DBWG :: Volume #21

#2105: Wang Liang

Four look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm, is the Slaughtering Dragon City elite level. 四象轮回劫境,就已经是杀戮龙城的精英层次了。 So long as arrives at this boundary, can join blood Dragon Jun, Dragon Tomb Army. 只要到达这个境界,才能加入血龙军、龙墓军 But presents several thousand Divine Dragon, in four look like above Reincarnation Calamity Realm, even there is many Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert. Must place outside 72 god old cities, these tyrannical Dragon Warrior, inevitably are the men of the hour, strove to excel compared with that anything Bright God City Sheng Lun mostly, but in this Heaven Blood Hell, they were not still outstanding. 而在场数千头神龙,都在四象轮回劫境以上,甚至有诸多五行轮回劫境强者。要放在外面72神裔古城,这些强横的龙武者,必然是风云人物,比那什么光明神城圣伦要强大多了,但在这天血地狱,他们仍然不出众。 These several thousand Divine Dragon, simultaneously eye gaze on own body, truly some pressures. Naturally, Long Chen has been able to defeat Six Dao Reincarnation Divine Dragon now, has dominated above most of them. 只是这数千头神龙,同时将眼睛注视在自己的身上,确实有些压力。当然了,如今龙辰已经能打败六道轮回神龙,已经凌驾在他们当中大部分人之上。 These several thousand people, under commanding of three Commander, protection at present this blood cell. 这数千人,都在三位都尉的统领下,守护眼前这个血球。 As for the heads of three Commander, that dragon grave general, will basically not appear in the people field of vision. Perhaps they the true protection slaughters the person in dragon grave. 至于三位都尉的头,那一位龙墓将军,基本上不会出现在众人视野当中。或许他们才是真正守护杀戮龙墓的人。 Meng Qingqiu laughed frank, bringing Long Chen to go forward, mixes in the crowd. 孟清秋爽朗大笑,带着龙辰前进,混入到了人群当中。 That several thousand Divine Dragon change into the human form, encircles side Long Chen, is sizing up Long Chen. 那数千头神龙化为人形,围在龙辰身边,打量着龙辰 Pays a visit Meng Commander!” “拜见孟都尉!” People voice neat saying. 众人声音整齐的说道。 The Meng Qingqiu big hand raises, advances Long Chen at present, said loudly: This kid starting today, was Dragon Tomb Army one. Everybody takes care of mutually, whom wants to bully him, do not blame my Meng Qingqiu not being impolite.” 孟清秋大手一扬,将龙辰推到眼前,大声道:“这小家伙从今天开始,就是龙墓军的一员了。大家都互相照应一下,要有谁欺负他,别怪我孟清秋不客气啊。” The people understand clearly immediately, look at the Long Chen boundary, probably only then one Yuan tribulation, this radically is the young dragon of young dragon palace, but he appears unexpectedly here, can only explain that Long Chen definitely has the background, was sent Dragon Tomb Army here to pursue advanced studies, Dragon Tomb Army is idlest, therefore many Expert their descendant, or will be the favorite disciple will deliver to here. 众人顿时了然,看龙辰的境界,好像只有的一元劫,这根本就是幼龙宫的幼龙嘛,但是他竟然出现在这里,只能说明龙辰肯定是有来头的,被送来龙墓军这里深造的,龙墓军最为清闲,所以很多强者都会把自己的后代,或者是得意的弟子送到这里来。 Was good, Meng Commander, we well will certainly treasure his.” “行了,孟都尉,我们一定会好好爱惜他的。” Yes, has little brother to come rarely, how will we bully him?” “是啊,难得有小弟弟过来,我们怎么会欺负他呢?” The people have laughed. 众人哄笑了起来。 Shuts your dog mouths!” “闭上你们的狗嘴!” Meng Qingqiu scolded saying of clamor, then waved, said: Boils to go on patrol to me, goes to Cultivate, turns head I to inspect you, if who has not progressed, gave me to kneel for three days three nights on the ground to say again!” 孟清秋骂咧咧的说道,然后一挥手,道:“都给我滚开去巡逻,去修炼,回头我一个个检查你们,谁要是没进步,就给我在地上跪上三天三夜再说!” Hears this saying, the people keep silent, diverges hastily. 听到这话,众人噤若寒蝉,连忙散去。 It seems like here atmosphere is good, should nobody stir up trouble.” “看来这里气氛还挺好,应该没人惹事。” To Long Chen this is the good deed, he dislikes others to provoke itself. 龙辰来说这是好事,他讨厌别人招惹自己。 Was right, Meng Commander, what did this child call?” “对了,孟都尉,这孩子叫什么?” Side also several strong Cultivator remained. 旁边还有几位较强的者留了下来。 Meng Qingqiu touches the head, said with a smile: Probably is called Long Chen? Ha Ha!” 孟清秋摸摸脑袋,笑道:“好像是叫做龙辰吧?哈哈!” Here person, after seeing himself, has not recognized own identity unexpectedly. 这里的人,看见自己之后,竟然没有认出自己的身份。 Long Chen guessed from this that Dragon Tomb Army is very difficult to leave this Heaven Blood Hell, therefore is ill-informed, Long Chen and Jiang Ming to war, they have not looked at that fight, even has not seen own appearance, has only heard the fuzzy news, will not recognize itself. 龙辰由此猜测,龙墓军很难离开这天血地狱,所以消息闭塞,龙辰姜明对战的时候,他们没看过那场战斗,甚至没见过自己的样子,只听过模糊的消息,才会认不出自己。 This booing, has omitted troublesome. 这倒好,更是省去了麻烦。 Must to know that he is the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, the trouble are definitely many. 要让人知道他是永恒龙帝的儿子,肯定麻烦不少。 Long Chen?” Hears this name, nearby several people was crooked the head to think, said: Probably is that Eternal Dragon Emperor son of the same name. Should not be he? Is impossible, how he will come to here, moreover heard that he can defeat Jiang Ming, that can be Dragon Warrior of one Yuan tribulation.” 龙辰?”听到这名字,旁边十几个人的歪着脑袋想了一下,道:“好像是和那个永恒龙帝的儿子同名啊。该不会就是他吧?不可能,他怎么会来这里,而且听说他能打败姜明,那会是一元劫的龙武者。” They denied hastily. 他们连忙否定。 Said well, is only of the same name, was good, I look for a destination to him.” “说得不错,就只是同名而已,行了,我给他找个去处。” Meng Qingqiu takes the lead, Long Chen leaves them, other people diverged quickly, they naturally believe that Meng Qingqiu words, thinks is only of the same name, after all called the Long Chen person, actual were too many. 孟清秋带头,龙辰跟着离开他们,余下的人很快就散去了,他们自然相信孟清秋的话,以为只是同名,毕竟叫龙辰的人,实际在太多了。 „Is your autumn brother a good person? Ha Ha, as the matter stands you can omit much troublesome!” “你秋哥是个好人吧?哈哈,这样一来你能省去不少麻烦啊!” Meng Qingqiu hey said with a smile. 孟清秋嘿嘿笑道。 Many thanks autumn brother.” Long Chen is truly grateful he, as the matter stands, oneself stability. “多谢秋哥。”龙辰确实很感激他,这样一来,自己就安定多了。 If the status announced that it is estimated that daily some people challenged, that may not get peacefully. 如果身份公布出去,估计天天都有人来挑战,那可不得安宁啊。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! Suddenly, Long Chen thinks somewhat uncomfortably. 忽然间,龙辰觉得有些难受。 Turns head to look that huge blood cell is wriggling, above over ten thousand rotations of the eye, the inside as if wails send out from that. 回头一看,那庞大的血球蠕动着,其上上万的眼睛转动,里面似乎有一声声的哀鸣从那里面发出。 ...... 汩汩…… In the blood cell, has imprisoned 5000 prisoners. 血球里面,囚禁了5000的囚犯。 Do not go to tube there matter.” “别去管那里的事情。” Meng Qingqiu reminded one. 孟清秋提醒了一声。 Um.” “嗯。” Long Chen nods. 龙辰点头。 In this Heaven Blood Hell peripheral, has constructed many palaces, including many Cultivate rooms, this is Dragon Tomb Army is usually treating the place. 在这天血地狱周边,建造了许多的宫殿,其中有不少的修炼室,这就是龙墓军平时待着的地方。 I have the matter not frequently here, finds a person to keep company to you.” “我有事并不经常在这里,找个人给你做伴吧。” Quick, Meng Qingqiu in the middle of a Cultivate room stays. 很快,孟清秋就在其中一间修炼室当中停留下来。 He does not knock on a door, bringing Long Chen to go, said directly: Later you here lived, nothing do not leave Heaven Blood Hell, relieved Cultivate. Wang Liang, you come out to the father!” 他也不敲门,带着龙辰进去,直接说道:“以后你就在这里住了,没什么事情就不要离开天血地狱了,安心修炼吧。王梁,你给老子出来!” After saying, he goes toward the deep place of that Cultivate room. 说完之后,他朝着那修炼室的深处而去。 At this time, Cultivator hurriedly ran from inside, saw is Meng Qingqiu, immediately partly knelt on the ground, somewhat shivered saying: Wang Liang has seen Meng Commander!” 就在这时候,一个者急忙从里面跑出来,看到是孟清秋,顿时半跪在地上,有些颤抖道:“王梁见过孟都尉!” Long Chen looks down, this unexpectedly is an old man, the age seems like not small, but by the talent, in this Slaughtering Dragon City estimate in the floor, an age, looked like to refusing stubbornly far, had four to look like the Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period the boundary. Is very general. 龙辰低头看去,这竟然是一个老者,年纪看起来不小,但论天赋,在这杀戮龙城估计是在底层,一把年纪,看起来离死不远了,也就只有四象轮回劫境前期的境界。算是十分一般。 Stands before Meng Qingqiu this tall and strong robust man, this old man looks like very pitiful. 站在孟清秋这魁梧壮汉面前,这老者看起来十分可怜。 Get lost, this is Long Chen, joins to Dragon Tomb Army newly, later you are looking after him to me. Some Dragon Tomb Army daily customs, said with him while convenient.” “滚起来吧,这位是龙辰,新加入到龙墓军当中,以后你就给我照看着他。顺便把龙墓军一些日常的规矩,和他说一下。” Meng Qingqiu is bossy to say. 孟清秋颐指气使说道。 Wang Liang trembling gaining ground, looked at Long Chen, the opacitas vision somewhat shivers, he nods to say hastily: „Is, Meng Commander, I take certainly care of him.” 王梁颤巍巍的抬起头,看了一下龙辰,浑浊的目光有些颤抖,他连忙点头道:“是是,孟都尉,我一定照顾好他。” Goes your, is not the attendance, he has no need for you looking, you worked as an old servant on the line.” Meng Qingqiu trampled his foot. “去你的,不是照顾,他用不着你照顾,你就当个老仆人就行了。”孟清秋踹了他一脚。 Why does not know, Long Chen thought Meng Qingqiu suddenly at this moment is very strange, to be honest before this moment he is very good to the impression of this being barebacked guy, but this, Meng Qingqiu is relentless at present, the speech is also very excessive, as if some too do not respect the person. 不知道为什么,龙辰忽然觉得此刻的孟清秋十分陌生,说实话在此刻之前他对这赤膊大汉的印象都很好,但眼前这一幕,孟清秋毫不留情,说话也很过分,似乎有些不太尊敬人。 But think that this Wang Liang is his subordinate, although is the old person, but he frightens, should not have the issue. 但自己一想,这王梁是他手下,虽然是老人,但他吓唬一下,应该没有问题。 Wang Liang said hastily: „Is, I will certainly do well.” 王梁连忙道:“是是,我一定会做得最好。” Then on line.” “那就行了。” Meng Qingqiu looks at to Long Chen time, immediately smiles, said: Good Long Chen, I walked first, had any question you to ask this old fogy on the line. I was attacking a higher boundary recently, any important matter has not appeared generally, says goodbye.” 孟清秋看向龙辰的时候,顿时满脸笑容,道:“好了龙辰,我先走了,有什么疑问你问这老家伙就行了。我最近在冲击更高境界,没什么大事一般不出现,再见了。” Bye.” “再见。” The Long Chen words are not many, cups one hand in the other across the chest toward him. 龙辰话语不多,朝着他拱手。 Meng Qingqiu puts out a greasy big roast chicken, walks while eats, makes the sound that incites, a while vanishes in Long Chen at present. 孟清秋拿出一只油腻腻的大烧鸡,一边走一边吃,发出滋滋的声音,一会儿就消失在龙辰眼前。 After that Wang Liang and other Meng Qingqiu walked, stands, this is a very ordinary old person, the hair is somewhat dishevelled, the eye somewhat is also gloomy, the time that it seems like can survive did not grow. 王梁孟清秋走后,才站立起来,这是一个十分普通的老人,头发有些蓬乱,眼睛也有些暗淡,看来能存活的时间已经不长了。 He somewhat anxious looks at Long Chen. 他有些紧张的看着龙辰 Long Chen said hastily: Uncle, I am called Long Chen, you called my name to be good, I just arrived here, please assist me in any way you can, these that said as for Meng Commander, can not need to respond greatly, I was not the young master of being pampered since childhood, hopes that in the future we can be very easy getting along with.” 龙辰连忙道:“老伯,我叫做龙辰,你称呼我姓名就好了,我刚来到这里,请多多关照,至于孟都尉说的那些,大可以不用搭理,我不是什么娇生惯养的少爷,希望往后我们能很好相处。” Hears Long Chen so sincerely to speak, that Wang Liang finally relaxed, he somewhat curious looks at this Long Chen, said: Long Chen...... you, although the background is big, but does not have the rack, is really good, I am also worried not to serve well you, making Meng Commander killing.” 听到龙辰如此诚恳说话,那王梁才终于松了一口气,他有些好奇的看这龙辰,道:“龙辰……你虽然来头大,但是没有架子,真好啊,我还担心伺候不好你,让孟都尉给杀了呢。” A Long Chen eye revolution, asked: Your meaning is, Meng is Commander the bloodthirsty?” 龙辰眼睛一转,问道:“你的意思是,孟都尉是嗜杀么?” Not not!” “不不!” Wang Liang was scared, he shakes the head hastily, said: Does not have this meaning absolutely, Meng Commander is usually very good to us. I in this Heaven Blood Hell several thousand years, am not well. Right, you just arrived here, there are many not to understand, did I and you say in detail?” 王梁被吓坏了,他连忙摇头,道:“绝对没这个意思,孟都尉平时对我们很好的。我在这天血地狱数千年了,还不是好好的。对了,你刚来到这里,有许多不懂,我和你详细说说?” Long Chen shakes the head to say with a smile: Does not use, only needs to me a Cultivate place, I will basically not come out.” 龙辰摇头笑道:“不用了,只需要给我一个修炼的地方,我基本上不会出来。” „. You follow me to come.” ` “哦哦。那你跟随我来。”‘ The body of Wang Liang that rickets walks in front of Long Chen. 王梁那佝偻的身体走来龙辰前面。 The body of this old man in the fast senility, should be hard to display four now to look like the Reincarnation Calamity Realm strength. 这个老者的身躯正在快速的衰老,如今应该难以发挥出四象轮回劫境的实力了。 Wang Liang, your below does Reincarnation Calamity approach fast together?” 王梁,你的下一道轮回劫是不是快来了?” Long Chen sees him is also Dragon Tomb Army, does not know that called his anything, shouted that the uncle also shouted irritably, directly called the name. 龙辰见他也是龙墓军,也不知道称呼他什么,喊老伯也喊别扭,就直接称呼名字了。 That Wang Liang is startled, desolate [say / way]: Yes, I do not have the Cultivate talent, in these four will look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm to support in 3000, asked for Dragon Tomb Army to lengthen Reincarnation Calamity Secret Skill, but in 3000 is the limit, my thought Reincarnation Late Stage has not arrived, probably also one month, must be sent out here, then...... Passed away!” 王梁一怔,落寞道:“是啊,我没修炼天赋啊,在这四象轮回劫境撑了3000年,讨到了龙墓军延长轮回劫秘法,可是3000年已经是极限了,我连思想轮回后期都没到,大概还有一个月的时间,就得被送出这里,然后……就与世长辞咯!” This old person spoke of here, on the face has filled reluctantly, he was smiling bitterly shaking the head, said: Life the life, like this passed, even if again magnificent, in the end was also pou loess, the death or is the best extrication. I am took easy in any case.” 这老人说到这里,脸上充满了无奈,他苦笑着摇头,道:“人生啊人生,就这样过去了,哪怕是再辉煌,到头来也是一抔黄土,死亡或者是最好的解脱吧。反正我是想开了啊。” Here, the old person smiled awkwardly, said: Excuse me, did not say carefully, I also the person of dying, hope that do not blame, you later on here Cultivate. The age was so small has joined Dragon Tomb Army, you had boundless prospects.” 说到这里,老人尴尬一笑,道:“不好意思,不小心说多了,我也是将死之人了,希望你别怪罪,你以后就在这里修炼吧。年纪这么小就加入了龙墓军,你真是前途无量啊。” Um.” “嗯。” Long Chen apologized he, then enters the Cultivate room. 龙辰谢过了他,便走进修炼室。 Has anything to tell, although called me, my present Cultivate was also useless, the time were much is.” “有什么吩咐,尽管叫我啊,我现在修炼也没用了,时间多得是。” He was saying, while leaves here tremblingly. 他一边说着,一边颤颤巍巍离开这里。 Long Chen sits cross-legged on the ground, has closed the eye. 龙辰盘坐在地上,闭上了眼睛。 Why does not know, on Heaven Blood Hell that blood cell the appearances of over ten thousand rotations of the eye, keep reverberating in his mind, cannot fling. 不知道为什么,天血地狱那血球上上万眼睛转动的样子,不停在他脑海当中回荡,怎么也甩不去。 Opens the eye time, the surroundings unexpectedly are scarlet, is only quick, that scarlet vanished. 睁开眼睛的时候,周围竟然是一片血色,只是很快,那血色消失了。 Feeling of ground unexpectedly fluctuation. 地面竟然有一种浮动的感觉。 This Heaven Blood Hell......” “这天血地狱……” To be honest, somewhat is really strange. 说实话,真有些奇怪。 What he does not know, in the time that Meng Qingqiu exits, had a man and a woman to wait for him, three people walked while speak. 他不知道的是,就在孟清秋出去的时刻,就有一男一女在等待他了,三人一边走一边说话。 The female said: Meng Qingqiu, is your brain sick? Does this Eternal Dragon Emperor son, you flatter him to do?” 那女子道:“孟清秋,你脑子有病么?这永恒龙帝的儿子,你那么讨好他干嘛?” .............................. ………………………… The lunatics must hold an important event, sends out the prize. 疯子要举行一个重大活动,送出奖品。 The prize includes: Dragon Blood war-god entity book and 8 G superior plate, 100 Yuan and 500 Yuan rechargeable card, drinking glass and demon clan Bluetooth sound. 奖品有:龙血战神实体书、8G优盘、100元、500元充值卡,水杯、魅族蓝牙音响。 Noon tomorrow, I( wind Qingyang) will issue a link in my micro letter public account number fengqingyang520 novel, so long as according to linking inside content prompt, shares this to link the friend circle, collects to praise of good friend, can obtain the above gift, links inside writing to have the concrete operation prompt. Everybody only needs to pay attention to my micro letter first, when I will send the tomorrow's 12 firing in bursts links on the line. Entity book 50 books, other prize quantities are limited, first come , first served. Remembers the fengqingyang520 novel or search public number: Wind Qingyang 明天中午,我会在我的微信公众帐号fengqingyang520小说(风青阳)发布一个链接,只要按照链接里面的内容提示,分享此链接到朋友圈,收集好友的赞,就能得到以上礼物,链接里面的文字会有具体的操作提示。大家只需要先关注我的微信,等我发明天12点发链接就行了。实体书50本,其他奖品数量都有限,先到先得。记住fengqingyang520小说或者搜索公众号:风青阳
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