回后期,刚好可以压制龙辰。这也是三位龙帝龙辰放在这里的原因。肯定是要对龙辰进行一定的限制的。 Three big Commander, besides Meng Qingqiu. Feng Zhu and Ye Yushi. 三大都尉,除了孟清秋之外。还有风烛叶玉诗 Feng Zhu is Meng Qingqiu that wears the skinny man of earth Yellow long gown at present, both eyes is shining the candlelight absent-minded, but before Ye Yushi is, female who spoke, the age looked like Meng Qingqiu and Feng Zhu must be slightly smaller. 风烛孟清秋眼前那位身穿土黄色长袍的干瘦男子,双眼恍惚亮着烛火,而叶玉诗则是之前说话的女子,年纪看起来比孟清秋风烛要稍微小一些。 Facing sealing up with the question of Ye Yushi, Meng Qingqiu said with a smile: Why can't I certainly flatter him?” 面对封住和叶玉诗的质疑,孟清秋笑道:“为什么我就一定不能讨好他呢?” Ye Yushi gets angry: „It is not good! It is not absolutely good! You did not know this fellow now already rampantly to any degree. Defeats Jiang Ming in our Slaughtering Dragon City, has defeated Six Dao Reincarnation Cultivator outside, his present crest of wave nobody can compare, what can we initially get so far as the goal that Slaughtering Dragon City comes him are? Right, imprisons him, must suppress him! Since imprisons him, how can, when he crosses such refreshedly, but also comes here relieved Cultivate really?” 叶玉诗微怒道:“不行!绝对不行!你不知道这家伙现在已经嚣张到了什么程度。在我们杀戮龙城打败姜明,在外面又打败了六道轮回者,他现在的风头无人能比,但我们当初要把他弄到杀戮龙城来的目的是什么?没错,是囚禁他,是要压制他!既然是囚禁他,怎么能当他过得这么爽快,还真来这里安心修炼?” Feng Zhu also said: Poem younger sister said right, Long Qinglan makes the dreadful huge mistake in our Human Clan, his son looks is not the good thing, more possible is the Long Qinglan plot, if today does not suppress him, in the future will inevitably create the disaster to my Human Clan, the waste of that 72 god old cities cannot suppress him, to my Slaughtering Dragon City, how can make him get off scot-free?” 风烛也道:“诗妹说得对,龙青澜在我们人族犯下滔天大错,他儿子一看就不是什么好东西,更可能是龙青澜的阴谋,今天若是不压制他,将来势必会对我人族造成大难,那72神裔古城的废物们压制不了他,到了我杀戮龙城,怎么能够让他逍遥法外?” Meng Qingqiu throughout is the contented expression, he hey said with a smile: Two, you like being how what kind, I also follow orders to handle affairs, above wants me to be short to him takes away troublesome, can above I also contradict inadequate?” 孟清秋始终是怡然自得的表情,他嘿嘿笑道:“两位,你们爱怎样就怎样吧,我也只是奉命行事,上头可是要我少给他带去麻烦,我还能顶撞上面不成?” Hears this saying, Feng Zhu and Ye Yushi looks at each other in blank diamay. 听到这话,风烛叶玉诗面面相觑。 Ye Yushi said: This is impossible, will be you will be definitely wrong intent, little will look for trouble, and will have troublesome. I could not endure to make this fellow run amuck here in any case, how many people did Slaughtering Dragon City have to teach him? Now he fell in our hands, if we have not made anything, after exiting, had no way to see the person!” 叶玉诗道:“这不可能,肯定是你会错意了,少找麻烦,并不是没有麻烦。反正我是忍受不了让这家伙在我这里横行,杀戮龙城有多少人想教训他?现在他落到了我们手上,我们若是没做点什么,出去之后都没法见人!” Is casual you, Ha Ha!” “随便你们,哈哈!” Meng Qingqiu has hit, at the back of both hands, swaggering left. 孟清秋打了个哈哈,背着双手,大摇大摆的离开了。 Feng Zhu and Ye Yushi have looked at each other one, the complexion doubt. 风烛叶玉诗对视了一眼,脸色狐疑。 „Is this old fox up to mischief?” “这老狐狸到底在搞什么鬼?” Ye Yushi some saying of raising. 叶玉诗有些掀起的说道。 Poem younger sister, he is this appearance, making people very disgusting, many years had not reformed, were good, I have means that can give this boy demonstration of authority. I estimated that above gets so far as here him, imprisons him, suffers him, letting him for a lifetime to exit, Meng Qingqiu this idiot will not understand.” “诗妹,他就是这个样子,让人很恶心,多少年了也没改过,行了,我有一个办法,可以给这小子一个下马威。我估计上头把他弄到这里来,就是囚禁他,折磨他,让他一辈子都不能出去,孟清秋这蠢货是不会懂的。” Said quickly that what your means are?” “快说说,你的办法是什么呢?” Asking that Ye Yushi is interested in very much. 叶玉诗很感兴趣的问。 .............................. ………………………… Long Chen starts the life of relieved Cultivate. 龙辰开始安心修炼的生活。 Before then, he has contacted with Lingxi, told her present present situation. 在这之前,他和灵曦联系了一下,告诉了她自己如今的现状。 Lingxi is also trying hard, strives to fuse as soon as possible that Star Core, becomes Shining Star Star Lord. 灵曦也在努力,争取尽快将那星核融合完毕,成为璀璨星辰星主 Then did not have other matters. 然后就没其他事了。 He and Wang Liang exchange few, that old person saunters daily everywhere, the look is confused, is treasuring the final time. 他和王梁交流很少,那个老人天天到处转悠,眼神迷茫,在珍惜自己最后的时光。 In a while, Long Chen was covered with the blood cell of eye forgetting that. 过了一阵子,龙辰才把那长满眼睛的血球给忘记了。 The feeling of ground that fluctuation also vanished. 地面那种浮动的感觉也消失了。 He starts relieved Cultivate, sets out in the directions of two meter tribulations, although just arrived at Late Stage, but forecast that experiences two meter tribulations truly, will not be long, now his Cultivate, the speed of growth has not gone far beyond other people. 他开始安心修炼,朝着两仪劫的方向进发,虽然刚刚到后期,但预测真正经历两仪劫,也不会太久,如今他就是不修炼,增长的速度也远远超过了其他人。 Two days later. 两天后。 Dragon...... Long Chen, some people look for you.” “龙……龙辰,有人找你。” The Wang Liang half step walked, said in the entrance. 王梁快步走了进来,在门口说道。 Long Chen has realized actually. 龙辰其实已经察觉到了。 Outside was really too noisy, in his Cultivate these days, outside Dragon Tomb Army at the merriment, they year to year stayed in this place frequently, was hard, therefore they have kill the time the means that more was several thousand people kids around by the blood cell, exudes the big laughter and big cry, the men quarrelled one group. 外面实在是太吵了,在他修炼的这段时间,外面的龙墓军们经常在笑闹,他们常年都呆在这个地方,难以出去,所以他们有着许多消磨时间的办法,更多是数千人在血球旁边嬉闹,发出大笑声、大叫声,男男女女吵成一团。 Naturally, Long Chen will not give this noisy influence. 当然,龙辰不会给这种吵闹影响。 In Heaven Blood Hell this. 天血地狱里面都这样。 Who can look for itself? 只是谁会来找自己? His status has not exposed. 他的身份还没暴露出去呢。 Stands up, Long Chen expressed gratitude with Wang Liang, then walked, to entrance time, the two people walked sweet toward oneself, Long Chen carefully looked, this was two simple and beautiful refined females, has the devil stature, wore the black tight-fitting leather clothing, outlined the perfect curve, very sexy attractive, these two appearance or the disposition and expression were exactly the same, it seems like it was the twin. 站起身,龙辰王梁道谢,然后走了出去,到了门口的时候,正有两个人朝着自己嫣然走来,龙辰仔细看去,这是两个清丽脱俗的女子,有着魔鬼身材,穿着黑色紧身的皮衣,勾勒出了完美的曲线,十分性感诱人,这两人无论是长相还是性格、表情都一模一样,看来是双胞胎。 Their both eyes wink, is sizing up Long Chen, they are very hot, just walked up, one on the left and other on the right pulled the arm of Long Chen, will be full and flexible high peak voltage on the Long Chen arm, by valuables, but the charming sound, one on the left and other on the right said to Long Chen: „Are you called Long Chen? Heard that is newly arrived. I am Feng Xue, you called me Elder Sister Xue on the line.” 两人双眼眨动,打量着龙辰,她们很是火辣,刚走上前来,就一左一右挽住了龙辰的手臂,将饱满而弹性十足的高峰压在龙辰手臂上,以细软而妩媚的声音,一左一右对龙辰道:“你叫做龙辰是么?听说是新来的。我是枫雪,你叫我雪姐姐就行了。” Another said with a smile tenderly: I called Feng Yu, you called me Elder Sister Yu on the line. Brother Long Chen, you just arrived at Heaven Blood Hell, how can stuffy here Cultivate? Let two Elder Sister lead you to go out to play? Here may be bored, you must hand over after checking item by item some friends to be good quickly.” 另外一位娇笑道:“我叫枫雨,你叫我雨姐姐就行了。龙辰弟弟,你刚来到天血地狱,怎么能闷在这里修炼呢?让两位姐姐带你出去玩吧?这里可无聊得很,你得快点交一些朋友才行哦。” They are very sexy sweet greasy people, aspirates such as blue, voice of speech numb, is similar to the hot body that the water snake same sways from side to side is to fill endless tempts huo, facing their enthusiasms, Long Chen is in itself hard to withstand, in addition also has Li Xuanji to stare, he tries to compare the politeness pulls out the arm hastily from two Elder Sister bosoms, but the opposite party hugs probably very tightly! 两人都是十分性感甜腻之人,吐气如兰,说话的声音让人酥麻,如同水蛇一样扭动的火辣身躯更是充满无尽诱huo,面对她们的热情,龙辰本身就难以承受,再加上还有李璇玑盯着呢,他连忙试图比较礼貌的从两位姐姐怀中将手臂抽出来,不过对方好像抱得非常紧啊! „!” “啪!” That Feng Xue has patted gently his buttocks, said with a smile tenderly: Little brother, you have not been shy with our sisters, walks, Elder Sister lead you to go out to play, starting today, you definitely meet do not want to come back, will be definitely too happy to think of home and duty.” 枫雪轻轻拍了一下他的臀部,娇笑道:“小弟弟,你就别跟我们姐妹害羞了,走吧,姐姐们带你出去玩,从今天开始,你肯定会不想回来,肯定会乐不思蜀的。” Yes, relax, is plays, we will not eat you, you cannot go too far, said that we are also the girls, comes to ask you to play personally, if you do not comply, does not give us the face, we may probably scold before others your.” “是啊,放心吧,就是玩玩而已,我们可不会吃了你,你可不能太过分哦,怎么说我们也是女孩子,亲自过来找你玩,你要是不答应,就是不给我们面子,我们可要在别人面前数落你的哦。” They smiles sweet, while in hand makes an effort, is almost clamping Long Chen, has pushed Long Chen actually. Long Chen is helpless, can only make an effort to work loose. 她们一边嫣然笑着,一边手上用力,差不多是将龙辰夹着,将龙辰硬是挤了出去。龙辰无奈,只能用力挣脱了出来。 Two females not slightly disgruntled, instead said with a smile: Has a look, you have been shy unexpectedly, said that we will not eat you.” 两女没有丝毫不悦,反而笑道:“看看,你竟然害羞了,都说我们是不会吃了你的啦。” You came with us, you were newly-arrived, making us entertain you first, then you introduced that knew to everybody, always pass/test Cultivate not to be good, you will not have the friend.” “你就跟着我们来好了,你初来乍到,让我们先招待一下你,然后再把你介绍给大家认识,老是关着修炼可不好,你会没有朋友的。” They lead the way with a smile. 她们笑着前行。 Long Chen does not want to exit, but under using both hard and soft tactics of these two, he does not have the means that the opposite party also wants to entertain itself, how long unable to delay, he then nodded saying: So, I apologized two Elder Sister.” 龙辰本来是不想出去的,但无奈在这两人的软磨硬泡之下,他没办法,对方也只是想要招待一下自己,也耽搁不了多长时间,他便点头道:“如此,我就谢过两位姐姐了。” Was good, should not be shy, the grown man wants to be bolder, comes with our sisters.” “行了,别害羞,大男人要大胆一些,跟我们姐妹来吧。” They are swaying from side to side the sexy body, one on the left and other on the right walks by Long Chen. 两人扭动着性感身躯,一左一右走在龙辰旁边。 „Did Long Chen that whoops, this just did not come, how arrive at the same place with your sisters?” “哎呦,这不是刚进来的龙辰嘛,怎么跟你们姐妹走到一起了?” Often had Divine Dragon to clash, was very surprised saying. 不时有神龙冲了上来,很是惊奇的说道。 Feng Xue ridicules saying: No? We and he know well, another day again introduced that knew to you, everybody plays together.” 枫雪笑骂道:“不行吗?我们和他好好认识一下,改日再介绍给你们认识,大家一起玩。” Ok.” “行。” On has many Divine Dragon to look along the road that here environment is truly relaxed, does not have any pressure, does not have the matter that any need handles, therefore most of the time, they are killing the time. 沿路上有不少的神龙看过来,这里的环境确实很轻松,没什么压力,也没什么需要做的事情,所以大多时候,他们都是在消磨时间的。 Has a fun time all the way, Long Chen also with their help, gradually integrated this place, after all nobody knows that his status, Meng Qingqiu has also confessed that therefore some people will not have the evil intention to him. 一路上笑笑闹闹,龙辰也在她们的帮助下,逐渐融入了这个地方,毕竟没人知道他的身份,孟清秋也交代过,所以不会有人对他有恶意。 Where is two this must lead me to go to?” “两位这是要带我去哪里呢?” Long Chen asked. 龙辰问道。 Naturally is in our family, has prepared to entertain your thing, that is superior antique Immortal Spirit, after the good wine of several hundred years of brewing, to the world of mortals mortal, a drop almost can bring back to life. What is main, Scent is quite good, guest who only then we most like, we with getting rid.” “当然是我们家里啦,已经准备好招待你的东西了,那是上等的太古仙灵,经过数百年时间酿造的美酒,对下界凡人来说,一滴几乎都能起死回生啊。最主要的是,味道相当不错,只有我们最喜欢的客人,我们才会拿出手的哦。” Feng Yu winks is tempting the eye of huo, said sweetly greasily. 枫雨眨着诱huo的眼睛,甜腻说道。 To.” “到了。” Instantaneous, Long Chen hauled in the middle of a palace, this estimate is the place that their sisters usually live. 瞬间,龙辰就被拉进了其中一座宫殿当中,这估计就是她们姐妹平时住的地方吧。 Sits down.” “坐下。” Long Chen by the holding down shoulder, sat in the seat. 龙辰被按住肩膀,坐在坐席上。 The surroundings are the fragrance, fills hot spicy tempting huo, does not have the Heaven Blood Hell scarlet, instead is full of the pink color of fluttering flags, making the person god be drunk. This place is called a red light district, actually also similar. 周围都是香气,充满热辣的诱huo,没有天血地狱的血色,反而是充满旖旎的粉色,让人神醉。这地方被称为温柔乡,其实也差不多。 Good thing to come.” “好东西来了。” They have been busy at work the period of time, has prepared one cup of pink liquids to Long Chen, the delicate fragrance is attractive, is attractive, the faint trace wine makes people unable to resist simply. 她们两人上上下下忙活了一阵子,给龙辰准备了一杯粉色的液体,十分清香诱人,充满吸引力,丝丝酒香简直让人无法抗拒。 You try.” “你试试。” Feng Xue is licking the lower lip lightly, pretty saying. 枫雪轻舔着下唇,娇滴滴的说道。 Long Chen cannot block their enthusiasms, received that pink liquid, is truly attractive, but in his heart vigilant, the opposite party is not very familiar, their things, not bump to well, his access road: Two Elder Sister, I do not drink, or everybody drinks together, if I, does not have the meaning.” 龙辰挡不住她们的热情,接过了那粉色的液体,确实很诱人,但他心中警觉了起来,对方也不是很熟悉,她们的东西,还是不要碰为好,他便道:“两位姐姐,我还是不喝了吧,要不大家一起喝,如果是我一个人的话,多没有意思啊。” Feng Xue they look at each other in blank diamay. 枫雪两人面面相觑。 They start to use both hard and soft tactics, even has mounted, with tempting the huo body, aggravates Long Chen. No matter what, Long Chen will not drink easily, the opposite party is the entanglement, he knows that thing more has the issue. 她们开始软磨硬泡,甚至黏了上来,用诱huo肢体,无意间惹火龙辰。但不管怎样,龙辰是不会轻易就喝下去的,对方越是纠缠,他就知道那东西越是有问题。 They got angry. 她们怒了。 You are really the blockhead of puzzled character and style, this is one joyful water, haven't you understood our sisters' meanings?” “你真是个不解风情的木头,这就是一杯怡情之水,你还不明白我们姐妹的意思么?” Feng Yu saying angrily. 枫雨气鼓鼓的说道。 What?” Long Chen stands up. “什么?”龙辰站起身来。 Their sisters have looked at each other one, is mutually charming smiles, gradually goes forward, one on the left and other on the right has fluttered the shoulder of Long Chen, the fresh-faced bilabial will approach the ear and area around it of Long Chen, pretty saying: Our meanings are, lets you and our sisters together, together altogether toward Wushan, heartily sexual intercourse......” 她们姐妹对视了一眼,相互妩媚一笑,缓步上前,一左一右勾住了龙辰的肩膀,将粉嫩的双唇靠近龙辰的耳光,娇滴滴的说道:“我们的意思是,让你和我们姐妹一起,一起共往巫山,尽情云雨啊……” ........................ …………………… The lunatics must hold an important event, sends out the prize. 疯子要举行一个重大活动,送出奖品。 The prize includes: Dragon Blood war-god entity book and 8 g superior plate, 100 Yuan and 500 Yuan rechargeable card, drinking glass and demon clan Bluetooth sound. 奖品有:龙血战神实体书、8g优盘、100元、500元充值卡,水杯、魅族蓝牙音响。 After 12 : 00 pm , is now, I( wind Qingyang) will issue a link in my micro letter public account number fengqingyang, so long as according to linking inside content prompt, shares this to link the friend circle, collects to praise of good friend, can obtain the above gift, will link inside writing to have the concrete operation prompt. Everybody only needs to pay attention to my micro letter first, when I will send the tomorrow's 12 firing in bursts links on the line. Entity book 50 books, other prize quantities are limited, first come , first served. Remembers fengqingyang or the search public number: Wind Qingyang. Hurries! 今天中午12点后,也就是现在,我会在我的微信公众帐号fengqingyang(风青阳)发布一个链接,只要按照链接里面的内容提示,分享此链接到朋友圈,收集好友的赞,就能得到以上礼物,链接里面的文字会有具体的操作提示。大家只需要先关注我的微信,等我发明天12点发链接就行了。实体书50本,其他奖品数量都有限,先到先得。记住fengqingyang或者搜索公众号:风青阳。赶紧上吧!
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